Peer Bullying Presentation
Peer Bullying Presentation
Peer Bullying Presentation
• RACIST VIOLENCE means making offensive and derogatory words and comments
about race and a person's ethnicity. It also includes different offensive and hurtful
actions and movements.
• TEASING AND MOCKING may or may not be hurtful. It depends on the person and
how the person feels. Teasing and mocking are also included in the scope of
• It is vital that adults recognize and support the
following myths.
• Their victims are rarely chosen because of the colour of their hair o
r skin or the shape of their glasses. Most importantly, perhaps, Olw
eus contends bullying is not a problem that will go away without ad
ult intervention. Following are ten myths about bullying that Olweu
s has identified through his research:
1.MYTH: Bullies suffer from insecurity and low self-
esteem. They pick on others to make themselves feel more important.
RESEARCH: Most bullies have average or above-average self-
steem. They "suffer" from aggressive temperaments, a lack of empathy, and poor parenting.
2. MYTH: Bullies are looking for attention. Ignore them and the bullying will stop.
RESEARCH: Bullies are looking for control, and they rarely stop if their behaviour is ignored. The level of
bullying usually increases if the bullying is not addressed by adults.
MYTH: Victims of bullies need to learn to stand up for themselves and deal with the situation.
RESEARCH: Victims of bullies are usually younger or physically weaker than their attackers. They also
lack the social skills to develop supportive friendships. They cannot deal with the situation themselves.
6. MYTH: Large schools or classes are conducive to bullying.
RESEARCH: No correlation has been established between class or school size and bullying. In fact, there is some
evidence that bullying may be less prevalent in larger schools where potential victims have increased opportunities for
finding supportive friends.
10. MYTH: Victims of bullying need to follow the adage "Sticks and stones will break your bones, but names can never
hurt you."
RESEARCH: Victims of bullying often suffer lifelong problems with low self-esteem.
• They are prone to depression, suicide, and other
mental health problems throughout their lives.
Olweus notes, are produced in the home, shaped
by a combination of factors, including lack of
parental warmth and attention, poor supervision,
parental modelling of aggressive behaviour, and
an active and impulsive temperament on the
part of the child. The victims of bullies, however,
are most often created at school. "Teachers'
attitudes, behaviours, and routines," Olweus said,
"play a large role in the prevalence of bullying
behaviour." Bullying is a problem that schools can
help control.
Losers %9
Bullies Observers
%6 %85
• Bullies, are produced in the home, shaped by a
combination of factors, including lack of parental
warmth and attention, poor supervision, parental
modelling of aggressive behaviour, and an active
and impulsive temperament on the part of the
150 Students
Hallways Cafeteria Classroom Bus Gym
School Policy
• Research indicates that when schools
implement a comprehensive program of
bullying prevention, they can significantly
reduce the problem of bullying.
In fact, studies by Professor Dan Olweus, a
Norwegian psychologist considered the world's
foremost authority on bullying, show that bullying
incidents can be cut in half by implementing a
school-wide anti-bullying program. Bullying
prevention programs, moreover, also hold the
promise of doing more than preventing bullying.
Schools that implement those programs also might
see a decrease in other anti-social behavior,
including vandalism, fighting, theft and truancy.
• For a bullying prevention program to be
effective, it must be comprehensive in the
true sense of the word. All adult members of
the school community, including
administrators, teachers, counselors,
psychologists, nurses, coaches,
paraprofessionals, secretaries, bus drivers,
custodians and after-school staff, should
participate in the program, because all are in a
position to witness acts of bullying.
• A bullying prevention program must, of
course, deal with individual students, but it
also must address the school culture. Toward
that end, it is important to take steps to
promote a climate of cooperation and caring.
Schools can help deter bullying by reinforcing
acts of kindness and communicating values of
tolerance, respect and responsibility.
• Schools that are committed to implementing
comprehensive bullying prevention programs
should take the following steps:
• Establish a committee to develop a school
bullying policy and coordinate bullying
prevention activities. The committee might
be an already existing group, such as the
school safety committee, or it might be a one
established for just this purpose.
• Survey students about bullying. An important
part of a bullying prevention program is to
understand the dimensions of the problem in
your school. A useful way of obtaining that
information is to conduct an anonymous
survey of students.
• Establish a clear policy prohibiting bullying
and then communicate that policy to
students, staff and parents. The policy might
be incorporated into the school's written code
of conduct; it should -- at minimum -- include
a definition of bullying, a clear statement that
bullying of any kind is prohibited, a
description of the possible consequences for
bullying, and instructions for students who
witness bullying.
• Provide close and adequate supervision of
areas where bullying is likely to
occur. Bullying often takes place outside the
classroom -- in the hallway, at the bus stop, on
the playground, in the locker room, cafeteria,
and bathroom, for example.
• Provide training on bullying for teachers and
other school staff School personnel need
training on recognizing the signs of bullying,
knowing what to do when incidents happen,
and learning how to prevent bullying.
• Through school-wide activities, raise student
and staff awareness about bullying. School-
wide anti-bullying activities help remind
students about school policy regarding
bullying and the importance of supporting
their classmates. In addition, they help
generate energy for the program.
• Integrate bullying lessons and activities into
the classroom curriculum. That might include
conducting a lesson about bullying, asking
students to read a book about bullying and
following up with a classroom discussion, or
having a classroom meeting focused on the
issue of bullying.
• Empower bystanders to support the victims
of bullying. Although school staff members
often are unaware that bullying is taking
place, typically other students are not only
aware of the incidents, but are present when
the incidents occur. Those bystanders to
bullying can play a crucial role in helping to
address the problem.
• Involve parents in the program. Parents need
to be informed of school policies regarding
bullying, and they need to be encouraged to
reinforce that policy with their children.
Schools also might survey parents to elicit
their views and knowledge of bullying in
school. Parents also need to be informed if
their child has bullied, or has been bullied by,
another child.
• Pay special attention to students who are at
risk for being bullied. Students are more likely
to be bullied if they're isolated from their
classmates, in special education programs,
speak English as a second language, have a
physical characteristic that makes them stand
out from their peers, or are new to the school.
• Take reports of bullying seriously and act
quickly. Encourage staff to respond to all
reports of bullying that come to their
attention. An incident that might appear
minor to a teacher can loom large in the life of
a student.
• Respond to bullying incidents with a
combination of disciplinary and guidance
strategies. If a bullying incident happens, it's
essential that school staff work with all the
students involved, providing the bully with
appropriate discipline and guidance, and
providing the victim with emotional support
and help with developing coping skills to deal
with future incidents.
How is bullying handled at school? Tips
for school administrators
• Focus on the school's social environment.
• Evaluate bullying at your school.
• Bring together staff and parent support to prevent
• Create a group to coordinate the school's anti-
bullying activities.
• Train your staff on bullying prevention.
• Establish and enforce school rules and policies
regarding bullying .
How is bullying handled at school? Tips
for school administrators
• Increase adult supervision where bullying is most likely
to occur.
• Respond consistently and appropriately in situations of
• Take some time and focus in class on bullying
• Continue these efforts (bullying prevention should be
woven into the entire school environment) over time.