Form Grant Deed
Form Grant Deed
Form Grant Deed
When recorded mail to
and mail tax statements to:
Recorder’s Use Only
Assessor’s Parcel No. (APN): Declaration of Exemption From Gov’t Code § 27388.1 Fee
Transfer is exempt from fee per GC § 27388.1(a)(2):
Documentary Transfer Tax: $________________ recorded concurrently “in connection with” transfer subject to
If exempt, enter R&T code: __________________ Documentary Transfer Tax
Explanation: _____________________________ recorded concurrently “in connection with” a transfer of
________________________________________ residential dwelling to an owner-occupier
Transfer is exempt from fee per GC 27388.1(a)(1):
________________________________________ Fee cap of $225.00 reached Not related to real property
Signature of Declarant or Agent determining tax
(current owner(s) form of title)
hereby grant(s) to GRANTEE(S) ____________________________________________________________
(new owners, including current owners if staying on title)
(new owners, continued)
as ____________________________________________________________________________________
(new owner(s) form of title)