ICT Module 1 3 - HANDOUTS

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(University of the City of Manila) Technology, media, and learning - Media are defined as
Intramuros, Manila the means by which information is conveyed from one  
College of Education place   to   another.   In   the   past century, various forms 
of  media  have been used to convey instruction and to
support leaning.   

  Instructional system and instructional technology - the 

MODULE 1: INTRODUCTION TO TECHNOLOGY FOR branched  of  education concerned   with   the   scientific
TEACHING AND LEARNING  study of instructional system also known  as instructional 
A. ICT Competency standards for Philippine Pre- design.  
service Teacher Education 
I. ICT Competency Standards (CHED-UNESCO) as Technology tools - refers to software,  primarily,  the  can 
provided in the 2017, Policy, Standards and Guidelines be  used to develop    or    support     online    course
(PSG) for Pre-Service Teacher Education  content.  
Domain 1: Understanding ICT in Education   C. Roles of ICT 
Domain 2: Curriculum and Assessment   Assist students in accessing digital information efficiently
Domain 3: Pedagogy  and effectively. 
Domain 4: Technology Tools   Support student-centered and self-directed learning 
Domain 5: Organization and Administration  Produces a creative learning environment 
Domain 6: Teacher Professional Learning   Promotes collaborative learning in a distance-learning
Domain 7: Teacher Disposition  environment 
  Offer more opportunities to develop critical (higher order)
STANDARDS FOR TEACHERS    Improve teaching and learning quality  
Standard 1: Technology Operation and Concepts   Additional roles of ICTs in teaching 
Standard 2: Planning and Design Learning ICT helps teachers in both pre-service and in-service
Environment and Experiences    teachers training 
Standard 3: Teaching, Learning and Curriculum   ICT helps teachers to interact with students  
Standard 4: Assessment and Evaluation   It helps them in preparation with their teaching and
Productivity and professional practice   provide feedback 
Standard 5: Social Ethical, Legal and Human Issues  It also helps in effective of ICT software and hardware
  for teaching – learning process 
III. ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for It helps improve teaching skills and innovative teaching 
Students (NETS*S)   It helps in effectiveness of classroom 
From how technology teachers facilitate learners, ICT helps teacher to motivate students and growing
outcomes of student learning should indicate that the interest in learning 
following standards have been complied with.   It also helps teacher for their personnel support
Standard 1:   Creativity and Innovation   (knowledge, attitude, and skills) 
Standard 2:   Communication and Collaboration    ICT helpful for designed learning situations which are
Standard 3:   Research and Information Fluency   needed for both vocational education and the training of
Standard 4:   Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and future teachers (in the teacher training institutes) 
Decision Making    
Standard 5:   Digital Citizenship   D. Creating Trello: Organizing of the different
Standard 6: Technology Operations and Concepts    concept through the use of concept mapping 
  Concept map - diagram that shows the relationships
B.Basic concepts in Technology for Teaching and between different ideas 
Learning     Concept: represented by circles, ovals, or boxes and are
ICT - mode of education that use information and called “nodes.” 
communications technology to support, enhance, and Relationship: represented by arrows that connect the
optimize the delivery   of   information.  concepts, and the arrows often include a connecting
word or verb 
Technology - set     of knowledge, skills,  experience   and
techniques  through  which  humans change,    Purposes of concept map 
transform    and    use    our environment in order to create Dig into a topic in detail 
tools, machines,   products,   and   services that meet our Organize your thought 
needs and desires.   Remember important information 
Understand relationships 
Educational Technology - the combined use of computer Types of concept mapping 
hardware, software,  and  educational theory    and   
practice    to facilitate   learning.     Spider map, Flowchart, Hierarchy map, System map 
Universal Declaration of Human Rights provides
Trello - Trello is the visual work management tool that that everyone has the right to freedom of
empowers teams to ideate, plan, manage, and celebrate
their work together in a collaborative, productive, and thought, conscience, and religion, likewise the
organized way.  right to freedom of opinion and expression.
REVIEW: The good  However, there are practices that violate these
Easy to use 
Workflow automation  provisions in the use of internet
Extended functionality option 
Powerful mobile app  Some examples are the following:
Team collaboration features 
Great value  1. Individual rights are given up in order to have
REVIEW: The bad  access to electronic networks. Microsoft
Limited project views  Network’s (MSN) contracts provide protection of
Limited reporting 
Not ideal for complex projects 
individuals. However, Microsoft reserves the
rights, in its sole direction, to terminate access to
TOPIC: Module 2- ICT Policies and Safety any or all MSN sites or services.
Issues on the Internet and Implications
2. Censorship restricts the transmission of
to Teaching and Learning information by blocking it or filtering the
information. Blocking is preventing access to
Policies and Issues on the Internet and
whole areas of internet based upon the
Implications to Teaching and Learning
“blacklist” of certain Internet address, location or
Some Issues on ICT and Internet Policy and email addresses while filtering is sifting the
Regulations packets of data or messages as they move across
computer networks and eliminating those
● Global Issues considered “undesirable” materials.
Access and Civil Liberties are two sets of issues 3. Defamation actions may be used to silence
in ICT Policy which are crucial to modern society. critics. This action deters freedom of expression.
The other concern is civil liberties which refer to
Issue No. 2: Privacy and Security
human rights and freedom. These include
freedom of expression, the right to privacy, the Privacy policies are an issue. Most commercial
right to communicate and intellectual property sites have a privacy policy. When someone uses a
rights. Access of the Use of Internet and ICT. site and clicks “I agree”, it is as if you have turned
Access means the possibility for everyone to use over private information to any authority that
the internet and other media. In richer countries, may access it.
basic access to internet is almost available to all
There are several types of privacy as shown by
with faster broadband connections. There are
the following examples:
still countries where access to the internet is still
a challenge. 1. For most, privacy means “personal privacy”
the right of individuals not to have their home,
Issue No 1: Freedom of Expression and
private life or personal life interfered with.
Censorship Under international human rights
convention, all people are guaranteed the rights 2. Privacy of communication refers to the
for free expression. However, with the shift from protection from interference with
communicating through letter, newspapers and communication over the phone or internet.
public meetings to electronic communications Respect of privacy of communications is an
essential prerequisite for the maintenance of
and on-line networking, a need to look into how
these new means modifies the understanding of human relationship via technological
freedom of expression and censorship. The UN communications media.
3. Information privacy is related to the use of and regulatory measures to increase the life
computers and communication systems which cycle of equipment before it becomes obsolete.
are able to hold and process information about Efficient extraction of toxic components and
large numbers of people at a high speed. It is requiring the recycling by both consumers and
important to ensure. that information will only equipment vendors are selling must be required.
be used for purposes for which it was gathered
Implications to Teaching and Learning
and will not be disclosed to others without
There are great implications of this lesson to
consent of the individuals
both the teachers who are teaching and the
Issue No. 3: Surveillance and Data Retention learners who are learning. A few of these are as
The use of electronic communications has
enhanced the development of indirect For the Teachers and Teaching
surveillance, there is no direct contact between
1. Guide the teachers on what they should teach
the agent and the subject of surveillance, but
that relate to ICT, and how to teach it. Since ICT
evidence of activities can be traced. The new and
development comes so rapid and fast, teachers
powerful form of indirect surveillance is
might be overwhelmed by its rapid speed.
dataveillance. Dataveillance is the use of
Temperance in its use is a caution that should be
personal information to monitor a person’s
looked at.
activities while data retention is the storage and
use of information from communication system. 2. Technology should never replace any human
There is very little that can be done to prevent teacher. The tools are support instructional
surveillance. What can be done is to change the materials for the teachers which are available for
methods of working to make surveillance use. The teacher should learn how to
difficult. This is called “counter surveillance” or appropriately use them. The human touch of the
“information security” if it refers to computers teacher is still a vital component in teaching.
and electronic communication. Teachers should always be reminded that there
are always limitations in the use of the different
Issue No. 4: E-pollutants from E-waste
gadgets and tools.
Large amount of e-waste is generated by ICT.
3. There are rules and regulations that govern
These are, terminal equipment's used for
the use of technology. Caution should be
computing (PCs, laptops), broadcasting
observed to protect individual privacy. As
(television and radio sets), telephony (fixed and
teachers, you must be aware that the use of
mobile phones) and peripherals (fax machines,
technology may jeopardize your privacy and
printers, and scanners). The accumulated e-
waste is due to rapid turnover of equipment due
to rapid improvement of software. While 4. All the issues and many more shall be part of
material waste can be destroyed by crushing, the teaching content as each teacher will be
toxic material brought about by the different encouraged to use technology in teaching.
equipment requires utmost management. The
For the Learners and Learning The learners of
quantities of e-waste are increasing in both
the 21st Century are even more advanced than
developed and developing countries. A very
some of the teachers. However, learners still
dismal state is that there is a significant amount
need guidance on how to use, regulate
of electronic waste that has been shipped from
technology use. As there are positive and
industrial countries to developing countries,
negative effects of technology use, learners
using less environmentally responsible
should know the difference. Learners should not
procedure. Remedies include standardization
only know the benefits of technology use, but
they should also know how they can be 9. Viruses, Trojans, spyware, and other malware;
protected from the hazards that technology and
brings to their lives. Learners should take
10. Social pleasure to maintain online networks
advantage of the potential of learning support
via texting and social
they can derive such as the development of
higher order thinking skills, the development of networking sites.
learning communities through collaboration, the
Minor Misuse of ICT
enhancement of skills to manage the valid
resources as 21st century learners and many In school, some misuses made by learners
more. Both teachers and learners should be including the following:
mindful of the e-waste that are being thrown
away to the land and to the atmosphere. • Copying information into assignment and
failing to acknowledge the source (plagiarism
Safety Issues including Digital Safety Issues and copying infringement)
Safety Issues on the Use of ICT including E- • Downloading materials not relevant to their
Safety Rules studies
Some Risks in the Use of Information • Misconduct associated with subject logins, such
Communication and Technology (ICT) as using some else’s password
Technology is a phenomenon that seems to be • Leaving a mobile phone turned on during class
uncontrollable. Safeguards and protections period
should be the primordial role of parents,
teachers, and schools. There are so many risks • Unauthorized taking of pictures or images with
that we must be aware of in the use of digital mobile phone camera, still or moving
technologies. E-Safety E-Safety takes care not only of internet
These are the following: technologies but also of electronic
communications via mobile phones, games
1. Exposure to inappropriate content, including console and wireless technology. It highlights the
on-line pornography, extremism (exposure to need to educate children and young people about
violence associates with racist language). the benefits, risks, and responsibilities of using
information technology.
2. Lifestyle websites like self-harms and suicide
sites, and hate sites. Benefits/Helps of E-Safety:
3. Cyber-bullying in all forms, receiving sexually • E-Safety helps safeguard children and young
explicit images or messages. people in the digital world.
4. Privacy issues including disclosure of personal • E-Safety emphasizes learning to understand
information. new technologies in a positive way.
5. Health and well-being (amount of time spent • E-Safety educates children about the risks as
on-line, internet gaming and many more. well as the benefits so we can feel confident
online; and
6. Prolonged exposure to on-line technologies,
particularly at an early age. • E-Safety supports young learners and adults to
develop safer online behaviors both in and out of
7. Addiction to gambling and gaming.
8. Theft and fraud from activities such as
Safety Rules or Online Safety Tips
1. Keep Personal Information Professional and network connects to the outside world. Your
Limited vulnerable endpoint is your local Internet
connection. Make sure your device is secure, and
Potential employers or customers don't need to
when in doubt, wait for a better time (i.e., until
know your personal relationship status or your
you're able to connect to a secure Wi-Fi
home address. They do need to know about your
network) before providing information such as
expertise and professional background, and how
your bank account number. To further improve
to get in touch with you.
your Internet browsing safety, use secure VPN
2. Keep Your Privacy Settings On connection (virtual private network ). VPN
enables you to have a secure
Marketers love to know all about you, and so do
hackers. Both can learn a lot from your browsing connection between your device and an Internet
and social media usage. But you can take charge server that no one can monitor or access the data
of your information. As noted by Life hacker, that you’re exchanging.
both web browsers
5. Be Careful What You Download
and mobile operating systems have settings
A top goal of cybercriminals is to trick you into
available to protect your
downloading malware— programs or apps that
privacy online. Major Websites like Facebook carry malware or try to steal information. This
also have privacy malware can be disguised as an app: anything
from a popular game to something that checks
enhancing settings available. These settings are
traffic or the weather. As PCWorld advises, don't
sometimes (deliberately)
download apps that look suspicious or come
hard to find because companies want your from a site you don't trust.
personal information for its
6. Choose Strong Passwords
marketing value. Make sure you have enabled
Passwords are one of the biggest weak spots in
these privacy safeguards,
the whole Internet security structure, but there's
and keep them enabled. currently no way around them. Select strong
passwords that are harder for cybercriminals to
3. Practice Safe Browsing demystify. Password manager software can help
You wouldn't choose to walk through a you to manage multiple passwords so that you
dangerous neighborhood—don't visit dangerous don't forget them. A strong password is one that
neighborhoods online. Cybercriminals use lurid is unique and complex—at least 15 characters
content as bait. They know people are sometimes long, mixing letters, numbers and special
tempted by dubious content and may let their characters.
guard down when searching for it. The Internet's 7. Make Online Purchases From Secure Sites
demimonde is filled with hard-to-see pitfalls, Any time you make a purchase online, you need
where one careless click could expose personal to provide credit card or bank account
data or infect your device with malware. By information—just what cybercriminals are most
resisting the urge, you don't even give the eager to get their hands on. Only supply this
hackers a chance. information to sites that provide secure,
4. Make Sure Your Internet Connection is encrypted connections. As Boston University
Secure. Use a Secure VPN Connection notes, you can identify secure sites by looking for
an address that starts with https: (the S stands
Corporate cybersecurity experts worry about for secure) rather than simply http: They may
"endpoints"—the places where a private
also be marked by a padlock icon next to the 1. Writing Board
address bar. - A writing Board can display information
written with chalks (chalkboards or
8. Be Careful What You Post blackboard)or special pens.
2. Diorama
The Internet does not have a delete key, as that - scenic representation in which
young candidate in New Hampshire found out. sculptured figures and lifelike details are
Any comment or image you post online may stay displayed usually in miniature size, to
blend indistinnguishably with a realistic
online forever because removing the original painted background.
(say, from Twitter) does not remove any copies 3. Nature Table
that other people made. There is no way for you - This is a table that contains objects and
to "take back" a remark you wish you hadn't or scene related to the current season or
made, or get rid of that embarrassing selfie you upcoming festival or symbol of an
took at a party. 4. Flip Chart
9. Be Careful Who You Meet Online - This is a stationery item that consists of
large paper sheets, typically fixed to a
People you meet online are not always who they frame, to provide visual presentations
claim to be. Indeed, they may not even be real. As and communication.
5. Zigzag Board
InfoWorld reports, fake social media profiles are - It is a multi-board series of three or four
a popular way for hackers to cozy up to unwary rectangular boards. They are joined
Web users and pick their cyber pockets. Be as together along the sides by hinges so that
cautious and sensible in your online social life as they can be easily folded up and carried
you are in your in-person social life. Each board can be different type.
6. Wall Display
10.Keep Your Antivirus Program Up To Date - A collection of many different types of
Internet security software cannot protect against items and materials put op on a wall to
make an interesting and informative
every threat, but it will display
7. Rope or Pole Display Board
detect and remove most malware—though you
- A collection of many different types of
should make sure it's to items and materials put op on a wall to
make an interesting and informative
date. Be sure to stay current with your operating
system's updates and
II. Digital Tools or Non-Conventional
updates to applications you use. They provide a
Instructional Support for Teaching and
vital layer of security. Learning

EDN 3108-5 A. What is QR CODE?

- A QR Code is a type of barcode that can
TOPIC: MODULE 3: Non-Digital and Digital Skills be read easily by a digital device and
and Tools in Delivering Technology-Enhanced which stores information as a series of
pixels in a square-shaped grid.
- It is a code that was created by a
I. Non-Digital or Conventional Tool for Japanese corporation Denso-Wave in
Teaching and Learning Example 1994
- QR stands for “Quick Response”
- It allows the reader to decode the
A. What is Non-Digital or Conventional Tool
information at a high rate of speed
for Teaching and Learning?
- This is popular in Japan and it is also
- teaching learning resources which are developed
used by companies as they attach their
or used by a teacher or any other individual, not QR code in their products
with the help of digital technology.
- It usually gives a URL linking you to a infographics template for education. You
website or immediately provides the can start by exploring the side and
salient information about the product. familiarize yourself with its features.
Take time to read the instructions and
B. Ways to Integrate QR CODE in your navigate around the features to get
teaching. optimal use of it.

 Create Interactive and Engaging F. Use of Infographics

 Scavenger hunts  A recruiting tool
 Share Resources  To present survey data
 Enhance Classroom Library  To simplify a complex concept
 Use in Classroom Activities  To explain how something function
 Provide help with homework  To compare/comparison
 To present interesting facts
 Gather Students Feedback
 Research Project
G. IPAD/TABLET and the Online Bulletin
 Provide Easy access to Online Board
content - An online bulletin board is a way of
 Communicate with parents or presenting ideas with a twist and interest.
partners With no cost at all. Posts with good
background, stylish fonts and varied
C. How to make your own QR CODE. colors become attractive to learners.
- PADLET (htttps://padlet.com)
Step 1: Be online - An online virtual “bulletin board” here
Step 2: Search for a QR code generator and students and teachers can collaborate,
ensure that you read the information about the reflect, share links and pictures in a
application. This is important to ensure your secure location.
safety on the internet. There are many free
applications online and therefore you can take III. Selecting and use of Tools and Apps in
this chance to use them. Teaching and Learning
Step 3: Once you have identified your free
online QR code generator you can now encode A. What is ICT?
the text or the information that you want for, run - Information - refers to the knowledge
it and save it as jpeg file. Now you have obtained from reading, investigation,
successfully created your QR code which you study or research.
can download. - Communication- act of transmitting
Step 4: Test the QR code using your QR code messages and a process whereby
reader or scanner. information is exchanged between
D. Inforgraphics - Technology- application of Science to
solve problems.
- Infographics are useful for sharing - INFORMATION AND
information because they can improve COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY -
cognition (Understanding and is the technology required for
perception) by utilizing eye-catching information processing.
design elements and concise language to - integrating ICT tools will reveal the
enhance the human visual system’s usefulness of employing ICT tools in a
ability to see patterns and trends. wider range of the teaching and learning
- An infographic is a visual representation process.
or an image such as a diagram, chart, or 1. Business- ICT is a key technology in
picture representing information, or data. interdisciplinary measure to reduce costs,
improve processes, boost innovation and
E. Using Laptop and The Infographics increase productivity.
2. Government- E-Government can be defined as
- One tool that can be used in a set of public-sector reforms that make use of
inforgraphics is CANVA it has several
ICT. The four interaction links of government and app sharing, and even the occasional emoji
consists of Government-to-Citizen (G2C), All in one place, all in the open, all accessible to
Government-to-Business (G2B), Government- everyone.
to-Government (G2G) and Government-to-
Employee (G2E). D. Digital Education Tools for Teacher and
3. Medicine- ICT is being used in the provision of
medical care in the sense of Body Scanners, 1. Edmodo- An educational tool that connects
Patient Monitoring, Organ Transplants and teachers and students, and is assimilated into a
Patient Records. social network.
4. Banking and Finance- ICT is used in 2. Socrative- A system that allows teachers to
concepts like internet banking, automated teller create exercises or educational games which
machine, debit and credit card and transaction students can solve using mobile devices,
processing and recording. whether smartphones, laptops, or tablets.
5. Transportation- ICT affects transportation 3. Project- A tool that allows you to create
directly and indirectly via the GPS tracker, multimedia presentations, with dynamic slides.
Citizen Centric Transport, Data Driven Driving, 4. Thinglink- An educational platform that allows
social logistics and airlines reservation system. creating educational lessons with the
6. Education- Learning management software collaboration of teachers, students, animators—
uses online classes and Moodle style generally people who want to expand knowledge
websites as ways of utilizing technology in and good ideas.
education. 5. CK-12- A website that seeks to reduce the cost
of academic books for the K12 market in the
United States and the world
B. Key Considerations when choosing apps for
6. Story Bird- Aims to promote writing and
Teaching and Learning
reading skills in students through storytelling.
7. Kahoot!- Through this tool, teachers can create
1. Relevance The material has a strong questionnaires, discussions, or surveys that
connection to the curriculum or the complement academic lessons.
topics you are using it for.
2. Navigation Ease of use and a low
IV. Creating E-PortFolio as a Technology
learning curve is what you are looking
for when you try a new tool.
3. Customization Complete flexibility to
A, What is an E-Portfolio?
alter content and settings help you meet
student needs.
4. Accessibility Many materials can help - Also known as eFolio, e-portfolio, E-
you reach students with special learning Folio, or online portfolio
needs to access abilities. - is a collection of electronic evidence
5. Interaction Deeply engaged students assembled and managed by a user,
come alive and are more motivated. usually on the Web. Electronic Portfolio
are effective learning.
- Student ePortfolio can evaluate students'
C. Best Apps for Teaching and Learning
academic progress.
- Monitoring students' progress can be
1. Zoom- Zoom is a powerful cloud video
highlighted in a portfolio.
conferencing platform that allows you to host
- Portfolios document students` learning
“meetings” with hundreds of participants
2. Google Classroom- Google Classroom: Google
Classroom is a free blended learning platform
B. Parts of an E-Portfolio
developed by Google for educational institutions
that aims to simplify creating, distributing, and
grading assignments 1. Home Page- The first section is the Home or
3. Ms Teams- Microsoft Teams: Microsoft Teams your cover page.
is the ultimate messaging app for your 2. Pages- The pages that you can add depend on
organization—a workspace for real-time how you would like to organize you EPortfolio.
collaboration and communication, meetings, file
3. Reflection- A major element in a portfolio discussion to take place and which can be used
whether it is online or not, is the writing of the online.
reflection 4. Google Group or Google Form- Is an application
that can be used in a collaborative documentation of
C. Gibbs Reflective Cycle ideas contributed by members of the team.

1. Description- This initial phase in writing a VI. Digital Literacy Skills in the 21st Century
reflection is very simple, since you just need to
describe the activity or the experience to the - The 21st century has redefined digital literacy. It
reader. has broadened its perspective to include other
2. Feelings- Learners are involved in learning and aspects of the 21st context. These literacies include
an activity or perhaps a lesson can trigger certain (1) Cyber Literacy or Digital Literacy, (2) Media
feelings. Literacy, (3) Arts and Creativity Literacy, (4)
3. Evaluation- Discuss how well you think the Financial Literacy, (5) Multicultural Literacy or
activity went. Global Understanding.This lesson will focus on
4. Analysis- This part of the write up includes your digital skills and digital literacy as a response to the
analysis of what worked well and what have 21st century developments.
facilitated it or what may have hindered it. A. Digital literacies skills  in 21st Century-
5. Conclusion- Now, you can write what you have The term 'digital literacy' was coined by Paul Gilster
learned from the experience or what you could in 1997 and it came from the discussion of the
have done. concepts on  visual literacy when images and non-
6. Action Plan- At the end of your reflection, you verbal symbols try to capture the knowledge.
write what action you need to take so that you B. Types of Digital Literacies
will improve the next time. 1. Media literacy-  is an expanded conceptualization of
literacy that includes the ability to access and analyze
D. Administrating the E-Portfolio media messages as well as create, reflect and take action,
1. Before publishing your ePortfolio for the world to using the power of information and communication to
see your work, you can control who can see your make a difference in the world.
work. The icon for sharing the site can be shared by 2. Information literacy- is the ability to find, evaluate,
entering the email address of the person with whom organize, use, and communicate information in all its
you want to share it. various formats.
E. Assessing an E-Portfolio using a Rubric 3. ICT Literacy- The ICT literate individual can access,
1. Evaluating an ePortfolio using a rubric, is a manage, integrate, evaluate, create, communicate
consistent application of learning expectations, information purposefully, knowledgeably, technically,
learning outcomes or standards. and ethically.
2. It is designed to promote the integration of learning 4. Communication and Collaboration Literacy- The
so that students are not only learning a specific ability to share information and messages by
subject but also developing an awareness of their collaborative digital tools.
learning and thinking process. 5. Identity Management- refers to the policies,
processes, and technologies that establish user identities
V. Collaborative Environment in Digital World and enforce rules about access to digital resources.
6. Digital Scholarship- is being able to link and
- One way to engage students is to give them a participate in professional and research practice.
challenge and a chance to work together
- There are a lot of available tools and applications VII. The Four C of the Digital 21 st Century
that can be used, to work collaboratively with others. Skills
1. Skype- Is a software application allowing you to
do videoconferencing for free. All you need is to A. Critical Thinking
create an account and can be used for a video 1. Practice of solving problems, among other
meeting. qualities.
2. Wiki- Is a software that allows you to create a 2. Using technology to reflect, develop
page or a selection of pages designed to allow you to arguments, draw conclusions and identify
post or write, edit, or upload a link quickly. implications (digital fluency). Using technology
3. Blogging- In blogging, it is journaling your ideas to bring together different sources of
to which others can react, allowing a thread of
information to synthesize an argument and shape H. Use of Social Media: Social Media serves
ideas different purposes depending on the user the
B. Creativity technology and the need.
1. Ability to create content than being just users of
technology. This could be taking a photo, recording
a video or doing something fancy in a presentation
C. COLLABORATION- Practice of working
together to achieve a common goal.Practicing
collaboration and teamwork helps students
understand how to address a problem, pitch
solutions, and decide the best course of action.
21st century collaboration reflects:
-non-hierarchal leadership based on individual skill
-respect for a complex process that requires
individuals to contribute and participate in
meaningful interactions
-the belief that group synergy enhances productivity
-understanding and application of effective group
processes to solve problems
- productive group interactions
- respectful disagreement
D. Communication
1. Ability to communicate effectively through
variety of digital tools



A. Coding: is a universal language. A basic

understanding of HTML, CSS, and the like will
create a shared understanding of what we can be
done with web pages.
B. Collaboration: the use of Google Docs among
others allow student to begin experimenting with
effective online collaboration.
C. Cloud Software: Is an essential part of
document management. The cloud is used to store
D. Word Processing Software: is a kind of
software that use to create documents using
E. Screencasting: A digital video recording
capturing what is taking place on the computer
F. Personal Digital Archives: The term ‘personal
digital archiving’ refers to how individuals manage
or keep track of their digital files, where they store
them, and how these files are described and
G. Information Evaluation: Critical Thinking to
weed out fake news is a crucial in 21st Century

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