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Library Science Inter PII A2018
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Qi 2018 (A) Ay (Ltd WT bapeede A ¥ LIBRARY SCIENCE PAPER-II Vys24 SUSE (NEW SCHEME) 2” ‘TIME ALLOWED: 2,40 Hours SUBJECTIVE 02 ‘MAXIMUM MARKS: 68 pbk gale Setup aie drrBrgile - wh ‘Note: Write same question number and its part umber on answer book, as give inthe question paper, SECTION-I Us! QNo.2. Attempt any eight parts, 16=2x8 epyeLiakteds 24 i) What is meant by U.D.C? ‘eryveunc (i) Gi) Which book is useful for subject heading? teu Crtelurder (i Gi) In which classification scheme Arabic numbers have wu Lmrt ition eny Gi been used? (iy) What is meant by Pure Notations? SetpYeatin Civ) (vy) Where was Melvil Dewey born? Sutagulniler Cv) (vi) How many editions of D.D.C. have been published upto now? Gi (vii) Define artificial classification, i wii) (ili) Which two words make catalogue? Sep estlnef Stef (viii) i What is meant by cataloguing? Serpe Sin’ (ix) Gx) What was the name of catalogue of Alexandria WL eb CWE i (x) Library and who compiled it? (xi) Write down any two objectives of catalogue. -Eafubne WLIW (xi) (xii) ICCP is abbreviation of which words? Seesengficcr (xii) Gxiii)_ Which catalogue is called office catalogue? Sat LS wes (xiii) Q.No.3. Attempt any eight parts, 16=2x8 Ee feopeLizidt eof 3dr G@ What are the classification numbers of ba ehde (ta eenlenror @ (a) Social Sciences (b) History Gi) Which classification number has been assigned to Islam in SeLrwissyis (ii) DD.c? Gi) Write down the names of important classification schemes. Pteutisnenel (ii) (iv) Define natural classification. a Sicond i Civ) (v) What are the benefits of classification? tusWEdaen Cv) (vi) What is the classification number of Library Science inD.D.C? te AGxenk*Udzfiutess (vi) (vii) What is Book Card? eRe (vii) (viii) Explain the Microscope of libraries. “ Serine Po Bab uiet iid) (ix) Who compiled Al-Fehrist? Sareea nd G)_ Which book was written by Ibn-e-Nadeem? SSF Oowse @®) (xi) What is national bibliography? Tevet (xi) xii) What is written in Accession Register? Neto eo tA Seu, xii) QNo.4, Attempt any six parts. 12=2x6 eefoncin ig ad (i) Define circulation system Ea Sains Gi) Which is the most popular charging system in the world? te ii ielbnneg Jers Gii) Write the names of any two English Dictionaries. lor Fngdf (iv) In which charging system tickets are use Wr eee ut (y) What do you mean by Bibliography of Bibliography, Cienes (vi) Write down two demerits of Brown’s charging system. Ube air liaia (vii) What is Biography? tevoe, (vii) (viii) Which files are prepared in computer charging system? tabetat iow tribated (iii) (ix) What is meant by Hand Book? ae E> (ix) SECTION-II 72 Note. Attempt any three questions. 24=8x3 Eefoyaletr beds 29 $. How many kinds of classification are? Explain in detail. AME Mee» 5, 6. Define classification and write its importance in libraries. 2, Pot use Lge 6. ~Lokeedi 7. Define catalogue and write down its various kinds in detail. Ake AC ny Sp AGLI 8. Define circulation section and write the importance of host 2ip a PSiar et circulation system. tee aces 9. Write notes on the following feito 9. (a) Melvil Dewey, (b) Reference Books, bs? ig SN) 65-2018(A)-1000 (MULTAN)PAPERCODE | . NUMBER: 4081 2018 (A) Pe INTERMEDIATE PART-II (12" CLASS) LIBRARY SCIENCE PAPER-II reg SLED (NEW SCHEME) (fo ‘TIME ALLOWED: 20 Minutes OBJECTIVE (9377- ne turn rev Lule r4i be BE fe DAICBAs a aPat Ppa gg ii Eb A Re SES fsb knit thedted ater SELLA pinks Note: You have four chotees for Bach objective ype question as A,B, Cand D . The choice which you think is coree fil that bubble in ifont ofthat question number. On bubble sheet use marker or pent fill the bubbles, Cutting or filling two or more bubbles will result jh nove snark nha question, tempt as many questions as given in objective type question paper and leave others blank. No credit wil beaw fed in case BUBBLES are not filled, Do not solve question on this sheet of OBJECTIVE PAPER. Q.No.! Adie (1) By profession Melvil Dewey was a ; wenlecaly (0) (A) Librarian op2 40 (B) Lawyer % (© Engineer #1 (D) Doctor Hit (2) Classification has___ relation with our practical life. ee Sail nes 0) (A) Deep i” (B) Partial oz (©) Very little (8 (D) None SF (3). The first edition of DDC was published in: abo PHUS SIS GD (A) «1876 AD (B) «1776 AD (C) +1676 AD (D) «1876 AD (4) The numbers, letters and signs used in place of original object are called! sar Wr drcLviadei bir (4) (A) Call number 7 ——_(B) Notations ei (© Bibliography 240° (D) Index 4 (5) The classification number of Library Science in DDC tet ERIKA) (A) 030 (B) 300 (€) 320 (p) 020 (a is written on the spine of book. mete co ©) (A) Cutter number 7 (B) Entry number “471 (C) Call number “-* —(D) Author number 7" (7) The process of preparing catalogue is called: ern ete tie O (A) Classification JA. (B) Cataloguing AMY (C) Bibliography bite, (D) Index 2.41 (8) ‘The name of catalogue of Alexandria Library was: BSL LG Ty @ (A) Papyrus uAg (B) Pinakes (C) Alfehrist = (D) Valum ¢: (9) The catalogue of Kutab Khana “Aasur Bani Pal” willis Selection t @ was made on __ r (A) Clay tablets UU" (B) Paper 2¢ (C) Parchment 2224 (D) Papyrus v (10) Shelf List Catalogue is used by: ste Seri Sse, ao) (A) Researchers 2” = (B) Library staff e529 (© Publishers 32% — (D) Readers of 7 (11) The book, which is not read constantly, is called: re dihistty ia we? UD (A) Reference Book 77 (B) Text Book 0% (C) General Book 076 (D) Scientific Book -0U*t (12) Urdu Dairah Marif Islamia was published by VEEL euiSierivnd (12 (A) Islamia University Bahawalpur .dsc°s2terih1 (B) Allama igbal Open University Islamabad ud sgs No (C) Punjab University Lahore snag s22. (D) Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad sf riiS aie" (13) Readers are provided answers to their questions in: wep pporLeirlohere Od (A) Professional Services te (B) Reference Services wetsbeiy (C) Union Catalogue 2H (D) Book Catalogue ei (14)We use____ to see the meanings, pronunciation etre LBE, and explanation of words (A) Dictionary +9 _(B) Encyclopaedia (© Bibliography 247° —_ (D) Biography J4Er (15) The oldest system of issuing books is; efitia tL Mint (15) (A) New Ark System A“ Tg (B) Brown’s System 7 Ew 8) (C) Register System 7772, (D) Computer System ¢~. (16) The compiler of Farhang-e-Asifia i rl Is) (16) (A) Syed Ahmad Dehlvi gs} #14- (B) Khawaja Abdul Majeed 44} (C) Feroz Din gis8 (D) Moulvi Noor-ul-Hassan (17) Computer based circulation system is called: xoetipwbaies£ief (17) (A) Brown System ¢~yiiz (B) Online AF (C) Dummy System #3 (D) Microform p84 65 (Obj) -2018(A)-1000 (MULTAN)BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE AND SECQNDARY EDUCATION,MULTAN OBJECTIVE KEY FOR ITERMEDEAT ANNUAL/SUPPLY EXAMINATION,2018 Name of Subject: Ltbety Scien c Session Nos |Paper Code| Paper Code| Paper Code | Paper Code 408) 1| A 2) 2 | #4 es a) : 1D 8 | Cc 7[B 8 B si|A «0 | B un | 4 ve l?é ol B 14 fi 3 |e «LA 7 |B 18 19 20 LU) - F F2018 ue ee ot et a Yd oi rig UU Set bE Syllabus 27 = UG IFS (Subjective & Objective) 4 ube Ut ei Versions -< WI uf ee Sbnlkgetre 6 eT USPIE 1S Key MCasysi> J of he tne Sokey 2 Gu Clale Wik KIL Ser Prepared & Checked By: Dated:__2/— 5-24 9 s# Name [Designation Institution Mobile No _| Signature 1 ahomoad Asan Voce Got Alamelak turgain eaaioad) Librarian | Slama blogs ay boy 2 . . Naan Macomb thf trnen| Op Sor eseseast [herae so) rll sil lal 9 gi wr” Dl S268 ar Key Lid eobu 2 /201 ee LANCLIAALA ZI [Sr #[Code/Error Indicated _|Sr # [Code|Error Indicated T.__|UN _|Un-Necessary 8. [Sp _|Spelling Error 2.__|Ir_ [Irrelevant 9. |P | Punctuation 3. IN Incomplete 10. Wo Wrong word error 4. |EX [Extra 11. _|Wt [Wrong Tense 5. Rp Re-Produced 12. Wt [Wrong Form 6. Is Insufficient 13. OA Over Attempt 7.__|Gr_ [Grammar Error ut pate SL 6 ffeil Award" Jing eA oy ele so 1 ipl alee dic! Digimon CN aie - 2- See GEL Pent ite Shor Say BPsree Onfe?, 4 Ke Abbe os wh Oe gel BA tp wor Rb Heer leh 2 fir He oe - be s a + Bees teu ds oh ip ele plies on Po? ab Sob Sid Zh foe bw) box - Zo Aes Su saect ~s Der BRge— ie (UNO Gof gyal c eg pull or 1 Mukemoncel ere Sat Mawdor [asain Slow Pred Call ge tallow Me LY ~ M Nncam Wey 6. Seba ale
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