The Influence of The Transformational Leadership A
The Influence of The Transformational Leadership A
The Influence of The Transformational Leadership A
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Abstract: This study aimed at determing the effect of transformational leadership and work motivation on teachers performance. This research used
quantitative method with correlational research type. The research population were 790 teachers of SMK Negeri in Palembang. The sample of research
were 193 teachers. Sampling technique in this research was cluster sampling (area sampling). Data collection technique was questionnaires. Data were
analyzed using correlation and multiple regression analysis technique. The results showed that (1) transformational leadership has a positive and
significant effect on the teachers performance SMK Negeri in Palembang; (2) work motivation has a positive and significant effect on the teachers
performance of SMK Negeri in Palembang; and (3) transformational leadership and work motivation have a positive and significant influence on the
teachers performance of SMK Negeri in Palembang.
something that achieved someone or group on achieving a for achievement of organization aims, in a leadership there is
specific goal (Susanto, 2016: 70). The criteria of teacher’s have some of leadership models as a tool to managing the
performance who can be achieving their performance is organization, and that is the transformational leadership (YukI,
directed at a competence of teacher as mentioned on The 2010: 345). The transformational leadership is described as a
Government Regulations No. 19 of 2005 about the National style of leadership that can be to awaken or motivate the
Education Standards. It said that teachers performance, in this employees, so it can be to grow and have achievement of
case is the competence of teacher that have four performance at a high level, beyond what they expect before.
competences such as pedagogic competence, personality Besides it, the style of transformational leadership is
competence, professional competence and social considered an effective in any situation and culture (YukI,
competence. Some efforts we can do to increase the teachers 2010: 306). After that, Engkoswara and Komariah who is
performance such give a rewards and incentives beyond their explain that the transformational leader have a role to increase
salary, and then the headmaster join with the school the all of existing human resource, trying to give a reaction
supervisor make a professional education and administration that its can be to raise the spirit and power of quickly work and
supervision of learning at the classroom (Yuliandri, kristiawan; as much as possible, always appear as pioneer and bearer of
2016). Suharjono, (2012: 6) says about the factors that can change (Engkoswara and Komariah, 2010: 193). Based on it,
affect the performance, such training and experience, the headmaster as a leader is must have a proper strategic to
education, personality, organization, the leaders, social improve the professionalism of teacher at his school to
condition, individual needs, place of work condition, ability, achieve the school aims. Creating the climate of school that's
work motivation, and etc. The Ministry of Education and conducive, advising the citizens of school, and giving the
Culture’s data shows that the teachers competence in encouragement to all of the education personnel, and so on.
Indonesia is on low grade. The implementation of the Teacher The headmaster is also must try to instill, advance and
Competency Test (UKG) on 2015 that is followed by 1.6 million improve at least a four values, that is mental coaching, moral
teachers and more than 1.3 million got less than 60 tests coaching, physical coaching and artistic coaching
score. Department of education is asked to use the UKG’s (Wahjusumidjo, 2010: 95). In addition of theory and field
result as a basis of the teacher competence improvement at studies above, the previous research is reinforces the
respective areas and also to assessment of the teachers researcher's assumption that the transformational leadership
performance (, 2016). Clarity on teaching, use of headmaster is affects to the teacher teach performance. For
the instructional media, teacher's enthusiasm on teaching, example, conducted by Wasini (2016) in his research argued
focus on tasks and giving the students opportunities to that the transformational leadership is partially have a
learning and its five main things which the teacher must have significant effect on teacher performance. Then, the research
in performing the task. The teacher who was the top is conducted by Kuswaeri (2016) in his research argued that
motivation on performing their task would increase the spirit of transformational leadership it is can change the energy
work and have an effect to improvement the productivity work. resources and situations to achieve the aims. The
This condition will make the teacher and the other people at transformational leadership is has a vision, change agent,
the school to work properly and accordance to the standards charismatic, emphatic, stimulates of intellectuality and fosters
and time that was determined (Ishak, Hendri, 2003: 16). To the creativity. The application of transformational leadership
finish their jobs, not often we found the teacher who don’t have leads to learning professionalism, creation of an effective
spirit to do it (Hamzah, 2008: 63). Based on study at some of school culture and climate, and achievement of satisfactory
school that has been studied, there are teachers who don't student learning. The leadership style is not same between
have motivation to work. The teacher just teaching for comply one leader and the other. Every leader is has own style to
the demands and responsibilities in teaching without lead. This difference is due to various factors both of external
innovating on the learning process. Therefore, if the schools and internal factors. The internal factors are more to the
want the teachers perform their duties with high teaching character and behavior of the leader itself, while the external
performance, it should be applying organizational factors factors are so many, either because of the social environment
(leadership) and psychological factors (motivation). In this in which he lives or also his colleagues (teachers) at school.
case, the researchers focused on transformational leadership Every the leadership style is has own environment, its mean
as a model of leadership and achievement motivation of the leadership style is will be run an effective if the situations
teachers as part of work motivation. The transformational and conditions is support to that style. However, along with the
leadership of headmaster is contributed to the teaching stream of globalization, the pattern of leadership is changed
performance of teachers directly or not. Through this drastically. The leadership is not more rigid, but dynamic and
transformational leadership of headmaster, all of resources will situational. This phenomenon is reinforces by the result of
be run well including the teaching performance of teachers. To research that is conducted by Girsang (2015) in his research
perform this leadership at school, the headmaster acts as a argued that although different schools and different leaders,
mentor and good educator for the schools community, there is have a positive effect between the transformational
especially for the teachers to carry out the teaching leadership of headmaster and teacher performance.
performance. The leadership should be able to give a spirit or Meanwhile, the calculation of determination coefficient
motivate their members by inspiring their creativity in working. analysis indicates that the transformational leadership of
The leader, in this case is headmaster, his must be able to headmaster in an accredited private high school A in Bandung
practicing the innovations, can be to directing the all of his City has an influence on the teacher performance. Like we
members and school as a organization of education into a known, the effectiveness of leadership style is affect with the
change of mindset, improving the vision and mission by teacher performance. A school is must face a problem, so we
utilizing the talent, skill, and abilities of his members. YukI needed a leadership style and it is the transformational
said, the leadership is a influencing process the others to work leadership style. Through the transformational leadership of
headmaster at SMK in Palembang is expected to facilitate the school. The school is also need a figure of leader who is ready
teachers to develop their competence, and able to motivate to hard work to improve and increase the quality of school that
the teachers' teaching performance for that better. Besides it he leads. One form of leadership that is believed can to
the transformational leadership of headmaster, the other balancing the mindset and reflection of new views into the
factors that affect the teacher’s teaching performance it’s the stream of globalization is the transformational leadership. The
teacher’s achievement motivation. It is assumed that a good transformational leadership is described as a leadership that is
the teacher’s achievement motivation it would be result in a can be awakens or motivates his staff to grow and achieve a
good teacher teaching performance too. According to higher performance or levels so as to achieve more than they
Sunarjono, abilities and motivation are as factors that interact had expected before. The leader of transformational is also
with the performance (Sunarjono, 2012: 5). A person's abilities mean a leader that is aware about the principles of
can be determined by skill and knowledge, while the skills can organizational development and human performance, so he
be affected by competence. The personality and knowledge its try to developing the side of leadership as a whole through the
can be affected by the educations, experiences and interests. motivating employees and making them see that the goals to
The motivations are basically are sourced by a person or who be achieved are more than just his personal interests. In
is often known as the internal motivation and it can be also Indonesia, the type of transformational leadership is began to
sourced by outside or it's also called the external motivation. arise that’s in line with changes of policy by centralization to
And on the factors of that motivation there is have a positive or decentralization, where the school have a significant role to
negative effect to the teachers. Mangkunegara (2005: 61) is determine the policy itself with the basic of school is to
stated that the motivation is formed from the attitude of headmaster can be to implementing how important leadership
employees to face the work situations at the company of headmaster to managed the models of school management
(situation). The motivation is a condition or energy that moves and all of renewal efforts in education. If it does not support by
the employees self to achieve the goals of the organization the headmaster leadership that an aspirate with changes, the
company. The mental attitude of employees who are renewal efforts of education that had been create before it
professional and positive of work situation that it's reinforce wouldn't have a optimum result. Based on theoretical review
their motivation to achieve the maximum performance. The and previous research, so the researchers is also wanted to
teacher’s achievement motivation it can be interpreted as a reveal how much affected the transformational leadership and
high mental encouragement that’s owned the teacher into the motivation work to the performance of teacher SMK in
conduct their work for achieve the school aims. And the Palembang.
relation with the teacher's teaching performance is, high and
good motivation is have an important role to assist the 2 THEORETICAL STUDY
teachers to conducting the teaching and learning activities in
the classroom, so the alumnus with the high quality is can be 2.1 Teacher Performance
achieve. The success key as a leader to managing the In a technical micro - level, the teachers are a leader of
teachers or his staff is on his ability to understand the education, she is determines about the learning process at the
motivational factors of work in such a way as to be an effective classroom, and a leadership role would be shown from how
driving force (Siagian, 2006: 139). The needs that mean it’s a the teachers completed their jobs and responsibilities
clue for headmaster to meet the teacher's need as effectively (Suharsaputra, 2013:166). Its mean that the teacher
as possible. Theoretically, the relationship of headmaster performance is a important factor to determine the learning
leadership is if it developed and implemented with properly, quality that will be synchronized with the output of education
then the teacher's achievement motivation will be filled. With after finished the school. Simanjuntak said, the performance is
the high and good motivation, it will be arise within the teacher, a level of achievement result in to implementation of task in
a awareness to conduct the planning, implementing and order to achieve the organization goals (Simanjuntak, 2005:
evaluating learning that is will always be finished. The effect of 56). In this case, Simanjuntak is confirmed that the
the teacher’s achievement motivation with the teacher performance is a something an important into achieve the
teaching performance is reinforces by the previous research organization goals, because every individual or organization is
Sutikno (2016), in his research he proves that the motivation certainly have a goals that’s hope to achieved with set the
of teacher achievement is affects the teacher teaching targets or goals. The success of individual or organization in to
performance. Sutikno explain that the motivation is a main achieving the target or goals, it is what called the performance.
factors that’s support the teacher’s performance success, with Based on some of opinions about definition of performance
there is have a high motivation in a teacher self, so the that’s mentioned above, so it can be concluded that the
teacher performance would be raised. And then, the research performance is a result or achievement work of someone or
that is conducted by Azizah (2016) she argued that the organization with the appearance of doing, describing and
teacher motivation become as a one of factors that important produce something, both a physical and non-physical that is
to determine the smoothness of learning process at school. accordance with their instructions, functions, and duties that's
The teacher motivation is become to be an important because based on knowledge, attitude, skills and motivation. The
the teacher that would be give their knowledge to the students performance problem is always getting a attention in
is should be have a spirit and motivation that will affect with management, because it’s very close with the productivity of
the result of student learning at school. As a headmaster, he institution or organization. The main factor that can be affected
should give the support to the teachers, so they will always try the performance is ability and desire. Indeed is recognized
to develop themselves continuously. But progress to a better that many people who can do the job but do not necessarily
direction is expected not only for the teachers but for the want, so it does not produce a good performance. So, the
headmaster himself too. The leadership of headmaster is performance is a something that achieved by someone or a
slightly can be influence the education at the environment achievement or ability that shown by someone or organization
to meet the objectives and targets of achievement. In relation belief system and the theological views that’s embraces, but
to the performance of teachers who are in a school the influence of education, information and communication is
organization, then the teacher is take a very important role in also responsible for the formation of a performance.
the process of education and learning into preparing the Furthermore, the external factors of teacher performance,
students can be achieve the competencies that had been Arifin identified in some ways, including: a) the volume of work
determined (Susanto, 2016: 70) so, the teachers performance pay that can meet the needs of a person, b) an exciting
is means a work result or achievement work of teachers in working atmosphere or climate that is supported by a
order to achieving the school organization aims. The criteria of harmonious and humane democratic communication between
teachers performance who can be achieving their performance the leaders and staff, c) honest and credible attitude of the
is more than directed at a competence of teacher as leaders that it's manifested in reality, d) an appreciation of
mentioned on The Government Regulations No. 19 of 2005 achievement that needs (desire and need for progress) or an
about the National Education Standards. It said that teachers appreciation for that achiever, e) the facilities that supported to
performance, in this case is the competence of teacher that mental and physical prosperity, such as sports venues,
have four competences such as pedagogic competence, mosques, recreation and entertainment (Susanto, 2016: 73).
personality competence, professional competence and social The employees performance it’s must to managing, especially
competence. First, the pedagogic competence is a ability into to achieve the productivity and effectiveness in order to design
management of students, as like: a) understanding of insight a success, either individually or organization. For the success
or educational foundation, b) understanding of students, c) of performance, we must needs to evaluating or performance
curriculum/ syllabus development, d) learning design, e) assessment and referring to the parameters and indicators
implementation of educational and dialogical learning, f) has set, and measured an effectively and efficiently how its
evaluation of learning result, g) development of learners to productivity, effectiveness by uses time, fund that’s used and
actualize the various competencies it has (Susanto, 2016: 71). unused materials. As for the evaluation of work through the
Second, the personality competence is a personality ability behavior is comparing and measuring the behavior of a person
that includes: a) steady, b) stable, c) adult, d) wise and in run out the command or tasks that's assigned, how to
prudent, e) authoritative, f) noble, g) be role model for learners communicate tasks and jobs with the others (Susanto, 2016:
and society, h) evaluating own performance, i) developing 75). The instrument of this research uses the theory of
themselves is sustainably (Susanto, 2016: 71). Third, the Susanto (2016: 75) which says teacher performance indicators
professional competence is the ability of learning materials are: (a) ability to make planning and preparation of teaching,
mastery in a broad and deep, which includes: a) the concept, (b) mastery of teaching methods, methods and strategies; and
structure, and methods of science / technology / art that is (c) evaluation ability. The following is explanation of each
shade / coherent with the teaching materials, b) the teaching indicators: (a) make a planning and preparation of teaching
materials that is exist in the school curriculum, c) the that is the planning of teacher about what the activities that to
relationship of the concept of the interrelated subjects, d) the be done by student during the learning process is take place
application of scientific concepts in everyday life, e) the (Saud, 2011: 51); (b) the mastery of material that will be taught
professional competence in a global context while maintaining to the students that is when she performing the learning
national values and culture (Susanto, 2016: 71). Fourth, the process, the teacher is must to be mastering the material that
social competence is the ability of educators as part of the is one of the elements that can determine the success or
community to play a role in matters: a) communicating in failure of teachers in organizing the learning process (Andra,
verbal and written, b) using the communication and 2013: 21); the mastery of methods and teaching strategic is
information technology with functionally, c) socializing an choosing the teaching methods what will used in to the context
effectively with learners, fellow educators, parents of learners, of teaching planning, and it is necessary to considered about
d) get along well with the surrounding community (Susanto, certain factors such as their conformity with instructional aims
2016: 71). A teacher is considered to have a good and their implementation it seen of time and means that
performance if he has the four competencies that are available (Ibrahim and Syaodih, 2010: 108); (c) the ability of
mentioned above, so able to perform the task as an educator evaluating is giving the tasks to the students is the exercises
that in accordance with what is required by the organization in that be done to train the learners, it means to developing the
this case is the school. And into performing their role as an students skills (Andra, 2013: 23); as well as train the teachers
educator, the quality of their performance is an important skills to create and maintain the optimal learning conditions
contribution that will be decisive for the success of the and restore them if there is has a event of disruption in the
educational process at school. Therefore, the attention to the teaching and learning process. The headmaster's
teachers performance is should be continue to increase and transformational leadership is a leadership way that prioritizes
improved to be a something an important, moreover to pay the provision of opportunities that's encourage the all of
attention the demands of society that's still increase which elements or elements school, is teachers, students,
related to the quality of education, and of course this matter employees or staff, parents, community, and others, to work
would be implicating for the needs to improvement the quality on the basis of a noble value system, so that all of elements at
of teacher performance. There is have many factors that's that school are willing to participate with optimally in to
affected the development of a professional performance, achieving the school vision. Teacher performance is a ability
including the teacher performance and in which related with that shown by the teacher to performing their task or job. The
the factors an influence it, both internally and externally. The performance its can be said good and satisfying if the goals
internal factors that affect, for example is a belief system to life that has been achieved its accordance with standards that has
view as a teacher. This factor is have so greatly affect and determined. For that, the teachers are required to have a
even be the most potential for the work ethic formation of performance that is able to provide and realize the hopes and
someone, not depend solely on the religious values or the desires of all parties, especially the general public who has
trusted the schools and the teachers in fostering students. dedication to the school improvement and teaching
From the explanation above we can be concluded, four factors (Kristiawan, et al, 2017: 22). The leadership makes a
that can affect the leadership of transformational headmaster, organization is can move and directed in an effort to achieve
is: (a) idealized influence, (b) individual consideration, (c) the goals that have been set. The leadership is needed to
intellectual stimulation, (d) inspiration and motivation bring the constructive changes in the teaching programs that
(Northouse, 2013: 181). With these four aspects, the according to the values and goals of decision makers (Efendi,
transformational leadership of headmaster has a process into 2015: 56). The spearhead of education is the learning, and the
the development of human resources of educators that will be school buildings its can be simple, as well as the office
an important factor that’s crucial to encouraging the teacher facilities, transportation equipment, benches, tables and so
performance to be increase. This increase not only implication forth. But the learning is must to receive the greater attention
the quantity, but also the quality of how the teachers than the other aspect. The quality of education will be at stake
performance is carried out in the context of changes mature through the learning process. Principals have an important
today's innovative performance into an increasingly urgent role one of them in fostering administrative personnel by giving
demand to be implemented by the teacher in carrying out their attention, guidance and training in order to improve the insight
roles and duties as educators so as can to produce the of the administrative staff. Based on the description of the
creative and innovative graduates who can compete in global data, there are several components of the Principal
era today's. Based on above description, the researcher is Leadership Role in fostering social competence (excellent
concludes that the effort to keep developing the teacher service) School Administration Staff and principal's leadership
performance to be a something an important role in order to related to how the guidance strategy conducted by the
improving the quality of education and this requires a principal to the administrative staff in carrying out the task
performance management that's appropriate, according with (Kristiawan, 2017). Wahyosumidjo argues that the leadership
the school organization context. The implementation of is a conscious effort by the leadership to influence his staff to
transformational leadership for schools is directed to carry out their duties an according to their expectations. The
improvement the teacher performance so as to achieve the leadership is a influencing process of the other persons to
optimal student outcomes, in the sense of that achieve the development or organizational goals
transformational leadership, so the skills and competences of (Wahjosumidjo, 2010). There are four elements that is
learners who become a goal of education and learning that contained in the definition of leadership, the element of person
has been determined can be achieved with more optimally and who is mobilizing, namely is the leader, who is moved, we
the skills, competencies it's really mastered by learners and called a group or member, an element of the situation where
can be a provision of their lives in the future. the activity of the move takes place, we known as the
organization and the element of the target of the activity that is
2.2 The Transformational Leadership undertaken. The school is one of educational organizations
The leadership is a process that must to exist and need to be form. The headmaster is a educational leader at the school. If
held in human life as a social creature. The human beings the definition of leadership it’s applied in the educational
cannot live as society as the nature if they escape themselves organizations to achieve educational goals. This is according
from their dependence to other. Life as a community is with the opinion that educational leadership is a process of
requires the leader and leadership, the leadership is can to influencing, mobilizing, motivating, and directing the people
determine the direction or purpose that’s desire, and in what who is within the educational organization to achieve the
the way that direction or aims it can be achieved. In the level educational goals (Nawawi, 2005). Based on the several
of educational institutions such as the schools, the educational definitions, the researcher is concludes that leadership
leadership can be seen in the micro level of institutions, basically is a process to mobilizing, influencing and guiding the
namely is the headmaster. The headmaster leadership is a others in order to achieve the organizational goals. The initial
leader in the organizational level of the school that will idea of a transformational leadership model was developed by
determine how the organization performance with overall James Mc Gregor Burns who is applied it in a political context
(Suharsaputra, 2013: 124). The leadership's includes the and subsequently into the organizational context by Bernard
attention to common goals. The leaders is direct their energies Bass (Efendi, 2015: 193). The transformational leadership is a
to the individuals who are trying to achieve something leadership that is contrasted with the leadership that is
together. The attention to common goals is gave the maintaining the status quo. This transformational leadership
leadership an ethical additional tone, because it emphasizes what is really meant as a true leadership because it is really
the need for leaders to work with the followers to achieve a works toward of the target and action what is directing the
specific goal (Northouse, 2013: 6). The emphasis of mutuality organization to ones goal that has never been achieved
is reduces the possibilities that the leaders take an action to before. The leaders in real terms its must be able to directing
followers with the unethical or forced ways. This is increases the organization toward a new direction (Wahjosumidjo, 2005:
the possibility that leader and follower will be work together for 83). The transformational leadership is defined as a leadership
the common good. The headmaster is a person who is that is involves changes in the organization. This leadership is
appointed to be a formal leader within an organization in this also defined as a needy leadership that is requires action to
case is school, a headmaster who has duties and motivating the subordinates to be willing work for "the high-
responsibilities to superiors, staffs, and work environment, and level" targets that are considered beyond their personality
performs his duties as educator, administrator and creator of interests at the time (Wahjosumidjo, 2005: 83). The people's
climate's work in order to achieve a goals which has been set attention to leadership in the change process (management of
(Ahmad, 2013: 20). The headmaster is a key into shaping the change) is begin when the people is realize that the
school culture, where the headmasters should be able to form mechanistic approach that has been used to explain the
a positive culture, where his staff share the insight and have a phenomenon of changes, an often contrary with the
assumption of people that the change it makes the workplace in task and work. Third, the intellectual stimulation with the aim
more humane. Into formulating the process of change, it is of cultivating creativity, especially the creativity into solving the
commonly used the transformational approach that is humane, problems and achieving a great common goal, Fourth, the
in which a participatory work environment, an opportunity to individual considerations by realizing that every follower has a
developing the personality, and openness are regarded as the unique presence and characteristics that also have impact on
underlying conditions of that process, but in the practice, that the differences in treatment when coaching, because in the
process of change is driven by the transactional approach that essence every individual is needs self-actualization, self-
is mechanistic and technical, in which human beings tend to esteem and fulfillment of various personal desires (Sallis,
be viewed as an economic entity who is ready to manipulated 2006, 123). This approach in addition has a positive impact on
by using a system of rewards and negative feedback, in order the individual growth and the optimization of achievement
to achieve the greatest economic benefits (Efendi, 2015: 195). results, will also has an impact on the formation of the next
Tjiptono and Syakhroza argue that the transformational leader generation leadership. In a healthy organization, the problem
its can successfully change the status quo in their of leadership regeneration is another important thing that we
organizations by practicing the appropriate behavior at each also need to think about and anticipate. The transformational
stage of the transformation process. If the old ways that’s leadership is build on early ideas from Burns (1978). The
rated are no longer appropriate, so the leader will be compile a pattern of transformational leadership in the school is a
new vision about the future with a strategic and motivational leadership pattern that prioritizes the provision of opportunities
focus. If the old ways that’s rated are no longer appropriate, so and encourages the all of existing elements at school to work
the leader will be compile a new vision about the future with a on a noble value system, so the all of elements what have at
strategic and motivational focus. The vision is expresses firmly the school are willing and without coercion, will participate
about the goals of the organization and also serves as a optimally in order to achieve the goals of the school
source of inspiration and commitment, including: 1) personal (Wahyuningdiyah, 2015: 32). According to Burns (1978), the
characteristics; 2) education level; 3) long working in the transformational leadership has the characteristics such as; 1)
organization; 4) long served in the current position (Efendi, between the leaders and followers has a common goal that
2015: 196). The transformational leader will start everything describes their values, motivations, desires, needs, aspirations
with a vision, which is a future view and hope that will be and expectations; 2) although the leaders and followers have
achieved together by integrating all of the strengths, abilities a common goals, but their level of motivation and potential for
and whereabouts of his followers. It maybe that a vision is achieving goals is different; 3) the transformational leadership
developed by the leaders themselves or the vision is already is strives to develop an ongoing system by proposing a vision
institutionalized it’s has been formulated by previous that encourages the development of a new society; 4) The
predecessors and is still authentic and in line with the transformational leadership is finally teaches to followers how
development of needs and demands at the present time to be a leader by carrying out an active role in change
(Sallis, 2006: 73). In Indonesia, the essence of (Wahyuningdiyah, 2015: 33). The leadership is a process
transformational leadership, in fact still relatively rarely adorn where an individual can affect a group of individuals to achieve
the academic literature, especially the leadership literature of a goal. To be an effective leader, a headmaster is must be able
the school organization. Although the style of transformational to influence the all of citizens of the school where he leads
leadership is not entirely new, most the authors are still through the positive ways to achieve the educational goals at
struggling with the old theories, with accentuate leadership school. Simply the transformational leadership can be
styles, such as democratic styles. The authoritarian, quasi- interpreted as a process to change and transform the
democratic, situational and others, seeing the authenticity of individuals to change and improve themselves, which involves
this transformational leadership style, he must become the the motive and fulfillment of needs and respect for
headmaster's base in transforming his daily tasks (Efendi, subordinates. This research instrument uses Hall theory
2015: 200). Therefore, every leader will successfully on lead (2001: 98), which says there are four indicators for leading the
an organization effectively when he meets the requirements, transformational leadership, known as 4-I, namely: idealized
namely: 1) have a high enough intelligence to be able to think influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and
and find the ways of solving any problems that arise in right, individual consideration. 1) Idealized influence: the
wise, and contains the completeness and terms that is allow to headmaster is an ideal figure that can serve as a role model
be implemented, 2) have a stable emotion, not easy to swayed for the teachers and employees, trusted, respected, and able
by the change of atmosphere that is no constant and can to to make the best decisions for the benefit of school. 2)
separate between what is personal matter, household matter, Inspirational motivation: the headmaster can motivate the all of
and organization matter, 3) have the intelligence to face the teachers and employees to commit for the vision of the
humans and able to make subordinates feel at home and organization and support the team spirit into achieving the
happy, 4) have the skills to organizing and mobilizing the educational goals of the school. 3) Intellectual stimulation: the
subordinates wisely in realizing the organizational goals and headmaster can foster the creativity and innovation among the
knowing exactly when and to whom responsibility and teachers and staff by developing critical thinking and problem
authority will be delegated, and 5) have a management skills solving to make the school better. 4) Individual consideration:
to face the society problems that is increasingly (Efendi, 2015: the headmaster can act as a trainers and advisors to the
203). There are four things that need to be done for the teachers and staff (Efendi, 2015: 209). Neatness dressed,
transformational leadership is to be realized, namely: First, polite way to sit, how to talk, eat, drink and how to lead will be
idealizing the effect with the high enough ethical and moral much noticed by the teachers and learners. On the occasion
standards while still developing and maintaining the trust of the flag ceremony, the headmaster will be a center of
between the leaders and followers as the foundation. Second, attention, because in that the headmaster can give advice to
the inspiration that fosters the motivation such as challenges all participants of the ceremony about the value of moral life,
obedience to parents and so on (Efendi, 2015: 210). It is better appears that the role of leader is give the subordinates a
for the headmaster at a certain time to enter the classroom encouragement to work successfully and applying effective
and advise the participants about the implementation of the motivational techniques as Pole (1987) says "Motivation is
moral character taught by the teacher. the similar advice was concerned with personal energy directed toward the
delivered during the flag ceremony too. The headmaster is achievement of a particular goal". Hoy and Miskel (1978)
expected to communicate with the parents of the learners to define the motivation as "The complex of forces, drives,
ask the parents for advise their children to behave in tensions, or internal, psychological mechanisms that start and
accordance with the norms of life that apply wherever the child maintain activity toward the achievement of personal goals"
is located, especially in the school environment. Based on the (Engkoswara and Komariah, 2011: 209). Therefore, the term
above description, the researcher concludes the of motivation is often used interchangeably with the term of
transformational leadership indicator that is, 1) charismatic; 2) motive is the need, encouragement, and motion of the heart.
inspirational; 3) intellectuals; and 4) sensitive to individuals. Hoy and Miskel (1992) is stated that the motivation of the
Then, someone who can display the transformational teacher's work is the willingness of the teacher to do his
leaderships actually can show as an effective leader with duties. Coupled with Wiles (1955), that the high and low a
better work. Therefore, it is very advantageous if the motivation of teachers work is greatly affect the performance in
headmasters can apply the transformational leadership in their completing their tasks. In a number of the motivational
schools. Anderson, 1998 (Suriansyah and Aslamiah, 2012: theories, it is asserted that the motivation starts from unmet
140) argued that there are have some steps in the needs, and causing the tensions that drive a person to action.
transformational leadership process. The steps are as follow is It is said that a teacher who is perform the certain activities is
1) Envisioning, is the first step in the transformational always driven by certain motives, that’s in an effort to meet his
leadership requires the ability of imagination, creativity and needs (Wahyuningdyah, 2015: 92). Basically, a teacher is also
understanding the histories of a group or organization that a human being, if they following the Maslow's hierarchy of
may be for the future can be accurate and realistic, specific needs theory, so every teacher have a need such as
and articulated. 2) Planning, the second step in the physiological, sense of security, self-esteem, and self-
transformational leadership is the imperative for the leaders to actualization. The needs what are encourage the teachers to
plan about how to perform the activities effectively, who will do work or whatever the teacher wants through his work. Wiles
and when the things can be done well, and maybe also who (1992) identifies eight the teacher needs, namely (1) security
will do something better. 3) Teaming, is the third step, the and decent living, (2) pleasant working conditions, (3) sense of
transformational leader is build team involvement in the belonging, (4) fair and reasonable treatment, (5) a sense of
various activities effectively, through the development of ability, (6) recognition and respect, (7) taking part in the
harmonious and productive involvement, selecting the people formulation of school policy, and (8) the opportunity to develop
who will be involved in the team appropriately, assigning the self-respect (Wahyuningdyah, 2015: 93). Based on the theory
tasks and responsibilities for the team and its members by of motivation as described above there are have some
paying attention strength and interest. 4) Motivating, is the principles that applied by the headmaster into motivating the
fourth step, giving the motivation is should be given at the time teachers to be willing and able to improve their performance
of implementation activities by the people who led so that will give birth a achievements or satisfactory results.
(subordinates) can be realized in reality. 5) Evaluating, is the Therefore, according with Mulyasa to motivate his employees,
fifth step, evaluating for the results has achieved after the the brand is should be informed about the results of every job
renewal and efforts of strategy change into the execution of for those who achieve their efforts given the prize or praise
work is a necessity that must be done by the transformational (Mulyasa, 2012). Besides it the headmasters also try to meet
leader. The criterion of success as a benchmark for evaluation the needs of the teachers by taking an attention with the
is should be made as a measure. As a benchmark the physical condition, giving a sense of security, showing that the
evaluation is should be made as a measure. 6) Recycling the leaders pay attention to them, organizing the experience so
process through evaluation, is the sixth step. Periodically after the teachers will gain satisfaction and appreciation. According
the evaluation, all the steps in this process is need to repeated to Mitchell, there are have some performance criteria in the
for look at and review again the possibility of assumption performance area: (1) quality of work, (2) accuracy, (3)
errors and make the policy how to get better (Wahyuningdiyah, initiative, (4) ability, and (5) communication (Wahyuningdyah,
2015: 49). Based on the above description the researcher is 2015: 94). Motivation is also a habit that owned by each
concludes the steps of transformational leadership are as individual for example: (a) hard work habits, (b) habit of work
follows: re-think the vision, reformulate, and renegotiate the to completion, (c) good work habits, (d) work habits on time.
planning, finding a new motivations, re-grouping the member The motivation of work in this paper is either from the teacher
of team to be more harmonious and productive and evaluating themselves (intrinsic) such as work achievement, trying to
the all of people and organizations in fact it must be the improve the work and responsible for the tasks that
activities what are doing by transformational leader, so as to undertaken, in addition, its also the affecting factors from
obtain the potential that more positive and productive changes outside (extrinsic) such as peer relationships, superiors and
in achieving the vision and mission of the organization. subordinate procedures that support each other, opportunities,
family environment, income, position, and working. The
2.3 Motivation of Work indicators to know the motivation work of someone in an
Motivation in a organizational context that explained by activity (Engkoswara and Komariah, 2010: 210), namely: 1)
Hasibuan (1991) as a skill in directing the employees and the duration of activity is how long the ability to use the time to
organization to work successfully, so as to achieve the desire perform the activities; 2) the frequency of activities is how
of the employees as well as the achievement of organizational often the activities is carried out within a certain period of time;
goals (Engkoswara and Komariah, 2011: 209). In this sense, it 3) the persistence of the provision and attachment to the
purpose of the activity; 4) the perseverance, tenacity and to see the relationship between one of variable with another.
difficulty to achieve goals; 5) the devotion and sacrifice to Product Moment Correlation is one of technique to find the
achieve the goal; 6) the aspiration level is a intent, plan, correlation between two variables that are often to use. This
aspiration, target or goal; 7) the level of achievement or correlation technique was developed by Karl Pearson, and
product that’s qualification achieved from the activities; 8) the often known as Pearson Correlation Technique (Sudijono,
direction of his attitude towards the objectives of the activity. 2012: 190). Then the method that used in this research is the
This research instrument is used the McClelland's theory descriptive method. The descriptive method is a method that
which states that the motivation is the decisive element that intended to solve the problems that occur in the present. As
influences the behavior contained in each individual. And then stated by Arikunto (2002: 86) that: "The descriptive method is
McClelland says that the everyone has a desire to perform the research method that used into reviewing the problems
works that are accomplished or better than others, it is said that occur for today or the present''. The descriptive method
that there are three motivational indicators namely, 1) the need was interpreted as a acquisition of the information or data
for achievement; 2) the need to affiliate; 3) the need for that’s relevant to the problem that’s under study through the
strength. These three needs are very important elements for review of various concepts or theories that’s stated by experts.
determining the one’s achievement (Wahyuningdyah, 2015: The descriptive method in this research is appropriate,
57). The schools success to producing the graduates that can because the problem is centered on the actual problem and its
compete with other excellent schools is one of the goals from at the time of research is conducted by the data collection
the school. To achieve these goals is requires the human procedure, the classifying of data to analyzed and drawn the
resources that have a high performance. The realization of conclusion.
performance that good quality is determinedly by management
that’s good and right. The headmaster as a managers and 4 The Result of Research and Discussion
leaders is must have appropriate strategies to empower the
educational personnel to work optimally (Wahyuningdiyah, 4.1 The Effect of Transformasional Leadership into the
2015: 64). The teachers who had intrinsic and extrinsic Teachers Performance
motivation will be more accomplished when coupled with the The transformational leadership is affect on the performance
good discipline of work. Keith Davis (2003) states the of SMK teacher in Palembang city. The hypothesis in this
discipline of work as the implementation of management to research is states that the transformational leadership is affect
strengthen the guidelines that are closely related with the on the performance of teachers SMK in Palembang is proved
performance. According to Law No. 14/2005 about the true.The results of the tests like as the listed on the table is
teachers and the lecturers, "the teachers are professional stated that the transformational leadership is have a positive
educators with the primary task of educating, teaching, effect for the teacher performance which means that "There is
guiding, directing, training, assessing and evaluating learners a positive and significant influence between the
in early childhood education, formal education, basic transformational leadership with the teacher performance
education, and secondary education”. In all aspects of life, which means the transformational leadership is followed by
wherever we are, the rules and order are required that govern the teacher performance improvement”. This is reinforces the
and limits the every movement and behavior. These rules are argument that the teachers performance is determined by
meaningless if there is no commitment and sanction for the many factors. The success of school to implementing the all of
offender (Wahyuningdiyah, 2015: 65). Based on the above aspects that have been planned it must be supported by the
description the researcher is concludes that to motivating the transformational leadership that essentially lies in the
employees, they must be informed about the results of each efficiency and effectiveness of the principal's appearance. The
job for the achievers are given a prize or praise. Besides it, the result is showed that the transformational leadership is affect
headmaster is also tried to meet the needs of the teachers by significantly on the teacher performance with an influence of
taking care of the physical condition, giving a sense of security 99.1%. The transformational leadership style is a leadership
and showing that the leader was watching them. style that encourages the teachers to have vision, mission and
goals, encourage and motivate the teachers to demonstrate
3 RESEARCH METHODS the maximum performance. The results of this study is support
The problems that would be discussed in this research is how the results of Munawaroh (2011) study which states that the
the effect of the transformational leadership and work transformational leadership style partially is have a significant
motivation on the performance of teachers SMK in effect on the performance of teacher at Wijana Jombang junior
Palembang. This study is use a quantitative approach. high school. The style of headmaster leadership has a big role
Arikunto (2002: 86) said that the quantitative approach is an into influence the teacher performance. If the headmaster's
approach that used by researchers in research by measuring leadership style is tends on a transformational leadership style
the indicators of variables so that can be obtained the that recognized as an effective leadership style, so will be also
overview and conclusions of research problems. The higher the performance of a teacher. Therefore, it can be said
quantitative approach is a well-planned and careful method of that the relationship between the transformational leadership
problem solving, with a design that’s structured strictly, styles and the teacher performance is positive. And then, in
collection of data that’s systematically, controlled and focus on line with the Awaru (2015) research which states that there is
the preparation of theory that inferred inductively in terms of have a positive and significant effect between the
the hypothesis verification empirically. The quantitative transformational leadership styles with the performance that
approach is an effort to measure the variables that exist in the has been proven. The transformational leadership in which the
study (variables X1, X2 and Y variables) to be sought the leader is delegate the tasks or jobs to the teachers, and
relationship between these variables. The type of research involve the teachers into decision-making, care and attention
that used is the correlational research because this study aims to subordinates, and create a sportive and family-friendly of
work environment. And then, it supported by the comfortable and outside that positive will stimulate or become the teacher's
work, mutual respect, mutual trust between the leader and drive to improve their performance.
subordinates. Because the working atmosphere is safe,
comfortable to make the subordinates are not feel burdened
with their task. Then, in line with the research of Kailola (2016)
which states the transformational leadership will lead an
increase on the performance of teachers of SMP in Depok city.
The improved of transformational leadership by a leader has
an impact on the performance. In this case, the headmaster as
a school leader is can motivate the teachers' performance in
the learning activities at school, and headmaster is work
together with the teachers to improve the quality of learning 4.3 The Effect of Transformational Leadership and
and performance of the teachers in schools. It is supported by Motivation Work on The Teachers Performance
the leader who inspiring, motivating, stimulates the The result of test is shown that there is have an effect between
subordinates to be an innovative and creative, who is provide the transformational leadership and motivation work on the
the support and attention to their employees. Therefore, the teacher performance. This is indicated by the result of the
transformational leadership is affect on the performance of transformational leadership and work motivation values that’s
teachers in performing their tasks and responsibilities, effect together on the teacher performance is 98,8%. The
confident, competent, supportive school conditions, and performance of teacher that’s wanted be to achieve its
communication between the leader and subordinates. affected by the transformational leadership and motivation
Therefore, if the application of transformational leadership is work factors. The transformational leadership that is able to
improved it will have implications for the teacher's encourage and change the teacher's understanding will also
performance improvement. increase the motivation work of teachers so that will achieve
high performance as well. The factors in self that can
encourages the someone to achieve the performance such as
spirits work that high and motivation by the leader, so the
teacher's performance will be better. The results of this study
is supported by the results of Yanti (2016) research which
states there is have a relationship between the
transformational leadership, motivation work and teacher
performance. The motivation work its can be optimized by
4.2 The Effect of Motivation Work on The Teachers increasing the perceptions of transformational leadership. The
Performance transformational leadership is done by providing guidance to
the task of teachers in the learning process such as learning
The results of the tests like as the listed on the table is stated
tools, mastery of teaching materials, management of learning
that the motivations work is have a positive effect for the
in the classroom, and evaluation. The performance is
teacher performance which means that there is have a
positive and significant influence between the motivations influenced by motivation work that is closely related with the
ability of a person in adjusting herself that departs from a
work with the teacher performance, which means the
variety of expectations for a business success and a better
motivations work is followed by the teacher performance
future. And then, in line with the results of research by Azizzah
improvement. The result of test is showed that the motivations
(2016) which states there is have a positive and significant
work is affect significantly on the teacher performance with an
effect between the transformational leadership style and
influence of 98.7%. If the teacher has a high work motivation,
teachers motivation work on the teacher performance.
so the teacher will give the best for the progress of the
Observing the education as a system, so the teacher
organization. Motivation in itself, responsible, risk-takers, have
performance its can not be separated from the headmaster's
sustainable goals, always learn, creative, innovative,
leadership and the top management into managing schools
confident, and positive thinking. The teachers who is feel
capable to applying the students' favorite learning and having and empower the teachers. The better of the headmaster
leadership into empowering the teacher, so the teacher
a harmonious relationship with the students or parents, it will
performance will be increase too. Then, according with the
have an impact on the optimal performance of the teacher. So,
results of Wuradji (2013) research which states the
the aspects of one's work motivation will affect the
transformational leadership and motivation work is together to
performance. The result of this study is supported by the
influence the performance of teachers significantly. The
Wasini (2016) research result that states the motivation works
and the teacher performance has a positive relationship. This teacher performance is highly dependent on the teacher itself.
To produce the output / graduates that's creative is needs a
means that the higher application of work motivation, so higher
the performance of teachers too. The conscious effort is a teaching that is creative too. Therefore, the performance of
teachers in performing their duties will obviously contribute for
factor that motivates a teacher's work. If the teacher's
the successful implementation of any education / learning
conscious effort into conducting the learning activity is higher,
so the teacher performance will also higher, and vice if the program. The leadership of headmaster is absolutely
necessary in leading the organization to work, because the
conscious effort is lower then the teacher's performance is
leadership attitude of headmaster its can affect the teacher
also lower. And then, in line with the Heryana's (2015) study
which states that teachers need knowledge and ability to performance. Ultimately, the teacher performance its can be
improved and the achievement of educational objectives is
create the situations that generate motivation for the teacher
can be easily to accomplished, as well as the realization of a
performance. The encouragement that arises from both inside
Kinerja Guru. JMKSP (Jurnal Manajemen, Kepemimpinan, [34] Yukl, G. (2010). Kepemimpinan Dalam Organisasi. Edisi
dan Supervisi Pendidikan). Kelima. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada.
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