Pyramid 3-78 - Unleash Your Soul
Pyramid 3-78 - Unleash Your Soul
Pyramid 3-78 - Unleash Your Soul
In This
Contents We’ve got spirit; yes we do! We’ve got spirit . . . and powers,
too! This issue of Pyramid looks at the intersection of faith and
power, and those who use it for good or ill.
From the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Sean Punch – all-knowing co-author of GURPS Basic Set –
helps inspire GMs with an in-depth examination of the Blessed
Blessed Be . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 advantage. After breaking down various forms of Blessed, the
by Sean Punch guidelines offer numerous building blocks, alternate options,
and premade examples to help the GM determine a fair cost
Clerics of Order and Chaos . . . . . . . . . 12 for new versions of Blessed. May Blessed Be your go-to divine
by Cole M.B. Jenkins advantage!
Eidetic Memory: Get your GURPS Dungeon Fantasy faith back to the
basics with Clerics of Order and Chaos. Learn about the bene-
The Voice of the Moon . . . . . . . . . . . 19 fits of being a priest or holy warrior of primal forces, plus get
by David L. Pulver two new lenses for divine servitors, two new divine elements,
and a new aura.
Cursed Thou Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 What if the Man in the Moon is real? Some witches, past
by Christopher R. Rice
and present, certainly think so, because they can hear The
Secrets of the Universe! . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Voice of the Moon. In this month’s Eidetic Memory, David L.
by Steven Marsh Pulver – author of best-selling supplements such as GURPS
Spaceships 7: Divergent and Paranormal Tech – reveals the
Random Thought Table: secrets of a 17th-century cult and its modern reconstruction
Keeping the Faith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 . . . which is also spookily suitable for PCs to be members of.
by Steven Marsh, Pyramid Editor What will you do to get to the moon?
Know, mere mortal, just what’s going to happen when
Odds and Ends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Cursed Thou Art. Long-time Pyramid contributor Christopher
featuring Murphy’s Rules R. Rice delves into the inner workings of curses with a meaty
mini-supplement that includes tips for pricing (with eight
About GURPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 examples), suggestions for related disadvantages, using the
Mitigator limitation, cursing as an ability or as
magic, and more.
Open your mind and learn the Secrets of the
Article olors C Universe! With the religious organization detailed
herein (suitable for past, present, or future eras),
Each article is color-coded to help you find your favorite sections. you’ll discover how you can acquire GURPS
psionic abilities simply by attending a few retreats
Pale Blue: In This Issue . . . and donating all your money.
Brown: In Every Issue (humor, editorial, etc.) The latest Random Thought Table explores
Green: Columnist different options for explaining how certain fan-
Dark Blue: GURPS Features tastic divine abilities never seem to have an effect
Purple: Systemless Features on everyday life, while Odds and Ends has a new
tradition that lets you wear your faith on your
sleeve (or body!) and offers a Murphy’s Rule that’s
Cover Art Interior Art not for the weak. That palpitation in your chest
Abrar Ajmal Greg Hyland is your soul, eager to experience this month’s
Pyramid; unleash its power and sate your spirit!
Editor-in-Chief z STEVE JACKSON Managing Editor z MIRANDA HORNER Chief Executive Officer z PHILIP REED
GURPS Line Editor z SEAN PUNCH GURPS Project Manager z STEVEN MARSH Chief Operating Officer z SAMUEL MITSCHKE
Assistant GURPS Line Editor z Production Artist & Prepress Checker z Marketing Director z BRIAN ENGARD
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The Blessed (pp. B40-41) advantage is a catchall for gifts 4. A reaction bonus from a deity’s followers, who can some-
conferred upon holy folk by The Powers That Be. It gives the how sense Blessed. That’s Social Regard [5/level] (pp. B86-87)
GM – in his role as the campaign’s highest Power – the option with the benefit that the faithful just know – it works despite
of declaring that some divine endowment just works, instead disguises, language barriers, etc. – and the drawback that
of building it as a complex GURPS Powers-style ability. Like only worshipers care, not all of society. The former doubles
Divine Curse (p. B132), it’s clearly meant to be defined by point value when applied to Social Stigma (Excommunicated)
fiat . . . but with so few examples, it’s tricky to price without (p. B155), which is the precise opposite of Social Regard,
exploring some “builds.” while the latter halves cost for a large class of people affected
when used on Reputation (p. B27). The effects cancel out. 5
Font of Ideas
Font [10] makes the blessed one’s body the equivalent of
holy water, with exposure proportional to the extent of the Blessed Building Blocks
contact: a brief touch or a punch counts as a sprinkling; a This reduction has revealed several components to use
grapple, as immersion of the grappled body part. Moreover, it when building other forms of Blessed.
gives the user the ability to transmute up to a pint of water at
a time into actual holy water, which he can sprinkle onto or Perks
hurl at unholy enemies. Let’s examine the parts: Blessed might include the benefits of almost any perk.
1. The standard Licensed Exorcist perk implied by Blessed. These properties are built-in, and not subject to the cam-
1 point. paign’s limits on the number of perks allowed. Some fitting
2. The ability to count as holy water on touch is a pow- choices, at the standard 1 point apiece:
erful one that harms numerous supernatural entities. A rea- Accessory (p. B100 and Power-Ups 2: Perks, p. 10), if the
sonable construction would be Burning Attack 1 point (Aura, chosen one can count an ordinary article as one particular
+80%; Cosmic, Irresistible attack, +300%; Divine, ‑10%; Melee kind of commonplace holy item one while holding it. Exam-
Attack, Reach C, ‑30%; No Wounding, ‑50%) [8]. It’s burning ples include turning a pint of water into holy water, or a store-
because holy water sizzles. Damage is just 1 point with No bought holy symbol into a blessed one. By contrast with a
Wounding because it causes no injury in itself – all the harm standard Accessory, the perk doesn’t provide the object – only
comes from others’ disadvantages. Aura, Cosmic, and Melee the holiness. Each category of thing calls for a separate perk,
Attack conspire to ensure that a touch by either party, how- and no such artifact can gain extraordinary powers more in
ever brief and whatever armor might be in the way, counts as keeping with pricier Blessed abilities.
The primal forces of order and chaos may have existed in GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 7: Clerics, holy warriors and
since before the world began, but their gods still need follow- clerics of order or chaos can now join the party!
ers to work within the world. Using the same format found
Gods of Order
Gods of order may be primal deities concerned with order either Evil or Good as required. Peace is appropriate for Good
in a cosmic sense. They care mostly about ensuring that the gods of order, while Fear suits Nature and Evil.
stars move on their tracks. When such deities
intervene in the affairs of mortals, it may be only
so that civilizations rise and fall in an orderly Good order is the foundation of all things.
fashion. Other gods of order may be stern law-
givers that seek to regulate and organize the – Edmund Burke
day-to-day affairs of mortals. Either way, they
are concerned with preventing world-shaking
threats that wreak havoc on a global scale.
Civilization likes order, so elaborately constructed tem-
Special Powers
Order grants a special set of Holy Might abilities (GURPS
ples of order are typically welcome in most towns and cit-
Dungeon Fantasy 1: Adventurers, p. 22): Delete Spirit
ies. Order cults are more likely than most to rise to power,
Empathy. Change Detect for good and evil to order and chaos.
since the way everybody else does it is so disorderly. They
Add Dictum of Fate (see p. 14) [35; +5 per additional level];
may actually be the government.
Luck (Active, -40%; PM, -10%; Normalizing*, -30%; Wishing†,
+100%) [18] or with Extraordinary Luck [36] or with
Gods of Order and Morality Ridiculous Luck [72]; Resistant to Chaos Powers (+3) or (+8)
While some fantasy games treat order and chaos as its (PM, -10%) [5 or 7]; and Resistant to Transformation‡ (+3)
own moral axis, this isn’t necessarily the case. Primal gods or (+8) (PM, -10%) [5 or 7]. Replace True Faith (PM, -10%;
of order are aligned with Nature and typically see themselves Turning, +65%) [24] with True Faith (Cosmic, Affects Elder
as above conventional morality. Less cosmic gods of the law- Things, +50%; Turning, +65%; PM, -10%) [31].
giver archetype may be Good if they promote wise systems
* Take the roll that is closest to average, that is, number of
of justice and reward honorable behavior. Evil gods of order
dice ¥ 3.5, rounded up.
may promote brutal authoritarian regimes with byzantine
† See GURPS Powers, p. 59.
and draconian legal systems, which seek to enslave the world.
‡ Protects against Shapeshift Other, Flesh to Stone,
All gods of order are opposed to Insane forces in general and
a medusa’s petrification attack, and similar hostile
to Elder Things in particular.
Elements The powers granted by Evil gods of order are still orderly,
and are the same as the Holy Might abilities above, except that
The obvious (and mandatory) element is Order. Servitors of
Resistant to Evil Supernatural Powers is replaced by Resistant
purely primal Nature-aligned gods should take the Elemental
to Good Supernatural Powers. The power modifier requires
lens (p. 13) and the Primal element (p. 13). Otherwise take
Excommunicated as usual.
Gods of Chaos
As with their orderly counterparts, primal gods of chaos illegal, but they are much more carefree than cults of elder
may exist to ensure that change and progress will always coun- gods. They are as likely to be hidden in palaces as in the slums.
teract stasis and stagnation on a cosmic scale. Chaos may be Gods of madness tend to attract only the insane or the des-
promoted by gods of discord who seek to destabilize civiliza- perate and can generally be found only in bedlams or under-
tion and punish the self-important. Whimsical gods, such as ground (usually literally).
those of the faerie folk, may act only according to their capri-
cious fancies in order to make the world more “fun.” Gods of Gods of Chaos and Morality
madness may be allied with (or are) Elder Things whose alien
Gods of primal chaos are Chaotic or aligned to Nature.
motives are entirely incomprehensible to mortals.
If they are aware of morality at all, they see it as an irrele-
Clerics of primal chaos are largely indistinguishable from
vant restriction. Most other gods of chaos are either aligned
particularly weird druids, and they are generally treated as
with Nature (if they seek ordinary disorder) or Insane (if they
such, even by other druids. Clerics of chaotic faerie lords and
oppose consistent reality). Whimsical gods of freedom may be
ladies are found in cosmopolitan communities where they
Good, while sowers of discord may be Evil, but most gods of
are warily accepted as whimsical but dangerous elements of
chaos are too random to define themselves in moral terms.
fae culture. Cults of discord tend to be secretive and typically
The Moorstone Witches sudden shriek Godwin later described as “Ve- Vlyetok – or
something foreign!” and fell to her knees in a swoon.
That Moorstone Witch has lost her skin Upon regaining her senses, she asked Master Godwin if she
Her cousin flayed her for her sin might take the stone in trade for the potions used to restore
Rose ate her guts with a serving spoon his cows. He gladly accepted, being now nervous of it, and
And now poor Ann’s flown up to the moon! indeed repentant (or so he claims now) of ever consorting
– Old children’s nonsense rhyme with a Witch.
Ann Turner and the stone were little seen outside the house
The evidence regarding an anomalous witch cult in she occupied (she was a widow) for some months, and when
17th-century England are a few bits of local folklore or nurs- seen again folk remarked on her unnatural pallor, but also
ery rhymes about the “Moorstone Witches” and a single letter unusual energy and magnetism. Hitherto, she had not sought
from a local vicar to his bishop in the archives of the Anglican followers; now she had a desire to gather others under her
Church. Locals know that a witch named Rose Miller was hung sway. Over some months, she recruited a number of women
in the village of Lower Threxton in the year 1622, accused of of the parish including Dorothy Potter, Alice Wainwright,
the ghastly murder of her cousin, who was another witch. and Rose Miller; as would later be learned, these formed the
nucleus of a Witches’ Coven.
The Vicar’s Letter to By all accounts, Rose, then 16 years of age, was a strange
the Bishop of Norwich and willful child, given to odd fancies and sayings. Ann
befriended her, telling her she recognized a “gift” akin to her
I write to you regarding your request for more details on own, and taught her the uses of herbs and diverse charms
the matter of the trial of Rose Miller, daughter of Nicholas and chants. After months of whispered secrets and prom-
Turner, a farmer. I regret that I cannot answer all your ises, she was taken in blindfold to a clearing in the woods,
questions. Indeed, I remain deeply perplexed by these trou- and swore obedience to the Coven before an altar. She drank
bling events. from a silver goblet a milky potion that tasted of honey, dust,
As near as can be determined, the matter began during the and rot. She was made to kiss the altar, on which stood the
Third Crusade. A soldier named Hugh Archer returned from Moorstone, and as the Witches danced and sang, she grew
the Holy Land with a curious trophy, an odd white stone. His dizzy and felt herself spirit rise like smoke. Her breath
motive for retrieving it is lost, but we know that until last sum- stopped, and she felt her heart cease to beat. And then she
mer, his distant descendant, the farmer Thomas Goodwin, choked out a Name: Vlyjehotok!
was using it as a doorstop. What did she see? Who can know what deviltry entered her
In the spring of 1621, Thomas Godwin’s cows became ill. young mind? When she confessed her sins, she tried to make
As was the custom in his village of Little Snoring, he opted us understand. There was a sense of becoming a part of a vast
to consult with a cunning woman, Ann Turner, who was said and ageless power. The Name. A vision of war in the heavens,
to know certain means of using herbs, charms, and powders to a fall but not as Lucifer did to Earth, but rather to the Moon.
work good or ill on man or beast. It was said her mother Isobel
The Divine Curse (p. B132) disadvantage encompasses exe- Defining game mechanics makes it clear how the curse
crations from deific sources, racial supernatural afflictions, affects the character, which can cool applicability argu-
strange destinies, geasa or supernatural oaths, and many more ments. For example, if your curse makes you “unsteady in
possibilities. It’s a blanket trait that the GM can use to cover combat,” you might use Combat Paralysis to decide what
everything from perpetual bad luck to being unable to enter the curse actually does. Game mechanics can also help clar-
homes unless invited. But this comprehensiveness and versa- ify Divine Curse so that those with it feel like they’re being
tility comes with a drawback: how to price new Divine Curses? ground under the heel of an angry, harsh, or vindictive higher
These guidelines suggest ways to price new Divine Curses and being (or mortal!).
offer several examples.
ase raits for
the Divine Curse’s value in other disadvantages until the char-
acter atones for his misdeeds. Methods of atonement vary,
D ivine urse C but will be as bad as the curse itself or difficult to discover or
satisfy. If atonement is easy, halve the value of the final cost. If
Divine Curses, at their most basic, give supernatural ori- it’s incredibly difficult or dangerous, double the cost.
gins to existing disadvantages. Obviously, the rules for New Curious (p. B129), Obsession (p. B146), and Xeno-
Disadvantages (p. B165) are perfect for designing “free-form” philia (p. B163) can characterize an unhealthy fixation
Divine Curses. with the unknown, in finding “the truth,” or being forced
Lowered attributes might also be possible. However, apply- to solve conundrums.
ing limitations directly to disadvantages rarely yields fair Cursed (p. B131), Destiny (p. B164), and Unluckiness
results. See GURPS Power-Ups 8: Limitations (p. 6) for one (p. B160) can represent many curses from folklore or mythol-
way to do this. ogy. If the GM runs out of bad luck ideas for Cursed, he can
The GM can include quirks in a Divine Curses to add minor use a jumped-up version of Unluckiness and “arbitrarily and
drawbacks or to bring the cost to a multiple of five. GURPS maliciously make something go wrong” at least eight times per
Power-Ups 6: Quirks will be invaluable in pricing such traits. game session for Cursed characters.
The Rhymer’s Tongue inevitably find the money . . . but it’ll belong to the Mafia, be
stolen, etc. The GM may save up a couple of “dangerous coin-
-27 points cidences” for a single session that quickly goes pear-shaped.
Suggested Types: Commandment, Misfortune, or Supernat- Because you cannot lie, you’ve become adept at spotting
ural Affliction. other liars. Treat this as having Detect Lies at Per-2.
You are forbidden to speak untruths, though you can lie Designer’s Notes: Destiny (Major Disadvantage; Accessi-
by omission or rely on other’s assumptions. If you try to lie, bility, Only for player guidance, -50%; Faster Refresh*, Full
make a Will-15 roll. Success means you lie, but suffer 1 point replenishment per session, +100%) [-15], Detect Lies (H) Per-2
of injury as you bite your tongue; critical success avoids the [1], and Truthfulness (Will-15; see p. 27) (Successful resistance
injury as well. Failure means you verbalize the truth or aren’t costs 1 HP, +10%) [-13]. Destiny uses the alternate rules from
convincing with the lie. Furthermore, if you do manage to Impulse Buys, p. 5; saving points across sessions is a feature.
lie, the GM immediately gets a free use of Player Guidance
(p. B347) – to make your lies come true! Lies that benefit * Normally, the GM may only tap into the “player guid-
you, however, will backfire. For example, if a cursed adven- ance” effect once every other session. With “Faster Refresh,”
turer says he has money to pay for the arms shipment, he’ll the GM can get the effect every session.
The Open Mind of the Universe – commonly abbreviated these disadvantages are used to purchase 50 points in psionic
to “the Open Mind,” with practitioners known as “Mindists” abilities (see the packages from Psis), or 25 points if they were
or “Open Minders” – is a relatively new religion, founded less Worlds who later decided to attain the next level.
than a human lifetime ago. It entices converts through the The above assumes an Open Minder of Average Wealth;
possibility of mind-expanding exercises, motivational talks, others should reduce their Wealth level enough to free
and nonjudgmental universalism. up the requisite points. For example, to reach the second
Because the Open Mind claims that it doesn’t consider itself tier a Struggling [-10] believer might become Dead Broke
to be in (outright) contradiction with most other faith tradi- [-25], while one who’s Very Wealthy [30] might become
tions, it has found a niche among those who strongly iden- Comfortable [10] – using the 5 leftover points to add mun-
tify with other religions but find themselves seeking deeper dane traits (not psi) reflecting his new enlightenment.
answers from without. (Other religions’ opinions range
from cautious apprehension to outright condemnation.)
However, the Open Mind has also positioned itself as
being an alternative for those who do not have any reli-
gious views, portraying itself as a more “modern” outlook
Secrets of
on the cosmos than those stodgy old faiths. the Open Mind
Although outsiders tend to view the pseudoscientific
Those who have reached the rank of Stars within the Open
dogma of Mindists as unconvincing, the most amazing
Mind have a -10-point Secret, worth -20 points if revealed.
aspect of the Open Mind is that its promises to expand
This represents general knowledge of the inner workings of
the minds of its practitioners are legitimate. Specifically,
the Open Mind; if a practitioner reveals these secrets, his life
those who adhere to its tenets are granted mental pow-
will be made much more difficult by the remainder of the
ers. In GURPS terms, Open Minders receive disadvan-
church. The extent of this harassment will depend on how
tages for becoming members, the points from which are
sinister (or not) the Open Mind of the Universe is, although
immediately used to gain psionic abilities. However, in
it will almost certainly manifest as some kind of Enemy.
some settings, outsiders might write off displays of these
If the Open Mind is basically harmless, then the Secret-re-
abilities as trickery.
vealing former member should gain Enemy (Open Mind of
Not counting the dabblers who partake of its free
the Universe; Rival; 9 or less) [-20]. The Open Mind will be a
self-help regimens and seminars, there are two pub-
powerful nuisance for the ex-member, but he shouldn’t be in
licly known tiers of Mindists. The first – most common
any life-destroying danger.
– are known as Worlds. Worlds have the following dis-
If the Open Mind is more bloodthirsty, then former
advantages: Disciplines of Faith (Ritualism) [-5], Sense
members should gain Enemy (Open Mind of the Universe;
of Duty (Open Minders) [-10], and Wealth (Struggling)
Hunter; 6 or less) [-20]. In this case, many options of ever-
[-10] (owing to a vow of poverty that gives surplus money
lasting harm are available to the Open Mind, including
to the organization). The character points gained from
denying him resources, destroying his reputation, or even
these disadvantages are turned around and used to pur-
arranging for a “disappearance.”
chase 25 points in psionic abilities; the psionic packages
In addition to the transformation of a Secret to an Enemy,
from GURPS Psis are ideal for this. Depending on the
former members will likely have a desire to buy off their vol-
GM’s vision of the organization, the list of abilities that a
untary disadvantages (Disciplines of Faith, Sense of Duty,
practitioner could gain access to may be limited.
etc.) or convert them to other disadvantages.
The second tier of the faithful are known as Stars. Such
Curiously, regardless of what secrets leak about the Open
practitioners gain the following disadvantages (replacing
Mind, there always seem to be more. Those who rise to the
the previous ones): Disciplines of Faith (Ritualism) [-5],
level of Star (or above?) will always know something that
Total Intolerance (Religious) [-10], Sense of Duty (Open
can make him an enemy of the Open Mind, even if some har-
Minders) [-10], Secret (Inner workings of the Open
ried former members have supposedly blabbed everything.
Mind) [-10], Wealth (Poor) [-15] (again, owing to a vow
of poverty). Just as for Worlds, the points gained from
I’ve always felt roleplaying games exist in an odd relation- Why? If he dies, we can just work some resurrection mojo and
ship with spiritual powers. On the one hand, they demand a he’ll be good as new. But, no . . . apparently it’s easier to help
certain level of precision in their competencies; most players a PC who was infected with mummy rot and then reduced to
would be unsatisfied with dumping a boatload of points into ash by a dragon than to help an NPC with Plot Point Sniffles.
abilities that can’t be relied on, or aren’t even provable in the However, it seems like there should be some middle ground
game world. On the other hand, in the real world, matters of between “trying to figure out the minute societal effects of
faith are generally subtle and often . . . well, taken on faith. realistic clerical magic” and “ignoring it and hoping it’s not
Few game worlds tackle the larger philosophical issues too silly.” Here, then, are a few ideas for how to approach spir-
behind most spiritual or clerical powers. Imagine if a resur- itual powers in ways that are true to the abilities and don’t
rection-type spell were possible and known in the real world result in the filthy rich juggling dynamite for giggles.
and wasn’t terribly limited; in other words, it could be uti-
lized on anyone regardless of state of grace, outlook, religion,
and so on. Even if the spell were phenomenally expensive, it The Matter Matters
would still radically alter almost every aspect of life and out- In most fantasy worlds – especially those of the dun-
look. For the plebeians on the street, explanations about how geon-fantasy sort – clerics are often the go-to source for heal-
the cosmos worked would almost certainly be more accessible ing abilities. However, the rest of the world doesn’t often seem
and accepted, in the same way that the Apollo missions led to to change much (unless you argue that healing magic is what
greater understanding of how the world looked in the “big pic- turns a realm from being an “everybody dies of plague” hell-
ture,” or how the Hubble Telescope expanded our perceptions hole to a Renaissance Faire-esque romp). One of the easiest
of the universe. For the wealthiest – presuming resurrection ways to modify such a setting is to say that healing magic
was costly or nontrivial – it would revolutionize interactions; is reserved for those who follow the tenets of adventurers
no longer would there be a fear of accidents, assassins, or other (including adventuring clerics); in other words, the only ones
malfeasance befalling the wealthy and powerful. (In such a with access to healing magic are those who venture into cob-
setting, I could easily see “resurrection rich” become slang for webbed crypts and abandoned towers in search of fame and
an astronomical sum of money: “Sure, I make a good living, fortune. This works especially well in settings where the mere
but I’m not resurrection rich or anything . . .”) Companies of act of adventuring is a Good deed, such as the presumption in
sufficient wealth wouldn’t worry that they’d lose a CEO’s lead- Earthdawn that dungeon-crawling fantasy is a noble calling
ership or a vital engineer’s secrets due to illness or misfortune. because it helps to rid the world of horrid terrors from beyond
Risk-taking would probably be a lot more common. Taking a our world. You can even extend this notion to the Bad Guys’
hot-air balloon to the Arctic Circle? Sure, why not? healing abilities by saying that their Impure and Evil deeds are
However, your standard dungeon-crawl setting doesn’t serving their gods . . . which means their clerics can heal them.
seem to notice or care about these effects. This is probably One side effect of such a world would likely be that those
smart, since – honestly – the resultant world would be pretty who are ill or dying would have a strong incentive to take up
darn weird and hard to relate to. (Besides, most standard fan- the adventuring life, to appease the gods whose servants could
tasy settings are about as realistic as a Renaissance Faire, so prolong their lives. It’s a matter of taste whether this is appro-
it’s easier to ignore the world-changing effects of resurrection priate or not; I personally like the idea of King Bedbownd
than to risk causing any more cognitive dissonance.) I play a donning armor and doddering around a dungeon trying to
fair number of computer RPGs, and I’m always astounded at appease some cosmic entities, but if that seems too disruptive
the number of quests in game worlds with resurrection pow- then it might be that heroes are somehow called to or destined
ers boil down to, “You must fetch the lone sprig of Foobar for adventuring life, and nobles-come-lately aren’t able to take
from yonder mountain to save our ailing King Bedbownd.” up arms and access that sweet sweet healing magic.
Pyramid Magazine 38 April 2015