Barriers To Communication

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INTRODUCTION:Communication is one of our basic needs. We require to communicate with

many people for personal and professional purpose. But while communicating we may face
many hurdles or problems. Sometimes the message is not passed properly or gets lost. There are
chances of misunderstanding between the sender or the receiver. Sometimes language used in
the communication is not understood properly. This results into Communication breakdown or
communication failure. There are many reasons behind the problems in the communication
process. Let’s study the Communication Barriers in detail.
Definition of the Barrier to Communication: ‘Any obstacle or problem in the process of
Communication which hinders/obstructs the process of Communication is called Barrier.’
Barriers are part of process of Communication. Whenever we are communicating we encode and
decode. We use various channels for passing messages. At any level or at any moment or stage
there can be problems in communication process. Sometimes the sender may not use proper
language that the receiver will understand. Receiver may not be able to Decode properly. There
can be lot of noise in the surrounding which can disturb us. It rarely happens that barriers do not
arise in the communication process. Many times barriers arise in the minds of the sender and
receiver. The intended messages are not sent to the receivers .
Types of Barriers: We face many barriers while communicating. These barriers can create
obstacles in the communication process. These barriers are classified into the following types.
1.Physical or Environme ntal Barriers : The Barriers in the surrounding or in the environment
are the physical barriers.
2.Language/Semantic or Linguistic Barriers : Barriers arising due to the different language or
differences in language can create problems in communication. Semantic Barriers means the
problems arising because of the different meanings of the words.
3.Psychological Barriers: Barriers or problems arising due to the stress or psychological
problems are psychological barriers. It is difficult to accept and overcome these barriers.
4.Socio-Cultural Barriers : Due to differences in social status or cultural barriers many times
we face differences in communication. These are socio-cultural barriers.

Question:What is the meaning of Physical Barrier/Environme ntal Barriers ?Give examples

of Physical Barriers.
1.Physical Barriers : Many barriers arise in the surroundings or our environment. These barriers
create problems or confusion in communication.
• Noise: Traffic Noise or noise of machines in factory create disturbances in
communication. Noise pollution is biggest contributor or environment pollution in India.

• Time and Distance :Physical distances between people can create major problems in
communication. Time zones around the world are not same. Due to differences in timings
between countries we have to adjust with the time difference of that country.
• Defects in Communication Systems: Many times the instruments or machines used in
communication such as Telephones, Fax or Computer can develop problems. The network of
Internet can fail or the Mike or Microphone used in the programmes can create loud noise.
Due to excess rains or natural calamity it becomes difficult to use the instruments properly.
The failure of Electronic power also results into communication loss or messages are not sent
• Wrong Selection of Medium : Medium means the objects used in communication eg.
Emails,Mobile Phones or Telephones etc. The correct medium is necessary. The improper use
of some machines such as Emails can delay the messages.
• High Temperature and Humidity: Excess Temperature or heat or cold Temperature create
difficulties in communication
Many times human physical defects such as stammering ,bad hearing, failure of
communication channels and bad handwriting also create misunderstanding in learning the
Q.What is the meaning of Language or Semantic Barrier?
2.Language Barriers: Barriers arising due to differences in languages, words meaning or
pronunciation can create confusion among the people. Linguistic means related to the
language. Semantic means the meaning of the words.Following are some of the examples of
language barriers.
• Different Languages or lack of Common Language can create obstacles in
Communication. A person who does not understand the native language or even foreign
language cannot communicate well. This becomes very difficult situation.
• Multiplicity of words: words can have different meanings. Word power is gift to human
beings but at the same times multiple meaning or spellings of the words can create the
problems in communication.
• Words with similar pronunciation but different meaning [Homophones]also create
problems in communication. E.g. Except-accept, fair- fare, council-counsel,principal-
• Jargon words[Technical words]used by professionals such as Engineers/Doctors or any
other professionals. Many times, jargon words are used unintentionally. But common
people or those who do not understand the meaning of these words face problems.
• By-passed Instructions: Means many times short cuts are used while passing the
messages. Eg. A Manager ordered the newly appointed secretary to go and burn the
C.D.She literally burned it . He meant to copy the C.D.

Question:What is the meaning of Psychological Barrier?
3.Psychological Barriers:
Psyche means mind. Psychological barriers arise in the minds. Human mind it very complex
thing to understand. We face many times some conflicts due to situations or surrounding
events. So these barriers are bound to arise. But the real problem is that people do not accept
that these barriers exists in their minds. Due to status, old age and ego problems many times
psychological barriers are created. These are difficult to overcome.Because people do not
accept that they face barriers or they lack proper understanding to face the world. The
following are situations or examples of psychological barriers.
1. Ego: `I’ Attitude means I am great feeling can create barrier in mind. Ego barriers create
conflict in human relations.
2. Prejudice: bias[wrong opinion] about people on the basis of community, caste, religions
or on personal basis is very negative for communication. Prejudice can hamper the
3. Emotions and feelings : Emotional Disturbances of the sender or receiver can
distort[change] the communication .
4. Halo Effect: like or dislike about a person can create halo or horn effect. This can affect
5. Self Image: Positive or Negative image about self is the way of looking at the world.
Negative self- image can destroy or hamper communication . Such people always think
negatively and do not look at the things or events properly.
6. Filtering in Messages: Messages are filtered [ changed ] intentionally. We always try to
defend ourselves or protect ourselves during some problems so that many times
messages are changed by the inferiors
7. Closed Mind : Most of the time our minds are closed or not able to learn new things.
With old age or change in attitude this problem is observed. This is also a very barrier in
8. Status : Status create barriers in the employees . Higher or lower status create obstacles
in thinking or mixing with people. People keep distance while communicating due to
status barriers.
9. Perceptions :The way we look at the world or attitude determines our Communication
strategy. Wrong or negative perceptions can create difficulty in communication . People
who have negative perceptions or think negatively look at every thing or event
10. Poor Retention : ability to retain the message or remember is important. But if it is poor
then communication becomes difficult.
11. Interest and Attitudes : Interests and Attitudes of people determines communication
strategy. Lack of interest or wrong attitude can lead improper communication.
12.Day-Dreaming: Many students have habits of dreaming or thinking about something else
when some lecture is going on or talk is going on. This obstructs the communication and
messages are not reached properly.

Question:What is the meaning of the Socio-cultural Barriers?
4.Socio-Cultural Barriers:
Culture is way of life, values or principles .Cultural differences between people can create
barriers . Different religious practices are followed around the world. Due to many time
differences in the culture can create misunderstanding in communication. Due to
globalization and liberalized policies in business, people around the world are travelling and
working in multinational corporates or companies. This led to mixing or intermingling
between people But due to differences in language, religious practices, dressing styles, food
habits many times people get confused and are not able to understand each other properly.
This led to communication failure. The following are examples or socio-cultural barriers.
 Concept of Time : The time is not perceived similarly across the cultures. In Western
culture Time is important. In Asian culture Time is taken leisurely. The concept of
punctuality differs in cultures.
 Assumptions about social strata or caste system. Caste system is observed in India. But in
every culture some kind or differences in the society in the form of religion, community
differences or sects or class division is observed. We should not always assume someone
superior or inferior because of caste or class system.
 Etiquettes and Mannerisms: In every society or cultures different types of mannerisms are
observed. This includes rule of behaviors or how to follow certain code of conduct .
Different forms of address and salutation or different methods of dressing [formal or
informal wearing] are observed. This can be confusing sometimes.
 Food preparation method or serving methods are not the same. There are certain
expected norms of eating food in meeting .These are called dining etiquettes.
 Body Language[Non Verbal Behavior] methods around the world are not same. There can
be misunderstandings because of this.
 Proximity[Concept of Space]differs from culture to culture. In some culture close
distance between people is not approved. In some culture close distance is accepted.
 Value system is not same across the cultures.Values or good behavior or ethical principles
guide in our life. But the methods of these value system is not same around the world.
 How to overcome the Barriers?

 Physical Barriers: By overcoming defects in communication system ,by controlling noise

,physical distance Physical Barriers can be overcome to some extent. Though we can’t
overcome some physical barriers such as time , distance or defects in machine, we can
control Physical barriers to some extent. Efforts are required by all people to overcome
physical barriers.

 Language Barrier: Lot of efforts are required to overcome Language Barriers. There
should be respect for any language before learning new language. It requires many efforts

to learn foreign language. So learning the correct pronunciation and accent and
improving vocabulary [word power]we can master a language. We have to improve
listening skills and then only language can be understood properly.

 Psychological Barriers: It is true that psychological barriers are difficult to overcome or

solve. There must be acceptance of ones mistakes or limitations. This will led to
understanding of human life. People do not accept their faults or limitations. This leads to
many problems. We have to be humble and respectful towards other people. Many times
the sender and the receiver are not in proper frame of mind. So this creates problems in
Communication. Misunderstanding, lack of interests, mental and physical disturbance
can cause problems because of that. Efforts should be taken by superiors and all
reporting people to overcome the problems.

 Socio –Cultural Barriers: These Barriers can be overcome by proper study of other
cultures . It is very much essential to learn new cultural values and observing people and
accepting their cultures .We have to develop open mindedness in this regard. We have to
understand the mannerisms of other people.


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