Lingual Orthodontics - A Review: Invited Articles
Lingual Orthodontics - A Review: Invited Articles
Lingual Orthodontics - A Review: Invited Articles
application and they tested these new brackets in approximately 80 cases in 1980. In 1981, 6 prominent American orthodontists formed the Lingual Task Force with a mission to promote lingual orthodontics. Since then courses have been given all over the world and many universities have integrated lingual orthodontics into the curriculums of their post-graduate orthodontic programs. 2 Both Fujita and Kurz with their coworkers 5, 8-15 adapted the edgewise mechanism for use on the lingual surfaces. However, Paige 16, who preferred the Edgewise appliance labially, recognized that a round archwire technique would be more suitable when applied lingually. The greater variation of lingual surface anatomy meant that a round archwire compared with a rectangular wire was less liable to cause undesirable torque, and therefore the positioning of brackets at precise angulations was less critical. As distinct from labial approach, the ribbon arch bracket was positioned with the vertical slot directed towards the occlusal surface to facilitate archwire placement. The Lingual Task Force members and others provided many reports on the continuing development of the lingual appliance 8, 11, 13-15, 17-25. In many places of the world there have been limited acceptance of lingual technique by orthodontists because of problems encountered in the early evolution of the appliance. Many have considered the lingual technique difficult to employ 13, 20 and more time consuming 26 for the patient and for the orthodontist. However, technological advancements in materials and processes are creating renewed interest in lingual protocols 27. Patients who have been offered the lingual orthodontic option are very enthusiastic in their acceptance28. Patients with aesthetic demands, especially those with acting, singing, modeling or entertaining goals seem more interested in this approach. They enjoy having confidence in their smile before their braces are removed 7. As the patients profile and lip position are not distorted by the brackets, a true cosmetic evaluation during treatment is possible 6.
Figure 1
Before treatment (left) and after aligning and leveling (right). Courtesy Dr. Franklin She.
Moreover, contrary to the popular myths about lingual appliances, good results can be achieved equivalent to that of labial appliances with proper patient and case selection, and a sound treatment plan.
C A M t e c h n o l o g y , Wi e c h m a n n d e s c r i b e d a n individualised lingual bracket system in which the processes of bracket production and bracket positioning are combined 32.
important to educate the patient on proper cleaning techniques and a typodont with lingual brackets should be used for demonstration. Garland-Parker 7 recommended specific oral hygiene techniques for the lingual appliances including the use of interdental brushes, floss threaders, angled toothpicks, oral irrigators, etc. It has been reported that salivary flow rate increases in the lingual orthodontic patient, thereby reducing the caries rate 34, 38. The bite planes on the maxillary incisor brackets cause rapid bite opening making the lingual appliance most effective in deep bite cases 11, 20, 34. However, in excessive deep bite or large overjet cases the bite plane may hinder the anterior-posterior movement of teeth causing loss of anchorage. The bite plane may also increase the clockwise rotation of the mandible thereby worsening the Class II relationship 5, 10, 13, 17, 39-42. The posterior open bite as a result of the bite plane also causes mastication difficulty during the initial treatment period. Some authors suggested using occlusal build-up on the labial cusps of lower molars and gradually reduced with treatment 7, 34. The clinical length of the crown determines the amount of lingual enamel surface area available for bonding. Brackets must be positioned 1mm away from the gingiva to allow for cement removal and oral hygiene maintenance 13. Subsequently, short clinical crown is a contraindication for lingual appliance. However, if crown height is inadequate, crown lengthening procedures could be considered 13. As mentioned before, the lingual orthodontic patients are extremely demanding in aesthetics and are concerned with visible extraction spaces. Temporary resin teeth or aesthetic pontics 7, 43 can be used to fill the extraction spaces and are gradually reduced as the spaces become smaller. The aesthetic pontics must not interfere with tooth movement or healing of the sockets. Cases that can be treated with labial appliance are also treatable with lingual orthodontics. In lingual orthodontics, larger amount of anchorage is available, especially in the lower arch, resulting in greater retraction of anterior teeth 43. For the inexperienced operator, it is better to start with less complex cases such as nonextraction cases without severe sagittal, vertical or transverse problems 7. Some operators start their first few cases with maxillary lingual brackets and mandibular labial appliances 7. The ideal cases for lingual orthodontic treatment 13, 33 are low angle deep bite, diastema, Class I minor crowding and upper premolar extractions for Class II cases. The difficult cases for lingual orthodontic treatment are those with 4 premolar extractions, posterior crossbite, high mandibular plane angle, anterior open bite, surgical or orthognathic cases. The contraindicated cases for lingual orthodontic treatment are short clinical crown cases; severe periodontal problems and cases with severe temporomandibular problems. A number of case reports demonstrating difficult and contraindicated cases have been published 44-49.
moisture contamination, extra precautions are necessary to ensure a dry field during bonding 56. Teeth with short clinical crowns, porcelain or metal crowns or large restorations are more liable to bond failure. Before bonding to porcelain or metal crowns, the surface should be sandblasted with a micro etcher and a metal or porcelain primer should be used as directed. If necessary, a window may be cut in the lingual surface of the crown and composite resin placed to provide a bondable surface 7. The patient should be informed that this procedure would reduce the life of the crown and that replacement might be needed after the orthodontic treatment. If the CLASS system is used, the brackets should be bonded as soon as possible after the working model has been made. Placement of separators and extractions must be carried out after bonding as any tooth movement taken place after the impression is taken will compromise the fit of the transfer tray and hence the accuracy of bracket placement 56 .
the forces from the CR. In upright incisors (as in a Class II division 2 malocclusion), labial intrusive force will produce a counterclockwise moment but the same amount of vertical force on the lingual side will produce a clockwise moment and this increases the lingual inclination of the crowns. This is due to the point of application of the force lies distal to the axis passing through the CR of incisors. In such cases, it is advised to advance the crowns first and then to perform the intrusion 58. As far as the upper molars are concerned, the axis passing to through the CR is closer to the lingual surface. This implies that whenever an intrusive force is applied to the lingual brackets, the crowns of the teeth will rotate in a lingual direction; the opposite will occur whenever an intrusive force is applied to the labial brackets: crown rotation will take place in a labial direction. In the lower arch with normal incisor inclination, the lingual bracket slot is closer to the axis passing through the CR when compared with that on the labial side. For this reason, lingual application of force allows easier intrusion coupled with less proclination of the crown, as compared with labial force application. This will also generate more distal inclination of the lower molar crowns and more lingual tipping of the lower incisors during leveling. Horizontal plane In the horizontal plane, the interbracket distance in lingual orthodontics is shorter than that in the labial one. Also, the point of application of force is closer to the tooth axis in lingual orthodontics. Therefore the rotation moment is less than on the labial side and it is more difficult to have an efficient coupling of forces during rotational movement. The short interbracket distance means that the archwire stiffness is also increased 59. A more flexible archwire is needed, especially in crowded cases. All these factors make correction of rotations more difficult with the lingual appliance. ii) Choice of extractions With its unique biomechanics, extraction choices in lingual orthodontics often differ from those in labial orthodontics 43, 60, 61. In lingual orthodontics the strong molar anchorage, especially in the lower arch, makes mesial movement of the lower molars difficult. Also, the lower molars tip distally as the arch is leveled in lingual orthodontics and this changes the molar relationship from Class I to Class II. Therefore in Class I cases, the extraction of the upper first premolars and lower second premolars may be necessary rather than the extraction of the four first premolars. In Class II cases, it is desirable to avoid extraction in the lower arch as much as possible and rather to advance and/or slice anterior teeth if the amount of crowding is minimal. If crowding in the lower arch is severe, extraction of
one or more lower incisors may be considered. In Class III cases, premolar extraction facilitates the lingual tipping of lower anterior teeth. The distal tipping of lower molars during leveling also improves the Class III molar relationship. All these facilitate the correction of a Class III malocclusion 43. iii) Anchorage considerations It is generally said that a lingual approach gives a greater amount of anchorage than a labial approach 43. In lingual orthodontics, distally tipping forces are constantly applied to posterior teeth through the archwire, which makes posterior teeth more resistant to anchorage loss than in labial orthodontics. As brackets are placed on the lingual surfaces, it is easier to control the vertical height of the lingual cusps through the constant application of buccal root torque, which tips molars lingually. This is particularly helpful in controlling the lingual cusps of the upper second molars, which are most likely to be extruded and cause interference. The control of molar extrusion also prevents the clockwise rotation of the mandible and the resultant adverse effects such as anterior open bite and deterioration of a Class II relationship. Removal of tongue pressure with a lingual appliance further reinforces molar anchorage, especially in a lower dental arch with narrow bone 43.
arch, .016.022-inch stainless steel (SS) archwire is used for sliding mechanics. Loop mechanics is used when active lingual tipping of the lower anterior teeth is needed for space closure or when maximum anchorage is required. Both vertical and transverse bowing effect can occur during space closure, especially in the upper arch. Compensating curves and gable bends should be placed in the archwires to counteract the bowing effects. In addition, the retraction force should be light and adequate lingual root torque should be placed in the anterior segment before space closure. In the detailing stage, .016-inch TMA or .0175.0175-inch TMA archwires are used.
Treatment Sequence
Scuzzo and Takemoto 43 recently summarized the contemporary recommendations of treatment sequence and selection of archwires in a typical extraction case using the lingual appliance. The archwires, in general, are mushroom in shape with insets between the canine and premolar and between the premolar and molar 43. In the anterior leveling stage, .016-inch titanium molybdenum alloy (TMA) archwire with loops or a lingual arch is used for partial canine retraction. When there is little anterior crowding, or when partial canine retraction has been accomplished, a full archwire of .016-inch Copper Nickel Titanium (Cu-NiTi) or .017.017-inch Cu-NiTi is used for alignment of the anterior teeth. When anterior leveling has been achieved, torque establishment of the anterior teeth is necessary prior to en mass retraction. The wires for torque leveling are .0175.0175-inch or .017.025-inch TMA archwires. In the en masse retraction stage, both sliding mechanics and loop mechanics can be used. Loop mechanics is mainly used in the upper arch. There are 3 types of loops that can be used and they are the Tloop with .017.025-inch TMA archwire, the closed helical loop with .017.025-inch TMA archwire and the closing loop with .0175.0175-inch TMA archwire. The loops should be activated about 1mm every 8 weeks. When sliding mechanics are used in the upper arch, the appropriate wire is .017.025-inch TMA. In the lower
location. Anchorage could be provided by varying the line of action of the force. Case reports of different segmental techniques have been published 27, 63-65.
commercial laboratories to place pre-angulated brackets on the model prior to indirect bonding. There was also less difficulty with subsequent rebonding of individual brackets if they were dislodged. It is possible to use standard labial bracket bases on the lingual 68. Archwires for lingually placed brackets required modifications to accommodate the lingual anatomy of the incisors, canines, bicuspids and molars. However, the original three stages of Begg treatment sequences were retained.
In this article we have tried to sum up the current developments of the lingual appliances. Since its inception more than twenty years ago, a lot of work has been done in the developments of the lingual orthodontic appliances. Many orthodontists today are not routinely practicing lingual orthodontics, possibly because of the increased time and effort required. Nevertheless, once the orthodontists see the confident smiles of their patients from the start of the treatment to the end, they will agree that their foresight, care and efforts to their patients have been amply rewarded.
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