Individual Analysis

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Digital Psychology

Analysis: 643 words

References: 106 words
Individual Analysis

Our company, London Vinyl, will sell record players, old records, personalised records and
records made from recycled plastics and other materials. We decided our aim would be to
use sustainable, ethical practices and therefore achieve positive CSR both environmental
and philanthropically. Our brand will make a “concerted effort” (Fernando, 2022) to act
sustainably to create a positive brand image. We could use Elkington’s Triple Bottom Line to
help measure our impact on the 3P’s: people, planet, profits. Our brand could measure TBL
through variables like carbon emissions from our manufacturing process, waste produced
and other social / economic factors. We could then fulfil the ‘safety’ level of Maslow’s
Hierarchy of Needs as our target customers would choose the “safe choice” (Seyama, 2015),
a brand they can trust.

We created two product listings to show how we would list a full price item and a limited
availability item. Both items have free shipping as our group started thinking about price
perception. There are hundreds of existing records, record players and additional items so
we wanted to price our products to
make them appear to have a higher
value for money. Looking at
existing trends, it appeared that
more customers searched for HMV
so we looked at HMV’s prices and
tried to match it or price our
products lower. Including the
shipping fee in the price makes it
appear we have a cheaper product
that is still a high quality.

We chose Instagram and TikTok as our main social media platforms as I found that
Instagram has approximately “one billion monthly active users” (Statista Research
Department, 2022) and TikTok has a similar amount. This means that these platforms are
effective for creating viral content that gets shared widely and quickly. On Instagram, we
want to post boomerangs on our story as they are quick and get the viewers attention.
These platforms also allow us to target different audiences which is important as we are
promoting more towards a mass market rather than a niche market. Instagram boomerangs
are fast paced, little information and they act as a teaser to create a feeling of desire. A
TikTok video could show our product in use and would be more detailed than a boomerang
so could be used as influencer marketing if we could use a TikToker with a large following in
our videos.

Our website was designed to communicate effectively with our audience. We made sure our
web plan showed it was easy for the user to navigate, making sure they have a positive user
experience. It would contain accurate information that is easy to understand, have a clear
call to action and have effective interaction. We want our website to be comfortable to use
with quick loading and easy payment so that customers wouldn’t abandon their shopping
carts halfway through a transaction.

Our group poster was mainly produced by Meg and me meaning that when it came to
presenting the poster, other members of the group were unsure of the content as they
hadn’t seen it before. I contributed to the original idea of the products and the company we
were creating. As well as this, I formatted product listings, designed the web store plan,
sourced images for our content examples, created content examples and explained various
points to our poster such as the logo design. I feel like, along with Meg, I had to redo
sections of work to make sure it contained relevant material but also had to make sure
there was enough work to cover each section of criteria. Overall, I’m happy with how our
poster came out but am aware it was mainly due to Meg and I that our poster was finished
on time and had all the key components. I think we have a clear advertising plan that shows
we have understood the content and been able to apply various theories.


- Fernando, Jason (2022) Corporate Social Responsibility (Csr) Available at: (Accessed:
23rd March 2022)
- Google (2022), Google Trends [trends table]. Available at:,record
%20players%20john%20lewis,record%20players%20hmv (Accessed: 23rd March
- Seyama, Dilatolo (2015) Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in online marketing Available
online-marketing/ (Accessed: 23rd March 2015)
- Slaper,F,Timothy (2011) The Triple Bottom Line: What Is It and How Does It Work?,
Indiana Business Review. (Accessed: 23rd March 2022)
- Statista Research Department (2022) Instagram: distribution of global audiences
2022, by age group, Available at:
(Accessed: 23rd March 2022)
- Doyle, B (2022) TikTok Statistics – Updated march 2022, Available at:
%2C%20Twitter%20%E2%80%93%20397M (Accessed: 23rd March 2022)

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