ICT Module 1 3 - HANDOUTS
ICT Module 1 3 - HANDOUTS
ICT Module 1 3 - HANDOUTS
(University of the City of Manila) Technology, media, and learning - Media are defined as
Intramuros, Manila the means by which information is conveyed from one
College of Education place to another. In the past century, various forms
of media have been used to convey instruction and to
support leaning.
1. Description- This initial phase in writing a VI. Digital Literacy Skills in the 21st Century
reflection is very simple, since you just need to
describe the activity or the experience to the - The 21st century has redefined digital literacy. It
reader. has broadened its perspective to include other
2. Feelings- Learners are involved in learning and aspects of the 21st context. These literacies include
an activity or perhaps a lesson can trigger certain (1) Cyber Literacy or Digital Literacy, (2) Media
feelings. Literacy, (3) Arts and Creativity Literacy, (4)
3. Evaluation- Discuss how well you think the Financial Literacy, (5) Multicultural Literacy or
activity went. Global Understanding.This lesson will focus on
4. Analysis- This part of the write up includes your digital skills and digital literacy as a response to the
analysis of what worked well and what have 21st century developments.
facilitated it or what may have hindered it. A. Digital literacies skills in 21st Century-
5. Conclusion- Now, you can write what you have The term 'digital literacy' was coined by Paul Gilster
learned from the experience or what you could in 1997 and it came from the discussion of the
have done. concepts on visual literacy when images and non-
6. Action Plan- At the end of your reflection, you verbal symbols try to capture the knowledge.
write what action you need to take so that you B. Types of Digital Literacies
will improve the next time. 1. Media literacy- is an expanded conceptualization of
literacy that includes the ability to access and analyze
D. Administrating the E-Portfolio media messages as well as create, reflect and take action,
1. Before publishing your ePortfolio for the world to using the power of information and communication to
see your work, you can control who can see your make a difference in the world.
work. The icon for sharing the site can be shared by 2. Information literacy- is the ability to find, evaluate,
entering the email address of the person with whom organize, use, and communicate information in all its
you want to share it. various formats.
E. Assessing an E-Portfolio using a Rubric 3. ICT Literacy- The ICT literate individual can access,
1. Evaluating an ePortfolio using a rubric, is a manage, integrate, evaluate, create, communicate
consistent application of learning expectations, information purposefully, knowledgeably, technically,
learning outcomes or standards. and ethically.
2. It is designed to promote the integration of learning 4. Communication and Collaboration Literacy- The
so that students are not only learning a specific ability to share information and messages by
subject but also developing an awareness of their collaborative digital tools.
learning and thinking process. 5. Identity Management- refers to the policies,
processes, and technologies that establish user identities
V. Collaborative Environment in Digital World and enforce rules about access to digital resources.
6. Digital Scholarship- is being able to link and
- One way to engage students is to give them a participate in professional and research practice.
challenge and a chance to work together
- There are a lot of available tools and applications VII. The Four C of the Digital 21 st Century
that can be used, to work collaboratively with others. Skills
1. Skype- Is a software application allowing you to
do videoconferencing for free. All you need is to A. Critical Thinking
create an account and can be used for a video 1. Practice of solving problems, among other
meeting. qualities.
2. Wiki- Is a software that allows you to create a 2. Using technology to reflect, develop
page or a selection of pages designed to allow you to arguments, draw conclusions and identify
post or write, edit, or upload a link quickly. implications (digital fluency). Using technology
3. Blogging- In blogging, it is journaling your ideas to bring together different sources of
to which others can react, allowing a thread of
information to synthesize an argument and shape H. Use of Social Media: Social Media serves
ideas different purposes depending on the user the
B. Creativity technology and the need.
1. Ability to create content than being just users of
technology. This could be taking a photo, recording
a video or doing something fancy in a presentation
C. COLLABORATION- Practice of working
together to achieve a common goal.Practicing
collaboration and teamwork helps students
understand how to address a problem, pitch
solutions, and decide the best course of action.
21st century collaboration reflects:
-non-hierarchal leadership based on individual skill
-respect for a complex process that requires
individuals to contribute and participate in
meaningful interactions
-the belief that group synergy enhances productivity
-understanding and application of effective group
processes to solve problems
- productive group interactions
- respectful disagreement
D. Communication
1. Ability to communicate effectively through
variety of digital tools