Punitive AW

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Article of 54 –Fraudulent Enlistment. Any person who enlisted himself in the military service by means of willful
misrepresentation of his qualifications, shall be punished as a court martial may direct.

Article 55 – Officer Making Unlawful Enlistment. Any officer who knowingly or musters into the military service any
person whose enlistment is prohibited by law, orders, shall be dismissed from the service or suffer other punishment as
a court martial may direct.

Article 56 – False Muster. Any person who knowingly makes a false muster of a man, or direct the signing of any muster
roll, knowing it to be false, or who wrongfully takes money or other consideration from anybody to make such false
muster, shall be dismissed from the service and suffer other punishment as a court martial may direct.

Article 57 – False Returns or Omissions to Render Returns. Any officer who render false report to superior authority as to
the state of troops under his command or the arms, ammunition, clothing, funds or other property, shall be dismissed
from the service or shall suffer other punishment as a court martial may direct.

Article 58 – Certain Acts to Constitute Desertion. This article defines the following to be deserters.

Article 59 – Desertion.

A) Any officer who tendered resignation, but prior to its approval by proper authority, quits his post or duties without
leave without leave with intent never to return.

B) Any soldier who is enlisted in the armed forced who fraudulently enlist again in other branch of service.

C) Those person subject to military law who quits his organization to avoid hazardous duty. Article 60 – Advising of
Aiding Another to Desert. Any person subject to military law who advises or persuades another to desert, if committed
in time of war, shall suffer death or other punishment as a court-martial may direct.

Article 61 – Entertaining a Deserter. Any officer having discovered a deserter in his command and who retains such
deserter without informing superior and concerned authority shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

Article 62 – Absence without Leave. Any person subject to military law who fails to report at the fixed time to the proper
appointed place of duty, or departs from same without proper leave, or absent himself from his command without
proper leave, shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

Article 63 – Disrespect toward the President, Vice-President, Congress of the Philippines, or Secretary of National
Defense. Those who commit above offense shall be dismissed from the service or suffer other punishment as a court
martial may direct.

Article 64- Disrespect toward Superior Officer. Any person subject to military law who disrespect his superior officer shall
be punished as a court martial may direct.

Article 65 - Assaulting or Willfully Disobeying Superior Officer. Any person subject to military law who strikes his superior
officer or lifts up any weapon or offers any violence against him, being in the execution of his office, or willfully disobeys
any lawful command of his superior officer, shall suffer death or such other punishment as a court martial may direct.

Article 66 – Insubordinate Conduct toward NonCommissioned Officer. Any soldier who assaults or who attempts or
threatens to assault, or willfully disobey the lawful order or a non-commissioned officer while, in the execution of his
office, or uses threatening or insulting language, or behaves in an insubordinate or disrespectful manner toward a non-
commissioned officer, shall be punished as a court martial may direct.

Article 67- Mutiny or Sedition. Any person subject to military law who attempts to create, excites, causes or joins in any
mutiny or seduction in any company, post detachment or other command shall suffer death or such other punishment
as a court marital direct.
Article 68 – Failure to Suppress Mutiny or Sedition. Any offer or soldier who, being present at any mutiny or sedition,
does not use his utmost endeavor to suppress the same or knowledge or having reason to believe that a mutiny or
sedition is to take place, does not give information thereof, of his commanding officer shall suffer death or such other
punishment as court martial may direct.

Article 69 – Quarrels, Frays, Disorders. All officers and noncommissioned officer have power to part and quell all
quarrels, frays and disorders among person subject to military law and to order officers who take part in them into
arrest, or confinement, until their proper superior officer is informed whoever refused to obey such officer or non-
commissioned officer, or draws a weapons upon or otherwise threatens or does violence to him, shall be punished as a
court martial may direct.

Article 70 – Arrest or Confinement. Any person subject to military law charged with crime or with serious offense under
this articles shall be place in confinement or arrest. When charged with a minor offense, such person shall not be place
in confinement. Any person placed under arrest shall thereby be restricted to his barracks and quarter, unless such limits
shall be enlarged by proper authority.

Article 71 – Charges Action upon Charges. Specifications must be signed by a person subject to military law, and under
oath state that the either has personal knowledge or, or has investigated the matter set forth therein and that the same
are true and to the best of his knowledge.

Article 72 – Refusal to Receive or Keep Prisoners. No provost Marshall or commander of guard shall refuse to receive or
keep any prisoner committed to his

Article 73 – Report Prisoner Received. Every commander of a guard to whose charge a prisoner is committed shall,
within twenty four hours after such confinement or as soon as he relieved from his duty, report in writing to the
commanding officer the name of such prisoner, the offense charged against him, and the name of the officer committing
him; and if he fails to make such report, he shall be punished as a court martial may direct.

Article 74 – Releasing Prisoner without Proper Authority. Any person subject to military law, who without proper
authority, release any prisoner duly committed to his charge, or who through neglect or design suffers any prisoner to
escape, he shall be punished as a court martial may direct.

Article 75 – Delivery of Offenders to Civil Authority. Any person subject to military law, except one who is held by the
military law, to answer for an offense or who is undergoing sentence for a crime punishable by law, the commanding
officer is required to deliver such accused person to the civil authorities, or to aid the officers of justice in apprehending
him in order that he may be brought to trial. Any commanding officer who refuses or willfully neglect, excepts in time of
war, to deliver such accused person or not to aid officers of justice in apprehending him, shall be dismissed from the
service or suffer such other punishment as a court martial may direct.

Article 76 – Misbehavior before the Enemy. Any officer or soldier who misbehaves himself before the enemy or runs
away, or shamefully abandons or delivers up or by any misconduct, or neglect, endangers the safety or any fort, post or
other command which it is his duty to defend, or by any means whatsoever causes false alarm in camp, garrison or
quarters shall suffer death or such other punishment as a court martial my direct.

Article 77 – Subordinates Compelling Commander to Surrender. Any person subject to military law who compels or
attempts to compel any commander of a garrison, fort, post or other command, to give up to the enemy or to abandon
it, shall be punishable with death or such other punishment as court martial may direct.

Article 78 - Improper Use of Countersign. Any person subject to military law who makes known the countersign to any
person not entitled to receive it or gives a countersign different from that which is received, shall if the offense is
committed in time of war, shall suffer death or such other punishment as a court martial may direct.

Article 79 – Forcing a Safeguard. Any person subject to military law, who in time of war, or serious disturbances, forced a
safeguard shall suffer death or such other punishment as court martial may direct.
Article 80 – Captured Property to be Secured for Public Service. All public property taken by the enemy is the property of
the government of the Philippines and shall be secured. Any person subject to military law who neglects to secure such
property or is quality of its wrongful appropriation shall be punished as a court martial may direct.

Article 81 – Dealing in Captured of Abandoned Property. Any person subject to military law who buys, sells, trades or in
any way deals in or disposes of captured or abandoned property, whereby he shall receive or expect any profit, benefits
or advantage to himself or who fails whenever such property comes into his possession or custody or within his control
to give notice thereof to the proper authority and to turn over such property to the proper authority without delay, shall
be punished by fine or imprisonment or such other punishment as a court martial may direct.

Article 82 – Relieving, Corresponding with Aiding the Enemy. Whomsoever relieves or attempts to relieve the enemy
with arms, ammunitions, supplies, money or other things, or knowingly harbors, or protects or hold corresponding with
or gives intelligence to the enemy, either directly or indirectly shall suffer death or such other punishment as a court
martial or military tribunal may direct.

Article 83 – Spies. Any person who in time of war is found lurking or acting as a spy or about any of the fortifications,
post or encampment of the armed forces or elsewhere, shall be tried by a general court martial or by a military
commission and shall on conviction thereof, suffer death.

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