Feb 2017
Oct, 2022
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.........................................................................................................................4
1. Introduction.........................................................................................................................................5
2.1. Infrastructure....................................................................................................................................6
3. Nationality Ethiopian
5. Project Garment factory specialized in the production of quality and affordable Men and
Composition Ladies suits, Trousers, T- shirt, Underwear etc.
6. Premises 3,000M2
7. Total Capital Br. 10,000,000 of which 30% equivalent to Br. 3,000,000.00 financed by the
owner equity and the rest 70% equivalent to Br. 7,000,000.00 financed through
bank loan
8. Employment The total manpower required for the plant will be 510 employees
Permanent workers 448
Skilled 310
Unskilled 138
Temporary workers 62
Skilled 2
Unskilled 60
9. Market Share 30% for domestic market and 70% for export.
11. Benefits of the Produce and supply of quality Garment Products, source of Revenue, Employment
factory For The opportunity, Save Foreign currency, Benefit for the Local Community and
Region/ Country Stimulate the Local Economy
1. Introduction
Ethiopia has in placed policies, strategies and related legal frameworks aiming to transform its
economy from that dominated by agriculture towards an industry with the ultimate goal of
achieving a middle income nation by 2025. To realize this structural economic transformation,
the Ministry of Industry as a center of driving force working towards the effective
implementation of such policies and strategies.
Based on the country’s export led industrialization policy, a great effort has been made in
revising and updating the legal frame works, working procedures and guidelines, supporting
institutional setups, and building industrial supporting infrastructure in general so as to achieve
the vision 2025 and the growth and transformation plan of the country. In this regard Ethiopia is
working to attract and encourage domestic investment and FDI with major focuses on export
ones. In addition to facilitating the necessary legal frame works, and incentive mechanisms,
there is an effort in developing cluster zones by sector to serve the basic infrastructure and
control the environmental impacts of the specific sectors. The Ethiopian Government has learnt
from the experience of other countries that cluster zonation has played a vital role in enhancing
the inflow of FDI.
The Industrial Development Strategy of Ethiopia has ranked some sectors as core sectors so that
to facilitate and provide prioritized and strategic support from the government. Accordingly, the
textile and apparel sub sector has ranked as the first core subsector due to certain reasons in the
Ethiopian context. The surplus labor force available in the country and being labor intensive
nature of textile and apparel sector, the availability of worldwide market for textile are some
reasons for the subsector to being ranked as first even from the prioritized sector. Moreover, the
textile sector utilizes cotton as its main inputs so that it can create conducive opportunity for
agricultural developments; it has high back-ward linkages.
Targeting the textile sector as a key economic activity towards harnessing the growth of the
national economy, the government of Ethiopia in its five years growth and Transformation plan
has set out to generate 1 billion us dollars and increasing total price of the end of the sector’s
product to 2.5 billion us dollars by the end of the plan period. The performance so far including
the year 2012/2013 (2005 Et. physical year) is very far from the plan target and needs much