Forrssea Nav Cam User Guide
Forrssea Nav Cam User Guide
Forrssea Nav Cam User Guide
Revision Section Description of Amendment
00 02.07.19 N/A First Issue
1.INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY........................................................................5
1.1PURPOSE OF DOCUMENT........................................................................................... 5
2.NAV CAM PRODUCT OVERVIEW.........................................................................6
2.1GENERAL................................................................................................................... 6
2.2MAIN SPECIFICATIONS............................................................................................... 7
2.3WIRING DIAGRAMS.................................................................................................... 7
2.4MARKER AND NAV CAM CONVENTIONS.....................................................................9
3.TECHNICAL INPUT..........................................................................................12
3.1FORSSEA V-LOC SYSTEM DESCRIPTION...................................................................12
3.2NAV CAM USER SCREEN DESCRIPTION....................................................................13
4.NAV CAM QUICK SET UP.................................................................................14
4.1NAV CAM HMI.......................................................................................................... 14
4.2SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS.....................................................................................17
4.3SAVING HD IMAGES................................................................................................. 18
4.4SAVING DATA ON WINDOWS....................................................................................18
5.INTERFACE EIVA NAVIPAC V4..........................................................................19
6.V-LOC SYSTEM MOUNTING ON ROV.................................................................22
7.TROUBLESHOOTING Q&A...............................................................................25
8.V-LOC PRE-DEPLOYMENT CHECK SHEET..........................................................26
9.V-LOC CONVENTIONS.....................................................................................26
Reference Description
CRP Central Reference Point
Dim Con Dimensional Control
FPS Frames per Second
HD High Definition
IP Internet Protocol
ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle
STR Subsea Technology & Rentals
UDP User Datagram Protocol
V-LOC Visual Localisation System
The real-time output can provide the operator with live asset’s heading and
attitude, or relative distance between 2 structures. V-LOC can be used in any of the
following configuration:
• Asset or object identification: V-LOC identifies more than 10,000 markers that
are stored inside geographic information system (GIS) or field databases. Any
subsea structure, valve, pipeline or field joint can then be marked and identified
from the yard to life-of-filed operations.
• 6 DOF Visual Positioning: V-LOC algorithms can track the position, orientation
and attitude of the asset, or measure the 3D relative positions between several
assets. This tool shall be used during survey and construction phases.
• Visual-based Navigation & Docking: When markers are widely deployed among
subsea fields, V-LOC can recalibrate positioning systems of ROVs and provide
navigation aids as well as docking functionalities.
The Nav Cam was designed in order to perform all the V-LOC computation inside of
the camera and thus offers two main advantages:
The V-LOC technology with the Navcam is plug-and-play: it can be interfaced with
any multiplexer, such as Gen5 or MacArtney. If the ROV has a suitable Ethernet
port then the Nav Cam can be directly interfaced through the ROV pod.
The V-LOC computation are done with a full HD image, enabling a high positioning
accuracy based on Forssea’s computer vision algorithms. The Nav Cam then
compresses it to allow communication through 10/100 Ethernet.
Moreover, the Nav Cam also has an embedded pressure sensor, and an
embedded inertial sensor. In some applications where no survey graded heading
are required, NAV CAM can be used as a standalone system for heading/pitch/roll
The Navcam also has a powerful embedded computer, which allows it to compute
the V-LOC software in real time (5 to 30 FPS, depending on the required
Both wiring arrangements for output bulkhead connector and test configuration tail
are detailed in the following drawings.
Yaw/Pitch/Roll Conventions
X/Y/Z Conventions
The Nav Cam was designed in order to perform all the V-LOC computation inside of
the camera. It offers two main advantages:
The V-LOC technology with the Navcam is plug-and-play: it can be interfaced with
any multiplexer, such as Gen5 or MacArtney. If the ROV has a suitable Ethernet
port then the Nav Cam can be directly interfaced through the ROV pod.
The V-LOC computation are done with a full HD image, enabling a high positioning
accuracy based on Forssea’s computer vision algorithms. The Nav Cam then
compresses it to allow communication through 10/100 Ethernet.
Moreover, the Nav Cam also has an embedded pressure sensor, and an
embedded inertial sensor. In some applications where no survey graded heading
are required, NAV CAM can be used as a standalone system for heading/pitch/roll
The Navcam also has a powerful embedded computer, which allows it to compute
the V-LOC software in real time (5 to 30 FPS, depending on the required
The Forssea User Interface displays the position of the markers relatively to the Nav
Cam. Moreover, it streams the camera flux. This user-screen enables the ROV pilot
to ensure a good marker detection.
Each marker has a dedicated ID number, this ID number and dimensions of the
marker, for example 30 x 30cm must be entered into the software prior to
operations. If this data is not entered, then no marker detection will be possible
even when the camera is monitoring the marker.
Main screen
Once the Navcam is set up, open your favourite Web Browser and write in the URL:
You should see the following screen:
On the right part of the HMI, you can choose to use the Nav Cam in water or in air.
By selecting water, you will be able to set the value of the water refractive
index (default value is 1,34).
You can also record the data by clicking on “start record button” (don’t forget to
end record after).
On the left part of the HMI, on the top of the displayed image, you can set the
exposure time of the camera. You are also able to change the acceptance threshold
of the detection of markers, in order to fit to the visibility conditions.
This HMI allows you to set the size of the markers you are looking at. It also displays
every sensor’s information.
Markers Setup
Before seeing the markers displayed in the HMI, you must enter the markers
Clicking on marker settings will open the following window:
First you need to enter the marker’s id, and the corresponding size of the marker.
You can also remove a marker of the list by clicking on the cross.
To measure the marker size this is done by measuring the outside black square as
shown below.
On the right part the information about the device can be found.
Available data are:
Date and time based on the web browser time
Roll and pitch of the camera
Heading of the camera
NaviPac setup
Here you just need to enter the IP address of the main computer with NaviPac. By
default, the timestamp of the marker will be given by the internal clock of
the Nav Cam, which is UTC.
By clicking on “Use NaviPac Time Stamp” button you will be able to setup the UDP
port of the Navcam where the time information will be received.
Sample markers are available for printing to the required size in the USB drive for
deck testing the camera.
UDP/IP Stream
In addition of the user interface, the position value of each detected marker is
streamed on a dedicated UDP port. For the marker with the id N, the UDP port will
be: Port = 8000 + N
The timestamp is a value coming from NaviPac and ensures the good time
synchronization. The MarkerID is the unique ID of the marker being detected.
In order to save HD images, you can simply open the following URL in Google
Then just click on Snapshot and right-click on the image to save it.
A small software is included in the Nav Cam laptop in order to register data: UDP –
First thing to do is to open Windows UDP port. This can be done by following these
Navigate to Control Panel, System and Security and Windows Firewall.
Select Advanced settings and highlight Inbound Rules in the left pane.
Right click Inbound Rules and select New Rule.
Add the ports you need to open (8000 + Marker ID) and click Next.
Add the protocol (UDP) and the port number into the next window and click
Select Allow the connection in the next window and hit Next.
Select the network type as you see fit and click Next.
Name the rule something meaningful and click Finish.
Then you just need to enter the UDP port to listen and select receiver mode.
EIVA have created a dedicated driver in V4 of NaviPac for the V-LOC positioning
system. Marker position conventions (Heading, Pitch & Roll) are consistent between
Forssea computing software and the output on NaviPac. Offset measurements can
also be included into NaviPac.
3D models of the subsea assets can be loaded into NaviPac with the specific
markers displayed on the models in NaviPac to achieve the augmented reality
All positioning data is recorded through NaviPac in a real time output and in a
logged graphical form which will be used for data storage to complete the post
operational V-LOC report.
Below is the display image from the V-LOC NaviPac software showing positioning
information and the augmented reality display of a bench test demo.
Note* During operations the Nav Cam is computing the attitude of the markers. The
attitude of the structure is computed in NaviPac using the offsets obtained during
the dimensional control.
If the client wishes to use the dedicated mounting plate, then offset measurements
between mounting plate and ROV frame will need to be taken by the on-board
surveyor. If the client does not wish to utilise the dedicated mounting plate then a
fixed support bracket will need to be manufactured and offset measurements taken
between Nav Cam, existing Survey grade Gyro and ROV frame. Images of the
mounting plate with Nav Cam and Octans Nano can be found below. Bolting onto
the ROV frame can be done by using the holes instead of fitting the eye bolts (eye
bolts presently shown)
When mounting the system on the ROV offset measurements shall be taken
between the CRP of the ROV, Nav Cam and Gyro.
My marker is not displayed
Did you enter your marker in the settings with the good ID? In case of lost marker ID, it can be located in the same
open source ID as Aruco.
Project Name
Calibration Date
Nav Cam Details
Serial Number
Comms established through ROV
Power and Comms NaviPac Data displayed (Yes/No)
X axis
Y axis
Z axis
Yaw (+)
Pitch (+)
Pitch (-)
Roll (+)
Roll (-)
Witness by Date Signatures
Forssea / STR: