CDI 6 Module Fire and Arson Investigation

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City of La Carlota

Module in CDI 6
2nd semester, AY 2021-2022


Contact # 09999877690
Email : [email protected]
Google Account : [email protected]
Facebook Account : Ricardo Carreon

I. COURSE TITLE: : CDI 6 ( Fire Technology and Arson Investigation)



The course covers the principles of fire protection and technology and its behavior.
Likewise, it focuses on fire investigation and the role of firefighters during fire suppression
and investigation, the study of Fire and Building Codes, and law on destructive arson
including arson investigation and evidence


At the end of the semester, the student can :
 Describe what is fire and its nature, behavior and technology of fire..
 Demonstrate the Fire Triangle Theory.
 Enumerate and discuss the products of combustion,
 Discuss each of the factors below on how they influenced the spread of fire
 Define the dangerous behavior of fire.
 Describe the classification of fire
 Explain the history of firefighting, operations and control.
 Execute fire prevention and public safety
 Discuss the law on destructive arson and fire safety related to provisions of the National
Building Code, and the conviction required in case of arson
 Discuss and demonstrate Fire investigation and the role of the Bureau of Fire Protection.
 Explain the organization of Fire National Training Institute.


A. Midterm Period



B. Finals Period



Assignment/ Output - 20 %
PERIODICAL Examination - 60%
Total 100%

Soriano, O.G. (2011). Fire Technology and Arson Investigation: With Related Laws
and Fire Code. Great Books Pub.

Act No. 3815. The Revised Penal Code of The Philippines

P.D. 1613. Amending the Law On Arson

P.D. 1744. Amending Article Three Hundred and Twenty of The Revised Penal Code
Provisions On Arson R.A. 6975. An Act Establishing The Philippine National Police
Under A Reorganized Department of the Interior and Local Government, and for Other
R.A. 9263. An Act Providing for the Professionalization of the Bureau of Fire Protection
(BFP) and the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP), Amending
Certain Provisions of Republic Act No. 6975, Providing Funds Thereof and For Other

Module 1
Lesson 1

Fire is the manifestation of rapid chemical reaction occurring between fuel and an
oxidizer- typically the oxygen in the air. Such rapid chemical reaction releases energy in the
form of heat and light.
Fire is heat and light resulting from the rapid combination of oxygen, or in some cases
gaseous chlorine, with other materials. The light is in the form of a flame, which is composed of
glowing particles of the burning material and certain gaseous products that are luminous at the
temperature of the burning material.


Fire Triangle Theory

Three elements necessary to create/produce fire in equal proportion.

Fire Tetrahedron Theory

The fourth element of fire is known as the “Chemical Chain Reaction” which is added to the
three elements in the Fire Triangle Theory.

Life Cycle of Fire Theory

This refers to the stages/steps wherein fire is created.

The concept of fire is symbolized by the Triangle Combustion and represented, FUEL,
HEAT and OXYGEN, and removing any one of the three elements will put the fire out.

Using the same theory there are three ways to extinguish fire.

Cooling - Reduce the temperature.


Smothering – Cutting-off the oxygen supply.

Starvation - Remove the fuel.


This theory provides that in order to produce fire three elements are necessary, fuel,
oxygen and heat hence the symbol of triangle is utilized so that each side represent one


Any substance/combustibles which reacts chemically with oxygen and produces flames. For a
fire to start there must be something to burn. A fuel may come in three physical states such as;
gases, liquid and solid.

A colorless and odorless gas and one of the compositions of air that supports fire which is
approximately 21% by volume. For a fire to start a source of oxygen must be present,
approximately 16% is required. Some fuels contain enough oxygen within their make-up to
support burning.

A form of energy measured in degree of temperature, the product of combustion that caused
the spread of fire. For a fire to start there must be a source of ignition which is usually a heat or
a spark. Heat sources include: open flame, hot surfaces, sparks and arc, friction-chemical action, electrical
energy and compression of gases.


This is theory provides another explanation of the requirement for combustion, it uses a
four-sided figure called tetrahedron. This is a new theory which had emerged as a result of
close scrutiny of the preceding theories.
In fire tetrahedron the combustion reaction can be characterized by four components;
the fuel, the oxidizing agent, heath and uninhibited chemical chain reaction. These four
components have been classically symbolized by a four-sided solid geometric form called
tetrahedron. Fires can be prevented or suppressed by removing one or more of the sides of
the tetrahedron.
The fourth element of the tetrahedron explanation is known as chemical reactivity, or
chemical reaction. Both theories are used to explain what causes fire. This theory emphasizes
that each element of tetrahedron must be in place for combustion to occur.
If ignition has already started, the fire is extinguished, if one of the elements is removed
from the reaction. When fuel is heated, it gives off vapor which if mixed with the correct amount
of air, can then be ignited by a heat source.
An example is a pan filled with liquid fuel giving off vapors before it can ignite. The
vapor area is closes to the fuel. As the temperature of liquid fuel rises, the molecules separate,
or breakdown into elements of hydrogen atoms, carbon atoms, and lighter hydrocarbon
molecules, causing these particles to react with oxygen is introduced and begins to mix with
these particles, and the reaction starts…. this is the reaction area.


Oxygen (Oxidizing Agent) – material/substance that yield oxygen or oxidizing gases during
the process of a chemical reaction. Oxidizers are not themselves combustible but they support
combustion when combined with fuel. For purposes of discussion, the oxygen in the air in the
surrounding area is considered the primary oxidizing agent.

Fuel (Reducing agent) – material or substance being burned in the combustion process. The
fuel in a combustion reaction is known as the reducing agent. Most common fuels contain
carbon along with combination of hydrogen and oxygen.
Heat (Temperature) – the energy component of the fire tetrahedron. When heat comes in
contact with a fuel, the energy supports the combustion process. A form of energy generated
by the transmission of some other form of energy as in combustion or burning.

Self-Sustained Chemical Reaction – (the fourth element) – a series of events that occur in
sequence with the result of each individual reaction being added to the rest.

Once flaming starts, it can only continue when enough heat or energy is produced to
causes the continued chain reaction.

FUELS (Combustible Materials) - Fuel is matter and matters exist in three physical
states: solid, liquid and gas. Solids melt to become liquids, and these may vaporize and
become gases. The basic rule is that at high enough temperature all fuels can be converted to
gases. And each of the physical states exhibits different physical and chemical properties that

directly affect a fuel’s combustibility. For example, gasoline as a liquid does not burn, it is the
vapors rising from the liquid that burn. Likewise, wood, the most common solid fuel, is not
flammable, but gives of flammable vapors (free radicals).
FUEL is also a material that provides useful energy. Fuels are used to heat and cook
food, power engines, and produce electricity. Some fuels occur naturally and others are
artificially created. Such natural fuels are coals, petroleum, and natural gases obtained from
underground deposits that were formed million years ago from the remains of plants and
animals. They are called fossil fuels, which account for about 90% of the energy people use
Synthetic fuels can be made from fossil fuels, certain types of rock and sand, and
Most fuels release energy by burning with oxygen in the air. But some – especially
chemical fuels used in rockets – need special oxidizers in order to burn. Nuclear fuels do not
burn but release energy through the fission (splitting) of fusion (joining together) of atoms .

Classification of Combustible Materials

1. Class A Fuels – they are ordinary combustible materials that are usually made of
organic substances such as wood and wood-based products. It includes some
synthetic or inorganic materials like rubber, leather, and plastic products.
2. Class B Fuels – materials that are in the form of flammable liquids such as alcohol,
acidic solutions, oil, liquid petroleum products, etc.
3. Class C Fuels – they are normally fire-resistant materials such as materials used on
electrical wiring and other electrical appliances.
4. Class D Fuels – they are combustible metallic substances such as magnesium,
titanium, zirconium, sodium and potassium.

General Categories of Fuel

Solid Combustible Materials – includes organic and inorganic, natural or

synthetic, and metallic solid materials.
Liquid Combustible Materials – includes all flammable liquid fuels and chemicals.
Gaseous Substances – includes those toxic/hazardous gases that are capable of


The most obvious solid fuels are wood, paper and cloth. Its burning rate depends on its
configuration. For example, solid fuels in the form of dust will burn faster than bulky materials.

Types of Flammable Solids

Pyrolyzable solid fuels – include many of the ordinary accepted combustibles: wood, paper
and so on. The vapors released by their chemical decomposition support flaming combustion.
This exemplifies a gas-to-gas reaction: the vapors released mixed with oxygen in the air to
produce a flame.

Non-pyrolyzable solid fuels – solid fuels that are difficult to ignite. A common example is
charcoal. Chemical decomposition does not occur because there are no pyrolyzable elements
present. No vapors are released. The glowing combustion that results is an example of a gas-
to-solid reaction.

The following are group of solid fuels

Biomass – it is the name given to such replaceable organic matters like wood, garbage and
animal manure that can be used to produce energy. For example, heat produced by burning
nutshells, rice and oat hulls, and other by-products of food processing. They are often used to
operate plant equipment.

Factors affecting the combustibility of wood and wood-based products

Physical form – the smaller the piece of wood, the easier it is to burn.
Moisture content (water content) – the freshly cut wood is more difficult to ignite and burn
than dry wood.
Heat conductivity - a poor conductor of heat takes a longer time to ignite than those materials
that are good conductors of heat.
Rate and period of heating – less flammable materials don’t easily ignite and needs direct
contact with flame than highly combustible materials.
Rate of combustion – with an unlimited supply of oxygen, the rate of burns
increases, more heat is produced and fuel is consumed more completely.
Ignition temperature – the higher the temperature, the faster it reaches ignition
point and it varies depending on the other factors above.

Fabrics and Textiles – almost all fibers and textiles are combustible. A fiber is a very fine thin
strand or thread like object. Fabrics are twisted or woven fibers. And textiles are machine
woven or knitted fabric.

Classification of Fibers
Natural Fibers – they come from plants (Coir – coconut fiber, Cotton – seed fiber,
pulp – wood fiber), from animals (wool, silk, protein fibers – leather), from
minerals (asbestos)
Synthetic/Artificial Fibers – organic fibers, cellulose fibers, cellulose acetate, non-
cellulose, and inorganic fibers like fiber glass, steel

Factors affecting the combustibility of fibers

Chemical composition – natural and synthetic organic fibers are generally highly combustible
materials especially if they are dry. Mineral fibers and synthetic inorganic fibers are normally
fire-resistant materials.
Fiber finish or coating – fiber coating combined with organic fibers are supportive to
continued burning of fabric.
Fabric weight – the heavier the fabric, the greater its resistance to ignition, thus delaying its
Tightness of weave – the closer the fiber are woven, the smaller the space it contains, thus it
takes a longer period to ignite it.

Flame retardant treatment – fabric treated with flame retardant have higher resistance to

Fabric Ignition
Limiting Oxygen Index (LOI) is a numerical basis of measuring the tendency of a
fabric to continuously burn once source of ignition is removed. If the LOI of a fabric is
high, the probability that it will cease to burn once the flame is removed is also high.
Fabrics with high LOI and high ignition temperature are safer for clothing and furnishing
because they do not ignite easily. Also, they do not continue burning after the source of
heat or flame is removed.

Plastics – plastics are included as ordinary fuels under class A except those materials of or
containing cellulose nitrate. Cellulose Nitrate is a chemical powder used in bombs, they are
also called pyroxylin.
Plastics comprise a group of materials consisting mainly of organic substances or high
molecular substances. They are solid in the finished state although at some stage of
manufacture plastics can be made to flow into a desired shape, usually through the application
of heat or pressure or both.

Coal – a black, combustible, mineral solid resulting from the partial decomposition of matter
under varying degrees of temperature. They are used as fuels in the production of coal gas,
water gas, and many coal compounds. They are also used to heat buildings and to provide
energy for industrial machinery.
The forms of coal are: lignite or brown coal, sub-bituminous coal, bituminous coal,
Bituminous coal is the most plentiful and important coal used by industry. It contains
more carbon and produces more heat than either lignite or sub-bituminous coal. It is also the
coal best suited for making coke. Antracite is the least plentiful and hardest coal. It contains
more carbon and produces more heat than other coals. However, antracite is difficult to ignite
and burns slowly.

Peat – It is partially decayed plant matter found in swamps called bags and used as a fuel
chiefly in areas where coal and oil are scarce. In Ireland and Scotland, for example, peat is cut
formed in blocks, and dried; the dried bloks are then burned to heat homes.


Liquid fuels are mainly made from Petroleum, but some synthetic liquids are also
produced. Petroleum is also called crude oil. They may be refined to produce gasoline, diesel
oil, and kerosene. Other fuel oils obtained by refining petroleum to distillate oil and residual
oils. Distillate oils are light oils, which are used chiefly to heat homes and small buildings.
Residual oils are heavy, and used to provide energy to power utilities, factories and large
Oil-based paint products are also highly flammable liquids. In the process of
vaporization, flammable liquids release vapor in much the same way as solid fuels. The rate of

vapor is greater for liquids than solids, since liquids have less closely packed molecules. In
addition, liquids can release vapor over a wide range, example, gasoline starts to give vapor at
–40C (-45 F). This makes gasoline a continuous fire hazard; it produces flammable vapor
at normal temperature.

General Characteristics of Liquids

They are matters with definite volume but no definite shape.
They assume the shape of their vessel because there is free movement of molecules.
They are slightly compressible. They are not capable of indefinite expansion, unlike gas.

General Groups of Liquid Fuels

Flammable liquids – they are liquids having a flash point of 37.8 ⁰C (100 ⁰F) and a
vapor pressure not exceeding 40 psia (2068.6 um) at 37.8 ⁰C.
Combustible Liquids – these liquids have flash point at or above 37.8 ⁰C (100 ⁰F).

Burning Characteristics of Liquids

Since it is the vapors from the flammable liquid which burn, the case of ignition as
well as the rate of burning can be related to the physical properties such as vapor pressure,
flash point, boiling point, and evaporation rate.

Liquids having vapors in the flammable range above the liquid surface at the stored
temperature have rapid rate of flame propagation.
Liquids having flash points above stored temperature have slower rate of flame propagation.
The chemical explanation is, it is necessary for the fire to heat sufficiently the liquid surface to
form flammable vapor-air moisture before the flame will spread through the vapor.

Factors affecting the Rate of Flame Propagation and Burning of Liquids

wind velocity
heat of combustion
latent heat of evaporation
atmospheric pressure

Latent heat is the quantity of heat absorbed by a substance from a solid to a liquid
and from a liquid to gas. Conversely, heat is released during conversion of a gas to liquid or
liquid to a solid.


Gaseous fuels are those in which molecules are in rapid movement and random motion.
They have no definite shape or volume, and assume the shape and volume of their container.
There are both natural and manufactured flammable gases. Gas fuels flow easily through

pipes and are used to provide energy for homes, businesses, and industries. Examples of gas
fuels are acetylene, propane, and butanes.

Some properties of gas fuels are:

permeability (open to passage or penetration)
diffusion (intermingling of molecules)

Compressibility and expandability refer to the potential in changes in volume.

Diffusion is the uniform distribution of molecules of one substance through those of
another. Permeability means that other substances may pass through or permeate a gas.

Characteristics of Gas Fuels

They are matters that have no definite shape.
They are composed of very tiny particles (molecules) at constant random motion in a straight
Gas molecules collide against one another and against the wall of the container and are
relatively far from one another.

Classification of Gases:

Based on Source
Natural Gas – the gas used to heat buildings, cook food, and provides energy for
industries. It consists chiefly of methane, a colorless and odorless gas. Natural gas
is usually mixed with compounds of foul-smelling elements like sulfur so gas leaks
can be detected. Butane and propane, which make up a small proportion of natural
gas, become liquids when placed under large amount of pressure. When pressure is
released, they change back to gas. Such fuels, often called Liquefied Petroleum Gas
(LPG) or liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), are easily stored and shipped as liquid.
Manufactured Gas – this gas like synthetic liquid fuels is used chiefly where certain
fuels are abundant and others are scarce. Coal, petroleum, and biomass can all be
converted to gas through heating and various chemical procedures.

According to Physical Properties

Compressed Gas – gas in which at all normal temperature inside its container; exist
solely in the gaseous state under pressure. The pressure depends on the pressure
to which the container is originally charged and how much gas remains in the
container. However, temperature affects the volume and pressure of the gas.
Liquefied Gas – gas, which, at normal temperature inside its container, exist partly in
the liquid state and partly in gaseous state and under pressure as long as any liquid
remains in the container. The pressure basically depends on the temperature of the
liquid although the amount of liquid also affects the pressure under some condition.
A liquefied gas exhibits a more complicated behavior as the result of heating.
Cryogenic Gas – a liquefied gas which exists in its container at temperature far
below normal atmospheric temperature, usually slightly above its boiling point and

correspondingly low to moderate pressure. Examples of this gas are air, carbon
monoxide, ethylene, fluorine, helium, hydrogen, methane, nitrogen, and oxygen.

According to Usage
Fuel Gases – flammable gases usually used for burning with air to produce heat,
utilize as power, light, comfort, and process. Most commonly used gases are natural
gas and the LPG (butane and propane).
Industrial Gases - This group includes a large number of gases used for industrial
processes as those in welding and cutting (oxygen, acetylene); refrigeration (freon,
ammonia, sulfur dioxide); chemical processing (hydrogen, nitrogen, ammonia,
chlorine); water treatment (chlorine, fluorine).
Medical Gases – those used for treatment such as anesthesia (chloroform, nitrous
oxide); respiratory therapy (oxygen).

Burning of Gaseous Fuels

Gaseous fuels are already in the required Vapor State. Only the proper intermixed
with oxygen and sufficient heat is needed for ignition. Gases like flammable liquids, always
produce a visible flame, they do not smolder.

Chemical Fuels
Chemical fuels, which are produced in solid and liquid form, create great amounts of
heat and power. They are used chiefly in rocket engines. Chemical rocket propellants
consist of both a fuel and an oxidizer. A common rocket fuel is the chemical hydrazine. The
oxidizer is a substance, such as nitrogen tetroxide, that contains oxygen. When the
propellant is ignited, the oxidizer provides the oxygen the fuel needs to burn. Chemical
fuels are also used in some racing cars.

Nuclear Fuels
Nuclear fuels provide energy through the fission or fusion of their atoms. Uranium is
the most commonly used nuclear fuel, though plutonium also provides nuclear energy.
When the atoms of these elements undergo fission, they release tremendous amounts of
heat. Nuclear fuels are used mainly to generate electricity. They also power some
submarines and ships. Nuclear energy can also be produced through the fusion of
hydrogen atoms.

Nuclear Fission – split of the nucleus of atoms

Nuclear Fusion – combination of two light nuclei of atom


Oxygen as defined earlier is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, gaseous chemical element,

the most abundant of all elements: it occurs free in the atmosphere, forming one fifth of its
volume, and in combination in water, sandstone, limestone, etc.; it is very active, being able to
combine with nearly all other elements, and is essential to life processes and to combustion.

The common oxidizing agent is oxygen present in air. Air composes 21% oxygen, 78%
nitrogen, and 1 % inert gas (principally Argon).
Take Note: 21% normal oxygen is needed to produce fire in the presence of fuel and
heat. 12% oxygen is insufficient to produce fire, 14-15% oxygen can support flash point, and
16-21% oxygen can support fire point.


HEAT – It is the energy possessed by a material or substance due to molecular activity.

In physics, heat is the transfer of energy from one part of a substance to another or from
one body to another by virtue of a difference in temperature. Heat is energy in transit; it always
flows from substance at a higher temperature to the substance at a lower temperature, raising
the temperature of the latter and lowering that of the former substance, provided the volume of
the bodies remains constant. Heat does not flow from lower to a higher temperature unless
another form of energy transfer work is always present.
The study of energy is rooted in the subject of thermodynamics, a very logical science
that carefully defines energy, heat, temperature and other properties.
Heat is thermal energy in motion that travels from a hot to a cold region. Thermal
energy is a property of matter directly associated with the concept of temperature.

Heat and Temperature

Heat should not be confused with temperature, which is the measurement of the
relative amount of heat energy contained with in a given substance. Temperature is an
intensity measurement, with units in degrees on the Celsius (centigrade), Fahrenheit, or
Kelvin scales. Heat is the measurement of quantity and is given in British thermal units
Temperature is the measurement of the degree of thermal agitation of molecules;
the hotness or coldness of something. Thermometer is the instrument used to measure
temperature and commonly expressed in ⁰C, ⁰F, and ⁰K.
Although it is very easy to compare the relative temperatures of two substances by
the sense of touch, it is impossible to evaluate the absolute magnitude of the temperature
by subjective reactions. Adding heat to a substance, however, not only raises its
temperature, causing it to impart a more acute sensation of warmth, but also produces
alterations in several physical properties, which may be measured with precision.

Specific Heat

The heat capacity or the measure of the amount of heat required raising the
temperature of a unit mass of a substance one-degree. If the heating process occurs while
the substance is maintained at a constant volume or is subjected to a constant pressure the
measure is referred to as a specific heat at constant volume.

Latent Heat

A number of physical changes are associated with the change of temperature of a

substance. Almost all substances expand in volume when heated and contract when
cooled. The behavior of water between 0 ⁰ and 4 ⁰C (32 ⁰ and 39 ⁰ F) constitutes an important

exemption to this rule. The phase of a substance refers to its occurrence as a solid, liquid,
or gas, and phase changes in pure substances occur at definite temperatures and
pressures. The process of changing from solid to gas is referred to as SUBLIMATION, from
solid to liquid as MELTING and from liquid to vapor as VAPORIZATION. If the pressure is
constant, the process occurs at constant temperature. The amount of heat to produce a
change of phase is called LATENT HEAT, and hence, latent heats of sublimation, melting
and vaporization exist. If water is boiled in an open vessel at a pressure of 1 atm, the
temperature does not rise above 100 ⁰C (212 ⁰F), no matter how much heat is added. For
example, the heat that is absorbed without changing the temperature of the water is the
latent heat, it is not lost but expended in changing the water to steam and is then stored as
energy in the steam, it is again released when the steam is condensed to form water
(CONDENSATION). Similarly, if the mixture of water and ice in a glass is heated, its
temperature will not change until all the ice is melted. The latent heat absorbed is used up
in overcoming the forces holding the particles of ice together and is stored as energy in the

Temperature Scales

Five different temperature scales are in use today, they are:

1. Celsius – it has a freezing point of 0 ⁰C and a boiling point of 100 ⁰C. It is widely used
throughout the world, particularly for scientific works.
2. Fahrenheit – it is used mostly in English-speaking countries for purposes other than
scientific works and based on the mercury thermometer. In this scale, the freezing point
of water is 32⁰F and the boiling point is 212 ⁰F.
3. Kelvin or Absolute – it is the most commonly used thermodynamic temperature scale.
Zero is defined as absolute zero of temperature that is, - 273.15 ⁰c, or –459.67 ⁰F.
4. Rankine – is another temperature scale employing absolute zero as its lowest point in
which each degree of temperature is equivalent to one degree on the Fahrenheit scale.
The freezing point of water under this scale is 492 ⁰R and the boiling point is 672 ⁰R.
5. International Temperature Scale – In 1933, scientist of 31 nations adopted a new
international temperature scale with additional fixed temperature points, based on the
Kelvin scale and thermodynamic principles. The international scale is based on the
property of electrical resistively, with platinum wire as the standard for temperature
between –190⁰ and 660⁰C.

Heat Production

There are five ways to produce heat:

Chemical – chemically produced heat is the result of rapid oxidation.

Mechanical – mechanical heat is the product of friction. The rubbing of two sticks
together to generate enough heat is an example.

Electrical – electrical heat is the product of arcing, shorting or other electrical

malfunction. Poor wire connections, too much resistance, a loose ground, and too much
current flowing through an improperly sized wire are other sources of electrical heat.
Compressed gas – when a gas is compressed, its molecular activity is greatly
increased producing heat.
Nuclear – Nuclear energy is the product of the splitting or fusing of atomic particles
(Fission or fusion respectively). The tremendous heat energy in a nuclear power plant
produces steam to turn steam turbines.

Heat Transfer

The physical methods by which energy in the form of heat can be transferred
between bodies are conduction and radiation. A third method, which also involves the
motion of matter, is called convection.
Hence, there are three ways to transfer heat: Conduction, Convection, and

Conduction – it is the transfer of heats by molecular activity with in a material or

medium, usually a solid. Direct contact is the underlying factor in conduction. Example,
if you touch a hot stove, the pain you feel is a first result of conducted heat passing from
the stove directly to your hand. In a structural fire, superheated pipes, steel girders, and
other structural members such as walls and floors may conduct enough heat to initiate
fires in other areas of the structure.
Convection – it is the transfer of heat through a circulating medium, usually air or liquid.
Heat transfer by convection is chiefly responsible for the spread of fire in structures. The
supper-heated gases evolved from a fire are lighter than air, and consequently rise, they
can and do initiate additional damage. In large fires, the high fireball that accompanies
the incident is referred to as a firestorm and is an example of convected heat.
Radiation – radiated heat moves in wave and rays much like sunlight. Radiated heat
travels the speed, as does visible light: 186,000 miles per second. It is primarily
responsible for the exposure hazards that develop and exist during a fire. Heat waves
travel in a direct or straight line from their source until they strike an object. The heat
that collects on the surface of the object or building in the path of the heat waves is
subsequently absorbed into its mass through conduction.

Conduction requires physical contact between bodies or portions of bodies

exchanging heat, but radiation does not require contact or the presence of any matter
between the bodies. Convection occurs when a liquid or gas is in contact with a solid body
at a different temperature and is always accompanied by the motion of the liquid or gas.
The science dealing with the transfer of heat between bodies is called heat trans

Module 2


This causes pyrolysis or vaporization of solid and liquid fuels and the production of
ignitable vapours or gases;
This also provides the energy necessary for ignition; also causes the continuous production
and ignition of fuel vapours or gases to continue the combustion reaction .
Is a complex sequence of exothermic chemical reactions between a fuel and an oxidant
accompanied by the production of heat or both heat and light in the form of either a glow or
flames, appearance of light flickering.
Direct combustion by atmospheric oxygen is a reaction mediated by radical intermediates. The
conditions for radical production are naturally produced by thermal runaway, where the heat
generated by combustion is necessary to maintain the high temperature for radical production.
In a complete combustion reaction, a compound reacts with an oxidizing element, such
as oxygen or chlorine, and the products are compounds of each element in the fuel with
oxidizing element.
Fire and combustion are terms that are often used interchangeably. Technically
speaking, fire is a form of combustion. Combustion is a self-sustaining chemical action
producing energy or products that cause more reactions of the same kind. Combustion is an
exothermic reaction.


Fire Gases

Chemical composition of the fuel, percent of oxygen present, and the temperature of
the fire. These are those that remain when other products of combustion cool to normal
Common combustibles contain carbon, which forms carbon dioxide and carbon
monoxide when burned.
Records of fatal fires show that more people died from inhaling these super-heated
and toxic fire gases than from any other causes. The complete combustion of fuels
containing carbon will produce CO2, but seldom will there be enough oxygen for complete
combustion. When only part of the carbon is oxidized, carbon monoxide is formed.
When CO is not the most toxic fire gas, it causes more deaths than any other gases
because it robs the body of oxygen. It burns rapidly when combined with oxygen at high
temperatures, causing dangerous backdraft or explosions. Carbon Monoxide, which is also
produced by slow oxidation, is found in sewers, caves, wells, mines, stove furnaces, and
automobile exhaust.

Types of Poisonous Gases:

Hydrogen Sulfide (HS) – a fire gas formed during fires involving organic material containing
sulphur, such as:
Rubber, hair, wood, meat and hides. It is colorless, highly toxic gas
with strong odor of rotten eggs. Exposure for even a short time is
dangerous. It will ignite at 500°F.

Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN) – a toxic fire gas found in oxygen-starve fires involving nitrogen-
containing materials such as:
Wool, silk, urethane, polymides, and acrylics. These gases are also
used as a fumigant which can pose serious danger to firefighters
working in recently fumigated buildings. Hydrogen cyanide smells
like bitter almonds which may not be easily detected.
Hydrogen Chloride (HCL) – is a gas which can be fatal after only a few breaths, is produced
in fires involving chloride-containing plastic. Plastics can be found anywhere; from furnishing to
electrical insulation, conduit, and piping.

A flame is the visible (light-emitting) part of a fire. It is caused by a highly exothermic reaction
(for example, combustion, a self-sustaining oxidation reaction) taking place in a thin zone. If a
fire is hot enough to ionize the gaseous components, it can become plasma.

A form of energy generated by the transmission of some other form of energy.A form of energy
measured in degree of temperature, it is the product of combustion that spread the fire. It
causes burns and other injuries such as dehydration, heat exhaustion, and respiratory tract
injuries. Heat, oxygen depletion, and carbon monoxide formation are the primary hazards in
Energy transferred from one body to another when the temperatures of the bodies
differ. Heat is the most common form of energy found on earth. Temperature is an indicator of
heat and is measure the warmth or coldness of an object based on some standard. In most
cases at present, the standard used is based on the freezing (32°F and 0°C), and boiling
points (212°F and 100°C) of water. Temperature is measured using degrees Celsius in SI and
degrees Fahrenheit in the Customary System.

A visible product of incomplete combustion, a mixture of oxygen, nitrogen, CO, CO2 and finely
divided particles released from the burning material.


Often a misconception is fire burns the actual material like for example, a piece of wood.
It is the gases given off by an object that burns. Heat causes objects to give off these
flammable gasses. When the gasses reach their ignition temperature you see the light given
off during the oxidation known as fire. Fire itself generates more heat to the object and thus an
endless cycle begins until all of the gases have been exhausted from an object. Then the
remaining particles or ash are what is left.
Even the most flammable materials (capable of being easily ignited) do not actually
burn. The vapour given off by a material is the part that burns. When a piece of wood is
ignited, the fire is not from the burning wood, rather, from the vapors that are given off by the
wood. The heat causes the substance in the wood to vaporize. The heated vapors mix quickly
with oxygen in the air and fire results.
This process is known as Pyrolysis.


It is the chemical process whereby fire consumes the most solid part of the fuel. It is the
thermal decomposition of a solid fuel through the action of heat.

The Process of Pyrolysis:

The fuel is heated until its temperature reaches its fire point.
Decomposition takes place – moisture in the fuel is converted into vapour;
Decomposition produces combustible vapours that rise to the surface of the fuel.
These combustible vapours are technically termed as free radicals.
Free-radicals undergo combustion if proper amount of oxygen is present.
During the process of pyrolysis, the following are involved:
The fuel is heated until its temperature reaches its fire point,
Decomposition takes place – moisture in the fuel is converted to vapor,
Decomposition produces combustible vapors that rise to the surface of the fuel (free radicals)
Free radicals undergo combustion.



Specific Gravity – the ratio of the weight of a solid or liquid substance to the weight of an
equal volume of water.
Vapor density – the weight of a volume of pure gas composed to the volume of dry air at the
same temperature and pressure.
Vapor Pressure – the force exerted by the molecules on the surface of a liquid.
Temperature – the measure of the degree of thermal agitation of molecules.
Boiling Point – the constant temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquid is equal to
the atmospheric pressure.
Ignition/Kindling temperature – the minimum temperature at which the substance must be
heated in order to initiate combustion.

Fire point – the lowest temperature of a liquid in an open container at which vapors are
evolved fast enough to support combustion.

Flash point – the temperature at which a flammable liquid forms a vapor-air mixture that
ignites (mixture with in the explosive range).


Endothermic Reactions – changes whereby energy (heat) is absorbed or is added before

the reaction takes place.

Exothermic Reactions – those that release or give off energy (heat) thus they produce
substances with less energy than the reactants.

Oxidation – a chemical change that is exothermic, a change in which combustible material

(fuel) and an oxidizing agent (air), react. Example of oxidation is combustion which is the same
as actual burning (rapid oxidation)

Flames – flames are incandescent (very bright/glowing with intense heat) gases. It is a
combustion product and a manifestation of fire when it is in its gas-phased combustion.

Types of Flames

Based on Color and Completeness of Combustibility of Fuel

Luminous Flame – is orange-red, deposit soot at the bottom of a vessel being heated due to
incomplete combustion and has a low temperature.
Non-Luminous Flame – is blue, there is complete combustion of fuel and has relatively high

Based on Fuel and Air Mixture

Premixed Flame – is exemplified by a Bunsen-type laboratory burner where hydrocarbon (any
substance containing primarily carbon and hydrogen) is thoroughly mixed with air before
reaching the flame zone.
Diffusion Flame – is observed when gas (fuel) alone is forced through a nozzle into the
atmosphere which diffuses in the surrounding atmosphere in order to form a flammable
mixture. The candle flame is an example of diffusion flame governed purely by molecular
diffusion, and the flame of the oxyacetylene torch. (diffused – dispersed, widely spread)

Based on Smoothness

Laminar Flame – when a particle follows a smooth path through a gaseous flame.
Turbulent Flame – are those having unsteady, irregular flows. As physical size, gas density or
velocity is increased, all laminar gas flows tend to become turbulent.


Incipient Phase (Initial Stage) – under this stage, the following characteristics are observed:
Normal room temperature
The temperature at the base of the fire is 400-800 f
Ceiling temperature is about 200 f
The pyrolysis products are mostly water vapor and carbon dioxide, small quantities of carbon
monoxide and sulfides maybe present.

Free Burning Phase – it has the following characteristics:

Accelerated pyrolysis process take place
Development of convection current: formation of thermal columns as heat rises
Temperature is 800-1000 f at the base of fire, 1200-1600 f at ceiling
Pyrolytic decomposition moves upward on the walls(crawling of the flame) leaving burnt
patterns (fire fingerprints)
Occurrence of flashover.

Smoldering Phase – this stage has the following characteristics:

oxygen content drops to 13% or below causing the flame to vanish and heat to develop in
products of incomplete combustion increase in volume, particularly carbon monoxide with an
ignition temperature of about 1125 F,
ceiling temperature is 1000-1300 °F,
heat and pressure in the room builds up,
building/room contains large quantities of superheated fuel under pressure but little oxygen,
When sufficient supply of oxygen is introduced, backdraft occurs.



Propagation of fire simply means the spread of fire. As a substance burns, fire
propagation will be increased by the transmission of heat by nearby materials. This condition
causes additional vapors to be released thereby spreading the fire.

Intensity of fire means simply “how hot the fire is burning”. Some types of fuels naturally
burn hotter (more intensely) than others. For example, a gasoline fire burns hotter than a wood
fire, while an acetylene flame is hotter than a gasoline flame.

Factors to determine the intensity of fire:

Type of fuel
Percentage of oxygen present


The term “explosive limits” means the amount (expressed in percent) of fuel vapour that
can be mixed with air to form and explosive or flammable mixture. If less that this amount is
used, the mixture will not burn. This is known as “lean to burn”. If more than this amount is
used, the mixture is called too “rich” and will not burn.
This is a minimum proportion of vapour-to-air below which the vapour will not burn and
there is also a maximum proportion of vapour-to-vapour in which the mixture will ignite or
explode are known as the lower and upper explosive limits.

This means the size of fire, and it is governed by the surface area of fuel exposed to the
air. The magnitude of fire is not always determined by the amount of fuel involved but more
often by the amount of fuel exposed to the air.

The temperature at which the material is not hot enough to keep burning, but still gives
off enough vapors to cause a flame to “flash” across the surface.

The temperature at which the material will give off ample vapors to keep burning. There
is usually about 5 to 10 degrees difference between the flashpoint and firepoint of most
materials. Since the two are just a few degrees apart, the term “flashpoint” is used to express
the condition of a fuel vaporizing fast enough to keep burning.

This is the degree of heat necessary to ignite flammable vapors. This temperature can
come from an external source (match, spark, and friction): or if the fuel itself is raised to this
temperature, auto-ignition (self-ignition) will occur.


Fire is so fatal when the following conditions occurred:

It is the sudden ignition of accumulated radical gases produced when there is
incomplete combustion of fuels. It is the sudden burning of free radicals, which is initiated by a
spark or flash produced when temperature rises until flash point is reached. When
accumulated volume of radical gases suddenly burns, there will be a very intense fire that is
capable of causing flames to jump at a certain distance in the form of fireball. Fireballs can
travel to a hundred yards with in a few seconds.

It is the sudden and rapid (violent) burning of heated gases in a confined area that
occurs in the form of explosion. This may occur because of improper ventilation. If a room is
not properly ventilated, highly flammable vapors maybe accumulated such that when a door or
window is suddenly opened, the room violently sucks the oxygen from the outside and
simultaneously, a sudden combustion occur, which may happen as an explosion (combustion

Fire gases are under pressure
Existence of black smoke that is becoming dense gray yellow
Confinement of excessive heat
There is little flame or no visible flame
Smoke leave the building in puffs or by intervals
Windows are smoked stained
Muffled sounds are heard inside the building
Violent rushing of air inside when opened

It is a fatal condition that takes place when the fire resists extinguishment operations
and become stronger and bigger instead.

This is better known as dust explosion. This may happen when the metal post that is
completely covered with dust is going to be hit by lightning. The dust particles covering the
metal burn simultaneously thus creating a violent chemical reaction that produces a very bright
flash followed by an explosion.

Spontaneous heating and spontaneous ignition starts as a `result of a chemical reaction
within the material – a reaction independent of any outside source of heat. Spontaneous
heating begins a cycle of oxidation that builds up heat very slowly in its first stage. The
condition that builds up temperature high enough to cause ignition is called spontaneous
heating. At this point, it becomes spontaneous ignition. In most material this process develop
slowly and does not reach ignition point for days and even weeks ; consequently, fires may
break out today that were actually started days before. Usually there is enough air to allow
oxidation, but not enough air to carry the heat from the area. Some of the common materials
that may spontaneously heated and ignited are animal oils, mixed fish oils, linseed oil, coal,
coke, charcoal, sawdust, hay, grain and cotton.


Natural causes – such as,

Spontaneous heating – the automatic chemical reaction that results to spontaneous
combustion due to auto-ignition of organic materials, the gradual rising of heat in a confined
space until ignition temperature is reached.
Lightning – a form of static electricity; a natural current with a great magnitude, producing
tremendous amperage and voltage. Lightning usually strikes objects that are better electrical
conductors than air. It can cause fire directly or indirectly. Indirectly when it strikes telephone
and other transmission lines, causing an induced line surge. It can also cause flash fire or dust
explosion. When lightning strikes steel or metal rod covered with dust, the dust will suddenly
burn thus resulting to an explosion.
A lightning may be in the form of:
Hot Bolt – longer in duration; capable only of igniting combustible
Cold Bolt – shorter in duration, capable of splintering a property or
literally blowing apart an entire structure, produces electrical current with
tremendous amperage and very high temperature.
Radiation of Sunlight – when sunlight hits a concave mirror, concentrating the light on a
combustible material thereby igniting it.
Accidental Causes – such as,
Electrical accidents in the form of:
Short Circuit – unusual or accidental connections between two points at
different potentials (charge) in an electrical circuit of relatively low resistance.

Arcing – the production of sustained luminous electrical discharge

between separated electrodes; an electric hazard that results when electrical
current crosses the gap between 2 electrical conductors.
Sparking – production of incandescent particles when two different
potentials (charged conductors) come in contact; occurs during short circuits or
welding operations.
Induced Current – induced line surge – increased electrical energy flow
or power voltage; induced current; sudden increase of electrical current resulting
to the burning of insulating materials, explosion of the fuse box, or burning of
electrical appliances.
Over heating of electrical appliances – the increase or rising of
amperage while electric current is flowing in a transmission line resulting to the
damage or destruction of insulating materials, maybe gradual or rapid, internal or
Purely accidental causes
Negligence and other forms of human error

Intentional causes (Incendiary)

If in the burned property, there are preparations or traces of accelerant, plants
and trailers, then the cause of fire is intentional.
Accelerant – highly flammable chemicals that are used to facilitate flame propagation.
Plant – the preparation and or gathering of combustible materials needed to start a fire.
Trailer – the preparation of flammable substances in order to spread the fire.


Class A Fire – Ordinary fires; they are the types of fire resulting from the burning wood, paper,
textiles, rubber and other carbonaceous materials. In short, this is the type of fire caused by
ordinary combustible materials.
Class B Fire – Liquid fires; they are caused by flammable and or combustible liquids such as
kerosene, gasoline, benzene, oil products, alcohol and other hydrocarbon deviations.
Class C Fire – Electrical fires; they are fires that starts in live electrical wires, equipment,
motors, electrical appliances and telephone switchboards.
Class D Fire – Metallic fires; fires that result from the combustion of certain metals in finely
divided forms. These combustible metals include magnesium, potassium, powdered calcium,
zinc, sodium, and titanium.

In nearly all fire, oxidation takes place by using the oxygen that is present in the atmosphere.
However, in some cases, certain chemical compounds known as oxidizing agents are
involved. Though not flammable themselves, when they are heated or when they come in
contact with water, they give off oxygen which in turn, supports the burning of flammable
The more common Oxidizing Agents:
If a small quantity of potassium chlorate is added to a pile of sugar, flour, or starch, and heat is
applied, the mixture will burst into flame and burn violently. Without the addition of the oxidizing
agent, these same fuels would be extremely slow in igniting

Module 3
Fire fighting is an activity intended to save lives and property. It is one of the most
important emergency services in a community. Fire fighters battle fires that break out in
homes, factories, office buildings, shops, and other places. Fire fighters risk their lives to save
people and protect property from fires. The people who work as fire fighters also help others
who are involved in many kinds of emergencies besides fires. For example, fire fighters
rescue people who may be trapped in cars or vehicles after an accident. They aid victims of
such disasters as typhoons, floods, landslides, and earthquakes. Before the advent of modern
fire fighting techniques, fires often destroyed whole settlements. When a fire broke but, all the
people in the community rushed to the scene to help. Today, fire fighting organizations in most
industrialized nations have well-trained men and women and a variety of modern fire fighting

Most fire services around the world were formed after a major fire made people realize
that lives and property would have been saved if they had had a proper body of people trained
to fight fires. One of the first organized fire fighting forces was established in Rome, about 500
B.C. The first fire fighters were Roman slaves who, under the command of the city's
magistrates, were stationed on the walls and the gates of Rome. These units were called
Familia Publica. However, this system was not very effective, probably because the slaves
had no choice in whether they fought fires or not. In A.D. 6, after an enormous fire devastated
Rome, the Emperor Augustus created the vigiles, a fire fighting force of 7,000 men that was
divided into seven regiments. Like many of today's fire services, the vigiles had the power to
inspect buildings to check for fire risks, and could punish property owners whose negligence
led to fires. The vigiles' fire fighting equipment included pumps, squirts, siphons, buckets, and
ladders. Wicker mats and wet blankets were used for rescue and salvage work. The Romans
developed advanced fire fighting equipment. But when the empire fell, much of this technology
was lost for centuries.
After the collapse of the Roman Empire, European cities and towns became
disorganized and nobody coordinated fire fighting. Some people even thought that prayer was
the best way to control fires. Slowly, however, some fire laws evolved. In many cities people
were required to put out their cooking and home fires at night. In some towns, thatched roofs
were forbidden and night watchmen were employed to raise the alarm if they discovered a fire.
Organized fire services in Europe were usually only formed after hugely destructive
fires. The Great Fire of London in 1666 led to the development of fire insurance industries in
England. These companies marked their insured properties with metal badges called fire
marks and formed private fire brigades to protect those properties. Each company's brigade
attended only those premises bearing the company's own fire mark. There was much
competition, and occasionally rival fire brigades even obstructed each other in their fire fighting
efforts. It was not until the 1800's that London insurance companies began to cooperate and a
single London Fire Engine Establishment was formed. The new service fought fires in any
premises within the London area.

Serious blazes also caused death and destruction elsewhere in Europe, and rulers
began to realize that it was necessary to have organized forces to deal with fires. In France,
groups of citizens kept watch for outbreaks of fire, and regulations controlled rescue
operations. In the 1600's, a number of serious fires spread terror throughout Paris. The king
of France bought 12 pumps, and a private fire service was established. In 1750, the company
of firemen was mostly taken over by the army, but fires continued to ravage the city and fire
fighting efforts were not always effective. In 1810, the Emperor Napoleon attended a ball at
the Austrian Embassy. A candle set the curtains ablaze, and the fire spread quickly, causing a
dreadful panic. After this fire, Napoleon ordered the creation of the Battalion de Sapeurs
Pompiers and the French Fire Brigade was born.
Better equipment for getting water to fires and for fighting fires was developed in the
1500's. Tools included syringes, which squirted water, but most people relied on bucket
brigades, relays of men passing buckets of water. The problems with bucket brigades were
that many men were needed, it was very tiring work, and it was not very efficient--buildings
often burned to the ground. In 1672, an uncle and nephew in Amsterdam, both called Jan van
der Heide, invented a flexible hose, which could be joined together to form a long pipe. Later,
the same men invented a pump to deliver water through the hose, and fire fighting became
much more efficient. In many places around the world, fire pumps were first drawn to fires by
horses or even by people. Warning bells enabled people to get out of the way when the
pumps were rushing to a fire. The German company Daimler invented the first petrol-driven
pump in 1885, but the pump still had to be taken to fires by horses. Petrol-powered fire
engines were introduced in the early 1900's, but many countries were slow to change from
horse-drawn pumps. Although today's fire services have a range of modern equipment, fire
can be just as dangerous now as it was thousands of years ago.

The Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)

Republic Act # 6975, the DILG Act of 1990 (Chapter 4, Section 53-59) created the
Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) to be responsible for the prevention and suppression of all
destructive fires and to enforce the laws on fire.
Fire Protection is the descriptive term referring to the various methods used by the bureau to
stop, extinguish and control destructive fire for eventual prevention of loss of life and property.
It has the following objectives:
To prevent destructive fire from starting
To extinguish (stop or put out) on going destructive fire
To confine a destructive fire at the place where it began
To prevent loss of life and property when fire starts
Fire Prevention and Suppression refers to the various safety measures utilized to stop
harmful or destructive fires from starting.
The laws related with the fire prevention and fire protection in the Philippine setting includes
PD # 1185, Fire Code of the Philippine (26 August 1977), PD # 1096, Building Code of the
Philippine (19 February 1977)
The Bureau of Fire Protection is composed of well-trained fire fighters. In fighting fires,
they bring with them ladders and pumps. Additional specialist vehicles can provide turntable
ladders, hydraulic platforms, extra water, foam, and specialist appliances for hazardous

In some countries, such as the United States, fire-fighting units are divided into engine
companies and ladder companies. Engine companies operate trucks called engines, which
carry a pump and hoses for spraying water on a fire. Ladder companies use ladder trucks,
which carry ladders of various lengths. Ladder trucks also have a hydraulically extended
ladder or elevating platform to rescue people through windows or to spray water from a raised
Fire fighters in the Philippines handle many types of fires. Each type requires a different
plan of action to put it out. For example, the methods used to fight a building fire differ greatly
from those used to fight a forest or grassland fire.

Fire protection and control is affected by the accumulation of fire hazards in a building
or area.
Fire Hazard is any condition or act that increases or may cause increase in the
probability that fire will occur or which may obstruct, delay, hinder or interfere with firefighting
operations and the safeguarding of life and property

Conditions of Fire Hazards

Existence of dangerous or unlawful amount of combustible or explosives in the building not
designed to store such materials.
Defective or improperly installed facilities/ equipment.
Lack of adequate exit facilities.
Obstruction at fire escapes or other designated opening for fire fighters.
Dangerous accumulation of rubbish waste and other highly combustible materials.
Accumulation of dust in ventilation system or of grease in the kitchen.
Building under repair
Very old building or building is primarily made of combustible materials

Fire Fighting Operations

Fire fighting operations refers to fire suppression activities. In general the following
procedures should be observed:
1. PRE-FIRE PLANNING - this activity involves developing and defining systematic course of
actions that maybe performed in order to realize the objectives of fire protection: involves the
process of establishing the SOP in case fire breaks out.

2. EVALUATION – SIZE – UP (on-the-spot planning or sizing-up the situation) - this is the

process knowing the emergency situation. It involves mental evaluation by the operation
officer-in-charge to determine the appropriate course of action that provides the highest
probability of success.

Evaluation of the situation:

Learn the facts of the situation – by answering the 5 Ws – 1H
Understand the probabilities of fatal behavior of fire
Know your own situation or capabilities – weaknesses and strengths: available manpower and
Determine the specific course of action – entry or rescue

3. EVACUATION – This the activity of transferring people, livestock, and property away from
the burning area to minimize damage or destruction that the fire might incur in case it
propagates to other adjacent buildings.
4. ENTRY – This is the process of accessing the burning structure. Entry maybe done in a
forcible manner. Purposes of conducting forcible entry:
To provide access for fire fighters with equipment for fire extinguishments
To provide rescue
To aid in ventilation
5. RESCUE – This is the operation of removing (extricating), thus saving, people and other
livestock from the burning building and other involved properties, conveying them to a secure
6. EXPOSURE – also called cover exposure, this is the activity of securing other buildings near
the burning structure in order to prevent the fire from the extending to another building.
7. CONFINEMENT – This is the activity of restricting the fire at the place (room) where it
started, the process of preventing fire from extending from another section or form one section
to another section of the involved building.
8. VENTILATION – This the operation purposely conducted to displace toxic gases. It includes
the process of displacing the heated atmosphere within the involved building with normal air
from outside atmosphere.
9. SALVAGE – The activity of protecting the properties from preventable damage other than
the fire. The steps are a) remove the material outside the burning area, and b) protecting or
cover the materials by using tarpaulins (cotton canvass treated with water proofing).
10. EXTINGUISHMENT – This is the process of putting out the main body of fire by using the 4
general methods of fire extinguishments.
11. OVERHAUL – This is the complete and detailed check of the structure and all materials
therein to eliminate conditions that may cause re-flash; involves complete extinguishments of
sparks or smouldering (glowing) substances (embers) to prevent possibilities of re-ignition or
12. FIRE SCENE INVESTIGATION - This is the final stage of fire suppression activities. It is
an inquiry conducted to know or determine the origin and cause of fire.


Fighting a Building Fire

After an alarm is received, fire fighters hurry to the fire.

The officer in command quickly sizes up the situation and directs the fire fighters into action.
Their first and most important task is to rescue people who may be trapped in the building.
Ladder operators search for anyone who may be trapped. In some buildings, they use ladders
to rescue people through windows. However, the ladders on most trucks extend up to only
about eight stories.
Fire fighters use stairs or elevators to get to people trapped on floors above the reach of the
Meanwhile, fire fighters connect a hose from their pump to a nearby fire hydrant, or else
to water or foam stored on the fire tender. Their first concern is to keep the flames from
spreading. The fire fighters direct water on the fire until it is out. They also spray water on any
nearby buildings that are in danger of catching fire. Fire fighters sometimes ventilate the
building to let out the smoke, heat, and gases that build up during a fire. They open or break

windows and sometimes cut holes in the roof or walls. If the building were not ventilated, the
heat and the pressure of the gases could cause an explosion.
Fire fighters also try to save any furniture or other property not damaged by the fire.
They spread canvas or plastic covers over such property to prevent water damage. This
process is called salvage. Finally, in a process called overhaul, fire fighters search the building
for hidden sparks that might cause another blaze.
After the fire is out, the fire fighters try to find out exactly where and how the fire started.
The officer in charge makes out a report that gives all the important facts about the fire. The
report includes information on injuries, the cause of the fire, and the estimated cost of repairing
the damage. This is the initial investigation stage.

Fighting a Forest Fire

Many grassland and forest fires occur in areas that are hard to reach and far from a
source of water. Local fire brigades have trucks that carry water and can travel over rough
land. Observers in helicopters or aeroplanes may fly over the fire and report on its size and
behavior. Sometimes, helicopters or aeroplanes are also used to carry fire fighters to the fire
or to drop chemicals that slow the spread of the fire.

Grassland and forest fires often spread rapidly and are difficult to put out. Fire fighters
try to keep the fire within the smallest area possible, and so they may first create a firebreak, or
fire line. The fire fighters clear a strip of land some distance in front of the racing flames. They
cut down the grass or trees and scrape away some of the soil with shovels. The fire fighters
spray water or throw soil on the flames until the fire is out.
In some cases, fire fighters allow a grassland or forest fire to burn. They may do so if
the fire has been caused by lightning or some other natural event. Such fires are a regular
part of the life cycle of grasslands and forests. However, fire fighters do try to limit or put out
all forest and grassland fires that threaten people or property.

Emergency Rescue Operations

Our fire fighting organizations have rescue companies to handle non-fire emergencies. For
example, rescue workers may be called to free people trapped under the wreckage of a fallen
building or in a car after an accident. They have specialized teams to rescue people who are
stranded underwater or in swift-flowing water, or on cliffs and in other high places.

Emergency Medical Operations

Many fire fighters provide medical care in non-fire emergencies before the patient is
taken to the hospital. These units make up an important part of their community's Emergency
Medical Services (EMS) system. They are the so called Paramedics.
Some fire fighting services provide only a basic, "first response" service. Ambulance
workers or other emergency workers then provide more advanced treatment and transport the
patient to the hospital. Paramedic units operate ambulances and use communication
equipment to stay in touch with a nearby hospital. Under the direction of a doctor, they may
use advanced medical equipment and administer drugs. They may also transport the patient
to the hospital.

Fire Prevention and Fire Safety

To help prevent fires and reduce fire losses, local fire fighting services inspect public
buildings. They also teach people about fire safety. Many have a separate division that
handles fire prevention and fire safety programmes.

Public Building Inspections

In consonance with the provisions of the Building Code (PD 1185), the Fire Bureau
conduct inspection buildings as theatres, stores, schools, and hospitals. The code specifies
certain requirements like portable fire extinguishers, a certain number of exits, and other fire
safety features in public buildings. Large buildings maybe required to provide built-in sprinkler
systems and special water lines to which fire hoses can be attached and to have fire alarm

What is a Sprinkler System?

A sprinkler system consists of a network of pipes installed throughout a

building. The pipes carry water to nozzles in the ceiling. The heat from a fire
causes the nozzles directly above the fire to open and spray water.
The Fire Bureau personnel inspect public buildings to enforce the local
code. The officials check the operating condition of the fire protection systems.
They note the number and location of exits and fire extinguishers. The
inspection also covers housekeeping practices and many other matters that
affect fire safety. Fire inspectors may also review plans for a new building to
make sure it meets the safety code.

Public Education Program

Fire fighting services work with other local agencies to teach people how to prevent fires
and what to do during a fire. The fire fighting officials serve as instructors or advisers in fire
safety courses in schools.
They educate the public about deaths caused by fires that occur in private homes.
Many home fires are caused by leaving the kitchen when food is cooking, disposing of
cigarettes improperly, misusing portable heating equipment, and placing flammable or
combustible items too close to heat sources.
Fire fighting groups advise people to install smoke detectors in their homes.

What is a Smoke Detector?

Smoke detector is a device that sounds an alarm if a small amount of
smoke enters their sensors. Smoke detectors are attached to the ceiling or wall
in several areas of the home. Fire protection experts recommend at least one
detector for each floor of a residence.
Fire fighters also recommend that people have portable fire extinguishers
in their homes. A person must be sure, however, to call the fire fighting service
before trying to extinguish a fire. It is also important to use the right kind of
extinguisher for the type of fire involved.

Module 4


The Fire Extinguishments Theory maintains that “to extinguish a fire, interrupt or
eliminate the supply of any or all of the elements of fire.” Fire can be extinguished by reducing/
lowering the temperature, eliminating the fuel supply, or by stopping the chemical chain


Extinguishment by Temperature Reduction

Cooling the temperature of the fire environment, usually done by using water.
Lower down the temperature to cool the fuel to a point where it does not produce sufficient vapors that burn.

Extinguishment by Fuel Removal

Elimination of the fuel supply/ source which maybe done by:
stopping the flow of liquid fuel
preventing the production of flammable gas
removing the solid fuel at the fire path
allowing the fire to burn until the fuel is consumed

Extinguishment by Oxygen Dilution

reduction of oxygen concentration at the burning area
by introducing inert gases
by separating oxygen from the fuel

Extinguishment by Chemical Inhibition

Some extinguishments agents, like dry chemical and halon, interrupt the production of
flame resulting to rapid extinguishment of the fire. This method is effective only on burning gas
and liquid fuels as they cannot burn in smoldering mode of combustion.


CLASS A FIRES – by quenching and cooling: water is the best agent in cooling the burning
solid materials; water has a quenching effect that can reduce the temperature of a burning
material below its ignition temperature; (Fire extinguishers which have water, sand, acid, foam
and special solution containing alkali methyl dust, as found in the loaded stream extinguisher,
should be used for this type of fire.)
CLASS B FIRES – by smothering or blanketing (oxygen exclusion). This type of fire is put or
controlled by foam, loaded stream, carbon dioxide, dry chemical and vaporizing liquid.
CLASS C FIRES – controlled by a non-conducting extinguishing agent: the safest procedure is
to always de-energize the electrical circuit. Extinguishers that should be used to put out these
type of fires are Carbon Dioxide Extinguishers, Dry Chemical, Vaporizing liquids.
CLASS D FIRES – by using special extinguishing agents marked specifically for metals. GE
type, meth LX, Lith X, Meth L, Kyl, dry sand and dry talc can put out class D fires
CLASS E FIRES – only combination of the above methods.


A Fire Extinguisher is a mechanical device, usually made of metal, containing

chemicals, fluids, or gasses for stopping fires, the means for application of its contents for the
purpose of putting out fire (particularly small fire ) before it propagates, and is capable of being
readily moved from place to place.
It is also a portable device used to put out fires of limited size.
There are four classes of fire extinguishers – A, B, C and D – and each class can put out a
different type of fire.
Class A extinguishers will put out fires in ordinary combustibles such as wood and paper
Class B extinguishers are for use on flammable liquids like grease, gasoline and oil
Class C extinguishers are suitable for use only on electrically energized fires
Class D extinguishers are designed for use on flammable metals

Multipurpose extinguishers can be used on different types of fires and will be labeled with more
than one class, like A-B, B-C or A-B-C.
What are the types of Fire Extinguishers?
Water Fire Extinguisher – extinguisher filled with water use of fight Class A and Class B fires
except class C fires.
Liquefied Fire Extinguisher – those extinguishers that contain Carbon Monoxide Gas use to
fight class A, B, and C fires
Dry Chemical Extinguisher – those that contain chemical powder intended to fight all classes
of fires.
Foam Extinguisher– contains sodium bicarbonate and a foam-stabilizing agent in a larger
compartment and a solution of aluminum sulfate in an inner cylinder; reaction between the two
solutions forms a stabilized foam of carbon dioxide bubbles.
Soda-acid Fire Extinguisher – filled with sodium bicarbonate mixed with water; a small bottle
of sulfuric acid is suspended inside (near the top) in such a way that when the extinguisher is
turned up-side-down, the acid mixes with sodium bicarbonate; carbon dioxide is formed by the
reaction which results to the building of pressure inside the extinguisher; this pressure forces
the water solution out from the container through a hose.
Vaporizing Liquid Fire Extinguisher – contains non-conducting liquid, generalization carbon
tetrachloride or chlorobromethane; operation is by manual pumping or using a stored pressure;
the stream of liquid that is expelled is vaporized by the heat of the fire and forms a smothering
blanket. This type is usually used in fires involving flammable liquids or electrical equipment.
Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguisher – effective against burning liquids and fires in live
electrical equipment; used mainly to put out Class C fires.

What are examples of extinguishing agents?

MULTI-PURPOSE DRY CHEMICALS like the Mono-Ammonium Phosphate ( NH H PO )

HALON 1211 or Bromochlorodifluoromethane
AFFF – (Aqueous Film Forming Foam), is a synthetic foam-forming liquid designed for use
with fresh water.

CARBON DIOXIDE – a chemical that can deliver a quick smothering action to the flames,
reducing the oxygen and suffocating the fire. Carbon dioxide dissipates without leaving any
contamination or corrosive residue.

What are the markings required on Fire Extinguishers?

Under (Rule 37, Sec. 106 of PD 1185), all fire extinguishers manufactured or sold in the
Philippines must be labelled or marked to show at least the following:
Date of original filling
Chemical Contents
Type of extinguisher
Operating Instruction and Safe Procedure in usage
Name and address of the manufacturer
Name and address of the dealer.

What are the prohibited types of fire extinguishers?

Rule 37, Sec. 104 of IRR of PD 1185 provides that the following types of fires
extinguishers are prohibited for manufacture or sale:
All inverting types which make it necessary to invert the container before the extinguisher’s
Soda-acid extinguishers
Stored pressure or cartridge operated foam solution, unless and air-aspiring nozzle is provided
Vaporizing liquid extinguishers using carbon tetrachloride or chlorobromomethane in any
concentration of formulation
Vaporizing liquid extinguishers of less than one kilogram extinguishing agent
Glass bulb, “grenade” type, or “bomb” type of vaporizing liquid extinguishers which have to be
thrown to the fire or are mounted on specific location and which operate upon the melting of a
fusible link.
Thermatic special hazards single station extinguishers with extinguishing capability of less than
four and a half (4.5) cubic meter.
Other types which maybe hereinafter prohibited.

What are the prohibited acts involving the operation of fire extinguishers?
From the same legal basis above, the following are declared prohibited acts concerning
the use of fire extinguishers:
Removal of inspection tags attached to fire extinguishers
Refilling a discharge extinguisher with a extinguishing agent other than what the unit was
designed to contain
Selling fire extinguishers not appropriate to the hazard
Selling fire extinguishers prohibited by Rule 37, Section 104
Selling defective or substandard extinguishers
Using/installing two or more thermatic special hazard vaporizing liquid units in rooms with
volume greater than the nominal capability of one unit.
Installing pressure gauges in fire extinguishers which do not indicate the actual pressure of the
interior of vessel such as, but not limited to use of uncalibrated gauges, not providing or
blocking the connection between the gauge and the interior, or fixing the indicator/needle to
indicate a certain pressure.

What are the General Operating Procedures in Fire Extinguishment?

The general operating procedures in using a fire extinguisher may be modified by the
acronym PASS.
P - Pull the pin at the top of the extinguisher that keeps the handle from being pressed.
Press the plastic or thin wire inspection band.
A– Aim the nozzle or outlet towards the fire. Some hose assemblies are dipped to the
extinguisher body. Released it and then point at the base of the fire.
S – Squeeze the handle above carrying handle to discharge the extinguishing agent
inside. The handle can be released to stop the discharge at any time.
S – Sweep the nozzle sideways at the base of the flame to disperse the extinguishing
After the fire is out, probe for remaining smouldering hot spots or possible re-flash of
flammable liquids. Make sure the fire is out before leaving the burned area.


The most important equipment for fire fighters includes:

1. Communication Systems

They are necessary to alert fire fighters to the outbreak of a fire. Most fire alarms are
telephoned to the fire department. Many countries have introduced a simple, 3-digit number
as the telephone number to call in emergencies. This number can be dialed from almost any
telephone and from most pay phones without a coin. Dialing this number is free. In the
Philippines, the emergency line is 166.

2. Fire Vehicles

Fire fighters have several types of fire vehicles. The main types are (1) engines, (2)
ladder appliances, and (3) rescue vehicles.
Engines, also called water tenders, have a large pump that takes water from a fire
hydrant or other source. The pump boosts the pressure of the water and forces it through
hoses. Engines carry several sizes of hoses and nozzles. Many also have a small-diameter
hose called a booster line, which is wound on a reel. The booster line is used chiefly to put out
small outdoor fires.
Ladder appliances - There are two kinds of ladder appliances--turntable ladders and
hydraulic platforms.
A turntable ladder appliance has a metal extension ladder mounted on a turntable. The
ladder can be raised as high as 30 meters, or about eight storeys.
A hydraulic platform truck has a cage-like platform that can hold several people. The
platform is attached to a lifting device that is mounted on a turntable. The lifting device
consists of either a hinged boom (long metal arm) or an extendable boom made of several
sections that fit inside each other. The boom on the largest vehicles can extend 46 meters. A
built-in hose runs the length of the boom and is used to direct water on a fire. In most cases, a
pump in a nearby engine generates the pressure needed to spray the water.
Fire Fighting Vehicles - are equipped with portable ladders of various types and sizes.
They also carry forcible entry tools, which fire fighters use to gain entry into a building and to
ventilate it to let out smoke. Common forcible entry tools include axes, power saws, and
sledge hammers.

Rescue Vehicles are enclosed vehicles equipped with many of the same kinds of
forcible entry tools that ladder appliances carry. But rescue vehicles also carry additional
equipment for unusual rescues. They have such tools as oxyacetylene torches, for cutting
through metal, and hydraulic jacks, for lifting heavy objects. They may also carry other
hydraulic tools. With a hydraulic rescue tool, fire fighters can apply a large amount of pressure
to two objects to squeeze them together or prise them apart. The tool is often used to free
people trapped in cars and other vehicles after an accident. Many rescue vehicles also carry
small hand tools, such as crowbars and saws, and ropes and harnesses for rescuing people
from water or high places. In addition, they carry medical supplies and equipment.
Special Fire Vehicles include airport crash tenders and hazardous materials units.
Airport crash tenders are engines that spray foam or dry chemicals on burning aircraft. Water
is ineffective against many aircraft fires, such as those that involve jet fuel or certain metals.
In addition to the above firefighting equipment, fire fighters are also required to use
protective clothing.
Protective Clothing - clothing for protection against flames, falling objects, and other
hazards. They wear coats and trousers made of fire-resistant material. Other clothing
includes special boots, gloves, and helmets. Fire fighters also use a breathing apparatus to
avoid inhaling smoke and toxic gases.


As mentioned earlier, Fire Prevention is a term for the many safety measures used to keep
harmful fires from starting. Fires not only cause extensive damage to valuable property, but
also responsible for large numbers of deaths.

What are the methods of Fire Prevention?

Individuals, groups, and communities use three main methods to prevent fires:

1. Laws and Regulations - Many countries have codes and standards that require certain
types of fire retardant materials and electric wiring to be used in buildings.
2. Inspection of buildings and other property - Fire brigades and other public agencies
inspect public buildings for fire hazards and recommend corrective action. In some
communities, homeowners may agree to have their homes inspected for fire hazards.
3. Public education about fire safety and prevention - Education is a vital part of fire
prevention programmes because people cause to prevent--almost all fires. Fire brigades,
community groups, and schools teach children and adults about fire hazards and work to
reduce fires throughout the community.

Module 5

Overview of the Law on Arson

Previously, arson was defined and penalized under nine different articles of the Revised
Penal Code:
Article 320 (destructive arson)
Article 321 (other forms of arson)
Article 322 (cases of arson not included in the preceding articles)
Article 323 (arson of property of small value)
Article 324 (crimes involving destruction)
Article 325 (burning one’s own property to commit arson)
Article 326 (setting fire to property exclusively owned by the offender
Article 326-a (in cases where death resulted as a consequence of arson)
Article 326-b (prima facie evidence of arson). 
On March 7, 1979, citing certain inadequacies that impede the successful enforcement and
prosecution of arsonists, then President Ferdinand E. Marcos issued Presidential Decree (P.D)
No. 1613.  
(P.D. 1613 supplanted the penal code provisions on arson)
On November 11, 1980, the law on arson was again revisited via P.D. No. 1744.  The
new law expanded the definition of destructive arson by way of reinstating Article 320 of the
Revised Penal Code.  The amendatory legislation also paved the way for the reimposition of
the capital punishment on destructive arsonists.
When Republic Act (R.A.) No. 7659 (An Act to Impose the Death Penalty on Certain
Heinous Crimes) was passed on December 13, 1993, Article 320 again underwent a revision.
With the repeal of the Death Penalty Law on June 24, 2006 through R.A. No. 9346,
arson is no longer a capital offense.

Revised Penal Code Provisions on Arson

Arson is the intentional or malicious destruction of property by fire.

It is the concern of fire investigation to prove malicious intent of the offender. Intent must
be proved, otherwise, no crime exist. The law presumes that a fire is accidental, hence criminal
designs must be shown. Fire cause by accident or criminal design must be shown. Fire cause
by accident or negligence does not constitute arson.

Article 320. Destructive arson. - The penalty of reclusion temporal in its maximum period to
reclusion perpetua shall be imposed upon any person who shall burn:

1. Any arsenal, shipyard, storehouse or military powder or fireworks factory,

ordinance, storehouse, archives or general museum of the Government.

2. Any passenger train or motor vehicle in motion or vessel out of port.

3. In an inhabited place, any storehouse or factory of inflammable or explosive


In the year 1979 PD 1613, a law amending the law on arson which is provided in the RPC from
Articles 320-326-b was enacted. In the section 2 of the said law a provision on destructive
arson was provided which states:

Section 2. Destructive Arson. The penalty of Reclusion Temporal in its maximum period to

Reclusion Perpetua shall be imposed if the property burned is any of the following:

1. Any ammunition factory and other establishment where explosives, inflammable or

combustible materials are stored.

2. Any archive, museum, whether public or private, or any edifice devoted to culture,
education or social services.

3. Any church or place of worship or other building where people usually assemble.

4. Any train, airplane or any aircraft, vessel or watercraft, or conveyance for

transportation of persons or property

4. Any building where evidence is kept for use in any legislative, judicial, administrative
or other official proceedings.

5. Any hospital, hotel, dormitory, lodging house, housing tenement, shopping center,
public or private market, theaters or movie houses or any similar place or building.

6. Any building, whether used as a dwelling or not, situated in a populated or congested


Article 320 of the RPC was amended by P.D. 1744 which provides that:

"Article 320 Destructive Arson. The penalty of reclusion temporal in its maximum period to
death shall be imposed upon any person who shall burn:

1. One (1) or more buildings or edifices, consequent to one single act of burning, or as
result of simultaneous burnings, or committed on several or different occasions;

2. Any building of public or private ownership, devoted to the use of the public in
general, or where people usually gather or congregated for a definite purpose such as
but not limited to official governmental function or business, private transaction,
commerce, trade, worship, meetings and conferences, or merely incidental to a definite
purpose such as but not limited to hotels, motels, transient dwellings, public conveyance
or stops or terminals, regardless of whether the offender had knowledge that there are
persons in said building or edifice at the time it is set on fire, and regardless also of
whether the building is actually inhabited or not.

3. Any train or locomotive, ship or vessel, airship or airplane, devoted to transportation

or convenience, or public use, entertainment or leisure.

4. Any building, factory, warehouse installation and any appurtenances thereto, which
are devoted to the service of public utilities.

5. Any building, the burning of which is for the purpose of concealing or destroying
evidence of another violation of law, or for the purpose of concealing bankruptcy or
defrauding creditors or to collect from insurance.

Irrespective of the application of the above enumerated qualifying circumstances, the penalty
of death shall likewise be imposed when the arson is perpetrated or committed by two (2) or
more persons or by a group of persons, regardless of whether their purpose is merely to burn
or destroy the building or the edifice, or the burning merely constitutes an overt act in the
commission or another violation of law.

The penalty of reclusion temporal in its maximum period to death shall also be imposed upon
any person who shall burn:

(a) Any arsenal, shipyard, storehouse or military powder or fireworks factory, ordinance
storehouse, archives or general museum of the government.

(b) In an inhabited place, any storehouse or factory of inflammable or explosive


If as a consequence of the commission of any of the acts penalized under this Article, death or
injury results, or any valuable documents, equipment, machineries, apparatus, or other
valuable properties were burned or destroyed, the mandatory penalty of death shall be

Also in the section 2 of PD 1744 it was further provided that provisions of Articles 320, 321 and
322 of the Revised Penal Code which are or may be inconsistent herewith are hereby

Article 321. Other forms of arson. - When the arson consists in the burning of other property
and under the circumstances given hereunder, the offender shall be punishable:

1. By reclusion temporal or reclusion perpetua:

(a) if the offender shall set fire to any building, farmhouse, warehouse, hut,
shelter, or vessel in port, knowing it to be occupied at the time by one or
more persons;

(b) If the building burned is a public building and value of the damage
caused exceeds 6,000 pesos;

(c) If the building burned is a public building and the purpose is to destroy
evidence kept therein to be used in instituting prosecution for the

punishment of violators of the law, irrespective of the amount of the


(d) If the building burned is a public building and the purpose is to destroy evidence kept
therein to be used in legislative, judicial or administrative proceedings, irrespective of the
amount of the damage; Provided, however, That if the evidence destroyed is to be used
against the defendant for the prosecution of any crime punishable under existing laws, the
penalty shall be reclusion perpetua;

(e) If the arson shall have been committed with the intention of collecting under an insurance
policy against loss or damage by fire.

2. By reclusion temporal:

(a) If an inhabited house or any other building in which people are accustomed to meet is set
on fire, and the culprit did not know that such house or building was occupied at the time, or if
he shall set fire to a moving freight train or motor vehicle, and the value of the damage caused
exceeds 6,000 pesos;

(b) If the value of the damage caused in paragraph (b) of the preceding subdivision does not
exceed 6,000 pesos;

(c) If a farm, sugar mill, cane mill, mill central, bamboo groves or any similar plantation is set
on fire and the damage caused exceeds 6,000 pesos; and

(d) If grain fields, pasture lands, or forests, or plantings are set on fire, and the damage caused
exceeds 6,000 pesos.

3. By prison mayor:

(a) If the value of the damage caused in the case mentioned in paragraphs (a),

(c), and (d) in the next preceding subdivision does not exceed 6,000 pesos;

(b) If a building not used as a dwelling or place of assembly, located in a populated place, is
set on fire, and the damage caused exceeds 6,000 pesos;

4. By prison correctional in its maximum period to prison mayor in its medium period:

(a) If a building used as dwelling located in an uninhabited place is set on fire and the damage
caused exceeds 1,000 pesos;

(b) If the value or the damage caused in the case mentioned in paragraphs (c) and (d) of
subdivision 2 of this article does not exceed 200 pesos.

5. By prison correctional in its medium period to prision mayor in its minimum period, when the
damage caused is over 200 pesos but does not exceed 1,000 pesos, and the property referred
to in paragraph (a) of the preceding subdivision is set on fire; but when the value of such

property does not exceed 200 pesos, the penalty next lower in degree than that prescribed in
this subdivision shall be imposed.

6. The penalty of prison correctional in its medium and maximum periods, if the damage
caused in the case mentioned in paragraph (b) of subdivision 3 of this article does not exceed
6,000 pesos but is over 200 pesos.

7. The penalty of prision correctional in its minimum and medium periods, if the damage
caused in the case mentioned paragraph (b) subdivision 3 of this article does not exceed 200

8. The penalty of aristo mayor and a fine ranging from fifty to one hundred per centum if the
damage caused shall be imposed, when the property burned consists of grain fields, pasture
lands, forests, or plantations when the value of such property does not exceed 200 pesos. (As
amended by R.A. 5467, approved May 12, 1969).

Amendments for this provision which provided under PD 1613:

Section 3. Other Cases of Arson. The penalty of Reclusion Temporal to Reclusion Perpetua

shall be imposed if the property burned is any of the following:

1. Any building used as offices of the government or any of its agencies;

2. Any inhabited house or dwelling;

3. Any industrial establishment, shipyard, oil well or mine shaft, platform or tunnel;

4. Any plantation, farm, pastureland, growing crop, grain field, orchard, bamboo grove
or forest;

4. Any rice mill, sugar mill, cane mill or mill central; and

5. Any railway or bus station, airport, wharf or warehouse.

Article 322. Cases of arson not included in the preceding articles. - Cases of arson not
included in the next preceding articles shall be punished:

1. By arresto mayor in its medium and maximum periods, when the damage
caused does not exceed 50 pesos;

2. By arresto mayor in its maximum period to prision correctional in its minimum

period, when the damage caused is over 50 pesos but does not exceed 200

3. By prision correctional in its minimum and medium periods, if the damage

caused is over 200 pesos but does not exceed 1,000 pesos; and

4. By prision correctional in its medium and maximum periods, if it is over 1,000


Article 323. Arson of property of small value. - The arson of any uninhabited hut, storehouse,
barn, shed, or any other property the value of which does not exceed 25 pesos, committed at a
time or under circumstances which clearly exclude all danger of the fire spreading, shall not be
punished by the penalties respectively prescribed in this chapter, but in accordance with the
damage caused and under the provisions of the following chapter.

Article 325. Burning one's own property as means to commit arson. - Any person guilty of
arson or causing great destruction of the property belonging to another shall suffer the
penalties prescribed in this chapter, even though he shall have set fire to or destroyed his own
property for the purposes of committing the crime.

Article 326. Setting fire to property exclusively owned by the offender. - If the property burned
shall be the exclusive property of the offender, he shall be punished by arresto mayor in its
maximum period to prision correctional in its minimum period, if the arson shall have been
committed for the purpose of defrauding or causing damage to another, or prejudice shall
actually have been caused, or if the thing burned shall have been a building in an inhabited

Article 326-A. In cases where death resulted as a consequence of arson. - If death resulted as
a consequence of arson committed on any of the properties and under any of the
circumstances mentioned in the preceding articles, the court shall impose the death penalty.

This article was amended by PD 1613 which provides:

Section 5. Where Death Results from Arson. If by reason of or on the occasion of the arson
death results, the penalty of Reclusion Perpetua to death shall be imposed.

Article 326-B. Prima facie evidence of arson. - Any of the following circumstances shall
constitute prima facie evidence of arson:

1. If after the fire, are found materials or substances soaked in gasoline, kerosene, petroleum,
or other inflammables, or any mechanical, electrical chemical or traces or any of the foregoing.

2. That substantial amount of inflammable substance or materials were stored within the
building not necessary in the course of the defendant's business; and

3. That the fire started simultaneously in more than one part of the building or locale under
circumstances that cannot normally be due to accidental or unintentional causes: Provided,
however, That at least one of the following is present in any of the three above-mentioned

(a) That the total insurance carried on the building and/or goods is more than 80 per cent of
the value of such building and/or goods at the time of the fire;

(b) That the defendant after the fire has presented a fraudulent claim for loss.

The penalty of prision correctional shall be imposed on one who plants the articles above-
mentioned, in order to secure a conviction, or as a means of extortion or coercion. (As
amended by R.A. 5467, approved May 12, 1969).

This article was amended by PD 1613 which provides:

Section 6. Prima Facie evidence of Arson. Any of the following circumstances shall constitute
prima facie evidence of arson:

1. If the fire started simultaneously in more than one part of the building or establishment.

2. If substantial amount of flammable substances or materials are stored within the building
note necessary in the business of the offender nor for household us.

3. If gasoline, kerosene, petroleum or other flammable or combustible substances or materials

soaked therewith or containers thereof, or any mechanical, electrical, chemical, or electronic
contrivance designed to start a fire, or ashes or traces of any of the foregoing are found in the
ruins or premises of the burned building or property.

4. If the building or property is insured for substantially more than its actual value at the time of
the issuance of the policy.

4. If during the lifetime of the corresponding fire insurance policy more than two fires have
occurred in the same or other premises owned or under the control of the offender and/or

5. If shortly before the fire, a substantial portion of the effects insured and stored in a building
or property had been withdrawn from the premises except in the ordinary course of business.

6. If a demand for money or other valuable consideration was made before the fire in
exchange for the desistance of the offender or for the safety of the person or property of the

The following are new provisions in PD 1613 which had strengthen the Philippines Law
on Arson

Section 4. Special Aggravating Circumstances in Arson. The penalty in any case of arson

shall be imposed in its maximum period;

1. If committed with intent to gain;

2. If committed for the benefit of another;

3. If the offender is motivated by spite or hatred towards the owner or occupant of the
property burned;

4. If committed by a syndicate.

The offense is committed by a syndicate if its is planned or carried out by a group of three (3)
or more persons.

Section 7. Conspiracy to commit Arson. Conspiracy to commit arson shall be punished by

Prision Mayor in its minimum period.

Basis of Liability in Arson

What is the basis of criminal liability in arson?

1. Kind and character of the building burned

2. Location of the building
3. Extent or value of the damage
4. Whether inhabited or not.

What Constitutes Arson?

1.Burning – to constitute burning, pyrolysis must takes place. In other words, there must
be burning or changing, i.e. the fibber of the wood must be destroyed, its
identity changed.
2.Wilfulness – means intentional, and implies that the act was done purposely and
3. Malice – it denotes hatred or a desire for revenge.
4. Motive – is the moving cause that induces the commission of the crime.
5. Intent – is the purpose or design with which the act is done and involves the will.

Module 6
The totality of the process involving the determination of whether or not a fire
occurrence is accidental, incendiary or caused by natural causes.
The art of probing and analyzing an incendiary/intentional fires which is intended to
identify, locate, and ultimately prosecute the perpetrator.
Conduct formal investigation to determine the following factors:
Legal owner of the burned property and estimated damages
Nature of business if commercial and its present financial ventures to include insurance
Legitimacy of Operation
Identity of the perpetrator/s
Consult respective RFM/DFM/PFM/C/MFM for proper guidance
Inform owners/occupants to secure necessary clearance before clearing the fire scene.
Submit necessary reports within the prescriptive period.


Persons responsible to Conduct Fire and Arson Investigation Philippine Setting (SOP
No. 2001 – 01)
1. Regional Fire Marshal
2. Provincial Fire Marshal
3. District Fire Marshal
4. City Fire Marshal
5. Municipal Marshal
6. Fire/Arson Investigator





It is the knowledge/ data which an investigator acquires from records and persons.
Regular source is acquired from open sources, records, files, Cultivated source are information
furnished by informants/ informers, Grapevine source are information given by the underworld
characters such as prisoners or criminals.


Is a conversation with a purpose, motivated by a desire to obtain certain information

from the person being interviewed as to what was either done, seen, felt, heard, tasted, smell
or known.
This is the questioning of a person believed to possess knowledge that is in official
interest to the investigator.

Interrogation is a questioning of a person suspected if having committed an offense or a

person who is reluctant to make full disclosure of information in his possession which is
pertinent to the investigation.


What are basic lines of inquiry in Arson Investigation?

The arson investigator must have to inquire on the following a) point of origin of fire b)
motives of arsonist c) prime suspects d) the tell tale signs of arson.
1.Point of origin of fire
Initially, the important point to be established is the point of origin of fire. In other words,
at what particular place in the building the fire started? This may be established by an
examination of the witness, by an inspection of the debris at the fire scene and by studying the
fingerprint of fire. The fingerprint of fire occurs during the free burning stage of the fire when
pyrolytic decomposition moves upward on the walls leaving a bunt pattern.
How To Determine The Point of Origin:
1. Locate the point of origin
2. Begin in the area of heaviest damage.
3. Determine whether the fire is originated at the building’s exterior.
4. Examine the interior completely to locate the area/room of most severe damage.
5. Check the ceiling to find the worst area of damage.
6. Find the lowest point of burning within the area of origin.
7. Look for the direction of the heat flow.

Witnesses must be questioned as to:

His identity
What attracted his attention
Time of observation
His position in relation to the fire at the time of observation
Exact location of the blaze
Size and intensity
Rapidity of spread
Color of flame and odor if he is in a position this
Any other person in the vicinity beside the witness
Note fire setting mechanism
electrical system
mechanical means
chemical methods

2. Motive of Arsonist
To understand the motives of arsonist, the arson investigator have to note the following
that fires are set by:
Persons with Motives
Those with desire to defraud the Insurer
Employees or such other person who have a grievance (Fire revenge)
Those with desire to conceal evidence of a crime
Those who set fire for purposes of intimidation

People without motives

Those who are mentally ill
Pathological fire-setters
Pyros and the Psychos

Motives of Arsonist
Economic Gain
Insurance fraud – benefiting
Desire to dispose merchandise – lost of market value being out of season, lack of raw
materials, over supply of merchandise can be a big reason for arson.
Existing business transaction that the arsonist would like to avoid such as impending
liquidation, settlement of estate, need for cash, prospective business failure, and increase
Profit by the Perpetrator other than the Assured like insurance agents wishing business with
the assured, business competitors planning to drive others, person seeking job as personnel
protection, salvagers and contractors wishing to contact another building
Concealment of Crime - When the purpose of hiding a crime or committing a crime, arson was
used as means.
Punitive Measure - Committing arson to inflict injury to another due to hatred, jealousy and
Intimidation or Economic Disabling - Arsonist as saboteurs, strikers and racketeers to
intimidate management or employer.

3. The Tell Tale Signs of Arson

These signs maybe obvious that the first fireman at the scene will suspects arson or
they maybe so well concealed that moths of patient investigation to show that it is set off will
be required.
Burned Building – the type of the building may indicate a set fire under certain circumstance.
A fire of considerable size at the time the first apparatus arrive at the scene is suspicious if it is
a modern concrete or semi-concrete building.
Separate fires – when two or more separate fire breaks out within a building. The fire is
certainly suspicious.
Color of Smoke – some fire burn with little or no smoke but they are exception. The
observation of the smoke must be made at the start of the fire since once the fire has assumed
a major proportion, the value of the smoke is lost, because the smoke will not indicate the
material used by the arsonist

When white smoke appears before the water from the fire hose comes in contact with the fire,
it indicates humid material burning. Example – burning hay, vegetable materials, phosphorus
(with garlic odor).
Biting smoke, irritating the nose and throat and causing lacrymation and coughing indicates
presence of chlorine.
Black smoke indicates lack of air if accompanied by large flames it indicates petroleum
products and rubber.
Reddish-brown smoke indicates nitrocellulose, S1, H2, S04, HN03, or HCI.
Meaning of color of Smoke and Fire:
Black smoke with deep red flame – petroleum products, tar, rubber, plastics, etc.
Heavy brown with bright red flame – nitrogen products
White smoke with bright flame – magnesium products
Black smoke with red and blue green flame – asphalt
Purple-violet flame – potassium products
Greenish-yellow flame – Chloride or Manganese products
IUI7• Bright reddish yellow flame – Calcium products
Combustibles Color of Smoke
Hay/vegetable compounds, White
Benzine White to Gray
Nitro-cellulose, sulphur Yellow to brownish-yellow
Nitric and Hydrochloric acid Yellow to brownish-yellow

Gunpowder Yellow to brownish-yellow

Chlorine gas Greenish-yellow

Wood, paper, wood Gray to brown

Iodine Violet

Cooking oil Brown

Naptha, Lacquer thinner Brownish black

Turpentine Black to brown

Acetone, Kerosene, Gasoline, Black

Lubricating oil, Rubber, Coal, Black

Color of flame – The color of the flame is a good indication of the intensity of the fire, an
important factor in determining incendiarism.
Flame Color Temperature

Faint Red 975 degrees F - 525 degrees C

Red – visible in daylight 1050 degrees F- 565 degrees C


Blood red 1175 degrees F- 635 degrees C

Dark Cherry red 1250 degrees F- 675 degrees C

Medium cherry red 1365 degrees F- 740 degrees C

Bright red 1555 degrees F- 845 degrees C

Salmon red 1650 degrees F- 900 degrees C

Orange 1725 degrees F- 940 degrees C

Lemon 1825 degrees F- 995 degrees C

Light yellow 1975 degrees F- 1080 degrees C

White 2200 degrees F- 1205 degrees C

Blue White 2550 degrees F- 1400 degrees C

Amount of Heat – A reddish glow indicates heat of 5000 degrees centigrade, a real bright
read about 100 degrees centigrade. Red flames indicate of petroleum. Blue flame indicates
use of alcohol as accelerant.
Heat Colors Temperature
Yellow 450 degrees F - 230 degrees C

Brown to Purple 550 “ F - 290 “ C

Blue 600 “ F - 320 “ C

Faint Red 900 “ F - 480 “ C

Dark Cherry 1100 “ F - 590 “ C

Full Cherry 1400 “ F - 760 “ C

Salmon 1600 “ F - 870 “ C

Lemon 1800 “ F - 980 “ C

White 2200 “ F - 1200 “ C

Sparkling White 2400 “ F - 1320 “ C

Smoke Marks – An experience investigation will determine the volume of smoke involved at a
fire and the character as residue deposited on walls or elsewhere. Smoke in marks have often
been of assistance in determining the possibility of a fire having more than one place of origin.

Size of Fire – This is important when correlated with the type of alarm, the time received and
the time of arrival of the first fire apparatus. Fires make what might be termed a normal
progress. Such progress can be estimated after an examination of the material burned the
building and the normal ventilation offered of the fire. The time element and the degree of
headway by the flames become important factors to determine factors to determine possible
Direction of Travel – While it is admitted that no two fires burn in identical fashion, yet it can
be shown that fire makes normal progress through various types of building materials,
combustibility of contents, channel of ventilation and circumstances surrounding the sending of
alarm, an experienced investigator can determine whether a fire spread abnormally fast.
Intensity – The degree of heat given off by a fire and the color of its flame oftentimes indicate
that some accelerant has been added to the material normally present in a building and the
investigator must look for further evidence pointing to use of such accelerant. Difficulty in
extinguishing the fire is often a lead to suspect presence of such fluid as gasoline and
Odor – The odor of gasoline, alcohol, kerosene and other inflammable liquids which are often
used as accelerant is characteristics and oftentimes arsonist are trapped because of this
telltale sign. Most of fire – setters are inclined to use substance which will make the blaze
certain and at the same time burn up any evidence of their crime.
Item/Substance Odor

Nitro-cellulose Pungent, similar to camphor

Phosphorous Wet match heads
Carbon disulfide Rotten Cabbage
Gunpowder Burned firecrackers
Sulphur candles Chocking odor
Ammonia Pungent
Insect sprays Sweet or perfumed
Cyanide or hydrochloric acid gas Peach pit

Condition of Content – Persons tending to set their house on fire frequently remove objects
of value either materially or sentimentally. Store and other business establishments oftentimes
remove a major portion of their content or replace valuable merchandise without of style


Physical evidences in arson are often destroyed. To prove arson was committed, Corpus
Delicti must be shown and identify of the arsonist must be established. Corpus Delicti (body
of the crime) is the fact of that crime was committed. The following must show it:
Burning – that there was fire that may be shown by direct testimony of complaint, firemen
responding to the crime, other eyewitnesses. Burned parts of the building may also indicate
Criminal Design – must show that it was wilfully and intentionally done. The presence of
incendiary devices, flammables such as gasoline and kerosene may indicate that the fire is not
Evidence of Intent – When valuables were removed from the building before the fire, ill-
feeling between the accused and the occupants of the building burned, absence of effort to put
off fire and such other indications.


A pyromaniac having the uncontrollable impulse to burn anything without any motivation. They
do not run away from the fire scene since they love watching fire burning.
Types of Pyromania
Abnormal Youth – epileptics, imbeciles and morons
Hero Type – a person set a building on fire and pretends to discover it, turn on the alarm or
make some rescue works to appear as “hero”
Drug addicts and alcoholics
Sexual deviates and perverts 2 0


Must record, observe and determine the following:

Determine the focal point of origin;
Location of fire debris and other physical evidence where they were taken must be
photographed, properly placed in sealed container with corresponding tag/label duly initiated
by the attending investigators and must be brought to the BFP Arson Laboratory and or
PNP/NBI Crime Laboratory for examination.
Observation of exterior/interior of building and its surroundings.
Observation of spectators particularly those who are leaving the vicinity.
Method of entry found, doors, windows whether locked or unlocked.
Occupants manner of dress, attitudes and actuations.
After Fire Operation, the Fire/Arson Investigator must undertake the following necessary
carefully collect debris from various portions wherein the fire originated, segregate and place in
a sealed container with corresponding labels and initials, and take pictures of the same;
gather possible physical evidence which could have been used if there is an indication of arson
and have it properly documented;
interview person/s who could give vital information relative to the fire and invite possible
witnesses including the owner/occupants of the burned/affected structure or building.


Initial Actions During Fire Alarms:

Immediate response of the nearest Fire Station/Sub-Station crew upon receiving the alarm
together with the designated investigator is required and mandatory.
Coordination with local police authorities and Barangay officials concerned must be done to
ensure smooth flow of traffic, crowd control and security of the area from looters and the
transfer of fire victims to a safer place.
Fire investigator/s on case shall cordon the place and secure the area by posting guards to
prevent unauthorized person/s until all essential evidences have been collected for
examination by the assigned/duly authorized evidence collector.
Point of origin must be established, cordoned and properly secured until the investigation has
been completed. Clearance from the City/Municipal Fire Marshal/concerned officers must be
obtained prior to the clearing of the area.
BFP Intelligence Branch/Unit must extend assistance if necessary for collation of information
relative to fire incident.

Information gathered must be evaluated to determine the reliability and value in relation to the

a. Photograph
1. Crowd
2. Vehicles
- make and color
- speedometer reading
- key position
- plate number
3. Color of Flames and Smoke
b. Audio, Video Utilization
c. Sketch Preparation
1. Rough Sketch
2. Progression Sketch


a. Noting Characteristics of the Fire:

1. Rapidity of the spread of flame.
2. Color of the Smoke and Flames.
3. Identifiable Odors
4. Area of origin
b. Taking Notes on the Following:
1. Unnatural state of the premises.
2. Obstacle on entry point.
3. Door and window locked.
4.Fire alarm or other fire protection equipment’s disconnected/sabotage.
5. Artificial drafts by making opening.
6. Block entrance.
7. Contents of the building.
c. Interview and Elicitation
1. Witnesses - Discoverer of fire
2. Fire Victims
3. Responding Fire fighter as to area of origin.
4. Neighbors
- Outside the Involved Building
- Inside the Involved Building

III. Secure and Protect the Scene

a. Determine the extent to which the scene has been protected.

b. Check the adequate scene security.
c. Take extensive notes, do not rely on memory.
d. Keep a record of persons/ individual who enters & leave.
Established frame of minutes to take control of scene regardless of circumstances
observed on arrival
Post Uniform Personnel provide cordon rope and or barricade tape

Detail Analysis of Information from Witnesses

Location of Area of Origin
How Fire Detected
Unusual Event Prior to Fire
Fire Cause
Last Person seen prior to the fire
Observation Analysis
Non-Communicating Fires
Present Condition & Location of Victim
Incendiary Devices
Missing Items
Unusual Appearance & Location
Trace Evidence Discover
Fire Pattern Analysis
Lines or areas of Demarcation
Surface Effects
Penetration of Horizontal Surface
Consumption of Material in Melting
Lines or areas of Demarcation
The borders defining the differences in certain heat and smoke effects of the fire upon
various materials. They appear between the affected and adjacent unaffected or less affected
Surface Effects
The nature and material of the surface that contains the fire pattern will have a bearing on the
shape and nature of the pattern itself.

Alligatory pattern
Deep of Charring
Clean Burn
Rate of Charring
Smoke and Soot
Penetration of Horizontal Surface
From above or below, can be caused by radiant heat, direct flame impingement, or
localized smoldering with or without the effects of ventilation.
U&V Pattern
Inverted U&V Pattern
Arrow Pattern
Consumption of Material in Milling Typically when wood or other combustible surfaces burn
they lose material and mass. The shapes and quantities of remaining combustibles can
themselves produce lines of demarcation and ultimately, fire patterns to be analysed by the


I. Preparation

A. Team Briefing
1. Materials requirement
of involved members

2. Discussed search pattern use:

double strip
3. Assignment / role of individual team members.
4. Set up command post
5. Organize communication with services auxiliary.
6. Coordination with other agencies.
II. Initiates Preliminary Survey
a. Accomplished a cautious walk through the scene.
b. Acquire preliminary photograph.
c. Delineate extent of the search area.
d. Determine personnel and equipment needs.
e. Identify and protect transient physical evidence.
f. Develop general theory of the crime.
g. Record vehicles identification number, key position and odometer reading.
h. Concentrate on most transient evidence and work to the least transient form of
physical evidence.
i. Focus first on the easily accessible areas in open view and progress eventually to
possible outer view locations, look for a purposively hidden items.
j. Consider whether the evidence appears to have been moved inadvertently
k. Evaluate whether or not the scene and evidence appears unintentionally contrived.
l. Two basic search approaches:
1."Cautious" search of visible areas, taking steps to avoid evidence loss
2. After the "cautious“ search, a vigorous search for hidden concealed areas.
III. Depict Scene Photographically
a. Begin photography as soon as possible.
b. Document the photographic effort with a photographic logbook.
c. Insure that a progression of overall, medium and close-up view of the scene is
d. Use recognize scale device for size determination when applicable.
e. When scale device is used first take photograph without the inclusion of the device.
f. Photograph evidence in place before its collection and packaging.
g. Be observant on photographs areas adjacent to the crime scene – points of entry,
exits, windows.
h. Photograph items, places, etc. to collaborate the statement of witnesses, victims, and
i. Prepare photographic sketch and photo logbook.

j. Do not hesitate to photograph something which has no apparent significance at that

time, it may later prove to be a key element in the investigation.

Prepare Sketch of the Scene

The diagram establishes permanent record of items condition and distance/ size
relationship - diagram photographs.
Typical Materials on rough sketch (not drawn to scale)
Case Identifier
Scale or Scale Disclaims
Compass Orientation
Key of Legends
Sketch Preparer

b. General Progression of Sketches

Layout basic perimeter
Set forth fixed objects, furniture, etc.
Insert evidence as it is recovered
Record appropriate measurements
Set forth key/ Legends compass orientation
c. Number designation on sketch should be coordinated with same number designation
on evidence log.
d. Insure that enough room is allowed to include all pertinent information and measurement.

V. Collect and Preserve Evidence

a. Collect evidence in accordance with standard practice.
b. Use specialized search patterns (strip, double strip, zone, wheel)
c. Photograph all items before collection and enter notation in photographic logbook.
d. Mark evidence location in diagram sketch.
e. Have at least 2 persons:
See evidence in place before collection;
Observe it being collected;
Tag zeal evidence;
Place identifying marks on evidence container and document the proceeding by photograph.
f. Do not handle evidence excessively after recovery.
g. If feasible, have one person as an evidence custodian to prepare evidence chain of
custody, and evidence log.
h. Seal all evidence containers at the crime scene.
i. The best container for physical evidence such as debris with possible flammable
accelerants is clean can, or jar and thus, evidence plastic container can do.
j. Do not forget entrance/ exit areas at the scene to obtain appropriate and substantial
known standards.
k. Do not over document the physical evidence.

VI. Conduct Final Survey

a. This survey is a critical review of all aspects of the search.

b. Double check documentation to detect inadvertent errors.

c. Insure that photographs are taken of scene showing final condition after completion of
d. Check to insure all evidence is accounted far before departing scene.
e. Release of the fire scene is accomplished only after completion of the final survey.
f. Secure affidavit that no looting/ lost cause by responding firefighters.


Fire investigators assigned must sign the FIR in five (5) copies to be submitted to the
Fire Chief, Regional, Provincial, District, City/Municipal Fire Marshals.
The findings in the FIR that will be submitted to the Fire Chief, RFM, PFM’s/DFM’s and
City/Municipal Fire Marshals as the case maybe shall either be ACCIDENTAL or
INTENTIONAL. In both cases, persons responsible for the fire incident either by neglect or
intentional shall be pinpointed by pieces of evidence and proceeded by court action.
UNDETERMINED causes of fire shall be considered as pending investigation matters and
should not be reflected in FIR’s.
Fire investigating units are prohibited from furnishing copies of their FIR to any party unless
ordered by competent courts. All requests for Fire Certificates by the fire victims or other
interested parties concerning a fire case shall be directly addressed to the concerned Fire
Marshals who may issue a certificate as authorized.


A. For NCR
Authority Aggregate Damage
1. Municipal Fire Marshal - - - - - - - - - - Not exceeding P 10 M
2. City Fire Marshal - - - - - - - - - - Not exceeding P 20 M
3. District Fire Marshal - - - - - - - - - - Not exceeding P 30 m
4. Regional Fire Marshal - - - - - - - - - - Above P 30 M but not
exceeding P 50 M
5. Fire Chief - - - - - - - - - - Above P 50 M
B. For Other Regions (other than NCR)
Authority Aggregate Damage
1. Municipal Fire Marshal - - - - - - - - - - - Not exceeding P 10 M
2. City Fire Marshal - - - - - - - - - - - Not exceeding P 20 M
3. Provincial Fire Marshal - - - - - - - - - - - Not exceeding P 30 M
4. Regional Fire Marshal - - - - - - - - - - - Above P30 M but not
exceeding P 50 M
5. Fire Chief - - - - - - - - - - - P 50 M and above

The Fire Chief through the recommendation of the CIID shall issue Fire Certificate to an
aggregate damage of P 50M and above or under any circumstances that there are casualties
(killed) in a particular fire incident.

Module 7



Overview of Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)

The Bureau of Fire Protection (Filipino: Kawanihan ng Pagtatanggol sa Sunog,

acronym BFP)  is an agency of the Department of the Interior and Local
Government (DILG) responsible for implementing national policies related to Fire
fighting and fire prevention as well as implementation of the Philippine Fire Code (PD
1185), which has been repealed and replaced by the New Fire Code of the Philippines
(RA 9514). Formerly known as the Integrated National Police Fire Service, the BFP is in
charge of the administration and management of municipal and city fire and emergency
services all over the country.


The BFP traces its roots from the defunct Constabulary Fire Protection Bureau, then
later PC-INP Office of Fire Protection Service Philippine Constabulary
The agency was founded on January 29, 1991, pursuant to the provisions of Republic
Act 6975, which established the Department of Interior and Local Government.
The Bureau now is in charge of management, administration, and implementation of fire
and emergency services all over the country.

Mandates and Functions

The Bureau of Fire Protection was created by virtue of RA 6975 primarily to perform the
following functions:
Be responsible for the prevention  and suppression of all destructive fires on:
Building,  houses and other structures;
Land  transportation vehicles and equipment;
Ships  and vessels docked at piers or wharves anchored in major sea ports;
Petroleum  industry installations;
Plane  crashes; and
Other  similar activities
Be  responsible for the enforcement of the Fire Code of the Philippines (PD 1185)
and other related laws;

Shall have the power to investigate all causes of fires and if necessary, file the
proper complaint with the city or provincial prosecutor who has jurisdiction over the
In the time of national emergency, all elements of the BFP shall upon direction of the
President, assist the AFP in meeting the national emergency; and
Shall establish at least one (1) fire station with adequate personnel, fire fighting
facilities and equipment in every provincial capital, city and municipality subject to
standard rules and regulations as maybe promulgated by

BFP Vision

A modern fire service fully capable of ensuring a fire safe nation by 2034.

BFP Mission

We commit to prevent and suppress destructive fires, investigate its causes, enforce the
fire code and other related laws respond to man-made and natural disasters and other

Directorial Units
Directorate for Investigation and Intelligence
Directorate for Operations
Directorate for Human Resource Development Department
Directorate for Logistics
Directorate for Information and Communications Technology Management
Directorate for Fire Safety and Enforcement
Directorate for Plans
Directorate for Personnel & Records Management
Directorate for Comptrollership
Base Units
National Headquarters
Special Rescue/HAZMAT Unit
Emergency Medical Services
Special Operations Unit
Arson Investigation Unit
Fire Law Enforcement Service
Fire National Training Institute
Line Units
BFP National Capital Region
BFP Region I
BFP Region II
BFP Region III
BFP Region IVA

BFP Region IVB

BFP Region V
BFP Region VI
BFP Region VII
BFP Region IX
BFP Region X
BFP Region XI
BFP Region XII
BFP Region CAR

Command Structure and Salient Features of Republic Act No. 6975 and its Implementing
Rules and Regulations



These Men and Women of the BFP report to the following commanders:
The President of the Republic of the Philippines.
The Secretary of the Interior and Local Government (SILG) through:
the Undersecretary for Operations, Department of Interior and Local Government
the Undersecretary for Public Safety, Department of Interior and Local
Government (UPS, DILG).
the Undersecretary for Peace and Order, Department of Interior and Local
Government (UPO, DILG).
The Chief, Bureau of Fire Protection (C, BFP; with the rank of "Fire Director")
the Deputy Chief for Administration, Bureau of Fire Protection (DCA, BFP; with
the rank of "Fire Chief Superintendent").
the Deputy Chief for Operations, Bureau of Fire Protection (DCO, BFP; with the
rank of "Fire Chief Superintendent").
the Chief of Directorial Staff, Bureau of Fire Protection (CDS, BFP; with the rank
of "Fire Chief Superintendent").

Officer ranks equivalent to the Military:

Fire Director (FDir.) - 2-star Major General (Chief of the Bureau; BFP highest ranking official).
Fire Chief Superintendent (FCSupt.) - 1-star Brigadier General (Regional Director, Directorial
Staff, Deputy Chief).
Fire Senior Superintendent (FSSupt.) - Colonel (3 Sampaguita Leaves) (Provincial Director,
City Director).
Fire Superintendent (FSupt.) - Lieutenant Colonel (2 Sampaguita Leaves) (Fire Marshal)

Fire Chief Inspector (FCInsp.) - Major (1 Sampaguita Leaf)

Fire Senior Inspector (FSInsp.) - Captain (2 Anahaw Leaves) (Doctor, Lawyer, Chaplain;
Deputy Fire Marshal).
Fire Inspector (FInsp.) - Lieutenant (1 Anahaw Leaf) (Nurse, Social Worker, I.T. Officer,
Technician, Engineer, Therapist, Teacher, Scientist, Accountant, Criminologist)


Senior Fire Officer IV (SFO4)- Master Sergeant

Senior Fire Officer III (SFO3) – Technical Sergeant
Senior Fire Officer II (SFO2) – Staff Sergeant
Senior Fire Officer I (SFO1) - (Sergeant)
Fire Officer III (FO3) – Corporal
Fire Officer II (FO2) – Private First Class
Fire Officer I (FO1) – Private
Fire Officer (FO) – Basic Fire Internship
Non-Uniformed Personnel (NUP) – Civilian Employee

Salient Features of Republic Act No. 9263 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations



SEC. 5. Appointment of Uniformed Personnel to the BFP and the BJMP. — The
appointment of uniformed personnel to the BFP and the BJMP shall be effected in the
following manner:

a) Fire/Jail Officer I to Senior Fire/Jail Officer IV. — Appointed by the respective Regional
Director for Fire Protection and Regional Director for Jail Management and Penology for the
regional office uniformed personnel or by the respective Chief of the Fire Bureau and Chief of
the Jail Bureau for the national headquarters office uniformed personnel, and attested by the
Civil Service Commission (CSC);

b) Fire/Jail inspector to Fire/Jail Superintendent. — Appointed by the respective Chief of the

Fire Bureau and Chief of the Jail Bureau, as recommended by their immediate superiors, and
attested by the CSC;

c) Fire/Jail Senior Superintendent. — Appointed by the Secretary of the DILG upon

recommendation of the respective Chief of the Fire Bureau and Chief of the Jail Bureau, with
the proper attestation of the CSC; and

d) Fire/Jail Chief Superintendent to Fire/Jail Director. — Appointed by the President upon,

recommendation of the Secretary of the DILG, with the proper endorsement by the Chairman
of the CSC.

SEC. 6. Lateral Entry of Officers into the BFP and the BJMP. — In general, all original
appointments of officers in the Fire Bureau and the Jail Bureau shall commence with the rank
of fire/jail inspector wherein applicants for lateral entry into the BFP shall include all those with
highly specialized and technical qualifications such as, but not limited to, civil engineers,
mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, chemical engineers, chemists, architects,
criminologists, certified public accounts, nurses, physical therapists, and dentists, while
applicant for lateral entry into the BJMP shall include all those with highly specialized and
technical qualifications such as, but not limited to, social workers, psychologists, criminologists,
teachers, nurses, dentist and engineers. Doctors of medicines, members of the Philippine Bar
and chaplains shall be appointed to the rank of fire/jail senior inspector in their particular
technical service. Graduates of the Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA) shall be
automatically appointed to the initial rank of fire/jail inspector.

SEC. 7. Professionalization and Upgrading of Qualification Standards in the Designation

of Uniformed Personnel of the BFP and the BJMP to Key Positions. —

a) No person shall be designated to the following key positions of the BFP unless he/she has
met the qualifications provided therein:

1) Municipal Fire Marshal. — Should have the rank of senior inspector, who must have finished
at least second year Bachelor of Laws or earned at least twelve (12) units in a master’s degree
program in public administration, management, engineering, public safety, criminology or other
related disciplines from a recognized institution of learning, and must have satisfactorily
passed the necessary training or career courses for such position as may be established by
the Fire Bureau;

2) City Fire Marshal. — Should have the rank of chief inspector, who must have finished at
least second year Bachelor of Laws or earned at least twenty-four (24) units in a master’s
degree program in public administration, management, engineering, public safety, criminology
or other related disciplines from a recognized institution of learning, and must have
satisfactorily passed the necessary training or career courses for such position as may be
established by the Fire Bureau;

3) District Fire Marshal, Provincial Fire Marshal, Assistant Regional Director for Administration,
Assistant Regional Director for Operations and Regional Chief of Directorial Staff.  — Should
have the rank of superintendent, who must be a graduate of Bachelor of Laws or a holder of a
master’s degree in public administration, management, engineering, public safety, criminology
or other related disciplines from a recognized institution of learning, and must have
satisfactorily passed the necessary training or career courses for such position as may be
established by the Fire Bureau;

4) District Fire Marshal for the National Capital Region, Regional Director for the Protection
and Director of the Directorate of the National Headquarters Office. — Should have at least the
rank of senior superintendent, who must be a graduate of Bachelor of Laws or a holder of a
master’s degree in public administration, management, engineering, public safety, criminology
or other related disciplines from a recognized institution of learning, and must have
satisfactorily passed the necessary training or career courses for such position as may be
established by the Fire Bureau;

5) Deputy Chief for Administration of the Fire Bureau, Deputy Chief for Operations of the Fire
Bureau and Chief of Directorial Staff of the Fire Bureau. — Should have the rank of chief
superintendent, who must be a member of the Philippine Bar or a holder of a master’s degree
in public administration, management, engineering, public safety, criminology or other related
disciplines from a recognized institution of learning, and must have satisfactorily passed the
necessary training or career courses for such position as may be established by the Fire
Bureau; and

6) Chief of the Fire Bureau. — Should have the rank of senior director, who must be a member
of the Philippine Bar or a holder of a master’s degree in public administration, management,
engineering, public safety, criminology or other related disciplines from a recognized institution
of learning, and must have satisfactorily passed the necessary training or career courses for
such position as may be established by the Fire Bureau;

SEC. 9. Attrition System for the Uniformed Personnel of the BFP and the BJMP. — There
shall be established a system of attrition for the uniformed personnel of the BFP and the BJMP
within one (1) year from the effectivity of this Act to be submitted by said bureaus to the DILG
for approval. Such attrition system shall include, but is not limited to, the provisions of the
following principles:

a) Attrition by Demotion in Position or Rank. — Any uniformed personnel of the BFP and the
BJMP who is relieved and assigned to a position lower than what is established for his/her
grade in the respective staffing pattern of the Fire Bureau and the Jail Bureau, and who shall
not be assigned to a position commensurate to his/her grade within two (2) years after such
demotion in position shall be separated or retired from the service;

b) Attrition by Non-Promotion. — Any uniformed personnel of the BFP and the BJMP who has
not been promoted for a continuous period of ten (10) years shall be separated or retired from
the service, except for those who are occupying a third-level position;

c) Attrition by Other Means. — Any uniformed personnel of the BFP and the BJMP with at least
five (5) years of accumulated active service shall be separated from the service based on any
of the following factors:

1) Inefficiency based on poor performance during the last two (2) successive semestral rating

2) Inefficiency based on poor performance for three (3) cumulative semestral rating periods;

3) Physical and/or moral incapacity to perform his/her duties and functions; or

4) Failure to complete the required career courses and/or appropriate civil service eligibility for
his/her position except for justifiable reasons; and

d) Separation or Retirement from the Bureau and the Jail Bureau under this Section. — Any
personnel who is dismissed from the BFP and the BJMP pursuant to the above-enumerated
principles in this Section shall be separated if he/she has rendered less than twenty (20) years
of service, and be retired if he/she has rendered at least twenty (20) years of service unless
the concerned personnel is disqualified by law to receive such benefits.

Salient Features of Republic Act No.9592 and it’s Implementing Rules and Regulations

May 08, 2009

Section 1. - Section 4 of Republic Act No. 9263 is hereby amended to read as follows:

"SEC. 4. Professionalization and Upgrading of Qualification Standards in the Appointment of

Uniformed Personnel to the BFP and the BJMP. - No person shall be appointed as uniformed
personnel of the BFP and the BJMP unless he/she possesses the following minimum

"a) A citizen of the Republic of the Philippines;

"b) A person of good moral character;

"c) Must have passed the psychiatric/psychological, drug and physical tests for the purpose of
determining his/her physical and mental health;

"d) Must possess a baccalaureate degree from a recognized institution of learning;

"e) Must possess the appropriate civil service eligibility;

"f) Must not have been dishonorably discharged or dismissed for cause from previous

"g) Must not have been convicted by final judgment of an offense or crime involving moral

"h) Must be at least one meter and sixty-two centimeters (1.62 m.) in height for male, and one
meter and fifty-seven centimeters (1.57 m.) for female: Provided, That a waiver for height and
age requirements shall be automatically granted to applicants belonging to the cultural
communities; and

"i) Must weight not more or less than five kilograms (5 kgs.) from the standard weight
corresponding to his/her height, age and sex;

"Provided, That a new applicant must not be less than twenty-one (21) nor more than thirty
(30) years of age: except for this particular provision, the above-enumerated qualifications

shall be continuing in character and an absence of any one of them at any given time shall be
a ground for separation or retirement from the service: Provided, further, That the uniformed
personnel who are already in the service prior to the effectivity of this Republic Act No. 9263
shall be given another five (5) years to obtain the minimum educational qualification and
appropriate civil service eligibility to be reckoned from the date of the effectivity of this
act: Provided, furthermore, that concerned BFP and BJMP members who have rendered more
than fifteen (15) years of service at the time of the effectivity of this Act shall no longer be
required to comply with the aforementioned educational and eligibility requirements. Likewise
those personnel who have acquired National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) eligibility prior
to the effectivity of Republic Act No. 9263 shall no longer be required to obtain the appropriate
civil service eligibility: Provided, finally, That within the five-year extension period stipulated
herein, the issue of whether or not the BFP shall be devolved to local government units shall
be revisited by Congress, and as circumstances demand, be immediately implemented.

"After the lapse of the time period for the satisfaction of a specific requirement, current
uniformed personnel of the BFP and the BJMP who will fail to satisfy any of the requirements
enumerated under this Section shall be separated from the service if they are below fifty (50)
years of age and have served in the government for less than twenty (20) years, or retired if
they are from age fifty (50) and above and have served in the government for at least twenty
(20) years without prejudice in either case to the payment of benefits they may be entitled to
under existing laws."

This law had also amended Section 10 of R.A. 9263 which provides the promotion
system for the Uniformed Personnel of the BFP and BJMP


The National Fire Training Institute (NFTI) was established on October 1, 1979 at the
National Police Training Center, Region 4 Annex, Marikina, Metro Manila.
It bore the name of the Fire Service Training Center (FTSC) under the supervision
and control of the defunct Integrated National Police Training Command (INPTC).
Its mission was to train the fire service personnel.

On June 9, 1980, after it was granted a separate allotment for its management and
operations, the center moved to Camp Vicente Lim, Calamba, Laguna where it was renamed
National Fire Service Training Center (NFSTC). It temporarily shared facilities of the
Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA) until its own training facilities were finally
In 1991, the supervision and administration over the Center were transferred to
the Philippine Public safety College (PPSC) by virtue of Rule X of the Republic Act No.
6975, otherwise known as the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Act of
As mandated in the said act, the center shall serve as the Institution for training on
human resource development of all personnel of the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP).
On July 23,1996, upon approval of the Philippine Public Safety College Operations
Manual by the Secretary of the Department of the Interior and Local Government, the
center was renamed Fire National Training Institute (FNTI) with the specific mandate to
attain quality and excellence in the field of fire training.

“A modern, efficient and responsive National Protection Agency working towards
a public safety conscious society.”

“To protect lives and properties through the prevention and suppression of
destructive fires; investigation of their causes; and the provision of emergency medical
and rescue services with the active support of the public.”

Core Values

Quality training through the leadership by example

Service to God through others
Respect for individual rights and care for the environment
Excellence in service and reputation

Core Purpose

“To contribute to the building of a safer community by developing professional

fire personnel and volunteers in fire safety and disaster preparedness for the benefit
and satisfaction of the general public.”

“To become a world-renowned Fire Safety and Disaster Preparedness Center in

Goals Vivid Description

We will tenaciously strive to make the Fire National Training Institute become a
world-class training center for fire safety and disaster preparedness in the Philippines
and Southeast Asia.
We will be known for quality training and education that will earn public esteem
and peer respect.

We will be recognized as an institution that nurtures and enhances individual

skills and capabilities, strengthens team spirit and stimulates communal aspirations for
a safer and more progressive society.
We will be a most sought-after organization that keeps the best employees in the
country, rewards work excellence, employee creativity and productivity and creates an
environment where people desire to be part of.


Partnership with government agencies, research institutions, individuals, civic and private
organizations that share our purpose.
Advancement of practical, scientific, systematic and structured curricula in fire safety and
disaster preparedness that are responsive to the training needs of fire personnel and
Linkages with international and national bodies, organizations, and associations towards the
improvement of the fire service training and education.
Relentless improvement of management skills and practices that will make fire service training
and education relevant, responsive and result-oriented.
Recruitment of skilled and competent human resources who possess the capacity to achieve,
ability to empower others, strength of character and passion to exemplify the enduring values
of the Fire National Training Institute.


City of La Carlota


CDI - 6

Ist semester, A.Y 2020-21

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