Policy On Wearing School Uniform

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What actually comes to your mind hearing about this “SCHOOL UNIFORM” matter? Does your
face tend to smile or not? Do you love wearing it or hate it? Before answering those questions, let me
first introduce myself to each and every on.

Good afternoon, I am NAME , currently at YR/GRADE AND SECTION in General Mariano

Alvarez Technical High school. Being a student takes a lot of responsibility and commitment not only in
the class but also to yourself. So I held this speech for us to have some information and discussion about
the school protocol. As what policy that we have in each of our homes, the school that we are moving in
right now also has its own. We have a lot of things that need to be address but this matter, I would like
to express my inmost concern about the “policy on wearing school uniform” here in our school. At the
end of this, I want you all to raise up your voice and let me hear you out for all of your opinions. But
first, let me borrow all your ears and mind for this matter.

Defining uniform means having a same clothing worn by the member of a particular group or an
organization. A school uniform is a uniform worn by students--- which is us, primarily for educational
institution. Some of us may wonder why there are schools who do not required wearing it and why our
school must require it too? Think about this, when we are in the young age, we usually like and love
wearing school uniform right? For us it is a rite of passage to the grown-up world. But as soon as we
become teenagers, it becomes a subject for debate. By the time that we’re in the process of hitting the
adolescence stage, this is when we try to express our individuality and mostly, it’s through fashion. This
speech is aimed not only to give some school policy but to help you have an idea about this topic. I want
to hear all your voice, the decision that will be made in this conversation may add to the settlement of
this concern.

For us to have a better choice, here are some advantages and disadvantages on wearing school
uniforms. Looking at a specific factor that can be considered significant in students, first, wearing it can
prove that you are actually studying. Second one, School uniforms help in saving up your other home
clothes, who agreed with me? The uniforms can be purchased once a year and be worn all through the
year, unlike having a different clothes all day. Lastly, School uniforms go a long way in promoting the
school’s spirit. A spirit of togetherness and unity is inspired. You can witness the spirit when the
students are participating in school activities such as competitions outside of the school. The uniform
automatically ignites a higher sense of school pride.

Where there are positive side, there have to be disadvantage as well. Wearing uniforms limits
some factors for both the school and the students. There has been a growing problem regarding this in
recent times, to the point that some schools don’t require their students to wear any uniform. However,
the number of such schools is way smaller in comparison to those still requiring every child to be
dressed in proper school uniform. All in all, some of the disadvantages of having students wear school
uniform include; Self-expression and creativity of every one of us get hindered. Their identity is stripped,
and a lot of us tend to feel oppressed.

Resentment of the students towards the school and its administration happens because they
feel like they have been forced to wear the uniform. A majority of students do not want to wear the
uniforms, and as a result, behavioral problems around the school occur. That’s why we are here today to
discuss this concern because we know school wants to avoid that kind of situation to happen. So how
about now? Are you done thinking which one to decide? Let me known, I am here to hear all your
suggestions and choices. Just speak it out and we will settle out this concern. Thank you so much for
hearing me out for this. God bless everyone.

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