Indexing Head
Indexing Head
Indexing Head
To find the index crank movement, divided 40 by number of divisions required on the work,
[Index crank movement= 40/N]
Where N is the number of divisions required on the work.
3. Angular Indexing Head:
The angular indexing is the Process of dividing the periphery of work in angular
measurements. There are 360 degrees in a circle, and then the index crank is rotated by 40
number of revolution, and the spindle rotates through 1 complete Revolution or by 360
degrees, one complete turn off the crank will cause the spindle and the work to rotate through
360/40=9 degrees. Therefore, in order to turn work through a required angle, the number of
turns required for index crank can be calculated by the number ‘9’. Angular displacement is
expressed in minutes then the terms of the index crank can be calculated by dividing the
angle by 540. If it is expressed in seconds then it is divided by 32400.
When a result is a whole number, the index crank is rotated through the full calculated
If the result is a fraction and a whole number, the part of the revolution of the crank after
turning the whole number is calculated by multiplying is suitable for numbers to the
numerator and denominator of the fraction, defecation to make the denominator of the
fraction is equal to the number of holes in the index plate circle and the now numerator
number for holes to be moved by the index Crank.
The index crank Movement= Angular displacement of work, in degrees / 9
= in minutes / 540
= in seconds / 32400
4. Compound Indexing Head:
In Compound indexing, there are two separate movements of the index crank in two different
hole circles of one index plate to get the crank movement. The index plate is held stationary
by Lock pin heed which engages with one of the whole circle of the index place from the
back. For indexing first, the crankpin is rotated by the required number of the spaces in one
of the holes of the circle of the index plate and then the pin is engaged with the plate. The
second index movement is done by removing the real lock pin and the rotating the plate
together with the index crank forward or backward through the calculated number of spaces
of another hole circle, and the lock pin is engaged.