Fischer Whitepaper
Fischer Whitepaper
Fischer Whitepaper
Design guidelines
The path to EN 1992-4 03
EN 1992-4
A brief introduction to the new standard 04
The CC method
The fundamentals of anchor design in concrete
fischer Fixperience
Safety becomes calculable with the planning
software’s C-Fix module 15
fischer Academy
Experience live fixing technology 18
White paper “EN 1992-4”. The new standard for fastenings in concrete.
Design guidelines
The path to EN 1992-4.
EN 1992-4 –
in effect as of spring 2019
For the first time there is a uniform standard that regulates
the design of fastenings in concrete across Europe. EN
1992-4 is a key document that supersedes all previous de-
sign guidelines for fastenings in concrete in Europe.
White paper “EN 1992-4”. The new standard for fastenings in concrete.
EN 1992-4
A brief introduction
Has EN 1992-4 already been adopt- fastenings in concrete in accord-
ed by building authorities? And how ance with the latest standards in
do structural engineers approach technology. It alsop rovides planners,
calculations that were carried out structural engineers and construc-
before the new s tandard was intro- tion engineers with a s ignificantly
duced and which now provide a dif- more efficient approach when it Eurocode 2
EN 1992 (EC2)
ferent result under the new stand- comes to design.
ard? Dr. Thilo Pregartner is regularly The Eurocode 2
confronted by practical questions User advantages: They save time on standards apply to
such as these. The fischer expert is creating the designs. The standard the design of
buildings and civil
familiar with users’ problems and the also provides added safety for con-
engineering works in
complex multitude of guidelines and struction projects. plain, reinforced and
technicalreports that previously
prestressed con-
regulated the design of fixings in This white paper provides a basic
crete in the Europe-
concrete (see diagram on p. 3). “This overview of the current state of the an Union.
was always cause for confusion”, art:
says Thilo Pregartner, speaking from What are the most important
experience. The situation will be changes to the design of
made significantly more transparent fastenings in concrete?
and clearer with the introduction of What do planners, structural
EN 1992-4. engineers and construction
engineers have to take into con-
An efficient procedure sideration in future?
EN 1992-4 was published in early Which programmes offer design
2019. As part 4 of Eurocode 2 (“de- support in accordance with the
sign of concrete structures”), it com- new standard?
prehensively regulates the design of
White paper “EN 1992-4”. The new standard for fastenings in concrete.
White paper “EN 1992-4”. The new standard for fastenings in concrete.
White paper “EN 1992-4”. The new standard for fastenings in concrete.
The CC Method
The principles of designing
fastenings in concrete.
The so-called concrete capacity Separate verification
method was published by the CEB During the CC method verification is
(Comité Européen du Béton) in 1995 carried out for the load-bearing ca-
and is based on the performance ca- pacity for all types of failure modes
pacity of concrete. The CC method and every load direction (tensile and
allows planners and structural engi- shear load). During the initial design
neers to design fastenings in a safe step, the load distribution of the out-
and economic manner. er load must be determined for the
individual fastenings of a group. The
Accepted internationally inner eccentricity of the load is also
The CC method is a semi-empirical determined. Depending on the fail-
method based on partial safety ure mode, the CC method requires
factors. It was adopted into Annex C verification with the loading of the
of the ETAG 001 guideline in 1997 by most critically loaded anchor or with
the EOTA (European Organisation for the group loading (with the corre-
Technical Approvals). The method sponding inner eccentricity). It is
has undergone constant develop- assumed that the anchor plate
ment ever since and is accepted remains level, meaning it is suffi-
internationally. ciently rigid and lies flush with its en-
tire surface against the concrete.
The CC method takes the following
into account: Verification under tensile load is
various concrete conditions always carried out on the most criti-
(cracked or non-cracked) cally loaded anchor in the case of
various load directions (tensile, pull-out failure and steel failure, as
shear and interaction) the load-bearing capacity is not
various failure modes influenced by neighbouring fasten-
ings during these failure modes.
a) b) c)
Source: EN 1992-4
White paper “EN 1992-4”. The new standard for fastenings in concrete.
White paper “EN 1992-4”. The new standard for fastenings in concrete.
are determined empirically and are with EN 1992-4, but factor k9 was not k1= 1.7 cracked concrete
based on cube compressive adapted due to re-evaluated test re- k1= 2.4 non-cracked concrete
strength. The shift affects all sults and an extension of the equa-
equations that have dimensional
tion’s validity. Compared to previously
prefactors. This is demonstrated in applicable guidelines, the factor re-
EN 1992-4
the following points 2.1 Tensile load mains at 1.7 for cracked concrete and
and 2.2 Shear load. 2.4 for non-cracked concrete. V0Rk,c=k 9∙dαnom∙lβ∙ √ck ∙ c1
EN 1992-4
White paper “EN 1992-4”. The new standard for fastenings in concrete.
White paper “EN 1992-4”. The new standard for fastenings in concrete.
White paper “EN 1992-4”. The new standard for fastenings in concrete.
White paper “EN 1992-4”. The new standard for fastenings in concrete.
Ψ = 0.8
sus =
Ψsus 0.8
ΨΨ0sus = 0.6
sus = 0.6
Ψsus [-]
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
αsus [-]
White paper “EN 1992-4”. The new standard for fastenings in concrete.
Concrete failure
Steel failure
Trilinear, lowest value for all failure modes
Design curve, separated interaction for steel
and concrete failure
1 Comparison of
design curves
Curve 1 depicts the
2 previous approach,
curve 2 shows the
improved EN 1992-4
VRd,s VRd,c
Diagram: Sippel, Ignatiadis
White paper “EN 1992-4”. The new standard for fastenings in concrete.
fischer Fixperience
Safety becomes calculable with the plan-
ning software’s C-Fix module.
Verification is required to prove that a their choice. The programme ideally
selected product is suitable for the confirms a valid design before gen-
required load in order to prevent an erating a verifiable printout. If this
anchor from failing. This makes isn’t the case, then multiple designs
simple design software for planners, can be carried out. The programme
structural engineers and c
onstruction calculates all applicable products
engineers an essential. before recommending suitable
Design with C-Fix
fischer’s free Fixperience software Integrated EN 1992-4
comprises engineering software in The Fixperience software by fischer
addition to seven specialist undergoes continuous development
application modules. The C-Fix to meet the design standards and
module is the right choice for the requirements of planners, structural
design of steel and bonded anchors engineers and construction engi- Download and try
in concrete. The programme follows neers. The new EN 1992-4 standard out fischer Fix
the logical approach of manual has already been fully integrated into perience free of
verification and is mostly self-ex- the Fixperience software. The advan-
charge now!
planatory. Users can immediately tage: The user is on the safe side and
commence planning their projects does not have to worry about wheth-
Go to the
after d ownloading the software. er the right design standard has Fixperience Suite
Anchor plates can be modelled been s
elected for the corresponding
according to requirements before product. fischer Fixperience con-
adding the structural steel section tains all the necessary information
and inserting the applicable loads. from the ETAs.
Next, the user selects the anchors of
White paper “EN 1992-4”. The new standard for fastenings in concrete.
Johannes Braun is in
charge of developing
fischer Fixperience
White paper “EN 1992-4”. The new standard for fastenings in concrete.
Whitepaper „EN 1992-4“ . Neue Norm für Befestigungen in Beton
fischer Academy
Experience live fixing technology.
Structural engineers, civil engineers, and guidelines as well as statutory
designers or installers – anyone provisions and their implementation
working in planning and construction during planning and processing. Our
using safe and efficient fastenings trainers complete theoretical and
must participate in continuous practical training and development
sessions year after year to guarantee
the high standard of quality.
Training on demand!
The seminar rooms of the fischer
Academy in Tumlingen in the Black
Forest are perfectly equipped for
specialist training sessions of any
kind. To make things easier for those
interested, the specialist seminars
Experienced seminar instructors share
are also offered at selected educa-
their knowledge
tional facilities and professional
development. The
associations across Germany or
Academy by the fixings specialist fis- directly on company premises.
cher is one of the leading choices for
high-quality and practical training. Technical advice
fischer supports its customers with
35 years of the fischer comprehensive and personaltech-
Academy nical advice and fastening know-how
The company has been offering tar- from the planning stage to the pro-
geted seminars for professionals in ject’s completion. The company Training for planners and
the construction industry for over helps structural engineers, planners structural engineers:
three decades. The fischerAcademy and civil engineers efficiently Book the training session
works in cooperation with trainers optimise anchor constructions and of your choice now!
who understand their “trade”. All design specialist constructions and
state-of-the-art training sessions designs, for instance.
provide information on current en-gb/training
national and European standards
White paper “EN 1992-4”. The new standard for fastenings in concrete.
White paper “EN 1992-4”. The new standard for fastenings in concrete.