Educ10 (Reflection Paper)

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Reflection Paper

on the
Implementation of Inclusive Education in the Philippines.

The implementation of inclusive education in the Philippines was examined in this study as it
related to the instructors' experiences working with students who had disabilities in those
classes. In order to provide students with special needs with a good education that fully realizes
their potential for holistic development, inclusive education aims to include these students in a
flexible environment for learning.

These movies demonstrate that all students benefit from inclusive education. A child does not
have to be prepared to be included. Every youngster is always prepared to enroll in regular
schools and classrooms. The idea behind inclusive education is that we want all of our kids to
feel valued and accepted throughout their lives. They don't have to earn the right to
participate. All students receive a regular education in inclusive classrooms. Additionally, we
must give all kids the chance to make friends with one another. Friendships offer opportunities
for development and role models. However, it does not imply that particular students cannot
leave the classroom for a variety of reasons. For instance, a child might need one-on-one help
in a specific subject. It's possible that this will take place during regular class time. When a
school becomes inclusive, careful consideration is given to how frequently a child may be
absent from a regular classroom and the potential causes of this. For all or some of the time,
children with particular characteristics (for instance, those who have disabilities) are placed in
separate classrooms.

The lessons that I learned about the implementation of inclusive education in the Philippines
are its benefits:

All students go to their neighborhood schools and are enrolled in age-appropriate regular classes.

Every youngster receives suitable educational programs.

Each child is given a curriculum that is appropriate for their needs.

Every youngster takes part in extracurricular and co-curricular activities.

All children gain from cooperation and teamwork among the family, the school, and the community.

Therefore, inclusive educational systems offer greater educational opportunities for all students
and play a crucial role in transforming discriminatory attitudes. The framework that schools give
for a child's initial interactions with the world outside of their families facilitates the growth of
social interconnections.

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