Refit Manual - (CGBR 381)

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CGBR 381

(Unclassified Edition)


Directorate of Fleet Maintenance

Coast Guard Headquarters, New Delhi - 110001



The increasing fleet size and the variety of machinery and systems therein have
enhanced the complexity of refits as well as the frequency of occurrence of refits in the
ICG. The requirement to meet the quality standards as well as the time line for refits
necessitates laying down of procedures and guidelines which are in line with contemporary
challenges as well as technological advancements. The Refit Manual has been prepared
in accordance with these objectives.

The contents of the Refit Manual, particularly with regard to Offloading of Refits,
are largely based on DPM-2009 and Supplement 2010 to DPM-2009. Efforts have been
made to streamline and reform the procedures and processes involved in Refit Management
and actual conduct of refits based on inputs and suggestions received from all Regions as
well as the experience gained since inception of the service. Policy changes in areas of
type and periodicity of refits and documentation related to refit monitoring have been
incorporated to improve the efficacy of refits, reduce operational downtime and ensure role
worthiness of ships throughout their life span. Efforts have also been made to address
the shortcomings and ambiguities in the existing policies and provide amplification to
DPM-2009, wherever necessary.

The Refit Manual consequently supersedes all policy letters and Coast Guard Orders
on matters related to Refits and all such letters/ orders issued till date in the service stand
cancelled. In case of any deviation/contradiction in the Refit Manual with respect to
DPM 2009, or in case of any ambiguity/contradiction observed within the Refit Manual
itself, the same is to be referred to CGHQ for clarification. The Refit Manual also needs to
be updated in tune with changes in procedures, technology and service objectives. This
would necessitate regular rendition of recommendations/ suggestions from all Regions.
Adequate blank pages are inserted in the beginning of this Refit Manual for appending all
amendments which may need to be incorporated from time to time.

It is expected that the Refit Manual, in its present form, would assist all stakeholders
in conduct of quality refits without cost or time overruns and thereby increase the operational
availability of the ICG at sea.

(SK Goyal)
Inspector General
Dy Director General (M&M)
Coast Guard Headquarters
29 Jul 2016


Sl Amendment No. & Date Date of Insertion Signature

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Sl Amendment No. & Date Date of Insertion Signature

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Sl Amendment No. & Date Date of Insertion Signature

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Sl Amendment No. & Date Date of Insertion Signature

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Sl Amendment No. & Date Date of Insertion Signature

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Normal Refit
Medium Refit
Residual Life
DEFECT LISTS Types of Defect List 10-13
Preparation of Defect List


SEQUENCE OF ACTIVITIES Rough Indicative Cost 14-24
Forwarding of Defect List
Expression of Interest
Request for Information Conference
Acceptance of Necessity
Request for Proposal
Tender Opening Committee
Technical Evaluation Committee
Cost Estimation Committee
Commercial Bids
Contract Negotiation Committee
Refit Contract



REFIT MONITORING Refit Meetings 27-28

Refit Sitrep
Refit Milestones
QUALITY & SAFETY PLAN Quality Assurance 29-32
Safety Plan
REPORTS Docking & Survey Report 33-35
Refit Report


PROGRESS OF REFIT Pre Refit Activities 36-50
Docking & Undocking
Spares Management
Commercial Functions
Refit Completion



A Timeline for Offloading Refits (Part B, C, D Cases) 51-53

B Invitation for EOI 54-56
C Intimation for RFIC to Shipyards 57-58
D Intimation for RFIC to Ship 59-60
E Sample RFIC Minutes 61-75
F Standard RFP 76-81
Schedule of Requirements (Enclosure 1 to RFP) 82
Annexure I - Particulars of Vessel 83
Annexure II - Quantified Work Package 84
Annexure III - Quality Inspection Schedule/ QAP 85-120
Annexure IV - Extract of Policy Letters/ Guidelines 121
Standard Conditions of Contract (Enclosure 2 to RFP) 122-147
Annexure I - Format for Certificate of Acceptance 148
Annexure II - Scope of Work 149
Annexure III - Format for Promulgating 150
Change in Scope of Work
Annexure IV - Format for Breakup of Contract Price 151
Annexure V - Format for Work/Stage Completion 152
Guidelines for Preparation of Technical Bid 153-154
(Enclosure 3 to RFP)
Guidelines for Preparation of Commercial Bid 155
(Enclosure 4 to RFP)
Format for Preparation of Commercial Bid 156-157
(Enclosure 5 to RFP)
List of OEM/PAC/Authorized Firms With Contact Details 158
(Enclosure 6 to RFP)


G Sample Copy of TEC Report 159-160

H Format for Compliance Matrix 161
J Format for Weekly Refit Sitrep 162
K Format for Fortnightly Refit Sitrep 163-164
L Format for REFSTART Signal 165
M Format for REFCOMP Signal 166
N Format for Dock Signal 167
AA Format for Undock Signal 168
AB Prescribed Proforma for Refit Report 169-171
AC Docking Proforma 172




0101. Indian Coast Guard (ICG) ships are designed and built to remain afloat, seaworthy
and role worthy for their entire life span. The periodic conduct of planned refits and
maintenance is essential to meet these objectives. The refit of a ship is a complex activity
involving the hull and all machinery, equipment, systems and fittings on board. It also
involves varied evolutions such as docking, undocking, inspections, tests and trials. A well
planned refit schedule is necessary for ensuring minimum operational downtime without
compromising the material state of ships. In view of the fact that ICG ships are generally
refitted in commercial refitting firms, a strict adherence to laid down policies and procedures
including the procedures related to offloading of refits, preparation of a well defined
unambiguous work package and the highest levels of overseeing/monitoring are imperative
for conduct of a successful refit.

0102. - 0121. FOR INTERNAL CIRCULATION ONLY. size, endurance and operational role,
only for the purpose of conducting refits. The first category pertains to Interceptors which
includes specialised craft such as Interceptor Boats (IBs), Hovercraft or Air Cushion Vehicles
(ACVs) and non commissioned support vessels such as Interceptor Craft (ICs) and
Workboats (WBs). The refits of all such boats and craft are planned and promulgated at
the regional level and these refits may or may not follow a structured plan and periodicity,
depending on circumstances. The second category, viz. Fast Patrol Vessels (FPVs) also
includes the Inshore Patrol Vessels (IPVs), while the third category pertains to Offshore
Patrol Vessels (OPVs) of various class. The fourth category comprises of all Special Role
Vessels (SRVs) such as the Pollution Control Vessels (PCVs), presently existing in the
service. All the second, third and fourth category of ships (FPVs, OPVs and SRVs) undergo
a structured and planned refit at well defined periodic intervals, and form part of the roll on
refit schedule promulgated by Coast Guard Headquarters (CGHQ) for a two year period.

Short Refit

0103. The duration of a Short Refit (SR) is 03 months for FPVs and 04 months for OPVs/
SRVs. In addition to the existing defects and maintenance routines likely to fall due, the




0201. Refit of a ship consists of a large number of complex activities, many of which are
sequentially related. The entire refit process is different from other revenue procurement
activities in view of the large number of technical issues required to be addressed. The
unique nature of refits necessitates a distinct procedure for their offloading. To save hidden
costs on fuel consumption, administrative expenses, support infrastructure requirements,
etc. in offloading the refit to refitting firms located away from the base port, Limited Tender
Enquiry (LTE) to the refitting firms in the immediate geographical vicinity of the Ship’s base
and those refitting firms willing to undertake the refit in such vicinity, may be considered. In
case, the response from these refitting firms is poor, quotes may be invited from other
refitting firms to undertake the refit at the location specified by the ICG.

0202. The entire offloading procedure commences with forwarding of the refit work package
or defect list by the Ship and concludes with the signing of the Refit Contract. All cases for
offloading of refits are consolidated into an offloading plan and incorporated in the roll on
Refit Schedule, promulgated by CGHQ. The offloading plan consists of the following parts.
(a) Part A. Consolidated cases that would individually be processed under
delegated financial powers of COMDIS for the ensuing year.
(b) Part B. Consolidated cases that would individually be processed under
delegated financial powers of COMCG for the next two years.
(c) Part C. Consolidated cases that would individually be processed under
delegated financial powers of DGICG/ADG at CGHQ, for the next two years.
(d) Part D. Consolidated cases that would individually be processed under
delegated financial powers of MoD for the next two years.

0203. The suggested timelines for various activities involved in offloading of refits are
placed at Appendix A separately for Part B, Part C and Part D cases. E ines for various
activities involved in offloading of refits ppendix A separately for Part B, Part C and Part D
Rough Indicative Cost (RIC)

0204. The roll on refit offloading plan, approved by CGHQ, includes a RIC for each case

of refit. The RIC essentially consists of a reasonable annual escalation added to the LPP or
total cost of the previous refit of similar type for the same ship. In cases where the cost of
past refit of similar type for the same ship is not available, the RIC may be formulated
based on experience of conducting a similar type of refit on ships of the same or similar
class. The RIC enables segregation of all refit cases into Part A, B, C and D cases, for
establishing the CFA.

0205. The RIC is prepared under the following heads.

(a) Hull Work Package
(b) Engineering Work Package
(c) Electrical Work Package
(d) Yard Services
(e) Material & Spares

Forwarding of Defect List

0206. The dates for commencement of refits, promulgated in the roll on refit schedule,
also serve to plan the offloading activities, with initiation of the defect list. The Part A cases
would generally involve refits of IBs, ACVs, ICs, WBs, etc. and the time line for initiation of
defect lists for the refits of such boats / craft may be decided by the administrative authority
on a case to case basis.

0207. For all Part B cases, the defect lists are to be forwarded by the respective ships so
as to reach the RHQ six months before scheduled commencement of refit. Similarly, the
defect lists for Part C cases are to reach the RHQ eight months before the scheduled
commencement of refit. For all Part D cases, the defect lists are to reach the RHQ ten
months before the scheduled commencement of refit. In all cases where the RHQ is not
the administrative authority of the ship, the defect lists are to be forwarded by the Ship four
weeks earlier to the administrative authority to enable receipt of defect list at the RHQ on

Expression of Interest (EOI)

0208. The defect list with staff remarks form the comprehensive Prequalification or EOI
document forwarded only to those registered refitting firms who are considered eligible for
undertaking that particular refit. The invitation for EOI is forwarded after receipt of defect
list and endorsement of staff remarks for seeking comments/queries of the prospective
refitting firms on the refit work package. The EOI document is to be approved at the district

or regional level for all Part A and Part B cases, while the Part C and Part D cases are
approved at the level of DDG(M&M) at CGHQ. While seeking approval of the competent
authority for the EOI document, approval is to be concurrently obtained for the panel of
refitting firms considered eligible for sending the invitation for EOI.

0209. A date for conduct of Request for Information Conference (RFIC) is promulgated
separately after forwarding of EOI and generally three weeks time is given to the refitting
firms to forward their queries and seek clarifications. The technical comments/queries in all
cases are to be forwarded by the refitting firms to the concerned RHQ or District
Headquarters (DHQ), as applicable and the Ship. The general location at which the intended
refit is to be undertaken, scheduled commencement date and the duration of refit are also
mentioned in the invitation for EOI. A draft sample of invitation for EOI issued by RHQ is
placed at Appendix B.

Request for Information Conference (RFIC)

0210. The RFIC is to be held at the District / Regional level for all refit cases, irrespective
of their financial implications. The RFIC may be preferably conducted at the base port of
the Ship in order to provide an opportunity to all refitting firms to visit the Ship and undertake
a joint inspection of the defects. This would facilitate formulation of a realistic work package
for the refit.

0211. The RFIC should preferably be chaired by the CSO (Tech) of the concerned RHQ.
The Ship should be adequately represented during the RFIC with presence of the
Commanding Officer(preferably) and all departmental heads (XO, EO, LO). Subordinate
Officers/Sectional Chiefs may be associated wherever required to ensure complete
clarification on all queries of the refitting firms. The RFIC would also be attended by at least
one more officer from RHQ and one officer from DHQ (if applicable). In addition, authorised
representatives from the refitting firms and select OEM/PAC firms for main machinery and
equipment are also required to attend the RFIC.

0212. An intimation regarding the conduct of RFIC is to be issued by the RHQ to

the refitting firms, Ship and DHQ (if applicable). Draft faxes in this regard, indicating the
time, date and venue of RFIC, issued to the refitting firms and the Ship are placed at
Appendix C and Appendix D respectively. In addition, a separate communication is to be
made well in advance by the RHQ inviting select OEM/PAC firms for the RFIC. The OEM/
PAC firms invited for the RFIC may be restricted to main machinery and equipment relevant
to the refit work package.

0213. All refitting firms should forward their comments/queries to reach the ship, DHQ (if
applicable) and the RHQ at least one week before the scheduled RFIC. The concerned
ship should consolidate the queries with clarifications so that the same can be discussed
during the RFIC. The Ship’s representatives attending the RFIC should also be in possession
of the following documents:-
(a) All relevant manuals, drawings and policy letters.
(b) Maintenance schedule and D-787.
(c) Previous docking report including gauging report on shell expansion drawing.
(d) Last Refit Report.
(e) List of paints required with quantities.
(f) List of critical spares with long lead time/high value.
(g) List of projected defects liquidated since submission of Main Defect List.

0214. All administrative arrangements for the smooth conduct of the RFIC is to be made
by the concerned RHQ or the DHQ, as applicable. The RHQ is to ensure that all queries/
comments of the refitting firms are adequately addressed and there is no ambiguity with
respect to the work package. The supplementary defect list received from the ship two
weeks before the RFIC, either directly or through DHQ, is to be duly appended with staff
remarks and merged with the main defect list to form a consolidated refit work package
available for discussions during the RFIC.

0215. The following guidelines are to be followed during the conduct of the RFIC:-
(a) Discussions during RFIC are to be restricted to clarifications on technical and
logistics aspects related to the consolidated refit work package and finalisation of
the scope of work in consultation with the Ship’s Staff and the refitting firms.
(b) The yard services related to supply of water and electricity, crane services,
accommodation and shore galley (when the ship becomes uninhabitable), transport,
telephone, berthing, tug/pilot assistance, fire main supply, fax/e-mail facility, refit
office, storing space, gas free certificate, etc. are to be suitably clarified and
incorporated in the work package.
(c) The list of critical spares with long lead time or high value as well as the list of
required paints, special tools, etc. are to be discussed and a plan for their provisioning
be finalised.
(d) Jobs remarked as ‘DO’ or “Delete” by CGHQ/RHQ may be altered if considered
appropriate during the RFIC. Any job, if already completed prior RFIC during the

operational cycle, is to be deleted.

(e) A list indicating the defect list serials whose remarks have been altered from
those of CGHQ (except those remarked “Discuss during RFIC” by CGHQ) is to be
enclosed along with RFIC minutes indicating CGHQ remarks, RFIC remarks and a
brief justification for the change in remarks.
(f) The representatives of OEM/PAC firms attending the meeting are to confirm
the clarity and adequacy of relevant scope of work in the refit work package,
particularly with respect to Planned Periodic Maintenance (PPM) routines. The same
is to be recorded in the RFIC minutes.
(g) All ICG personnel attending the meeting and representatives of all refitting
firms are to sign on all pages of RFIC minutes, except the pages containing variation
to CGHQ remarks.
(h) The duly signed RFIC minutes are to be dispatched to CGHQ (only for Part C
and Part D cases) within 07 days of conduct of the RFIC.
(j) Due care needs to be taken for preparing the complete work package free
from errors. Particular attention may be given on following:-
(i) Overcoming ‘cut and paste’ syndrome, while using previous refits defect
list for reference.
(ii) Duplications of defect serials to be avoided.
(iii) The work scope must be unambiguous.
(iv) Non existing defects/routines should not be projected in the work package.
(k) The preparation of RFIC minutes is to be guided by the sample RFIC minutes
placed at Appendix E.

Acceptance of Necessity (AoN)

0216. The AoN is to be accorded for each individual case of refit. While seeking AoN for
each individual case, the following details should invariably be furnished for information/
approval of the CFA.
(a) Approved Refit Schedule.
(b) Place where the refit is to be undertaken.
(c) Duration, type and scheduled commencement of refit.
(d) Any specific major jobs which are to be undertaken during refit.
(e) RFIC minutes.

(f) Estimated cost of actual refit work package.

(g) Type of Tendering.
(h) List of eligible refitting firms.
(j) Availability of funds for undertaking refit at the estimated cost.
(k) DFPR reference against which the refit can be offloaded.
(l) Any other information considered necessary.

0217. All emergent cases due to service exigencies may be taken up for AoN of the CFA
separately. In such cases, if the financial implication is beyond the powers of the CFA
according AoN, then the Statement of Case (SOC) along with the draft RFP is to be referred
directly to the next higher CFA duly recommended for approval. Concurrence of the
intermediate IFA is not required, as the case will be dealt with by the next higher CFA.

Request for Proposal (RFP)

0218. The RFP is essentially a Tender Enquiry for obtaining bids in two parts as follows:-
(a) Technical bid consisting of all technical details along with commercial terms
and conditions; and
(b) Financial bid for the items mentioned in the technical bid and all other
commercial terms and conditions.

0219. The AoN is accorded by the CFA concurrently with the approval of the RFP, a copy
of standard draft RFP is placed at Appendix F. The RFP forms the most important document
in the refit offloading process and should be prepared with due care, with complete details
of the items or services required, terms and conditions including payment terms and clear
instructions to the bidders. The RFP should contain full and clear specifications, scope of
requirements and the evaluation criteria, both for technical bids and commercial bids.

0220. The standard RFP along with various enclosures and the RFIC minutes together
form the complete RFP document which is floated to the refitting firms. The following are
the various documents which need to be enclosed with the standard RFP and RFIC minutes
to form the complete RFP document and a sample copy of these enclosures is placed as
mentioned against each:-
(a) Schedule of Requirements (Enclosure 1 to RFP)
(i) Annexure I : Particulars of the Vessel
(ii) Annexure II : Quantified Work Package

(iii) Annexure III : Quality Assurance Plan / Inspection Schedule

(iv) Annexure IV : Extract of relevant Navy / Coast Guard Orders

(b) Standard Conditions of Contract (SCOC) (Enclosure 2 to RFP)

(i) Annexure I : Format of Certificate of Acceptance
(ii) Annexure II : Scope of Work
(iii) Annexure III : Format for promulgating change in scope of work
(iv) Annexure IV : Format for Breakup of Contract Price
(v) Annexure V : Format for Work Completion Certificate

(c) Guidelines for preparation of Technical bid - Enclosure 3 of RFP

(d) Guidelines for preparation of Commercial bid - Enclosure 4 of RFP
(e) Format for preparation of Commercial bid - Enclosure 5 of RFP
(f) List of OEM/PAC/authorised firms with - Enclosure 6 of RFP
contact details

0221. The complete RFP document is to be submitted for vetting by IFA prior seeking
approval of the concerned CFA. Post approval of CFA, the complete RFP document is to
be floated to the concerned refitting firms, as approved by the CFA, through registered/
speed post and also separately by electronic mail. Adequate care is to be taken to ensure
that the RFP document is addressed separately to each refitting firm and names of all
refitting firms are not mentioned together in the RFP document. However, a copy of the
RFP document containing names of all refitting firms together is to be maintained as office
record. Due care needs to be taken while finalizing the list of eligible ship refitting yards. It
should strictly be in accordance with the type of refit and class of ship as indicated in the
certificate of registration. In case renewal of registration is in progress, the inclusion/ exclusion
should be in accordance with the procedures in vogue. However, in case a refitting firm
once issued an RFP during currency of its registration, it should not normally be denied an
opportunity to participate, during the bidding process under the pretext of expiry of

0222. While seeking the CFA approval for floating the RFP document on all eligible refitting
firms, the approval of CFA is to be concurrently obtained for the following:-
(a) Constitution of the Tender Opening Committee (TOC)
(b) Constitution of the Cost Estimation Committee (CEC)

(c) Constitution of the Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC)

(d) Opening of technical bids by the TOC at a specified time and date.
(e) Evaluation of technical bids by the TEC
(f) Constitution of the Contract Negotiation Committee (CNC)

Tender Opening Committee (TOC)

0223. The TOC, constituted by the CFA, is to ensure that the tenders are opened as per
the date and time indicated in the RFP. The refitting firms’ representatives, those are present,
are to be permitted to witness the opening of technical bids. Attendance sheet for the
participating representatives of the refitting firms is to be maintained for record.

0224. The mandate of the TOC is restricted to opening of technical bids and not the
commercial bids at this stage. The commercial bids (in separate envelopes) of all the
participating refitting firms are to be together placed inside a larger envelope and sealed in
the presence of the refitting firms’ representatives. All members of the TOC are to sign on
each page of the technical bids and submit a duly signed minutes of meeting.

Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC)

0225. The TEC is to subsequently undertake an evaluation of the technical bids and
submit a report. The preparation of the TEC report is to be guided by the sample copy of
TEC report placed at Appendix G. The TEC is not authorised to discuss commercial aspects
of the case. However, the TEC should prepare a compliance statement in respect of
commercial terms and conditions, such as bid security, warranty, etc. included in the technical
bids, as per RFP. While the IFA need not participate in the TEC, the CFA may, if considered
necessary evolve a system of associating the IFA or his representative in examination of
the TEC report in regard to compliance with the commercial terms and conditions before
opening the commercial bids.

0226. The TEC report is to include the following:-

(a) Scrutiny of technical bids vis a vis the RFP.
(b) List of refitting firms who attended the TOC.
(c) List of refitting firms who did not respond to the RFP.
(d) List of refitting firms, if any, who failed to qualify the technical evaluation,with
(e) Compliance matrix. Format placed at Appendix H.

(f) Any other observations.

(g) Firm and final recommendations.

0227. On completion of the TEC evaluation, approval of the CFA for the TEC report is to
be sought. Concurrently, the approval of the CFA is also to be obtained for opening of
commercial bids by the TOC at a specified date and time with IFA concurrence where
required as per delegation of financial powers.

Cost Estimation Committee (CEC)

0228. The CEC should be formed with invariably a representative of the IFA as member,
soon after preparation of the TEC report. The refit cost estimated by the CEC is also known
as the benchmark cost or the Professional Officers’ Valuation (POV), and is based on the
actual refit work package. All members of the CEC are to sign and the same is to be
handed over to the authorised officer, as nominated by the CFA. The cost estimation by
the CEC is to be undertaken three working days prior to opening of commercial bids.

0229. Correct estimation of rates/cost is vital for establishing the reasonability of the offers
received from the refitting firms. It is, therefore, important that the rates/cost are worked
out in a realistic, objective and professional manner on the basis of prevailing market rates,
last purchase price, economic indices for raw material/labour, other inputs cost and
assessment based on intrinsic value, etc.

Commercial Bids

0230. On approval of the TEC report, the TOC is to open the commercial bids as per the
office order in presence of authorised representatives of all refitting firms who have qualified
in the Technical Evaluation and are present at the specified date and time. Such technically
qualified refitting firms are to be intimated about the venue, time and date of opening of
commercial bids. An attendance sheet is to be filled by the representatives of the refitting
firms attending the commercial bid opening. These representatives should be in possession
of an authorisation letter, if they are not the proprietor. On opening of the commercial bids,
only the cost quoted by the refitting firms in the commercial bid format, may be announced
by the TOC. Commercial bids of technically disqualified refitting firms are not to be opened
and the same are to be returned by registered post or handed over to the authorized
representatives of the refitting firm against a duly signed receipt.

0231. The TOC is to prepare a Comparative Statement of Tenders (CST). The CST is to
be prepared with due care showing each element of cost (Contract Price, taxes, levies,

etc.) separately against each tender. The CST should be prepared soon after opening of
commercial bids and is to be vetted by the IFA to ensure its correctness.

Contract Negotiation Committee (CNC)

0232. The CNC may be headed by an officer one rank below that of the CFA. Apart from
the Chairman, other members of the CNC may be nominated as per DPM.

0233. The CNC should determine L1 and make unambiguous and specific
recommendations. Detailed record of discussions regarding compliance with the RFP
conditions, price and contract clauses held during the CNC should be placed on record in
form of minutes of the meeting. All members of the CNC should sign the minutes. Prior
intimation is to be sent to the L1 refitting firm to depute its authorised representative in
case negotiations are to be undertaken and adequate notice/time is to be provided for this

0234. It is not mandatory to hold commercial negotiations in each case, particularly in

case where the response has been substantial and the L1 price is found to be very close to
the estimated cost, as worked out by the CEC. However if commercial negotiations may
become necessary, approval of the CFA is to be obtained to conduct the negotiations.

0235. The basic objective of the CNC is to establish reasonableness of price paid by the
Government. This is a complex task and many factors need to be considered. Factors like
the last purchase price, movement of price indices, the market intelligence regarding cost
of the item or similar items, material composition, cost analysis of raw materials, technological
complexities involved, maintenance requirements, requirement of spares, warranty, etc.
need to be considered while examining price reasonableness.

0236. The CNC minutes with specific recommendations along with the following are to be
put up for approval of the CFA, through IFA where required, as per delegation of financial
(a) Draft Sanction Letter
(b) Draft Refit Contract

Refit Contract

0237. The Refit Contract duly vetted by IFA is to be signed only after approval by the CFA.
However, signing of the Refit Contract is to be preceded by submission of item wise quote
by the refitting firm. The refitting firm is to indicate the cost against each defect list serial as
mentioned in the refit work package and splitting up of defect list serials for the purpose of

item wise quote is not permitted. All pages of the itemwise quote are to be signed by the
refitting firm and submitted to the concerned RHQ for scrutiny and acceptance. Each page
of the itemwise quotes for Part C and D cases is to be further signed/stamped by the
concerned RHQ and forwarded to CGHQ. The itemwise quote will thereafter form part of
the draft Refit Contract and the same is to be put up along with draft sanction letter for
approval of the CFA, with IFA concurrence.

0238. The Refit Contract is to be prepared in accordance with the SCOC which formed
part of the RFP. It must be ensured that the Contract is as per the approved terms and
conditions and the rates are correctly shown as finally negotiated and accepted by the
CFA. Copies of the Contract should be forwarded to all concerned, including the IFA, the
audit authority and the paying authority, and their acknowledgement obtained. During signing
of the Contract, the representative of the refitting firm must be in possession of an
authorisation letter.

0239. The Refit Contract is to be signed at least 30 days before scheduled commencement
of any type of refit. On signing of the Contract, all stakeholders are to be immediately
intimated to enable the conduct of pre refit preparation and activities. In case it is considered
essential to amend any part of the Contract before commencement or during the progress
of refit, then a corrigendum is to be issued with the approval of CFA.

0240. The process of contracting is very sensitive in nature. The Rules and Regulations
must be strictly adhered to. In case of any extra ordinary situation, the case should be
referred to the CFA/CGHQ.




0301. The procedure for administrative and operational control of ships during refit outside
their base ports, within or outside their respective regions, would be as follows:-
(a) With the issue of Change of Operational Authority (CHOP) signal, all operational
and administrative matters are to be referred to the new Operational Control Authority
(OCA), keeping the parent administrative authority as information addressee.
(b) During the period of refit, all administrative/ technical functions are to be
exercised by the administrative authority under whose jurisdiction the ship is
undergoing refit.
(c) Re-appropriation of budget for refit for the specific audit/paying authority is to
be taken up with CGHQ through the administrative authority under whose jurisdiction
the ship is being refitted.
(d) All matters pertaining to a particular unit required to be raised by the parent
administrative authority are to be routed through the new administrative authority,
under whose jurisdiction the ship is being refitted. The issue of directives/ instructions
directly by the parent DHQ or RHQ is to be avoided.

0302. The concerned RHQ, under whose jurisdiction the ship is being refitted, would be
overall responsible for the smooth conduct of refit, without time or cost overrun and
adherence to the requisite standards of quality. The Coast Guard Refit and Production
Team (CGRPT) would be responsible for the day to day overseeing and monitoring of the
ship’s refit keeping the time and cost limits in view. The Coast Guard Refit and Production
Superintendent (CGRPS), as the head of CGRPT, would be the Contract Operating Authority
(COA) for execution of the Refit Contract. The CGRPS will function under the administrative
control of RHQ and will be directly responsible to the Regional Commander for refits of all
ships, boats and craft.

0303. At locations where there is no CGRPT or Coast Guard Overseeing Team (CGOT),
the CGRPS or the Officer in Charge, CGOT in the immediate vicinity may be nominated to
undertake the functions of COA and the overseeing of refit. In exceptional circumstances,
the concerned RHQ or DHQ may directly undertake these functions, with the approval of

0304. The CGRPS would act as the overseeing authority and COA, and carry out the
following professional and financial control functions:-
(a) Ensure preparation of the program of repairs, manufacture, sub contracts,
tests, trials and inspection by the refitting firms, as required, to achieve economical,
timely and satisfactory execution of the Refit Contract.
(b) Ensure that the work of repairs and routine maintenance is in accordance with
the approved drawings, relevant class specifications, technical publications, etc.
and are carried out in accordance with desired workmanship standards and
standard practices. Ensure required quality control in accordance with the Refit
(c) Provide guidance to the refitting firms/firms where specialized or user knowledge
is required or where specifications, drawings, scope of work, etc. is not precise/not
(d) Monitor actual progress of the refitting firm/OEM/PAC firm/sub-contractor works
and render progress reports to RHQ and the CGHQ, as applicable.
(e) Check the adequacy of safety precautions taken by the refitting firm and its
sub-contractors for the ship and equipment and the adequacy of the security
measures in respect of classified material and information. Bring to the notice of
the refitting firm immediately as and when any lapses are observed regarding
adequacy of precautions w.r.t. safety and security.
(f) Maintain a close watch on the refitting firm’s arrangements for safety,
preservation, protection, cleanliness and maintenance of the ship under refit, as
well as machinery and equipment installed or awaiting installation. Bring the
deficiencies to the notice of the refitting firm, keeping RHQ informed.
(g) Ensure that habitability and safety conditions for in living personnel on board
ships under refit are of acceptable standards and all yard facilities are being provided
in accordance with the Refit Contract and scope of work.
(h) Maintain close liaison with the refitting firm/OEMs/PAC firms/sub- contractors/
classification society regarding planning, programming and execution of work,
modifications, inspections, test and trials, etc.
(j) Maintain close liaison with other units/organizations involved with specific
activity for timely inspections, tests and trials.
(k) Keep the Ship’s Staff fully informed on all matters and arrange their attendance
at meetings, trials, etc. as required.

(l) Carry out inspection, test and trials in accordance with relevant specifications,
drawings, technical documents and advise the refitting firm well in time for necessary
corrective action, if any. Co-ordinate acceptance trials for pre-refit and post refit
sea trials and advise the refitting firm to make necessary arrangements as per
(m) Liaise for timely supply of stores/material from ICG sources for timely and
satisfactory completion of related works.
(n) Ensure timely positioning of spares/stores under yard liability and timely off
loading of jobs to sub-contractors by the refitting firm.
(p) Undertake final scrutiny and verification of all bills forwarded by the refitting
firm and making necessary deductions as per penalties and liquidated damages
specified in the Refit Contract.
(q) Maintain list of Guarantee Defects and ensure speedy rectification by the refitting
firm/firms, post refit completion.

Refit Meetings

0305. A pre refit meeting or defect list conference is to be held before commencement of
refit and preferably after completion of the pre refit sea trials. The meeting is to be attended
by CGRPS and his staff, the Commanding Officer and departmental heads/chiefs from the
Ship and key representatives of the refitting firm as well as leading subcontractors and
OEM/PAC firms. At this forum, major scope of work is discussed and refit milestones,
cardinal dates, scheduling of subcontracting work, provisioning of yard facilities, etc. are to
be decided upon.

0306. On commencement of refit, its progress is to be continuously and constantly

monitored. This is achieved through the conduct of progress review meetings on a weekly
and fortnightly basis, suitably spaced so that they do not fall due concurrently. The weekly
meetings are to be held on board between the departmental heads/chiefs of the Ship and
the Refitting firm. The refit progress is to be reviewed by the CGRPS on a fortnightly basis.
In addition, the refit progress is to be reviewed by CSO(Tech) at least once during SR/NR
and at least twice during MR of FPVs. Similarly, the CSO(Tech) is to review refit progress of
OPVs/SRVs at least twice during SR/NR and at least thrice during MR. The discussions
held during the meetings chaired by CGRPS or CSO(Tech) are to be recorded. The minutes
of the meetings are to be forwarded within three days by the CGRPS to the refitting firm,
Ship, RHQ and CGHQ.

0307. A pre refit completion meeting is to be held three weeks before the Dockyard
Completion Date (DCD) or refit completion date in case of a MR and two weeks before in
case of a NR/SR. All stakeholders are required to be present for the meeting held primarily
to assess the balance work with respect to DCD and reassess the time frame for completion
of work. Defect list serials which are likely to remain outstanding on completion of the refit,
would need to be identified and an action plan finalized for their early liquidation.

0308. In addition to the above, the CGRPS may convene refit progress review meetings
during visit of representatives from RHQ or CGHQ and on any other occasion as deemed
necessary. Except for the weekly meetings, the CGRPS would call for agenda points from
the ship and the refitting firm well in advance for all progress review meetings.

Refit Sitrep

0309. The following refit sitreps are to be forwarded by various ICG formations:-
(a) Weekly sitrep is to be forwarded by the Ship and addressed to the CGRPS
with information to concerned authorities. A format for the same is placed at
Appendix J.
(b) Fortnightly sitrep is to be prepared and released by CGRPS by fax/ electronic
mail to the refitting firm, Ship, RHQ and CGHQ. A format for the same is placed at
Appendix K.

0310. The concerned DHQ (in case RHQ is not the direct administrative authority) and
the parent administrative authority ( in case of refits conducted outside the base port) are
to be kept as information addressee in all refit sitreps mentioned in the preceding paragraph.

Refit Milestones

0311. The commencement of a refit (REFSTART) is to be intimated by the CGRPS through

a signal to all concerned ICG formations. A format for the REFSTART signal is placed at
Appendix L. The refit completion (REFCOMP) signal is also to be issued by CGRPS and
it signifies that the ship is available for operational exploitation with immediate effect. A
format for the REFCOMP signal is placed at Appendix M.

0312. The docking and undocking of a ship are also important evolutions or milestones
which give a fair indication of the refit progress. The CGRPS is to issue dock and undock
signals as and when these milestones are achieved. Formats, for the dock and undock
signals are placed at Appendix N and Appendix AA respectively.


Quality Assurance

0313. In order to assure the quality of repair and exercise effective control, the work
executed by the refitting firm is to be in accordance with ICG inspection schedule as
applicable and may consist of a preliminary, stage and final inspection. The repair work will
be undertaken as per specified standards and quality norms. Ensuring and maintaining
quality will be the responsibility of the refitting firm. The refitting firm shall submit a Quality
Assurance Plan (QAP), as applicable to the scope of work, for approval of the CGRPS.
The approved QAP will form the basis of inspection and acceptance of work executed by
the refitting firm.

0314. A Bar chart for the refit is to be submitted by the refitting firm to CGRPS within two
weeks of signing the Refit Contract and the same is to be finalized/ approved during the pre
refit meeting. A copy of this chart is also to be forwarded to the concerned RHQ. The refit
progress is to be monitored throughout the duration of refit in accordance with the chart.

0315. The refitting firm may subcontract any part of scope of work in accordance with the
terms of the Refit Contract. However, no deviations are to be made for jobs to be undertaken
by the OEM/PAC firms as specified in the Refit Contract, even in cases where in-house
expertise is available with the refitting firm. The refitting firm is to be entirely responsible for
the quality standards and timely completion of the subcontracted work. The refitting firm is
to draw a suitable QAP with the subcontractor and submit the same to the CGRPS. The
supervision of work undertaken by the subcontractor would be the responsibility of the
refitting firm, although the CGRPT/Ship’s Staff will also be associated at important stages
of repair and inspection. The refitting firm is not permitted to seek any extension on refit
completion date citing delay on the part of subcontractors or rework arising out of the
subcontracted work. The list of subcontractors (other than OEM/PAC firms specified in the
Refit Contract) are to be submitted by the refitting firm within 15 days of signing the Refit
Contract. The CGRPS is to scrutinize the list and approve/finalise the same during the pre
refit meeting.

0316. In case of defect list serials offloaded by the refitting firm, the CGRPS is not to
undertake direct price negotiations with the subcontractors. However, a representative of
the CGRPS may be present during price negotiations between the refitting firm and its
subcontractors for AWRF jobs only. All technical evaluations between the refitting firm and
its subcontractors are to be necessarily attended by representatives of the CGRPS and the
Ship. The liability of spares/material supply is to be clearly brought out during such

0317. The ship’s underwater hull cleaning and painting shall be undertaken as indicated
in the refit work package, under supervision of the paint manufacturer. Ship’s underwater
hull is to be cleaned immediately after dry docking and ultrasonic gauging/ robotic hull scan
undertaken as per the scope of work. During underwater hull painting, the representative
of paint manufacturer is to be associated for necessary underwater hull preparation
and painting, and thereafter, withstand guarantee for paints for a period as per policy in

0318. The Class Surveyor is to be associated with survey of hull, condition of strengthening
members to the extent feasible, all steel renewal, main machinery viz. main engines, gear
boxes, shafting, propellers as well as underwater appendages and openings.

0319. The refitting firm is invariably required to hand over all data related to work (such as
‘as fitted drawing’, record of hull survey, renewal of hull plate, clearances, alignment, testing
and tuning, weight changes, grouping of shock mounts, etc.) to the ship.

0320. A very close check should be maintained on the quality of work and meeting the
cardinal dates as scheduled since the Refit Contract contains liquidated damages and
special penalties to be levied on the refitting firm for delayed delivery and non compliance
to terms and conditions of the Refit Contract. All ICG formations associated with the refit
are to in turn ensure that all reasonable assistance is provided to the refitting firm. The
CGRPT and the ship staff are to facilitate the timely and quality execution of the refit.

0321. All recommendations of the Class Surveyors are to be implemented in totality. Any
deviation to implementation of such recommendations is to have the approval of RHQ/
CGHQ, as required.

0322. Renewal of obsolete/defective equipment shall be undertaken only if the equipment

has been declared beyond economical repairs by a Board of Officers as per the procedures
in vogue, and the proceedings are approved by the competent authority.

0323. In respect of newly designed machinery, equipment and systems installed either
fresh or as replacement for an existing unit, all trials will be witnessed by CGRPS or his
representatives and the Ship’s Staff. This procedure will also remain valid for all ship’s
machinery, equipment and systems which are removed and brought back on board after
overhaul/ repairs.

0324. The CGRPS along with the Ship’s Staff is responsible for timely completion of refit.
However, in exceptional circumstances, beyond the control of CGRPS, extension on refit
duration may be sought after undertaking a thorough analysis. A detailed case of refit

extension with adequate justification is to be forwarded by the CGRPS to RHQ for taking
up the case with the appropriate CFA for approval.

0325. The refitting firm is required to commence jobs on all equipment/machinery preferably
within one month of start of a refit. The cases, which cannot be commenced within this
time frame due to legitimate technical reasons, are to be compiled by the refitting firm and
deliberated in a meeting amongst all stake holders. The list of such defects needs to be
forwarded to AA/CGHQ on completion of one month. In addition, all jobs required to be
subcontracted, need to be offloaded within initial one-fourth of the refit duration.

0326. The refit of a ship will be planned and controlled with reference to various guidelines
laid down in the Refit Contract, the milestones decided jointly at the defect list conference
and the Bar Chart submitted by the refitting firm before commencement of the refit.

0327. The Ship’s Staff is to work in close collaboration with the CGRPT and the refitting
firm so that areas requiring attention are brought to the notice of the concerned sections
without any delay. The Ship is also required to maintain constant liaison with the Store
Depot for ensuring timely positioning of the spares.

0328. Deletions of defect list serials from the approved refit work package is generally not
permitted. However, in unavoidable circumstances, the proposals for such deletions may
be forwarded with justification to the CFA for approval, well before the DCD.

0329. Work Done Certificate (WDC) must be carefully scrutinized and only the
Commanding Officer (CO) and Executive Officer (XO)/Engineer Officer/ Electrical Officer/
Technical Officer (EO/LO/TO) should be authorized to sign the certificate. WDCs are to be
signed immediately after acceptance or completion of successful trials, progressively for
all defect list serials. All WDCs are to be mandatorily signed before the Ship departs from
the refitting firm’s premises. Contentious issues regarding signing of WDCs and handing
over of any pending Certified Receipt Vouchers (CRVs) are to be decided in a pre REFCOMP
conference to be chaired by COA/CSO (Tech), as applicable.

Safety Plan

0330. In accordance with terms of the Refit Contract, the security and safety of men and
material within the refitting firm’s premises, is the responsibility of the refitting firm. The
ultimate responsibility for safety and security of the Ship as a whole would however continue
to rest with the Commanding Officer. The CGRPS is to keep a close watch on all
arrangements towards the safety and security and bring all shortcomings to the notice of
the concerned personnel.

0331. In view of the nature and peculiarities of refit, the Ship is highly susceptible and
prone to risks of accidents, fire and flooding. The Ship’s Staff is to remain alert at all times
and ensure all checks and precautions before, during and after completion of work on a
daily basis. Any corrective action beyond the control of the Ship is to be brought to the
notice of the refitting firm and CGRPS immediately. Various safety guidelines related to
hot work, underwater valves and openings, precautions in dry dock, etc. are to be followed

0332. The CGRPS is to ensure the integrity of the underwater hull and the completion of
all underwater work/routines before clearing the Ship for undocking. Steel renewal in
underwater areas and ship side upto weather deck is to be undertaken in dry dock only.
Exceptions, if any, are to be projected to RHQ for approval, prior undocking.

0333. In addition to the fire fighting appliances held on board, the CGRPS is to ensure
adequate provisioning of such appliances by the refitting firm as well as availability of
sufficient firemain pressure at all times in accordance with the terms of the Refit Contract.
In addition, adequate bilge pumping out and de-flooding arrangements are to be held standby
for all emergencies.

0334. Stoppage of refit work by the CGRPS or Ship’s Staff is generally not permitted.
However, the Commanding Officer/OOD may consider stoppage of work, if it is felt that the
safety or security of the Ship is being compromised. In such cases, the stoppage of work
should be immediately communicated to the CGRPS. The CGRPS may intervene and
resolve the issue locally. In case the issue remains unresolved, the CGRPS is to refer the
matter to RHQ for further necessary action.

0335. The provision for storage space and accommodation for the Ship’s crew, as and
when the Ship becomes uninhabitable, is included in the Refit Contract. The CGRPS would
need to certify the commencement and termination of the period when the Ship is not
habitable, in consultation with the Commanding Officer of the Ship. Additional care towards
safety and security of the Ship is to be taken during this period by all concerned, particularly
during off working hours.

0336. In case of any deviations from standard procedures towards safety and security,
including cleanliness and hygiene standards on board and in surrounding areas, the matter
may be reported immediately by the CGRPS to the highest level in the refitting firm, under
intimation to RHQ.

Docking and Survey Report

0337. The docking and survey report should reflect all the desired data for next docking,
i.e. correct records of various clearances taken, hull and paint condition on docking of the
Ship, steel renewed and UTG/Robotic Scan readings. It is necessary to record all data
obtained during the docking period and formulate these in the docking report at appropriate
place/ column. Each column of Docking Form (IN-379) once completed, should leave no
scope for deficient information. As sufficient space may not be available in the form to
render certain detailed information, supplementary annexure duly signed by the
representative of the refitting firm, overseeing authority and the Ship’s Staff should be
forwarded along with the docking report. The Commanding Officer of the Ship is responsible
for preparation and submission of the docking report with assistance from the overseeing
authority and the refitting firm.

0338. Rudder bush, stern tube, ‘A’ bracket, shaft bracket, stabilizer clearances, etc. are
to be entered, as applicable, in the appropriate column. These data are also to be forwarded
in the form of sketches, indicating the date of recording, representatives attended, specific
observations by overseeing authority, etc.

0339. Report of UTG/Robotic Scan both in tabular and sketch format is to be rendered
with adequate quality of presentation and accuracy of information. The report should contain
signatures of authorized representatives of the Ship, refitting firm and CGRPT, and dates
of survey, personnel witnessing survey, etc.

0340. Report of anchor/ chain cable/ accessories survey along with test report from the
refitting firm is to be included.

0341. Record of steel renewal in tabular (with weight breakdown) and sketch format on
shell expansion and deck plan drawings is to be prepared. This report will have the specific
comments of the overseeing authority regarding following aspects:-
(a) Temporary repairs undertaken (e.g. incorporation of doublers in underwater
hull plating, etc.)
(b) Underwater plating which are likely to become critical, i.e. thickness reduction
measured already between15% to 20%.

0342. All sacrificial anodes with type, number, size/ weight and location must be indicated
reported in the docking report when renewed.

0343. Underwater hull preparation and painting are to be correctly recorded. Paint details
like manufacturer, quantity, batch number and expiry date shall be correctly recorded against
column XVI, XVII and XVIII of the docking report. Underwater painting is to be carried out
under the supervision of the paint manufacturer or supplier and an inspection report rendered
by him is to form part of the report.

0344. Photographs of critical repair/docking activities and damages, if any, on underwater

appendages, propellers and paint failure, etc. are to be enclosed.

0345. Record of load testing of all lifting appliances is to be included in the report.

0346. Any other major work carried out shall be reported against Column XIX of the
docking report on a separate sheet as enclosure.

0347. Details of underwater/ overboard valves repaired during docking are to be recorded.

0348. Specific recommendations for future action are to be included against Column XIX
of the docking report, as a separate enclosure.

Refit Report

0349. The Refit Report essentially consists of a prescribed proforma in five parts. A copy
of the prescribed proforma is placed at Appendix AB. Part ‘A’ of the Refit Report consists
of specific data pertaining to the refit along with various enclosures to be prepared and
submitted by the Ship. Part ‘B’ of the Refit Report contains data pertaining to commercial
aspects of the refit as well as the overall appreciation of the overseeing authority. Part
‘C’,‘D’ and ‘E’ are limited to comments/remarks of the concerned RHQ (in whose jurisdiction
the refit was undertaken),respective CGC and CGHQ respectively. Three copies of the
Refit Report are to be submitted by the Ship to CGRPS within 04 weeks of refit completion
for onward dispatch to RHQ,CGC and CGHQ. On completion of scrutiny and endorsement
of CGHQ remarks, the Refit Report is to be returned to RHQ through CGC for distribution
and retention at the CGRPT, ICGSMA and the Ship.

0350. The following documents prepared by the Ship are to form enclosures to the
Refit Report:-
(a) Separate list of spares for Machinery/equipment procured through refitting
firm against NAC/NSB and issued through CG Store Depots.
(b) List of paints with quantities consumed during refit including source of

(c) Details of major repairs and maintenance routines undertaken on main and
auxiliary machinery, equipment and systems.
(d) Docking and Survey Report.
(e) Details of A’s and A’s implemented.
(f) List of deletions from refit work package, if any, with reference of approving
(g) List of various machinery, equipment, systems and fittings replaced/ renewed
with associated defect list serial numbers.




0401. The commencement of a refit on schedule is as important as its timely completion

since delays in starting of a refit has a cascading effect on the instant refit as well as on
scheduling of future refits. The delayed scheduling of NR and MR in particular and the
consequent deferment of the exclusive nature of survey/repairs associated with such refits,
may ultimately have an adverse effect on material state of ships, with reduced operational
availability and capability over the ships’ life span. The RHQ and the Administrative Authority
(as applicable) have a crucial role in ensuring the commencement of refit as promulgated in
the roll on refit schedule.

0402. The conduct of a refit involves attention to issues which are generic as well as
specific to a project. Despite the laid down process and procedure, the execution of a refit
is a dynamic process which needs hands on approach as the variables and constraints are
innumerable and inconsistent. In addition, refit activities encompass control, coordination,
estimation, information, anaylsis and execution of several multi centric activities towards
the overall refit objective. Apart from the need to maintain the requisite quality standards
and the time line for various activities, the safety and security of the ship and personnel
would also need to be a prime consideration requiring a coordinated effort from all

Pre Refit Activities

0403. Pre refit sea trials are mandatory for all types of refit and all class of ships. Pre refit
trials are to be programmed to enable better appreciation of the hull condition and machinery
performance of ships due to commence a scheduled refit. These trials are generally attended
by representatives of the Administrative Authority, the CGRPT and the refitting firm, apart
from representatives of the key subcontractors and OEM/PAC firms. The trials are to include
detailed performance checks of hull/engineering/electrical equipment and systems as
indicated below and as applicable to the ship being refitted.

(a) Main Engines


(b) Gear Box and Shafting

(c) Diesel Alternators

(d) Navigational aids and Communication equipment

(e) All pumps and compressors - general purpose as well as those associated
with the main machinery.

(f) Air Conditioning and Refrigeration machinery

(g) Main and Auxiliary machinery control systems

(h) Galley equipment

(j) Main machinery and main broadcast systems including SRE

(k) Flooding and spraying systems, including remote control arrangements, where

(l) Sanitation systems

(m) Water generation systems

(n) All instrumentation including repeaters, safety alarms, cut outs and indicators
associated with the above machines and systems

(p) Anchors and handling system.

(q) Lifting appliances (Davits/Crane, etc.)

0404. Normally, a preparation period of one week is to be provided for deammunitioning,

defueling, provisioning of stores from the store depot, etc. Test certificate for the fuel
is to be obtained from NMRL or any such suitable agency prior commencement of
defueling. All fuel, AVCAT and lube oil storage tanks are to be emptied. However, the ship
may commence refit with minimum fuel in its ready use tanks, in consultation with
the CGRPT and the refitting firm. The Ship’s Staff is also to ensure availability of gas free
and ‘safe for man entry’ certificate, so that the refitting firm can commence work at the

Docking & Undocking

0405. Docking and undocking of ships are important evolutions which have to be
undertaken with utmost care and accuracy to avoid possible damages to the ship. Instances
of incorrect setting of dock blocks or underwater holes/ cracks being detected immediately
on undocking, result in time and cost overruns. The following instructions/ check off list to

be undertaken during docking and undocking are to be followed meticulously and any
deviations from these procedures may be undertaken only under unavoidable circumstances
and on approval of the RHQ:-
(a) Prior Docking.

Sl. Event Action by

(i) Deammunitioning Ship’s Staff
(ii) Defuelling and Gas Free certification by Ship yard
Dept of Explosives
(iii) Correct List to zero Ship’s Staff
(iv) Adjust trim and draft as per requirement Ship’s Staff
projected by Docking Master. Ship should
be on light load conditions as
far as possible
(v) Inspect dock blocks set by the refitting CGRPS/CG
firm and ensure that it is Overseeing Authority
as per docking plan and yard Dock Master.
(EP of Ship Wright(SW)
branch borne on ship is
to be attached to over
seeing staff prior
docking and undocking.
Where no EP of
Shipwright branch is
borne, RHQ to provide
one Shipwright.
(vi) Sign docking proforma as per the Ship’s Staff /CGRPS
format placed at Appendix AC.
(vii) Hand over docking report IN 379 duly Ship’s Staff
filled up to CGRPS

(b) During Docking.

Sl. Event Action by
(i) Switch off ICCP Ship’s Staff
(ii) Ensure no machinery runs while docking Ship’s Staff
(iii) Man all underwater compartments Ship’s Staff

Sl. Event Action by

(iv) Ensure that there is no list at the time of Ship’s Staff
ship sitting on blocks
(v) Ensure no unnecessary movement of Ship’s Staff
personnel during docking
(vi) Ensure that the flooding is stopped just CGRPS
before ship sits on chocks, check position
of dock blocks with respect to ship’s
position in consultation with Docking
Master.Commence de flooding of dock on
confirmation that ship is in correct position

(c) On docking
Sl. Event Action by
(i) Earth the ship immediately on docking Ship’s Staff
(ii) Issue “DOCK” signal to as per CGRPS
Appendix N
(iii) On clearing the dock carry out visual Ship’s Staff / CGRPS
inspection of underwater hull and
appendages. CGRPS to report status by
signal to COMCG with copy to Ship and
(iv) Ensure underwater hull is cleaned by the CGRPS
refitting firm and underwater hull made
ready for survey soon after docking
(v) Ensure adequate fire-fighting Ship’s Staff/CGRPS to
arrangements are available in operational assist in availing
state, throughout the docking period. necessary yard
Continuous availability of shore fire main assistance
and availability of sufficient operational
portable fire extinguishers must be
(vi) Ensure no hot work takes place without Ship’s Staff
making area ‘Safe for Hot Work’. ‘Safe for
Hot Work’ certificates are to be signed by
ship’s DC and Fire Fighting Officer and

Sl. Event Action by

OOD during working hours and by OOD

during off working hours.
(vii) Ensure hot work takes place only in Ship’s Staffs
presence of a ‘fire sentry’ equipped with
portable fire extinguishers.
(viii) Ensure no garbage are thrown into Ship’s Staff / CGRPS
drydock. Onboard toilets/bathrooms are
not to be used. Ensure adequate adm
arrangements are made on shore in this
(ix) Ensure adequate precautions are taken Ship’s Staff
while entering unventilated compartments.
The compartments should be ventilated
by using blowers and made gas/fumes
free and made ‘Safe for Man Entry’. The
man entering these compartments should
wear life line which should be manned by
sentry outside the compartment.
(x) Maintain weight register indicating Ship’s Staff
approximate weight of equipment/
material removed/brought onboard
after docking.
(xi) Associate with U/W hull survey by the CGRPS and Ship’s
refitting firm and Classification Society Staff
and ensure that specific attention is given
to areas vulnerable to rapid corrosion.
Areas where bilge water generally
remains accumulated, periphery of
machinery foundations where probabilities
of holes/ cracks are high should be given
specific attention.
(xii) Ensure operation of magazine flooding Ship’s Staff
arrangements are checked, serviced/
repaired before undocking.

Sl. Event Action by

(xiii) If for some unforeseen reasons shape CGRPS

blocks and dock blocks are required be
shifted, adequate precautions be taken to
ensure that the ship’s hull does not get
(xiv) When ship is in dry dock for prolonged CGRPS
duration and extensive steel renewals are
undertaken, arrangement should be made
to measure stern drop regularly and
corrective measures taken if any
abnormality noticed, prior undocking.
(xv) Ensure proper surface preparation is CGRPS
undertaken and U/W hull painted using
‘Airless Spray method’.
(xvi) Ensure all underwater valves and Ship’s Staff
openings, dismantled/removed during
the docking, have been fitted back in
position before ship’s undocking.
(xvii) Ensure that all underwater repairs as CGRPS
per refit scope of work and as emerged
from U/W hull survey are carried out.
Issue a signal to RHQ stating that “All
underwater routines completed and
underwater hull cleared for undocking”.
Exceptions, if any should be projected
and approval of RHQ obtained prior

(d) During Undocking.

Sl. Event Action by

(i) Check from weight register, net weight Ship’s Staff
removal/addition since docking and
ensure adequate compensating weights
are placed before undocking to maintain

Sl. Event Action by

(ii) Man underwater compartments Ship’s Staff
(iii) When the dock is flooded and the water CGRPS
level reaches just sufficient to float the
ship, ensure flooding is stopped for
checking U/W compartments.
(iv) Check underwater compartments and Ship’s Staff
ensure that all underwater valves are
holding and no flooding in the U/W
compartments and report status to
CGRPS and Dock Master.
(v) On completion of Sl (iv) above, clear CGRPS
further flooding of dock to float the
Ship completely.
(vi) Switch on ICCP system, if ICCP system Ship staff
non-Ops lower suspended sacrificial
(vii) Make ‘UNDOCK’ signal as per CGRPS
Appendix AA
(viii) Measure Ship’s hull potential after 24 hrs Ship staff with
assistance from
refitting firm

0406. In case of slipping/ unslipping, the cradle is to be visually inspected by the overseeing
authority. It is to be ensured that the cradle is in good condition and there are no sharp
edges on the cradle which can damage the ship’s hull during slipping/unslipping operations.
Wherever possible, soft oakum padding covered with canvas is to be provided on shape

Change in Scope of Work / Additional Work Requisition Forms (AWRFs)

0407. The change in scope of work during refit of a ship is typically dependent inter alia
on factors such as age of ship, condition of on board machinery/ equipment, condition of
hull, role and exploitation pattern, duration between formulation of work package and actual
execution of work, etc. The necessity for repairs/ renewals/replacements other than those
presently included in the Scope of Work may arise during the inspection/survey/repair

which will be termed as change in scope of work /AWRF. AWRFs essentially consist of
growth of work during the actual progress of refit and additional defects observed on
disassembly of machinery, equipment and systems.

0408. Defects which could have been projected in the main or supplementary defect lists
and maintenance routines are not to form part of AWRFs. All defects in the AWRFs are to
be serially numbered in continuation of the serial numbers mentioned in the supplementary
defect list. The jobs which are not operational in nature and which do not affect the safety
or habitability of the ship are not to be included in the AWRF. During the hull plate renewal,
if any major machinery is required to be removed or lifted along with accessories, the same
is to be projected in AWRF, if not covered in any other defect list serial. The Format for
raising additional work is placed at Annexure III to Appendix H.

0409. The number of AWRFs permitted for projection and their periodicity is to be finalised
by the CGRPS in consultation with the refitting firm and the Ship. However, projection of
AWRFs under all circumstances is to be seized 10 days prior to the scheduled DCD.

0410. The AWRFs should not include complete renewal of Commercial Off The Shelf
(COTS) Items/equipment or costly items. In case the cost of repairs on the COTS equipment
is high or uneconomical, the renewal of such equipment is to be undertaken after receipt of
Non Availability Certificate (NAC) and under the subhead of NA spares. The AWRFs should
also not include fabrication of furniture, boxes for spares, tools, etc.; soft furnishing, viz
renewal of cushions, curtains, carpets, etc; and renewal/repairs of office equipment, crockery
and cutlery.

0411. Additional financial sanction upto a certain percentage of Contract Price is catered
for AWRFs in the Refit Contract. Payment in all such cases will be made at actuals subject
to the ceiling stipulated. Costing towards growth of work would be worked out on pro rata
basis quoted by the refitting firm. However, price negotiations are to be carried out with the
refitting firm only in cases where pro rata rates are not available. The participation by the
IFA would be as per financial regulations in vogue. A representative of the subcontractor or
the OEM/PAC firm can be co-opted during this CNC with a view to ascertain the
reasonableness of refitting firm’s quote. Approval for undertaking AWRF jobs upto the
sanctioned cost will be accorded by COA, keeping RHQ informed. .

Spares Management

0412. A list of critical spares of either high value or having a long lead time for positioning
along with BER certificate of equipment required to be replaced should be submitted by the
Ship during the RFIC. Procurement of such spares which are not available at the Store

Depot may be initiated at various ICG formations as per delegated financial powers, well in
advance. It is to be endeavoured by all concerned that all known requirements are met
well in time so as to avoid cost over runs against the limited government sanction for
procurement of spares through the refitting firm. All procurement is to be undertaken against
NAC and would be restricted to established requirements only.

0413. Defect list serials bearing staff remarks “Survey & Demand” are not part of the refit
work package. Ships are to demand and position such requirements prior commencement
of refit as the same are not to be procured from the refit account.

0414. The anticipatory requirement of spares is not to be met through the store depots.
During the progress of refits, all available spares are to be issued by the store depots only
against e-demands accompanied with covering letter and reference of yard indents vetted
by the CGRPS. However, the yard indents will not be necessary for jobs outside the refit
work package.

0415. Prior commencement of refit, spares/stores issued by the store depots are to be
restricted to the following:-
(a) Spares specially procured for a particular ship and earmarked at the depot for
undertaking maintenance routines or defect rectification.
(b) Established and known requirement of spares commensurate with the refit
work package may be issued by the store depots on approval of RHQ.

0416. The sequential procedure for procurement of non available spares through the
refitting firm would be as follows:-
(a) On opening up of a particular machinery or equipment, a joint inspection is to
be carried out by the Ship, the refitting firm, CGRPT and the OEM/PAC firm or
subcontractor, as applicable.
(b) The spares required for liquidation of the associated job or defect list serial are
to be jointly established.
(c) The refitting firm is to submit an indent for the required spares within two
working days and the same is to be vetted by CGRPS within the next two working
(d) The ship is to forward e-demands along with a covering letter to the mother
depot for machinery spares and to the local store depot for balance stores/spares,
within two working days from date of vetting of yard indents. The documents may
be delivered by hand, fax or speed post. The scanned documents e-mailed through

the ship’s official e-mail ID will also be accepted by the depots for processing.
(e) The yard indents are not to be forwarded to the store depots. However, the
ship in its forwarding letter is required to certify the following:-
(i) The demands have been prepared based on the refit indents vetted by
CGRPS vide _________dated __________.
(ii) All unused items demanded for the ship’s refit will be surveyed in
serviceable condition within 30 days of completion of refit.
(iii) The survey formalities of permanent items will be completed within two
months of completion of refit.
(f) The depots are required to process the refit demands within three working
days and forward the NACs to the ship either by fax or e-mail, to enable initiation of
procurement action. The ink-signed NACs are to be forwarded by the depots by
post/by hand of ship’s representative.
(g) The CGRPS is to initiate procurement action by inviting quotes from the refitting
firm. The quotes when received are to be scrutinized based on available details
such as in-house data, LPP, etc.
(h) A CNC may be conducted with PAC/L1 firm under chairmanship of CGRPS
and members from CGRPT/IFA/local ICG unit as per availability. The participation
by the IFA or his representatives for price negotiations would be as per financial
regulations in vogue.
(j) The CGRPS is to authorize the refitting firm to place purchase order. The
receipt of ink signed NAC is not mandatory at this stage and purchase order can be
placed against NAC received by the ship through fax/e-mail.
(k) Packing and forwarding charges, yard handling charges and taxes and duties
as applicable, are to be allowed to the refitting firm.
(l) Certified Receipt Voucher (CRV)/Inspection Note are to be issued by the Ship
on delivery/receipt of the spares on board.
(m) Duly scrutinsed bills with CRV/Inspection Note, invoice and ink signed NAC
are to be processed by CGRPS/RHQ as specified in the Contract.

0417. In addition to the sequential procedure mentioned in the preceding paragraph, in

case of urgency, the ship may seek availability status of spares by fax for which the store
depot is required to respond within two working days. The entire procedure is time bound
and its successful execution is dependent on the alacrity at which the demands are processed
and NACs issued by the store depots.

0418. All spares received by the ship, specifically for the refit, are to be stocked separately
and not merged with onboard spares. On completion of the refit, all unused spares, whether
received from the Depot or the refitting firm, are to be surveyed to the depot in serviceable
condition. Confirmation regarding survey of all unused spares is to be also included in the
Refit Report. It would however need to be strictly ensured that repairable spares/stores are
never surveyed, whether the ship is in its operational or refit cycle. Such items would need
to be repaired in the first instance before merging into the Depot’s inventory.

Commercial Functions

0419. Re-appropriation of sanctioned amount is not to be made between main work

package, AWRF and NA spares.

0420. All stage bills are to be vetted by the CGRPS. Bills are to be scrutinized properly to
avoid any lapse during the payment. A certificate is to be rendered by the CGRPS for
completion of each stage/refit completion. All NA spares bills are to be cleared as per the
Refit Contract and the taxes, duties, etc. are to be reconciled with supporting documents.
Necessary duty exemption certificates in respect of NA spares procured by the refitting
firm during the refit of the ship are to be issued as per regulations in vogue. The amount
claimed by the refitting firm against third party invoice on account of NA spares are to be
cleared with all supporting documents. Bills should be closely scrutinized to ensure that
the amounts claimed correspond to the written authorizations issued and that there is no
duplication. COA of the rank of DIG and above is authorized to clear all refit bills for payment
in favour of the refitting firm by respective paying office under intimation to the AA and CFA.
In cases where the COA is of the rank of Commandant and below, the duly certified bills
shall be forwarded to respective AA for payment authorization under intimation to CFA. The
AA shall allocate the budget for the refit to the COA, as per projection/requirement.

0421. If the refit is not completed within the stipulated duration and the reasons for non
completion of the refit on schedule are attributable to the refitting firm, a Liquidated Damage
(LD) is to be levied on the refitting firm. The amount levied is to be as per terms of the Refit
Contract. In addition, LD is to be also levied on delinked and unfinished jobs as mentioned
in the Refit Contract. An illustration for calculation of LD is as follows:-

Case I

(a) Contract Price of the Refit : Rs. 100 Lakhs

(b) Scheduled DCD : 31 Dec 15
(c) Actual Date of Refit Completion: : 16 Jan 16

(d) Total Delay for Delivery of Ship : 16 Days (Rounded off to

03 weeks for the purpose of
calculationof LD)
(e) Total Nos. of Jobs Delinked From Refit : 05
Completion :
(f) Itemwise Cost of 02 Jobs Completed : Rs. 100,000/-
10 days Beyond Actual Date of
Refit completion
(g) Itemwise Cost of 03 Jobs Completed 20 : Rs. 300,000/-
days Beyond Actual Date of
Refit completion
(h) Calculation of LD :-
(i) Total delay of 16 days for delivery of complete ship beyond scheduled
DCD i.e. 1.5% @ 0.5% /week and part thereof on Contract Price = 1.5/100 X
100,00,000= Rs 1,50,000/-
(ii) Non completion of 02 delinked Jobs 10 days beyond actual date of refit
completion i.e. 1 % @ 0.5% /week and part thereof on sum total of item wise
cost of 02 jobs = 1 /100 X 1,00,000= Rs 1000/-
(ii) Non completion of 03 delinked Jobs 20 days beyond actual date of refit
completion i.e. 1.5 % @ 0.5% /week and part thereof on sum total of item wise
cost of 03 jobs = 1.5 /100X3,00,000= Rs 4500/-
(iv) Total LD (i+ii+iii) = 1,50,000+ 1000+4500 = Rs 1,55,500/-


(j) Contract Price of the Refit : Rs. 100 Lakhs

(k) Scheduled DCD : 31 Dec 15
(l) Actual Date of Refit Completion: : 31 May 16
(m) Total Delay for Delivery of Ship : 152 Days (Rounded off to
22 weeks for the purpose of
calculationof LD)
(n) Total Nos. of Jobs Delinked From Refit : 05
Completion :

(p) Itemwise Cost of 02 Jobs Completed : Rs. 100,000/-

10 days Beyond Actual Date of
Refit completion
(q) Itemwise Cost of 03 Jobs Completed : Rs. 300,000/-
20 days Beyond Actual Date of
Refit completion
(r) Calculation of LD :-
(i) Total delay of 152 days for delivery of complete ship beyond scheduled
DCD i.e. 10% (max. permissible LD)@ 0.5% /week and part thereof on Contract
Price 10/100 X 100,00,000 = Rs 10,00,000/-
(ii) No LD is leviable on the delinked jobs since the max. permissible LD has
already been considered at (i) above.

0422. All refitting firms are to attach a full and final refit bill certificate along with the claim
for penultimate stage payment. No supplementary bill is to be admitted after receipt of this


0423. With a view to ensure that a fully operational ship is available post refit, it is imperative
that all the jobs not included in the refit work package but having effect on the Ship’s
operational capability are also undertaken during the conduct of the refit. However, such
jobs would need to be undertaken without hampering the smooth execution of the original
refit work package as well as the overall work quality. The following guidelines would ensure
meeting of such an objective:-
(a) As far as possible, all defects/routines remarked as “undertake under DFPR”
in the refit work package as well as the defects/routines occurring post RFIC are to
be liquidated by the administrative authority or the Ship’s Staff under own DFPR
during the operational cycle, prior to commencement of the refit.
(b) Only such defects/routines which could not be undertaken under DFPR during
operational cycle of the Ship due to reasons like paucity of time or having occurred
very close to the refit commencement and at the same time having effect on Ship’s
operational capability/ habitability/ safety should be considered for undertaking during
refit as additional jobs.
(c) Such additional jobs are to be projected to the CGRPS by the Ship as a single
package preferably within one week of refit commencement. The CGRPS, on
receiving request for additional jobs is to render a feasibility report to RHQ on

undertaking these jobs concurrently with the refit jobs indicating details viz. time
required, budgetary quotes, any likely effect on smooth progress of refit due to
restrictions by the refitting firm/Port, hindrance to other major jobs, etc. The CGRPS,
if considered necessary, may also redefine the scope of additional jobs projected
to suit the smooth conduct of both refit as well as additional jobs. CGRPS may
render firm recommendations against each additional job, with likelihood of any
particular job affecting the DCD and hence, whether the jobs may be undertaken
post refit completion.
(d) Based on the recommendations of CGRPS, the RHQ is to accord approval for
those additional jobs which are feasible for undertaking concurrently during the
refit. These approved additional jobs are to be offloaded by the Ship/local
administrative authority/RHQ as per the delegated financial powers. On offloading,
the overseeing of these jobs will be the responsibility of CGRPS concurrently with
the refit jobs. The status of such jobs is to be separately indicated in refit sitreps
received at RHQ. The Ship’s Staff and local administrative authority are to be in
close liaision with CGRPS as well as the firms/local trade for smooth progress of
such jobs as well as for providing required spares from OBS/depot/LP action against
NACs. Timely processing of work done certificates and processing of bills in respect
of additional jobs under DFPR shall be the responsibility of the Ship and the authority
issuing the work order.

Refit Completion

0424. The Harbour Acceptance Trials (HATs) should include all performance trials on
machinery, equipment and systems, except those trials which can be undertaken only at
sea. The CGRPS, in consultation with RHQ, may authorize the Ship to undertake fuelling,
ammunitioning, etc. on successful completion of HATs. The post refit sea trials or Sea
Acceptance Trials (SATs) should invariably precede the REFCOMP signal and the
performance standards of all machinery, equipment and systems are to be compared with
those achieved during the pre refit trials. Defects and shortcomings observed during the
SATs are to be made good before the DCD. All aspects of operational capability, safety and
habitability are to be ensured before the refit completion.

0425. In case the refitting firm is unable to liquidate any of the defect list serials, either
wholly or partially, before the conclusion of the refit, recommendations for delinking such
jobs are to be forwarded for the approval of CFA at least seven days before DCD. The
CGRPS is to prevail upon the refitting yard to complete all outstanding jobs before expiry of
the guarantee period and settlement of the last stage payment. For this purpose, the CGRPS
is to establish the list of outstanding jobs on the day of refit completion, in consultation with

the Ship and the refitting firm. The Ship is to forward a fortnightly sitrep of outstanding jobs
to the CGRPS under intimation to the administrative authority. The long outstanding jobs
may be liquidated by the administrative authority or RHQ under the delegated financial
powers, at the Yard’s ‘Risk and Cost’.

0426. Defects arising during the operational period and within the guarantee period
stipulated in the Refit Contract are to be projected by the Ship immediately on occurrence.
Such defects should strictly be related to the scope of work undertaken by the refitting firm
during the refit. All defects are to be serially numbered starting from 01 and all serial numbers
would need to be prefixed with the letter ‘GD’, i.e. GDH 03, GDE 07, GDL 01, etc. All
defects on machinery, equipment, systems, etc. which occur after the stipulated guarantee
period are not a liability of the refitting firm and are not to be treated as refit guarantee
defects. In case of default by the refitting firm beyond the period prescribed in the refit
contract for liquidation of GDs and/or unfinished refit work, the AA in consultation with
COA/ refitting firm shall initiate action for liquidation of the jobs under refitting firm’s ‘Risk
and Cost’, in accordance with the contractual provisions. On completion of guarantee period,
the COA is to deduct appropriate amount towards liquidation of pending guarantee defects
and/or unfinished refit work either against the bank guarantee provided for the guarantee
period or deductions from the refitting firm’s account as applicable or through direct
remittance to Govt treasury.

Appendix A
(Refers to Article 0203)




D-24 Receipt of Defect List at RHQ

D-22 Issue of EOI by RHQ with Defect List and Staff Remarks

D-20 Receipt of Supplementary Defect List from Ship at RHQ

D-19 Receipt of Comments/Queries from Refitting Firms at RHQ/Ship

D-18 Conduct of RFIC at RHQ

D-16 Accord of AON and Issue of RFP by RHQ

D-12 Receipt of Technical/Commercial Bids at RHQ

D-12 Opening of Technical Bids by TOC

D-10 Evaluation of Technical Bids by TEC & TEC Approval

D-9 Cost Estimation (Bench Marking) by CEC at RHQ

D-9 Opening of Commercial Bids by TOC

D-8 Conduct of CNC for establishing L1 and Price Negotiations *

D-6 Receipt of Itemwise Quote from Refitting Firm at Rhq

D-5 Obtaining Approval of CFA for Draft Refit Contract and Refit Sanction

D-4 Signing of Refit Contract

D Refit Commencement

* On satisfactory completion of CNC with the L1 Yard, seek itemwise quote for
submission by the Yard within two weeks.

D-32 Receipt of Defect List at RHQ

D-29 Receipt of Defect List at CGHQ with Staff Remarks of RHQ

D-26 Issue of EOI by CGHQ with Defect List and Staff Remarks of CGHQ

D-24 Receipt of Supplementary Defect List from Ship at RHQ

D-23 Receipt of Comments/Queries from Refitting Firms at RHQ/Ship

D-22 Conduct of RFIC at RHQ

D-19 Receipt of RFIC Minutes and Consolidated Work Package from RHQ

D-16 Accord of AON and Issue of RFP by CGHQ

D-12 Receipt of Technical/Commercial Bids at CGHQ

D-12 Opening of Technical Bids by TOC at CGHQ

D-11 Evaluation of Technical Bids by TEC at CGHQ & TEC Approval

D-10 Cost Estimation (Bench Marking) by CEC at CGHQ

D-10 Opening of Commercial Bids by TOC at CGHQ

D-9 Conduct of CNC at CGHQ for Establishing L1 and Price

Negotiations *

D-7 Receipt of Itemwise Quotes at RHQ from Refitting Firm

D-6 Receipt of Itemwise Quotes at CGHQ Duly Vetted by RHQ

D-5 Obtaining Approval of CFA for Draft Refit Contract and Refit Sanction

D-4 Signing of Refit Contract

D Refit Commencement

* On satisfactory completion of CNC with the L1 Yard, seek itemwise quote for
submission by the Yard within two weeks.


D-40 Receipt of Defect List at RHQ

D-37 Receipt of Defect List at CGHQ with Staff Remarks of RHQ
D-34 Issue of EOI by CGHQ with Defect List and Staff Remarks of CGHQ
D-32 Receipt of Supplementary Defect List from Ship at RHQ
D-31 Receipt of Comments/Queries from Refitting Firms at RHQ/Ship
D-30 Conduct of RFIC at RHQ
D-28 Receipt of RFIC Minutes And Consolidated Work Package from RHQ
D-24 Vetting of Draft RFP by Mod
D-23 Accord of AON and Issue of RFP by CGHQ
D-19 Receipt of Technical/Commercial Bids at CGHQ
D-18 Opening of Technical Bids by TOC at MoD
D-16 Evaluation of Technical Bids by TEC at CGHQ & TEC Approval
D-15 Cost Estimation (Bench Marking) by CEC at CGHQ
D-14 Opening of Commercial Bids by TOC at MoD
D-12 Conduct of CNC at MoD for Establishing L1 and Price Negotiations*
D-10 Receipt of Itemwise Quotes at RHQ from Refitting Firm
D-9 Receipt of Itemwise Quotes at CGHQ Duly Vetted by RHQ
D-6 Obtaining Approval of CFA for Draft Refit Contract and Refit Sanction
D-4 Signing of Refit Contract
D Refit Commencement

* On satisfactory completion of CNC with the L1 Yard, seek itemwise quote for
submission by the Yard within two weeks.

Appendix B
(Refers to Article 0209)


Reply should be addressed
to The Commander, Coast Guard Region (…) Headquarters
Coast Guard Region

Quoting: Date

All applicable refitting firms




1. It is intimated that e-mail containing following defect list serials (Hull, Engineering
and Electrical) in respect of ………. refit of ICGS ……… for ……… days duration along
with serial wise CGRHQ( ) remarks has been forwarded todate…………

(a) Hull : HA 1001 to HB …….

(b) Engg : EA 3001 to EB ……
(c) Elect : LA 5001 to LB …….

2. Item wise technical comments/queries are invited for the defects remarked “DO”
by RHQ( ) on the defect list enclosed. Please note that only technical comments/queries
need to be forwarded and no “Budgetary Quote” is to be forwarded. Forwarding of
budgetary offer will disqualify the concerned refitting firm from the tendering process.

3. The refit is to be undertaken at ……….. The refit is tentatively scheduled to

commence in the month of ………. for a period of ………. days. The refit of the ship is to
start within 30 days of signing the Refit Contract. However, in case the ship is not available
during this period of 30 days, the refit of the ship would deemed to have commenced with

effect from the date the ship is subsequently made available for refit by the Indian Coast

4. The conduct of refit including other general conditions, payment terms, etc. will be
governed in accordance with provisions of Defence Procurement Manual in vogue.

5. For details of defects on machinery, systems and ship’s hull, you are requested to
contact the Chief Staff Officer (Tech), Coast Guard Regional Headquarters (…..), (Tele……..)
or the District Technical Officer, CGDHQ-….. (Tele……..) to ascertain availability of the
ship in harbour and clearance to visit the ship.

6. It is intimated that a Request for Information Conference (RFIC) will be held at

CGRHQ (…..)/CGDHQ-….to discuss/clarify the scope of work and to bring all the
participating yards technically at par. It may be noted that the date for RFIC will be intimated
shortly by CGRHQ (…..).

7. You are advised to depute your rep to the ship for meeting with the concerned
officers of the ship in order to assess the defect list wise work package physically prior
submitting technical comments/queries.

8. It is also desirable that suitable rep is deputed for attending the RFIC on receiving
intimation from CGRHQ (…..). Alternately, a communication may be forwarded to CGRHQ
(…..) that you would accept the work package as finalized during the RFIC.

9. In the event that refitting firm/refitting firms does not have its own infrastructure
including workshop facility at the place of refit, it should have a Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) with a local firm which owns at least a workshop facility befitting the
refit of a ship. The refitting firm/refitting firms should be a licensee or have a MoU/ agreement
with the Port/ PSU/ private refitting firm in whose dry dock the ship is going to be docked as
part of refit or MoU with a local firm who is a licensee of Port/PSU/ private refitting firm in
whose dry dock the ship is going to be docked. The proof for both the facilities(workshop
and drydock) is to be attached with the technical bid so as to ascertain the technical
qualification of the yard.

10. It may be noted that RFP will be issued to all those refitting firms who have
not conveyed their unwillingness to undertake the refit in accordance with provisions
of DPM irrespective of whether they attend RFIC or not. As such, if you do not wish to
undertake the refit, you should communicate the same in writing before the RFIC takes

11. It is requested that your technical comments/queries for the defect list serials
remarks “DO” by CGRHQ(…..) as per the enclosure be forwarded to Coast Guard
Region(…..), with one copy each to CGDHQ-….. and ICGS……… at the addresses
given below by ……...

Address :



for Commander
Coast Guard Region (.....)

Enclosure: Main Defect List (Hull, Engg & Electrical)

Copy to:

The Commander
Coast Guard District Headquarters

The Commanding Officer

ICGS ........................

Appendix C
(Refers to Article 0212)






CGDHQ ………..


ICGS …………….






Ship) IS SCHEDULED AT (Time) ON (Date) AT (Location).











Appendix D
(Refers to Article 0212)













ICGS……… IS SCHEDULED AT (Time) ON (Date) AT (Location).





3. CGDHQ(…...........) FOR ICGS…….............……. ALSO (IF/AS APPLICABLE).



COAST GUARD REGION (…............. )


Appendix E
(Refers to Article 0215(k))



HELD AT ………………… FOR …………REFIT OF

ICGS …………………… FROM …………TO …………

1. The following were present:

RHQ (………)
(a) CSO(Tech)/ Chairman
(b) RTO(Refit)/ Member Secretary
(c) SO(Refit)
ICGS ………..
(d) Commanding Officer
(e) Engineer Officer
(f) Executive Officer
(g) Electrical Officer
Refitting firms
(h) M/s ……………
(j) M/s ……………
(k) M/s ……………

2. At the outset, CSO(Tech) RHQ (….) welcomed the reps of refitting firm and intimated
that the refitting firms will have to submit two separate bids in sealed envelopes i.e. Technical
Bid and Commercial Bid for refit of the ship. “The refit should be undertaken
on……………coast of India being the immediate geographical vicinity from the base
port.” He also intimated that the refitting firms must quote for complete scope of the work
(all in way jobs included) at fixed rates for refit duration of ………calendar days. CSO
(Tech) further emphasized on the following points related to the conduct of refit:-

(a) The place of Refit of the ship is ————— COAST only and all refitting yards
not having their own infrastructure including workshop facility at the place of refit,
should have a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with a local firm which owns
at least a workshop facility befitting the refit of a ship. The proof for the same is to
be attached with the technical bid so as to ascertain the technical qualification of
the refitting firm. The refitting firm (if doesn’t own a dry dock) should be a licensee
or have a MoU/agreement with the Port/PSU/private yard in whose dry dock the
ship is going to be docked as part of refit.
(b) Ship staff to prepare a list of spares with long lead time for positioning and
initiate procurement of CG supply spares and surface paints.
(c) Refitting firm winning the contract is to submit BAR chart (indicating critical
path) along with Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) and PBG. BAR chart and QAP are
to be submitted by the refitting firm within 15 days of signing the Refit Contract and
is to be finalized during the pre refit meeting.
(d) Requirement of class surveyor as defined in these minutes/SOW is to be
adhered to by the yards.
(e) During dry dock period, work may continue round the clock, including blasting/
painting. Request for such extended hours should reach ship 48 hours in advance.
During this period, the refitting firm is to arrange suitable bus/vehicle for turnaround
of ship’s personnel between the Ship and place of stay provided by the refitting
firm, at no extra cost. Any specific requirement over and above the working hours
indicated, is to be intimated by refitting firm to COA with justification, who will consider
the request based upon merit.
(f) For effective and timely execution of refit, a good co ordination is expected
between COA, Ship and the refitting firm.
(g) No stoppage of work is permitted unless the same is linked to the Ship’s safety
and security. In case such a need arises, the matter is to be immediately referred to
the COA.
(h) For undertaking post refit guarantee defects away from base port/port of conduct
of refit, no additional charges (including travelling/boarding/lodging) will be
reimbursed by ICG to the refitting firm /subcontractor/PAC firms. The refitting firm
is to have necessary arrangements at different ports for attending the guarantee
(j) Any loss to Govt. property will have to be made good by the refitting firm by
providing same in serviceable condition/replenished. The refitting firm and its
subcontractors will not have any lien on these materials.

(k) Being refitting firm’s subcontractors, obtaining services and quotes from the
PAC/OEM firms will remain yard liability.
(l) The refitting firm is to submit an indent for spares within two working days from
opening of a particular machinery or equipment and the same is to be vetted
by CGRPS within the next two working days. The Ship is to thereafter raise
demand within the subsequent two working days to the Store Depot. The depot is
to process this demand within three working days and forward NACs by fax/email.
Ink signed NACs are to be forwarded by the depot by post/ by hand of Ship’s
(m) Rubber material for seals of watertight doors and hatches should confirm to
NCD 5904 specifications.
(n) The itemwise or defect list wise quote is to be submitted within 15 days
of CNC and the refit of the ship is to start within one month of signing the refit
(p) PBG for an amount of 10% of contract price is to be submitted by the refitting
firm within 30 days of signing of contract. This PBG will remain valid upto eight
months from refit completion date. No separate BG needs to be provided by the
yard for release of Stage-VIII payment, if the PBG covers the guarantee period.
(q) LD, if applicable, is to be levied only at Stage-VI prior raising of “Full & Final
payment” certificate. Deduction of amount for jobs approved for deletion will be as
per item wise quote submitted by refitting firm.
(r) No supply order for NA spares is to be placed after refit completion. Further,
for timely settlement of refit bills towards NA spares, the refitting firm should ensure
that invoices for the same are accompanied by ink signed NAC.

3. Following is the summary of response from the participating refitting firms/firms:-

(a) Comments on the main defect list along with acceptance towards Terms and
Conditions for ………. Refit of ICGS …………. were invited from the following refitting
firms vide RHQ(….) letter ……………..dated ………... :-
(i) M/s
(ii) M/s
(iii) M/s
(b) Out of ….. firms/refitting firms, following … firms/refitting firms attended the
RFIC meeting:-

(i) M/s
(ii) M/s
(iii) M/s
(c) The following refitting firms have submitted their technical offer/willingness.
However, the refitting firms have regretted to depute their reps for RFIC due to pre-
occupation and have requested to forward the minutes as finalised during the RFIC:-
(i) M/s
(ii) M/s
(iii) M/s
(d) The following refitting firms have not responded:-
(i) M/s
(ii) M/s
(iii) M/s
(e) M/s …………… vide their letter …………………….dated ……………… have
regretted to participate in the tender due to pre occupation with other ship
construction and repair activities.

4. The Supplementary defect list with under mentioned defect serials as placed at
Annexure- I …, will form part of work package and will be undertaken by the refitting firm
within the price agreed/as finalized during the CNC.

(a) HULL - HB-…….to HB - ……….

(b) ENGINEERING - EB- …….to EB -………..
(c) ELECTRICAL - LB- …… LB -………..

5. The remarks given earlier by RHQ on the main defect list were further elaborated
during Request for Information Conference (RFIC) and changes in remarks are mentioned
as amended remarks and same have been incorporated in the refit work package. The
supplementary defect list was also finalized during the RFIC and included in the refit work
package. The refitting firms are required to make note of these remarks and include cost
in the final offer while submitting commercial bids/ during CNC accordingly.

6. The technical queries/comments of all the refitting firms were scrutinised during
the RFIC. To bring all the refitting firms technically at par, the scope of work was discussed
and clarified to the reps of all refitting firms. All the queries and doubts were discussed and

necessary clarifications are included in Annexures to this document. The amendments and
clarifications arising during discussions with each refitting firm in RFIC will also be applicable
to the other competing refitting firms.

7. The defect description and RHQ remarks in Main Defect List and RHQ(…..) remarks
on Supplementary Defect List were discussed and scope of work finalized and understood
by all who participated in the RFIC. The defect list has been checked, scrutinized and it is
certified that there is no repetition of defects.

8. Provision of Accommodation During Refit.

(a) The refitting firm is to provide accommodation to the Ship’s crew when ship
becomes uninhabitable. The accommodation is to be provided within a reasonable
distance from the yard in consultation with CGRPT/RHQ (…..). The Ship will be
considered uninhabitable under any of the following conditions by CGRPS/COA
who will decide when ship becomes uninhabitable and habitable:-
(i) Non availability of toilet and bathrooms.
(ii) Non availability of galley.
(iii) Non availability of A/C and ventilation.
(iv) If more than 50 % of living spaces are disturbed due to degutting- regutting.
(b) During the uninhabitable period, accommodation is to be provided for
following crew as per the scale of accommodation indicated below:
(i) Officers. Cabin accommodation for officers with following facilities:-
(aa) ———— single occupancy rooms with AC(Comdt. and above a r e
to be catered)
(ab) ——— double occupancy rooms with AC
(ac) Attached toilet with bath.
(ad) Basic room carpet, curtain, etc.
(ae) Table and chairs.
(af) Basic linen viz. mattress, bed sheets, pillow, pillow covers,
(ag) Dining space and cooking area.
(ii) Sub-Officers. Cabin accommodation for Sub-officers with following

(aa) —— double occupancy rooms with aircoolers

(ab) Attached toilet & bathroom
(ac) Basic room carpet, curtain,etc.
(ad) Table and chairs
(ae Basic linen viz, mattress, bed sheets, pillow covers, blankets, etc.
(af) Dining space and cooking area
(iii) Enrolled Personnel. - Dormitory type accommodation with curtains
for Enrolled personnel to be provided. The scale of accommodation is as
follows: -
(aa) — in nos. single beds/cots. Rooms to have air cooler circulator.
(ab) Each single bed/cot to be provided with mattress, bed sheet, pillow
with cover.
(ac) — W/C and — bathrooms.
(ad) Dormitory room to have basic upholstery like — teapoy and — easy
chairs, curtains and wardrobe for keeping uniforms and day to day items.
(ae) Dining space and cooking area.

9. Yard Services. The refitting firm is to include following services required to be

provided to the Ship for the duration of refit against yard services. The item wise quote for
the following services needs to be submitted against each work/services mentioned at HA-
— to —— :-
(a) Fire main supply of — bar pressure at the rate of — TPH to be supplied to the
Ship for full duration of refit. Refitting yard is to provide two in nos. fire sentries
each, wherever hot work is in progress. SS is also to provide their own fire sentry
as required. If the refitting firm does not have facility for round the clock fire main
pressure, it has to make arrangement for fire tender to be stand by at all times.
(b) Garbage clearances and disposal facility to be provided for the full duration of
(c) Shore supply power connection (415V,50Hz, 3Phase) for consumption up to
— units and connecting/disconnecting cable as and when required. Ships staff to
maintain a logbook for actual power consumption. Shore supply 415 V, 50 Hz to be
provided for the duration of refit with provision of voltage meter.

(d) Crane facility is to be provided as and when required. The refitting firm is to
cater for —— hours operations during the entire refit period. Ship staff to maintain
a record on this aspect.
(e) Supply of fresh water to be catered for — tons per day including — ltrs of
drinking water per day. SS to keep record of water received during refit.
(f) All OEM/ PAC firms and refitting firm’s ‘H’, ‘E’ and ‘L’ reps are to embark the
ship for pre and post refit sea trials.
(g) Preparation of keel blocks and certificate of suitability is to be issued by the
refitting firm. Keel blocks to be offered to overseeing authority for inspection, prior
docking of the Ship.
(h) Keel blocks are to be arranged as per docking plan, and ship is to be dry-
docked in both versions.
(j) Tug for docking, undocking, berthing and unberthing are to be provided as
and when required till refit completion.
(k) Pilot is to be provided while entering and leaving drydock and harbour.
(l) The refitting firm to provide two telephones for the entire refit duration. One
connection is to have STD facility.
(m) Berthing and unberthing at wet basin including basin hire charges are to catered
(n) The refitting firm is to provide transport for refit duration as follows for 120 km/
day or 12 hrs/day whichever is exhausted earlier: -
(i) —— bus/ mini bus for ship.
(ii) —— car for ship.
(iii) —— car for COA/CGRPS.
(p) Provide temporary lights.
(q) Compressed air supply, as and when required.
(r) Refitting firm to extend fax/e-mail facility to COA/REFIT OVERSEEING TEAM/
SS on as and when required basis.
(s) A/C system is to be kept operational for maximum duration of the refit and
alternate sea water cooling lines are to be provided whenever feasible to keep the
system operational.

(t) Proper alongside berthing facility (not alongside pontoon/floating dock etc.)
and yard services for ship are to be provided for the entire period of refit. The
refitting firm is to ensure that there is no unnecessary shifting of ship during the
refit. In the event of berthing and yard services provided by ICG, the cost of the
same would be deducted at actuals.
(u) Appropriate refit office for overseeing team with necessary furniture and A/C.
(v) Adequate storage space to be provided to ship during the major hull repair
work, Approx storeroom size – [to be indicated].
(w) Shore galley facilities including gas burners and cost of cooking gas to be
provided when the ship’s galley becomes non-operational.
(x) At the time of de- ratting/ de–cockroaching, alternate arrangements for the
Galley should be provided by the refitting firm.
(y) The refitting firm is to arrange Gas Free Certificate for all Fuel/Lube oil tanks
prior commencing hot work. For this purpose provision of blowers and visit of
Inspector of Explosives are to be catered for.
(z) The Ship is to carry out de-fueling prior coming in drydock. The refitting firm is
to provide suitable containers/space for storing the residual fuel. The ship is to
collect fuel prior departing from the yard.
10. PAC Firms Routines and defect rectification of the following equipment are to be
undertaken in totality and only through OEM/PAC/Authorized reps as indicated against

Sl. Equipment PAC/OEM Firm




NOTE: Deviation from the above, if unavoidable, may be considered with prior
approval of respective CFA. However, requests for such deviation should be projected
within 15 days of commencement of refit through CGRPS/Overseeing Authority for
necessary action.

11. General Discussions. All technical queries pertaining to the refit of the ship were
discussed with the representatives of all the participating refitting firms and following decisions
agreed by all concerned for action by the refitting firm: -
(a) The list of sub-contractors for undertaking repairs on equipment & machinery
not mentioned in Para 10 are to be submitted to CGRPS/ Overseeing Authority for
(b) All welding jobs are to be undertaken by qualified welders duly certified by
LRS/ IRS / ABS / MMD for HT Steel, MS, SS, Aluminium, etc. during the refit.
(c) Scope of well-defined work in defects indicating ‘To be renewed, To be replaced’
include supply of spares and material, fitment, commissioning, and trials within
quoted amount for that defect. No NAC/AWRF will be provided against such defects
until otherwise specified/discussed specifically during Request for Information
Conference (RFIC).
(d) The quotation of refitting firm for overhauling of pumps (except equipment
mounted pumps & motors) will constitute all work including supply of spares except
renewal of impellers, shafts and casing. Pumps are to be painted as per existing
paint scheme by spray paint after overhauling within the price agreed during PNC/
(e) Overhauling/refitting of all valves includes mandatory replacement of all
defective material, gaskets, joints, fasteners, bridge piece and valve seats. In
addition, renewal of 25% spindles to be catered against each defect serial where
valve overhauling is specified. Painting of valve with 02 coats (one primer and
another color coding) to be carried out.
(f) Overhauling of Capstan / windlass will include supply of all spares except
gears, shaft and casing.
(g) Overhauling of lub oil coolers, freshwater cooler, condenser and all other heat
exchangers include replacement of ‘O’ rings and gaskets/fasteners. Renewal of
anodes is mandatory, as and when cooler/ condenser is opened and plugging of
leaking tubes is permitted up to 10%. Coolers/condensers are to be painted as per
existing paint scheme.
(h) Routines on A/C / Refrigeration plant include replacement of all teflon seating
and spindle for all line valves along with painting of compressors, condensers and
(j) Cost of removal and refitting of paneling and renewal of lagging and insulation
removed during defect rectification is to be included in the quoted cost. No additional
cost for degutting and regutting will be admissible.

(k) All relief/safety valves fitted with pumps and compressors are to be checked
for correct operation during overhauling.
(l) Ship’s hull/structure, all welded joints which are accessible and visible are to
be checked and survey to be carried out and repairs undertaken as per IRS
(m) Removal / fitment of pumps / prime mover / Generators include alignment as
per procedure along with in way jobs.
(n) All in way jobs whether specified or not in RHQ(. .) remarks are to be undertaken
by yard within the quoted price except in cases where the inway job entails removal
of heavy machinery for steel renewal .
(p) The refitting firm is to submit details of sub-contractors to whom work is intended
to be offloaded within 15 days of signing the Refit Contract and the same is to be
approved/ finalized by CGRPS during the pre refit meeting. Request for Information
Conference with OEM/PAC firm and sub- contractor of the yards is to be conducted
with the reps of CGRPS and ship staff prior to awarding the contract. Work orders
are to be issued within two weeks of refit commencement. If any firm is found
technically unsuitable and / or not agreeing with the terms and conditions of Coast
Guard, same is to be disqualified for undertaking the work. CGRPS/Refitting Authority
rep is to be included in PNC/CNC for AWRF Jobs with sub contractors.
(q) The refitting firm is to place order for yard supply items within 15 days from the
date of pre refit trials and forward a copy of supply order to CGRPS/Overseeing
(r) All work is to be carried out as per the directives of CGRPS/ Overseeing
Authority based on the approved defect list as confirmed during RFIC.
(s) Any hold up in timely completion of refit is to be intimated to CGRPS at least
30 days prior to scheduled completion of the refit with revised estimated date of
(t) Overhauling of motors and their control panels includes following:-
(i) Renewal of bearings.
(ii) Cleaning of stator/rotor and varnishing.
(iii) Internal and external repairing of motor yoke.
(iv) Examination of rotor, impeller, shaft, bearing housing and impeller non-
driven end (in case of ventilation motors) for flaws, cracks and corrosion. Same
to be repaired if found defective.

(v) Removal and renewal of bearing seals and gasket.

(vi) Repair of terminal box.
(vii) Replacement of defective nut and bolts.
(viii) Overhauling of EM brake assembly, associated gear and resistance bar
control unit, in case of windlass and capstan.
(ix) External painting of motor as per paint scheme.
(x) Trials of motors in totality post installation.
(xi) Overhauling of control panel fitted with Star Delta starter includes renewal
of contactor kit (to be supplied by yard) irrespective of its condition. Overhauling
of control panels will include renewal of terminal strips/connectors.

(u) All continuous running machinery contactor kits are to be renewed. Contactor
kits will be yard supply.
(v) The routines on automatic and semi-automatic changeover switch shall include
cleaning of dirt and dust by soft brush and vacuum cleaner. Examine all contacts
for adjustment and cleanliness.
(w) Ensure contacts are free to operate. Examine for loose connection, loose
securing nuts and bolts, sign of overheating, condensation, etc. Carry out insulation
resistance test of changeover switches and associated controls (Minimum acceptable
value-1M ohm). Carry out functional test on completion. Ensure that flexible earthing
strap is in good condition and making good contact.
(Note: Before carrying out insulation test all rectifiers are to be disconnected
and on no account must a full meggar voltage applied across rectifier).
(x) Overhauling of PDB, Starter Panel of equipment/motors will include renewal
of defective indication lamps, lamp covers, fuses, fuse bases, fuse carrier,
connectors, defective wiring and locking system.
(y) Calibration/test certification would be carried out by the refitting firm through
authorised agencies and calibration/test certificates issued for calibration of gauges
and testing of life saving equipment within the price agreed during PNC/CNC.

12. UTG/Robotic Scanning Report. After the docking, the refitting firm is to
undertake ultrasonic gauging and the report is to be plotted on shell expansion drawings.
Photographs of underwater fittings are to be forwarded to RHQ, Overseeing Authority and
the Ship for records. Ultrasonic surveys (UTG points as per remarks on defect list), wherever
applicable, should be carried out immediately on commencement of Refit/Docking (for

underwater hull) and report is to be rendered to the Overseeing Authority with

recommendations at the earliest to enable assessment of underwater work package. The
report on underwater scanning (if applicable) is to be prepared and report/recommendations
on the same is to be submitted in shortest possible time to finalise areas requiring steel
renewal. Scanning is to be undertaken through Class approved agency.

13. Spares Management

(a) The list of exact requirement of spares for routines/defect rectification is to be
rendered to CGRPS /Ship by the refitting firm within 02 days from the date of
opening of the equipment/machinery.
(b) The spares required for any equipment will be procured by the refitting firm
from the authorised dealer against NACs. The spares for equipment for which
authorised agencies are not available would be procured on competitive basis on
approval of CGRPS/ Overseeing Authority. The spares procured through the refitting
firm against NACs would be reimbursed at actual plus overheads as per DPM in
vogue. Taxes, duties, etc. will be paid on production of documents. Procurement
of spares through the refitting firm will be authorised by the CGRPS/ Overseeing
Authority after ascertaining availability of sanction. The detailed procedure for
procurement of spares against NAC from refit account is to be undertaken as per
policy in vogue.
(c) Unless, otherwise specified in defect list/these minutes, spares for refit will be
CG supply.

14. Trials.
(a) The refitting firm is to conduct pre refit trials along with reps of nominated PAC
firms before taking over the Ship for refit.
(b) DA’s load trials are to be carried out on completion of major routines on engines
and alternators with load tank. All DAs are to be proved on parallel operation also.
However, no load tank trial is to be conducted, if no major repair/routines have
been carried out.
(c) The refitting firm is to provide test and trials reports as per format. The Ship is
to hand over copy of format for test and trial reports.
(d) On completion of refit, the refitting firm is to conduct Harbour/ Basin Trials for
all machinery and defects, if any, are to be liquidated prior to Sea Trials.

15. Supply of Materials by Yard. Following materials are considered as yard supply
materials and the cost of the same would be deemed to have been included in the quotation
for the respective defect list serials: -
(a) Lagging material for renewal of laggings.
(b) Joints for pipes & manhole covers.
(c) Rubber coaming for doors and hatches.
(d) Nuts, bolts, washers and fasteners wherever required (Material –as per original
(e) Material for all wood repair jobs.
(f) Pipes, flanges and fittings for pipe renewal jobs.
(g) Bearings for pumps and motors (except for pumps fitted on Main Engines and
Gear Boxes).
(h) Gland packing including rudder gland packing & stabilizer gland packing.
(j) Material for furniture repair jobs (wooden as well as metal)
(k) Sacrificial anodes wherever renewal envisaged.
(l) Manufacture of shaft key during overhauling of pumps if required.
(m) Steel for steel renewal jobs.
(n) Material for cleaning electrical contacts, electrical equipment and their
accessories, which are overhauled.
(p) Tiles, underlay, chockfast, araldite, putties, etc.
(q) Industrial gases for testing/trials of systems, like Nitrogen for A/C plant.
(r) Electrical items like switches, plugs, cables, pins, fuses, terminal boxes,
contacts, washers, nuts, split pins, wood polish, putties, teflon tape, seal tight, hold
tight latches, blanks and flanges, etc.
(s) Spares for batteries, water cooler, refrigerator, deep freezer, photocopier
machine (except drum), washing machine, air horn, motor horn, mixer, iron box,
TV, DVD, domestic fan,etc.
(t) All material as indicated in remarks against individual defect serials.

16. Dry Docking. Dry docking of the ship to be done in both versions or as per docking
plan within the final amount agreed during the CNC. The Ship should generally be docked
within four weeks of commencement of Refit and U/W hull survey and growth of underwater

work package if any, be finalized. The entire under water hull including areas covered by
keel blocks are to be painted as per the approved paint scheme indicated in main defect list.

17. Paints.
(a) The refitting firm is to include supply of paints as per the scope of work and
RFIC minutes. Representative of paint manufacturer is to be involved for the
supervision during surface preparation and painting. The refitting firm is to obtain
back to back performance guarantee of 60 months from paint manufacturer and
stand guarantee against failure. The failure is defined as appearance of visible
macroscopic fouling or detachment of whole or part of film, amounting to 10% (ten
percent) or more of the total surface area, within 36 months, from the date of final
application of paint provided:-
(i) Percentage of visible macroscopic fouling is established through Data
Plan (provided by paint manufacturer rep at site, in consultation with repair
yard and CGRPS/ CG nominated rep).
(ii) Failure of paint is not due to external causes like bacterial attack,
mechanical damage, welding, heating, fairing or cleaning during guarantee
(iii) Fitted ICCP (Impressed Current Cathodic Protection) system or equivalent
is working satisfactorily during the guarantee period.
(b) The paints are to be procured only from ICG authorized paint manufacturers /
suppliers. To maintain uniformity, complete quantities of paints should be procured
from one of these firms only.
(c) The guarantee towards painted surface is as follows:-
(i) The paint is to be procured from manufacturer who will agree to give
guarantee towards painted surface in consonance with the “Product
Performance Guarantee” (PPG). No deviation from PPG will be accepted.
(ii) The refitting firm is also to ensure that a confirmatory certificate from the
site supervisor of the paint manufacturer is obtained and submit the same with
Second Stage bill. In case of any objection recorded by the supervisor at site,
the Overseeing Authority’s decision would be final, which shall be recorded on
the confirmatory certificate.
*Note. Paint failure to be defined as visible microbiological growth (i.e. fouling,
barnacles, weeds, etc.) visible corrosion marks, peeling and blistering of paint
on underwater surface.

18. Disclaimer. Name of any firm/agency/supplier other than OEM/PAC as mentioned

in Para 10 above is advisory/matter of reference and not binding on the refitting firm. The
status of OEM/PAC firms as mentioned at Para 10 will remain unchanged.

19. Noise and Vibration Trials. Noise Level Measurement and Base Line Vibration
Measurement of the ship are to be undertaken as part of refit. The recommendations/
information are to be utilised for undertaking routines/repairs on Ship’s equipment/fittings.
The Noise and Vibration trials are to be undertaken during pre-refit trials and also on
completion of the refit as part of post refit trials. The vibration measurement of major
machinery (Main Engines, DAs, Gear Boxes, Pumps Compressors, etc.) are to include
frequency analysis in addition to all amplitude measurements in horizontal, vertical and
axial directions.

20. Conclusion. The scope of work as per main and supplementary defect lists have
been discussed in detail with reps of all refitting firms and the ship, and all technical aspects
have been clarified. The refitting firms’ reps were intimated to quote for main defect list,
supplementary defect list and work package added during RFIC. Representative of all
refitting firms have understood the work package, minutes of RFIC and there are no further
queries/clarifications. Clarifications sought by the refitting firms have been cleared in RFIC
and same mentioned against each defect list serial in RFIC remarks column.

Appendix F
(Refers to Article 0219)



Telephone :
Telefax :
E-mail :
Reply should be addressed to Headquarters
The Commander Coast Guard Region ( )

quoting: ……/…../Refit/_____ 2016




ICGS ……………..

Dear Sir/Madam,

1. Quotations in sealed cover are invited for______Refit of ICGS _______________,

to be undertaken on ________Coast of India as per the work package listed in enclosed
Schedule of Requirement (SOR). The scheduled duration of the refit will be _____ calendar

2. General Information about the tender:-

(a) Tender Reference No. :

(b) Last date and time for receipt of tenders : __________by_______hrs.
(c) Date and time for opening of tenders : __________at_______hrs.
(d) Place of submission of bids :
(e) Place of opening of tenders :
(f) Address for communication :

3. The tender shall be submitted in single stage two-bid system, viz. the Technical
and Commercial bids. The following enclosures are forwarded along with this enquiry to
assist you in preparing your technical and commercial offers:-

(a) Schedule of Requirements - Enclosure 1

(b) Standard Conditions of Contract. - Enclosure 2
(c) Guidelines for Preparation of Technical Bid. - Enclosure 3
(d) Guidelines for Preparation of Commercial Bid - Enclosure 4
(e) Format for preparation of commercial Bid. - Enclosure 5
(f) List of OEM/authorized firm addresses. - Enclosure 6

4. Quotation shall remain valid up to__________days from the date of opening of

Technical bid.
Note:- Bid validity period may be increased/decreased on a case to case basis
with the approval of Competent Financial Authority (CFA).

Submission/Opening of Tenders

6. The Technical and Commercial bids are to be submitted in two separate sealed
envelopes, duly marked as “Technical Bid for RFP No. ______dated
_____20…” and “Commercial Bid for RFP No.______ dated ____20…”. Both envelopes
are to be placed in a bigger size envelope and sealed. This bigger size envelope is to be
marked with RFP No & date with firm’s name & address. The quotes are to be super-
scribed with your firm’s name, address, and official seal and ink signed by an authorized
representative of the refitting firm. Sealed Bids addressed to the
_____________________should be dropped in the tender box marked as “TENDER BOX
for “ located at the_____________or to be sent by registered post so as to
reach by due date and time. No responsibility will be taken by ICG for postal delay or non-
delivery/non-receipt of tender documents.

7. Sealed quotations will be opened by a committee on due date and time. Your
authorized representative can attend the tender opening. If due to any exigency, the due
date for opening of tenders is declared as closed holiday, in such cases, the tenders will be
opened on next working day at the same time or any other date/ time as intimated by the
CGRHQ(….). The date of opening of Commercial Bid will be intimated after acceptance of
technical bids.

8. Tenders sent by FAX will not be considered. Tenders found in sealed box or
received by registered post will only be considered. To avoid any complications with regard
to late receipt/non-receipt of Tenders, it may please be noted that the responsibility rests
with the tenderer to ensure that tenders reach this office before due date. Late quotes will
be rejected out rightly.

9. In case your firm is not willing to quote due to any reasons, your regret should be
forwarded well before the due date, failing which your firm can be de-listed from the
Contractor’s list.

10. Commercial offers will be opened only of those firms whose Technical Offers have
been found suitable after technical evaluation. Further, negotiations will be held only with
the lowest bidder (L1) as determined by the CNC. The date, time and venue fixed for this
purpose will be intimated separately.

11. Earnest Money Deposit: As per policy/regulations in vogue.

12. Evaluation Criteria

(a) Loading of Cost for Items “Not Quoted”. The bidder is to quote for all the
sections/sub-sections mentioned in the Schedule of Requirements (SOR). Any
omissions/deviations to the SOR are to be recorded in the Record of Deviations
and submitted along with the Technical Bid. In case a bidder fails to quote for a
certain item/ Defect List Serial, their bid will be loaded by the amount quoted by the
highest bidder for that particular Item/Defect List serial and this loading will be
considered for determining the L-1 only. The bidder will not be entitled to claim the
money loaded against the unquoted serials. The Coast Guard reserves the right to
determine the qualification of a firm on this account.
(b) Finalising of L-1 Firm. The L-1 firm will be decided by the CNC based
on cost of refit and services but exclusive of applicable taxes and duties (including
exemptions sought/granted and Octroi/Entry Tax).

13. Payment Terms. The Payment Terms for the Contract Price for each stage as
mentioned below shall be payable as derivative of the cost of refit work package.

Stage Activity Definition Stage

No. Payment
I On signing of contract against advance bank guarantee 10%
valid till completion of the refit which however, can be
returned in original on docking of the vessel.

Stage Activity Definition Stage

No. Payment
II On dry docking (a) if Stage I claimed 10%
(b) if Stage I not claimed 20%
III On completion of Ist version of undocking and 10%
completion of all underwater work as per main work
package including steel renewal, except area under
keel blocks which shall be undertaken during
II version docking.

IV On completion of IInd version of undocking. 10%

V On satisfactory completion of harbour trials of major 20%
machinery/ equipment.
VI On satisfactory completion of refit and departure of 15%
the ship from the refitting firm.
VII Within 60 days of satisfactory completion of Refit. 15% plus
cost of NA
and minus
the cost of
jobs and
VIII Along with Stage VII payment against PBG of 10%
equal amount valid for 60 days after completion of
guarantee period OR on completion of all guarantee

(a) All stage and final bill payments are to be vetted and cleared by the COA.
(b) Advance on signing of contract of up to 10% of cost of spares, against Bank
Guarantee may be permitted. The remaining payment for spares would be made
along with the stage payments during refit duration, on submission of proof of

purchase order, material receipt and inward inspection. Handling charges, if any,
are to be restricted to a maximum of _____%( as per DPM).

14. Standard Conditions of Contract (SCOC). Firm shall be required to accept the
SCOC. Additionally, standard clauses regarding agents/agency commission, penalty for
use of undue influence, access to books of accounts, arbitration and laws would be
incorporated in the contract. A Contract will be signed between The President of India
represented by _______________________ and the refitting firm/Firm incorporating the
SCOC at Enclosure-2 of this RFP, which will form an integral part of the Contract.

15. Request for Information Conference (RFIC). All clarifications with respect to
the work package have been resolved in the RFIC held from _______ to ___________at
__________________(minutes enclosed) prior issue of this RFP for submission of bids.
There is no change in the existing procedure followed for the spares management
during refit. The spares identified during RFIC will be either supplied by Coast Guard
or be procured by the refitting yard against NAC from the ship restricting the
total procurement to __% of Contract Price. The Schedule of Requirement (SOR)
(Enclosure-1) and SCOC (Enclosure-2) should be carefully considered while preparing the
bids. No revision of Commercial Bid would be permitted after opening of the Technical Bid.

16. In the event that shipyard do not have its own infrastructure including workshop
facility at the place of refit, it should have a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with a
local firm which owns at least a workshop facility befitting the refit of a ship. The proof for
the same is to be attached with the technical bid so as to ascertain the technical qualification
of the yard. The shipyard should be a licensee or have a MoU/agreement with the Port/
PSU/private shipyard in whose dry dock the ship is going to be docked as a part of refit.

17. Commercial Bid. The Commercial Bid is to be submitted strictly in accordance

with Enclosure-4 to this RFP. The Commercial Bid once opened, will not be subjected to
unilateral revision by the firm, unless the firm is called for price negotiations specifically
and asked to justify the rates.

18. Conditions Under which This RFP is Issued.This RFP is being issued with no
financial commitment and the Customer reserves the right to change or vary any part
thereof at any stage. The Customer reserves the right to reject any or all of the offers
without assigning any reason whatsoever. The Customer also reserves the right to withdraw
the RFP should it be so necessary at any stage. The Contractor will not have any objection
on working of reps of the firm having AIAMC/registered with Coast Guard during the period
of Refit in their premises. The Contractor will allow the reps of the firms having AIAMC with
ICG during the Refit and will assist ship staff to arrange necessary security approvals. Also

ICG will have the right to delete the work package for equipment for which AIAMC has been
under consideration at the time of issuing RFP and finalized later.

19. Please acknowledge receipt.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully

Enclosures :- As above ........................................
Copy to :-

Without enclosures
The Commanding Officer
ICGS …………………….

Enclosure 1 to RFP


Annexure I. Particulars of Vessel on which work is required to be carried out.

Annexure II. Quantified Work Package (comprehensive scope of work that contains
break-up of individual jobs to be completed including survey, dismantling and inspection,
routines and repair to be carried out, consequent repair, trials and comprehensive list of
services required such as dry docking, berthing, jetty services (electricity, accommodation,
phone, fresh water, fire main), crane facilities, tugs and pilot charges.

Annexure III. Quality Inspection Schedules/QAP (minimum and essential parameters that
are required to be achieved for the scope of work to be deemed as satisfactorily completed)

Annexure IV. Extract of relevant Navy/Coast Guard Orders (as applicable) pertaining to
the scope of work, such as ‘Paint Schemes’, ‘Hull Survey and Ratification Procedure’,
‘Survey of Anchor Chain Cable’, ‘Entry into Confined Spaces and Precautions Thereof, etc

Note:- Above mentioned subjects are deliberated at the respective Annexures.


Annexure 1 to Enclosure 1 of RFP


1. Name of the Vessel : ICGS __________ based at __________

2. Built by : _____
3. Date of Commissioning : _____
4. Overall Length : _____M
5. Length W/L : _____M
6. Breadth Max : _____M
7. Breadth WL : _____M
8. Depth : _____M
9. Draught : FWD _____M, AFT_____M
10. Propeller Draught : _____M
11. Speed (Max) : _____Knots
12. Displacement (Light) : _____T
13. Displacement (Deep) : _____T
14. Engine Fit : _____
15. Propulsion : _____
16. Diesel Alternators : _____

Annexure II to Enclosure 1 of RFP


The entire work package for the ________ Refit of ICGS _____________ as decided
by RHQ/CGHQ is already held with the respective refitting firms. The work package was
further discussed/ modified during the RFIC held on ______________ at ___________
(copy of RFIC minutes is enclosed). In addition, the work package would also include
additional jobs (AWRFs) and supply of NA spares, if any, during the duration of refit.
Annexure III to Enclosure 1 of RFP


Name of the Refitting Firm DOC No.

Quality Assurance Plan
Rev. No.
Name of the Document ICGS ___________
Rev. Dt.



ICGS _________

YARD PROJECT NO: _____________


Name & Address

Refitting Firm

Head Office (HO) Local/Works Office

M/s __________________________________

Document Reference No.

Name of the Refitting Firm DOC No.
Quality Assurance Plan
Rev. No.
Name of the Document ICGS ___________
Rev. Dt.

Name of Refitting Firm- M/s ______________________________


Doc. No.: _______________________ Project No.: _____________________ Date:

Customer : Indian Coast Guard

Classification Society :Indian Register of Shipping





Document Reference No.

Name of the Refitting Firm DOC No.
Quality Assurance Plan
Rev. No.
Name of the Document ICGS ___________
Rev. Dt.

Sl. No. Topic Page No.
1. General
1.1. Abbreviations
1.2. Preface
1.3. Scope of Inspection
1.4. Definitions for Check points
1.5. Criteria for Acceptance
2. Inspection Stages

2.1. Documentation Review

2.2. Pre-Refit Trials
2.3. Docking Inspection - Hull, Appendages & Underwater fittings
2.4. NDE
2.5. Hull
2.6. Piping
2.7. Engineering
2.8. Electrical
2.9. Hull Treatment
2.10. Any other items

Document Reference No.

Name of the Refitting Firm DOC No.
Quality Assurance Plan
Rev. No.
Name of the Document ICGS ___________
Rev. Dt.

1. General

1.1. Abbreviations

ABS American Bureau of Shipping PO Purchase Order

APT Air Pressure Test PQR Procedure Qualification Record
C Classification Surveyor PSPC Performance Standard for Protective Coatings
Class Classification Society PWHT Post Weld Heat Treatment
ExFPV Exhibit Fast Patrol Vessel QA Quality Assurance
HPT Hydraulic Pressure Test QAP Quality Assurance Plan

IACS International Association of Classification Society QC Quality Control

IRS Indian Register of Shipping QOP Quality Operational Procedure
MTC Material Test Certificate SPECS Technical Specification
NCR Non Conformity Report SWP Shop Weld Plan
NDE Non Destructive Examination WI Work Instruction
O Owner Representative WPQ Welder Performance Qualification
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer WPSWRT Welding Procedure Specification With Respect To
OPV Offshore Patrol Vessel Y Yard
P Paint Surveyor from Paint Maker

Document Reference No.

Name of the Refitting Firm DOC No.
Quality Assurance Plan
Rev. No.
Name of the Document ICGS ___________
Rev. Dt.

1.2. Preface

1.2.1. Introduction
The scope of work for OPV/FPV encompasses activities pertaining to Structures, Machinery and Outfitting & Trials. The ‘QAP’ outlines
a scheme to ensure that quality requirements are maintained during execution of the projects.

1.2.2. Prerequisites
(a) Approved drawings shall be used for inspection and acceptance at offering stage as per plan.

(b) Protocols (Formats for Inspection) and Work Instructions shall be standardized for critical inspection stages are available.

(c) Templates, gauges and other measuring instruments will be made ready, well in advance before execution of operation. Inspection
personnel trained for are using measurement tools and analysis techniques.

(d) Calibrated Measurement tools are used for measurement.

1.2.3. Reference Documents

(a) Class Approved Drawings, Class Rules

(b) OEM Requirements

(c) Contractual Requirements

(d) IACS and Yard Standards

1.3. Scope of Inspection

(a) Inspections shall be offered to Class and Owners as per stages enlisted in this document. The others inspection except mentioned
in Section-2, shall be inspected by _____________________________________________________.

Document Reference No.

Name of the Refitting Firm DOC No.
Quality Assurance Plan
Rev. No.
Name of the Document ICGS ___________
Rev. Dt.

(b) In general Owner supervisor shall have free access to monitor the progress of workmanship, provided that it does not disturb the
work of Shipyard.

(c) All test and inspections shall be carried out in accordance with the shipyard standard, specification and the requirement of
classification society and other regulatory bodies specified in the contract and with builder’s practices.

(d) Yard shall offer inspection to Class/Owners in format, at least 12 working hrs, before the inspection requirements. The urgent
requirements can be agreed with mutual consensus.

1.4. Definitions for the Check Points

‘A’ - Approval Approval of documents.

‘H’ - Hold Stage inspection is mandatory, inspection offer and reports are to be documented and maintained.

‘P’ - Perform Activities which need to be prepared or performed by Yard.

‘R’ - Review (a) The job/item status is reviewed based on prior inspection database, which is presented to the concerned
party (as per this QAP), as and when requested.
(b) If reviewed, approval for review is given on the available inspection documentation. Separate inspection
report is not necessary to maintain.
‘Rand’ - Random Inspection stages are intimated but QC/Class Surveyor/Owner representative carries inspections on Random basis.
Inspection Inspection Offers and Reports to be documented and maintained.
‘S’ - Surveillance Spot check (Patrolling) any time during the execution of the process.
‘W’ - Witness Witness the activities performed during execution of a process and sign the report.
‘At’ - Attend Meeting to be attended.
Inspection Offer A written request for inspection as per QAP or based on need, in a format (or) Inspection intimation – Communications
by phone / mail/ in meeting.

Document Reference No.

Name of the Refitting Firm DOC No.
Quality Assurance Plan
Rev. No.
Name of the Document ICGS ___________
Rev. Dt.

1.5. Criteria for Acceptance

(a) Approved drawings
(b) Contractual Technical Specification
(c) Shipbuilding Standards
(d) Classification Rules
(e) OEM Guidelines (incase not available in yard standard)
(f) Measurement Plans (as per OEM manuals and Drawings)

2. Inspection Stages

Sl. Description of Inspection Stages, Reference Documents Verifying Inspection


No. as per Applicability for Class of Ships Documents Refitting Firm Class Owner

2.1. Documentation Review

2.1.1. Welding Procedure Qualification WPS/PQR Reports

2.1.2. Welder Performance Qualification WPQ Reports

2.1.3. NDE Procedures NDE Procedures

2.1.4. NDE Operator Qualification Valid Qualification
2.1.5. Painting Scheme Paint Scheme

2.1.6. Test & Trial Protocols for Test & Trial

Post-Refit trials Records

Document Reference No.

Name of the Refitting Firm DOC No.
Quality Assurance Plan
Rev. No.
Name of the Document ICGS ___________
Rev. Dt.

Sl. Description of Inspection Stages, Verifying Inspection

Reference Documents
No. as per Applicability for Class of Ships Documents Refitting Firm Class Owner
2.2. Pre-Refit Trials

2.2.1. Check the performance and status As per ICG Procedure Inspection Record
of all equipment
2.3. Docking Inspection – Hull, Appendages & Underwater fittings

2.3.1. Docking Survey Class rules/ _____________ Inspection Record

2.3.2. Visual inspection of Drain Plugs Class rules/ _____________ Inspection Record
(all fresh water tanks, fuel oil tanks and

ballast tanks)

2.3.3. Visual inspection of sea chest gratings Class rules/ _____________ Inspection Record

2.3.4. Visual inspection of all under water Class rules/ _____________ Inspection Record
welded joints, plates and other
structures including tanks.
2.3.5. Visual inspection of all compartments Class rules/ _____________ Inspection Record
including cold and cool room.
2.3.6. Visual inspection of Cable locker & Class rules/ _____________ Inspection Record

2.3.7. Gauging of anchor chain cable Class rules/ _____________ Inspection Record
2.3.8. Visual inspection of flooring and lagging. Class rules/ _____________ Inspection Record

Document Reference No.

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Rev. No.
Name of the Document ICGS ___________
Rev. Dt.

Sl. Description of Inspection Stages, Verifying Inspection

Reference Documents
No. as per Applicability for Class of Ships Documents Refitting Firm Class Owner
2.4. NDE
2.4.1. AUTS- Automated Ultrasonic Thickness Class rules/ _____________ Inspection Record
Scanning (as per DL)
2.4.2. UTG readings (as per DL & where AUTS Class rules/ _____________ Inspection Record
not feasible e.g. shell curved areas)
2.4.3. UTG readings for Sea tubes Class rules/ _____________ Inspection Record
2.4.4. DPT of weldment (as indicated by Class rules/ _____________ Inspection Record
Class/ CGRPS)

2.4.5. RT of Weldment (as indicated by Class rules/ _____________ Inspection Record

Class/ CGRPS)
2.4.6. Visual inspection of shipside, Class rules/ _____________ Inspection Record
superstructure, decks, deck outfittings
and mast.
2.5. Hull
2.5.1. U/W Plate Welding Class rules/ _____________ Inspection Record

2.5.2. Pressure testing of underwater storm Class rules/ _____________ Inspection Record

2.5.3. Hose test of weldment Class rules/ _____________ Inspection Record

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Rev. No.
Name of the Document ICGS ___________
Rev. Dt.

Sl. Description of Inspection Stages, Verifying Inspection

Reference Documents
No. as per Applicability for Class of Ships Documents Refitting Firm Class Owner
2.5.4. Hose test of sea-tubes (prior undocking) Class rules/ _______________ Inspection Record
2.5.5. Pressure testing of tanks in case of Class rules/ _______________ Inspection Record
steel renewal
2.5.6. Coating renewal inspection for Class rules/ _______________ Inspection Record
AVCAT tanks
2.5.7. Functional test for Anchor & Mooring OEM Document Inspection Record
Capstan (post overhauling)
2.5.8. Load test of mooring capstan OEM Document Inspection Record

(post overhauling)
2.5.9. Functional test of accommodation
ladder (post overhauling)
(a) Static test OEM Document Inspection Record
(b) Running test
(c) SWL test
2.5.10. Load testing (Static & Dynamic) of OEM Document Inspection Record
radial davits
2.5.11. Load testing anchor strops OEM Document Load Testing Certificate
2.5.12. Pressure test of cold and cool room
prior commencement of insulation Class rules/ CG Procedure Inspection Record
renewal (renewal applicable if ‘K’ value
not in permissible limit).

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Name of the Refitting Firm DOC No.
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Rev. No.
Name of the Document ICGS ___________
Rev. Dt.

Sl. Description of Inspection Stages, Verifying Inspection

Reference Documents
No. as per Applicability for Class of Ships Documents Refitting Firm Class Owner
2.5.13. Heat input test of cold and cool room Yard Procedure Inspection Record
2.5.14. Chalk testing of
(a) W/T doors Class rules/ CG Procedure Inspection Record
(b) W/T hatches
2.5.15. Chalk testing/ Hose testing of Scuttles Class rules/ CG Procedure Inspection Record
(Port holes) &
Emergency Escape
2.5.16. Inspection of ventilation and air

conditioning system
(a) Inspect ventilation trunks Class rules/ CG Procedure Inspection Record
(b) Open/ Close mechanism of
AC diffuser boxes
2.5.17. Sewage Treatment Plan - Class rules/ CG Procedure Inspection Record
Pressure testing of tanks
2.5.18. Load test of helo securing deck rings Class rules/ CG Procedure Inspection Record
2.5.19. Inspection & Load test of Class rules/ CG Procedure Inspection Record
helo landing grid
2.5.20. Choke fasting of helo landing grid Class rules/ CG Procedure Inspection Record
2.5.21. Inspection of hanger door Class rules/ CG Procedure Inspection Record
2.5.22. Inspection of sea boats: Inspect Class rules/ CG Procedure Inspection Record
FRP hull for damage/ cracks

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Rev. No.
Name of the Document ICGS ___________
Rev. Dt.

Sl. Description of Inspection Stages, Verifying Inspection

Reference Documents
No. as per Applicability for Class of Ships Documents Refitting Firm Class Owner
2.5.23. SWAMP test of sea boats Class rules/ CG Procedure Inspection Record
2.5.24. Load test of slings, bridles and strong Class rules/ CG Procedure Inspection Record
backs of sea boats
2.5.25. Load testing of boat davits Class rules/ CG Procedure Inspection Record
2.5.26. Load testing of Pollution control cranes Class rules/ CG Procedure Inspection Record
2.5.27. Examination of all openings prior Class rules/ CG Procedure Inspection Record
2.5.28. Visual Inspection of Gun foundation Class rules/ CG Procedure Inspection Record

2.6. Piping
2.6.1. Pressure test inlet side & gravity test
outside following main sea chest valves:-
(a) Globe Valve - EFF Pumps
(b) SDNR - Main Engine
(c) SDNR – A/C Condenser Pump
(d) Fire & Sprinkler Class rules/ CG Procedure Inspection Record
(e) Bilge & Ballast Emergency Fire
(f) G/B & Stern tube Pumps
(g) SDNR Main D/A
(h) SDNR RO Plant
(j) EM Log gate valve

Document Reference No.

Name of the Refitting Firm DOC No.
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Rev. No.
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Rev. Dt.

Sl. Description of Inspection Stages, Verifying Inspection

Reference Documents
No. as per Applicability for Class of Ships Documents Refitting Firm Class Owner

2.6.2. Hose test of valves (mentioned in 2.6.1) CG Procedure Inspection Record

post fitment
2.6.3. Pressure test of following Over
Board valves
(a) F/W Hydrophore
(b) EFF system
(c) A/C sea water system
(d) Refrigeration sea water system
(e) WHR plant

(f) Main D/A CG Procedure Inspection Record

(g) M/E
(h) Gear Box
(j) Bilge & Ballast pump
(k) Bilge Pump
(l) Bleeding valve
(m) Oily Bilge water separator
(n) Stabilizer
(p) Steering gear system
(q) RO Plant
(r) Eductor overboard
2.6.4. Hose test of valves (mentioned in 2.6.3) CG Procedure Inspection Record
post fitment

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Rev. No.
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Rev. Dt.

Sl. Description of Inspection Stages, Verifying Inspection

Reference Documents
No. as per Applicability for Class of Ships Documents Refitting Firm Class Owner

2.6.5. Pressure testing of system valves

(as per defect list)
(a) Fire main systems associated
(b) EFF systems
(c) Eductor systems
(d) Bilge & Ballast systems
(e) S/W Cooling system
(f) Fresh water system CG Procedure Inspection Record

(g) A/C Chilled Water system

(h) Fuel oil system
(j) Lub oil system
(k) Air system
(l) AVCAT system
(m) Weed cleaning air valve
2.6.6. Pressure testing of pipe lines
( as per defect list)
(a) Fire and sprinkler system
(b) Bilge & Ballast system
(c) Fuel Oil filling/transfer system
(d) Compressed Air system
(e) Lub Oil Transfer/ Filling system

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Sl. Description of Inspection Stages, Verifying Inspection

Reference Documents
No. as per Applicability for Class of Ships Documents Refitting Firm Class Owner

(f) DA Sea Water Pipe lines

(g) A/C sea Water cooling system
(h) Sea Water cooling system
(j) Fin Stabilizer Hydraulic system
(k) Stabilizer sea water system
(l) Main Engine SW system
(m) Main Engine Fresh Water system CG Procedure Inspection Record
(n) Gear Box Sea water cooling

(p) WHR sea water system

(q) CPP system
(r) RO Plant sea water system
(s) Fresh water filling/transfer system
(t) Gun cooling system pipelines
(u) Oily bilge water separator
(v) EFF Hydraulic system pipe lines
(w) Stern Tube cooling system
2.7. Engineering
2.7.1. Installation inspection of sea chest OEM Documents Inspection Record
strainers and assembly

2.7.2. Shafting (P & S)

(a) Check trueness of propeller shafts OEM Documents Inspection Record

Document Reference No.

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Rev. No.
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Rev. Dt.

Sl. Description of Inspection Stages, Verifying Inspection

Reference Documents
No. as per Applicability for Class of Ships Documents Refitting Firm Class Owner

2.7.3. (b) Sighting of shaft line OEM Documents Inspection Record

2.7.4. (c) MPT / DPT Yard Procedure Inspection Record
2.7.5. (d) Alignment of propeller shaft to OEM Documents Inspection Record
gear box (in afloat condition)
2.7.6. (e) Alignment of gear box to main OEM Documents Inspection Record
engine (in afloat condition)
2.7.7. (f) Measure the clearances of ‘A’ OEM Documents Inspection Record
bracket bushes (forward and aft)

2.7.8. (g) Measure clearances of intermediate OEM Documents Inspection Record

bracket bushes (forward and aft)
2.7.9. (h) Measure the clearances of stern OEM Documents Inspection Record
tube bushes (forward and aft)
2.7.10. CPP System
(a) Check propeller blades and hub OEM Documents Inspection Record
assembly (end cover, cranks, trunion
links, link pins pistons, etc.)
2.7.11. (b) Static pressure test of Hub seal OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.12. (c) Tightening inspection of refit blades OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.13. (d) DPT of propeller blades OEM Documents Inspection Record

Document Reference No.

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Rev. No.
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Rev. Dt.

Sl. Description of Inspection Stages, Verifying Inspection

Reference Documents
No. as per Applicability for Class of Ships Documents Refitting Firm Class Owner
2.7.14. (e) Refit of shafts stern seal assemblies OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.15. (f) Installation of shaft eddy plates, OEM Documents Inspection Record
cone rings and rope guards
2.7.16. (g) Check local/MCR/bridge OEM Documents Inspection Record
pitch alignment.
2.7.17. (h) Pressure test CPP hydraulic OEM Documents Inspection Record
system @ 120 bar with the propeller
pitch in full ahead & astern

2.7.18. (j) Testing of safety valve, back OEM Documents Inspection Record
pressure valve and pressure
switch settings.
2.7.19. (k) Check all critical bolt connections OEM Documents Inspection Record
and rod, clearances in bearings.
2.7.20. (l) Check mechanical pitch locking OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.21. (m) Calibration of
(i) CPP Pressure transmitter OEM Documents Calibration Record
(ii) CPP local panel gauges
2.7.22. (n) Pressure test of lub oil coolers OEM Documents Inspection Record

2.7.23. (p) Pressure test of CPP overhead tank OEM Documents Inspection Record

Document Reference No.

Name of the Refitting Firm DOC No.
Quality Assurance Plan
Rev. No.
Name of the Document ICGS ___________
Rev. Dt.

Sl. Description of Inspection Stages, Verifying Inspection

Reference Documents
No. as per Applicability for Class of Ships Documents Refitting Firm Class Owner
2.7.24. Rudder & Rudder Stock
(a) Check clearances between OEM Documents Inspection Record
rudder stocks and bushes
2.7.25. (b) Measure jumping clearances OEM Documents Inspection Record
before removal and after fitment
2.7.26. (c) Rudder tiller-Rudder Stock fitment OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.27. Fin Stabilizers
(a) Check fin stock clearances before OEM Documents Inspection Record

and after renewal

2.7.28. (b) Pressure testing of both fins OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.29. (c) Trial (post overhauling) OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.30. Main Engine
(a) Check over speed trip at no load OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.31. (b) Measure crankshaft deflections. OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.32. (c) Check groove clearance & OEM Documents Inspection Record
pressure test piston and connecting rod.
2.7.33. (d) Inspection of nozzle ring and rotor OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.34. (e) Inspection/ re-fitment of OEM Documents Inspection Record
vibration damper

Document Reference No.

Name of the Refitting Firm DOC No.
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Rev. No.
Name of the Document ICGS ___________
Rev. Dt.

Sl. Description of Inspection Stages, Verifying Inspection

Reference Documents
No. as per Applicability for Class of Ships Documents Refitting Firm Class Owner
2.7.35. (f) Inspection of crankcase with OEM Documents Inspection Record
crankshaft in place
2.7.36. (g) DP test of crank case (if defects OEM Documents Inspection Record
found further MPT to be done)
2.7.37. (h) Inspect cam wear measurement OEM Documents Inspection Record
on crankpins.
2.7.38. (j) Inspect speed governor & carry out OEM Documents Inspection Record
bench test - compare with CST readings.

2.7.39. (k) Check all the sensor elements, OEM Documents Inspection Record
alarm and cut outs
2.7.40. (l) Check calibration of all gauges OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.41. (m) Check calibration of instruments, OEM Documents Inspection Record
alarm and cut outs.
2.7.42. (n) Pressure testing of FW and OEM Documents Inspection Record
Lub oil intercoolers
2.7.43. (p) Pressure testing of SW system OEM Documents Inspection Record
non-return valves
2.7.44. (q) Pressure testing of Fuel OEM Documents Inspection Record
return line relief valves.

Document Reference No.

Name of the Refitting Firm DOC No.
Quality Assurance Plan
Rev. No.
Name of the Document ICGS ___________
Rev. Dt.

Sl. Description of Inspection Stages, Verifying Inspection

Reference Documents
No. as per Applicability for Class of Ships Documents Refitting Firm Class Owner
2.7.45. (r) Inspection of inlet and exhaust OEM Documents Inspection Record
ducts and drain pipe
2.7.46. (s) Pressure testing of drain valves OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.47. (t) Trial (post overhauling) OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.48. Gear Box
(a) Pressure testing of lub oil cooler OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.49. (b) Check internal alignment of units OEM Documents Inspection Record
in case of one side wear

2.7.50. (c) Calibration of :- OEM Documents Calibration Records

(i) pressure gauges
(ii) pressure regulating valves
(iii) pressure transmitters
2.7.51. (d) Pressure testing of sea water OEM Documents Inspection Record
line non-return valves
2.7.52. (e) Trial (post overhauling) OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.53. Plummer Block
(a) Plummer block cooling OEM Documents Inspection Record
coil pressure test.
2.7.54. (b) Check clearances of Plummer block OEM Documents Inspection Record
bearing & compare with initial reading

Document Reference No.

Name of the Refitting Firm DOC No.
Quality Assurance Plan
Rev. No.
Name of the Document ICGS ___________
Rev. Dt.

Sl. Description of Inspection Stages, Verifying Inspection

Reference Documents
No. as per Applicability for Class of Ships Documents Refitting Firm Class Owner
2.7.55. (c) Inspect both shafts & bulkhead OEM Documents Inspection Record
gland and note wear down. Compare
clearance with initial reading
2.7.56. (d) Inspect stern tube and note down . OEM Documents Inspection Record
clearances. Compare clearances with
initial reading
2.7.57. (e) Pressure test of pneumatic OEM Documents Inspection Record
stern tube sealing system.

2.7.58. Diesel Alternator

(a) Visual inspection of :- OEM Documents Inspection Record
(i) Expansion bellow
(ii) Exhaust Drain Pipe
2.7.59. (b) Pressure testing of exhaust OEM Documents Inspection Record
drain valves
2.7.60. (c) Installation of sea water pumps OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.61. Emergency Diesel Alternator
(a) Clean the lub oil cooler element. OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.62. (b) Check engine mountings for OEM Documents Inspection Record
tightness as per required torque.
2.7.63. (c) Check alignment of engine shaft OEM Documents Inspection Record
with generator.

Document Reference No.

Name of the Refitting Firm DOC No.
Quality Assurance Plan
Rev. No.
Name of the Document ICGS ___________
Rev. Dt.

Sl. Description of Inspection Stages, Verifying Inspection

Reference Documents
No. as per Applicability for Class of Ships Documents Refitting Firm Class Owner
2.7.64. (d) Visual inspection of exhaust pipe OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.65. Air conditioning plant
(a) Calibration of all gauges OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.66. (b) Check the function of expansion OEM Documents Inspection Record
valves and calibration
2.7.67. (c) Pressure testing of complete system OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.68. (d) Vacuum testing of complete system OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.69. (e) Alignment between compressor OEM Documents Inspection Record

and motor
2.7.70. Chiller system
(a) CCL. Pressure testing of chillers OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.71. (b) CCL/ Pressure testing of chiller tank OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.72. Air Handling Unit
(a) Check alignment of bearing and OEM Documents Inspection Record
dynamic balancing
2.7.73. (b) Pressure testing of :-
(i) FCUs OEM Documents Inspection Record
(ii) Chilled water systems
(iii) Cooling coils
(iv) Chiller Pump suction pipes

Document Reference No.

Name of the Refitting Firm DOC No.
Quality Assurance Plan
Rev. No.
Name of the Document ICGS ___________
Rev. Dt.

Sl. Description of Inspection Stages, Verifying Inspection

Reference Documents
No. as per Applicability for Class of Ships Documents Refitting Firm Class Owner
2.7.74. Refrigeration Plant
(a) Check alignment of compressor OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.75. (b) Visual inspection of :-
(i) Cylinder
(ii) Pistons OEM Documents Inspection Record
(iii) Bearings
2.7.76. (c) Calibration of pressure switches OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.77. (d) Pressure testing of :-

(i) condenser
(ii) sea water valves OEM Documents Inspection Record
(iii) evaporator coils
(iv) oil separators
2.7.78. (e) Check alignment of shaft, impeller OEM Documents Inspection Record
and align with motor.
2.7.79. (f) Calibration of defrosting in OEM Documents Inspection Record
auto mode
2.7.80. (g) Pressure test and vacuum test of OEM Documents Inspection Record
gas system using nitrogen

2.7.81. (h) Calibration of safety valves OEM Documents Inspection Record

Document Reference No.

Name of the Refitting Firm DOC No.
Quality Assurance Plan
Rev. No.
Name of the Document ICGS ___________
Rev. Dt.

Sl. Description of Inspection Stages, Verifying Inspection

Reference Documents
No. as per Applicability for Class of Ships Documents Refitting Firm Class Owner
2.7.82. Pumps Trial (post overhauling)
(a) EFF pump OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.83. (b) Hydrophore pump OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.84. (c) Hot water circulating pump OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.85. (d) Diesel driven emergency fire pump OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.86. (e) Bilge and Ballast pumps (Fwd & Aft) OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.87. (f) Fire & Sprinkler pumps (Fwd & Aft) OEM Documents Inspection Record

2.7.88. (g) Bilge pumps OEM Documents Inspection Record

2.7.89. (h) Fuel Oil transfer pumps OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.90. (j) Lub Oil transfer pumps OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.91. (k) Main Engine lub oil priming pumps OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.92. (l) M/E stand by lub oil pumps OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.93. (m) Inhibitor pump OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.94. (n) AVCAT pump OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.95. (p) Stern Tube Cooling pumps OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.96. (q) Non-submersible pumps (Portable) OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.97. (r) SW Gun cooling pump OEM Documents Inspection Record

Document Reference No.

Name of the Refitting Firm DOC No.
Quality Assurance Plan
Rev. No.
Name of the Document ICGS ___________
Rev. Dt.

Sl. Description of Inspection Stages, Verifying Inspection

Reference Documents
No. as per Applicability for Class of Ships Documents Refitting Firm Class Owner
2.7.98. (s) Portable submersible pumps OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.99. (t) Hot Water circulation pump OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.100. (u) G/B stand by lub oil pump OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.101. (v) F/W hydrophore pumps OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.102. Diesel Driven Emergency Fire pump
(a) Calibration of suction and OEM Documents Inspection Record
discharge pressure gauges
2.7.103. (b) Trial (post overhauling) OEM Documents Inspection Record

2.7.104. Reverse Osmosis Plant

Trial (post overhauling) OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.105. Hydrophore Tank
(a) Pressure test of hydrophore tank OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.106. (b) Pressure test of LP air valve OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.107. (c) Calibration of pressure switch OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.108. Oily Bilge Water Separator
Trial (post overhauling) OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.109. Waste Heat Recovery plant
(a) Pressure test of cooling tubes OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.110. (b) Pressure test of heater tubes OEM Documents Inspection Record

Document Reference No.

Name of the Refitting Firm DOC No.
Quality Assurance Plan
Rev. No.
Name of the Document ICGS ___________
Rev. Dt.

Sl. Description of Inspection Stages, Verifying Inspection

Reference Documents
No. as per Applicability for Class of Ships Documents Refitting Firm Class Owner

2.7.111. (c) Pressure testing of all sea water OEM Documents Inspection Record
system pipe lines
2.7.112. (d) Trial (post overhauling) OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.113. Lub Oil & Fuel Oil Separator No.1 & 2
Trial (post overhauling) OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.114. HP Air Compressors (No. 1 & 2)
(a) Function Check (post overhauling) OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.115. (b) Pressure test of air bottles OEM Documents Inspection Record

2.7.116. Control Air Compressors (No. 1 & 2)

(a) Performance check OEM Documents Inspection Record
(post overhauling)
2.7.117. (b) Pressure test of air bottles OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.118. (c) Calibration & operation checks OEM Documents Inspection Record
of Pressure relief valves
2.7.119. (d) Pressure test the following valves :-
(i) Bottle outlet valves OEM Documents Inspection Record
(ii) Filling valves.
(iii) Drain valves.
2.7.120. Emergency Air Compressors
(No. 1 & 2)

Document Reference No.

Name of the Refitting Firm DOC No.
Quality Assurance Plan
Rev. No.
Name of the Document ICGS ___________
Rev. Dt.

Sl. Description of Inspection Stages, Verifying Inspection

Reference Documents
No. as per Applicability for Class of Ships Documents Refitting Firm Class Owner
(a) Performance Check OEM Documents Inspection Record
(post overhauling)
2.7.121. (b) Engine alignment with compressor OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.122. Diving Air Compressors
(a) Calibration of Pressure Switch OEM Documents Inspection Record
and relief valve.
2.7.123. (b) Performance check OEM Documents Inspection Record
(post overhauling)

2.7.124. BME Corrosion Inhibitor System

(a) Pressure testing of suction and OEM Documents Inspection Record
discharge pipes of fresh water
inhibitor pump system
2.7.125. (b) Pressure testing of F/W Inhibitor OEM Documents Inspection Record
system valves.
2.7.126. Calibration of AVCAT tank storage OEM Documents Calibration Certificate
2.7.127. Steering Gear System
(a) Pressure testing of :-
(i) Lub oil cooler
(ii) Oil cooler inlet and out let valve OEM Documents Inspection Record
(iii) SW pipe lines both lub oil cooler
(iv) Hydraulic pipe lines.

Document Reference No.

Name of the Refitting Firm DOC No.
Quality Assurance Plan
Rev. No.
Name of the Document ICGS ___________
Rev. Dt.

Sl. Description of Inspection Stages, Verifying Inspection

Reference Documents
No. as per Applicability for Class of Ships Documents Refitting Firm Class Owner

2.7.128. (b) Calibration of hydraulic relief valve OEM Documents Calibration Certificate
2.7.129. (c) Performance check
(post overhauling) OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.130. Sea Boat engine
(a) Pressure testing of oil cooler, OEM Documents Inspection Record
heat exchanger and charge air cooler
for sea boat engine
2.7.131. (b) Performance check of sea boats OEM Documents Inspection Record

Gear Box and propeller system

2.7.132. (c) Performance check of clutching /
declutching with forward and reverse OEM Documents Inspection Record
gear mechanism and accelerator
2.7.133. (d) Performance check of bilge pump OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.7.134. (e) Trueness test of drive shaft, OEM Documents Inspection Record
vertical shaft and propeller shaft of
stern drive
2.7.135. Performance check of air horn OEM Documents Inspection Record
along with its solenoid valves

Document Reference No.

Name of the Refitting Firm DOC No.
Quality Assurance Plan
Rev. No.
Name of the Document ICGS ___________
Rev. Dt.

Sl. Description of Inspection Stages, Verifying Inspection

Reference Documents
No. as per Applicability for Class of Ships Documents Refitting Firm Class Owner
2.7.136. Bilge Eductors
Pressure testing & Performance test OEM Documents Inspection Record
of eductor pumping out system pipe
(Aft E/R, Fwd E/R, AMR, ASP,
Baggage Store)
2.7.137. Halon Fire Fighting System
(a) Pressure testing of :-
(i) Nitrogen pilot cylinders
(ii) Valves and actuators of all

Nitrogen pilot cylinders

(iii) Halon fire fighting system OEM Documents Inspection Record
pipelines including manifold
(iv) Safety valves of FER, AER
and AMR manifolds
(v) Nozzles
(vi) Nitrogen pilot pipelines
(vii) All valves
2.7.138. (b) Performance check of OEM Documents Inspection Record
valves and actuators
2.7.139. (c) Full operation test (At least once in Sect 6, P-22 of Halon Inspection Record
5 years) to be undertaken by OEM technical manual
as per recommendations

Document Reference No.

Name of the Refitting Firm DOC No.
Quality Assurance Plan
Rev. No.
Name of the Document ICGS ___________
Rev. Dt.

Sl. Description of Inspection Stages, Verifying Inspection

Reference Documents
No. as per Applicability for Class of Ships Documents Refitting Firm Class Owner

2.7.140. Performance check of OBM OEM Documents Inspection Record

2.7.141. Pressure testing of calorifier tank OEM Documents Inspection Record
2.8. Electrical
2.8.1. Diesel Alternator
Load trials of DA’s with ships As per test procedure Inspection Record
maximum load.
2.8.2. Performance check of emergency As per test procedure Inspection Record
diesel alternator Post overhauling

2.8.3. Main Switch Board

Calibration of:-
(a) MSB Panel meters As per test procedure Calibration Records
(b) Busbar monitoring equipment
(c) Safety Trips
2.8.4. Testing of Air Circuit Breaker As per test procedure Inspection Record
2.8.5. Performance check external As per test procedure Inspection Reco
fire fighting system starters &
control panel
2.8.6. Performance check of air conditioning As per test procedure Inspection Record
plant post overhauling

Document Reference No.

Name of the Refitting Firm DOC No.
Quality Assurance Plan
Rev. No.
Name of the Document ICGS ___________
Rev. Dt.

Sl. Description of Inspection Stages, Verifying Inspection

Reference Documents
No. as per Applicability for Class of Ships Documents Refitting Firm Class Owner

2.8.7. Performance check of refrigeration As per test procedure Inspection Record

plant & control panel
2.8.8. Performance check of steering gear As per test procedure Inspection Record
motors and control system
2.8.9. Performance check of calorifier As per test procedure Inspection Record
and control panel
2.8.10. Performance check of HP air As per test procedure Inspection Record
compressor motor and starter panel

2.8.11. Performance check of LP air As per test procedure Inspection Record

compressor motor and starter panel
2.8.12. Performance check of accommodation As per test procedure Inspection Record
ladder motor control panel
2.8.13. Performance check of gear box As per test procedure Inspection Record
pump motors and starter panel
2.8.14. Performance check of Fire and As per test procedure Inspection Record
GS pump motors starter panel
2.8.15. Performance check of Bilge and As per test procedure Inspection Record
GS pump motors and starter panel
2.8.16. Performance check of Main Engine lub As per test procedure Inspection Record
oil stand by pump motor starter panel

Document Reference No.

Name of the Refitting Firm DOC No.
Quality Assurance Plan
Rev. No.
Name of the Document ICGS ___________
Rev. Dt.

Sl. Description of Inspection Stages, Verifying Inspection

Reference Documents
No. as per Applicability for Class of Ships Documents Refitting Firm Class Owner
2.8.17. Performance check of Main Engine As per test procedure Inspection Record
priming pump starter panel
2.8.18. Performance check of CPP motor As per test procedure Inspection Record
and control system
2.8.19. Performance check of Fuel Oil purifier As per test procedure Inspection Record
motor and starter panel
2.8.20. Performance check of lub oil purifier As per test procedure Inspection Record
motor and starter panel

2.8.21. Performance check of lub oil purifier As per test procedure Inspection Record
motor and starter panel
2.8.22. Performance check of lighting As per test procedure Inspection Record
2.8.23. Performance check of hydrophore As per test procedure Inspection Record
pump motor and starter panel
2.8.24. Performance check of boat davit As per test procedure Inspection Record
motor and control panel
2.8.25. Performance check of engine room As per test procedure Inspection Record
ventilation motors and control panel
2.8.26. Performance check of general As per test procedure Inspection Record
ventilation motors and control panel

Document Reference No.

Name of the Refitting Firm DOC No.
Quality Assurance Plan
Rev. No.
Name of the Document ICGS ___________
Rev. Dt.

Sl. Description of Inspection Stages, Verifying Inspection

Reference Documents
No. as per Applicability for Class of Ships Documents Refitting Firm Class Owner

2.8.27. Performance check of Stern tube As per test procedure Inspection Record
cooling pump motor and control panel
2.8.28. Performance check of navigational As per test procedure Inspection Record
light and control panel
2.8.29. Performance check of helo night As per test procedure Inspection Record
flying control panel
2.8.30. Performance check of As per test procedure Inspection Record
WHR control panel

2.8.31. Performance check of Sewage As per test procedure Inspection Record

Treatment Plant control panel
2.8.32. Performance check of Magnetic As per test procedure Inspection Record
2.8.33. Performance check of local As per test procedure Inspection Record
control panel for DG Sets
2.8.34. Performance check of As per test procedure Inspection Record
Oily Bilge Water Separator
2.8.35. Performance check of As per test procedure Inspection Record
Halon control panel
2.8.36. Performance check of As per test procedure Inspection Record
Fire Detection System alarm panel

Document Reference No.

Name of the Refitting Firm DOC No.
Quality Assurance Plan
Rev. No.
Name of the Document ICGS ___________
Rev. Dt.

Sl. Description of Inspection Stages, Verifying Inspection

Reference Documents
No. as per Applicability for Class of Ships Documents Refitting Firm Class Owner

2.8.37. Performance check of As per test procedure Inspection Record

Fin Stabilizer start panel
2.8.38. Performance check of Main Engine As per test procedure Inspection Record
control panel
2.8.39. Performance check of Call Bell As per test procedure Inspection Record
System & Action Alarm System
2.8.40. Performance check of Anemometer As per test procedure Inspection Record
2.8.41. Performance check of As per test procedure Inspection Record

Electric Horn control panel

2.8.42. Performance check of Incinerator As per test procedure Inspection Record
2.8.43. Performance check of Battery Charger As per test procedure Inspection Record
2.8.44. Performance check of As per test procedure Inspection Record
Glide Path Indicator
2.8.45. Performance check of EM Log As per test procedure Inspection Record
2.8.46. Performance check of As per test procedure Inspection Record
PC Crane starter panel
2.8.47. Performance check of As per test procedure Inspection Record
AVCAT pump starter panel

Document Reference No.

Name of the Refitting Firm DOC No.
Quality Assurance Plan
Rev. No.
Name of the Document ICGS ___________
Rev. Dt.

Sl. Description of Inspection Stages, Verifying Inspection

Reference Documents
No. as per Applicability for Class of Ships Documents Refitting Firm Class Owner
2.8.48. Performance check of Helo Hanger As per test procedure Inspection Record
Door Shutter starter panel
2.8.49. Performance check of As per test procedure Inspection Record
Auxiliary Pump motors
2.8.50. Performance check of As per test procedure Inspection Record
Bilge Pump motor starter
2.8.51. Performance check of As per test procedure Inspection Record
Bilge & Ballast Pump motor starter

2.8.52. Performance check of Fire & Sprinkling As per test procedure Inspection Record
Pumps (No.1 & 2) starter panel
2.8.53. Performance check of RO Plant As per test procedure Inspection Record
2.8.54. Performance check of As per test procedure Inspection Record
DC distribution board
2.8.55. Performance check of As per test procedure Inspection Record
SEA BOAT system
2.8.56. Performance check of Echo Sounder As per test procedure Inspection Record
2.8.57. Performance check of VHF TX/ As per test procedure Inspection Record
Rx RT 2047 & DSC 2042
2.8.58. Performance check of 5 KVA & 5 KVA As per test procedure Inspection Record
Frequency Converter and Control Panel

Document Reference No.

Name of the Refitting Firm DOC No.
Quality Assurance Plan
Rev. No.
Name of the Document ICGS ___________
Rev. Dt.

Sl. Description of Inspection Stages, Verifying Inspection

Reference Documents
No. as per Applicability for Class of Ships Documents Refitting Firm Class Owner
2.9. Hull Treatment
2.9.1. Tank, Confined space As per approved Inspection Record
cleaning & painting Painting scheme
2.9.2. Hull (Hydro jet) Cleaning and painting As per approved Inspection Record
Painting scheme
2.9.3. Surface preparation of decks As per yard standard Inspection Record
and structures
2.9.4. Painting of decks and structures As per approved Inspection Record

Painting scheme

Document Reference No.


Annexure IV to Enclosure 1 of RFP


Extract of policy letters/guidelines relevant to the refit work package, such as survey
of hull and repairs, paint scheme, survey of anchor & cable, underlay scheme, etc; not
covered in the main work package or RFIC minutes, are be placed at this Annexure.

(a) Policy on Paint Scheme

(b) Policy on load testing of lifting appliances
(c) Procurement of NA spares through refit account
(d) .......................................................................
(e) .......................................................................
(f) .......................................................................

Enclosure 2 to RFP









































Contract No.__________________
Date : ____________


THIS Contract is made and entered into at ______on this ______day of the month ______in
the year______(in words)


The President of India represented by the Chief Staff Officer (Technical),

Headquarters, Coast Guard Region (_________________) (hereinafter referred to as
the CUSTOMER), which terms, unless excluded by the context shall, be deemed to include
his successor or successors and permitted assignees, ON THE FIRST PART


M/s ______________________________________________ hereinafter referred to as

the CONTRACTOR, which expression shall include their Administrators, Executors,
Successors and legal Assignees, ON THE SECOND PART

And whereas the CUSTOMER agrees to deliver ICGS _____________ to the

CONTRACTOR for undertaking ……….. Refit and to take delivery of ICGS _____________
from the CONTRACTOR after successful completion of ________ Refit.

The CUSTOMER and the CONTRACTOR being hereinafter referred to as “Party” or


It is now agreed by and between both the parties hereto as follows:


1.1 Definitions

The following words and expressions in this Contract including its Annexes shall
have the meanings as hereinafter defined unless the context requires otherwise:-

Actuals : The term Actuals, related to payment, shall mean all

expenses, inclusive of those incurred towards
associated cost elements such as all taxes, duties &
levies, freight, insurance and clearance charges, etc.
incurred by the CONTRACTOR and computed at the
prevailing exchange rate wherever applicable, at the
time of release of payments by the CONTRACTOR to
the OEMs. Additionally, handling and/or service charges
and remuneration payable to the CONTRACTOR (not
exceeding 7.5% of the basic cost exclusive of taxes,
duties, freight, insurance and clearance charges) shall
be applicable on such Actual expenses as per the terms
of this Contract.

Article : Any Article of this Contract or partial Article with separate

marginal number as referred to anywhere in the wording
Acceptance of this Contract and/or its Annexes.

Certificate of : The Certificate to be signed jointly by the

representatives of the CONTRACTOR and the
CUSTOMER on the Date of Delivery of the Ship as set
out in Article 8.1.1 and Annexure I of this Contract.

Contract : Shall mean this Contract including its Preamble, Articles

1 to 27 and Annexes 1 to 5 herein, and all amendments,
changes, alterations and modifications made to this

Material : The term Material shall mean all equipment, fittings,

finished /semi finished products, spares, consumables,
yard material, items, sub-assemblies/assemblies,
documentation, etc. required for the removal, repair &

refurbishment, refit/installation and testing of any part

of the work being undertaken by the CONTRACTOR
(and/or by his Subcontractors on his behalf) as per
scope of his work defined in this Contract, up to
completion of the guarantee period and liquidation of
his outstanding liabilities.

COA : Agency assigned by the Competent Financial Authority

on behalf of the President of India to operate the
contract in accordance with Article 2.1.

Month : Any calendar month, as defined in the Gregorian

Calendar, or any period of 30 consecutive Days.

Year : Year starting from the 1st January and ending on 31st
December or any period of 12 consecutive months, as
the case may be.

1.2 Abbreviations

ABER : Anticipated Beyond Economical Repairs

A’s & A’s : Alterations and Additions
B & D Spares : Base & Depot Spares.
CNC : Contract Negotiation Committee
COA : Contract Operating Authority
DCD Dockyard Completion Date
DPSU : Defence Public Sector Undertaking
FAT : Factory Acceptance Tests/Trials.
HAT : Harbour Acceptance Trials.
ICG : Indian Coast Guard
MoD : Ministry of Defence
OBS : On Board Spares
OEM : Original Equipment Manufacturer
PAC : Proprietary Article Certificate
PBC : Pre-Bid Conference
QAP : Quality Assurance Plan
RFIC : Request for Information Conference

R&R : Remove and Refit

SAT : Sea Acceptance Trials.
STW : Setting–to–Work
TEC : Technical Evaluation Committee
TOC : Tender Opening Committee


2.1 It is hereby agreed and declared that the powers and functions of the CUSTOMER
under this Contract, shall be exercised by COA.

2.2 The refit of the ship is to start within 30 days of signing of Refit Contract and the
Effective Date of Contract during this period would be the date of handing over the vessel/
ship to the refitting yard. In case the ship is not available during this period of 30 days, the
Effective Date of Contract would be the date the ship is made available for refit to the
refitting yard. The contract commences from the Effective Date of Contract.


3.1 Work & Services Contract It is expressly understood and agreed between the
CUSTOMER and the contractor that this is a repair, refit and services contract.

3.2 Scope of Work

3.2.1 The _____ refit of Indian Coast Guard Ship _______ is to be completed in
accordance with the terms, conditions and provisions of this Contract, as detailed
in the succeeding Articles.
3.2.2 The scope of work with itemised cost is placed at Annexure II of this Contract.
3.3 Removal and Refitting of Items

3.3.1 In the event of the requirement to remove the existing light fittings, piping,
trunking, valves, electrical cables, junction boxes, lagging, paneling, obstructions,
protrusions, foundations, etc. falling in the way of repairs, temporarily to facilitate
completion of scope of work, the CONTRACTOR shall reinstall the same as per
drawings, amendments thereto and to the satisfaction of the CUSTOMER. All
work associated with this Article forms an integral part of Scope of Work specified
in Article 3.2.

3.3.2 Electrical cables in way of repairs, if required, are to be covered adequately

for protection against accidental mechanical / fire damage, by the CONTRACTOR.
Damages caused during the execution of the work by the CONTRACTOR or his
sub Contractors are to be made good by the CONTRACTOR at his cost.
3.3.3 All pipe lines/fittings which are not required to be taken out of the Ship are to
be properly covered / secured to ensure they are not damaged during the course of
the refit. Damages caused during the execution of the work by the CONTRACTOR
or his sub Contractors are to be made good by the CONTRACTOR at his cost.
3.4 Change in Scope of Work/AWRF

3.4.1 Notwithstanding the scope of work specified in Article 3.2 and 3.3.1, the
CUSTOMER shall have the right to modify the Scope of Work during the execution
of the Contract. The necessity for repairs/ renewals/replacements other than those
presently included in the Scope of Work may arise during the inspection/survey/
repair. All such work as also consequential work (rework) required to be done by
the CONTRACTOR along with work arising out of items/drawings supplied by the
CUSTOMER shall be treated as scope of work. ICG will have right to delete jobs
covered under AIAMC from the refit package even after commencement of
refit. The Contractor will not have any objection on working of reps of firms
executing AIAMC during the refit and will assist ship staff to arrange necessary
security approvals.
3.4.2 Such changes in the scope of work and the cost and time implications thereof
shall be mutually agreed upon on priority, in writing, before undertaking such changes
in the scope of work. The resultant increase in cost as well as any extension in
project duration will be intimated by the CONTRACTOR and shall be agreed and
accepted by the CUSTOMER through mutual negotiations prior to undertaking such
changes in scope of work. Format for promulgating change in scope of work is
placed at Annexure III of this Contract.
3.4.3 In case promulgation of such change in scope of work affects the initial scope
of work as per Article 3.2 and 3.3 and/ or additional scope of work as per Article
3.4.1, the cost and time implications due to such changes, shall also be taken into
consideration by both the parties, while promulgating the change in scope of work
in accordance with Article 3.3.
3.5 Procurement of Material by the CONTRACTOR

3.5.1 A list of items procured, indicating landed cost which includes cost of material,
freight, insurance, packing/forwarding, taxes, duties, clearing charges, etc. with

yard handling charges of __% (not exceeding 7.5%) of the basic cost will be furnished
along with the bill raised by M/s ————————————————— on the
basis of third party invoice.
3.5.2 All material and items procured by the contractor for scope of work, except
where specifically indicated that such items are customer supplied, are to conform
to the relevant approved and applicable specifications.
3.6 Return of Unused Material. All ferrous scrap arising out of repairs shall be the
property of the CONTRACTOR. However, non-ferrous scrap/equipment shall be the property
of the CUSTOMER.

3.7 Subcontracting
3.7.1 The CONTRACTOR may subcontract any part of scope of work on mutual
agreement with the CUSTOMER. The CONTRACTOR can under no circumstances
subcontract the complete scope of work to a third party. The jobs on machinery and
equipment listed at Enclosure 6 of RFP are to be undertaken through indicated
OEM/PAC firms only.
3.7.2 The CONTRACTOR would be entirely responsible for quality/standard and
timely execution of the sub-contracted work. The CONTRACTOR is to draw a
suitable quality assurance (QA) plan with the sub-contractor and a copy of the
same along with the record of inspection in accordance with such QA Plan shall be
submitted to the CUSTOMER.
3.7.3 The supervision of work for the sub-contracted jobs is to be done by the
CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR is not permitted to seek any extension of
completion date citing delay on the part of sub-Contractors or re-work arising out of
sub-contracted work.
3.8 Employment of Service Personnel. The CONTRACTOR shall not employ any
serving personnel of the Indian Coast Guard or on his own take any assistance either
directly or indirectly from any of the workshops/facilities of the Indian Coast Guard in the
form of men or material for the scope of work.


4.1 Contract Price

4.1.1 This is a fixed price contract for completion of work specified in Article 3.2
and 3.3. The Contract Price of refit is Rs…………………./- (Rupees …………….)
inclusive of applicable taxes and duties and excluding growth of work (AWRF)
& NA spares. The total financial implications inclusive of taxes and duties plus the

cost towards growth of work (AWRF) and NA spares is placed at Annexure IV of

this Contract.
4.1.2 Notwithstanding the provisions contained in Article 4.1.1, the price is subject
to revision upon mutual agreement, as and when scope of work is changed as per
Article 3.4, changes in tax rate, etc.
4.2 The CUSTOMER shall pay for any NA Spares procured by the CONTRACTOR for
Scope of Work based on mutual agreement. Payment shall be made under this Article on
the bill raised by the CONTRACTOR on the basis of Third Party invoice accompanied by
list of items procured, indicating landed cost which includes cost of materials, freight,
insurance together with handling charges of ___% [not exceeding 7.5% (Seven Point Five
Percent) of the basic cost of the spares ]. Advance on signing of contract upto 10% of cost
of NA Spares against bank guarantee may be permitted. The remaining payment for spares
would be made along with stage payments during refit duration, on submission of proof of
purchase order, material receipt and inward inspection.

4.3 Payment Terms. The payment terms for the Contract for each stage as mentioned
below shall be payable as derivative of the Contract Price (Stage Completion Certificate to
be filled up as per Annexure V wherever bills are raised in accordance with terms of
payment).Stage No. Activity Definition Stage Payment

Stage Activity Definition Stage Payment

I On signing of contract against advance bank guarantee 10%
valid till completion of the refit which however, can be
returned in original on docking of the vessel.

II On dry docking (a) if Stage I claimed 10%

(b) if Stage I not claimed 20%

III On completion of Ist version of undocking and 10%

completion of all underwater work as per main work
package including steel renewal, except area under
keel blocks which shall be undertaken during
IInd version docking.

IV On completion of IInd version of undocking

(a) if Stage III claimed. 10%
(b) if Stage III not claimed 20%

Stage Activity Definition Stage Payment


V On satisfactory completion of harbour trials of major 20%

machinery/ equipment.

VI On satisfactory completion of refit and departure of 15%

the ship from refitting firm.

VII Within 60 days of satisfactory completion of Refit. 15% plus balance

cost of NA spares
and AWRF and
minus the cost of
deleted jobs and
incomplete work.

VIII Along with Stage VII payment against BG* of equal 10%
amount valid for 60 days after completion of guarantee
period OR on completion of all guarantee liabilities.

* Separate BG not required if PWBG covers 60 days beyond the guarantee period.


5.1.1 The Contract Price of refit indicated in Article 4.1 of this Contract is inclusive
of all taxes, duties, levies of Central/ State authorities, as applicable at prevailing
rates under the extant Government policies for all materials and services procured
by the CONTRACTOR for the Scope of Work. Any change in the rates during the
period of contract shall be paid adjusted at the time of invoicing. The same shall be
reimbursed by the CUSTOMER to the CONTRACTOR at actual on submission of
documentary proof of payment. The CUSTOMER reserves the right to deny any
increase in taxes, duties, levies, etc. if the delivery period is extended beyond the
period specified in Article 8.1.1
5.1.2 Contract Operating Authority or an ICG representative shall issue appropriate
tax exemption/concession certificate(s) on behalf of the CUSTOMER, to avail tax
exemption/ concession, for procurement of CG liability spares/ stores only, as per
existing Government policies, rules and regulations in force.

5.2 “End User” Certificate. Contract Operating Authority or an ICG representative

shall issue the appropriate “End User Certificate” on behalf of the CUSTOMER for import
of material and services, wherever required by the concerned manufacturer/supplier of
equipment, material and services/government agency, as per rules and regulations in force.


6.1 Format for Bank Guarantee for Advance Payment ( for claiming 10%(stage I
and / or advance (10%) for NA spares on signing of contract as per format given below) :-

Bank ___________________


The Commander
[for CSO(Tech)]
Coast Guard Region (__________)


1. With reference to contract No. ………. dated ……….. concluded between the
President of India, hereinafter referred to as ‘the Purchaser’ and M/s _______________
hereinafter referred to as the “the Contractor” for _____ Refit of ICGS ……………. as
detailed in the above contract which contract is hereinafter referred to as ‘the Said Contract’
and in consideration of the Purchaser having agreed to make an advance payment in
accordance with the terms of the Said Contract to the Said Contractor, we the
______________Bank, hereinafter called ‘the Bank’ hereby irrevocably undertake and
guarantee to you that if the Said Contractor would fail to develop and supply the stores in
accordance with the terms of the Said Contract for any reason whatsoever or fail to perform
the Said Contract in any respect or should whole or part of the said on account payments at
any time become repayable to you for any reason whatsoever, we shall, on demand and
without demur pay to you all and any sum up to a maximum of Rs. _______ (Rupees
_______________ only) paid as advance to the Said Contractor in accordance with the
provisions contained in Clause_____________ of the Said Contract.

2. We further agree that the Purchaser shall be the sole judge as to whether the
Contractor has failed to develop and deliver the stores in accordance with the terms of the
Said Contract or has failed to perform the Said Contract in any respect or the whole or part

of the advance payment made to Contractor has become repayable to the Purchaser and
to the extent and monetary consequences thereof by the Purchaser.

3. We further hereby undertake to pay the amount due and payable under this
Guarantee without any demur merely on a demand from the Purchaser stating the amount
claimed. Any such demand made on the Bank shall be conclusive and binding upon us as
regards the amounts due and payable by us under this Guarantee and without demur.
However, our liability under this Guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding
Rs.______ (Rupees _____________ only).

4. We further agree that the Guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force till
satisfactory completion of the refit, as certified by the Purchaser/Customer. The guarantee
may however be returned/discharged by the Purchaser/Customer in original in his sole
discretion on docking of the ship/vessel.

5. We further agree that any change in the constitution of the Bank or the constitution
of the Contractor shall not discharge our liability hereunder.

6. We further agree that the Purchaser shall have the fullest liberty without affecting in
any way our obligations hereunder with or without our consent or knowledge to vary any of
the terms and conditions of the Said Contract or to extend the time of development/delivery
from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers
exercisable by the Purchaser against the Contractor and either to forbear or enforce any of
the terms and conditions relating to the Said Contract and we shall not be relieved from our
liability by reason of any such variation or any indulgence or for bearance shown or any act
or omission on the Purchaser or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the
law relating to sureties would but for this provision have the effect of so relieving us.

7. We lastly undertake not to revoke the Guarantee during the currency of the above
said contract except with the prior consent of the Purchaser in writing.

Yours faithfully,

for ____________________ Bank

(Authorised Attorney)
Place: ___________________
Date: ____________________ Seal of the Bank


7.1 Performance Cum Warrantee Bank Guarantee(PWBG) Format (for Private/
Public refitting firms)
(PWBG as per format appended below is to be submitted within 30 days of signing of contract as per
Article 7.17 of DPM 09 (as amended). The PWBG is to remain valid 60 days beyond the date of completion
of contractual obligation, including warrantee. No stage payment will be cleared without receipt of PWBG)
Bank _______________


The Commander
[for CSO(Tech)]
Coast Guard Region (__________)

Dear Sir,
Whereas you have entered into a contract No. ______________dated ______
(hereinafter referred to as the Said Contract) with M/s__________________, hereinafter
referred to as the Contractor for undertaking ___________ Refit of ICGS ________ and
whereas the Contractor has undertaken to produce a bank guarantee for ten percent (10%)
of total financial implications amounting to Rs._________ (Rupees __________________
to secure its obligations to the President of India. We the _______________ Bank hereby
expressly, irrevocably and unreservedly undertake and guarantee as principal obligors on
behalf of the Contractor that, in the event that the President of India declares to us that the
goods have not been supplied according to the Contractual obligations under the
aforementioned Contract, we will pay you, on demand and without demur, all and any sum
up to a maximum of Rs._____ ________(Rupees _____________ only). Your written
demand shall be conclusive evidence to us that such repayment is due under the terms of
the Said Contract. We undertake to effect payment upon receipt of such written demand.

2. We shall not be discharged or released from this undertaking and guarantee by

any arrangements, variations made between you and the Contractor, indulgence to the
Contractor by you, or by any alterations in the obligations of the Contractor or by any
forbearance whether as to payment, time performance or otherwise.

3. In no case shall the amount of this guarantee be increased.

4. This guarantee shall remain valid for 60 days beyond warrantee period according
to the contractual obligations under the Said Contract.

5. Unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or

before the aforesaid expiry date as provided in the above referred Contract or unless this
guarantee is extended by us, all your rights under this guarantee shall be forfeited and we
shall be discharged from the liabilities hereunder.

6. This guarantee shall be a continuing guarantee and shall not be discharged by and
change in the constitution of the Bank or in the constitution of M/s ——————————
(b) Indemnity Bond Format (for DPSUs)
1. This deed made on this ………… day of ….by M/s _____________, a company
registered under The Companies Act 1956 having its registered office at
_____________ and acting through its corporate office at ___________(hereinafter
referred to as the “Contractor”).
2. Whereas RHQ( ) acting on behalf of the President of India (hereinafter referred
to as “Customer”) has placed a Contract No _________ dated _________.
3. And whereas, the Contractor has agreed to execute this Indemnity Bond for
Performance-cum-Warranty Guarantee on the terms and conditions appearing
4. It is hereby agreed and declared by the Contractor that:-
(a) The Contractor shall duly and faithfully perform its obligation under the
said contract and comply with the conditions in the said contract.
(b) The Contractor shall, in as much as with its control, refrain from such
actions or actions as may cause loss, injury, damage to ICGS ______.
(c) In the event of breach/default by the Contractor in complying and in case
the breach/default is not remedied by the Contractor up to period of the
notification of the breach/default by the Customer, the Contractor shall indemnify
to RHQ( ), to the extent of Rs. ________ (Rupees _____________only) being
10% of the the total financial implications of Rs.________ (Rupees
_____________only) of any direct losses or damages suffered by
ICGS____due to failure of the Contractor.
(d) The Contractor shall be fully discharged of its obligations under this bond
on meeting its liability as per Para 4(c) above which shall be restricted to the
limit as provided at Para 4(c) above.
(e) The Contractor shall not be liable for any breach/default arising out of
force majeure situation or due to any default, action, inaction or failure on the
part of the Customer. The liability of the Contractor under this bond shall remain

and in full force until the fulfillment of the obligations of the Contractor under
the said Contract.
(f) The Contractor hereby expressly, irrevocably, and unreservedly undertake
and guarantee that in the event that the beneficiary submits a written demand
to Contractor stating that they have not performed according to the warranty
obligations for the scope of work as per Article 3 of the contract, Contractor will
pay the customer on demand and without demur any sum up to maximum
amount of 10 % of the total financial implications, the customer’s written demand
shall be conclusive evidence to Contractor that such repayment is due under
the terms of the said Contract. Contractor undertakes to effect payment within
_________days from receipt of such written demand.
(g) The amount of warranty/guarantee shall not be increased beyond 10% of
the total financial implications. Unless a demand under this warranty/guarantee
is received by Contractor in writing on or before the expiry date (unless this
warranty/guarantee is extended by the Contractor) all rights under this
guarantee shall be forfeited and Contractor shall be discharged from the
liabilities hereunder. This warranty/guarantee is personal to the customer and
not assigned to a third party without prior written permission.
5. This Indemnity Bond for Performance-cum-Warranty Guarantee shall be governed
by Indian Law.

For ___________

Signature :
Name :

Witness :

1. ______________________

2. ______________________


Accepted (For and on behalf of President of India)

Signature :

Name :


8.1 Duration of Work

8.1.1 The CONTRACTOR shall complete his scope of work specified in Article 3.2
in ______days from the Effective date specified in Article 2.2. Delivery by the
CONTRACTOR shall be treated as complete on satisfactory SATs and upon signing
of Delivery Acceptance Certificate OR completion of Scope of Work and Trials.
8.1.2 The said duration of repair specified in Article 8.1.1 may be extended on
mutual agreement only, and the CUSTOMER shall accept the vessel/asset without
imposition of any sort of Penalty / Reduction in Contract Price.
8.2 Incomplete Work

8.2.1 The CONTRACTOR and the CUSTOMER shall mutually agree on the
quantum of incomplete and unsatisfactory work. Cost of such incomplete work
shall be withheld, except where such incomplete work is not attributable to the
CONTRACTOR. Payment thus withheld will be made on completion of such
incomplete work, which should in any case be completed within 30 days of refit
completion. If such work is incomplete beyond 30 days of refit completion, the
same shall be undertaken by the Customer under the Contractors risk and cost.
The CUSTOMER reserves the right to levy LD as per Article 9 on such incomplete
8.2.2 The CONTRACTOR shall be paid for completion of work specified in Article
8.1.1 only on satisfactory completion and trials.


9.1 The CONTRACTOR shall be liable to pay to the CUSTOMER Liquidated Damages
(LD), and not by way of penalty, a sum equivalent to 0.5% (zero point five percent) of the
Contract Price i.e Rs. …………… (Rupees ………….) for each week of delay beyond
duration of work specified in Article 8.1 up to the date of refit completion, subject to a
maximum of 10% (ten percent) of the Contract Price of refit.

9.2 The contractor shall also be liable to pay to the CUSTOMER Liquidated Damages
(LD), and not by way of penalty, a sum equivalent to 0.5% (zero point five percent) of the
cost of incomplete work beyond the date of refit completion for each week of delay and
part thereof.

9.3 The sum total of LD levied due to delay or part thereof, beyond duration of work
specified in Article 8.1 and LD levied on account of incomplete or delinked work specified in
Article 8.2 should not be more than 10% of the Contract Price.


10.1 Should the repair or any part of repair thereof not completed within the time or
times specified in the contract documents, or unable to repair and provide services, the
CUSTOMER shall after granting the CONTRACTOR 30 days to cure the breach, be at
liberty, without prejudice to the right to recover liquidated damages as a remedy for breach
of contract, to declare the contract as cancelled either wholly or to the extent of such

10.2 Should the repairs or any part of repair thereof not perform in accordance with the
specifications/parameters provided by the CONTRACTOR during the check proof tests to
be done in the CUSTOMER’s country, the CUSTOMER shall be at liberty, without prejudice
to any other remedies for breach of contract, to cancel the contract wholly or to the extent
of such default.

10.3 In case of a breach in repair that was not remedied within 30 days, the customer
shall, having given the right of first refusal to the CONTRACTOR be at liberty to get repair
from any other source as he thinks fit, other repairs of the same or similar description to
make good such default at the Contractors risk and cost.

10.4 Any excess of the purchase price, cost of manufacturer, or value of any repairs
undertaken from any other firms as the case may be over the contract price appropriate to
such default or balance shall be recovered from the CONTRACTOR.


11.1 Quality Assurance & Quality Control

11.1.1 In order to assure the quality of repair/refit and exercise effective control,
the work executed by the CONTRACTOR will be in accordance with CUSTOMER’S
inspection schedule as applicable, followed by preliminary stage and final inspection.
The repair work will be undertaken as per specified standards and quality norms.
Ensuring and maintaining quality will be the responsibility of the Contractor.
11.1.2 The CONTRACTOR shall submit a Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) as
applicable to the scope of work for approval of the CUSTOMER. The approved
QAP will form the basis for inspection and acceptance of work executed by the
CONTRACTOR under this contract.

11.2 Overseeing and Inspection

11.2.1 Necessary tests and inspections of the contracted job shall be carried out
by COA/ or his nominated agency. The CONTRACTOR shall give notice to the
above team reasonably in advance of the date and place of such tests/inspections.
COA shall also carry out joint receipt inspection of the equipment and material
procured by the CONTRACTOR/supplied by CUSTOMER. The CUSTOMER’s
representative shall, during the repairs/refits, invariably attend such tests and
inspections as per the QA Plan/Quality Inspection Schedule.
11.2.2 Any non-conformity discovered by CUSTOMER’S representative and
intimated in writing co-relating relevant documents where necessary, in repair or
material or workmanship shall be corrected by the CONTRACTOR at his cost, to
the full satisfaction of Representative in accordance with the relevant drawings and
11.2.3 During refit of the Ship, until the delivery thereof, the CUSTOMER’s
representatives shall be given free and ready access to the Ship and to any other
place where related work is being performed, or materials are being processed or
stored, including the yards, workshops, stores and offices of the CONTRACTOR
and premises of Subcontractors who are doing work or storing materials, in
connection with the refit of the Ship. Notwithstanding any provision in this Article or
any other Article in this Contract, the responsibility for the refit as per the scope of
work vide Article 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 shall rest with the CONTRACTOR.


12.1 The CONTRACTOR warrants that the refit carried out under this Contract conforms to
these specifications vide SOR.

12.2 The CONTRACTOR shall give Six months guarantee for workmanship and material
defects for items repaired/ overhauled and Twelve months guarantee for new installations
(if any) under the contract from the Contract Completion Date. The guarantee clause will
also be applicable to the items repaired by the OEMs/PAC firms/sub contractors of the
refitting firm. Any defects noticed during this guarantee period due to defective/ poor
workmanship or sub-standard material shall be rectified free of cost by the CONTRACTOR
or by the OEMs/PAC firms/sub-contractors under arrangements by the CONTRACTOR.

12.3 If within the period of warranty, the repairs reported by the CUSTOMER to have failed
to perform as per the specifications, the CONTRACTOR shall either replace or rectify the
same free of charge, within One week of notification of such defect received by the

CONTRACTOR provided that the equipment are used and maintained by the CUSTOMER
as per instructions contained in the Operating Manual. Record of the downtime would be
maintained by user in logbook. Spares required for warranty repairs shall be provided free
of cost by the CONTRACTOR.

12.4 The CONTRACTOR hereby warrants that necessary service and repair backup, during
the warranty period of the repair, shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR at the
CUSTOMER’s premises, at any Indian port.

12.5 Notice for Remedy/Rectification of Defects during Warranty Period shall be in writing
and transmitted to each other by the fastest possible means.


13.1 Safety of Personnel The CONTRACTOR is to ensure adequate safeguards for

personnel when employed on work where human risk of health/injury is involved.

13.2 First Aid The CONTRACTOR is liable to provide immediate first aid/ hospitalisation
in case of accident/sudden illness to personnel.

13.3 Miscellaneous Gas Free & Man Entry Certificates, fire sentries, administrative
support to OEMs, pumping-out facilities & removal of debris/waste material shall be as per
RFIC minutes.


14.1 Indemnity. The CONTRACTOR shall indemnify the CUSTOMER against all claims
for death or injury caused to any person, whether workman or not, while engaged in any
process connected with the CONTRACTOR’s work or for dues of any kind whatsoever, and
the CUSTOMER shall not be bound to defend any claim brought under the Workmen’s
Compensation Act, 1923 or Payment of Wages Act 1936, or any other statutory Act or Law
in force from time to time and applicable to the said work unless the CONTRACTOR first
deposit with the CUSTOMER a sum sufficient to cover any liability which CUSTOMER may
have to incur in relation to such proceedings.

14.2 Insurance - Not applicable


15.1 The CONTRACTOR is bound by the Official Secrets Act 1923 and, in its connection
any other statutory Act /Law/Amendment in force and the information given is to be treated

as strictly confidential and is not to be disclosed to any person or persons not concerned
therein. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to ensure that all persons employed by
him in the execution of any work in connection with this Contract are fully aware of the
provisions of the Official Secrets Act 1923/ Law/Amendment in force and have undertaken
to comply with the same.

15.2 The CONTRACTOR shall also ensure secrecy of design, construction, equipment
and documentation and shall carry out all or any instructions given by the CUSTOMER in
this respect. Should the CUSTOMER desire to check up the security measures which have
been provided, or will be adopted to achieve security, the CONTRACTOR shall produce
necessary evidence to establish the same.

15.3 In giving any information to the Sub-Contractors, the CONTRACTOR shall furnish
to the Sub-Contractors only such information as may be necessary for carrying out the
respective work entrusted to them.

15.4 The security of the men and material in the CONTRACTOR’s premises is the
CONTRACTOR’S responsibility.


16.1 Neither party shall bear responsibility for the complete or partial non performance
of any of its obligations (except for failure to pay any sum which has become due on
account of receipt of goods under the provisions of the present contract), if the non-
performance results from such Force Majeure circumstances as Flood, Fire, Earth Quake
and other acts of God as well as War, Military operation, Blockade, Acts or Actions of State
Authorities or any other circumstances beyond the parties control that have arisen after the
conclusion of the present contract.

16.2 In such circumstances the time stipulated for the performance of an obligation
under the present contract is extended correspondingly for the period of time of action of
these circumstances and their consequences.

16.3 The party for which it becomes impossible to meet obligations under this contract
due to Force Majeure conditions, is to notify in written form the other party of the beginning
and cessation of the above circumstances immediately, but in any case not later than 10
(Ten) days from the moment of their beginning.

16.4 Certificate of a Chamber of Commerce (Commerce and Industry) or other competent

authority shall be sufficient proof of commencement and cessation of the above

16.5 If the impossibility of complete or partial performance of an obligation lasts for

more than 6 (six) months, either party hereto reserves the right to terminate the contract
totally or partially upon giving prior written notice of 30 (thirty) days to the other party of the
intention to terminate without any liability other than reimbursement on the terms provided
in the agreement for the services & goods received.


17.1 The CUSTOMER shall have the right to terminate this Contract in part or in full in
any of the following cases:-
17.1.1 If the CONTRACTOR fails to complete the refit due to causes not attributable
to Force Majeure for more than 03 (Three) months after the contractual refit
completion date.
17.1.2 The CONTRACTOR is declared bankrupt or becomes insolvent.
17.1.3 If the CONTRACTOR fails to complete the refit due to causes attributable to
Force Majeure for more than six months after the contractual refit completion date.
17.1.4 The CUSTOMER has noticed that the CONTRACTOR has utilised the
services of any Indian/Foreign agent in getting this contract and paid any commission
to such individual/ company etc.
17.1.5 As per decision of the Arbitration Tribunal.


18.1 The Contract shall be considered and made in accordance with the laws of the
Republic of India. The contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the
laws of the Republic of India.


19.1 FOR CPSEs/DPSUs In the event of any dispute or difference relating to the
interpretation and application of the provisions of the Contract, such dispute or difference
shall be referred by either party to the Permanent Arbitration Machinery set up in the
Department of Public Enterprises and that if the Department of Public Enterprises fails to
settle the dispute, the same will be referred to the Committee constituted by the Cabinet

19.2 For Indigenous Private Bidders

19.2.1 All disputes or differences arising out of or in connection with the present
Contract including the one connected with the validity of the present Contract or
any part thereof should be settled by bilateral discussions.
19.2.2 Any dispute, disagreement of question arising out of or relating to this
Contract or relating to this constructions or performance (except as to any matter
the decision or determination whereof is provided for by these conditions), which
cannot be settled amicably, shall within sixty (60) days or such longer period may
be mutually agreed upon, from the date on which either party informs the other in
writing by a notice that such dispute, disagreement or question exists, will be referred
to a sole Arbitrator.
19.2.3 Within sixty (60) days of the receipt of the said notice, an arbitrator shall be
nominated in writing by the authority agreed upon by the parties.
19.2.4 The sole Arbitrator shall have its seat in New Delhi or such other place in
India as may be mutually agreed to between the parties.
19.2.5 The Arbitration proceedings shall be conducted under the Indian Arbitration
and Conciliation Act, 1996 and award of such Arbitration Tribunal shall be enforceable
in Indian Courts only.
19.2.6 Each party shall bear its own cost of preparing and presenting its case. The
cost of arbitration including the fees and expenses shall be shared equally by the
parties, unless otherwise awarded by the sole arbitrator.
19.2.7 The parties shall continue to perform their respective obligations under this
contract during the pendency of the arbitration proceedings except in so far as
such obligations are the subject matter of the said arbitration proceedings.
(Note: In the event of the parties deciding to refer the dispute(s) for adjudication to
an Arbitral Tribunal then one arbitrator each will be appointed by each party and the
case will be referred to the Indian Council of Arbitration (ICA) for nomination of the
third arbitrator. The fees of the arbitrator appointed by the parties shall be borne by
each party and the fees of the third arbitrator, if appointed, shall be equally shared
by the buyer and the Contractor).


20.1 The CONTRACTOR undertakes that he has not given, offered or promised to give,
directly or indirectly, any gift, consideration, reward, commission, fees, brokerage or
inducement to any person in service of the CUSTOMER or otherwise in procuring the

Contracts or forbearing to do or for having done or forborne to do any act in relation to the
obtaining or execution of the present Contract or any other Contract with the Government
of India for showing or forbearing to show favour or disfavour to any person in relation to
the present Contract or any other Contract with the Government of India. Any breach of the
aforesaid undertaking by the CONTRACTOR or any one employed by him or acting on his
behalf (whether with or without the knowledge of the CONTRACTOR) or the commission of
any offers by the CONTRACTOR or anyone employed by him or acting on his behalf, as
defined in Chapter IX of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 or the Prevention of Corruption Act,
1986 or any other Act enacted for the prevention of corruption shall entitle the CUSTOMER
to cancel the contract and all or any other contracts with the CONTRACTOR and recover
from the CONTRACTOR the amount of any loss arising from such cancellation. A decision
of the CUSTOMER or his nominee to the effect that abreach of the undertaking had been
committed shall be final and binding on the CONTRACTOR. Giving or offering of any gift,
bribe or inducement or any attempt at any such act on behalf of the CONTRACTOR towards
any officer/employee of the CONTRACTOR or to any other person in a position to influence
any officer/employee of the CUSTOMER for showing any favour in relation to this or any
other contract, shall render the CONTRACTOR to such liability/ penalty as the CUSTOMER
may deem proper, including but not limited to termination of the Contract, imposition of
penal damages, forfeiture of the Bank Guarantee and refund of the amounts paid by the


21.1 The CONTRACTOR confirms and declares to the CUSTOMER that the
CONTRACTOR has not engaged any individual or firm, whether Indian or foreign whatsoever,
to intercede, facilitate or in any way to recommend to the Government of India or any of its
functionaries, whether officially or unofficially, to the award of the contract to the
CONTRACTOR; nor has any amount been paid, promised or intended to be paid to any
such individual or firm in respect of any such intercession, facilitation or recommendation.
The CONTRACTOR agrees that if it is established at any time to the satisfaction of the
CUSTOMER that the present declaration is in any way incorrect or if at a later stage it is
discovered by the CUSTOMER that the CONTRACTOR has engaged any such individual/
firm, and paid or intended to pay any amount, gift, reward, fees , commission or
consideration to such person, party, firm or institution, whether before or after the signing
of this contract, the CONTRACTOR will be liable to refund that amount to the CUSTOMER.
The CONTRACTOR will also be debarred from entering into any supply contract with the
Government of India for a minimum period of five years. The CUSTOMER will also have a
right to consider cancellation of the Contract either wholly or in part, without any entitlement
or compensation to the CONTRACTOR who shall in such event be liable to refund all

payments made by the CUSTOMER in terms of the Contract along with interest at the rate
of 2% per annum above LIBOR rate. The CUSTOMER will also have the right to recover
any such amount from any contracts concluded earlier with the Government of India.


22.1 Except with the written consent of the CUSTOMER/CONTRACTOR, other party
shall not disclose the Contract or any provision, specification, plan, design, pattern, sample
or information thereof to any third party.


23.1 Any notice required or permitted by this Contract shall be written in English language
and may be delivered personally or sent by Fax, e-mail or registered prepaid mail/ airmail
addressed to the last known address of the party to whom it is sent.


24.1 No provision of this Contract shall be changed or modified in any way (including
this provision) either in whole or in part except by an instrument in writing made after the
date of this Contract and signed on behalf of both parties and which expressly states to
amend this Contract.

25.1 Address for notice /communication The legal addresses of the Parties for the
purpose of Notice/Communication are as follows:-

(Legal Address of Customer) As applicable

(Legal Address of Contractor)
M/s ………………………………..

25.2 Language All notices and communication in connection with this Contract shall be
in English language.


26.1 This Contract shall be governed by the laws of Republic of India.

26.2 In the event of any conflict or discrepancy between the provisions of any Article to
this Contract and any Annex thereof, the Article of this Contract shall prevail.

26.3 This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the CUSTOMER and the

26.4 Any amendment to this Contract and its Annexes shall be in writing and signed by
both Parties.

26.5 In the event of any conflict with respect to specifications/drawings/existing practices,

the order of precedence for acceptance would be as follows:-



26.6 The failure of either Party to enforce any provision of this Contract shall not be
considered as a waiver of such provision or the right of such Party thereafter to enforce the


This Contract is signed on _______ day of the month of ……… in the Year ———
—————, in six (6) originals of the same wording, including one (1) for the CUSTOMER
and one (1) for the CONTRACTOR. The Annexes listed in Table of Annexure and forming
an integral part of this Contract are signed under same circumstances.


M/s …………………………..…. PRESIDENT OF INDIA
( ) ( )


Dated _________________ Dated _________________
In the presence of In the presence of

1. _____________________________ 1. ___________________________
Name __________________________ Name _______________________
Designation ______________________ Designation ___________________

2. _____________________________ 2. ___________________________
Name __________________________ Name _______________________
Designation ______________________ Designation ___________________


Payment Authority (One Ink Signed Copy)

FA to CFA (One Ink Signed Copy)
FA to COA (One Ink Signed Copy)
COA (One Ink Signed Copy)
PCDA(Navy), ………… (One Copy)
PDFM/CGHQ (One Copy)
ICGS____ (One Copy)

Annexure I to Enclosure 2 of RFP



1. CERTIFIED THAT M/S ……………………………………………………. HAVE

GUARD, ON THIS ________DAY OF THE MONTH OF _______________ IN THE YEAR



_______________________ ____________________________


Annexure II to Enclosure 2 of RFP


1. The scope of work would be as per entire refit work package as finalized during the
RFIC. The minutes of the RFIC are enclosed.

2. The scope of work would also include all AWRFs raised, and the supply of NA
spares against NACs, if any, during the duration of refit.

Annexure III to Enclosure 2 of RFP






Annexure IV to Enclosure 2 of RFP


Sl Description Cost Quoted by

M/s …..(in Rupees)
(a) General services (Yard services)
(b) Repair cost of total work package:
Main Defect List
(i) Hull
(ii) Engineering
(iii) Electrical
Supplementary Defect List
(i) Hull
(ii) Engineering
(iii) Electrical
(c) Taxes and Duties
(d) Contract Price of Refit (a + b + c)
(e) Cost towards NA spares (20% of contract price of refit),
including taxes and handling charges.
(f) Growth of work (AWRF) (15% of contract price of refit)
for repair and services including taxes/ duties. Payment
on this account, including taxes to be paid on actual
basis based on certification by COA.

The total financial implication for offloading the refit including taxes, duties, ‘Growth of
Work’ and ‘NA Spares’ (d+e+f) is Rs. ………………….. (Rupees ………………………only)

Annexure V to Enclosure 2 of RFP



The under mentioned Stage/Activity as per the Payment Terms have been completed


Firm/refitting firm Rep COA Rep



Enclosure 3 to RFP


1. Name of the Ship : ICGS ……..

2. Type of Refit : …… Refit
3. Duration of Refit : ……..days
4. Validity : ……..days

5. The Technical Bid should contain the following information and details so as to
assess the technical capability and infrastructure/resources of the ship repair yard to
undertake the refit :-
(a) Indicate acceptance of the entire scope of work (or) Indicate acceptance of
the entire scope of work except ________. (Indicate specific jobs not being
undertaken as a Deviation List).
(b) Indicate acceptance of the QAP/QIS indicated in SOR (or) Indicate acceptance
of the QAP/QIS indicated in SOR except________. (Indicate specific provisions
not being undertaken as a Deviation List) (or) Forward a QAP/QIS for consideration
of Technical Evaluation Committee.
(c) Indicate acceptance of Payment terms as indicated in Para 13 of the RFP.
(d) Indicate acceptance of Standard Conditions of Contract (SCOC) and other
terms and conditions given in the RFP.
(e) The proof of MoU with a local firm which owns at least a workshop facility
befitting the refit of a ship is to be enclosed, in case the proposed place of refit is
other than the place of registration of the refitting yard

6. It is further stated that the work package for ……… Refit of ICGS …….. as per
main defect list and supplementary defect list [as finalized during Request for Information
Conference at RHQ( ), held on ………… is understood and acceptable. Minutes of Request
for Information Conference are also understood and acceptable.

7. All the terms & conditions and work package as per RFP are understood and
acceptable to us. It is also understood that wherever any difference occurs between RFIC
minutes and RFP, provisions of RFP will take precedence.

Signature :
Name :
Designation :
Date :
Place :

Note: 1. Technical Bid should be sealed.

2. Only ink signed technical bid is valid.
3. Person attending opening of technical bid, must be authorized by the firm.

Enclosure 4 to RFP


1. The format for preparation of Commercial Bid placed at Encl 5 of RFP is to be filled
in all respects. No column is to be left blank. Taxes and duties are not to be indicated
as ABSORBED, but are to be clearly indicated in price or exempted, as applicable.

2. Cost of yard materials such as steel plates, weld consumables, general nature
cables, pipes and tubes should be indicated separately. Whereas, ferrous scrap shall be
the property of the Contractor, nonferrous items and unused spares shall be the property
of the Customer. The cost of ferrous material indicated in the Bid should therefore be
inclusive of discount for scrap value.

3. Each page is to be authenticated (signed) by the Bidder.

4. Page numbering is a must to identify/locate missing/misplaced pages.

5. The commercial bid is to be valid for 180 days from the date of opening of
Technical Bid.

6. Bidders are to clearly mention all elements of Taxes/Duties as applicable at prevailing

rates under the extant Govt policy.

Enclosure 5 to RFP


1. Name of the ship : ICGS ………

2. Type of Refit : ……….. Refit

3. Duration of Refit : ………. days

4. Validity : ………. days

5. Our offer for complete work package for refit of ship as per the RFP is as follows:


(In Rs.)


(i) Hull Work Package -
(ii) Engineering Work Package -
(iii) Electrical Work Package -


(i) Hull Work Package -
(ii) Engineering Work Package -
(iii) Electrical Work Package -

(d) Applicable Taxes/Duties -

TOTAL (In figures) -

(In Words) -

Signature :
Name :
Designation :
Date :
Place :

Notes: 1. Quote should be sealed.

2. Only ink signed commercial bid is valid.

3. Person attending opening of commercial bid, must be authorized by the firm.
4. Each page is to be numbered and authenticated (signed) by the Bidder.
5. Bidder is to clearly mention all elements of Taxes/Duties as applicable at prevailing
rates under the extant Govt policy. Taxes and duties are not to be indicated as
absorbed, but are to be clearly indicated in amount or exempted as applicable. GoI,
MoF Notification No. 25/2012 for exemption of service tax be taken into consideration.
The duty exemption certificates for yard liability spares/stores/material/paint will
not be issued by ICG.
6. Bidder is to also enclose itemwise cost of each serial.(Para 12(a) of RFP refers)

Enclosure 6 to RFP



Sl. Equipment PAC/OEM Firm


Note : The list of OEM/ PAC firms as mentioned above is final and the same shall
prevail in case of any deviation from the list of OEM/ PAC firms mentioned in
RFIC minutes.

Appendix G
(Refers to Article 0225)




1. In pursuant to the Commander, Coast Region ( ) Office order No ______

dated______________ regarding ________of ICGS _____________, the TEC consisting
of the following assembled at ________ hours on ________.

(a) - Chairman
(b) - Member
(c) - Member Secretary
(d) -
(e) -

Evaluation by TEC

2. The Member Secretary briefed the TEC and stated that the Technical and
Commercial bids for undertaking refit of ICGS ___________were invited from following
refitting firms vide RFP No. _________dated ______________:-

(List of refitting firms)


3. Out of …….. refitting firms, following have submitted their bids :-

(List of refitting firms)


4. The comments/ observations on technical bids submitted by each yard are covered
in the subsequent paragraph(s).

5. M/s ——
6. M/s ———
10. —————

11. Compliance matrix is placed at Annexure (Sample format placed at Appendix- AA).

12. All the ……. sealed commercial bids of refitting yards mentioned at para …. above
have been sealed in an envelope and handed over to the……. for safe custody in
accordance with the ……..Office Order No…….dated……..

13. Recommendation In view of the above the TEC recommends that the following
refitting firms are technically qualified and considered suitable for undertaking —
——— refit of ICGS ——— :-

(a) M/s ———

(b) M/s ———
(c) M/s ———
(d) M/s ———

14. The TEC recommends that the sealed commercial bids of yards as mentioned at
Para 13 above may be considered for opening by the TOC.

(Signatures of Members and Chairman with date)


Appendix H
[Refers to Article 0226(e)]



Sl Parameters for RFP Reference Compliance by Yards In case of non

acceptance by (Yes/No) Compliance, the
TEC deviation from RFP
specifications to be
indicated in

1 Scope of Contract Article 3 of Encl.2

2 Payment Terms Para 13 of RFP

3 Performance Bond Article 7 of Encl.2

4 Duration of Delivery Para 1 of RFP

5 Liquidated Damages Article 9 of Encl.2

6 Bid validity 180 days Para 4 of RFP

7 Security Article 15 of Encl.2

8 Force Majeure Article 16 of Encl.2

9 Termination of Article 17 of Encl.2


10 Law Article 18 of Encl. 2

11 Workshop/MoU Para 16 of RFP

at place of refit

12 Drydock or Para 16 of RFP

Agreement for

(Signatures of Members and Chairman with date)


Appendix J
[Refers to Article 0309 (a)]




FOR : CGRPS (…..) / COA













(i) HULL
(ii) ENGG

Appendix K
[Refers to Article 0309 (b)]


FOR : COMCG (.....)






















PACKAGE ( ) IN ( ) IN ( )




Appendix L
(Refers to Article 0311)









Appendix M
(Refers to Article 0311)









Appendix N
(Refers to Article 0312)











Appendix AA
(Refers to Article 0312)











Appendix AB
(Refers to Article 0349)



1. Name of ship : ICGS .....................................

2. Date of Commissioning : ..............................................
3. Type of Refit : SR/NR/MR/Special
4. Refit Contract No. & Date : ..............................................
5. Date of Refit Commencement : ..............................................
6. Date of Refit Completion : .................... / .......................
7. Scheduled Duration/Actual duration : .................days/.............days
of Refit
8. Dates of Docking/Undocking (I Version) : .................. / ..........................
9. Dates of Docking/Undocking (II Version) : .................. / .........................
10. Location of Refit : ..............................................
11. Name of refitting firm : ..............................................
12. List of Enclosures : ..............................................

(a) Machinery/Equipment wise list of spares procured through refitting firm against
(b) List of paints with quantities consumed during refit including source of supply.
(c) Details of major repairs and maintenance routines undertaken on main
machinery, equipment and systems.
(d) Docking and Survey Report.
(e) Details of As and As implemented.
(f) List of deletions from refit work package, if any, with reference of approving

(g) List of various machinery, equipment, systems and fittings replaced/renewed

with associated defect list serial numbers.
(h) List of jobs remaining unfinished and delinked from refit completion with
associated defect list serial nos.

13. It is certified that –

(a) The details mentioned above including those at the enclosures have been
furnished correctly and accurately.
(b) All unutilised spares/stores received from the store depot or the refitting firm,
specifically for the purpose of refit, have been surveyed/being surveyed to the store
depot in serviceable condition.

Commanding Officer

ICGS ____________


14. Details of Refit Sanction & Fund Utilisation (Rupees in Lakhs).

Sl. No. Description Sanction Total value of bills raised Balance

(a) Main Work Package

(b) AWRFs
(c) NA spares

15. Details of Liquidated Damages and penalties levied, if any, ...............................


16. Overseer’s appreciation of Refit ..........................................................................




17. Comments/Recommendations of CGRHQ ( ) ..................................................



PART D (If Applicable)

18. Comments/Remarks of CGC ..............................................................................




19. Comments/Remarks of CGHQ ...........................................................................


Project Officer (FM/CGHQ)



[Refers to Article 0405(a)(vi)]


Certified that

(a) De-ammunitioning has been completed and there are no ammunition held on
board. (If ammunition held on board, details of items held and reference of authority
for the same should be indicated)
(b) Defueling completed.
(c) Draft forward and draft aft are ___________ and ___________ respectively
and confirms to the requirement projected by the docking master/ refitting firm/
(d) The list has been corrected to zero.

EO/TO signature XO signature


(Commanding Officer)


Confirmed that the docking blocks set by refitting firm have been checked and confirms to
approved docking plan


Certified that the cradles and all arrangements for slipping the ship have been visually
inspected and found satisfactory.



In case docking/ slipping is not being overseen by CGRPS, the Administrative Authority is
to sign Part II of the docking proforma, in lieu of CGRPS.

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