FP 200 Guns: Customer Product Manual Part 237478 - 03

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FP‐200 Guns

Customer Product Manual

Part 237478_03
Issued 10/12

This document contains important safety information

Be sure to read and follow all safety information in this
document and any other related documentation.


For CE Declaration, refer to melter manual.

Nordson Corporation welcomes requests for information, comments, and inquiries about its products. General information
about Nordson can be found on the Internet using the following address: http://www.nordson.com.

Address all correspondence to:

Nordson Corporation
Attn: Customer Service
11475 Lakefield Drive
Duluth, GA 30097


This is a Nordson Corporation publication which is protected by copyright. Original copyright date 1997.
Nopartofthisdocument may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without the prior written
consent of NordsonCorporation. Theinformationcontained in this publication is subject to change without notice.


AccuJet, AeroCharge, Apogee, AquaGuard, Asymtek, Automove, Baitgun, Blue Box, Bowtie, Build‐A‐Part, CanWorks, Century, CF, CleanSleeve,
CleanSpray, ColorMax, Color‐on‐Demand, ControlCoat, Coolwave, Cross‐Cut, cScan+, Dage, Dispensejet, DispenseMate, DuraBlue, DuraDrum, Durafiber,
DuraPail, Dura‐Screen, Durasystem, EasyCoat, Easymove Plus, Ecodry, Econo‐Coat, e.DOT, EFD, Emerald, Encore, ESP, e stylized, ETI‐stylized,
Excel 2000, Fibrijet, Fillmaster, FlexiCoat, Flex‐O‐Coat, Flow Sentry, Fluidmove, FoamMelt, FoamMix, Fulfill, GreenUV, HDLV, Heli‐flow, Horizon, Hot Shot,
iControl, iDry, iFlow, Isocoil, Isocore, Iso‐Flo, iTRAX, Kinetix, LEANCELL, LittleSquirt, LogiComm, Magnastatic, March, Maverick, MEG, Meltex, Microcoat,
Micromark, Micromedics, MicroSet, Millennium, Mini Squirt, Mountaingate, Nordson, Optimum, Package of Values, Pattern View, PermaFlo, PicoDot,
PorousCoat, PowderGrid, Powderware, Precisecoat, PRIMARC, Printplus, Prism, ProBlue, Prodigy, Pro‐Flo, ProLink, Pro‐Meter, Pro‐Stream, RBX, Rhino,
Saturn, Saturn with rings, Scoreguard, Seal Sentry, SelectCharge, SelectCoat, Select Cure, Signature, Slautterback, Smart‐Coat, Solder Plus, Spectrum,
Speed‐Coat, SureBead, Sure Coat, Sure‐Max, Sure Wrap, TrackingPlus, TRAK, Trends, Tribomatic, TrueBlue, TrueCoat, Tubesetter, Ultra, UpTime,
u‐TAH, Value Plastics, Vantage, VersaBlue, Versa‐Coat, VersaDrum, VersaPail, Versa‐Screen, Versa‐Spray, VP Quick Fit,
Watermark, and When you expect more. are registered trademarks of Nordson Corporation.

Accubar, Active Nozzle, Advanced Plasma Systems, AeroDeck, AeroWash, AltaBlue, AltaSlot, Alta Spray, Artiste, ATS, Auto‐Flo, AutoScan, Axiom,
Best Choice, Blue Series, Bravura, CanPro, Champion, Check Mate, ClassicBlue, Classic IX, CleanCoat, Cobalt, Controlled Fiberization, ControlWeave,
ContourCoat, CPX, cSelect, Cyclo‐Kinetic, DispensLink, Dry Cure, DuraBraid, DuraCoat, DuraPUR, Easy Clean, EasyOn, EasyPW, Eclipse, e.dot+,
E‐Nordson, Equalizer, EquiBead, FillEasy, FillSentry, Flow Coat, Fluxplus, Get Green With Blue, G‐Net, G‐Site, IntelliJet, iON, Iso‐Flex, iTrend,
Lacquer Cure, Maxima, Mesa, MicroFin, MicroMax, Mikros, MiniBlue, MiniEdge, Minimeter, Multifill, MultiScan, Myritex, Nano, NexJet, OmniScan, OptiMix,
OptiStroke, Partnership+Plus, PatternJet, PatternPro, PCI, Pinnacle, Plasmod, PowderPilot, Powder Port, Powercure, Process Sentry, Pulse Spray,
PURBlue, PURJet, Ready Coat, RediCoat, RollVIA, Royal Blue, SelectSeries, Sensomatic, Shaftshield, SheetAire, Smart, Smartfil, SolidBlue, Spectral,
SpeedKing, Spray Works, Summit, SureFoam, SureMix, SureSeal, SwirlCoat, TAH, ThruWave, TradePlus, Trilogy, Ultra FoamMix, UltraMax, Ultrasaver,
Ultrasmart, Universal, ValueMate, Versa, Vista, Web Cure, YESTECH, and 2Rings (Design) aretrademarks of NordsonCorporation.

Designations and trademarks stated in this document may be brands that, when used by third parties for their own purposes,
could lead to violation of the owners' rights.

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

All rights reserved
Table of Contents i

Table of Contents
Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1‐1
Safety Alert Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1‐1
Responsibilities of the Equipment Owner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1‐2
Safety Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1‐2
Instructions, Requirements, and Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1‐2
User Qualifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1‐3
Applicable Industry Safety Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1‐3
Intended Use of the Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1‐3
Instructions and Safety Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1‐3
Installation Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1‐4
Operating Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1‐4
Maintenance and Repair Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1‐5
Equipment Safety Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1‐5
Equipment Shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1‐6
Relieving System Hydraulic Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1‐6
De‐energizing the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1‐6
Disabling the Guns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1‐6
General Safety Warnings and Cautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1‐7
Other Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1‐10
First Aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1‐10

Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2‐1
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2‐1
Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2‐5
Reduced Maintenance Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2‐5
Design Flexibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2‐5
Approvals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2‐5
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2‐6
Selecting Swirl Spray Nozzles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2‐7

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

ii Table of Contents

Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3‐1
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3‐1
Unpacking the Gun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3‐1
Inspecting the Gun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3‐1
Items Needed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3‐2
Suspension Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3‐3
Installing the Mast and Pivoting Arm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3‐4
Guidelines for Installing the Tool Balancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3‐5
Replacing Air‐Control‐Kit FP‐200 Guns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3‐6
Connecting the Gun and Hose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3‐7
Connecting the Gun to the Hose and Air Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3‐8
Connecting the Gun and Hose to the Pivoting Arm and Mast . . . . 3‐11
Installing the Auxiliary Guide Handle and Rotating the
Trigger Handle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3‐13
Auxiliary Guide Handle Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3‐13
Trigger Handle Rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3‐13
Installing the Heat Shield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3‐14
Connecting the Gun to the Air Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3‐14
Connecting the Hose to the Applicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3‐14
Relieving Hydraulic Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3‐15
Flushing the Gun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3‐18
Flushing all Modules Except Reduced Cavity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3‐18
Flushing Reduced Cavity Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3‐20

Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4‐1
Starting up and Operating the FP‐200 Gun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4‐1
Adjusting the FP‐200 Swirl Gun Adhesive Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4‐3
Shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4‐3

Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5‐1
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5‐2
Daily Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5‐2
Weekly Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5‐2
Semiannual Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5‐2
Maintenance Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5‐3

Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6‐1
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6‐2
Quick Check of Module Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6‐2
Troubleshooting Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6‐3
Diagnostic Operational Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6‐7
Nozzle Operational Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6‐7
Service Block Pneumatic Operational Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6‐8
Heater Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6‐9
RTD Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6‐10
Thermostat Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6‐11

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Table of Contents iii

Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7‐1
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7‐2
Replacing the RTD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7‐2
Replacing the Thermostat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7‐5
Replacing a Heater Cartridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7‐6
Replacing the Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7‐8
Replacing the Service Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7‐10
Removing the Service Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7‐10
Installing the Replacement Service Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7‐12
Checking for Leaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7‐13
Restarting the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7‐13
Replacing the Air Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7‐14
Replacing the Air Valve Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7‐18

Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8‐1
Using the Illustrated Parts Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8‐1
FP‐200 Gun System Major Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8‐2
FP‐200 Gun Parts Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8‐3
FP‐200 Swirl Gun (Side and Top Views) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8‐3
FP‐200 Swirl Gun (Front View, Air Valve, Wiring and RTD) . . . 8‐6
FP‐200 Extrusion Gun (Side and Top Views) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8‐8
FP‐200 Extrusion Gun (Front View, Air Valve,
Wiring and RTD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8‐10
Module Parts Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8‐12
CF‐200 Wide Pattern Swirl Gun Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8‐12
H‐200 Adjustable Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8‐14
Reduced Cavity Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8‐16
Mast and Jib Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8‐18
Nozzle Parts List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8‐19
Accessories, Kits, and Recommended Spare Kits . . . . . . . . . . . . 8‐20

Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9‐1
Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9‐1
Heated Manifold Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9‐1
Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9‐1

Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10‐1

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

iv Table of Contents

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Safety 1-1

Section 1
Read this section before using the equipment. This section contains
recommendations and practices applicable to the safe installation, operation,
and maintenance (hereafter referred to as “use”) of the product described in
this document (hereafter referred to as “equipment”). Additional safety
information, in the form of task‐specific safety alert messages, appears as
appropriate throughout this document.

WARNING! Failure to follow the safety messages, recommendations, and

hazard avoidance procedures provided in this document can result in
personal injury, including death, or damage to equipment or property.

Safety Alert Symbols

The following safety alert symbol and signal words are used throughout this
document to alert the reader to personal safety hazards or to identify
conditions that may result in damage to equipment or property. Comply with
all safety information that follows the signal word.

WARNING! Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided,

can result in serious personal injury, including death.

CAUTION! Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided,

can result in minor or moderate personal injury.

CAUTION! (Used without the safety alert symbol) Indicates a potentially

hazardous situation that, if not avoided, can result in damage to equipment or

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

1-2 Safety

Responsibilities of the Equipment Owner

Equipment owners are responsible for managing safety information, ensuring
that all instructions and regulatory requirements for use of the equipment are
met, and for qualifying all potential users.

Safety Information
S Research and evaluate safety information from all applicable sources,
including the owner‐specific safety policy, best industry practices,
governing regulations, material manufacturer's product information, and
this document.
S Make safety information available to equipment users in accordance with
governing regulations. Contact the authority having jurisdiction for
S Maintain safety information, including the safety labels affixed to the
equipment, in readable condition.

Instructions, Requirements, and Standards

S Ensure that the equipment is used in accordance with the information
provided in this document, governing codes and regulations, and best
industry practices.
S If applicable, receive approval from your facility's engineering or safety
department, or other similar function within your organization, before
installing or operating the equipment for the first time.
S Provide appropriate emergency and first aid equipment.
S Conduct safety inspections to ensure required practices are being
S Re‐evaluate safety practices and procedures whenever changes are
made to the process or equipment.

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Safety 1-3

User Qualifications
Equipment owners are responsible for ensuring that users:

S receive safety training appropriate to their job function as directed by

governing regulations and best industry practices
S are familiar with the equipment owner's safety and accident
prevention policies and procedures
S receive equipment‐ and task‐specific training from another qualified
NOTE: Nordson can provide equipment‐specific installation,
operation, and maintenance training. Contact your Nordson
representative for information

S possess industry‐ and trade‐specific skills and a level of experience

appropriate to their job function
S are physically capable of performing their job function and are not
under the influence of any substance that degrades their mental
capacity or physical capabilities

Applicable Industry Safety Practices

The following safety practices apply to the use of the equipment in the
manner described in this document. The information provided here is not
meant to include all possible safety practices, but represents the best safety
practices for equipment of similar hazard potential used in similar industries.

Intended Use of the Equipment

S Use the equipment only for the purposes described and within the limits
specified in this document.
S Do not modify the equipment.
S Do not use incompatible materials or unapproved auxiliary devices.
Contact your Nordson representative if you have any questions on
material compatibility or the use of non‐standard auxiliary devices.

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

1-4 Safety

Instructions and Safety Messages

S Read and follow the instructions provided in this document and other
referenced documents.
S Familiarize yourself with the location and meaning of the safety warning
labels and tags affixed to the equipment. Refer to Safety Labels and Tags
at the end of this section.
S If you are unsure of how to use the equipment, contact your Nordson
representative for assistance.

Installation Practices
S Install the equipment in accordance with the instructions provided in this
document and in the documentation provided with auxiliary devices.
S Ensure that the equipment is rated for the environment in which it will be
used. This equipment has not been certified for compliance with the
ATEX directive nor as nonincendive and should not be installed in
potentially explosive environments.
S Ensure that the processing characteristics of the material will not create a
hazardous environment. Refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
for the material.
S If the required installation configuration does not match the installation
instructions, contact your Nordson representative for assistance.
S Position the equipment for safe operation. Observe the requirements for
clearance between the equipment and other objects.
S Install lockable power disconnects to isolate the equipment and all
independently powered auxiliary devices from their power sources.
S Properly ground all equipment. Contact your local building code
enforcement agency for specific requirements.
S Ensure that fuses of the correct type and rating are installed in fused
S Contact the authority having jurisdiction to determine the requirement for
installation permits or inspections.

Operating Practices
S Familiarize yourself with the location and operation of all safety devices
and indicators.
S Confirm that the equipment, including all safety devices (guards,
interlocks, etc.), is in good working order and that the required
environmental conditions exist.
S Use the personal protective equipment (PPE) specified for each task.
Refer to Equipment Safety Information or the material manufacturer's
instructions and MSDS for PPE requirements.
S Do not use equipment that is malfunctioning or shows signs of a potential

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Safety 1-5

Maintenance and Repair Practices

S Allow only personnel with appropriate training and experience to operate
or service the equipment.
S Perform scheduled maintenance activities at the intervals described in
this document.
S Relieve system hydraulic and pneumatic pressure before servicing the
S De‐energize the equipment and all auxiliary devices before servicing the
S Use only new Nordson‐authorized refurbished or replacement parts.
S Read and comply with the manufacturer's instructions and the MSDS
supplied with equipment cleaning compounds.
NOTE: MSDSs for cleaning compounds that are sold by Nordson are
available at www.nordson.com or by calling your Nordson representative.

S Confirm the correct operation of all safety devices before placing the
equipment back into operation.
S Dispose of waste cleaning compounds and residual process materials
according to governing regulations. Refer to the applicable MSDS or
contact the authority having jurisdiction for information.
S Keep equipment safety warning labels clean. Replace worn or damaged

Equipment Safety Information

This equipment safety information is applicable to the following types of
Nordson equipment:

S hot melt and cold adhesive application equipment and all related
S pattern controllers, timers, detection and verification systems, and all
other optional process control devices

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

1-6 Safety

Equipment Shutdown
To safely complete many of the procedures described in this document, the
equipment must first be shut down. The level of shut down required varies by
the type of equipment in use and the procedure being completed.
If required, shut down instructions are specified at the start of the procedure.
The levels of shut down are:

Relieving System Hydraulic Pressure

Completely relieve system hydraulic pressure before breaking any hydraulic
connection or seal. Refer to the melter‐specific product manual for
instructions on relieving system hydraulic pressure.

De‐energizing the System

Isolate the system (melter, hoses, applicators, and optional devices) from all
power sources before accessing any unprotected high‐voltage wiring or
connection point.

1. Turn off the equipment and all auxiliary devices connected to the
equipment (system).
2. To prevent the equipment from being accidentally energized, lock and
tag the disconnect switch(es) or circuit breaker(s) that provide input
electrical power to the equipment and optional devices.
NOTE: Government regulations and industry standards dictate specific
requirements for the isolation of hazardous energy sources. Refer to the
appropriate regulation or standard.

Disabling the Applicators

NOTE: Adhesive dispensing applicators are referred to as “guns” in some
previous publications.

All electrical or mechanical devices that provide an activation signal to the

applicators, applicator solenoid valve(s), or the melter pump must be
disabled before work can be performed on or around an applicator that is
connected to a pressurized system.

1. Turn off or disconnect the applicator triggering device (pattern controller,

timer, PLC, etc.).
2. Disconnect the input signal wiring to the applicator solenoid valve(s).
3. Reduce the air pressure to the applicator solenoid valve(s) to zero; then
relieve the residual air pressure between the regulator and the applicator.

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Safety 1-7

General Safety Warnings and Cautions

Table 1‐1 contains the general safety warnings and cautions that apply to
Nordson hot melt and cold adhesive equipment. Review the table and
carefully read all of the warnings or cautions that apply to the type of
equipment described in this manual.

Equipment types are designated in Table 1NO TAG as follows:

HM = Hot melt (melters, hoses, applicators, etc.)

PC = Process control
CA = Cold adhesive (dispensing pumps, pressurized container, and

Table 1‐1General Safety Warnings and Cautions

Type Warning or Caution

WARNING! Hazardous vapors! Before processing any polyurethane

reactive (PUR) hot melt or solvent‐based material through a compatible
HM Nordson melter, read and comply with the material's MSDS. Ensure
that the material's processing temperature and flashpoints will not be
exceeded and that all requirements for safe handling, ventilation, first
aid, and personal protective equipment are met. Failure to comply with
MSDS requirements can cause personal injury, including death.

WARNING! Reactive material! Never clean any aluminum component

or flush Nordson equipment with halogenated hydrocarbon fluids.
HM Nordson melters and applicators contain aluminum components that
may react violently with halogenated hydrocarbons. The use of
halogenated hydrocarbon compounds in Nordson equipment can
cause personal injury, including death.

WARNING! System pressurized! Relieve system hydraulic pressure

HM, CA before breaking any hydraulic connection or seal. Failure to relieve the
system hydraulic pressure can result in the uncontrolled release of hot
melt or cold adhesive, causing personal injury.


E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

1-8 Safety

Table 1‐1General Safety Warnings and Cautions (contd)

Type Warning or Caution

WARNING! Molten material! Wear eye or face protection, clothing that

HM protects exposed skin, and heat‐protective gloves when servicing
equipment that contains molten hot melt. Even when solidified, hot melt
can still cause burns. Failure to wear appropriate personal protective
equipment can result in personal injury.

WARNING! Equipment starts automatically! Remote triggering devices

are used to control automatic hot melt applicators. Before working on
HM, PC or near an operating applicator, disable the applicator's triggering
device and remove the air supply to the applicator's solenoid valve(s).
Failure to disable the applicator's triggering device and remove the
supply of air to the solenoid valve(s) can result in personal injury.

WARNING! Risk of electrocution! Even when switched off and

electrically isolated at the disconnect switch or circuit breaker, the
HM, CA, PC equipment may still be connected to energized auxiliary devices.
De‐energize and electrically isolate all auxiliary devices before
servicing the equipment. Failure to properly isolate electrical power to
auxiliary equipment before servicing the equipment can result in
personal injury, including death.

WARNING! Risk of fire or explosion! Nordson adhesive equipment is

not rated for use in explosive environments and has not been cerfified
for the ATEX directive or as nonincendive. In addition, this equipment
HM, CA, PC should not be used with solvent‐based adhesives that can create an
explosive atmosphere when processed. Refer to the MSDS for the
adhesive to determine its processing characteristics and limitations.
The use of incompatible solvent‐based adhesives or the improper
processing of solvent‐based adhesives can result in personal injury,
including death.

WARNING! Allow only personnel with appropriate training and

HM, CA, PC experience to operate or service the equipment. The use of untrained
or inexperienced personnel to operate or service the equipment can
result in injury, including death, to themselves and others and can
damage to the equipment.

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Safety 1-9

Type Warning or Caution

CAUTION! Hot surfaces! Avoid contact with the hot metal surfaces of
HM applicators, hoses, and certain components of the melter. If contact
can not be avoided, wear heat‐protective gloves and clothing when
working around heated equipment. Failure to avoid contact with hot
metal surfaces can result in personal injury.

CAUTION! Some Nordson melters are specifically designed to

process polyurethane reactive (PUR) hot melt. Attempting to process
PUR in equipment not specifically designed for this purpose can
damage the equipment and cause premature reaction of the hot melt. If
you are unsure of the equipment's ability to process PUR, contact your
Nordson representative for assistance.

CAUTION! Before using any cleaning or flushing compound on or in

the equipment, read and comply with the manufacturer's instructions
HM, CA and the MSDS supplied with the compound. Some cleaning
compounds can react unpredictably with hot melt or cold adhesive,
resulting in damage to the equipment.

CAUTION! Nordson hot melt equipment is factory tested with Nordson

Type R fluid that contains polyester adipate plasticizer. Certain hot melt
HM materials can react with Type R fluid and form a solid gum that can
clog the equipment. Before using the equipment, confirm that the hot
melt is compatible with Type R fluid.

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

1-10 Safety

Other Safety Precautions

S Do not use an open flame to heat hot melt system components.
S Check high pressure hoses daily for signs of excessive wear, damage, or
S Never point a dispensing handgun at yourself or others.
S Suspend dispensing handguns by their proper suspension point.

First Aid
If molten hot melt comes in contact with your skin:

1. Do NOT attempt to remove the molten hot melt from your skin.
2. Immediately soak the affected area in clean, cold water until the hot melt
has cooled.
3. Do NOT attempt to remove the solidified hot melt from your skin.
4. In case of severe burns, treat for shock.
5. Seek expert medical attention immediately. Give the MSDS for the hot
melt to the medical personnel providing treatment.

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Description 2-1

Section 2

The FP‐200 gun when combined with the appropriate balance‐assist devices,
allows the operator to maintain a neutral wrist position while manually applying
hot melt adhesives and sealants to horizontal substrates.
See Figure 2‐1 for the FP‐200 swirl gun components and Figure 2‐2 for the
FP‐200 extrusion gun components.

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

2-2 Description

Introduction (contd)

Figure 2‐1 FP‐200 Swirl Gun Components

1. Multi‐plane swivel fitting 9. Extrusion air line
(hydraulichose connection) 10. Module (CF‐200 Wide Pattern)
2. High‐temperature air line tube 11. Air manifold
3. Gun mounting plate 12. Swirl air line
4. Air regulator 13. Service block (gun body)
5. Urethane air line tube 14. Cordset connection
6. Trigger safety 15. Mounting bracket
7. Trigger
8. Trigger handle

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Description 2-3




12 6




Figure 2‐2 FP‐200 Extrusion Gun Components

1. Multi‐plane swivel fitting 7. Trigger
(hydraulichose connection) 8. Trigger handle
2. High‐temperature air line tube 9. Extrusion air line
3. Gun mounting plate 10. Module (H‐200 Adjustable)
4. Mounting bracket 11. Service block (gun body)
5. Urethane air line tube 12. Cordset connection
6. Trigger safety 13. Bulkhead fitting

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

2-4 Description

Introduction (contd)
A suspension package, which includes a mast and overhead balancer, bears
the weight of the gun and hose and allows a wide range of operator
movement. The gun assembly easily swings both left/right and in/out on the
swing arm, relative to the operator's position. This weight‐support design
and ergonomic configuration help reduce worker fatigue and physical stress
in bench‐top gluing applications such as automotive panels, appliance
panels, and furniture.
2 9
3 5 7 5 8 6
4 6

Figure 2‐3 System Components

1. Plastic squeeze clamps 5. S‐hook
2. Plastic tie strap 6. Nylon hose hangers
3. Tool balancer 7. Pivot arm
4. Slide track 8. Stationary hose mount
9. Vertical mast

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Description 2-5

A light‐touch trigger activates a micro‐switch in the gun handle, providing
instant adhesive flow. The ball and seat design assures clean cut‐off at the
nozzle. The gun is equipped with resistance temperature detectors (RTDs).
When used with RTD‐controlled Nordson systems, FP‐200 guns permit gun
temperature control within one 1_F (0.5_C).

Reduced Maintenance Costs

The guns are equipped with quick disconnecting electrical plugs. Gun
modules are interchangeable for ease of cleaning and maintenance. A
module can be replaced in minutes by simply removing two cap screws and
two o‐rings. The air‐open, spring‐close design includes long‐life seals and
provides superior cutoff, greater pattern uniformity and the ability to handle a
wide range of hot melt materials.

Design Flexibility
A wide selection of modules and nozzles is available for spiral spray and
bead extrusion to meet numerous deposition requirements. Patented
Controlled Fiberizationt gun modules permit exceptional control of spiral
pattern density without overspray. For bead extrusion flexibility, modules are
available in standard and reduced cavity designs with a choice of nozzle and
orifice diameters. Reduced cavity modules help provide clog‐free operation
with a self‐cleaning needle and nozzle assembly.

For operating ease, the FP‐200 guns incorporate an adjustable trigger

handle. An auxiliary guide handle permits two‐handed use for further control.
The handle can be positioned for either left‐ or right‐handed use. The
compact body design optimizes pattern visibility and lets the operator
maneuver the gun into otherwise difficult to reach areas.

FP‐200 guns can easily be converted from swirl to extrusion or extrusion to

swirl using a conversion kit. Refer to Section 8, Parts, for conversion kit part

An air supply line is connected to FP‐200 guns through an air pressure

regulator, thus eliminating the need for an air control kit. FP‐200 guns that
currently use an air control kit may be easily replaced. Refer to Replacing
Air‐Control‐Kit FP‐200 Guns in Section 3, Installation.

FP‐200 guns are designed to meet Underwriter's Laboratory (UL), Canadian
(C‐UL), and Conformité Européenne (CE) standards.

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

2-6 Description

Table 2‐1 lists specifications for the FP‐200 gun system components.

Table 2‐1 FP‐200 Specifications

Item Value

Types of Patterns
FP‐200 STD Bead
FP‐200 RC Bead
FP‐200 CF‐WP Swirl/wide pattern

Maximum Operating Temperature 450 _F (230 _C)

Operating Air Pressure (1) STD, RC: 30 to 60 psi

(0.21 to 0.42 MPa)
CF/CF‐WP: 0 to 80 psi (0 to 0.55 MPa)

Maximum Air Consumption CF‐WP: 90 L/m (3.2 cfm)

Maximum Hydraulic Pressure 1500 psi (10.34 MPa)

Extrusion Nozzle Orifice Diameter (2) Refer to Parts.

Electrical Requirements 160W at 240V

(supplied from applicator)

Swing Arm Length 3 feet (1 meter)

Mast Height 9 feet (2.74 m)

(1) Recommended range. Dry, regulated, unlubricated air required for consistent
gun operation. Module performance and durability will be negatively affected if
operated outside the recommended range. Volumetric air requirements will vary
with gun configuration and application.

(2) Nozzlesmust be specified and purchased separately. For reduced cavity

modules, nozzle diameter must be specified with gun purchase; nozzles are an
integral component of RC modules.

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Description 2-7

Selecting Swirl Spray Nozzles

There are two basic swirl spray nozzle types: the spray disk nozzle and the
spray cap nozzle.

Spray disk nozzles have two parts: a disk and a retaining nut. The disk
contains the orifices for both the fiberizing air and the adhesive and is
secured to the module by the retaining nut. The spray cap nozzle has the
disk and retaining nut as a single piece. Spray cap nozzles have a small
o‐ring that serves as a seal between the air section and the adhesive section
of the nozzle.

Both nozzle options provide particular advantages. The spray cap nozzle
provides easy cleaning, but the part of the nozzle containing the orifices is
not recessed as with the spray disk nozzles. The spray disk's recessed
nozzle tip provides protection from tool damage and dropping the nozzle.

Swirl spray nozzles are typically constructed of brass, produce clockwise

spray rotation and can produce pattern widths from 0.5 inches to 6.0 inch.
Nozzles are available in various orifice sizes. A list of available spray nozzles
is in Section 7, Parts.

Wide pattern swirl nozzles are available in the following sizes: 0.020 in.,
0.030 in., and 0.046 in. The pattern capabilities meet most product assembly
applications for density, coverage, and edge control. These are
recommended for all but the most precise (<1.0 in. width) applications.

Special application nozzles are available. Contact your Nordson

representative for additional information.

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

2-8 Description

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Installation 3-1

Section 3

WARNING! Allow only qualified personnel to perform the following tasks.

Follow the safety instructions in this document and all other related

This section provides unpacking, safety, and installation information
necessary for installing the FP‐200 gun.

Unpacking the Gun

Exercise normal care to prevent equipment damage during unpacking.

The gun and module (either swirl or extrusion) are configured according to
each customer's particular sales order. If there is a discrepancy between the
sales order and the equipment received in the shipment, contact your
Nordson representative.

Inspecting the Gun

After unpacking the gun, make the following inspections:

1. Check for gun surface dents, scratches, corrosion, or other physical

damage. Contact your Nordson representative if there is any physical
2. Remove foreign material in the service block air and fluid ports.
3. Tighten any loose fasteners.

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

3-2 Installation

Items Needed
The following items are needed for installing FP‐200 guns. Some of these
items are also used when performing troubleshooting, maintenance, and
repair procedures.

S Applicator and associated equipment technical manuals

S Safety goggles
S Safety gloves
S Long‐sleeve protective clothing
S Nordson high flex automatic gun hose (one per gun)
S Suspension package
S Air regulator with gauge
S Thread lubricant (anti‐seize compound)
S Drain pan
S Flat blade screwdriver
S Wrenches; refer to Table 3‐1 for the required wrench sizes

Table 3‐1 Wrench Sizes Needed to Install Guns

Component Item Wrench Size

Gun Multi‐plane swivel fitting (at gun) 1/ inch


Hose Multi‐plane swivel fitting (at hose) 11/ inch


Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Installation 3-3

Suspension Package
The FP‐200 gun is most effectively used in conjunction with Nordson's
suspension package. This suspension package, which includes a pivoting
arm and overhead tool balancer, carries the hose and gun weight and
provides the operator with a wide range of gun movement.

Figure 3‐1 Suspension Package

1. Pivoting arm 3. S-hook
2. Slide track 4. Tool balancer

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

3-4 Installation

Installing the Mast and Pivoting Arm

Use the following procedure and refer to Figure 3‐2 when installing the mast.

1. Assemble the floor stand with screws and nuts provided.

2. Make sure to slide the plastic cover over base flange assembly.
3. Insert the rod of the pivoting arm into the top hole in the mast.

0.25 3.00

View A-A




View B-B

Figure 3‐2 Suspension System Swing Arm,Floor Mount Mast with Dimensions
1. Pivoting arm 3. Top hole in the mast 5. Screws and nuts (provided)
2. Pivoting arm rod 4. Retaining plate (plastic) 6. Mounting base

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Installation 3-5

Guidelines for Installing the Tool Balancer

Use the following guidelines when preparing the tool balancer for installation.

CAUTION! Install the tool balancer correctly to prevent personal injury or

damage to the tool balancer or other equipment.

NOTE: Proper balance is accomplished when the gun can be raised or

lowered with equal effort, and it can maintain its position anywhere along the
rated cable travel.

CAUTION! Over‐increasing the tension could cause damage to the balancer


Figure 3‐3 Tool Balancer Components

1. Main hanger 3. Ratcheting balance adjust
2. Anchor safety support chain 4. Load hook
5. Ratchet release (pawl)

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

3-6 Installation

Guidelines for Installing the Tool Balancer (contd)

NOTE: Before attaching the gun and hose to the tool balancer, make sure
that the weight is within the accepted load specification.
Adjust the balance upward or downward by modifying the cable tension
‐ To increase cable tension, perform the following step:
a. Turn the ratcheting balance adjust clockwise.
‐ To decrease cable tension, perform the following steps:
a. Turn the ratcheting balance adjust clockwise until the ratchet
release is free of the ratcheting mechanism.
b. Allow the ratcheting balance adjust to rotate counterclockwise in
increments of ¼ turn.

CAUTION! Hold the ratcheting balance adjust firmly when

decreasing cable tension. When the ratchet release is rotated free
of the ratcheting mechanism, the ratcheting balance adjust is
under spring tension and will quickly rotate counterclockwise if not
held firmly.

Replacing Air-Control-Kit FP-200 Guns

NOTE: This section applies only to customers who are replacing the version
of the FP‐200 gun that used an air control kit with a new FP‐200gun.
1. Disconnect the old gun electrically and hydraulically from the hose.
2. Disconnect the old gun's air lines.
3. Remove the old gun's trigger cable and one air line from the suspension
4. Disconnect the air control kit.
5. Continue with the following procedures to install the new gun.

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Installation 3-7

Connecting the Gun and Hose

The FP‐200 gun comes preassembled except for the auxiliary guide handle
and the air line tubing. Instructions for auxiliary guide handle installation and
trigger handle rotation are discussed later in this section. The hydraulic
hose, the gun, and the air line tubing must be assembled and installed onto
the suspension system before any connections are made to the applicator or
the air supply.

Figure 3‐4 Gun‐to‐Hose and Gun‐to‐Air‐Line Assembly

1. Cordset connection 3. High‐temperature air
2. Hydraulic hose connection line/polyethylene air line connection

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

3-8 Installation

Connecting the Gun to the Hose and Air Line

1. Lay out and fully extend the hydraulic hose.
2. Using two wrenches (refer to Table3‐1), attach the hose fitting to the gun
swivel fitting. Do not overtighten.
3. Plug the gun's cordset into the hose plug receptacle.

1 2
Figure 3‐5 Connecting the Gun to the Hose Hydraulically and Electrically
1. Connecting the gun and hose 2. Plugging the cordset plug into the
swivel fittings hose plug receptacle

NOTE: The installation kit comes with two types of air line tubing:
polyethylene and high‐temperature. The high‐temperature tubing has a
fitting preassembled on one end.
4. Uncoil the polyethylene air line tubing and lay it beside the hydraulic
5. Insert the high‐temperature air line tubing (the end without a fitting) into
the red collar attached to the air line elbow.

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Installation 3-9

6. Connect the polyethylene air line tubing to the fitting on the

high‐temperature air line tubing.


Figure 3‐6 Connecting the Gun to the Air Line Tubing

1. Polyethylene air line tubing 3. High‐temperature air line tubing
2. High‐temperature air line fitting 4. Air line elbow red collar

7. Place hose clamps (included in the installation kit) every 60 cm (2 ft)

around the hydraulic hose and air line, working from thegun end of the
hydraulic hose to the applicator end.

Figure 3‐7 Installing a Hose


E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

3-10 Installation

Connecting the Gun to the Hose and Air Line (contd)

8. Wrap the hose straps around hydraulic hose, following the steps
1 illustrated in Figure 3‐8.
NOTE: It is very important that this hose wrapping technique be followed.
Other methods may not provide the correct friction without pinching or
constricting the hose.

2 a. Wrap the straps around the hoses approximately four feet from the
gun end of the hose.

B b. Insert the plastic tie strap from the installation kit through all four
grommet holes.

c. Tighten the tie strap to a 3‐inch diameter loop. Trim excess tie strap.

d. Hang the wrapped hose by the plastic tie strap to the tool balancer.

Figure 3‐8 Hose Straps

1. Plastic tie strap
2. Nylon straps with grommets

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Installation 3-11

Connecting the Gun and Hose to the Pivoting Arm and Mast
1. Attach the hose to the pivoting arm and mast.

2 9
3 5 7 5 8 6
4 6

Figure 3‐9 Gun/hose Installation

1. Plastic squeeze clamps 5. S‐hook
2. Plastic tie strap 6. Nylon hose hangers
3. Tool balancer 7. Pivoting arm
4. Slide track 8. Stationary hose mount
9. Vertical mast

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

3-12 Installation

Connecting the Gun and Hose to the Pivoting Arm and Mast (contd)
2. Clamp the hose to the nylon hose hanger, located at the rear of the swing

a. Provide a smooth loop for the hose. There must be no sharp bends in
the hose.

b. Taking care that the hose is not twisted, make sure to hang it from the
stationary mount with the nylon strap.

NOTE: When positioning the hose in the stationary bracket, ensure that
the poly pneumatic line(s) are not pinched or crimped, restricting air flow.

3. Referring to Figure 3‐9, adjust the desired gun resting height from
working surface by sliding the hose through the straps. Once the desired
retracted height from the working surface has been obtained, ensure that
the straps are snug around the hydraulic hose.
4. Route all the remaining hose, the black poly pneumatic line(s) and the
trigger control cable to the applicator and air controller location. Do not
connect the hose hydraulically or electrically at this time.

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Installation 3-13

Installing the Auxiliary Guide Handle and Rotating the Trigger Handle

Auxiliary Guide Handle Installation

Install the auxiliary guide handle as shown below. The handle may be
installed on either the left‐ or right‐hand side of the gun.

Figure 3‐10 Installing the

Auxiliary Guide Handle

Trigger Handle Rotation

The trigger handle may be rotated from its standard vertical position to a
90_ position on either side of the gun. Follow these steps to rotate the
pivoting handle.

1. Remove the socket‐head screws and split‐lock washers

(Figure 3‐11, item2) from the gun mounting plate.
2. Rotate the trigger handle to the desired position.
3. Reinstall the split‐lock washers and socket‐head screws.

2 3 4 5

Figure 3‐11 Rotating the Trigger Handle

1. Gun mounting plate 3. Vertical position 5. 90 position left
2. Socket‐head screws 4. 90 position right

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

3-14 Installation

Installing the Heat Shield

NOTE: This heat shield is required for the gun to meet CE approval
standards. The FP‐200 gun installation kit includes a heat shield.
1. Remove the auxiliary guide handle.
2. Disconnect each air line on the service block by unthreading the air line
fitting tube nut.
3. Wrap the heat shield around the service block and module and secure it
as shown in Figure3‐12.
4. Reconnect each air line and the reinstall the auxiliary guide handle.


Figure 3‐12 Typical Heat Shield

1. Heat shield fastener

Connecting the Gun to the Air Supply

NOTE: The air supplied to the gun should be dry, regulated, unlubricatedair.
1. Connect the polyethylene air line tubing to the facility's air supply.
2. Install an air pressure regulator and gauge at the beginning of the air
supply line.

Connecting the Hose to the Applicator

Connect the hose hydraulically and electrically to the applicator in
accordance with the applicator product manual.

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Installation 3-15

Relieving Hydraulic Pressure

WARNING: Hydraulic pressure must be properly relieved before you can
safely complete many of the installation, troubleshooting, maintenance, and
repair activities in this manual. Follow this procedure whenever you are
instructed to relieve hydraulic pressure.

CAUTION: Hot! Risk of burns. Hot applicator parts, splashed hot melt
material, and hot gun surfaces can cause severe burns. Wear long‐sleeved,
heat‐protective clothing, safety goggles, and heat‐protective gloves. Hot melt
material may be released forcefully.

Follow this procedure before disassembling and replacing any gun


1. Allow the system to reach operating temperature.

2. Re‐tighten all gun‐to‐applicator and gun‐to‐hose fittings.
3. Wipe off any hot melt material on the gun fittings.
NOTE: The following procedures for relieving pump hydraulic pressure
are general. Refer to the applicator product manual for specific

4. Relieve pump hydraulic pressure:

Table 3‐2 Procedure for Relieving Hydraulic Pressure

Unit Type Procedure

Blue Series and Series 3000 Reduce pump pressure to zero.

(Piston Pump) Disconnect the incoming air line.

Series 3000 Gear Pump (with AC drive) Push the motor START/STOP switch to
the OFF position.

Series 3000 Gear Pump Turn the motor speed dial to 0%.
(with DC drive)

OmniScan control panel Push the pump touchpad until the LCD
shows PMP OFF.

Series 6000 Stop the motors by placing the

MOTOR ON/OFF switches in the OFF

All other units Consult the applicator product manual.

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

3-16 Installation

Relieving Hydraulic Pressure (contd)

5. Place under the gun nozzle a drain pan capable of withstanding adhesive
temperatures of 230_C (450_F).
6. Shield the area and the operator.
7. Trigger the gun to relieve trapped hydraulic pressure.
8. Reduce the air controller's air pressure to zero at the regulator.
9. Place the gun trigger safety in the LOCKED position.

Figure 3‐13 Air Pressure Regulator with Gauge

CAUTION: Hot! Risk of burns. Hot applicator parts, splashed hot melt
material, and hot gun surfaces can cause severe burns. Wear long‐sleeved,
heat‐protective clothing, safety goggles, and heat‐protective gloves.

10. Place a drain pan under the drain valve a drain pan capable of
withstanding adhesive temperatures of 230_C (450_F).
NOTE: For Series 6000 units, open the filter access panel and place a
flat, open drain pan under the filter flush (drain) valve.

NOTE: Figure 3‐14 shows a typical arrangement. Details may vary

depending on the applicator model.

Figure 3‐14 Drain Valve


CAUTION: Equipment damage can occur if the applicator drain valve is

turned with anything other than a screwdriver. Use only a screwdriver to turn
the drain valve.

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Installation 3-17

11. Use a screwdriver to open the drain valve.

Figure 3‐15 Opening Drain

12. Allow adhesive to drain from the manifold.
13. Use a screwdriver to close the drain valve.
14. Properly dispose of the drained adhesive.

Figure 3‐16 Draining Adhesive

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

3-18 Installation

Flushing the Gun

The entire hot melt application system, including the gun, must be flushed
after installing a new gun. Flushing removes excess dirt and charred
material from the applicator system and purges any Type R fluid left over in
the gun from factory testing.

CAUTION: Hot! Risk of burns. Hot applicator parts, splashed hot melt
material, and hot gun surfaces can cause severe burns. Wear long‐sleeved,
heat‐protective clothing, safety goggles, and heat‐protective gloves.

WARNING: Risk of burns. System or material pressurized. Airtrapped in

the hose or gun can spit out molten adhesive that can cause severe burns.
Failure to relieve hydraulic pressure can result in serious burns. Relieve

Flushing all Modules Except Reduced Cavity

1. Relieve hydraulic pressure (refer to the Relieving Hydraulic Pressure
procedure earlier in this section).
2. Ensure that the trigger safety is in the LOCKED position.
3. Wear safety gloves.

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Installation 3-19

CAUTION: Take care not to drop swirl nozzles when removing the retaining
nut. Damage from dropping can cause the nozzle to produce an abnormal

4. Loosen the nozzle retaining nut with a wrench, then remove the nozzle
and retaining nut with a gloved hand.

Figure 3‐17 Removing a Nozzle

5. Ensuring that the gun is triggered on, flush the system by following the
equipment preparation instructions in the applicator product manual.

CAUTION: Installing swirl nozzles upside down deforms the disk and
prevents the bead from forming a spiral. If a deformed swirl nozzle is then
correctly installed, adhesive may leak into the nozzle air section or an
abnormal pattern may be produced.

6. Reinstall the nozzle and retaining nut. Ensure that swirl nozzles are
correctly placed with the pointed side down. Torque the retaining nut to
20‐25 in‐lb.

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

3-20 Installation

Flushing Reduced Cavity Modules

CAUTION: Hot! Risk of burns. Hot applicator parts, splashed hot melt
material, and hot gun surfaces can cause severe burns. Wear long‐sleeved,
heat‐protective clothing, safety goggles, and heat‐protective gloves.

WARNING: Risk of burns. System or material pressurized. Airtrapped in

the hose or gun can spit out molten adhesive that can cause severe burns.
Failure to relieve hydraulic pressure can result in serious burns. Relieve

1. Relieve hydraulic pressure (refer to the Relieving Hydraulic Pressure

procedure earlier in this section).
2. Ensure that the gun trigger safety is in the LOCKED position.
3. Wear safety gloves.
4. Use a hex wrench to remove the two socket‐head screws that secure the
module to the service block, then remove the module.
5. Ensuring that the gun is triggered on, flush the system by following the
equipment preparation instructions in the applicator product manual.
6. Reassemble the module onto the service block.

Figure 3‐18 Removing a Module

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Operation 4-1

Section 4

WARNING! Allow only qualified personnel to perform the following tasks.

Follow the safety instructions in this document and all other related

Starting up and Operating the FP‐200 Gun

This section provides instructions for safely starting up and operating FP‐200
guns and for using the FP‐200 swirl gun air valve to adjust the swirl adhesive

CAUTION: Do not operate the hot melt system at pressures capable of

causing the adhesive to extrude more than 46cm (18in.) from the nozzle tip
when the gun is fired. Doing so can harm personnel or equipment and cause
poor pattern control.

NOTE: The recommended adhesive pump pressure range is

2.41 to 4.83mPa (350 to 700psi). To determine the pressure for your
applicator, refer to your applicator product manual.

The following factors can cause adhesive to project beyond the maximum
recommended projection limit:

S increasing pump pressure

S increasing applicator temperature
S changing the adhesive's consistency
S changing to a smaller size nozzle orifice
S changing the hose length

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

4-2 Operation

Starting up and Operating the FP‐200 Gun (contd)

CAUTION: Hot! Risk of burns. Hot applicator parts, splashed hot melt
material, and hot gun surfaces can cause severe burns. Wear long‐sleeved,
heat‐protective clothing, safety goggles, and heat‐protective gloves.

CAUTION! Risk of burns. To prevent inadvertent discharge during startup,

leave the trigger safety in the locked position while performing startup

CAUTION! Never point the gun at anyone. Trigger the gun only when
adhesive is to be applied to a substrate.

CAUTION: Do not swivel or trigger the gun while it is cold. This can damage
the gun or swivel fitting.

1. Ensure that the trigger safety is in the LOCKED position.

2. Prepare the applicator for normal operation by following the startup
procedures in the applicator product manual.
3. Place the trigger safety in the unlocked position.
4. Position the gun at the desired location above the substrate.
5. Dispense adhesive by triggering the gun.
6. Stop dispensing adhesive by releasing the trigger.
7. When not using the FP‐200 gun, place the trigger safety in the LOCKED

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Operation 4-3

Adjusting the FP‐200 Swirl Gun Adhesive Pattern

Adjust the adhesive pattern of Nordson FP‐200 swirl guns using either of the
following methods:

1. Adjust the applicator pump pressure by following the instructions in the

applicator product manual.
2. Turn the adjustment knob on the air regulator.

Figure 4‐1 FP‐200 Swirl Gun Air Regulator

1. Air regulator adjustment knob 3. Outlet air line
2. Air regulator

1. Place the trigger safety in the LOCKED position.
2. Shut down the applicator by following the shutdown procedures in the
applicator product manual.

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

4-4 Operation

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Maintenance 5-1

Section 5

WARNING! Allow only qualified personnel to perform the following tasks.

Follow the safety instructions in this document and all other related

CAUTION: Hot! Risk of burns. Hot applicator parts, splashed hot melt
material, and hot gun surfaces can cause severe burns. Wear long‐sleeved,
heat‐protective clothing, safety goggles, and heat‐protective gloves. Hot melt
material may be released forcefully.

WARNING! Even when switched off, Nordson applicators, hoses, and guns
contain electrical potentials that can cause death. Disconnect and lock out
line voltage to the applicator when instructed to do so.

WARNING: Risk of burns. System or material pressurized. Airtrapped in

the hose or gun can spit out molten adhesive that can cause severe burns.
Failure to relieve hydraulic pressure can result in serious burns. Relieve

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

5-2 Maintenance

Preventive maintenance procedures for Nordson FP‐200 guns include
periodic inspections and cleaning. Attempting any other repair procedure
can result in damage to the gun, improper system operation, or personal

Daily Maintenance
NOTE: Accumulated hot melt adhesive material can char and cause erratic
gun operation.
1. Wipe off hot melt adhesive from all exterior gun surfaces.
2. Clean any dust and debris from the work area.

Weekly Maintenance
Clean all nozzles weekly unless operational history indicates more or less
frequent cleaning is required. Nordson offers a nozzle cleaning kit. Refer to
Parts for the nozzle cleaning kit part number.

Semiannual Maintenance
Inspect the gun wiring semiannually.

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Maintenance 5-3

Maintenance Procedures
This section contains the procedures for the weekly and semiannual
maintenance activities.

Cleaning Extrusion Nozzles

Nozzle clogging occurs when a filter screen is damaged or when there is
charred material in the hose or gun. Char may occur if adhesive is heated
above the application temperature recommended by the adhesive
manufacturer. If this occurs it may be necessary to replace the gun.

1. Relieve hydraulic pressure. Refer to the Relieving Hydraulic Pressure

procedure in Section3, Installation.
2. Ensure that the gun trigger safety is in the LOCKED position.
3. Move the applicator circuit breaker to the OFF position, then disconnect
and lock out input electrical power to the applicator.

Figure 5‐1 Typical Applicator

Circuit Breaker

Figure 5‐2 Typical Facility Circuit


E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

5-4 Maintenance

Cleaning Extrusion Nozzles (contd)

4. Loosen the nozzle retaining nut with a wrench, then remove the nozzle
and retaining nut with a gloved hand.

Figure 5‐3 Removing a Nozzle

5. Place the nozzle in a container of TypeR fluid. Use a controlled heating
device (such as a small, deep fat fryer or thermostatically‐controlled hot
plate) to heat the TypeR fluid above the hot melt adhesive material
melting temperature.
NOTE: Another method for cleaning nozzles is to place the parts in an
ultrasonic cleaner filled with TypeR fluid.

NOTE: Pin‐type probes are not for use on zero cavity, reduced cavity, or
swirl modules. Review the instruction sheet received with zero cavity and
reduced cavity modules for specific nozzle cleaning procedures. Call
your Nordson representative if you have any questions regarding the
correct cleaning procedure for your modules and nozzles.

Figure 5‐4 Cleaning Fluid

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Maintenance 5-5

6. Remove the nozzle from the cleaning fluid and clean it using a pin‐type
probe (extrusion nozzles only). The Nordson nozzle cleaning kit includes
the holder and a variety of probes.

Figure 5‐5 Cleaning an Extrusion Nozzle

7. Reinstall the nozzle and retaining nut. Torque the retaining nut to
8. Restore the system to normal operation by following the startup
procedures in the applicator product manual.

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

5-6 Maintenance

Cleaning Swirl Nozzles

Nozzle clogging occurs when a filter screen is damaged or when there is
charred material in the hose or gun. Char may occur if adhesive is heated
above the application temperature recommended by the adhesive
manufacturer. If this occurs it may be necessary to replace the gun.

1. Relieve hydraulic pressure (refer to the Relieving Hydraulic Pressure in

2. Ensure that the gun trigger safety is in the LOCKED position.
3. Move the applicator circuit breaker to the OFF position, then disconnect
and lock out input electrical power to the applicator (see Figures 5‐1 and
NOTE: Take care not to drop the swirl nozzle when removing the
retaining nut. Damage from dropping can cause the nozzle to produce
an abnormal pattern.

4. Loosen the nozzle retaining nut with a wrench, then remove the nozzle
and retaining nut with a gloved hand (see Figure 5‐3).
5. Place the nozzle in a container of TypeR fluid or equivalent. Use a
controlled heating device (such as a small, deep‐fat fryer or
thermostatically‐controlled hot plate) to heat the TypeR fluid above the
hot melt adhesive material melting temperature (see Figure5‐4).
NOTE: Another method for cleaning nozzles is to place the parts in an
ultrasonic cleaner filled with TypeR fluid.

6. Remove the nozzle from the cleaning fluid, then separate the nozzle disk
from the retaining nut and inspect the nozzle for warping and blockage.
NOTE: Prior to nozzle replacement, it may be advisable to trigger air
through the gun body to remove adhesive that may have entered an air
port. If this step is taken, slowly increase air pressure at the regulator to
34 or 69kPa (5 or 10psi). Trigger the gun, then turn the air regulator off.

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Maintenance 5-7

CAUTION: Installing a nozzle disk upside down deforms the disk and
prevents the bead from forming a spiral. If a deformed disk is then correctly
installed, adhesive may leak into the nozzle air section or an abnormal
pattern may be produced.

7. Reinstall the nozzle and retaining nut. Ensure that the disk is correctly
placed with the pointed side down. Torque the retaining nut to
20‐25 in‐lb.

Figure 5‐6 Installing a Swirl

8. Restore the system to normal operation by following the startup
procedures in the applicator product manual.

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

5-8 Maintenance

Inspecting the Gun Wiring

1. Relieve hydraulic pressure. Refer to the Relieving Hydraulic Pressure in
2. Ensure that the gun trigger safety is in the LOCKED position.
3. Move the applicator circuit breaker to the OFF position, then disconnect
and lock out input electrical power to the applicator (see Figures 5‐1 and
4. Remove the six screws (three screws per side) from the service block,
then remove the service block cover.
5. Inspect all wiring for signs of wear or other damage to the insulation.

WARNING! Risk of electrical shock. Vibration, plus heating and cooling

cycles, can loosen connections. Failure to observe may result in personal
injury or death. All electrical connections should be tight.

6. Check all electrical connections for tightness.

Figure 5‐7 Service Block Cover

1. Cover screws

Cleaning the System

When changing adhesives, use only recommended material manufacturing
products and properly clean and flush the hot melt system by following the
cleaning and flushing instructions in the applicator product manual. Always
check with your material suppliers to obtain therecommended flushing
methods for their products.

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Troubleshooting 6-1

Section 6

WARNING! Allow only qualified personnel to perform the following tasks.

Follow the safety instructions in this document and all other related

This section contains troubleshooting procedures. These procedures cover

only the most common problems that you may encounter. If you cannot
solve the problem with the information given here, contact your local
Nordson representative for help.

CAUTION: Hot! Risk of burns. Hot applicator parts, splashed hot melt
material, and hot gun surfaces can cause severe burns. Wear long‐sleeved,
heat‐protective clothing, safety goggles, and heat‐protective gloves. Hot melt
material may be released forcefully.

WARNING! Even when switched off, Nordson applicators, hoses, and guns
contain electrical potentials that can cause death. Disconnect and lock out
line voltage to the applicator when instructed to do so.

WARNING: Risk of burns. System or material pressurized. Airtrapped in

the hose or gun can spit out molten adhesive that can cause severe burns.
Failure to relieve hydraulic pressure can result in serious burns. Relieve
pressure when instructed to do so.

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

6-2 Troubleshooting

This section contains troubleshooting procedures for the FP‐200 gun. The
procedures are given in a problem–reason–correction format.

Select the problem that most closely describes the trouble you are having,
then take the corrective action that applies to the most likely reason for that
problem. These troubleshooting procedures cover only the most common
problems that you may encounter. If you cannot solve the problem with the
information given here, contact your local Nordson representative for help.

Obvious causes of malfunction, such as broken or missing electrical pins or

wires, damaged hose plugs, etc., should be noted during daily visual
inspection and corrected immediately.

This section also contains diagnostic procedures for use during


Quick Check of Module Operation

A quick check for proper module operation involves placing a pin into the top
of the module, then manually triggering the gun If the module is operating
properly, the pin should move up and down, and adhesive should flow from
the module. If no adhesive flows, refer to Table6‐1, Troubleshooting Guide.

Figure 6‐1 Stationary Hose Mount Components

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Troubleshooting 6-3

Troubleshooting Guide
Table6‐1 lists typical gun faults, their probable causes, and corrective
actions to take.

NOTE: The Nordson Hose/Gun Diagnostic Device enables precise and

complete heater and RTD troubleshooting for RTD‐controlled FP‐200 guns.
The device enables you to quickly accomplish gun RTD and heater
troubleshooting without removing the guns from the hoses. Contact your
Nordson representative for more information.

Table 6‐1 Troubleshooting Tables

Problem Possible Cause Corrective Action

1. No adhesive flow Adhesive level low Check level. Add adhesive if needed.
from gun module

No input power Connect power to applicator and

associated equipment. Make sure that
all circuit breakers are switched ON.

Applicator temperature setting too low Adjust setting (refer to applicator product

Hose temperature controller setting Adjust setting (refer to applicator product

too low manual).

Gun temperature controller setting too Adjust setting (refer to applicator product
low manual).

System not at operating temperature Verify if READY light is on and adhesive

or sealant is molten. If not, allow unit to
reach operating temperature.

Insufficient air pressure to piston Verify air pressure by doing filter flush
pump model (refer to applicator product manual).

Applicator motor not operating Verify motor operation (refer to applicator

product manual).

No air supply to gun or low air Check air supply.


Hose clogged Clean or replace hose (refer to hose

product manual).

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

6-4 Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting Guide (contd)

Table 6‐1 Troubleshooting Guide (contd)
Problem Possible Cause Corrective Action

1. No adhesive flow Service block clogged Test service block (refer to Service Block
from gun module, Pneumatic Operational Check in this
contd. section). Clean or replace if clogged
(refer to Section7, Repair).

Nozzle (except zero cavity guns) Refer to Nozzle Operational Check in

clogged this section. Clean nozzle (refer to
Cleaning Extrusion Nozzles or Cleaning
Swirl Nozzles in Section5, Maintenance)
or replace if defective.

Failed module Rebuild or replace module (refer to

Section7, Repair).

Dirty or faulty triggering device Check for air flow to module. Clean or
(airvalve) replace (refer to Section7, Repair).

Broken spring Replace spring (refer to Section7,


2. Adhesive flows Broken spring Replace spring (refer to Section 7,

after trigger is Repair).
released or
without triggering

Failed module Rebuild or replace module (refer to

Section7, Repair).

Bad air regulator Replace regulator (refer to Section 7,


3. Adhesive volume Bad cartridge valve Replace cartridge valve (refer to

cannot be Section7, Repair).

Kinked or crushed air line Check hose. Clean or replace if

necessary (refer to hose product

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Troubleshooting 6-5

Problem Possible Cause Corrective Action

4. Gun fails to heat No power Make sure that input power connected
or gun and all circuit breakers switched ON.
temperature too

Temperature setting too low Adjust setting.

Controller not functioning Check controller settings (refer to

applicator product manual).

Failed heater cartridge (open or short) Test resistance (refer to Heater check in
this section.

Failed thermostat or RTD Check thermostat or RTD (refer to

NOTE: Gun will either have a Thermostat or RTD check in this section.
thermostat or RTD, not both. Replace Thermostat or RTD if defective
(refer to Section7, Repair).

5. Gun overheats Applicator tank temperature setting Adjust setting (refer to applicator product
too low manual).

Hose or gun temperature controller Adjust setting (refer to applicator product

setting too high manual).

Controller not functioning Check controller settings (refer to

applicator product manual).

Shorted RTD (unit should shut down) Test RTD using Nordson Hose/Gun
or defective thermostat Diagnostic Device or ohmmeter. Check
NOTE: Gun will either have a thermo­ thermostat (refer to Thermostat check in
stat or RTDs, not both. this section. Replace Thermostat or
RTD if defective (refer to Section7,

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

6-6 Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting Guide (contd)







Figure 6‐2 Gun RTD Resistance vs. Temperature

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Troubleshooting 6-7

Diagnostic Operational Checks

NOTE: This procedure is used to check for a clogged nozzle or a no‐flow
condition on H‐200 adjustable and CF‐200 wide pattern modules only. It is
not for use with reduced cavity modules. Refer to Table6‐1, Troubleshooting
Guide, for other adhesive no‐flow fault conditions.

Nozzle Operational Check

1. Relieve hydraulic pressure. Refer to the Relieving Hydraulic Pressure
procedure in Section3, Installation.
2. Ensure that the gun trigger safety is in the LOCKED position.

CAUTION: Take care not to drop swirl nozzles when removing the retaining
nut. Damage from dropping can cause the nozzle to produce an abnormal

3. Loosen the nozzle retaining nut with a wrench, then remove the nozzle
and retaining nut with a gloved hand.

Figure 6‐3 Removing the Nozzle

4. Trigger the gun.
5. Slowly increase hydraulic and pneumatic pressure.
S Adhesive flows: nozzle clogged. Clean or replace.
S No adhesive flows: module or service block may be clogged. Return
to Table6‐1, Troubleshooting Guide, and review no‐flow fault

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

6-8 Troubleshooting

Service Block Pneumatic Operational Check

Use this procedure to determine if air is flowing properly through the service

1. Relieve hydraulic pressure (refer to the Relieving Hydraulic Pressure

procedure in Section3, Installation).
2. Place under the gun nozzle a drain pan capable of withstanding adhesive
temperatures of 230_C (450_F).
3. Ensure that the gun trigger safety is in the LOCKED position.
4. Use a hex wrench to remove the two socket‐head screws that secure the
module to the service block, then remove the module.
5. Slowly increase air pressure.

Figure 6‐4 Installing the Auxiliary

Guide Handle
6. Being careful to shield the area and operator, trigger the gun.
S Air flowing from the service block: normal indication. Return to
Table6‐1, Troubleshooting Guide.
S No air flowing from the service block: service block clogged or air
valve defective. Clean or replace service block or air valve (refer to
Section7, Repair).

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Troubleshooting 6-9

Heater Check
Follow this procedure to check a heater.

1. Disable the gun's triggering device.

2. Unplug the gun's cordset from the hose plug receptacle.
3. See Figure 6‐5. Attach a standard ohmmeter to the heater pin(s) on the
cordset plug.
S Circuit not open: normal indication (heater probably not defective).
Return to the Troubleshooting Table.
S Circuit open: defective heater. Replace heater (refer to Section7.


RTD 3 4 3
GND 2 1

RTD 115 volt

RTD 4 3
GND 2 1

2 3 2


Figure 6‐5 Heater and RTD Locations

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

6-10 Troubleshooting

RTD Check
This procedure is provided to help reduce the unnecessary replacement of
parts. The resistance chart in Figure 6‐2 is based on the active temperature
of the RTD. The RTD should be at a known temperature to effectively use
the chart. The Nordson hose/gun diagnostic device allows you to
troubleshoot without removing a gun from the hose. Refer to Section 8, Parts
for the correct number.

1. Disable the gun's triggering device.

2. Unplug the gun's cordset from the hose plug receptacle.
3. Allow the gun to reach room temperature.
4. See Figure 6‐5. Connect a standard ohmmeter to the RTD pins on the
cordset plug.
5. Note the resistance value, then compare that value to the resistance
value that corresponds to the known temperature of the gun on the chart
in Figure 6‐2.
S Match between measured resistance value and chart value: normal
indication (RTD probably not defective). Return to the
Troubleshooting Guide.
S No match between measured resistance value and chart value: RTD
defective. Replace RTD (refer to Section 7, Repair).

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Troubleshooting 6-11

Thermostat Check
Follow this procedure to check a thermostat.

WARNING: Risk of burns. Relieve pressure. Airtrapped in the hose or gun

can spit out molten adhesive that can cause severe burns. Failure to relieve
hydraulic pressure can result in serious burns. Failure to relieve hydraulic
pressure can result in serious burns.

1. Relieve hydraulic pressure. Refer to the Relieving Hydraulic Pressure

procedure in Section 3, Installation.

WARNING! Risk of shock. Even when switched off. Nordson applicators,

hoses, and guns contain electrical potentials that can cause death.
Disconnect and lock out line voltage to the applicator.

2. Move the applicator circuit breaker to the OFF position; then disconnect
and lock out input electrical power to the applicator.
3. Remove the six manifold body cover screws, then remove the cover.
4. Disconnect the thermostat wires.
5. Connect an ohmmeter (set on the lowest resistance scale) across the
S Continuity exists: normal indication. Return to the Troubleshooting
S No continuity: failed thermostat. Replace thermostat (refer to
Section 7, Repair).

Figure 6‐6 Manifold Body Cover


E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

6-12 Troubleshooting

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Repair 7-1

Section 7

WARNING! Allow only qualified personnel to perform the following tasks.

Follow the safety instructions in this document and all other related

CAUTION: Hot! Risk of burns. Hot applicator parts, splashed hot melt
material, and hot gun surfaces can cause severe burns. Wear long‐sleeved,
heat‐protective clothing, safety goggles, and heat‐protective gloves. Hot melt
material may be released forcefully.

WARNING! Even when switched off, Nordson applicators, hoses, and guns
contain electrical potentials that can cause death. Disconnect and lock out
line voltage to the applicator when instructed to do so.

WARNING: Risk of burns. System or material pressurized. Airtrapped in

the hose or gun can spit out molten adhesive that can cause severe burns.
Failure to relieve hydraulic pressure can result in serious burns. Relieve
pressure when instructed to do so.

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

7-2 Repair

This section contains instructions for replacing FP‐200 gun components,
including the RTD, heater cartridges, module, service block, and air valve.
Modules can be rebuilt using a kit. Rebuilding instructions are provided with
the module rebuilding kits. Refer to Section8, Parts, for module rebuilding kit
part numbers.

Replacing the RTD

Use this procedure to replace an FP‐200 gun RTD. The FP‐200 gun RTD is
mounted on the service block.

WARNING: Risk of burns. System or material pressurized. Airtrapped in

the hose or gun can spit out molten adhesive that can cause severe burns.
Failure to relieve hydraulic pressure can result in serious burns. Relieve

1. Relieve hydraulic pressure (refer to the Relieving Hydraulic Pressure

procedure in Section3, Installation).
2. Move the applicator circuit breaker to the OFF position, then disconnect
and lock out input electrical power to the applicator.

Figure 7‐1 Typical Applicator

Circuit Breaker

Figure 7‐2 Typical Facility Circuit

3. Disconnect the gun‐to‐hose electrical connection.

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Repair 7-3

Figure 7‐3 Service Block Cover

1. Cover screws
4. Remove the six screws (three screws per side) from the service block,
then remove the service block cover.
5. Remove the RTD mounting block, then remove the RTD from its bore in
the mounting block. Set the RTD mounting block aside.
6. Disconnect the heater cartridge leads from the cordset leads by
loosening the terminal block screws.
NOTE: Make a note of the wire connections for reference when
reconnecting the heater cartridge and cordset leads.

7. Disconnect the ground wire from the service block.

8. Unthread the cordset (includes the RTD) from the service block and
discard it.


Figure 7‐4 Service Block Cover

1. RTD leads
2. RTD
3. RTD mounting block

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

7-4 Repair

Replacing the RTD (contd)

9. Thread the new cordset into the service block (refer to Section8, Parts,
for the cordset part number).
10. Use the terminal block to reconnect the heater cartridge leads to the
cordset leads. Orient the terminal block such that the screws face the
service block, not the service block cover.



4 3


Figure 7‐5 Cleaning an Extrusion Nozzle

1. Heater leads 3. Cordset leads
2. Terminal block 4. Ground wire

11. Connect the ground wire to the service block.

12. Coat the new RTD with heat‐conductive paste and slide it into the
mounting block bore. Refer to Section8, Parts, for the heat‐conductive
paste part number.
13. Route the RTD wire as shown in Figure7‐4 and reinstall the RTD
mounting block onto the service block.
14. Being careful not to pinch the wires, replace the service block cover and
secure it with the cover screws.
15. Reconnect the gun‐to‐hose electrical connection.
16. Restore the system to normal operation by following the instructions in
the applicator product manual.

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Repair 7-5

Replacing the Thermostat

Follow this procedure to replace a thermostat.

WARNING: Risk of burns. Relieve pressure. Airtrapped in the hose or gun

can spit out molten adhesive that can cause severe burns. Failure to relieve
hydraulic pressure can result in serious burns.

1. Relieve hydraulic pressure. Refer to the Relieving Hydraulic Pressure

procedure in Section 3, Installation.

WARNING! Risk of shock. Even when switched off. Nordson applicators,

hoses, and guns contain electrical potentials that can cause death.
Disconnect and lock out line voltage to the applicator.

2. Move the applicator circuit breaker to the OFF position; then disconnect
and lock out input electrical power to the applicator.
3. Remove the six manifold body cover screws, then remove the cover.
4. Disconnect the thermostat wires.

Figure 7‐6 Manifold Body Cover

5. Remove the defective thermostat.
6. Install new thermostat.
7. Reconnect thermostat wires.
8. Re‐attach cover with the six screws removed in step 3.
9. Restore the system to normal operation by following the instructions in
the applicator product manual.

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

7-6 Repair

Replacing a Heater Cartridge

Use this procedure to replace one or both heater cartridges. The heater
cartridges are housed in bores in the service block.

1. Relieve hydraulic pressure (refer to the Relieving Hydraulic Pressure

procedure in Section3, Installation).
2. Move the applicator circuit breaker to the OFF position, then disconnect
and lock out input electrical power to the applicator (seeFigures7‐1
3. Disconnect the gun‐to‐hose electrical connection.

CAUTION: Risk of burns. Wear protective gloves when performing this

procedure to reduce the risk of burns from hot melt or equipment.

4. Remove the six screws (three screws per side) from the service block,
then remove the service block cover (seeFigure7‐3).
5. Disconnect the heater cartridge leads from the cordset leads by
loosening the terminal block screws.
NOTE: Make a note of the wire connections for reference when
reconnecting the heater and cordset leads.

6. Remove the heater cartridge.

NOTE: If a heater cartridge does not easily slide out of its bore, remove
the module from service block and then remove the pipe plug at the
opposite end of the heater bore. Insert a rod into the hole and gently tap
on the end of the rod with a hammer. Reassemble the pipe plug and
module after the heater is removed.

7. Remove all leads from the terminal block by loosening the terminal block

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Repair 7-7

8. Cut off the eyelets on all the leads and discard the old heater cartridge
and leads.
9. Install the new heater cartridge as follows:
a. Trim the new heater cartridge leads to match the old lead length.
b. Strip about 6 mm (1/4 in.) of jacket off all the leads.
c. Take one lead from each heater, twist them together, and crimp them
into an eyelet. Be sure the heater leads are connected as shown in
d. Insert the eyelets into the terminal block and tighten the terminal block
screws. Orient the terminal block such that the screws face the
service block, not the service block cover.
e. Insert the heater cartridges into the service block heater cartridge

1 2 3


Figure 7‐7 Cleaning an Extrusion

1. Heater cartridge leads
2. Terminal block
3. Cordset leads
4. Service block
5. Heater cartridge bores
10. Being careful not to pinch the wires, replace the service block cover and
secure it with the cover screws.
11. Reconnect the gun‐to‐hose electrical connection.
12. Restore the system to normal operation by following the instructions in
the applicator product manual.

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

7-8 Repair

Replacing the Module

Use this procedure only to replace FP‐200 gun modules. To rebuild the
modules, follow the instructions provided with the module rebuilding kits
(refer to Section8, Parts).

1. Relieve hydraulic pressure (refer to the Relieving Hydraulic Pressure

procedure in Section3, Installation).
2. Move the applicator circuit breaker to the OFF position, then disconnect
and lock out input electrical power to the applicator (seeFigures7‐1 and

CAUTION: Risk of burns. Wear protective gloves when performing this

procedure to reduce the risk of burns from hot melt or equipment.

CAUTION: Take care not to drop swirl nozzles when removing the retaining
nut. Damage from dropping can cause the nozzle to produce an abnormal

3. Loosen the retaining nut with a wrench, then remove the nozzle and
retaining nut with a gloved hand.

Figure 7‐8 Removing Nozzle

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Repair 7-9

4. Use a hex wrench to remove the two socket‐head screws that secure the
module to the service block, then remove the module.
5. Wipe off any hot melt material left on the service block, especially around
the air passages.
6. Lubricate the new module's o‐rings (refer to Section8, Parts, for
replacement module part numbers).
7. Apply PTFE paste to the two socket‐head screws.
8. Use the socket‐head screws to secure the new module to the service
block. Torque the screws to 30 in‐lb.

Figure 7‐9 Removing a Module

CAUTION: Do not overtighten. Overtightening can strip the threads.

NOTE: For best results, torque the screws again after the applicator reaches
operating temperature.

CAUTION: Installing swirl nozzles upside down deforms the disk and
prevents the bead from forming a spiral. If a deformed nozzle is then
correctly installed, adhesive may leak into the nozzle air section or an
abnormal pattern may be produced.

9. Reinstall the nozzle and retaining nut. Ensure that swirl nozzles are
correctly placed with the pointed side down. Torque the retaining nut to
20‐25 in‐lb.
10. Restore the system to normal operation by following the instructions in
the applicator product manual.

Figure 7‐10 Installing a Swirl


E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

7-10 Repair

Replacing the Service Block

Use this procedure to replace the service block. The service block is also
referred to as the gun body.

Removing the Service Block

1. Relieve hydraulic pressure (refer to the Relieving Hydraulic Pressure
procedure in Section3, Installation).
2. Move the applicator circuit breaker to the OFF position, then disconnect
and lock out input electrical power to the applicator (seeFigures7‐1
3. Reduce the air pressure to the gun to zero at the regulator.
4. Disconnect the gun‐to‐hose electrical connection.
5. Use two wrenches to remove the hose fitting from the gun swivel fitting.
Place one wrench on the gun fitting and the other wrench on the hose
6. Disconnect the extrusion and swirl (if applicable) air lines.
NOTE: To disconnect the extrusion air line, first unthread the tube nut
from the male connector, then unthread the male connector. To
disconnect a swirl line, unthread the tube nut from the male connector (it
is not necessary to remove the male connector from the air manifold).

Figure 7‐11 Disconnecting the

Gun from the Hose
7. Remove the six screws (three screws per side) from the service block,
then remove the service block cover (seeFigure7‐3).
8. Disconnect the heater cartridge leads from the cordset leads by
loosening the terminal block screws. Remove the heater cartridges and
set them aside.
9. Disconnect the ground wire and set the ground wire screw aside.
10. Remove the RTD mounting block screws, remove the RTD from its bore,
and set the mounting block and screws aside.
11. Unthread the cordset from the service block (the RTD and ground wire
are part of the cordset).
12. Disconnect the service block from the gun mounting plate by removing
the two socket‐head screws that secure the spacers to the gun mounting
plate. Set the socket‐head screws, split‐lock washers, spacers, and
insulator aside.

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Repair 7-11

13. Remove the following remaining components:

S auxiliary guide handle
S module
S multi‐plane swivel fitting
S service block pipe plugs
S air manifold (swirl gun only)



7 6

Figure 7‐12 Disassembling the Service Block

1. Multi‐plane swivel fitting 6. Service block pipe plugs
2. Insulator 7. Air manifold (swirl gun only)
3. Spacer 8. Auxiliary guide handle
4. Gun mounting plate 9. Service block
5. Module

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

7-12 Repair

Installing the Replacement Service Block

1. Mount the new service block (refer to Section8, Parts, for service block
part numbers) onto the gun mounting plate using the split‐lock washers,
socket‐head screws, spacers, and the insulator.
2. Thread the cordset into the service block.
3. Use the terminal block to reconnect the heater cartridge and cordset



4 3


Figure 7‐13 RTD and Heater Cartridge Electrical Connections

4. Insert the heater cartridges into the heater cartridge bores.
5. Reconnect the ground wire to the service block.
6. Replace the RTD in the RTD mounting block and install the RTD
mounting block onto the service block, routing the RTD leads as shown in

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Repair 7-13

7. Install the following remaining components:

S module
S air manifold (swirl gun only)
S air line(s)
NOTE: To reconnect the extrusion air line, first thread the male
connector into the service block, then thread the tube nut onto the male
connector. To reconnect the swirl air line, thread the tube nut onto the
male connector.

S service block pipe plugs

S auxiliary guide handle
S multi‐plane swivel fitting
8. Thread the hydraulic hose onto the hose swivel fitting until the connection
is finger tight.
9. Without overtightening, use two wrenches to attach the hose swivel fitting
to the gun swivel fitting.
10. Reconnect the gun‐to‐hose electrical connection.

Checking for Leaks

1. Switch the applicator circuit breaker to the ON position and then restore
input power to the applicator.
2. Let the applicator and hose reach operating temperature.
3. Tighten all hose‐to‐gun fittings.
4. Check for low pressure leaks between the hose‐to‐gun fittings.
5. Turn the air supply on.
6. While slowly restoring air pressure to the gun to 379 kPa (55 psi), check
for leakage. Re‐tighten fittings as necessary.

Restarting the System

1. Follow the start up procedures in the applicator product manual.
2. Trigger the gun until all cleaning solution is flushed out.
3. Resume normal operation.

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

7-14 Repair

Replacing the Air Valve

Use this procedure to replace the air valve inside the valve body. The valve
body is located inside the trigger handle shells.

1. Relieve hydraulic pressure (refer to the Relieving Hydraulic Pressure

procedure in Section3, Installation).
2. Move the applicator circuit breaker to the OFF position, then disconnect
and lock out input electrical power to the applicator (seeFigures7‐1
3. Disconnect the gun‐to‐hose electrical connection.

CAUTION: Risk of burns. Wear protective gloves when performing this

procedure to reduce the risk of burns from hot melt or equipment.

4. Remove the trigger handle from the gun mounting plate as follows:
a. Remove the high‐temperature air line tubing by depressing the red
collar on the inlet air line elbow connector and pulling the tubing out.
b. Disconnect the inlet air line elbow connector.
c. Remove the two socket‐head screws and split‐lock washers that
secure the gun mounting plate to the trigger handle.
d. Disconnect the outlet air line swivel fitting from the bulkhead fitting
(extrusion gun) or the T manifold (swirl gun).

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Repair 7-15

8 7

Figure 7‐14 Mounting Plate and Trigger Handle Components

1. Red collar on inlet air line elbow 6. Outlet air line swivel fitting
connector (swirl gun)
2. High‐temperature air line tubing 7. T manifold (swirl gun)
3. Socket-head screws 8. Gun mounting plate
4. Inlet air line elbow connector 9. Trigger handle
5. Outlet air line swivel fitting
(extrusion gun)

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

7-16 Repair

Replacing the Air Valve (contd)

5. Remove the six trigger handle shell screws and separate the two shells.
6. Remove the valve body and trigger assembly from the shell (the air line
can remain attached to the valve body). Be sure not to lose the wave

Figure 7‐15 Valve Body and Trigger Assembly

7. Rotate the trigger so that the hole in the trigger aligns with one of the cap
screws that secure the valve body to the trigger assembly, then remove
the screw. Rotate the trigger again to remove the other cap screw.
8. Remove the guide and the puller from the valve body.
9. Using a dental‐type tool, pry the retaining ring out of the valve body.
10. Using a small drift or rod, push the air valve out of the valve body.

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Repair 7-17

1 2 3 4 5

Figure 7‐16 Valve Body Components

1. Valve body 4. Guide
2. Air valve 5. Cap screw
3. Retaining ring 6. Puller

11. Clean the bore to remove any dirt or burrs.

12. Insert the replacement air valve (refer to Section8, Parts, for the air valve
part number).
13. Using a hollow tool (tube), press a new retaining ring into the bore until it
is seated on the air valve.
14. Reattach the trigger, guide and puller.
15. Reconnect the trigger to the valve body.
16. Reassemble the trigger handle as follows:
a. Place the trigger safety inside the trigger (ensure that it is positioned
correctly), then position the valve body, trigger, and trigger safety
inside the right‐hand half of the trigger handle shell (when the gun is
pointing away from you).
NOTE: Be sure that the wave spring is installed on the trigger safety
pivot post.

b. Thread the right‐side shell screw through the top of the shell into the
valve body.
c. Connect the valve body to the outlet air line.
d. Insert the pivot pin through the hole at the top of the trigger and into
the shell.
e. Position the left‐side shell and install all remaining shell screws.

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

7-18 Repair

Replacing the Air Valve (contd)

17. Position the trigger handle on the gun mounting plate and install the
split‐lock washers and socket‐head screws.
18. Reconnect the air line by threading the inlet air line elbow connector
through the gun mounting plate, then inserting the high‐temperature air
line tubing into the red collar on the elbow connector.
19. Reconnect the outlet air line swivel fitting from the bulkhead fitting
(extrusion gun) or the T manifold (swirl gun).
20. Restore the system to normal operation by following the instructions in
the applicator product manual.

Replacing the Air Valve Spring

Use this procedure to replace the air valve spring inside the valve body. The
valve body is located inside the trigger handle shells.

1. Relieve hydraulic pressure (refer to the Relieving Hydraulic Pressure

procedure in Section3, Installation).
2. Move the applicator circuit breaker to the OFF position, then disconnect
and lock out input electrical power to the applicator (seeFigures7‐1
3. Disconnect the gun‐to‐hose electrical connection.

CAUTION: Risk of burns. Wear protective gloves when performing this

procedure to reduce the risk of burns from hot melt or equipment.

4. Remove the trigger handle from the gun mounting plate as follows:
a. Remove the high‐temperature air line tubing by depressing the red
collar on the inlet air line elbow connector and pulling the tubing out.
b. Disconnect the inlet air line elbow connector.
c. Remove the two socket‐head screws and split‐lock washers that
secure the gun mounting plate to the trigger handle.

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Repair 7-19

d. Disconnect the outlet air line swivel fitting from the bulkhead fitting
(extrusion gun) or the T manifold (swirl gun).

8 7

Figure 7‐17 Mounting Plate and Trigger Handle Components

1. Red collar on inlet air line elbow 6. Outlet air line swivel fitting
connector (swirl gun)
2. High‐temperature air line tubing 7. T manifold (swirl gun)
3. Socket-head screws 8. Gun mounting plate
4. Inlet air line elbow connector 9. Trigger handle
5. Outlet air line swivel fitting
(extrusion gun)

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

7-20 Repair

Replacing the Air Valve Spring (contd)

5. Remove the six trigger handle shell screws and separate the two shells.
6. Remove the valve body and trigger assembly from the shell (the air line
can remain attached to the valve body). Be sure not to lose the wave

Figure 7‐18 Valve Body and Trigger Assembly

7. Rotate the trigger so that the hole in the trigger aligns with one of the cap
screws that secure the valve body to the trigger assembly, then remove
the screw. Rotate the trigger again to remove the other cap screw.

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Repair 7-21

8. Remove the guide and the puller from the valve body.
9. Remove the hex nut from the assembly.
10. Remove spring.
11. Install new spring.

1 2 3 4 5

Figure 7‐19 Valve Body Components

1. Valve body 6. Puller
2. Air valve 7. Hex nut
3. Retaining ring 8. Washer
4. Guide 9. Plate
5. Cap screw

12. Pre‐assemble the trigger, spring, guide, washer, plate and hex nut.
13. Reconnect the hex nut.
14. Reconnect the trigger assembly to the valve body.
15. Reassemble the trigger handle as follows:
a. Place the trigger safety inside the trigger (ensure that it is positioned
correctly), then position the valve body, trigger, and trigger safety
inside the right‐hand half of the trigger handle shell (when the gun is
pointing away from you).
NOTE: Be sure that the wave spring is installed on the trigger safety
pivot post.

b. Thread the right‐side shell screw through the top of the shell into the
valve body.
c. Connect the valve body to the outlet air line.
d. Insert the pivot pin through the hole at the top of the trigger and into
the shell.
e. Position the left‐side shell and install all remaining shell screws.

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

7-22 Repair

Replacing the Air Valve Spring (contd)

16. Position the trigger handle on the gun mounting plate and install the
split‐lock washers and socket‐head screws.
17. Reconnect the air line by threading the inlet air line elbow connector
through the gun mounting plate, then inserting the high‐temperature air
line tubing into the red collar on the elbow connector.
18. Reconnect the outlet air line swivel fitting from the bulkhead fitting
(extrusion gun) or the T manifold (swirl gun).
19. Restore the system to normal operation by following the instructions in
the applicator product manual.

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Parts 8-1

Section 8

Using the Illustrated Parts Lists

To order parts, call the Nordson Customer Service Center or your local
Nordson representative. Use these five‐column parts lists, and the
accompanying illustrations, to describe and locate parts correctly. The
following chart provides guidance for reading the parts lists.

The number in the Item column corresponds to the circled item number in the parts
list illustration. A dash in this column indicates that the item is an assembly.

The number in the Part column is the Nordson part number you can use to order the
part. A series of dashes indicates that the part is not saleable. In this case, you must
order either the assembly in which the part is used or a service kit that includes the
The Description column describes the part and
sometimes includes dimensions or specifications.

The Note column contains letters that refer to notes at

the bottom of the parts list. These notes provide
important information about the part.
The Quantity column tells you how many of the part
is used to manufacture the assembly shown in the
parts list illustration. A dash or AR in this column
indicates that the amount of the item required in
the assembly is not quantifiable.

Item Part Description Quantity Note

— 0000000 Assembly A —
1 000000 S Part of assembly A 2 A
2 ‐‐‐‐‐‐ S S Part of item 1 1
3 0000000 S S S Part of item 2 AR
NS 000000 S S S S Part of item 3 2
NOTE A: Important information about item 1
AR: As Required
NS: Not Shown

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

8-2 Parts

FP‐200 Gun System Major Components

Table 8‐1 lists the part numbers for the major components of the FP‐200 gun
system. Detailed parts lists for these components are provided later in this

Table 8‐1 FP‐200 Gun System Major Components

Item Part Description Comments
Gun 234 896 FP‐200 Swirl Gun Comes with CF‐200 wide pattern
module (P/N 157 266)
234 897 FP‐200 Extrusion Gun Comes with H‐200 adjustable module
(P/N 276 119)
Suspension 157 330 Kit, SUSP, FP200, 3FT, swing arm Sold as one part
725 471 Kit, SUSP, FP200, 6FT, swing arm Sold as one part
Hose 100 832 RTD‐style, high‐flex construction hose, Recommended for optimum
7.3m(24 ft) performance
104 008 RTD‐style, high‐flex construction hose, Use only if applicator is very close to
5m(16ft) gun
Optional 1051794 Service Kit, Module, ClassicBlue RC, 0.008 in. Order nozzle separately.
1051793 Service Kit, Module, ClassicBlue RC, 0.012 in. Order nozzle separately.
1051791 Service Kit, Module, ClassicBlue RC, 0.016 in. Order nozzle separately.
1051790 Service Kit, Module, ClassicBlue RC, 0.020 in. Order nozzle separately.

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Parts 8-3

FP‐200 Gun Parts Lists

FP‐200 Swirl Gun (Side and Top Views)

Item Part Description Quantity Note

– 234 896 Gun, FP‐200, Swirl –
NS 234 965 S Shield, Heat, FP‐200, Swirl 1
NS 276 644 S Clamp, Hose, 1.6in. x 1.874in. 12
NS 900 509 S Tubing, Polyethylene, 0.250 in. x 0.040 in., 50 ft 1
1 169 725 S Swivel, Ball, Multi‐Plane, 5/ in.
16 1
2 344 896 S Elbow, Male, 1/4 in. x 10‐32 1
3 981 735 S Screw, Fillister, 6‐32 x 0.50 in. with Poly‐Lok 4
4 971 607 S Connector, 10‐32 x 1/ in.
4 2
5 220 648 S Tubing, Air Supply, FP‐200 (High Temperature) 1
6 971 618 S Union, Tube, 1/ in.,
4 Brass 1
7 981 083 S Screw, Pan, 8‐32 x 0.250 in., Slotted 2
8 983 011 S Washer, Lock, Internal, 8 6
9 971 605 S Elbow, Universal (Extrusion Air Line) 1
10 234 858 S Fitting, Hose, Barb, Swivel 1
11 234 889 S Trigger, Gun, FP‐200 1
12 985 216 S Pin, Dowel, 0.25 in. x 1.25 in. 1
13 271 620 S Spring, Wave, Safety 1
14 234 888 S Shell, Handgun, Left, FP‐200 1
15 234 887 S Shell, Handgun, Right, FP‐200 1
16 982 743 S Screw, Socket, 8‐32 x 1.375 in. 2
17 220 645 S Hose, Module, FP‐200 1
18 101 887 S Clamp, Tube, 0.228 in. 1
19 234 870 S Spacer, FP‐200 2
20 157 215 S Insulator, Mount 1
21 234 879 S Tube, Module, FP‐200 1
22 973 402 S Plug, Pipe, Socket, Flush, 1/8 in. (Opposite Side) 1
23 1108371 S Lubricant, Never‐Seez, NSF‐H1 Food Grade –
24 973 403 S Plug, Pipe, Socket, Flush, 1/ in.
16 2
25 1051687 S Module, ClassicBlue CF, WP 1
26 220 643 S Connector, Male, 0.125 in. x 0.125 in. 2
27 981 056 S Screw, Socket, 8‐32 x 0.750 in. 2
28 983 011 S Washer, Lock, Internal, 8 2
29 234 964 S Manifold, Air, FP‐200 1
30 234 880 S Tube, Manifold, FP‐200 1
Continued on next page

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

8-4 Parts

FP‐200 Swirl Gun (Side and Top Views) (contd)

Item Part Description Quantity Note

31 157 205 S Body, Gun, FP‐200 (Service Block) 1
32 981 055 S Screw, Pan, 8‐32 x 0.250 in., Slotted 6
33 178 475 S Tag, Hot Surface 1
34 220 646 S Hose, Manifold, FP‐200 1
35 101 887 S Clamp, Tube, 0.228 1
36 174 881 S Cordset Assembly, FP‐200 with Eyelets 1
37 174 885 S Adhesive, Threadlocking –
38 234 882 S Regulator, Air, Miniature 1
39 234 883 S Bracket, Mounting 1
40 972 623 S Fitting, Barbed, Elbow, 1/ in.
4 x 1/ in.
8 1
41 981 837 S Screw, Pan, 6‐32 x 0.375 in., Slotted 2
42 220 647 S Hose, Valve, FP‐200 1
43 234 894 S Fitting, 10‐32, T, Manifold 1
44 971 605 S Elbow, Universal (Swirl Air Line) 1

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Parts 8-5

39 41
38 40

37 44

43 37

37 2 5 7 8
9 38
37 4 10
11 12

37 36 3 13

14 15
35 17

34 16 8
32 19

30 21

29 23 22

27 23
24 23
28 26 25

Figure 8‐1 FP‐200 Swirl Gun Parts (Side and Top Views)

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

8-6 Parts

FP‐200 Swirl Gun (Front View, Air Valve, Wiring and


Item Part Description Quantity Note

– 234 896 Gun, FP‐200, Swirl –
1 981 515 S Screw, Socket, 8‐32 x 0.437 in. 2
2 983 011 S Washer, Lock, Internal, 8 6
3 234 875 S Plate, Mounting, Gun, FP‐200 1
4 222 876 S Handle, Gun, FP‐200 (Auxiliary Guide Handle) 1
5 220 643 S Connector, Male, 0.125 in. x 0.125 in 1
6 1108372 S Lubricant, O-ring, NSF-H1, Food Grade –
7 985 111 S Rivet, Blind, 3‐32 x 0.125 in. 2
8 234 893 S Tag, Caution, Surface Temperature, FP‐200 1
9 332 421 S Spring, 0.21 in. x 0.50 in. 1
10 981 536 S Screw, Button, Socket, 6‐32 x 0.375 in. 2
11 332 419 S Guide, Puller, FP‐200 1
12 271 626 S Plate, Bearing 1
13 234 869 S Washer, 0.437 in. x 0.113 in. x 0.063 in. 1
14 982 804 S Hex Nut, Lock, 4‐40 1
15 332 420 S Puller, FP‐200 1
16 234 884 S Valve, Cartridge, 3‐Way (Air Valve) 1
17 986 503 S Retaining Ring, Internal, 37, Push‐On 1
18 234 867 S Body, Valve, Air, FP‐200 1
19 272 720 S Mounting Block, RTD, H‐20 1
20 981 005 S Screw, Round 5‐40 x 0.437 in., Slotted 2
21 939 586 S Connector, Plastic, 2 Station (Terminal Block) 1
22 972 862 S Eyelet, 0.065/0.075 in. x 0.187 in. 2
23 983 505 S Washer, Lock, Split, 5 1
24 981 000 S Screw, Fillister, 5‐40 x 0.250 in., Slotted 1
25 938 129 S Heater, Cartridge, 0.375 in., 1.00 in., 80W, 2

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Parts 8-7


6 5

9 10 11





21 22 17
HEATER 18 16

24 23
Figure 8‐2 FP‐200 Swirl Gun Parts (Front View, Air Valve, Wiring, and RTD)

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

8-8 Parts

FP‐200 Extrusion Gun (Side and Top Views)

Item Part Description Quantity Note

– 234 897 Gun, FP‐200, Extrusion 1
NS 234 970 S Heatshield, Gun, FP‐200, Extrusion 1
NS 276 644 S Clamp, Hose, 1.6 in. x 1.874 in. 12
NS 900 509 S Tubing, Polyethylene, 0.250 in. x 0.040 in., 50 ft. 1
1 169 725 S Swivel, Ball, Multi‐Plane, 5/ in.
16 1
2 344 896 S Elbow, Male, 1/4 in. x 10‐32 1
3 981 735 S Screw, Fillister, 6‐32 x 0.50 in. with Poly‐Lok 4
4 971 607 S Connector, 10‐32 x 1/ in.
4 1
5 220 648 S Tube, Air Supply, FP‐200 (High‐Temperature) 1
6 971 618 S Union, Tube, 1/ in.,
4 Brass 1
7 981 083 S Screw, Pan, 8‐32 x 0.250 in., Slotted 2
8 983 011 S Washer, Lock, Internal, 8, 2
9 234 883 S Bracket, Mounting 1
10 971 605 S Elbow, Universal (Extrusion Air Line) 1
11 234 858 S Fitting, Hose, Barb, Swivel 1
12 234 889 S Trigger, Gun, FP‐200 1
13 985 216 S Pin, Dowel, 0.250 in. x 1.250 in. 1
14 271 620 S Spring, Wave, Safety 1
15 234 888 S Shell, Handgun, Left, FP‐200 1
16 234 887 S Shell, Handgun, Right, FP‐200 1
17 982 743 S Screw, Socket, 8‐32 x 1.375 in. 2
18 101 887 S Clamp, Tube, 0.228 in. 1
19 234 870 S Spacer, FP‐200 2
20 157 215 S Insulator, Mount, FP‐200 1
21 234 879 S Tube, Module, FP‐200 1
22 1108372 S Lubricant, O-ring, NSF-H1, Food Grade –
23 973 402 S Plug, Pipe, Socket, Flush, 1/ in.
8 (opposite side) 2
24 1052938 S Module,SoildBlue S 1 A
25 973 403 S Plug, Pipe, Socket, Flush, 1/16 in. 1
26 981 055 S Screw, Pan, 8‐32 x 0.250 in., Slotted 6
27 178 475 S Tag, Surface 1
28 157 205 S Body, Gun, FP‐200 (Service Block) 1
29 220 645 S Hose, Module, FP‐200 1
30 174 881 S Cordset Assembly, FP‐200, with Eyelets 1
31 174 885 S Adhesive, Threadlocking –
32 971 605 S Elbow, Universal (Inlet Air Line) 1
33 972 623 S Fitting, Barbed, Elbow, 1/4 in. x 1/8 in. 1
Continued on next page

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Parts 8-9

Item Part Description Quantity Note

34 981 837 S Screw, Pan, 6‐32 x 0.375 in., Slotted 2
35 220 647 S Hose, Valve, FP‐200 1
36 234 885 S Fitting, Bulkhead 1
NOTE A: Reduced cavity modules may be ordered separately. Refer to Table 8‐1

33 34
31 32



7 8
10 31

31 4 5
11 31

31 2 12 13

3 14
31 30

17 8 15 16



23 22
22 25 24

Figure 8‐3 FP‐200 Extrusion Gun Parts (Side and Top Views)

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

8-10 Parts

FP‐200 Extrusion Gun (Front View, Air Valve, Wiring and


Item Part Description Quantity Note

– 234 897 Gun, FP‐200, Extrusion 1
1 981 515 S Screw, Socket, 8‐32 x 0.437 in. 2
2 983 011 S Washer, Lock, Internal, 8 6
3 234 875 S Plate, Mounting, Gun, FP‐200 1
4 222 876 S Handle, Gun, FP‐200 (Auxiliary Guide Handle) 1
5 220 643 S Connector, Male, 0.125 in. x 0.125 in 1
6 1108372 S Lubricant, O-Ring, NSF-H1, Food Grade –
7 985 101 S Rivet, Pop, 3‐32 x 0.125, Aluminum 2
8 234 893 S Tag, Caution, Surface Temperature, FP‐200 1
9 332 421 S Spring, 0.21 in. x 0.50 in. 1
10 981 536 S Screw, Button, Socket, 6‐32 x 0.375 in. 2
11 332 419 S Guide, Puller, FP‐200 1
12 271 626 S Plate, Bearing 1
13 234 869 S Washer, 0.437 in. x 0.113 in. x 0.063 in. 1
14 982 804 S Hex Nut, Lock, 4‐40 1
15 332 420 S Puller, FP‐200 1
16 234 884 S Valve, Cartridge, 3‐Way (Air Valve) 1
17 986 503 S Retaining Ring, Internal, 37, Push‐on 1
18 234 867 S Body, Valve, Air, FP‐200 1
19 272 720 S Mounting Block, RTD, H‐20 1
20 981 005 S Screw, Round, 5‐40 x 0.437 in., Slotted 2
21 939 586 S Connector, Plastic, 2 Station (Terminal Block) 1
22 972 862 S Eyelet, 0.065/0.075 in. x 0.187 in. 2
23 983 505 S Washer, Lock, Split, 5 1
24 981 000 S Screw, Fillister, 5‐40 x 0.250 in., Slotted 1
25 938 129 S Heater, Cartridge, 0.375 in., 1.00 in., 80W, 2

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Parts 8-11


6 5

9 10 11





21 22 17
HEATER 18 16

24 23
Figure 8‐4 FP‐200 Extrusion Gun Parts (Front View, Air Valve, Wiring, and RTD)

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

8-12 Parts

Module Parts Lists

CF‐200 Wide Pattern Swirl Gun Module

Item Part Description Quantity Note

- 1051687 Module, ClassicBlue CF,WP Ref

1 1051132 Screw, Spring Loading,ClassicBlue 1

2 272 289 Nut, Locking, 1/2‐28 in. 1

3 1051133 Air Cap, Adjuster, H200/ClassicBlue 1

4 987 022 Spring, Compression, 1.146 x 0.360 OD x 0.065 in. 1

5 150 170 Needle w/Piston, H200 1

6 940 090 O‐ring, Viton, 0.208 ID X .070W, BR, 10409 3

7 1106746 Body, Module 1

8 157 269 Seat, CF200, WP, W/Carbide 1

9 119 202 Nut, Retaining, nozzle 1

10 860 258 Screw, Fillister Head, 8‐32 x 0.875 in. 4

11 982 871 Screw, Socket, Cap, 10‐32 W/O Ring 2

12 1051134 Screw, Fil Hd, 6-32 x0.50, W/Lk Washer 2

13 1120201 Lubricant, O‐ring, NSF‐H1, 10 ML Tube -

14 1071968 Seal, Spring 0.100 x 0.442 x 0.130., PTFE 1

15 940 121 O‐ring, Viton, 0.364 ID X .070W, BR, 5060 1

16 - Not Used -

17 986 502 Retaining Ring, Internal, 43, Pushon 1

18 983 012 Disc, Seal Support 2

19 276 229 Seal, Hat, Unformed 2

20 - Not Used -

21 144 892 Spring, Compression, 0.420 in. x 0.750 in. 1

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Parts 8-13

7 1

13 6




13 15 5


13 6



Figure 8‐5 CF‐200 Wide Pattern Swirl Module Parts

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

8-14 Parts

H‐200 Adjustable Module

Item Part Description Quantity Note

- 1048115 Service kit, Module, ClassicBlue Ref

1 986 502 Ring, Retaining, Int., 43, Pushon 1

2 1106746 Body, Module, ClassicBlue 1

3 983 012 Disk, Seal Support, 0.100 X 0.442 X 0.130 2

4 276 229 Seal, Hat, Formed 2

5 1071968 Seal, Spring, 0.100 X 0.442 X 0.130 1

6 940 090 O‐ring, Viton, 0.208ID X 0.070W, BR, 10409 2

7 - Not Used -

8 - Not Used -

9 1051134 Screw, Fillister Head, 6‐32 x0.52, W/Lk Washer 2

10 1051132 Screw, Spring Loading, ClassicBlue 1

11 272 289 Nut, Locking, 1/2 ‐ 28 in. 1

12 987 022 Spring, Comp, 1.146 in. x 0.360 in. x 0.065 in. 1

13 1051133 Air Cap, Adjuster, H200/ClassicBlue 1

14 150 170 Needle w/Piston, H200 1

15 - Not Used -

16 - Not Used -

17 - Not Used -

18 1016230 Seat, w/Carbide, H200, Lapped 1

19 981 572 Screw, Oval, 8‐32 x 0.375, SL, ZN 4

20 982 871 Screw, Socket, Cap, 10‐32 W/O Ring 2

21 - This Item number is reserved -

22 1120201 Lubricant, O-Ring, NSF-H1, 10 ML Tube -

23 144 892 Spring, Compression, 0.420 in. x 0.500 1

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Parts 8-15






1 A

.948 6
3 4 .928

5 B
3 23
18 22

SCALE 4 : 1

Figure 8‐6 H‐200 Adjustable Module Parts

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

8-16 Parts

Reduced Cavity Module

Item Part Description Quantity Note

- 1051794 Service Kit, Module, ClassicBlue RC, 0.008 in. Ref
- 1051793 Service Kit, Module, ClassicBlue RC, 0.012 in. Ref
- 1051791 Service Kit, Module, ClassicBlue RC, 0.016 in. Ref
- 1051790 Service Kit, Module, ClassicBlue RC, 0.020 in. Ref
1 272 288 Screw, Loading 1
Nut, Locking, 1/ in.‐28 in.
2 272 289 2 1
3 276 112 Air Cap, Adjuster 1
4 981 001 Screw, Pan Head, #4‐40 x 0.187 in. 1
5 900 419 Adhesive, Loctite 620, Green, Hi Temp, 50ML -
6 - Lubricant, Rubber -
7 272 294 Washer, Seal, Piston 1
8 940 090 O‐ring, Viton, 0.208 ID X 0.070W ,BR,10409 2
9 940 121 O‐ring, Viton, 0.364 ID X 0.070W, BR, 5060 1
10 - Not Used -
11 163 035 Guide, Needle, H200 RC/ZC 1
12 - Nozzle, RC Module 1
13 1106746 Body, Module, ClassicBlue 1
14 272 293 Washer, Piston 2
15 1051134 Screw, Fillister Head, 6‐32X 0.50,W/ LK Washer 2
16 - Paste -
17 987 022 Spring, Comp., 1.146 in. X 0.360 in. X 0.065 in. 1
18 981 171 Screw, Socket Head, #10‐32 x 1‐1/4 in. 2
19 981 064 Screw, Pan Head, #8‐32 x 0.375, SL, ZN 4
20 986 502 Retaining Ring, Int, 43, Pushon 1
21 983 012 Disc, Seal Support 1
22 276 229 Seal, Hat, Unformed 2
23 - Seal, Spring Loaded, 1
24 - Not Used, -
25 - Needle, RC Module, 1
26 - Spring, Compression, 0.420 in. x 0.750 in. 1
- 161 334 Nozzle Assembly w/Needle, 0.008 in. RC Ref
- 161 336 Nozzle Assembly w/Needle, 0.012 in. RC Ref
- 161 337 Nozzle Assembly w/Needle, 0.016 in. RC Ref
- 161 338 Nozzle Assembly w/Needle, 0.020 in. RC Ref

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Parts 8-17



15 14


9 25




19 22

Figure 8‐7 Reduced Cavity Module Parts

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

8-18 Parts

Mast and Jib Assemblies

Item Part Description Quantity

- 157 330 Kit, SUSP, FP200, 3FT, swing arm -
1 1098523 Tool balancer, 6.6# capacity 1
- 725 471 Kit, SUSP, FP200, 6FT, swing arm -
1 1098747 Tool balancer, 11# capacity 1
NOTE A: Assemble tool support to floor stand with screws and nuts provided.
B: Make sure to slide the plastic cover over base flange assembly.

Figure 8-8 Suspension System Swing Arm,Floor Mount Mast with Dimensions

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Parts 8-19

Nozzle Parts List

The FP‐200 gun accommodates any standard H‐200 extrusion nozzle.
Table 8‐2 lists the part numbers for nozzles commonly used with the
FP‐200 gun.

Table 8‐2 Nozzles Commonly Used with the FP‐200 Gun

Nozzle Type Part No. Description Notes
Wide pattern 125 607 0.64mm(0.025 in.) orifice diameter One‐piece nozzle and nut assembly
swirl nozzles Use with CF‐200 wide pattern module
131 998 0.76mm(0.030 in.) orifice diameter
(P/N 157 266)
131 635 1.17mm(0.046 in.) orifice diameter
Swirl nozzles 104 100 0.20mm(0.008 in.) orifice diameter Use with CS‐WF nozzle retaining nut
(P/N 119 202)
104 101 0.25mm(0.010 in.) orifice diameter
Use with CF‐200 wide pattern module
860 548 0.31mm(0.012 in.) orifice diameter (P/N 157 266)

860 574 0.36mm(0.014 in.) orifice diameter

860 575 0.41mm(0.016 in.) orifice diameter
860 226 0.46mm(0.018 in.) orifice diameter
860 435 0.51mm(0.020 in.) orifice diameter
100 728 0.64mm(0.025 in.) orifice diameter
810 381 0.76mm(0.030 in.) orifice diameter
810 382 1.02mm(0.040 in.) orifice diameter
810 300 1.27mm(0.050 in.) orifice diameter
Extended 710 245 0.64mm(0.025 in.) orifice diameter 56mm(2.2 in.) engagement length
extrusion Use with H‐200 adjustable module
nozzles 709 018 1.07mm(0.042 in.) orifice diameter
(P/N 276 119)
710 246 1.55mm(0.061 in.) orifice diameter
724 268 2.29mm(0.090 in.) orifice diameter
703 223 4.75mm(0.187 in.) orifice diameter

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

8-20 Parts

Accessories, Kits, and Recommended Spare Kits

Tables 8‐3 through 8‐4 list commonly used accessories, kits, and spare parts
for the FP‐200 gun.

Table 8‐3 FP‐200 Gun Accessories and Kits

Part Description Notes

303 028 Conversion Kit, This kit may be used to convert an FP‐200 extrusion gun (P/N 234 896) to
Extrusion to Swirl, an FP‐200 swirl gun (P/N 234 897). Itcannot be used to convert an
FP‐200 Gun air‐control‐kit FP‐200 extrusion gun (P/Ns 176 122 and 157 253) to a current
FP‐200 extrusion gun (P/N 234 896). Order the heat shield separately.

303 029 Conversion Kit, Swirl to This kit may be used to convert an FP‐200 swirl gun (P/N 234 897) to an
Extrusion, FP‐200 Gun FP‐200 extrusion gun (P/N 234 896). Itcannot be used to convert an
air‐control‐kit FP‐200 swirl gun (P/Ns 173 209 and 153 609) to a current
FP‐200 swirl gun (P/N 234 897). Order the heat shield separately.
234 970 Heat Shield, FP‐200 Order with conversion kit It is not necessary to order a heat
Extrusion Gun P/N 303029 (swirl to extrusion). shield unless you are ordering a
conversion kit. Nordson FP‐200
guns (P/Ns234896 and 234 897)
234 965 Heat Shield, FP‐200 Order with conversion kit come with a heat shield. The heat
Swirl Gun P/N 303028 (extrusion to swirl). shield is required for the gun to meet
CE approval standards.

Table 8‐4 Other Accessories

Part Description Note
901 915 Nozzle Cleaning Kit
900 298 Heat‐conductive Paste
132 426 Hose/gun diagnostic device with cable assembly

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Parts 8-21

Accessories, Kits, and Recommended Spare Kits (contd)

NOTE: Replacement modules are available as new or rebuilt parts. Contact
the Nordson Customer Service Center for information on rebuilt modules
available through the Rebuild/Exchange (RBX) program.

Table 8‐5 Module Replacement Kits

Part Description Note

117 714 Service Kit, Extrusion Module, H‐200 Reduced Cavity, 0.30mm(0.012 in.) orifice
117 804 Service Kit, Extrusion Module, H‐200 Reduced Cavity, 0.41mm(0.016 in.) orifice
117 715 Service Kit, Extrusion Module, H‐200 Reduced Cavity, 0.51mm(0.020 in.) orifice
276 119 Service Kit, Module, H‐200 Adjustable A
NOTE A: Order nozzle separately.

Table 8‐6 Module Rebuilding Kits

Part Description Note

272 818 Service Kit, Seal, H‐200 Module A
NOTE A: This kit can be used to rebuild the H‐200 adjustable module (P/N 276 119) or the CF‐200 swirl module
(P/N157266). Order nozzles separately.

Table 8‐7 Recommended Spare Parts

Part Description Note

169 725 Swivel, Ball, Multi‐plane, 5/16 in.
938 129 Heater Cartridge, 0.038 in. x 1.00 in., 240V, 80W (Two per gun.)
986 503 Retaining Ring, Internal, 37, Push‐on (Required when replacing air valve.)
234 884 Valve, Cartridge, 3‐way (Air Valve)
174 881 Cordset Assembly, FP‐200 with Eyelets (Includes RTD.)
972 862 Eyelet, 0.065/0.075 x 0.187 in. A
982 804 Hex Nut, Lock, 4‐40 A
271 620 Spring, Wave, Safety A
NOTE A: These items are easily misplaced when performing maintenance or repairs.

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

8-22 Parts

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Options 9-1

Section 9

This section contains information on swirl gun options.

Heated Manifold Kit

The heated air manifold option supplies heated air to the gun nozzle. This is
used to enhance the swirl pattern for critical applications.

Use the installation instruction sheet that comes with the kit to install.

Refer to the following for parts included in the Heated Air Manifold Kit.

Item Part Description Quantity Note

— 724 795 Kit, heated air manifold, FP‐200 1 A
1 135 972 S Cable, adapter, 6P/12S, 24 ft., T‐style 1 B
2 274 685 S Cordset assembly, 2300 1
3 984 155 S Nut, panel mounting 1
4 983 161 S Washer, lock, e‐ring, 3/8 1
5 815 965 S Tubing, 4 OD x .1, 1 ft.
6 981 020 S Screw, pan, 6‐32 x .250, slotted 3
7 971 154 S Connector, male, 1/4 tube x 1/8 NPT, brass 1
Continued on next page

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

9-2 Options

Parts (contd)

Item Part Description Quantity Note

8 220 787 S Manifold, heated air, FP200 1

9 981 516 S Screw, socket‐head, 8‐32 x 1.125 2

10 972 508 S Nut, with ferrule, 1/

4 tube, brass S 1

NS 900 236 Sealant, paste —

NOTE A: Air regulator is not included with the heated air manifold kit.
B: Install this cable adapter between the heated air manifold kit and the applicator.
NS: Not Shown

2, 3, 4


Figure 9‐1 Gun with Heated Manifold

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Glossary 10-1

Section 10
Adhesive Any material that can be used to adhere or “stick” one surface to another.

Angel Hair Fine threads of adhesive caused by incomplete transfer of the adhesive
mass from applicator to substrate, followed by elongation of the connecting
bridges. May be caused by improper nozzle shutoff with a high viscosity

Applicator That part of the hot melt system that is used to heat adhesive to its required
application temperature and pump it to the hose(s) and gun(s). It consists of
a tank or reservoir, pump, filter, distribution manifold and temperature
controlled heating system.

Ball Check Valve An automatically actuated valve which is opened by fluid flow in one direction
and closed by flow in the opposite direction.

Bead Thickness The width of an adhesive bead which has been deposited on a substrate.
The measurement is taken before the bead has been flattened by adhering it
to another surface.

Cartridge Heater See Heater Cartridge.

Cast‐in Resistive Heating A non‐replaceable heating element specifically shaped to provide a uniform
thermal profile in the heated object.
Charring in Tank The degradation of a fluid that occurs as a result of time and exposure to
atmospheric air and/or heat.

Circuit Breaker An electronic device that acts to shut down a powered AC circuit when
current draw (amps) exceeds some preselected value or when certain fault
conditions exist.

Close‐on‐rise Thermostat A temperature control device that closes, completing an electronic circuit
upon reaching a specific temperature.

Crossover Tube The tube that connects the outlet port of a pump to the distribution manifold
of a hot melt applicator.

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

10-2 Glossary

Drop‐out Time The time between when the gun is signaled to stop and when the adhesive
flow actually does stop.

Dual‐acting Piston Pump A pump that delivers material on both the upstroke and the downstroke.

Enclosure Rating A manufacturer's statement of the maximum level of some external condition,
such as water or dust level, that the enclosure is capable of withstanding.

Encoder A speed‐sensing device which outputs a frequency of pulses proportional to

the measured line speed.

Extrusion Gun A spring‐loaded triggering device for dispensing or depositing material.

There are two basic types of guns, the manual gun which is actuated by hand
and the automatic gun which is actuated by process controls.

Filter Bung That part of a filter assembly external to the unit to which the filtering element
is attached, or contained within the unit. It is also used for access or

Flow Rate The amount of material flowing through the system per unit of time. The
amount may be expressed in gravimetric (weight) or volumetric terms.
Examples: grams/minute, ml/min, lb/hour, gallons/hour.

Four‐way Air Valve A valve typically used to pressurize one side of a double acting cylinder while
opening a exhaust path for the opposite side.

Gear‐to‐line See Key‐to‐line.

Gel A cross‐linked, insoluble material which can form in a hot melt applicator
under extended thermal stress.

Ground Wire A wire that connects all AC powered devices to earth ground.

Gun The device that dispenses a material (adhesive) onto a substrate or product.

Heater Cartridge A replaceable resistive heating element, tubular in shape, designed to fit in a
machined hole in the object to be heated.

Heating Bong The volume that is heated and thermally controlled by a single control device.

Hopper A container allowing non‐melted adhesive to be supplied on a continuous

basis to a melt zone.

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Glossary 10-3

Hot Melt Material The adhesive or thermoplastic material dispensed by the hot melt system.

Hot Melt System The applicator, hose(s), gun(s) and timing mechanism.

Key‐to‐line A system that regulates flow rate in proportion to the substrate (line) speed.

Level Indicator A device that shows the level of material in a tank, reservoir or hopper.

Light Emitting Diode (LED) A device that converts applied voltage to light. LEDs appear as colored
lights that indicate operating conditions.

Low Level Indicator See Level Indicator.

Manifold The device that distributes fluid and/or air.

Maximum Operating Gun The highest cycle rate of the gun that produces a repeatable pattern.
Maximum Pumping Rate The maximum adhesive flow rate achievable without exceeding any
operating limits. The maximum pumping rate is measured at the manifold
outlet. The rate is based on an adhesive with a given viscosity.

Melt Rate The rate at which a material can be melted continuously on a long‐term basis
while maintaining the output fluid temperature within a desired temperature
band. Commonly expressed in units of grams/minute, grams/hour, lb/min or

Nozzle The extrusion tip, the point at which the adhesive exits the gun. The nozzle
controls the adhesive stream's volume, shape and direction. Nozzles may
have single or multiple orifices.

Open Time The time after adhesive is applied during which a serviceable bond can be
made. Many factors affect open time, including temperature, substrate, the
adhesive used and the amount of adhesive applied.

Operating Air Pressure The pressure at which the pump and/or guns are operated. See product

Operating Temperature The range of temperatures in which the specific material or adhesive in use
functions satisfactorily in a particular application.
Overtemperature Protection A product feature that shuts down the unit or produces an alarm when
temperatures are outside a specified band.

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

10-4 Glossary

Parent Machine Interlock A product feature that prevents the parent machine from operating before the
hot melt system is ready.
Pattern Control A device that controls the dispensing of material.

Pressure‐Sensitive An adhesive that remains tacky after curing or setting.


Pull‐in Time The time between when the gun is signaled to start and when the adhesive
flow actually begins.

Pulses Per Minute Output signal frequency, often from an encoder, tach generator or similar

Pumping Rate The amount of material a pump can deliver per unit of time.

Rebuild and Exchange A Nordson program which offers factory rebuilt equipment at a reduced cost
in exchange for the customer's old equipment.
Regulator An adjustable device for maintaining pressure at the preset valve.

Relief Valve A safety device designed to release pressure if it exceeds a preset level.

Resistance Temperature A temperature‐sensing device that changes resistance at a predetermined

rate in response to changes in temperature.
Detector (RTD)
Run‐up A special case of Key‐to‐line or Gear‐to‐line, often applied to air control for
piston pumps.

Service Block Part of an automatic extrusion gun, the service block supplies the needed air,
adhesive and heat to make the gun operate.

Setting Time The time required for a material to reach a set state after being applied in a
fluid state.

Shifter Assembly A mechanical or electrical device used to switch a 4‐way air valve.

Slats A common shape of adhesive.

Slot Nozzle A nozzle that applies a film of adhesive instead of a bead.

Solenoid Valve An air control valve actuated by an electromagnetic coil.

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Glossary 10-5

Solid State Circuitry An electronic circuit whose operation depends upon any combination of
optical, electrical or magnetic phenomena within a solid. Specifically
excluded are circuits that depend upon physical movement, as well as those
requiring either contact with or avoidance of other solids, liquids, gases or

Solid State Device A device whose electrical functions are performed by semiconductors or
otherwise completely static components such as resistors and capacitors.
The device may contain components that do not depend on electronic
conduction in a vacuum or gas.

Solvent In the Nordson context, a material used to desolve hot melt adhesive to
facilitate system cleaning.

Stringing A defect in adhesive application characterized by hair‐like fibers of adhesive

emanating from the trailing edge of the bead. Stringing may produce
continuous fibers attached to the nozzle. It is most often caused by the gun
temperature being too cold.

Substrate The material or product on which the adhesive is applied.

Tank Capacity The amount of material that the tank can hold with the fluid level 25 mm (1
inch) from the top of the hopper or tank.

Tank Strainer A product feature that helps keep large pieces of foreign material out of the

Tank Volume The volume that the tank can hold when it is filled. The displacement of the
pump is taken into account in this measurement.

Temperature Sensor That part of a temperature control system that detects the temperature and
feeds this information to the control device.

Temperature Setback A product feature by which the system temperature may be automatically
reduced to a preset number of degrees.

Thermoplastic Material A synthetic material which is solid at room temperature, becomes soft when
heated, and returns to solid form upon cooling.

Timing Device See Pattern Control.

Touch Pad Operator interface.

Unlubricated Air Air free of oil.

Viscosity A physical measurement of resistance to flow.

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

10-6 Glossary

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Index i


Adhesive Pattern Adjustment, Swirl Gun, 3, 4‐3 Flushing
Air Control Kit, Replacing, 3‐6 All modules except reduced cavity, 3‐19
Reduced cavity modules, 3‐20
Air Pressure Regulator, Installing, 3‐14
FP-200 Gun
Air Supply Converting, 2‐4
Connecting to gun, 3‐14 Description, 2‐1
Connecting to gun, 3‐7 Installing, 3‐1
Air Valve, Replacing, 7‐14 Maintaining, 5‐1
Operating, 4‐1, 11‐1
Approvals, 2‐4 Operational Checks, 6‐6
Auxiliary Guide Handle, Installing, 3‐13 Parts, 8‐1
Repairing, 7‐1
Specifications, 2‐5
C Troubleshooting, 6‐1

Extrusion nozzles, 5‐3
Safety instructions, 1‐7
Swirl nozzles, 5‐6 Gun Body. See Service Block
System, 5‐8
Conversion Kits
Description, 2‐4 H
Part numbers, 8‐19
Heat Shield, Installing, 3‐14
Heater Cartridge, Replacing, 7‐6
D Hose
Connecting to applicator, 3‐14
Diagnostics. See Operational Checks Connecting to gun, 3‐7
Connecting to suspension system, 3‐9

Extrusion Gun
Components, 2‐2
Converting to swirl, 2‐4
Parts, 8‐8

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

ii Index

Installation Operational Checks
Air pressure regulator, 3‐14 Heater, 6‐8
Air supply line, 3‐7, 3‐14 Module, 6‐2
Auxiliary guide handle, 3‐13 Nozzle, 6‐6
Gun and hose, 3‐6 RTD, 6‐9
Heat shield, 3‐14 Service block, 6‐7
Pivoting arm, 3‐4 Thermostat, 6‐9
Suspension System, 3‐2 Options, Heated air manifold kit, 9‐1
Tool balancer, 3‐5
Vertical mast, 3‐3 Order form, 9

Maintenance Parts
Daily, 3, 5‐2 Accessories, 8‐19
Gun inspection, 5‐8 CF-200 wide pattern module, 8‐12
Nozzle cleaning, 5‐2 Extrusion gun, 8‐8
Semiannual, 5‐2 H-200 adjustable module, 8‐14
Weekly, 5‐2 H-200 reduced cavity module, 8‐16
Major system components, 8‐3
Mast, Installing, 3‐3 Module rebuilding kit, 8‐20
Modules Module replacement kits, 8‐20
Flushing, 3‐18 Modules, 8‐12
Operational check, 6‐2 Nozzle cleaning kit, 8‐19
Parts, 8‐12 Nozzles, 8‐18
Rebuilding, 7‐1 Spare parts, 8‐20
Rebuilding kit, 8‐20 Swirl gun, 8‐4
Replacement kits, 8‐20 Pivoting Arm, Installing, 3‐4
Replacing, 7‐8

Reduced Cavity Modules. See Modules
Cleaning, 5‐2 Relieving Hydraulic Pressure, 3‐15
Operational check, 6‐6 Repair
Part numbers, 8‐18 Air valve, 7‐14
Swirl nozzle selection, 2‐6 Heater cartridge, 7‐6
Module, 7‐8
RTD, 7‐2
Service block (gun body), 7‐10
RTD, Replacing, 7‐2

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

Index iii

Safety Thermostat, Replacing, 7‐5
Cleaning, 1‐7 Tool Balancer
Installation and electrical connections, 1‐4 Decreasing Tension, 3‐12
Maintenance/Repair, 1‐6 Increasing tension, 3‐12
Operation, 1‐4 Installing, 3‐5
Symbols, 1‐2
Thermoplastic, 1‐8
Trigger Handle, Rotating, 3‐13
Service Block, Replacing, 7‐10
Troubleshooting, 6‐1
Spare Parts, Recommended, 8‐20
Suspension System
Description, 2‐1
Installing, 3‐2
Swirl Gun Wide Pattern Swirl Nozzles, 7‐5
Adhesive pattern adjustment, 3, 4‐3 Part numbers, 8‐18
Components, 2‐1 Selecting, 2‐6
Converting to extrusion, 2‐4
Parts, 8‐4
Swirl Nozzles
Part numbers, 8‐18

E 2012 Nordson Corporation Part 237478_03

iv Index

Part 237478_03 E 2012 Nordson Corporation

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