Eportfolio Espuerta
Eportfolio Espuerta
Eportfolio Espuerta
Department of Teacher Education
Roxas Ext., Digos City
1ST Semester SY 2021-2022
A Professional Portfolio in
Field Study 1
Observation of Teaching-Learning Actual School Environment
FS 1
Observations of
Teaching and
Learning in
School Actual
Table of Contents
(FS 1 and 2)
Title Page
Table of Contents
Course Description, Objectives and Definition of Terms
FS Student Curriculum Vitae
Beliefs on Teaching and Learning
Certificate of Completion
Compilation of Worksheets
Chapter 1
Worksheet 1
Chapter 2
Worksheet 2
Chapter 3
Worksheet 3
Chapter 4
Worksheet 4
Chapter 5
Worksheet 5
Chapter 6
Worksheet 6
Chapter 7
Observation of Classes
Class Routines
Preparation of Instructional Materials
Class Activities
Assessment Practices
This will be the first experiential course in which a future teacher will be
Observation prepares you to be aware of and attentive to the learner and learning
environment; analysis prepares you to think critically; and reflection prepares you to
A portfolio will be required for the course. This course is designed to help field
study students validate their conduct in a real-world learning setting. It will require
them to recognize practical learning facilitation approaches that account for the
Course Description
This is the first experiential course, which will immerse a future teacher to
actual classroom situation and learning environment where direct observation of
teaching learning episodes that focus on the application of educational theories
learned in content and pedagogy courses will be made. Observations on learners’
behavior, motivation, teacher’s strategies of teaching, classroom management,
assessment in learning among others shall be given emphasis. A portfolio shall be
required in the course.
Course Objectives
Definition of Terms
Coaching and Mentoring - are the support processes to prepare Field Study
students and practice teachers in the experiential learning program.
Cooperating School - refers to the TEI partner school where Field Study and
Teaching Internship are undertaken
Field Study Course - is the first experiential learning course which will
immerse a future teacher in an actual classroom situation and learning
environment where direct observation of teaching learning episodes that
focuses on the application of educational theories learned in content and
pedagogy courses will be made. It allows teacher pre-service students to
participate and assist in a limited actual teaching-learning activities that relate
to assessment of learning, preparation of instructional materials, preparation
of bulletin boards, and other routines in the classroom.
Field Study Students (FSS) – are pre-service teachers taking their Field
Study courses in a partner or laboratory school of a TEI
Learning Delivery Modality (LDM) - refers to the program that describes the
different teaching-learning modalities by the basic education schools such as
online instruction (synchronous/asynchronous), radio-based and television-
based instruction, and other modalities
Resource Teachers (RTs) – are the educators being observed by the FSS in
a partner or laboratory school of a TEI
Nickname: Neggy
Age: 23 years old
Birthdate: July 14, 1998
Gender: Male
Citizenship: Filipino
Father: Arturo A. Espuerta Sr.
Mother: Evangeline A. Espuerta
Inclusive Years
College: University of Mindanao Digos City Year: 2018- up to present
Secondary: Wakat National HighSchool Year: 2014-2015
Elementary: La Union Elem. School Year: 2009-2010
Active Listening Skills
Leadership Skills
Computer literate
Good Communication Skills
learning philosophy is very important. Your teaching philosophy will serve as a guide
leader's responsibility to be the lead learner. Ideas and creativity flourish whenever
and wherever people are willing to study and share what they've learned. The finest
learning happens when you bring in experts, attend off-site workshops, or give the
training yourself.
Certificate of Completion
Reflection No. 1 - Observation of Virtual Class Environment
Reflection No. 2 - Class Routines in the New Normal
Reflection No. 3 - Class Activities in the New Normal
Reflection No. 4.- Assessment Practice
Field Study 1│ 1
Dialogue with two important persons in the teaching and learning
process, then inquire from them how is TQLR utilized as a strategy
of studying or learning.
2 │ Field Study 1
Teacher Grace's Student Gesthony
Listen: The learner
technique is to ask agrees with the
intentionally exerts effort
random questions and teacher's style since it
to listen.
provide points to the encourages teamwork
student who correctly and requires them to
answers based on the listen closely because
Field Study 1│ 3
student's willingness they never know when
to cooperate. the teacher would ask
them a question.
Teacher Grace will After each lesson,
Remember: The learner provide an student Gesthony
find ways to remember assessment to believes that an
what is learned. evaluate if they evaluation is
understood and necessary since it
remembered the allows pupils to see
subject. The teacher where they made
will be able to observe mistakes and grow.
which students As a result of this
require further assessment, students'
assistance and which thinking skills will
areas are tough for develop.
them to master
through assessment.
Create a cluster of 5 students (who gathered information from
different classes) in your class and discuss the information that was
gathered in the TQLR Strategy.
4 │ Field Study 1
I inquired as to what Student 1: She has
Question: The learner they had learned in
gained knowledge of
is given questions their teacher's lesson. the fundamental
about what s/he will
concepts and issues
learn. related to human
growth. On how the
human growth
process works.
Student 2 has learnt
how to demonstrate
the conducting motion
in time signature, as
well as what the
various time
signatures are and
how to accurately
demonstrate them.
Student 3: She
figured out how to
use the formula to
solve the problem.
Student 4: She learnt
about the
fundamentals of
dancing, as well as
the many genres and
how to distinguish
between them.
Student 5: He learned
about stretching
exercises and the
muscles they target.
Field Study 1│ 5
I asked them what Student 1: By taking down
Listen: The learner
strategy they used the important details of the
intentionally exerts
for them to lesson.
effort to listen.
understand the Student 2: By applying and
lessons. practicing the different
hand gestures.
Student 3: Practice and
examples are best for me
to understand the problem.
Student 4: By practicing
the steps and list down the
important details.
Student 5: Taking down
notes, visualizing the
images and practice.
6 │ Field Study 1
I asked the five Student 1: She said that
Remember: The
students if what they development is a
learner finds
have remember in qualitative term that refers
ways to
the specific to the process of
remember what question: psychological, emotional,
is learned. Student 1: Define and social changes that
the Qualitative occur as a result of a
changes in human. person's function and
Student 2: What are physiological maturity.
the different hand Student 2: The different
gestures? hand gestures are 2/4,3/4
Student 3: How it is 4/4, and 6/8.
important the Student 3: It is important
mathematics to our in our lives because each
daily life? person will balance the
Student 4: What is problem, and every
the different genre of problem has a solution.
dance? Student 4: The different
Student 5: Give me genre of dance are hip
at least 5 names of hop, folkdance, ballet, and
stretching exercise. modern dance.
Student 5: Head rotation,
quadriceps stretch, wrist
stretch, side lying leg lift,
leg bend stretch
Self-awareness or Comprehension of thinking
Summary of TQLR
self-reflection on skills has been obtained.
one's own learning Understanding of the
or thinking process. task's nature. Being aware
Understanding of of one's own memory
how people learn formation limitations.
and process Students should keep
information. It's all track of their own
about determining knowledge construction.
what needs to be
done, how difficult it
will be, and how
much effort you'll
have to put in.
Knowing how much
learning one can
realistically complete
in a given amount of
Field Study 1│ 7
Knowledge Progress
(Summarize in one
8 │ Field Study 1
The learner-centered principles are psychological in nature that
develop and incorporate the components of new designs for
schooling. It emphasized the active and reflective nature of learning
and learners who interact with external environment and internal
factors. These factors are put together by the American
Psychological Association as classified into four (4) different
factors contributory to an effective teaching–learning process.
A. Cognitive and Metacognitive factors
This refers to the mental processes involved in gaining
knowledge and comprehension to the level of thinking, knowing
“what we know” and “what we don’t know”. Therefore, the
learner’s cognitive processes are within their understanding and
control. Cognition utilizes the functions of the brain that will lead to
language, imagination, perception and planning.
1. The nature of the learning process. Is acquired through
the internalization of a complex subject matter that
ultimately constructs meaning by acquiring knowledge
and skills and ultimately influence man’s attitudes,
decisions and actions.
2. The goals of the learning process. Is grounded on the
principle that every child is a blank slate (Locke) who
acquire knowledge over a teacher-led instruction and
parents and/or environments implantation and development
of attitudes, values, and philosophy of the learner’s life
(Bronfenbrenner, 1979).
3. Construction of knowledge. Is a collaborative process of
learner’s ideas and thoughts built on an understanding of
science and theory created by a generative procedure. The
existing knowledge is linked with new information as a learner
widens his/her perspective.
4. Strategic thinking. Demonstrates the capability to innovate
and utilize the learner’s wide range of know-hows within a
particular situation. Reasoning, problem- solving, concept
learning, decision- making and planning are the essential
Field Study 1│ 9
5. Thinking about thinking. Is metacognition. It is encompassed
with the regulation of thoughts–ability to change simple
awareness leading to improvements of goal attainment
utilizing appropriate strategies, methods, techniques and
6. The context of learning. Depends on the learner’s ability to
connect his/her technological competence, school
background, cultural history, religious/political affiliations
and personal ambitions. The importance of the delivery
and acceptance of knowledge of the teachers and students
on how and what is taught and learned is dependent on
these individuals.
B. Motivational and affective factors
These factors demonstrate the quality of thinking and
information processing of the individual. Positive emotions
enhance motivation and facilitate quality performance; while
negative emotions detract or interfere with learning and contribute
to low performance.
1. Motivational and emotional influences on learning.
Explained by Edward Thorndike in the Principles of
Learning. Thus, the principle of effect is based on emotional
reaction directly related to motivational aspects of men. Their
belief, goals and expectations become the impetus of
learning. People learn what is personally meaningful to
2. Intrinsic motivation to learn. The step of doing something
without any external considerations. The learner himself or
herself is stimulated to learn for the sake of an ultimate goal
for personal interests and initiatives. Teachers are encouraged
to support every learner who has the curiosity and uniqueness
to search for knowledge.
3. Effects of motivation on effort. Persuades the learner to learn
more. The Taxonomies of Bloom (1956) and Krathwohl with
Anderson (2001) are hierarchical in nature. Likewise,
Simpson (1972) characterized the progressive level of skills.
These imply from simple to complex knowledge. When a
learner pursues to learn better, he/she seeks more effort and
energy. Corpuz (2015) said learning is an evolutionary and
painful process.
C. Developmental and social factors
10 │ Field Study
In Piaget’s cognitive development, a child biologically matures
and develops communication with the environment. In Erikson’s
psychosocial development, every individual should go through
infancy to late adulthood. As Canonigo (2015) stated classroom
activities, processes and assessments to various developmental
stages are necessary.
1. Learning impacts based on developmental
stages. There are four major domains in this
These are (1) physical development, which is defined
as directional biological changes in the body and brain,
(2) cognitive development, which is defined as
changes in the way we think, understand, and reason
about situations,and(3socialdevelopment.
10 │ Field Study
(3) social-emotional development are the changes in the
ways we interact with other individuals who express and
understand emotions and (4) communication development
with four (4) stages (phonology, syntax, semantics and
pragmatics) which are highly developmental (Provax, 2009)
When teachers consider these four, they utilize appropriate
materials, strategies and techniques that can influence a
profound learning.
2. Social influences on learning. Collaborative learning is an
educational approach to teaching and learning that involves
working together to solve a problem, complete a task or
create a product. When a learner is in the midst of an
instructional task, he combines the four developmental
domains together with his/ her peers and will eventually
develop a learning outcome.
D. Individual differences factors
Every individual is unique in terms of the ways they learn and
use their intelligence in different situations and learning
environments. Information studied by a learner is dependent on
what they see, hear, and do. It harmonizes with whom and how
they learn. The uniqueness of the learner is recognized by the
teachers whenever lessons are conveyed. Different aspects are
based on innate, inherited and acquired characteristics that come
from genetic make-up. The acquired attributes come from
education as genetic endowments interacting with the environment
(Clarken, 2012).
1. Individual differences in learning. Self-directed affected
through the external stimuli and sources reflected on the
learner. Student involvement with the teacher as a
facilitator in the classroom is a key source of learning.
Students respond differently in academics, curricular and
co-curricular activities. Facilitators, or teachers, must
study the “hows” and “whys” of people who work in their
own ways.
2. Learning and diversity. Learners are considered every
time teachers set the pace of their instructional plan.
Learners are diversified in terms of their physical,
intellectual, cultural, language, SES (socio economic
status), and racial ethnicity. Therefore, the teachers’
motivation, instructional materials, strategies and
techniques are greatly used in this context.
Field Study 1│
3. Standards and assessment. Appropriately determined by
every educator as performed by every learner. Thus,
assessment information is a helpful data for both. The
learner is expected to make satisfactory progress toward
obtaining a higher level of standard and the teacher uses
relevant assessment tools to measure one’s capabilities and
learned behavior. Teachers at the same time use
appropriate assessment tool in evaluating the learners. Let
everyone not forget that assessment is an integral part of
teaching and learning.
12 │ Field Study
Field Study 1│
Field Study 1│ 9
Element Answer these questions?
(Who is he or she?
or what school is
School or What atmosphere did you like in your school that you may call
Classroom it ideal?
10 │ Field Study 1
Task: Interview 2 (two) of your classmates and ask their idea about the 3
elements of teaching based on the attributes of each element.
After gathering information from your classmates, answer the following questions in a
narrative discussion.
1. What makes a teacher successful with his/her job or vocation?
When a student remembers information and shares it with other
students, it helps an educator be more effective in his or her job,
and most teachers are forming future professionals..
2. What steps willyou undertake to develop a child’s
mind? reminiscing about previous experiences
reading books
listening to music
eating nutritious foods
discuss upcoming events
Recognize and accept your weaknesses
3. What design can you give to make your environment conducive
to learning?
12 │ Field Study 1
Field Study 1 │ 13
A teacher who uses a guide during the conduct of teaching and learning
provide an effective and productive classroom atmosphere. Conduct an alma mater
visitation and interview two (2) of your favorite teachers. Ask the following
questions below:
Task: Post it. Post your pictures after having a “selfie” shot with your
favorite teachers.
Teacher A Teacher B
Field Study 1 │ 21
22 │ Field Study 1
Task: Dyadic Communication. Choose two (2) Field study students whom you
can dialogue with about their ideas or thoughts, behaviors, ideals, likes and
dislikes of a teacher.
Name of student 1
Behaviors Ideals Likes Dislikes
Name of student 2
Behaviors Ideals Likes Dislikes
Field Study 1 │ 23
► Our second ► The student's ► An ideal ► Professional ► Arrogant
parent in the behavior is teacher will
school community crucial in the analyze ► sensitive to the ► pre-occupied
is the teacher, learning process students' ability needs of students
who is responsible ► Unaccommodati
since each to acquire and
for instilling ► reachable ng
suitable learner is an retain
information and individual who knowledge, act ► self-reliant ► Unapproachable
appropriate can shape their as a consultant
behavior in behavior through to students, ► passionate ► Boring
students. The their life have a lot of
learner's belief, experiences. patience, and ► courageous
wisdom, and be creative,
values will be witty, and ► cheerful
formed through helpful.
the teacher's
24 │ Field Study 1
Let us reflect on this educational quote of Robert John Meehan that says,
“It shouldn't matter how slowly a child learns as long as we are encouraging them
not to stop”. This quotation gives the teacher a commitment to perform various
roles in the classroom. The teacher must create a warm, friendly and nurturing
environment where students listen, perform and be inspired from them.
Teachers use principles as their framework in the performance of their noble
duty. Principles are fundamental laws to follow in the pursuit of one’s life or
profession. In teaching, there are tenets that make a teacher and a learner
succeed with their roles. These are:
A. Principles of Teaching - Become rewarding if the teacher knows what to
teach (subject matter) and how to teach (method). Every teacher
organizes the three
(3) principles stated below.
1. Starting Principle. Questions such as “Who are my learners?” “What
is the subject matter or the course content of my lesson?”, “When will
this task be performed?” and “How and what will they need to be able
to work on their project?” The answers to all these questions are
educational endeavors that can meet the needs, growth and
development of an individual learner. The teacher’s knowledge and
understanding of the child’s mental (cognitive), emotional (affective) and
physical (psychomotor), stimulate, direct and guide the learners’
aspects (domain). Rousseau insisted that education should be based
upon the nature of the child. Like Rousseau, Pestalozzi emphasized
the importance of the nature of the child and propounded that to the
educative processes, the child must be taught in relation to the
subject matter. (Mondal)
2. Guiding Principle. This refers to the procedure, methods, strategies,
approaches and techniques, or a combination of all, to accomplish
the lesson objectives stated in every instructional plan. The type of
learners, the utilization of instructional materials and the assessment
tools to undertake constitute as well– guided delivery of instruction. In
a nutshell, the teacher stimulates, facilitates the class activities makes
the classroom student-centered with a self
– directed attitude among the students.
3. Ending Principle. The determinant of a teacher’s success in the
teaching- learning process is through evaluation or assessment.
Teachers conduct tests as an ending stage of the process. A list of
assessment tools is plentiful, which the FS students learned/ will learn
from the subject assessment of student learning. The result of the
evaluation is dependent on how the student learned the lesson, how the
lesson was taught, and how difficult the examination was conducted. All
these are reciprocal with each other. It is a general rule for the
teacher to be cognizant with it because it is an outcome of how the
lesson was taught. If theresult
Field Study 1 │ 25
is favorable, there was a strong connection between the teacher and
the student. But, if it is the opposite, reteach is the essence. When a
teacher re-teaches the lesson, objectives, materials, strategy, and
evaluations are modified.
B. Principles of Learning - “Learning” is not for the learner alone, the
connection between the learner and the teacher must be present. The
success of the learner’s learning is dependent on how the teacher has
taught the lesson. Mondal enumerated 12 principles; however, let me
summarize these principles with an acronym of FLAMES:
1. Facilitative and Functional Factors. Teachers facilitate the drives and
motives of the learners who ae “hungry” of knowledge. John Locke
believes that every learner comes to school with a blank slate and
teachers facilitate their learning. There are functional factors that will
make learning more facilitative and these are the intellect, physique,
emotion and community of the individual learner.
2. Laws. To learn is to follow the laws. Thorndike’s Laws of Learning
became helpful to the teacher and learner. These are the Laws of
readiness, effect, exercise, primacy, intensity, and recency. A
systematic and comprehensive structure to make learning most
favorable is greatly needed in the application of the laws.
3. Acquisition and Attitude. Knowledge, skills and values are acquired
through persistence and determination of the learner. This determination
is coupled with the tenacity to learn.
4. Meaningful. “Hands-on” exercise, experiential and problem-based
learning make the lesson meaningful and relevant to the learners. As
always said and repeatedly said, real life situation must be impressed
during classroom discussion.
5. Engagement. When the learner is engaged in the lesson, the spirit of
belongingness or ownership transcends to the learners’ individuality.
6. Senses and Stimulus. Man is equipped with 5 senses leading him/her
to a powerful absorption and usefulness of knowledge. Learning is
multi- sensory. When lessons are conveyed, appropriate instructional
materials and strategy are identified by each teacher without forgetting the
ability or disability of the learners. In other words, effective stimuli
stimulate man’s senses, which will lead to a better learning.
26 │ Field Study 1
Interview Guide: Interview a Field Study student and use these questions as
your guide.
Questions Responses
Field Study 1 │ 29
From these descriptions, elaborate these characteristics about lifelong education in
pursuit of knowledge.
30 │ Field Study 1
FS Student 1 FS Student 2
Reaction to both responses
Transformation Technology
► Lifelong learning is a The role of information and Throughout one's life,
concept in education that communication technology in transformational learning It
spans all periods of life as well lifelong learning is one of facilitates information transfer
as all sorts of learning. empowerment, creative based on the educational
improvement, and support. process, retained
Lifelong learning refers to the The goal of technology- understanding, and views of
transformation of students' assisted lifelong learning is to the learners. Continuous
learning as a result of use technology to improve innovation is necessary to
numerous components of teaching, learning, and maintain a learner's student
learning, such as behavior, research. Educational achievement by giving
experiences, school, institutions and other learning opportunities to enhance a
expanding development, and providers must provide learner's talents, insight, and
willingness to study. In order adaptable lifetime learning leadership abilities. This has
to convey knowledge to opportunities that suit the had an impact on the sharing
needs of learners at different and learning of information. As
others, learners must absorb
levels of competence a result, lifelong learning has
and develop an idea from the throughout their lives. People been ingrained in people's
teachings. Furthermore, pupils must be able to enhance their minds. In recent years, this
will be guided in strengthening knowledge, abilities, and way of living has injected new
and increasing their learner competence in a discipline as energy into the economy,
capacities through learning needed by using lifelong communication, education, and
transformation.. learning facilities. transportation.
Field Study 1 │ 31
32 │ Field Study 1
Field Study 1 │ 37
At the heart of the educational system, the school, check the facilities and
indicate whether these facilities are accessible and still of service. Put an
appropriate mark of the matrix below to indicate the availability and condition of
the facilities. Write a short description of the facilities listed.
Accessible Workable
School Amenities Description
Yes No Yes No
√ √ Is a streamline
1. Classroom
assignments, boost
collaboration, and foster
communication, also an
all-in-one place for
teaching and learning
√ √ Completes clerical and
2. Office of the Administrator
administrative tasks for
an office
√ √ Responsible for selecting
3. Reference library
new materials for a
library's collection,
replacing lost or
damaged items, and
weeding out old or
outdated materials.
√ √ Learners enhance their
4. Speech Laboratory
communication skills.
√ √ Workplace for the
5. Science Laboratory
conduct of scientific
√ √ It is a setting where the
6. Audio Visual Room
learners of all classes
experience learning in an
effective way.
√ √ family and consumer
7. Home Economics Room
sciences. Also, it is a
subject or class that
teaches skills.
√ √ is an educational
8. Industrial Arts Room
program which features
fabrication of objects in
wood or metal using a
38 │ Field Study 1
variety of hand, power,
or machine tools
√ √ organized medical
9. Medical Clinic
service offering
diagnostic, therapeutic,
or preventive outpatient
√ √ A large space containing
10. Leisure Center
different facilities for
leisure activities
√ √ A place where meals are
11. Canteen
provided in school.
√ √ Should have a good
12. Comfort Rooms
condition and enough
√ √ Student
13. Student Organization Office
organizations that are
supported and funded
through their associated
√ √ A space for faculty and
14. Faculty Room
administrators at
institutions to learn about
how maximize the
learning of all students
15. Others (please specify)
Field Study 1 │ 39
There are many school policies and procedures that advocate for the
classroom success. Significant learning does not happen without significant relationships
between the teachers and the learners, students with one another, teachers and
colleagues, teachers with the school administrator. The greatest key is the
teachers’ role with their thoughtful ways in starting the school year and focusing
on the learners’ needs and the learning community.
40 │ Field Study 1
Four ways of prioritizing the learners and relationships to create learner-
centered classrooms
1. Getting to know the learners. A learner-centered approach focuses on the
uniqueness of the individual and the relevant experiences where they are
empowered to work at their own rates and interests. Therefore, there is
no substitute for a facilitator of learning who knows the learners and design
lessons with authenticity, participatory and relatively learning experiences
for the individuals serve.
2. Designing the physical environment. It is important to note that the
learners felt great when it is welcoming environment to learn. A need to
co-construct the expectations with the stakeholders during the “Brigada
Eskwela” directed by the Department of Education, wherein the Parents,
Teachers and Community Association PTCA will meet prior to starting an
academic year. The approach is co-creating the local as a relevant
aspect of building community. Not only the learners have the sense of
ownership in their classroom but also the PTCA, as the organization
functions and learns so many amazing skills in the process. This approach
can be used to allow learners to do much more of the academic endeavor
since the physical environment was properly planned by the
3. Creating community agreements. In connection with the third way, the
learner- centered innovation is about moving from classroom
management to the classroom community. The school culture needs to have
rules and procedures that facilitate productive learning environments where
learners feel valued and a sense of ownership, much more success as a
teacher creating a school environment that fosters community
empowered individuals.
4. Learning to work together. The educational goal is to develop the learners
to start critical thinking on their own way through the complexity of life and
collaboratively with others. Then, itnecessitates building a strong
partnership and creating learning opportunities where they can learn and
develop the skills to do those needed competencies.
Field Study 1 │ 41
Using the SWOT Analysis Worksheet, you will do a personal analysis about
classroom management, as a manager or dealing with the process. Write at least Five
(5) insights in every quadrant.
My Strengths My Weaknesses
My Opportunities My Threats
Field Study 1 │ 43
Task 1: Classroom management plan. From the result of the SWOT analysis,
develop a Classroom Management Efficiency Plan/Practices. With the
given issues, identify three problems, then cite your goal/s of
categorizing such. Express also your strategies in order to verify the
observable characteristics of a well-managedclass.
44 │ Field Study 1
Task 2: Review and Reflect. Review on introducing classroom rules during the first
day of school. As a classroom manager, determine your approach and list
the classroom rules. Take time to reflect on the steps to present the rules to
the learners you are assigned.
Field Study 1 │ 45
A good classroom management is grounded with the establishedschool
policies. Policies aid to define rules, guidelines, procedures and protocols for
the school. All of these are necessary to help a school run efficiently and
effectively and ensure that the classroom facilitators and learners obtain quality
education. Schools have protocols for several reasons. These institute
acceptable behavior within the school premises, thus ensuring that the learning
environment is safe not only for the students, but also to the teaching and non-
teaching staff. Therefore, the stakeholders also help create a productive school
climate and this will be cascaded to the community.
This learning moves forward the standards for professional learning that
occurs within the learning communities to unceasing improvement and
Department of Education’s goal alignment. The lesson abides the learning
theories, researches and models of human learning to achieve a desired
observable classroom behavior. Henceforth, classroom management topic
applies research on change and sustains support for the implementation of
professional learning. These experiences provide the pre-service students the
chances to develop the required skills as a classroom manager. Furthermore, this
lesson is designed to enrich the knowledge on teaching and the use of the verified
resources of learning in the actual learning environment.
46 │ Field Study 1
as school principles and trademark that help hold schools and educators accountable
to the public and function necessary to provide the educational needs of the
learners. Ultimately, these are needed for the success and safety of a school.
Field Study 1 │ 47
In the school assigned to you, interview at least three (3) classroom teachers
and three (3) learners in any grade level pertaining to their insights on their roles
in the academic social order.
Classroom Facilitators/Teachers Insights on their Roles
► It
is critical to establish roles in the
TeacherA: (Optional)
academic social order. Teachers may set the
School: University of Mindanao Digos tone in their courses, provide a pleasant
City learning environment, mentor and develop
students, serve as strong role models, and
Subject/s Taught: Filipino listen for potential warning signs. To be able
to learn more effectively.
► Academic social roles should be
Teacher B: (Optional)
established since they will assist both
School: University of Mindanao Digos the teacher and the students in
City remaining aware of their
surroundings while learning. Each
Subject/s Taught: PE person has their own set of customs
and standards in order to avoid
conflicts and
► Academic social roles have an impact on a
Teacher C: (Optional)
learner's development during the learning
School: University of Mindanao Digos process, and they are vital in everyone's lives.
City Social learning is one of the factors that
influences a learner's individual success in the
Subject/s Taught: Mathematics community and society
Field Study 1 │ 49
► By recognizing social standards and
Teacher B: (Optional)
academic social order roles, trust and
School:University of Mindanao Digos City respect can be fostered. Learning could be
Subject/s Taught: P.E more effective and collaborative if these
elements were present..
According to the many points of view presented above, in order to have a meaningful
teaching and learning process, a different role for teachers, as well as successful teaching
tactics or processes, must be devised. In order to improve learning and self-development,
students must understand and implement various roles in particular aspects.
As a future educator, you should be aware that classroom management is one of the
most effective teaching-learning strategies, and that building cooperative and collaborative
practices is the key to maximizing each student's potential. Introducing different individual
norms is a very effective way to understand the students' unique perspectives, values, and
50 │ Field Study 1
In the process of learning, there are several effects that play a significant role
towards making teaching and learning a gratifying process. First and foremost,
the facilitators set the tone for a great learning environment. However, a lot
depends on the way the learners face the lessons and perspectives and overall,
learning. This lesson focuses into the considerations that learning is a great
commitment between the classroom manager and the center of any educative
process, the learners. Building up knowledge should be continuous; that learners
should consistently study so as not to have any gap in their learning.
Learning is like a series, and each lesson and studying time is a link in the
chain. If the learners fail to study or miss a lesson without making up for it, then
they automatically halt the learning series and right then and there, learning is
disrupted. For that reason, classroom facilitators are there to remind the learners
that both of them should stick to a schedule and that when a lesson ismissed,
itwill surely be made up for. Thus, the teachers’ and learners’ roles complement
each other.
Counselor Demonstrator
Innovator Researcher
Educator Resource
Coach Adviser
In teaching and learning work, the teacher has a rather important role in
creating a meaningful education that is taught to be accepted by existing
learners. Not only does play a role in educating the learning areas, but therefore
multi-faceted roles in the learning process. Same as with the learners have specific
standards and qualities that must be met.
Field Study 1 │ 51
52 │ Field Study 1
Task 2: Based on classroom observation and evaluation of the desirable teacher
attributes, describe the professional teacher by writing down a word or
words for each letter of the alphabet.
A- attainable
B- backbone
C- cultivate
D- dauntless
E- effective
F- facilitate
G- gems
H- helpful
I- inspire
J- jolly
K- knowledgeable
L- leader
M- magnificent
N- neat
O- optimistic
P- passionate
Q- quick
R- reflection
S- self-confidence
T- talented
U- unique
V- valued
W- wholesome
X- xenodochial
Y- youth
Z- zappy
Field Study 1 │ 53
Task 1: Rate Yourself. Ask a teacher to have a personal assessment as regards the
knowledge on the following domains by marking check () on the
appropriate box and how are these knowledge domains being enriched.
Technological √
Pedagogical √
I was able to broaden my content knowledge domain by employing successful approaches from a variety of instructors.
Introducing new
ways of looking at what's being taught. Understanding, applying,
Technological Knowledge
Enhancing my technical abilities by leveraging technology instruments to assist me in quickly gathering knowledge and insight, which I then evaluate
learning objectives, accomplishments, and organizing approaches for the success of our learning process.
. 54 │ Field Study 1
A. Make graphic organizers of the Original and Revised Bloom’s
Taxonomy of Learning
Original Revised
Field Study 1 │ 55
Answer the following questions.
1. What are the changes of the terminology?
The top two categories have been rearranged. The six categories' terms
have been changed from nouns to verbs, introducing a new category of activity
that can be seen and measured. Synthesis has been renamed Creating, and the six
categories' terms have been changed from nouns to verbs.
56 │ Field Study 1
2. What are the alterations of the structure?
The two categories above, which are the generating and evaluating this framework,
are the only alterations to Bloom's Taxonomy's Cognitive Process Dimension's structure,
which are sorted from the simplest to the most sophisticated cognitive processes.
4. How are you going to apply the schema in designing your lesson?
I'll use the schema in my lessons, starting with the easiest and working my way
up to the most complex, because it's important to start with the easiest and
work your way up to the most difficult because it improves teaching and
learning while also developing critical reasoning skills..
5. How can you activate the learner’s engagement using the Revised Bloom’s
Field Study 1 │ 57
Learning is any relatively permanent modification in behavior that takes place
everywhere. People learn mental skills, develop attitudes and acquire new
physical skills as to performing the daily activities. These domains of learning can
be categorized as cognitive domain (knowledge), affective domain (attitudes) and
psychomotor domain (skills). This categorization is best explained by a group of
researchers led by Benjamin Bloom in 1956 and later based on the analysis of
Anderson and Krathwohl in 2001 revision of Bloom’s original.
58 │ Field Study 1
A productive approach in implementing the classroom is the framework;
Content knowledge, Technological and Pedagogical knowledge. By differen- tiating
among these three types of knowledge in order to enhance learners’ learning
1. content (what is being taught)
2. technological (effective educational technology integration)
3. pedagogical (how the teacher imparts that content)
The three types are important package for the teacher because the
technology being applied must interconnect the content and support the
pedagogy in order to augment the learning know-how. These triangulated areas
constitute the three domains of learning, which considers the relationships among
all areas and acknowledge that facilitators are acting within this learning
environment. The domains of learning are a tool for understanding how people
think (cognitive), feel (affective) and act (psychomotor).
In 1956, Benjamin Bloom, et. al, developed a research on the major areas of
learning and thinking and classified them into three large groups called the
domains of learning:
1. cognitive (thinking)
2. affective (feeling)
3. psychomotor (doing)
The domains of learning are used in instructional design to write goals
and objectives for a curriculum. This serves as a means for the classroom
facilitators to adopt about involvedness and extensiveness of the topics when
developing lesson plans. Pedagogy is defined as the art and science of
teaching. Teaching is both an art and science. The art of teaching involves
creative aspects like instructional design anddeveloping classroom presentation
skills. On the other hand, the science of teaching is based on educational
psychology and research and deals with the learning theories and preferences,
how people think, the domains of learning and otheraspects of learning.
Recall that while it is good to fully understand the history of the older version
of cognitive domain, the newer version has a number of tough advantages that
make it a better optimum for planning instruction in the learner-centered
classroom. One of the major deviations that occurred between the old and the
newer updated version is that the two highest forms of cognition have been
reversed. In the older version, the listing from simple to most complex functions
was ordered as knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and
evaluation. In the newer version, the steps change to verbs and are arranged as
remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and the last and
highest function, creating.
Field Study 1 │ 59
Like cognitive objectives, affective domain can also be divided into a
hierarchy that isconcerned withfeelings or emotions. It is arranged from simpler
feelings to those that are more complex; receiving, responding, valuing, organizing
and characterizing. Since emotion draws both attention and channels strong
residual memory, it behooves all dedicated and artful facilitators to include
affective objectives, no matter what the discipline or area of study.
Learning within one domain of learning is often interdependent with another
domain. Psychomotor skills development entails cognitive knowledge of the
parts, concepts and processes for practice to be most effective. Some
educational learning models boost an environment where students do a high
amount of experimenting as a means to learn, but even in these situations, the
learner should be guided and mentored by the facilitator. These learning
circumstances are most successful with learners who possess high level of self-
directedness (ability to easily motive themselves who have a passion for
learning). Psychomotor domain terms are reflex movements, fundamental
movements, perceptual abilities, physical abilities, skilled movements and non-
discursive communication.
60 │ Field Study 1
Field Study 1│ 1
Print media
► research
1. books
► portfolio
2. journals ► Assignments
3. magazines
4. modules
Visual media
► Introduce lesson proper
1. camera
► encoding
2. laptops ► visual literacy
3. computers ► observation activities
► oral activities
4. cellphones
2 │ Field Study 1
Task 2: Evaluate the employed materials which captivate the school-children
in significant learning.
One of the most commonly used types of media was the Internet.
One way to keep the teacher-learning process continuing in today's
pandemic environment is to use the Internet. Even if there are some
challenges in today's environment, teachers and students can use
various technologies to carry out the teaching-learning process.
How can this media help the facilitators of learning to achieve the
learning competencies?
How can these materials aid to make students better critical thinkers?
Field Study 1│ 3
2. What are the characteristics of 21st century classroom? Make your schema below.
4 │ Field Study 1
work environment. Thus these will uphold the following essential learning and
innovation skills in the learning environment:
1. Creativity as they advance, implement and communicate ideas and
demonstrate originality and inventiveness;
2. Critical thinking as they organize, scrutinize and synthesize information to
solve problems and answer questions;
3. Communication as they articulate thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively
and share responsibility for learning;
4. Collaboration as they work together to appeal on the strengths of
individual team members to produce a better solution than what they
could have created on their own.
Despite huge changes in lifestyle and technology, the classroom today and
compare it to one in the early 20th century for sure desks/arm chairs are more
streamlined and there may be an interactive whiteboard or several computers in
the room but the basic setup is still the same. Learners sit in neatly aligned
desks/armchairs for the majority of the days’ tasks a teacher lecture at the front
area of the classroom. Fortunately, many professionals are trying to create a
classroom design for the 21st century in a manner that breaks out of the traditional
A learning environment that fosters learners’ personal growth entails personalized
classroom design:
1. Layout for flexibility. The motivating concept behind 21 st century
classroom design is flexibility that will push for personalized learning.
Typically, a classroom that includes some version of a group gathering
area, multiple seating options and a flex area that can be modified for unique
learning activities.
2. Furniture for utility. Portable furniture is needed in the 21 st century
classroom design to allow for maximum utility of the learning space.
Common examples of workstation options include yoga mats, exercise
balls, tables, sofas and floor tables to support flexibility schools with a variety of
different seating options.
3. Technology for integration. The key aspect of modern classroom design
is technology integration. The classroom uses technology not to replace
the classroom facilitator but a tool to stimulate curiosity and inspire
learner’s desire to learn. Any type of media that puts information at
students’ fingertips and encourages them to conduct research and make
4. Light-filled environment for selection. Lighting is beneficial as learners
use technology more frequently since dimmed lights make screens easier
to see. Bright fluorescent lighting is being replaced with more natural
and incandescent light through the use of windows and lamps, to make
them more comfortable and improve the learning rates due to expose
adequate natural lighting.
Field Study 1│ 5
Task 1: Observe a class then describe the measures how the teacher designs the
learning space. Reflect on the physical environment (cleanliness,
ventilation, lighting, display boards, seating arrangements and the like).
Observation Report
6 │ Field Study 1
Task 2: Take a picture of the classroom you are assigned and post it here to
evaluate the learning space. Improve it by designing a 21st century
Field Study 1│ 7
My Reflection
What? So What? Now What?
What was good So what have I Now what do I need to
about the topic? learned about the do after learning the
topic? topic?
8 │ Field Study 1
Field Study 1│ 9
10 │ Field Study
This chapter gives a strong foundation and a thorough grasp of the
management of learning and learning process. Giving prospective teachers a
wide array of activities and opportunities in the field that will help them actualizethe
theories into practice and will properly guide our teachers, to ensure that they
learn the correct concepts of theories, and allow them to experience the
meaningful insights from their professional courses.
On the other hand, this chapter presents learning theories and principles,
elucidates multiple intelligences and its many faces and how they relate to
teaching and learning. Classroom management techniques and motivation for
learning are also discussed in this chapter.
Field Study 1 │ 71
1. Review the different theories of learning specifically those that are
under the behavioral theories, cognitive theories, and social
2. Choose your top three (3) best learning theories and identify their proponents.
1. Why do you consider your top three theories of learning the best among
other theories?
Learning theories have an impact on learning practices by
recommending appropriate learning methodologies and forms that are
successful, relevant, and engaging for all sorts of learners. Observable
changes in behavioral patterns form the basis of behaviorism. It focuses on
reinforcing a new behavioral pattern until it becomes second nature. For
knowledge acquisition, the student relies on an instructor. Cognitivism is
centered on the progressive development of a person's cognitive ability,
which leads to a change in behavior. It represents the learner's mental
process. Constructivism is a theory that describes how knowledge is built. It
focuses on the design of understanding when information is combined with
knowledge gained from experiences.
2. A professional teacher must possess knowledge and skills that are founded
on various sound learning theories. Why is it important for him/her to
understand these various theories of learning in performing his/her role and
It is critical to comprehend these many theories of learning when
fulfilling the roles and responsibilities of a teacher, as these theories will be
used to assess the learners' learning results. It will also inform the teacher about
the learner's strengths and weaknesses based on the theory. Educators employ a
variety of strategies or theories to improve the effectiveness of the learner's
learning process as well as the teacher's instructions. Apart from that, it will
improve or affect students' cognitive, emotional, and socialization. By
developing these numerous theories, students will become more self-reliant and
72 │ Field Study 1
capable of making decisions.
Theories Of Learning
There are a lot of theories that are significant in today’s classrooms. According
to Marsh (2008), each theory is nothing more than a set of reasonable
suggestions. So teachers should look at the information available to them and
takewhat is necessary to achieve a positive learning environment in their classroom.
Some of the most important theories of learning are constructivism, behaviorism, and
cognitivism. Teachers choose their teaching style and strategy to complement their
students, to arrive at their version of the most effective teacher they can be. The
following are some of the popular theories of learning:
Behavior Theory
According to the behaviorists’ perspective, they are focused on the analyses
of stimuli and responses, so the methodology they used is scientific where stimulus
variables can be objectively manipulated and response variables can be reliably
measured. Behaviorists’ experiments used animals as their subjects that led
them to the belief that learning follows the same regardless of species and the
learning that occurs is the same in humans. Behavior theory is conveniently
divided into two types: Classical and Operant Conditioning.
In classroom learning, classical conditioning primarily influences emotional
behavior, while operant conditioning emphasizes the reward and punishment as
consequences of behavior.
Cognitive Theory
The cognitive theory is influenced by the Gestalt Movement. Later on, some
American cognitive theorists namely, Tolman, Bruner, and the information
processing theorists have incorporated the influences of the European but
they have retained their distinction in cognitive theory.
Social Constructivism
Social constructivism has recognized that learners can make sense of new
experiences by relating them to their own previous experiences and learning is
something that the learners do, not something that is done to the learners. On the
other hand, constructivism is a philosophy of learning founded on the premise that,
by reflecting on our experience, we construct our own understanding of the
world we livein.
Field Study 1 │ 73
74 │ Field Study 1
1. Review the Principles of Learning by Horne and Pine, (1990) as cited in Corpuz
and Salandanan, (2007)
Principles of Learning
1. Learning is an experience which occurs inside the learner
and is activated by the learner.
2. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning and
relevance of ideas.
3. Learning is a consequence of experience. In short, use
experiential learning as much as possible period.
4. Learning is a cooperative and collaborative process.
5. Learning is anevolutionary process.
6. Learning is sometimes a painful process.
7. One of the richest resources for learning is the learner him/ herself.
8. The process of learning is emotional as well as intellectual.
9. The process of problem solving and learning is highly unique
and individual.
78 │ Field Study 1
Principle 4: It is said that “Two heads are better than one.” Through this
approach, learners learn from his peers, groups, and
classmates. They learn how to plan, interact and try to solve
problems with his groupmates, peers, and classmates. They
also learn how to give/share what they have learned. The teacher
should make use of more cooperative and collaborative
approaches. This way, the learner learns how to live with
others and learn interdependently.
Principle 5: Learning does not take place overnight, it is gradual. Learning takes
time and a step-by-step process. Teachers should be patient in
teaching their learners to learn. Teachers should accept and
respect the right of every learner to commit mistakes/ give the
right of learners to make mistakes.
Principle 6: Learning often calls for giving the old and comfortable way of
believing, thinking and learning. In other words, we should
not confine ourselves in our own way of learning. But, we should
come out of our box and experience different ways of thinking
and learning. As a teacher, it is good to make our students
realize that learning is a difficult task. It is accompanied by
sacrifice, inconvenience, and discomfort.
Principle 7: Learners have an accumulation of different experiences, ideas,
feelings, and attitudes. These could be used as examples or
resources in every lesson. Through cooperative interaction, it
can maximize learning and learners could be used as a
resource for other learners to learn. As a teacher, we should
use the experiences of our students not just coming from
books, magazines, and other instructional media.
Principle 8: Learning is not only an intellectual process. It’s not only thinking
but also feeling. Learners learn best if their heart is involved or
stricken. Asa teacher let as also touch the heart of our
students in order for them to learn better if not best. Through
values and inspiration, students will be motivated to learn and
work hard.
Principle 9: No two individuals learn in the same way. Each person has a
unique way of learning. So as teachers, let us not impose our
way of learning. Let us give considerations to multiple
intelligence and varied learning styles.
Field Study 1 │ 79
80 │ Field Study 1
Observe a class and focus your observation on learners while the lesson is going on.
Identify how many learners display these indicators of intelligence.
a. Always gives the correct answer to teacher's questions
b. Leads the group in-class activities
c. Solves problems correctly
d. Participates actively in group or class activity
e. Finishes seatwork ahead of others
f. Able to answer difficult questions
(Adopted from Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching by
Dalisay G. Brawner, et al., Copyright 2018.)
1. Now that you have identified those learners who performed well in class
based on the indicators, have you also observed other learners who did not
display any of these indicators above? Comparing those learners who display
these indicators and those who did not, what perceptions have you
developed or gained regarding their differences?
Intelligence Examples of
Description of Intelligence
Component Occupations
Bodily/ The ability to use one’s physical body well Dancers, athletes,
Kinesthetic acrobats
Interpersonal The ability to sense other people’s feelings and Salespersons, PR
be in tune with them persons, Politicians
84 │ Field Study 1
Interview a teacher on his/her belief about the nature of learners and his/
her classroom management practices.
Several educators educate since they are always dealing with
pupils' inappropriate behavior. Teacher Grace claims that one of the most
significant aspect used by teachers in developing relationships with
students is for students to believe that their teacher genuinely cares
about them. When students perceived their teacher genuinely cares about
them, they are more likely to behave in expected ways. Teachers should
work on establishing authority, building rapport, developing effective
punishment procedures, and determining the needs of disobedient
pupils, according toTeacher Grace.
Today, effective teaching contains parts of discipline problems
but focuses more on providing a pleasant learning environment for both
the instructor and the students that is comfortable, organized,
engaging, and courteous. She underlined the importance of creating a list
of classroom rules with teachers and students. The rules should be simple,
brief, and explain the expected behavior clearly.
From the practices mentioned by the teacher you interviewed, which
technique do you find easy to apply and why?
I think that a technique that is easy to apply was personal
relationship of the students. Students are interested and cooperative
when they like and appreciate their teachers, and the classroom
environment is more enjoyable for everyone when teachers and
students trust each other. Apart from that, this is the first technique that
students will observe at the first meeting. Also, this is an efficient
classroom management strategy in which the instructor is present with
the students; as a result, the students will develop trust and rapport
using this technique.
Field Study 1 │ 91
With the advent of technology and the universal acceptance of diversity in the
classroom, the paradigm of classroom management of the past shifted from a
one- way flow of interaction to an environment of shared responsibility and learning
(Dañocup, 2010). This modern concept ofclassroom management has emphasized
the concerted efforts of both learners and teachers for them to create an effective
learning environment. Thus, effective classroom management technique is necessary
for all teachers and facilitators because it does not only include how the teacher
or facilitator delivers the curriculum, but also how the students interact with the
teacher and with others in the classroom and extend into the classroom
environment inwhichstudentslearn as well. Nowadays classroom management
includes elements of classroom discipline but focuses more on creating a
peaceful learning environment that is comfortable, organized, engaging, and
respectful for both the teacher and the students.
The following are some techniques/strategies of classroom management by Ryan
Del Guercio (2011) in his article entitled: Back to the Basics of Classroom
management. Guercio's experiences led him to implement his own techniques in
the classroom that allow him to have a better classroom environment wherein he
can control the unwanted behaviors of learners. Some strategies he incorporated
to establish control are creating a seating chart for students, always being
organized, and giving student direction just to name a few. According to him, many
teachers find themselves struggling to successfully teach because they are
constantly having to deal with the disruptive behavior of students. Also, he
believes that the most important technique used by teachers in building a
relationship with students is when these students feel their teacher genuinely
cares about them; they are more likely to behave in ways that are desired.
Moreover, Guercio stressed that teachers should focus on establishing control,
building rapport, creating effective discipline policies, and determine the needs of
misbehaving students. In establishing control, he emphasized that teachers and
students should devise a list of classroom rules. The rules should be few,
concise, and specifically state the desired behavior. The approach he made to establish
control includes: a) creating a seating chart for students on day one and if
needed, changes seats throughout the year, b) being organized as possible in
presenting the lesson because a seamless lesson provides students with little
downtime, and therefore fewer chances to misbehave, greeting students as they
enter the room and give them direction right away (sit in your seats, “take out
your homework, etc.), c) identifying class leaders and gain their respect because
the behavior of leaders that the other students admire sets the tone for the class
and these leaders may even help the teacher by telling their classmates to quiet
down, d) never argue with students whenaddressing misbehavior because
arguing sends the message that students are your equal
92 │ Field Study 1
and that is not the case, e) using polite words such as, “Please” and “Thank you,”
because impolite behavior on teacher's part gives student license to behave
badly, f) giving students clear direction and repeating the direction two times give
them a clear bearing to understand it, and g) using positive/ praise directions by
recognizing students who are following directions, like “I see Stephen has his book
out and so does Mark. Good job!”
In creating effective discipline policies, Guercio emphasizes on: a) making
rules clear and concise, b) giving consequence to the student must fit the offense
made and it should not be too severe or too light c) Teachers should be
committed to follow the classroom policies, so if you tell a student you will email
or call a parent, make sure you do, for the student to realize that you are serious
with your policies, d) gaining parents involvement as your ally in student's
behavior problem and gaining parents’ commitment will assist you in modifying
student's behavior, e) teacher should discuss briefly with students the consequences
they may obtain in making violations,
f) helping the student see the connection between behaving properly and
chances for academic success, g) utilizing the resources within the school
(school guidance counselors, school psychologists, coaches, etc.) to help with
disciplining at- risk students.
Moreover, in terms of building rapport with students, Guercio (2011) pointed
out that teachers should get to know their students. Future conflicts can be
avoided if teachers know a little bit about his/her students and observe how they
interact with others. He emphasized these approaches in building rapport with
students: a) showing students that you are a real person, like post banners of
your favorite team and talk about your hobbies, b) using humor during class
discussion, c) observing students to learn more about them, like find out what
sports they play and who is their favorite artists, d) attending school activities to
witnessstudents talents and skills and give compliments about it, and e) be
careful not to overstep the boundaries of the student- teacher relationship,
because sometimes students view teachers as their peers and say inappropriate
things. Lastly, he highlighted the importance of determining the needs of
students. He brought out two approaches these are: a) determining the
underlying needs of problem student who continually exhibit poor behavior and b)
if a teacher learns something serious about a student, he/she must remember to
contact parents, psychologists, or guidance counselors to assist the student and
correct his behavior. He emphasized that classroom management is an essential
element in student learning and sustaining academic achievement.
Guercio (2011) pointed out that the four principles described above should be
implemented to achieve an optimum result, and stressed that teachers should not
be discouraged when a student misbehaves, because even if your strategies
were incorporated,human beings of all ages will misbehave. What is important is
how teachers react to it that counts.
Field Study 1 │ 93
94 │ Field Study 1
Observe a class and notice how a teacher provides the needed motivation during
Write at least three (3) personal experiences that you have had in the past and
that you considered that may affect in motivation. Describe each experience.
98 │ Field Study 1
Field Study 1 │ 99
100 │ Field Study 1
Pedagogy comes from a Greek word, paidagogia or paidagogos, which means
attendance on boys to lead a child, or it is the art of teaching. It refers to the
method in how teachers teach. It is a relationship between learning techniques and
culture, and is determined based on educator’s beliefs, about how learning should,
and does take place. More specifically, agogos means leader in Greek and pedagogue
refers to leader. Paidagogos were slaves tasked with taking boys to school and
back, teaching them manners and tutoringthem.
There are important terminologies that student teachers should not be
confused when applied to teaching such as teaching approaches, teaching
method, teaching strategies, and teaching technique. A teaching approach is set
of principles, beliefs or ideas about the nature of learning which is translated into
the classroom. These are any guiding principles that are influencing the way a
teacher run the classroom. A teaching method is a systematic way of doing something.
It implies an orderly logical arrangement of steps. It is more procedural. Teaching
strategy on the other hand is a long- term plan of action designed to achieve a
particular goal. While a teaching technique is a well-defined procedure used to
accomplish a specific activity or task. It is personalistic and stylistic.
Teachers know that no two learners are the same and that there are various
learning styles. The teachers’ pedagogy, therefore, would have
Teacher-centered learning, its pros and Cons. Identify the pros and cons of
teacher- centered learning by checking the box whether the statement is
expressing its benefit () or drawback ().
1. Teachers feel comfortable, confident and in charge of theclassroom √
2. Collaboration, an essential and valuable skill in school and in life, ×
is discouraged.
3. This method works best when the instructor can make the lesson √
interesting; absent this, students may get bored, their minds may
wander and they may miss key information.
4. Students may have less opportunity to develop their ×
communication and crucial-thinking skills.
5. Being fully in control minimizes an instructor’s concern that students
may be missing key material. ×
6. Order in the class! Students are quiet as the teacher exercises √
full control of the classroom and activities.
7. Students always know where to focus their attention on the teacher. √
Task 1: Match what time-tested methods are being described on the left by choosing and
writing your answer on the right column.
Description Method
Lecture Method
It is the oldest teaching method applied in
educational institution. This teaching method is a
one-way channel of communication of information.
Inductive Method
It is a teaching method that promotes learning where
skills of observation, comparing, classifying, and
used to arrive at generalizations or differentiation
of concepts.
Deductive Method
It starts by giving learners rules, then examples,
then practice.
Socratic Method
It is a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue
between individuals, based on asking and answering
questions to stimulate critical thinking and to draw out
ideas and underlying presuppositions.
Teaching Strategy
It allow students to talk and listen, read, write, and
reflect as they approach course content through
problem-solving exercises, informal small groups,
simulations, case studies, role playing, and other
activities all of which require students to apply
what they are learning.
Task 2: Prepare a semi-detailed lesson plan by choosing any of the methods mentioned above.
Choose your own topic.
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
a. Define the Elements of the Basic Movements
b. Differentiate the Categories of Basic Movements according to their
c. Perform a new routine of Dance using the Basic Movements
II. SUBJECT: BPE 314- Teaching PE and Health in the Elementary
Topic: Basic Movements
Materials: images, laptop, videos
References: SlideShare and Slide player.com, YouTube
Prayer- By the student
Checking of Attendance
Review- the last topic
Motivation/Eyes Breaker: By Group (puzzle picture)
A. Activity
The teacher will divide the class into five groups. The teacher let the students
from their group to act as a leader. (Before giving the activity present the rubrics.)
Group 1: Will give their idea about the elements of movement of Space.
Field Study 1 │ 113
Field Study 1 │ 113
Group 2: Will give their idea about the elements of movement of Shape.
Group 3: Will give their idea about the elements of movement of Time
Group 4: Will give their idea about the elements of movement of Force
Group 5: Will give their idea about the elements of movement of Flow
B. Analysis
The teacher will ask the students what they learned from the given activity.
C. Abstraction
Discuss the Basic Movements and its Categories and identify to the Elements
of Movements.
D. Application
The teacher will ask questions to the students:
a. Why it is important to know the Basic Movements in Teaching PE
and health in the Elementary?
IV. Assessment / Evaluation
The teacher will let the students to perform the basic movements with music at
least two mins per group. (rubric will be given)
V. Assignment
Research and Read in advance about the Cooperative Activities.
Task 1: Below are different teaching methods, strategies and techniques. Identify
whether they are teacher-centered (expository) or student- centered
(enabling) approaches by checking the column.
Teacher-centered Student-centered
Field trip
Think, Write, Learn (TWL)
Expert Jigsaw
Inquiry Approach
4 A’s
Panel Discussion
Think, Pair, Square (TPS)
Snowballing strategy
Panel Discussion
Round Table
Case studies
Expert Jigsaw
Mind mapping
Task 3: Explain your idea in one paragraph what Chinese Proverb means which
says, A thousand teachers, a thousand methods.
Field Study 1│
Interview your co-preservice teachers and answer the questionnaire below.
Check () the box that best describes what applies to you. How well do you learn
from these methods?
Whole Class
Activities Very well Well Okay Not Well Badly
Lecture/Teacher talk
Question & Answer
Watching a video/film
Notice board style
Teacher led whole
class discussion
Free flowing whole
class discussion
Buzz sessions
Small group
Small group role play/
Group presentation like
group reporting, etc.
Small group
Group research work,
case studies, etc.
I learned a lot from many ways as a pre-service teacher. There are
many activities that we can conduct for the learners to learn, in my opinion.
However, it is contingent on how seriously the students take it. We all know
that students' earnings are determined by their level of interest in their work.
As a teacher, we must first look into the learners' backgrounds, their aptitude
to learn, and their willingness to learn. We may build activities that will help
students learn more easily as a result of this. Whatever activities you create,
whether as a whole, a group, or an individual, as long as we can pique their
interest, they will pay attention and focus on what we are teaching them.
Form a group with 3 (three) members each and share your answers on the
questions given below.
1. What did you learn about yourself after answering the questionnaire? What
are the areas that you are good at? What are the areas that you need to
work on?
In the previous activity, you learn that students learn in different ways. Thus,
it is very important for teachers to carefully plan andimplement appropriate
pedagogy that will provide students with unique experiences that will meet all
their needs.
Pedagogy refers to the way teachers teach. The pedagogical approaches
teachers utilize in the classroom affect learning. There are many pedagogical
approaches used in schools, but some are more effective and appropriate than
others. How effective the pedagogy is often depends on the particular subject
matter to be taught, the learning tasks, the various needs of the diverse learners,
and on the learning environment. Effective teachers believe that all students have
the capability to learn, and carefully utilize a range of pedagogical approaches to
ensure this learning occurs.
In the act of teaching, the teacher utilizes different approaches, methods,
strategies, and techniques. A teaching approach isa set of principles, beliefs,
points of view, or ideas about the nature of the teaching-learning process and
how this will be translated into the classroom. It is a way of looking at teaching
and learning. An approach gives rise to teaching method which is the step-by-
step process of presenting the subject matter. It is a process or procedure
wherein its successful
Field Study 1 │ 125
implementation will result in learning or as a means through which teaching
becomes effective. It is the formal structure of the sequence of acts. The term
method covers teaching strategy and teaching technique. A teaching strategy is a
careful plan on how teaching activities will be implemented to ensure that
effective teaching and learning occur. It is a plan of action created in order to
achieve learning objectives. At the planning phase of every lesson, the teacher
chooses what teaching method to adopt. After deciding what teaching method to
adopt to ensure effective teaching and learning of that specific lesson, he begins to
Teaching Approach
Teaching Technique
Task: Analyze each statement and write them on the appropriate column.
1. Learning is textbook/worksheet-bound and teacher-centered.
2. Learners take responsibility for their own learning and are motivated by
feedback and affirmation of their worth.
3. Learners are assessed on an ongoing basis.
4. The syllabus is content-based and divided into subjects.
5. Learning is learner-centered, the teacher facilitates and constantly applies
group work and teamwork to consolidate the new approach.
6. Learners are passive.
7. Teachers are responsible for learning and motivation depends on the personality
of the teacher.
8. Critical thinking, reasoning, and reflection encouraged.
9. Learners are active.
10. Rote-learning is encouraged.
11. Content is integrated and learning is relevant and connected to real-life situations.
12. Learning programs are seen as guides that allow teachers to be innovative
and creative in designing their programs.
13. The approach is exam-driven.
14. The teacher sees the syllabus as rigid and not negotiable.
Traditional teaching is centered on the teacher and the curriculum, and is
formal. It focuses on transmitting information from the teacher to the student. It
provides the learner with knowledge or skills, or both, but they are not coupled to
a specific context—so learning takes place in a vacuum. It belongs to the input
part of the learning process. On the other hand, OBE focuses on the process of
learning and the final outcome or result. It aims at equipping learners with the
knowledge,competenceandorientationsneeded for success after they leave
Field Study 1 │ 133
What is OBE?
Outcome-Based Education (OBE) is a process of curriculum design, instruction
and assessment that focuses on what students can do successfully at the end of
their learning experiences. In short, OBE designs lessons around
Intended Teaching-
Learning Learning
Outcomes Activities
(ILOs) (TLAs)
Assessment Methods
Please visit and observe a class. Fill in the template below as necessary.
FILIPINO, Pangalawang Wika, HUMSS
The Summarizers
The Interrogators I want to point out something
I want ask something about.. important like.
On the strategies that most The essence of the various
effective and less effective. techniques and methods of
a teacher for the
effectiveness of the learning
Domain 1: Domain 2:
• Demonstrating Knowledge of • Creating an Environment
Content, Pedagogy, of Respect and Rapport
Knowledge of Students, • Establishing a Culture for
Knowledge of Resources, Learning
• Setting Instructional outcomes • Managing Classroom
• Designing Coherent Procedures and Students'
Instructions and Students ' Behavior Organizing Physical
Assessment Space
Domain 3: Domain 4:
• Communicating with Students • Reflecting on Teaching
• Using Questioning and Discussion • Maintaining Accurate Records
Techniques; Assessment in • Communicating with Families
• Participating in the Professional
• Engaging Students in Learning Community
• Demonstrating Flexibility • Growing and Developing
and Responsiveness Professionally Showing
Task: As you visit a class and do an observation, take note of the essential
attributes or characteristics that the teacher should possess. These are
the personal and professional qualities of a teacher that may be
displayed or demonstrated during the teaching and learning process.
The Challenge: Observe two teachers separately regardless of discipline. Check
if the following qualities are demonstrated by each of them. If it’s not manifested,
you can simply leave the space blank.
Name: ETHYL SHYNE E. DAPIN Course & Year: BPE-4TH
Subject, Topic and Grade Level Observed
R – Reasonable and √ √
Appropriate Assessment
The Tale of the Two Teachers: Compare and contrast the qualities of the
two observed teachers by filling up the Venn diagram hereby provided.
4.Resilience- Encourage you in defying the 4. Calm under stress- You may show your
odds and regenerating while others true competence by showing restraint in
attempt to bring you down difficult situations.
Although there is ample room for natural talent, most teaching is based on
“tried and true” practices. Research helps us distinguish between what we “think”
will work and what really works. In this chapter, we describe what research tells us
about teaching skills andmodels of instruction that raise student achievement. If
you decide to teach, it will be your responsibility to keep up with the expanding
and sometimes shifting teacher effectiveness research through conferences,
course work, and education journals.
Before going to visit and observe a classroom, feel free to ask questions regarding
teachers’ standards using the wall chart of questions below.
• _________________________________
Intheir teaching practice, they constantly
Highly Proficient Teacher demonstrate
• a high level of excellence. They
collaborate with others and offer support and
• _________________________________
mentoring to help them improve their learning and
practice. They demonstrate a comprehensive and in-
depth understanding of the teaching and learning
process. _________________________________
Distinguished Teacher • _________________________________
They represent the greatest level of teaching, based
on global_________________________________
best practices. In the quest of teaching
quality and excellence, they are constantly seeking
professional progress and relevance. They leave an
EXPOUND indelible mark on the lives of their coworkers, students,
and others.
Industrialization, civilization
modernize, global, capitalism,
multinational, trade,
economic, technology,
development, migration,
overseas, accelerate,
deregulation, urbanization,
Conduct an interview in the school you are observing and in the school, you
are studying at present, about their opinions on the question “Which is more
relevant, Globalization or Localization?” From their responses, compare and
contrast the two concepts.
Observe and take a video (ask permission for this) of some practices of
teachers in the classroom. Please take note of some challenges they encounter
and use them for analyzing the lesson later. Please consider also thefollowing
Youtube links for further discussion.
Think-Pair-Share: Discuss about what you have observed in the class and
with the links you watched in YouTube by answering the following guide
1. What challenges have you noticed that teachers experienced in the given
2. How will you cope up with those challenges and become more effective
and efficient implementor of the lesson?
Field Study 1│
A teacher can be a good role model for a student who can inspire them to live
a better life in various means. At the same time, the life of a teacher is not that
flawless like everyone thinks it is. Like every other career, teachers are also
facing a lot of challenges. Though, good cooperation from
students,parentsaswellas school administrators can help them to overcome most
of the hassles they face and come out successful. Lack of teamwork, minimal
personal time, working towards long-term goals, arguments and studentexcuses
areamong some serious challenges they face in a classroom. Addressing these
common problems can not only help to improve teacher retention rate but also
enhances success rates of students and the ultimate quality of education. Here
we can have a look at some of the top classroom challenges faced by teachers in
the present educationscenario.
Visit a teacher in a school classroom and observe the way he or she
implements the lesson. Take note of the practices you considered them as best.
Make a matrix to categorize them into the domains and standards of professional
Formulate a HAIKU about your BEST TEACHER by following the format and
sample below.
Haiku Challenge
Then have yours by following this format. Write your HAIKU in the box.
Assessment plays an important role in the teaching-learning process. It is
conducted to assure whether the learners have learned the competencies taught.
It is also a basis whether to proceed with the next lesson or to re- teach the
Previously, you have learned that there are various ways to assess learners.
You were taught about the different guiding principles of assessment; assessment in
learning, types of assessment tools, authentic assessment. However, it is
important that you will have an actual experience of how these are used in the
actual classroom setting. It is also imperative to use your experiences through
observation of the real-world practices and application of teachers in assessing
This chapter re-examines your prior experiences in Assessment in Learning 1 and
2 courses during your actual classroom observation.
Field Study 1 │ 183
Interview a teacher and ask him/her to answer the following questions.
Have a focus group discussion with your classmates about the significant
roles of assessment in the teaching-learning process. Write your discussions in
the given table below. After that, write your reflection from your discussion.
My Reflection:
The result of the assessment reflects what learners have learned from learning
experiences. Engaging learners and giving feedbacks have a significant
impact on learners’ performance.
Lindstorm, Taylor, and Weleschuck (2017) have summarized the important
assessment principlesthroughtheirextensivereviewof otherrelated literatures.
186 │ Field Study 1
The following are the principles they proposed.
PrinciPle 1: Effective assessment should shift from focusing on
evaluating learners’ performance in isolation to evaluating learners
learning as part of a comprehensive design to support learning.
These assessment principles are important to assure that there are clear
directions as to how an assessment is crafted, monitored, articulated,
implemented, and evaluated.
Secure a copy of a class record from a teacher in basic education. Paste the
class record on the space given.
2. Do you compute manually the grades or do use electronic class record? Why?
3. What are the formative tests that you give to your learners? In
average, how many formative tests do you provide every quarter?
Quizzes and oral recitation, with quizzes following each lecture and oral
recitation during the subsequent class discussion.
No, because formative tests are not assessed because they are
the first steps in the students' learning. Instead, I use
feedback to evaluate the kids' learners.
5. What are the summative tests that you give to your learners? In
average, how many summative tests do you provide every quarter?
Exams, final performances, and final projects are all required. This
summative test is given during the class's last activity, depending on
how the lessonflows.
Assessment is an important facet in learners’ learning. It is used to measure
what learners have learned and have not mastered. With the advent of 21st
century learning, the assessment also evolves, including its definitions and uses.
The Department of Education defines classroom assessment as “a process
thatis used tokeeptrackoflearners’progressinrelationto learningstandards and in
the development of 21st century skills; to promote self-reflection and personal
Field Study 1│
Secure a copy from a resource teacher of each given assessment tool.
Attach the assessment tool on the space provided. After that, give your
comment/s for each tool given by the
resource teacher.
1. Multiple choice
a s I o b s e r v e d i n th e m u l ti p l e - c h o i c e q u e s ti o n s , te a
c h e r u s e d r e m e m be r i n g / m e m o ri z a ti o n m e th o d .
2. Matching Type
In this perfect matching type assessment tool, it will test the lower order
thinking skills of the student. By assessing the learners if they acquired the
knowledge using this tool.
response Comments:
4. Simple
In essay type of test is assessing the higher order thinking skills of the
student. It will ssdevelop their cognitive skills in reasoning.
The learning outcomes will have an impact on the topic matter of the exam items. The
SLOs state what the items should measure, so that's what they should measure.
Ingeneral, better stage wondering should take precedence over recollection, but this
decision will be founded on a large number of assumptions about getting to know
ultimate results. The SLO statements can also help with this. A general rule of thumb for
writing items is to avoid measuring particularly detailed and specialized information.
Use vocabulary that is appropriate for the evaluator's organization. Maintain
consistency with SLO expectations and make them easy to understand for all students.
Proofread and edit any gadgets, prompts, and commands to ensure that grammar,
punctuation, capitalization, and spelling are proper. Keep your use of words to a bare
minimum. Use a few extra words sparingly. As much as possible, cut back. Ascertain
that the object no longer promotes stereotypes or relies on race, class, or gender
values. Make sure the document doesn't contain any language that could be considered
offensive to any organization. Ascertain that minority hobbies are considered and
appropriately depicted.
2. Matching Type
3. Alternative Response
5. Essay
Assessmenttoolsaremadebythe teachertomeasure whatlearnershave learned.
As what you have searched, there are several rules or guidelines in making these
tools. Assessment tools must generally be responsive, flexible, integrated,
informative, multiple methods, communicated, technically sound, and systemic.
Some assessment tools are objective tests and subjective tests. Later in this
chapter, we will explore the other assessment tools in the forms of criteria and
rubric which fall under authentic assessment.
Objective tests include matching type, multiple choice, alternative response,
and simple recall. Meanwhile, the subjective test is essay.
Secure copies from your resource teacher/s of rubric and criteria for his/ her
product or performance task. Paste the sample rubric and criteria on the spaces
provided. Then, comment on the given rubric and criteria.
1. Rubric
Comments: The teacher construct the rubrics well, she used analytic rubric.
In Step 1, you identified what you want your students to know and be able to
In Step 2, you selected a task (or tasks) students would perform or produce
to demonstrate that they have met the standard from Step 1.
For Step 3, you want to ask "What does good performance on this task look
like?" or "How will I know they have done a good job on this task?" In
answering those questions, you will be identifying the criteria for good
performance on that task. You will use those criteria to evaluate how well
students completed the task and, thus, how well they have met the standard
or standards.
1. Demonstrate perseverance in working with difficult problems
encountered and choose appropriate problem-solving strategies.
2. Gather, interpret and evaluate information from different
reliable and valid sources.
3. Utilize 21st century skills to understand and address local,
national and global educational issues.
4. Evaluate the quality of ideas and select the best to shape into a product.
5. Participate and collaborate in creating a positive
learning environment for others.
The 21st century has revolutionized teaching and learning with the changing
nature of learners, skills, technology, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. These
changes are shaping the education spectrum so rapidly that educators can hardly
cope with it. If teachers cannot cope with these, they will definitely be left behind
with the ever-changing quality of education in the country and the world.
Hence, it is imperative for that prospective teacher just like you to learn and
understand these 21st century educational trends to better prepare you for the
challenges that you may face and opportunities you may encounter in the future.
This chapter will let you observe and explore the current educational trends in
the 21st century that are shaping the educational spectrum. In particular, this
chapter will deal with the 7Cs of the 21 st century teaching and learning, design
thinking and problem-based learning, education for sustainable development,
managing classroom innovations, designing learning experiences, and Education
4.0 and 5.0 issues and trends.
Observe a teacher and determine the traditional and innovative methods that
he/she uses in assessing learning. Write your observations on the space provided.
Then, answer the questions that follow.
Traditional Methods Innovative Methods
The conventional coaching strategy for Innovative coaching strategies are different
educators is to direct students to analyze ways to the teacher-student connection.
using memory and recitation strategies,
resulting in the students' critical thinking,
problem-solving, and decision-making
abilities not developing..
Guide questions:
1. Based on the traditional methods used by the teacher, what skills are developed
by the learners?
wherein students echo the teacher's precise meanings Students had to
memorize everything in the usual approach. They don't have a good
understanding of the situation. The instructor is the only one who can speak
for the other pupils and is the authoritative figure in the classroom. The
teacher frequently employs the question approach, in which he or she asks a
series of questions..
2. Based on the innovative methods used by the teacher, what skills are developed
by the learners?
Concrete Example: For instance, learning a foreign language, as well as cultural and
religious beliefs.
2. Civic Literacy
Definition or Description
Civic literacy is the information and skills needed to participate effectively in civic life
by learning how to stay informed, comprehend governmental procedures, and exercise
citizenship rights and obligations at the local, state, national, and international levels.
3. Environmental Literacy
Definition or Description
Environmental literacy entails understanding the ecological, economic, and cultural
linkages between people and their surroundings, as well as recognizing the consequences
of our collective decisions.
Concrete Example: Outside of the traditional classroom, there are a
variety of methods for teaching environmental education. Aquariums, zoos,
parks, and nature centers all use a variety of approaches to teach the public
about environmental issues .
5. Critical Literacy
Definition or Description:
Critical literacyisa critical thinkingskill that tertiary education aims to developin
students. It entails thinking about and evaluating ideas, as well as
synthesizing, analyzing, interpreting, evaluating, and responding to the materials
you study or concentrate on.
Concrete Example: Studying extra texts and generating counter-
texts, for example, as well as encouraging students to participate in
social action.
Definition or Description:
The ability to utilize, manage, comprehend, and study technology is referred to as
technological literacy. Media literacy, on the other hand, refers to the skills that
enable people to access, critically assess, and create or control media.
Concrete Example:
8. Information Literacy
Definition or Description
Definition or Description:
Artistic literacy is both a human right and a skill that may be taught. It is the ability to
attach each of us uniquely and meaningfully to works of art, and to establish links to
our humanity and the humanity of others through this process.
Concrete Example:
Definition or Description:
From the standpoint of sociocultural theory, social literacy entails more than the capacity
to read and write, as well as the mastery of literacy skills. In and out of school,
children can learn to read and write through social interaction with other children
and/or adults.
Concrete Example:
example. Respect for personal space, eye contact, and basic etiquette should all be
The 21st century skilled learners has also evolved as the world evolves. Decades
ago, we were taught that the fundamental skills that we must acquire were
reading, writing, and arithmetic (3rs), but with the robust change of technology,
knowledge explosion, and cultural plurality, the skills that each person must
develop shifted from the 3rs to 7Cs. Hence, these 7Cs must be the focus on skills
in the educational institutions that must emphasize as they train the minds,
bodies, and souls of their learners.
Trilling and Fadel (2009) suggested the “7Cs skills of 21st Century Learning.”.
1. Critical thinking and problem-solving
2. Creativity and Innovation
3. Collaboration, teamwork, and leadership
4. Cross-cultural understanding
5. Communications, information, and media literacy
6. Computing and ICT literacy
7. Career and learning self-reliance
These skills must be developed in schools; otherwise, students can never
cope with the challenges that may encounter in the future. Hence, if we
synthesize the concept of 21st century skills, they propose that educational
institutions must shift from “filling the mind” to “training the mind” to think. By
training their minds, we boost their capacities to develop the skills that will
prepare them for the future.
232 │ Field Study 1
Through observation with your resource teachers, document the creative and
research-based activities used by them. Ask the teachers of their objectives for using
the activities. Complete the given tables below.
Creative Activity
Name of Activity: Oral Recitation
Procedure/s: The teacher will throw the questions and the student will raise their hand for them to recognize
and answer the question, then the teacher will give points.
Objective/s: Pagkatapos ng araling ito, ang mga mag-aaral ay inaasahang naipaliliwanag ang mga
kaalamang natamo batay sa pagsusuri sa mga konseptong kaugnay ng bilingguwalismo at
Objective/s: Pagkatapos ng araling ito, ang mga mag-aaral ay inaasahang nakabubuo ng isang
iskit na ang mga usapan o dayalogo ay kababakasan ng mga konsepto ng barayti at register ng wika.
Creative Activity
Name of Activity: Identify the homogenous and heterogenous
Procedure/s: The teacher will say the word and students will guess if it is
homogenous and heterogenous.
Objective/s: Pagkatapos ng araling ito ang mga mag-aaral ay inaasahang natatalakay ang homogenous at
Heterogenous na kalikasan ng wika
Research-Based Activity
Name of Activity: Visualized game
Procedure/s: The teacher asked the students to visualize the culture of every
specific place.
Name of Activity: Video Presentation Procedure/s: The teacher will instruct to observed the video
presentation and list down what did they observed.
Objective/s: Pagkatapos ng araling ito ang mga mag-aaral ay inaasahang natatalakay ang homogenous at
Heterogenous na kalikasan ng wika
Attach below examples of pictures of two classrooms of yesterday, two
classrooms of today, and two classrooms of the future. The classrooms of
yesterday and the future can be taken from the web but you must cite where
these pictures are taken. The pictures of the classrooms of today must be the
actual photos of the classroom you observe. After that, ask your classmate/s to
reflect on the pictures you have attached.
Design Thinking
Design thinking as defined by Jackson and Bunning (2011) “is the creative process
of generating many ideas and selecting the best ideas from the many generated
ideas.” For Melles, Anderson, Barrett, and Thompson-Whiteside (2015), Design
Thinking has been revolutionizing education, business, and other branches of
knowledge through human-centered product innovation and strategic decision-
making. It is important that during design thinking, learners should brainstorm and
gather as many ideas as they can and later come up with the best idea and
eventually solve existing problems.
Problem-Based Learning
Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is an innovative teaching strategy wherein
learners are trained to solve actual problems in the society and environment.
Jackson and Buning (2011) believe that PBL encourages learners to develop creativity,
critical thinking, innovativeness, and interest through problem-
solving.LearnersinPBLthink of inventive and imaginative ways of providing
solutions to actual concerns of the society and of the world. In PBL, learners are
honing their constructivist way of thinking. This method is inquiry- based and
student-centered which gives an opportunity for learners to find authentic solutions to
the existing problems.
The PBL usually follows the six processes.
1. Defining the problem/s
2. Determining the method/s to use on how to solve the problem
3. Gathering data
4. Presenting a solution on how to solve the problem
5. Implementing the generated solutions
6. Evaluating the solutionsfor further improvement
Conduct an interview with stakeholders on their observations and experiences
on the quality of education in the Philippines. Complete the spaces below.
2. What do you think are the perennial problems that the Philippine Education
System faces?
The Philippines' biggest educational challenge is a short-sighted policy of
forsaking education quality and quantity for economic considerations. The
most important challenges and concerns in Philippine education that
require additional discussion, in-depth study, and quick solutions.
The quality of education in the Philippines is improving because as the learning instructions
and curriculum are change and improved for the students’ learnings will developed. I can
say that it is developing or improving because we are globally competitive.
2. What do you think are the perennial problems that the Philippine Education
System faces?
I can say that the materials are a major problem. This was a problem
before the epidemic, and it is still a problem now
I can attest to the fact that the Department of Education puts in a lot
of effort in this modular and online learning method.
They do a wonderful job whether the learning is modular or done
online. We are grateful as parents that they pay attention to us. The
modular system was devised since some individuals cannot afford to
2. What do you think are the perennial problems that the Philippine Education
System faces?
By providing her with the best advice available. She can assist as a
guide throughout the process in this circumstance. I also keep a
careful eye on my child's academic progress. I will always prepare my
child in the future. I'm giving her the best advice I can and pushing
her to stay in school.
2. What do you think are the perennial problems that the Philippine Education
System faces?
These were the books that we required for our studies. Were short on
Take photos of innovations made by the teachers in their classroom. Fill the
given spaces.
Teacher’s name: Rieschelle C. Orong Signature: Subject and grade level: Grade 4 Name of
classroom innovation made: Conducive Learning Photo:
Teacher’s name: Honeylyn Kristine S. Caraang Signature: Subject and grade level: kindergarten
Classroom innovation: Conducive learning Photo:
Ask copies from your resource teacher for detailed, semi-detailed, and daily log plan. Attach the copies on the
spaces provided.
1. Detailed Lesson Plan
At the end of the lesson the student should be able to:
Identify the fielding positions in softball
Differenciate the responsibilities and characteristics of positions
Apply the responsibilities of fielding positions in softball.
Our topic for today is all about fielding
positions in softball.
But before that ,let me first introduce the
history of softball.
(Teacher read the history) (students are listening)
I. Objectives
identified the different body shapes and body actions used in sports
performed the different body shapes and body actions used in sports correctly.
Content Standards:
The learners demonstrate understanding of body shapes and body actions in preparation for various
movement activities
Learning Competency
The learners describe and performs body shapes and body actions properly
III. Procedure
Preliminary Activities
1. Organization
2. Prayer
4. Warm-up
Lesson Proper
The teacher will group the pupils into two groups and he will give different pictures to the
pupils and he will let them identify the body shapes and body actions by encircling the shapes that can be
seen in the picture.
The teacher will gather the work of the pupils and he will check if they encircle the right
body shapes that can be seen in the picture.
The teacher will demonstrate and he will discuss in front about body shapes and body
actions used in sports correctly and he will let the students to observe.
The teacher will give time and let the pupils to practice the different body shapes and body
actions used in sports.
IV. Evaluation
The teacher will let the pupils to perform in front the different body shapes and body actions used
in sports and the teacher will evaluate if they do it correctly.
V. Assignment
The teacher will tell the students to practice at home the different body shapes and body actions
used in sports for their enhancement.
I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson the student are expected to:
a. learns to identify context clues
b. appreciates the important of context clues
c. use sentence and word context to find the meaning of unknown words
B. Activity
Divide the class into two groups.
Each group will follow the instruction given in the activity
The teacher will check the work of each group
C. Analysis
D. Abstraction
Proceed to the next lesson which is Vocabulary
Ask the learners about their ideas in Vocabulary Enhancement
Introduce the meaning of Vocabulary Enhancement
E. Application
The teacher let the students read the question on the screen and let them answer each
F. Assessment
The students will answer the given statement by finding the words using vocabulary in
With a partner, reflect on your strengths and weaknesses in planning
lessons. Then, think of ways to overcome your weaknesses.
Provides teachers with realistic methods they may utilize to improve learning outcomes
for all children when creating curriculum. The teacher must know what they want all
of their pupils to learn as well as the components of the goals that must be
maintained for all students. The means of reaching the goal must be kept separate
from the goal itself.
Furthermore, it is critical that teachers do not plan classes based solely on individual
student profiles, but rather recognize that each classroom of children is unique.
Designing learning experiences is a day-to-day task undertaken by the
teacher. It is one of his major roles as a curricularist to assure that what he/ she
teaches reflects the mission, vision, and goals of the institution he/she teaches, as well
as, the curriculumhe/she will implement arealigned withthe new recommended
Learning experiences designed by the teacher is reflected in his/her daily
lesson log or daily lesson plan. Meanwhile, a college instructor or professor
writes syllabus to design learning experience. These plans serve as the map on
how the teacher runs the day-to-day classes. These plans reflect the objectives,
content, time frame, methods or strategies, and assessment. Usually, designing
a lesson starts with planning, delivering the lesson, and assessing. During the
Field Study 1 │ 275
stage, it is important to first determine what you will be teaching. Second, decide
howyou will teach the content, andthird how you will assess learners’ learning.
These three parts are essential in every designed lesson to assure that there is
quality instruction.
The Department of Education issued DepEd Order No 42, s. 2016 or the
Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation for the K to 12 Basic Education
Task 1. Create: Design your own lessons below. Your designed lessons should be Daily Lesson Log and Daily
Lesson Plan. You are free to choose your content and year level as long as it is aligned with the K
to 12 Basic Education Curriculum. After that, ask your resource teacher to evaluate your DLL and DLP.
You may use a separate sheet if necessary. Write your DLL and DLP in the given template below.
1. Daily Lesson Log
A. CONTENT The learner demonstrates understanding of the four fundamental operations involving
STANDARD fractions and decimals.
B. Performance The learner is able to applythe four fundamental operations involving fractions and
Standards decimals in
mathematical problems and real – life situations.
C. Learning M6NS-Ie-111.3 M6NS-Ie-111.3 M6NS-Ie-111.4 M6NS-Ie- M6NS-Ie-113.2
Competencies/ The learner The learner The learner multiplies 113.2 The learner solves
Objectives multiplies decimals multiplies decimals mentally decimals up to The learner non routine problems
and mixed decimals and mixed decimals 2 decimal places by 0.1, solves routine involving
with factors up to 2 with factors up to 2 0.01,10, and 100. problems multiplication of
decimal places decimal places involving decimals and mixed
multiplication decimals including
of decimals money using
and mixed appropriate problem-
decimals solving strategies
money using
II. CONTENT Multiplying Decimals Multiplying Decimals Multiplying Decimals Up to Solving Solving Non-Routine
and Mixed and Mixed 2 Decimal Places by 0.1, Routine Problems Involving
Decimals with Decimals with 0.01, 10 and 100 Mentally Problems Multiplication of
Factors Up to 2 Factors Up to 2 Involving Decimals and Mixed
Decimal Places Decimal Places Multiplication Decimals Including
of Decimals Money Using
and Mixed Appropriate Problem-
Decimals Solving Strategies
Money Using
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional MISOSA Module Gr. 5 MISOSA Module Gr. NFE A&E
Materials from – Multiplication of 5 - Multiplication of Learning
Learning Resources Mixed Decimals; Mixed Decimals; Material:
(LR) Portal Prodded Math 36-C: Proded Math 36-C: Multiplication
Multiplying Mixed Multiplying Mixed and Division
Decimals Decimals of Decimals
(2001), pp.
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous The school hosted a Flash the following Revisittheprevious Flash the Let the learners
lessons or singing contest. The and let each pair lesson by giving some following and revisit their
presenting the new scores of two show their answers examples for the let them show experiences in the
lesson contestants in the using their drill learners to work on. their answers previous lesson.
Finals are shown in the boards. Then ask them to using their
table below: explain how to multiply drill boards. Ask:
2.4 x 6 23.9 x How do youknow
decimals and mixed
10 x 0.56= if a
8.25 x 0.4373 x decimals.
4.63 x 0.1 givenwordproblem
14.2 Then, flash the
following and let them 2.36 x 0 .01 involves multiplying
23.4 x 1.25 decimals and
show their answers 0.36 x 0.001
Ask: mixed decimals?
Answer the following using their drill
How do we multiply How do we solve
decimals and 23 x 1 23 x 10 such
Stage Presence
Technique (25)
Impact (15)
F. Developing Encircle the In this number puzzle, Complete the following Read, analyze, Replace each letter
Mastery statement that the number in each puzzle. ACROSS and solve this with a numeral that
gives the greater square is the product 1) 1.436 x 100 problem. will make the
product. of the numbers in the 2) 45.38 x 10 Theclassroomis following
Examples: circles on either side DOWN 1) 164 x 0.1 12.5 meters computation true.
1) 0.29 x 0.8 0.92 x of the square. 3) 10 x 3.83 long and 7.25
0.08 Complete the puzzle 62.8 x 0.1 meters wide. 3 . A
2) 5.4 x 0.17 0.45 x . What is its x B .
7.1 area? C .
[You may add
more word AB
and Division of
pp. 17-18]
G. Finding practical A student assistant in Mother bought 10.5 Mang Ambo found out that Ask the Point out that there
a kilos ofsugaratP52.95a another junkshop buys learners to are problem
applications of university earns P35 kilo. copper wire at P48.5 per think of situations in the real
concepts and skills per hour. The table Howmuchdidshepayfor kg. How much more could situations world that they will
in daily living below shows the it? he have outside the find to have no clear
number of hours she Ask the learners to earnedifhesoldhis4packsof school pat to an answer.
worked each day think of other copper wire to this junkshop wherein Ask them why it is
during a certain week situations wherein than the other one? multiplying important for them to
Day Hs our multiplying decimals Ask: When is it useful to decimals be capable of solving
Monday 3.5 would be useful to compute products mentally? would be different types of
Tuesday 2.25 them. useful to them problems.
Wy 275
Thursday 22
Friday 4.10
each day?
in thatweek?
I. Objectives:
Describe static electricity
II. Content:
Energy - Static Electricity
A. Science Concepts/Ideas:
A static electricity is an electricity that does flow. It stays fixed
on a location until a conductor provides a route through which the
charges can escape.
B. Science Processes:
Describing, inferring, generalizing
C. Materials:
Tissue papers, plastic sheet, comb
Module in Science & Health V, 152-153; Manual of Enhancement
Activities and Experiments p. 93; Into the Future: Science and
Health V, pp. 136-138 BEC
III. Resources:
C. Materials:
Tissue papers, plastic sheet, comb
Module in Science & Health V, 152-153; Manual of Enhancement
Activities and Experiments p. 93; Into the Future: Science and
Health V, pp. 136-138 BEC
B. Activity
Dou you know what will happen to the plastic sheet when you
rub it?
C. Analysis
The pupils will be grouped into 4 and they will do an activity using
the materials to be given by the teacher
D. Abstraction
► By using the plastic sheet and the tiny bits of tissue papers
the pupils will rub the plastic sheet with a sheet of paper and put
it above the tiny bits of tissue papers
► Observations and Inferences:
What happens when the charged plastic sheet is brought
near the tiny bits of tissue paper?
E. Application
Do the same activity using a comb to be rubbed in your hair.
What do you feel when the charged comb is brought close to your
F. Assessment
Describe what a static electricity is using a simple sentence.
VI. Reflection: The experiment is effective in assessing the learning process of the
Yes, you must create a lesson plan in order to establish a foundation for the
following session and to ensure the students' learning process. This tool will also
take into account their level of interest and the improvements they need to make.
Alesson plan not onlykeepsyou andyour students ontrack, but it also helps
you outside of the classroom. Lesson planning allows you to keeptrack
ofyour students' progress andproblems. You have actual paperwork of
what you've taught with prepared lessons, so you can refer back to it
later. If your students aren't grasping a concept, you'll know which lesson
plan to change, allowing you to learn from your own mistakes and
List your observations on the trends and issues in education in the school you are
assigned to observe. Write your observations on the space provided.
1. The Trends
2. Issues
Issues: Issues:
► Lack of school ► Corruption
facilities and
► Education Mismatch
such as classrooms, ► Learners’ poor reading comprehension
chairs, libraries, ► Not enough research publications,
computer laboratories, inventions, and innovations
science laboratories, produced
learner resource ► Learners’ cohort survival
centers, books,
► Lack of teachers who teach the
computers, etc. subjects aligned to their major of
►Limited internet connections specializations
Therefore, the focus of 21st century teaching and learning must center on life
skills, creation, and innovation (Puncreobutr, 2016).
The abovementioned trends now start to be utilized in the classrooms of the
present to prepare the learners for the future. However, it cannot be denied that
issues will emerge as we keep on gearing towards the full implementation of
4.0. Thefollowing are some of the perennial issues that haunt the Philippine
education system:
1. Lack of school facilities and instructional materials such as classrooms,
chairs, libraries, computer laboratories, science laboratories, learner resource
centers, books, computers, etc.
2. Limited internet connections
3. Not enough budget allocation for education
4. Poor quality and inadequate pre-service and in-service trainings for teachers
5. Poor quality of textbooks and instructional materials
6. Poor parental support for their children’s education
7. Poverty and child labor
8. Corruption
9. Education Mismatch
10. Learners’ poor reading comprehension
11. Not enough research publications, inventions, and innovations produced
12. Learners’ cohort survival
13. Lack of teachers who teach the subjects aligned to their major of specializations
There are still more to mention and more issues to tackle but the
abovementioned issues are the most common. But it is also important to note
that the government and other private and public stakeholders are doing their
verybest in order for the education system of the government to improve and
compete with other education systems of the world.
Education 5.0 will be expected to be more advanced and more complex than
that of Education 4.0. It is therefore important that you are equipped with the
necessary skills in Education 4.0 to better prepare yourself and
yourfuturelearnersfor Education 5.0 where both technologies and educational
experiences are used by the learners and the teachers to shape the world’s future.
Task 1. Each FS student will interview 2 teachers and ask how they apply the factors that
contribute the teaching-learning process.
Pre-school learners
Elementary Pupils
When I become a teacher, I plan to
organize the classroom so that they
cooperate, to radiate comfort and I will respond verbally to the
reassurance, to make a transition elementary students and maintain
plan, to refer to a routine (for effective communication.
example, we will perform a song Elementary students are always
exercise), and to enjoy my job. I will asking questions, so I have to set
be understanding when it comes to limitations for how long I can go
pre-schoolers being naughty because through my discussion.
they are still in the developmental
Task 4. Observe activities implemented by of your cooperating teacher during classes and
fill the table.
Describe how Describe
did the learners’ Give your
can you give
Teacher’s teacher attitude reason/s for
to make the
Activity implement the towards the the
teaching and
Teaching learning suggestions
Principle principle
On this part, Teacher Grace is The reactions of I'm not sure there Because students
teacher Grace very the students to are any other may become tired
urged students to understanding this form of recommendations with daily talks,
speak to the class because not learning concept for this we should not
on their given everyone has the are comparable to circumstance only focus on
topic same rapid those previously because, to be them. Simple
signals. How a reported. honest, this form activities such as
result, he simply Everyone is of activity is the watching
allowed the involved, and most appropriate educational
students to report some of them are for this type of Videos or allowing
as they wished, communicating setting. More children to
with another with each other. involved activities, participate in a
student filling in if I feel, allow particular activity
one was absent. students to put can also be
their knowledge beneficial.
into practice on a
personal level.
Teacher Grace Teacher Grace Students rarely I believe that . I made these
encourages pupilsasserted his make an effort to more interactive remarks because
to create a film authority and articulate their exercises like this quizzes and tests
based on the rights as a ideas, either should be can no longer
materials they teacher from the because they are included in the effectively
have been given. start, refusing to scared or future. Because it measure the
be biased and because they allows us to authenticity of a
providing a don't know the assess the learner's
stress-free solution. But, as students' knowledge. These
environment for far as I can tell, understanding of forms of
students. She is they're all the material. As performance
tolerant when it respectful and well as whether or challenges, on the
comes to oral react well to not they had other hand, are
recitations, but he Ma'am Grace's retained the more legitimate,
is strict when it teaching material correctly. and allowing
comes to methods. youngsters to do
performance so on their own
tasks, ensuring assists them to
that all grades are successfully learn
based on the and assimilate the
rubric itself. material.
Task 5. Expound the following quotations shared by different people. In your elaboration,
use principles of teaching as your foreground.
For Teachers
“Kids don’t remember what you try to teach them. They remember what you
are.” -Jim Henson
Be the person you your child to become when he or she grows up Kindness and
compassion are only replicated when they are genuine. Kindness is a virtue. Be
real in your feelings for each other. As a result of this, we will raise a generation of
decent people.
“I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they
can learn.” -Albert Einstein
On the basis, this belief appears to be the opposite of the idea that education and
teachers can make a difference A closer examination indicates, however, that if
education and instructors are to make a difference, they must take a different
approach. As a result, before taking on the task of teaching, teachers must first
understand how humans learn. Then they can devise their own strategy for getting
their pupils to think, assisting them in discovering it inside themselves, and
creating learning environments
Expound the following quotations shared by different people. In your elaboration, use
principles of learning as your foreground.
For Learners
“Bodily exercise, when compulsory, does not harm to the body; but knowledge
which is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind.” -Plato
A child's ability to play amid beautiful things is the most effective method of
instruction. Children are required to remain in the classroom and will participate in
activities that will assist them in learning more efficiently. This contributes to the
growth of his moral character and mental health. Good nursery training is the most
important component of education
“Live as is if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” -
Mahatma Gandhi
. This statement is attempting to convey to us the importance of living life to the
fullest. We should live as if we were about to die at any moment. We should, keep
learning as if we will never stop living. For students if they experience failed
grades, it doesn't mean that they don't learn. There are many ways of learning not
just school but also in real life situation. Enjoy of what you have learn as you never
afraid of being failed every move that you take it have a lesson that you can use in
the future
“Never let hard lessons harden your heart; the hard lessons of life are meant to
make you better, not bitter.” -Albert Einstein
Every lesson that students get from their doing and experience, they must
accept it religiously from their heart. Those experience help them to mold and
become a better not just a students but a total human being.
Task 6. My Reflection
What was good about the So what have I learned Now what do I need to do
topic? about the topic? after learning the topic?
The topic I learned that every child After I have learned the
enhances my ability to must be given a chance topics, in the future, it is a
know more about to communicate. Some of way for me to inculcate it
teaching. I've the teachers I have and use these strategies
encountered different interviewed said that to make my classroom or
perspectives on a "your students should feel students become better
teacher, and all of them your presence as a individuals. I must apply
have different ways of mother or father". It is not these techniques and
dealing with their a matter of making them manifest each one so that
students. It establishes their real parents in my the learners will have a
my confidence in how I opinion, but of how they better academic journey
could be able to help handle, treat, and mold and they will not forget
every child, not just their students as humans. the things I do.
academically, but It is not just about
especially physically, focusing on their
spiritually, and morally. It academics; there should
enables me to understand always be a connection
specific things to consider between the things they
when you are facing the do in a way that they are
world of teaching. good behaviour.
Worksheet 2
Name: Alwin A. Espuerta
Course: BPED Date:
The parts of the lesson plan are start with the subject name and what level of grade,
next is the objectives with the three domains, cognitive, psychomotor and affective. Next, is
subject matter it includes, the topic of the lesson, references, materials. After, the
procedure includes the following: Preliminaries, Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, Application,
then after the 4 As, proceed to Evaluation/Assessment, and lastly, the Assignment.
Aralin 4
Banghay Aralin sa Filipino
C. Pagsusuri/Analysis of
Ano ba ang masasabi n’yo sa larawang
Task 3. As a classroom observer, request a copy of one lesson plan
Worksheet 2. The Learning Environment |
Task 1. Observe a teacher and write down the learning practices and activities he/she does
and identify what theories were applied during the teaching-learning process and explain
why that theory was applied in that particular practice or activity. Write your observations
on the table below.
Describe the
learning practices
Theory Applied Explanation
and activities of the
► Good communication ► Social Learning Theory ► As learners improve
abilities were maintained their communication
abilities and get new
perspectives from others
around them, their
socializing will improve.
►Getting students ► Behaviorism learning ► It is the concept that a
engagement Theory student's behavior is
influenced by their
interactions with their
► Use Humour ► Cognitive learning
► Cognitive learning
theory has an impact on
students since
understanding their
mental processes can
help them learn more
► Clear and precise ► Cognitive learning
Instructions Theory
►By allowing students to
ask questions and ponder
out loud, this strategy can
help them understand how
their cognitive processes
work and utilize that
knowledge to develop
better learning
► Giving room to ► Constructivism opportunities.
individualized learning learning Theory ► It is based on the idea
that students create their
own learning based on
their prior experiences..
Task 2. The following are the principles of learning by Horne and Pine, (1990) in
Corpuz and Salandanan, 2007, choose two principles and observe a teacher how
he/she applies the said principle. Write your observation on the table below.
Task 3. As a future teacher, how can you provide the right environment and
conditions to develop the positive self-esteem of learner? (Formulate your answer
Task 4. If you were already a teacher, how would you present your subject matter in
meaningful and relevant ways that will engage the student’s interest and motivation
to learn. (Formulate your answer comprehensively)
Task 5. Observe your resource teacher and note the behaviors and how he/she
applies based on the following skills:
What was good about the So, what have I learned Now what do I need to do
topic? about the topic? after learning the topic?
The issue's positive According to what I've I need to continue
qualities will help me studied about learning learning and practicing
become a better educator management and the new things or be
in the near future; it will learning process, learners explorable in the learning
open doors to new are being prepared for process, learning in a
learning, and this topic their future and fulfilling variety of ways, through
will show how putting new their full potential as enhancing personal
knowledge and talents lifelong learners. This growth, and obtaining
into practice may be one indicates that they have a practical experiences
of the most effective ways voice and the confidence since more experiences
to boost learning. to speak up so that their equal more correct
Furthermore, one of the ideas and opinions are learned concepts and
most important aspects of heard and taken into knowledge. Learning is a
being prepared is to account in any situation. lifelong process, and I
address this topic so that In addition, I've observed recognize that we shall
ideas, activities, and that the school and begin our adventure
collaborative techniques teachers can influence tomorrow. A devoted
for managing the learning the scope and quality of student's strength is that
and learning process can learning for all children. there will always be room
be generated. Furthermore, focusing on for faults to be corrected.
behaviors and attitudes is
necessary for
understanding and
improving educational
Task 1. Having learned about the pros and cons of teacher-centered and learner-
centered approaches, write down and explain which of those benefits you will adopt
to actual classroom teaching as a future educator.
Learning Teaching
Teacher’s Information Topics
Areas Approaches
Name of Teacher: Ms. Eden ► Cognitive Filipino bilang ► Teacher-
Grace Alfafara abilities Wikang centered and
Date of Observation: ► Communicat Pambansa learner-centered
ion, language approach
and literacy
► Emotional
► Imagination
and creativity
► Emotional
► Emotional
► Imagination
and creativity
B. Preparation
Before I dig to our topic for today,
let’s have a recall about our lesson
F. Application
Opening Prayer (Let’s all stand up; Emma Good morning, Ma’am.
will lead the prayer)
► Reminding the student for the (raise hands and saying present when
classroom rules and regulation their name is called)
C. Statement of Generality
E. Illustration
F. Evaluation
G. Assignment
How did the teacher utilize the various teaching methods, strategies, or techniques to
effectively implement the lesson? How did he/she adapt instruction to meet learners’
If you are given the chance to implement the same lesson, what activities will you give
to catch the attention of the students and sustain their interest?
In your classroom observation, what learning styles were exhibited by the students? Did the
methods, strategies, or techniques used by the teacher match with these learning styles?
Is there such thing as “best teaching approach, method, strategy, or technique” that
can be utilized in the teaching-learning process? Defend your answer.
What was good about the So, what have I learned Now what do I need to do
topic? about the topic? after learning the topic?
Task 1. Fill in the box regarding your plans of becoming a professional teacher by
choosing an indicator strand from the four domains.
When I become
a teacher
I will choose (Domain 3) I will choose (Domain 4)
• Communicating with Students • Reflecting on Teaching
• Using Questioning and • Maintaining Accurate
Discussion Techniques; Records
Assessment in Instruction • Communicating with Families
• Engaging Students in Learning • Participating in the
Demonstrating Flexibility and
Professional Community
• Growing and Developing
Professionally Showing
Manila Paper
Scatch tape
B. Preparation
► Review the students by questioning:
C. Presentation
VI. Generalization
VII: Application
VII. Evaluation
Create and Demonstrate the Basic
stick exercises and Stances of
Arnis with music by Group.
Minimum of 3 mins.
VIII. Assignment
Name of Teacher:
Subject, Topic and Grade Level:
Effective learning comes to the effective teacher, to make difference to others start to grow yourself
to make a life changing. learning is essential to everyday living that make your edge to others.”
What was good about the So, what have I learned Now what do I need to do
topic? about the topic? after learning the topic?
The goal of this topic was As a professional teacher, After studying the topic, I
to learn about the you are qualified in need to make a list of
requirements for teaching subjects that can successful learning and
becoming a professional make a difference to professional teaching
teacher. As a professional, others, as I have learned approaches to the learning
a teacher should serve as a about the issue. Teachers area and put them into
role model, providing and students face varied practice. The pupils
positive, strong, challenges in the teaching- benefit from having a
passionate, or any other learning process, thus professional instructor.
positive feedback you can teachers devised a variety Being a successful
think of. We can identify of instructions and professional teacher
the teacher's readiness for techniques to suit each requires effective learning
his instructions and student's learning instruction that students
obligations as an educator standard. can use in their daily
in this area. This topic lives. The most essential
also demonstrates how the aspect is when the
instructor works to ensure students can communicate
that the learning standard what they have learned
is effective. from the teacher.
Task 1. Interview with several teachers on how they apply the principles of
assessment in their classroom. Fill-out the given table.
Principle 8. Assessment should be Students can easily identify what they should
aligned with learning objectives, concentrate on and how to evaluate their own
outcomes, and competencies. learning during the assessment process. Learning
outcomes can be used by staff to plan learning
and assessment activities and assignments.
Principle 11. Assessment methods Assessments that encourage students to use their
should vary to maximize learners’ higher-order thinking abilities, such as
engagement and involvement. performance-based assignments, can help them
build a deeper comprehension of information and
boost their motivation to learn.
Principle 13. Learners should be I engage my students in activities that will assess
given opportunities to self-assess. their own self like; collaboration and teamwork,
Motivation, Leadership, Problem-solving, Decision-
making skills, Working under pressure,
Communication, and Adaptability
Principle 17. Teachers should Teachers can use assessment data to create their
collect and use assessment data to own tailored strategy for problematic students.
develop new assessment strategies Personalizing a kid's plan can look extremely
and instructional interventions. different each time, but it should have a few
common elements, such as a mechanism for the
student, instructor, and families involved to track
and monitor progress
Principle 18. An institution-wide Assessment is typically grouped by grade level or
range of grade standards should be grade span in each academic area.
Task 2. Observe your resource teacher and give concrete examples of the type of
assessment that he/she use.
► formative Assessment
► Pre- and post-tests,
performance tasks, products,
and short paper-and-pencil tests
are some instances of this.
As Of
Learning As Learning
► Peer-evaluation Assessment of learning
► Self-Assessment ► Summative test (includes quizzes,
tests, exams, projects)
► IPSTIVE Assessment
► graded
► The outcomes of assessment as
learning are documented and
communicated to students and their
Task 3. Interview a teacher and ask him/her about his/her experiences in making
assessment tools. Let him/her respond to the questions. Write his/her responses in
the given table below.
Task 3. Make your criteria in each given product. Write your answer in each given
1. Essay
2. Drawing/Painting
Task 4. Make your own sample rubric in each given performance. (Just select either
Analytic or Holistic)
1. Role play/Dramatization
2. Cooking Demonstration
3. Research Presentation
Task 6. My Reflection
After conducting my interview, I realized that…
What was good about the So, what have I learned Now what do I need to do
topic? about the topic? after learning the topic?
By analyzing what the student Assessment has an impact The evaluation should
knows, how he learns, and how on how students learn, their encourage effective
he compares to his classmates, drive to learn, and how
the instructor and student may teachers teach. Assessments material learning while
work together to establish are performed for a number discouraging poor study
appropriate learning goals. of purposes. Assessment for practices. Instead of
Assessing a student's knowledge learning: Teachers can better depending on short-term
is more difficult than it appears. plan and direct lessons and memorizing for
In order for the instructor to offer helpful feedback to
effectively assess what the students when they utilize examinations, students
students know, they must be ableassessment to get insight should be pushed to think
to explain it. These themes have into what pupils more thoroughly about
the advantage of allowing comprehend. Assessment is what they are studying. In
students to accurately judge an important learning
themselves. How to phrase technique that may assist
the future, I will evaluate
queries in a way that is both students in becoming more the best assessment that
legitimate and trustworthy. successful learners. The will allow learners to
evaluation of students exercise their higher order
should be done in thinking abilities,
accordance with the
curriculum goals and
allowing them to progress
educational objectives. and develop further. They
will be able to assist them
become more informed in
the learning process,
which they will use in
their daily lives, as a
result of this.
Course: Date:
Task 1. Answer the following questions briefly. Write your answers on the blanks
1. Why should teachers focus their strategies and assessment on the 21st
century skills?
Teachers must have a thorough understanding of the learners' requirements
and interests. Students, I feel, learn in a variety of ways, particularly in this
age of technology. Learning techniques and assessments should be consistent
and effective in order to measure what is intended to be measured.
3. What do you think will be the future skills which will be added in the present
21st century skills? Why?
Perhaps having a good set of technological abilities. As we all know,
technology has a direct impact on us in a variety of ways, including culture,
customs, and even our way of life. It's already anticipated to have gained this
sort of talent, and I believe that this can assist each of us in understanding
anything that revolves around this current society, which we previously had
doubts about.
4. What will you do in the future to develop learners who have a well “trained
I'm not going to trust what they've previously taught me. Perhaps
I'll have to continue to push them to their boundaries in order to truly assess
their abilities. I should design an activity that will put their talents as a well-trained
student to the test.
Design Problem-Based
Thinking Learning
Task 3. Request from your resource teachers to share with you the Design Thinking and
Problem-Based Learning activities they used in the classroom. Write their responses in the
given table.
Design Problem-
Teacher’s Information
Thinking Based
Activities Learning
Teacher’s Name: 1. Students desire a 1. Students proposing
Edeb Grace Alfafara society that reflects the ideas and developing their
diversity of learners in the own campaign or initiative
area. to address a social
Subject taught:
Task 5. Answer the following questions briefly. Write your answers in the blank
1. Where are the aims of Sustainable Development and Education for
Sustainable Development?
The fundamental goal of Sustainable Development and Sustainable
Development Education is to organize society in such a way that it can
survive in the long run. This entails taking into account both current and
future imperatives, such as environmental and natural resource protection,
as well as social and economic fairness. It also attempts to ensure that
human civilizations may survive and satisfy their needs without
jeopardizing future generations' ability to meet their own.
Every human being in the Philippines has the opportunity to gain the information,
skills, attitudes, and values essential to build a sustainable future. It also necessitates
interactive teaching and learning techniques that encourage and empower students to
modify their behavior and take action in the interest of long-term sustainability.
8 yrs
Highest Educational
College degree
Teacher’s Name:
Eden Grace Alfafara
2. Is the online course/seminar for free or with pay? If there was a fee, how much did you
It is, in fact, completely free. The good news is that anyone may attend
or participate in the seminar. It is sufficient to regard attendance as
Worksheet 7. The 21st Century Teaching and
Learning | 5
a prerequisite if you are willing to listen and apply the learnings being addressed.
4. What challenges have you had while taking the online course/seminar?
For the time being, yes, safety has been much improved.
If everything is back to normal, I strongly advise you to build a seminar
that is physically or physically present to the audience so that they may
experience or embrace the true spirit of attending such seminars.
What was good about the So, what have I learned Now what do I need to do
topic? about the topic? after learning the topic?
I had the opportunity to observe Ms. Eden Grace Alfafara and the Student Practice
Teachers during the course Field Study 1 Observation of Teaching and Learning in a
School Actual Environment. Ms. Eden Grace Alfafara works as a Fil-1s adviser at the
University of Mindanao Digos City. Teaching is an art and learning is a science. Both
must collaborate in order to optimize experiential learning. The ability to perceive is
valued in every profession. Reflective practice is necessary for prospective teachers
to be intelligent decision-makers who are self-determined to examine a situation.
For my classroom observation, I was able to sit in on an eleventh-grade normal
classroom. A list of items pertaining to the teacher's classroom design follows. I
enquired about the teachers' educational aims, and I wasn't surprised to learn that
we had some of the same goals. She aspired to provide the best education possible
and to go above and beyond the call of duty to make that a reality. If a student needs
extra tutorial help because she is performing below grade level, she will create a
schedule to meet her needs.
The purpose of the study was to learn what teachers thought about virtual reality.
Teachers then spent two months experimenting with virtual reality in their
classrooms. According to the findings, various virtual reality approaches were used
in the classroom, including Google Cardboard. According to the teachers, virtual
reality in the classroom aroused students' attention, boosted their creativity, allowed
students to take virtual vacations, raised motivation, improved students' technology
literacy, customized instruction, and helped students understand complex ideas.
Teachers were not asked about the potential negatives of using virtual reality,
although they did mention interactivity as a concern.
Reflection No. 2 - Class Routines in the New Normal
Because the country is still in the midst of a national health and economic
catastrophe, education must continue, but it will not require face-to-face connection until
a vaccine is made accessible to the general population and in order to protect our
students and teachers from infection dangers. This is an accurate portrayal of the new
typical learning delivery style flow. In private basic education colleges, there are a
variety of teaching and learning methods accessible. Online training is the most
practical approach because the usage of a digital learning environment is encouraged.
However, not all academic institutions are prepared to implement online learning or
have the financial resources to do so.
Classes are now two to three times a week at the University of Mindanao Digos
City in Davao del Sur, according to my observations. The teacher will create a Google
meet link that students will be able to access and join in a classroom. It is a vital stage
in the teaching-learning process, particularly in lower grades when modular materials
are used, in this time of pandemic. I've also seen that numerous of the instructions in
class procedures, notably in the learners' activities, aren't being followed. Students'
learning processes are being harmed by the online teaching-learning environment,
which is causing them to lose focus on their studies.
Our new normal will be transitory as of today, and we shall impose safety on one
another, particularly our families. Because in-class routines have an impact on students'
learning processes, teachers must construct distinctive lesson plans to make learning
more exciting, even if we are in a new customary setting. In the classroom, routines are
designed to ensure that each student's teaching-learning process runs as smoothly as
possible. We all know that adjusting to the new normal is difficult, especially in areas
with inadequate internet access, but in order to reach our goals, we must be more
creative and make compromises so that both parties receive appropriate learning
Reflection No. 3 - Class Activities in the New Normal
Schools and educational institutions are scrambling to set up digital and technical
infrastructures to support whatever sort of virtual learning they select. As a result of the
challenges of maintaining learning continuity during school closures, online learning is
being pushed further and deeper throughout this epidemic. Quipper, Google Meet, and
Google Classroom have all become household names as a result of video conferencing,
which is designed to mimic face-to-face learning. Online learning has been shown to be
a useful tool for continuous education. While some schools have been effective, others
have been heavily criticized by students, parents, and even teachers..
Physical activities were not practiced in many ways in the new normal, and class
activities were tough. Making class activities allows students to learn in a productive
way, which may or may not be one of the reasons why students stop self-educating. It is
not the time to place so much pressure on the kids in terms of activities that we do not
receive any feedback from the teachers in order to discover areas where the lesson has
to be improved. I'm hoping that this type of teacher develops a better understanding of
his or her goals. One method for efficient learning is to make pupils feel at ease in the
Furthermore, evaluation processes are crucial in the field of education. They not
only show what students have learned, but they also provide important information
regarding the performance of a lesson, unit, or curriculum. A variety of assessment
approaches must be used to determine pupils' comprehension. Students that take part
in the evaluation process can discover how far their knowledge has grown, as well as
get motivation and pride to keep going on their search for knowledge.
Name of
All questions All questions Questions were Three to Four Five or more
were answered were answered not answered questions were not questions were
completely; completely; completely; answered not answered
answers are answers are answers are not completely; completely;
with depth and clearly clearly answers are not answers are not
2. Analysis and are thoroughly connected to connected to connected to totally connected
Reflections grounded on theories; theories; one to theories; four to to theories;
theories; grammar and three five grammatical / grammatical /
grammar and spelling are grammatical / spelling errors. spelling errors
spelling are free from spelling errors. are evident.
free from errors.
11-12-- Needs Improvement (75-79)
13-14 -Developing (80-84)
15-16 – Satisfactory (85-89)
17-18 – Proficient (90-94)
19-20 – Excellent (95-100)