Year 12 Welcome Letter Lss

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Lawrence Sheriff School

Clifton Road, Rugby, Warwickshire CV21 3AG

Headteacher: Mrs T.J. Mpofu BSc PGCE
Senior Deputy Headteacher: Ms G.J. Temple Deputy Headteacher: Mr I.D. Chislett

T 01788 843700 E [email protected] W

14th September 2022

Dear Parents/Carers,

Re: Welcome to Year 12

As we embark on a new academic year, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome your son/daughter to the
Lawrence Sheriff School Sixth Form and introduce myself as current Head of Year 12. I would like to thank you in
advance for your support and look forward to working with you to support your son/daughter as they embark upon
or continue their academic career here at Lawrence Sheriff School.

My main role as Head of Year is to monitor and support the academic progress of all students in Year 12, working
closely with parents, subject teachers, Form Tutors, Heads of Houses and the wider pastoral team.

Attendance and punctuality

Good attendance and punctuality are integral to ensuring all pupils can fulfil their potential. Research shows that
children and young people with poor attendance tend to achieve less in both primary and secondary school. Although
we understand that there are occasions when students are unable to attend school, for reasons such as illness; it is
an expectation that all students strive for a minimum of 95% attendance and also arrive at school, on time, prior to
8:50am each day. If your son/daughter is unable to attend school due to illness, or you have any queries regarding
attendance, then please ensure that the school is informed by either phoning the Sixth Form Centre on 01788 843749,
or by logging in to TASC Insight Parent Portal from the school’s website page and click on ‘Attendance’ and then click
on ‘Report Absences’. For more information on attendance please see the school’s attendance & punctuality policy.

Key Dates

In order to aid your son's / daughter’s transition into Year 12, I would like to draw your attention to the key dates and
events, which will be taking place this academic year.

Events Dates
Insight data sent out 14.10.22 Attitude and attainment grades
15.02.23 Attainment grades
14.07.22 Exam results
Parent Consultation Evening 3.11.22 and 11.05.23
Year 12 Assessment Weeks 26.09.22 - 30.09.22 Settling in Test
30.01.23 - 03.02.23 Exam week
12.06.23 - 23.06.23 End of Year Exams
Working towards deadlines

I am looking forward to supporting your son/daughter to make excellent academic progress. We expect all Year 12
students to be well organised and that all work is completed to a high standard to ensure suitable progress is being
made. All subjects will require a considerable amount of time spent outside of class on tasks and independent work,
which will be checked by subject teachers routinely. Deadlines not being met will be addressed by the subject teacher
in the first instance. If a student is consistently not meeting deadlines or completing unsatisfactory work, I will be
responsible for ensuring that the correct support, systems and sanctions are in place and thereafter, the Head of the
Sixth Form, Mr Bedgood.

The school sends out the weekly newsletter, The Weekly Word, and other important communications via Insight. This
newsletter contains a wide variety of information, such as notifications of parent consultation events, activity/trip
information, examination deadlines, school closures, etc which are highly important to school life, and also to your
own involvement as a parent.

Please ensure that you have access to Insight, the online parental portal providing parents/carers with access to live
data regarding attendance, merits, strikes and detentions. We also publish all half term grades and full written reports
via Insight, and as from this year we will be asking parents to book parent consultation evening appointments via
Insight. Without your login details you will not be able access this information or book appointments to speak to

If you have any problems accessing this portal please email: [email protected] .

Finally, if you need to discuss an issue arising with your son’s progress, your first port of call is likely to be a subject
teacher or form tutor, but in case you need to contact me directly you can do so via the main school telephone
number (01788 542074) or via email [email protected]

For a wider understanding of school life in the Sixth Form, please refer to the Sixth Form Handbook, that your
son/daughter should have.

I look forward to working with you and your son/daughter and hope this will be a very successful year.

Yours sincerely,

Mr A Burnham
Head of Year 12

Lawrence Sheriff School Academy Trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales.
Company number: 8963659
Records are held at the registered office which is
Lawrence Sheriff School, Clifton Road, Rugby, Warwickshire CV21 3AG

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