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2D Architecture:

 These networks are constituted by sensor nodes that are

anchored to the bottom of the ocean. Typical applications may be
environmental monitoring, or monitoring of underwater plates in
• ‫ وقد تكون التطبيقات النموذجية‬.‫وتتألف هذه الشبكات من عقد االستشعار التي ترتكز على قاع المحيط‬
‫ أو رصد لوحات تحت الماء في التكتونيات‬،‫مراقبة بيئية‬
‫التكتونيات هي العملية التي تتحكم في بنية وخصائص قشرة األرض وتطورها عبر الزمن‬.

3D Architecture:
 These networks include sensor nodes whose depth can be
controlled by means of different techniques, and may be used for
surveillance applications or monitoring of ocean phenomena
(ocean bio-geo-chemical processes, water streams, pollution
،‫وتشمل هذه الشبكات عقدا لالستشعار يمكن التحكم في عمقها بواسطة تقنيات مختلفة‬
‫ويمكن استخدامها في تطبيقات المراقبة أو رصد ظواهر المحيطات (العمليات‬
‫ والتلوث‬،‫ والجداول المائية‬،‫ الكيميائية في المحيطات‬- ‫ الجيولوجية‬- ‫البيولوجية‬

 This technology is important because its provides an accurate

and efficient means to send and receive data underwater
 Oceanographers use acoustic to control underwater instruments
and acquire data that they collect remotely
Acoustic Modem
Is used to transmit data underwater, much as telephone modems are
used to transmit data over phone line
convert digital data into special underwater sound signals
These signals are then received by a second acoustic modem and
converted back into digital data
can be used underwater telemetry ,ROV (remotely operated vehicle)
and Auv(autonomous underwater vehicle) command and control diver
communications ,underwater monitoring
(ROV) remotely operated vehicle: is a mobile robot designed for aquatic
work environments. Remote control is usually carried out through copper or
fiber optic cables.S‫المركبات التي تعمل عن بعد ويمكن التحكم بها عن طريق‬
AUV(autonomous underwater vehicle): and is commonly known as
unmanned underwater vehicle. AUVs can be used for underwater
survey missions such as detecting and mapping submerged wrecks,
rocks, and obstructions that can be a hazard to navigation for
commercial and recreational vessels ‫مركبات بدون طيار تحت الماء‬

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