I 1120 Icd
I 1120 Icd
I 1120 Icd
Form 1120-IC-DISC
(Rev. December 2021)
Interest Charge Domestic International
Sales Corporation Return
Section references are to the Internal Revenue the photographs and calling See section 441(h) and its regulations for
Code unless otherwise noted. 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678) if you more information.
Contents Page recognize a child. • Its election to be treated as an IC-DISC
is in effect for the tax year.
General Instructions . . . . . . . . . . ... 1
Purpose of Form . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 1 General Instructions See Definitions, later, and section 992
Who Must File . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 1 and related regulations for details.
When To File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 Purpose of Form Distribution to meet qualification re-
Where To File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 Form 1120-IC-DISC is an information quirements.
Who Must Sign . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 return filed by interest charge domestic • An IC-DISC that does not meet the
Other Forms and Statements That international sales corporations gross receipts test or qualified export
May Be Required . . . . . . . . . . . 2 (IC-DISCs), former DISCs, and former asset test during the tax year will still be
Assembling the Return . . . . . . . . . . . 2 IC-DISCs. considered to have met them if, after the
Accounting Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 tax year ends, the IC-DISC makes a pro
Accounting Periods . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
What Is an IC-DISC? rata property distribution to its
Rounding Off to Whole Dollars . . . . . . 3 An IC-DISC is a domestic corporation that shareholders and specifies at the time that
Recordkeeping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 has elected to be an IC-DISC and its this is a distribution to meet the
election is still in effect. The IC-DISC qualification requirements.
Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
election is made by filing Form 4876-A, • If the IC-DISC did not meet the gross
Penalties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Election To Be Treated as an Interest receipts test, the distribution equals the
Specific Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Charge DISC. part of its taxable income attributable to
Schedule A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Generally, an IC-DISC is not taxed on gross receipts that are not qualified export
Schedule B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 gross receipts.
Schedule C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 its income. Shareholders of an IC-DISC
are taxed on its income when the income • If the IC-DISC did not meet the qualified
Schedule E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 export asset test, the distribution equals
Schedule J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 is actually (or deemed) distributed. In
addition, section 995(f) imposes an the fair market value (FMV) of the assets
Schedule K (Form that are not qualified export assets on the
1120-IC-DISC) . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 interest charge on shareholders for their
share of DISC-related deferred tax liability. last day of the tax year.
Schedule L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
See Form 8404, Interest Charge on • If the IC-DISC did not meet either test,
Schedule N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 the distribution generally equals the sum
DISC-Related Deferred Tax Liability, for
Schedule O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 details. of both amounts.
Schedule P (Form Regulations section 1.992-3 explains
1120-IC-DISC) . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 To be an IC-DISC, a corporation must how to figure the distribution.
be organized under the laws of a state or
Future Developments the District of Columbia and meet the Interest on late distribution. If the
following tests. IC-DISC makes a distribution after Form
For the latest information about
• At least 95% of its gross receipts during 1120-IC-DISC is due, interest must be
developments related to Form
the tax year are qualified export receipts. paid to the United States Treasury. The
1120-IC-DISC and its instructions, such as
• At the end of the tax year, the adjusted interest charge is 41/2% of the distribution
legislation enacted after they were
basis of its qualified export assets is at times the number of tax years that begin
published, go to IRS.gov/
least 95% of the sum of the adjusted basis after the tax year to which the distribution
of all of its assets. relates until the date the IC-DISC made
• It has only one class of stock, and its the distribution.
What’s New outstanding stock has a par or stated If the IC-DISC must pay this interest,
Schedule C, line 14, formerly related to value of at least $2,500 on each day of the send the payment to the Internal Revenue
section 965(a), which is no longer tax year (or, for a new corporation, on the Service Center where you filed Form
applicable for tax years after 2020, is now last day to elect IC-DISC status for the 1120-IC-DISC within 30 days of making
reserved for future use. year and on each later day). the distribution. On the payment, write the
• It maintains separate books and IC-DISC's name, address, and employer
Photographs of Missing records. identification number (EIN); the tax year;
Children • Its tax year must conform to the tax year and a statement that the payment
The IRS is a proud partner with the of the principal shareholder who has the represents the interest charge under
National Center for Missing & Exploited highest percentage of voting power. If two Regulations section 1.992-3(c)(4).
Children® (NCMEC). Photographs of or more shareholders have the highest
missing children selected by the Center percentage of voting power, the IC-DISC Who Must File
may appear in instructions on pages that must elect a tax year that conforms to that The corporation must file Form
would otherwise be blank. You can help of any one of the principal shareholders. 1120-IC-DISC if it elected, by filing Form
bring these children home by looking at
Where To File Other Forms and Complete every applicable entry space
on Form 1120-IC-DISC. Do not enter “See
If you are using the U.S. Postal Service, Statements That May Be Attached” or “Available Upon Request”
file Form 1120-IC-DISC at the following
Required instead of completing the entry spaces. If
more space is needed on the forms or
Informing Shareholders schedules, attach separate statements
Department of the Treasury
Shareholders who are foreign per- using the same size and format as the
sons. The corporation should inform printed forms. If there are supporting
Internal Revenue Service Center
shareholders who are nonresident alien statements and attachments, arrange
individuals or foreign corporations, trusts, them in the same order as the schedules
Kansas City, MO 64999 or forms they support and attach them
or estates that if they have gains from
disposal of stock in the IC-DISC, former last. Show the totals on the printed forms.
Private delivery services (PDSs). DISC, or former IC-DISC, or distributions Enter the corporation's name and EIN on
Corporations may use certain PDSs from accumulated IC-DISC income, each supporting statement or attachment.
designated by the IRS to meet the “timely including deemed distributions, they must
mailing as timely filing” rule for tax returns. treat these amounts as effectively Accounting Methods
Go to IRS.gov/PDS. connected with the conduct of a trade or Figure taxable income using the method of
The PDS can tell you how to get written business conducted through a permanent accounting regularly used in keeping the
proof of the mailing date. establishment in the United States and IC-DISC's books and records. In all cases,
derived from sources within the United the method used must clearly show
For the IRS mailing address to use if States.
you’re using a PDS, go to IRS.gov/ taxable income. Permissible methods
PDSstreetAddresses. Election to reduce basis under section include cash, accrual, or any other method
362(e)(2)(C). If property is transferred to authorized by the Internal Revenue Code.
Private delivery services cannot a corporation subject to section 362(e)(2), Generally, the following rules apply. For
! deliver items to P.O. boxes. You
the transferor and the acquiring more information, see Pub. 538,
CAUTION must use the U.S. Postal Service
corporation may elect, under section Accounting Periods and Methods.
to mail any item to an IRS P.O. box
362(e)(2)(C), to reduce the transferor's
address. basis in the stock received instead of
Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We ask for the information on this form to carry out the Internal Revenue laws of the United
States. You are required to give us the information. We need it to ensure that you are complying with these laws and to allow us to
figure and collect the right amount of tax.
You are not required to provide the information requested on a form that is subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act unless the form
displays a valid OMB control number. Books or records relating to a form or its instructions must be retained as long as their contents
may become material in the administration of any Internal Revenue law. Generally, tax returns and return information are confidential,
as required by section 6103.
The time needed to complete and file Form 1120-IC-DISC, Schedule K (Form 1120-IC-DISC), and Schedule P (Form
1120-IC-DISC), will vary depending on individual circumstances. The estimated burden for business taxpayers filing these forms is
approved under OMB control number 1545-0123.
If you have comments concerning the accuracy of these time estimates or suggestions for making these forms simpler, we would
be happy to hear from you. You can send us comments through IRS.gov/FormComments. Or you can write to: Internal Revenue
Service, Tax Forms and Publications, 1111 Constitution Ave. NW, IR-6526, Washington, DC 20224. Don't send the tax forms to this
address. Instead, see Where To File, earlier, near the beginning of these instructions.
Schedule N Product Code System
(These codes are used only with Schedule N, page 6, Form 1120-IC-DISC.)
Using the list below, enter on line 1 of Schedule N the product code number and percent of export gross receipts as explained in
the Specific Instructions.
This product code system is divided into two categories—nonmanufactured product groups and services, and manufactured
product groups.
Code Code Code
Nonmanufactured Product Groups and Services Furniture and fixtures Fabricated metal products (except ordnance,
machinery and transportation)
011 Grains, including soybeans 251 Household furniture
012 Vegetables and melons 252 Office furniture 341 Metal cans
013 Fruit and tree nuts 253 Public building and related furniture 342 Cutlery, hand tools, and general hardware
014 Greenhouse, nursery, and floriculture 259 Other furniture and fixtures 343 Heating apparatus (except electric) and plumbing
015 Cotton fixtures
019 Other crops (including sugar beets, peanuts, Paper and allied products 344 Fabricated structural metal products
spices, hops, and vegetable seeds) 261 Pulp 345 Screw machine products and bolts, nuts, screws,
021 Livestock 262 Newsprint rivets, and washers
022 Poultry and eggs 263 Business machine paper 346 Metal stampings
023 Fishery products and services (including shellfish) 264 Stationery and office supplies (including pens 347 Coated and engraved metal products
024 Fur bearing animals and unfinished hides and pencils) 349 Other fabricated metal products
029 Other animal products 265 Paperboard (including containers and boxes)
101 Iron ores Paper bags and coated and treated paper Machinery (except electrical and electronic)
102 Precious metals (including gold and silver) (including wallpaper and gift wrap) 351 Engines and turbines
103 Other ores 269 Other paper and allied products 352 Farm machinery and equipment
110 Coal mining products 353 Construction, mining, and materials handling
130 Secondary petroleum and natural gas products Printed media machinery and equipment
147 Nonmetallic mineral products and services 271 Newspapers 354 Metalworking machinery and equipment
(including limestone, sulfur, and fertilizer) 272 Periodicals 355 Special industry machinery (except metalworking
148 Sand, gravel, and clay 273 Books machinery)
730 Export management services 274 Greeting cards 356 General industrial machinery and equipment
737 Computer software 275 Manifold business forms 357 Service industry machinery
780 Motion picture distribution 279 Other printed media 359 Other machinery (except electrical and electronic)
850 Engineering and architectural services
988 Leasing--other property (except aircraft) Chemicals and allied products Electrical and electronic machinery, equipment, and
990 Other nonmanufactured products supplies
281 Industrial inorganic and organic chemicals
282 Plastics materials, synthetic resins, synthetic 361 Electric power transmission and distribution
Manufactured Product Groups equipment (including transformers, motors and
rubber, and synthetic fibers
Ordnance and accessories 283 Drugs generators)
191 Guns, howitzers, mortars, and related equipment 284 Soap, detergents, and cleaning preparations, 362 Electrical office equipment (including
192 Ammunition (except small arms) perfumes, cosmetics, and toiletries photocopying machines and calculators)
194 Sighting and fire control equipment 285 Paints, varnishes, lacquers, enamels, and allied 363 Household appliances
195 Small arms products 364 Electric lighting and wiring equipment
196 Small arms ammunition 286 Gum and wood chemicals 365 Audio and video equipment (except
199 Other ordnance and accessories 287 Agricultural chemicals communication types)
289 Other chemicals and allied products 366 Communication equipment
Food and kindred products 367 Semiconductors, capacitors, resistors, and other
201 Meat products Refined petroleum and related products electronic components
202 Dairy products 291 Refined petroleum 368 Computer and peripheral equipment
203 Fruits, vegetables, and seafood 295 Paving and roofing materials 369 Other electrical and electronic machinery,
204 Grain mill products Other petroleum and related products equipment, and supplies
205 Bakery products Transportation equipment
206 Sugar Rubber and plastics products
207 Confectionery and related products 371 Motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment
301 Tires and inner tubes
208 Beverages 372 Aircraft and aircraft parts and equipment
302 Rubber footwear
209 Other food and kindred products 373 Leased aircraft
303 Reclaimed rubber
374 Ships and nautical equipment
Tobacco products 306 Fabricated rubber products
375 Railroad equipment
309 Other rubber and plastics products
211 Cigarettes 376 Motorcycles, bicycles, and parts
212 Cigars Leather and leather products 378 Tanks and tank components
213 Tobacco (chewing and smoking) and snuff 379 Other transportation equipment
311 Tanned and finished leather
Textile mill products 312 Industrial leather belting and packing Professional, scientific, and controlling instruments;
313 Boot and shoe cut stock and findings photographic and optical goods; watches and clocks
221 Broad woven cotton fabrics 314 Leather footwear
222 Broad woven synthetic fibers and silk fabrics 381 Engineering, laboratory, and scientific and
315 Leather gloves and mittens
223 Broad woven wool fabrics research instruments and associated equipment
316 Leather luggage
224 Narrow fabrics 382 Instruments for measuring, controlling, and
317 Leather handbags and other personal leather
225 Knit fabrics indicating physical characteristics
226 Dyed and finished textiles 383 Optical instruments, lenses, binoculars,
319 Other leather and leather products
227 Carpets and rugs microscopes, telescopes, and prisms
228 Yarns and threads Stone, clay, glass, and concrete products 384 Surgical, medical, and dental instruments and
229 Other textile goods supplies
321 Flat glass 385 Ophthalmic goods
Apparel and other finished goods 322 Glass and glassware, pressed and blown 386 Photographic equipment and supplies
323 Glass products, made or purchased glass 387 Watches and clocks
231 Men’s and boys’ clothing and furnishings 324 Cement, hydraulic
233 Women’s, children’s and infants’ clothing and 325 Structural clay products Other manufactured products
accessories (including fur goods and millinery) 326 Pottery and related products
238 Footwear (except rubber and leather) 391 Jewelry, silverware, and plated ware
327 Concrete, gypsum, and plaster products
239 Other apparel and accessories 393 Musical instruments
328 Cut stone and stone products
394 Toys, amusement, sporting, and athletic goods
329 Abrasive, asbestos, and other nonmetallic mineral
Lumber and wood products (except furniture) 395 Artists’ materials
241 Logs and log products 396 Costume jewelry, costume novelties, buttons,
Primary and secondary nonfabricated metal products and other notions (except precious metal)
243 Lumber construction materials (including
millwork, veneer, plywood and prefabricated 331 Iron and steel products 399 Other manufactured products
structural wood products) 332 Nonferrous metal products
244 Wooden containers 339 Other primary and secondary nonfabricated metal
249 Other lumber and wood products products