Application Form Atos Complete
Application Form Atos Complete
Application Form Atos Complete
Contact Details:
E-mail (1): [email protected]
Mobile (private) : + 40722172753 Emergency Contact No: + _____________________
Line number (from home or relatives): ______________________ Name: ________________
Mobil (partner/spouse/parents/brother/sister): _______________ Name: ________________
*To support your current address residency can you please provide us with two separate proofs of address dated
within the last three months. This can be official documents such as bank statement or utility bills or another type
of document that can state your current residency:
☐XYes ☐No
If you answered “No” please offer more details to support your response.
Can Certification, If
Language Can Read Can Write Can Speak
Understand Any
EXPERIENCE DETAILS (Please begin with the current employment – Last 3 Jobs)
REFERENCES (Give references under whom you have either worked or who know you professionally in case of
fresher please give contact details of the Teacher/ any person under whom they have done any project)
The answers to the following questions will help us to get a deeper insight and acquire better understanding of
you as a person:
Nationality: X☐ Romanian ☐ Other (Please Specify) ____________________
Have you attended any selection process at ATOS IT Solutions and Services before?
☐ Yes X☐ No
Please Give details in case of Yes ________________________________
Location: _______________
Process: _______________
Dates: _______________
Have you ever been arrested, prosecuted or convicted for any criminal offense, other than minor traffic offenses?
☐ Yes ☐X No
Give Details in case of Yes ______________________________________
Have you signed a contract other than employment or Non competence with your current employer?
☐ Yes ☐X No
(In case yes please Specify same with HR during the interview)
Would you be OK working in 24x7 schedules (i.e. weekend working and/or night shifts) (if relevant)?
☐ Yes ☐X No
Give Details in case of No _MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8 HRS_
You might not be getting any leave for the first 3 months. Would you be ok with it?
☐ Yes X☐ No
Do you have any pre-existing illness or injury which may impact on your ability to safely perform the inherent
requirements of the position(s) for which you have applied?
☐ Yes ☐X No
Give Details in case of Yes _____________________________________________
Please read these terms and conditions carefully before creating your applicant profile:
In compliance with the current legislation on data protection, we inform you that the personal data contained in
your profile and curriculum vitae (CV) that you provide, as well as those data that could be generated as a
consequence of your participation in any recruitment process, will be processed in automated and non-
automated support by Atos, its subsidiaries and affiliates (hereinafter Atos) as well as external processors (third
parties), with the aim of managing the database of candidates of Atos and your participation in the recruitment
Your data will be processed in order to manage our recruitment process and offer you more visibility and
accessibility to opportunities which match with your profile. You are free to limit access to your candidate profile
to recruiters involved in the staffing for a specific vacancy, in the country of application or to open it up to the
Atos recruitment organisation globally. Be aware that this may imply a transfer of your profile data to other Atos
entities which are also located in the European Union.
You declare that the personal information provided is accurate, truthful and updated regularly. The protection of
the Data is assured by Information Security and Data Protection internal group policies. You may exercise your
rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition by contacting the Group Data Protection Office
at [email protected] enclosing a copy of your ID or passport.
Notwithstanding the above, you have the right to update, amend, delete or access the data you are sharing.
☐X I agree* with data processing for the role until the selection process is complete.
The data will be deleted when the selection process for the above role will be finalised.
☐X I agree* with processing and storing data in the Atos IT database in order to be directed to other possible
open opportunities for a period of 5 years.
* If you do not agree with at least one of the above, we will not consider your application to be valid and delete it
from the Atos Records
În conformitate cu legislaţia actuală privind protecția datelor, vă informăm că datele personale cuprinse în profilul
dvs. și curriculum vitae (CV) pe care le furnizați, precum şi acele date care ar putea fi generate ca urmare a
participării dvs. la orice proces de recrutare, vor fi prelucrate în mod automat și neautomat de Atos, subsidiarele
și filialele sale (denumite în continuare Atos), precum și de către procesori externi (terțe părți), cu scopul de a
gestiona baza de date a candidaților Atos și participarea dvs. la procesele de recrutare .
Datele dvs. vor fi procesate pentru a gestiona procesul nostru de recrutare și pentru a vă oferi o mai mare
vizibilitate și accesibilitate la oportunitățile care se potrivesc profilului dvs. Aveți libertatea de a limita accesul la
profilul dvs. de candidat la angajații implicați în recrutarea pentru un anumit post vacant, în țara de aplicare sau să
îl faceţi vizibil echipei de recrutare Atos la nivel global. Rețineți că acest lucru poate implica transferul datelor dvs.
de profil către alte entități Atos care se află, de asemenea, în Uniunea Europeană.
Declarați că informațiile personale furnizate sunt corecte, veridice și actualizate periodic. Protecția datelor este
asigurată de politicile interne privind securitatea informațiilor și protecția datelor. Puteți să vă exercitați
drepturile de acces, de rectificare, de anulare sau de opoziție prin contactarea Oficiului pentru Protecția Datelor la
Atos Human Resources 5/6
Application Form
În ciuda celor de mai sus, aveți dreptul să actualizați, să modificați, să ștergeți sau să accesați datele pe care le
☐X Sunt de acord * cu prelucrarea datelor pentru acest rol până la finalizarea procesului de selecție. Datele vor fi
șterse când procesul de selecție pentru rolul de mai sus va fi finalizat.
☐X Sunt de acord * cu prelucrarea și stocarea datelor în baza de date Atos IT pentru a fi directionate către alte
posibile oportunități deschise, pentru o perioadă de 5 ani.
(* Dacă nu sunteți de acord cu cel puțin una dintre variantele de mai sus, nu vom considera cererea dvs. ca fiind
validă și o vom șterge din înregistrătile Atos)