1st Year Syllabus
1st Year Syllabus
1st Year Syllabus
Sl. No. Course Code Subjects L T P Total Credit
1 PH10001 Physics 3 0 0 3 3
2 MA11001 Differential Equations and 3 1 0 4 4
Linear Algebra
3 Science Elective 2 0 0 2 2
4 Engineering Elective II 2 0 0 2 2
5 LS10001 Science of Living Systems 2 0 0 2 2
6 CH10003 Environmental Science 2 0 0 2 2
Total Credit (Theory Subjects) 15 15
1 PH19001 Physics Lab 0 0 2 2 1
2 CS19001 Programming Lab 0 2 4 6 4
3 CE18001 Engineering Drawing & 0 0 2 2 1
Total Credit (Practical Subjects) 10 6
Total Credit (Semester) 25 21
Sl. No. Course Code Subjects L T P Total Credit
1 CH10001 Chemistry 3 0 0 3 3
2 MA11002 Transform Calculus and 3 1 0 4 4
Numerical Analysis
3 HS10001 English 2 0 0 2 2
4 EC10001 Basic Electronics 2 0 0 2 2
5 Engineering Elective l 2 0 0 2 2
6 Social Science Elective 2 0 0 2 2
Total Credit (Theory Subjects) 15 15
1 CH19001 Chemistry Lab 0 0 2 2 1
2 YG18001 Yoga 0 0 2 2 1
3 EX19001 Engineering Lab 0 0 2 2 1
4 ME18001 Workshop 0 0 2 2 1
5 HS18001 Communication Lab 0 0 2 2 1
Total Credit (Practical Subjects) 10 5
Total Credit (Semester) 25 20
Sl. No. Course Code Subjects L T P Total Credit
1 CH10001 Chemistry 3 0 0 3 3
2 MA11001 Differential Equations and 3 1 0 4 4
Linear Algebra
3 HS10001 English 2 0 0 2 2
4 EC10001 Basic Electronics 2 0 0 2 2
5 Engineering Elective l 2 0 0 2 2
6 Social Science Elective 2 0 0 2 2
Total Credit (Theory Subjects) 15 15
1 CH19001 Chemistry Lab 0 0 2 2 1
2 YG18001 Yoga 0 0 2 2 1
3 EX19001 Engineering Lab 0 0 2 2 1
4 ME18001 Workshop 0 0 2 2 1
5 HS18001 Communication Lab 0 0 2 2 1
Total Credit (Practical Subjects) 10 5
Total Credit (Semester) 25 20
Sl. No. Course Code Subjects L T P Total Credit
1 PH10001 Physics 3 0 0 3 3
2 MA11002 Transform Calculus and 3 1 0 4 4
Numerical Analysis
3 Science Elective 2 0 0 2 2
4 Engineering Elective II 2 0 0 2 2
5 LS10001 Science of Living Systems 2 0 0 2 2
6 CH10003 Environmental Science 2 0 0 2 2
Total Credit (Theory Subjects) 15 15
1 PH19001 Physics Lab 0 0 2 2 1
2 CS19001 Programming Lab 0 2 4 6 4
Engineering Elective I
Sl. No. Course Code Subjects L T P Total Credit
1 CE10001 Basic Civil Engineering 2 0 0 2 2
2 ME10003 Basic Mechanical Engineering 2 0 0 2 2
3 EE10002 Basic Electrical Engineering 2 0 0 2 2
Engineering Elective II
Sl. No. Course Code Subjects L T P Total Credit
1 EE10001 Machine Learning 2 0 0 2 2
2 ME10001 Engineering Mechanics 2 0 0 2 2
3 EC10003 Biomedical Engineering 2 0 0 2 2
4 EE10003 Basic Instrumentation 2 0 0 2 2
Science Elective
Sl. No. Course Code Subjects L T P Total Credit
1 CH10005 Nano Science 2 0 0 2 2
2 PH10003 Smart Materials 2 0 0 2 2
3 LS10003 Molecular Diagnostics 2 0 0 2 2
4 PE10002 Science of Public Health 2 0 0 2 2
5 MA 10003 Optimization Techniques 2 0 0 2 2
Course Objective
This subject is designed to enrich the basic knowledge of engineering students in the field of physics
and to support the engineering and research programs. The subject will also help the students to
develop mathematical models to understand the behavior of physical systems and phenomena.
Course Outcomes
CO1 :Learn the basic concepts of oscillation, waves, wave function and fields,
CO2 :Understand the principles of wave phenomena in light and matter, and the
quantum mechanics,
CO3 :Apply the principles of oscillation, superposition of waves, electromagnetic theory, and
quantum mechanics in different fields,
CO4 :Analyze different types of particle motion in different media,
CO5 :Evaluate the problem-solving skills for the topics learnt, and
CO6 :Develop critical thinking ability supported by the learned concepts of Physics.
Damped Harmonic Oscillation (underdamped, overdamped and critically damped), Energy decay,
Relaxation time, Quality factor, Forced oscillation, Resonance, Coupled oscillations, Applications.
Diffraction and its applications, Types of diffraction, Fraunhofer diffraction by a single slit, Plane
diffraction grating (condition of maxima, minima), Maximum order of observable spectra, Absent
spectra, and Dispersive power, Applications.
Quantum Mechanics
Dual nature of radiation and matter, de Broglie hypothesis for matter waves, Phase velocity and
Group velocity, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and applications, Wave function and its
interpretation, Concepts of operators, Schrodinger’s time-dependent and time-independent equations,
Postulates of Quantum mechanics, Particle in one-dimensional box and applications, Quantum
tunnelling and applications.
Electromagnetic Theory
Vector calculus: scalar and vector field, Gradient, divergence and curl, Line, surface and volume
integrals, Gauss divergence and Stoke’s theorem, Maxwell's equations in differential and integral
form with necessary derivations. Electromagnetic wave equations, Transverse nature of
electromagnetic waves.
Optical fiber
Principle, Construction, Types of optical fiber, Acceptance angle, Numerical aperture, Applications.
Text Book
1. B. K. Pandey and S. Chaturvedi, Engineering Physics, Cengage Publication, New Delhi, 2nd
Edition 2022, ISBN-13: 978-81-953536-7-5.
Reference Books
Course Objective
This course is designed to enrich the students with the basic concepts in Chemistry and to strengthen
their fundamentals which will support them to pursue education and research in engineering. The
course will help the students to conceptualize alternative sources of energy by electrochemical means
and use the instrumental techniques to explore chemical products.
Course Outcomes
CO1 : Rationalize bulk properties and processes using thermodynamic consideration and
apply the knowledge to decide the feasibility of a given process,
CO2 : Analyze the kinetics of multistep reactions as well as the theories of reaction rates,
CO3 : Understand the importance of catalysis and their mechanism of action and applications,
CO4 : Apply the principles of electrochemistry to evaluate properties, such as pH, solubility
Product, etc. and understand the working principle of modern batteries,
CO5 : Apply different spectroscopic techniques, such as UV-Vis, IR and NMR, for structural
Elucidation, and
CO6 : Differentiate between smart and intelligent materials.
Chemical Kinetics
Rate of reaction and rate laws of multiple reactions (steady-state approximation), and of parallel,
opposing and consecutive reactions; Theories of reaction rate: Collision theory, Lindemann
modification, Absolute reaction rate; Catalysis: Types, theories, and kinetics of enzyme catalysis
(Michaelis-Menten mechanism).
UV-Vis spectroscopy: Beer-Lamberts law, Types of transition, Concept of auxochrome and
chromophores, Factors affecting max and, Woodward-Fieser rules for calculation of max in diene
systems; IR spectroscopy: Types of vibration, Hooks law, detection of functional groups like C=C, -
OH, -NH2 and -C=O;
NMR Spectroscopy
Basics of NMR Spectroscopy: Theory, Chemical shift, Shilding-deshilding effect, Structural
elucidation of simple compounds.
Text Book
1. S Chawala, Engineering Chemistry, Dhanpat Rai and Co, 4th Edition, ISBN: 9788177001938.
Reference Books
5. S Glasstone, Elements of Physical chemistry-, Macmillan publishers, 2nd Edition ISBN: 978-
6. D.J. Leo, Engineering Analysis of Smart Material Systems, Wiley 2007, 1st Edition ISBN:
Course Objective
This course is designed to create awareness in the students on monitoring, assessment, and
management of environmental pollutants. The subject will also make the students aware of more
benign chemistry, i.e.,green chemistry, and help them to understand the implementation of
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
Course Outcomes
Modern water purification system, Water quality parameters like hardness, Water softening process
(permutit), WHO guidelines for drinking water.
Text Book
Reference Books
Course Objective
The objective of this course is to familiarize the prospective engineers with techniques in ordinary
differential equations and linear algebra. It aims to equip the students to tackle advanced level of
mathematics and applications that they would find useful in their disciplines.
Course Outcomes
CO3 : Develop an ability to solve 2ndand higher order ODEs,
CO4 : Apply the knowledge of special function in engineering problems,
CO5 : Use the essential tool of matrices and linear algebra in a comprehensive manner, and
CO6 : Apply the knowledge of Eigen value and Eigen vector in the field of engineering and
also get the concept of complex matrices.
Special Functions
Improper Integrals for one variable, some test for convergence of improper integrals, Gamma
function, Properties, Beta function, Relation between Gamma and Beta functions. Radius of
convergence of power series, Legendre equation. Legendre polynomial. Recurrence relations
and Orthogonality property of Legendre polynomial. Bessel’s equation, Bessel’s function,
Recurrence relation.
Text Book
Reference Books
Course Objective
The objective of this course is to familiarize the students with the methods of Laplace and Fourier
transformation and various numerical techniques to solve engineering problems.
Course outcomes
CO1 : Apply Laplace Transform to problems in the field of science and engineering,
CO2 : Use Fourier series and Transform as a tool to solve differential equations,
CO3 : Estimate the error in the results obtained in the numerical methods,
CO4 : Solve nonlinear equations that arise in engineering problems and interpolation,
CO5 : Know various numerical methods of differentiation and integration, and
CO6 :Apply numerical solution of differential equations and systems of linear equations.
Laplace Transforms
Laplace Transform, Inverse Laplace Transform, Linearity, Transform of derivatives and integrals,
Unit Step function, Dirac delta function, Second shifting theorem, Differentiation and integration of
transforms, Convolution, Solution of ODEs and integral equation by Laplace transform.
Fourier Series and Transform: Fourier series, Arbitrary periods, Even and odd functions, Half range
expansions, Fourier integral, Cosine and sine transforms, Fourier Transform, Inverse Fourier
Transform, Linearity, Fourier Transform of derivative, Convolution.
Interpolation & Approximation Finite Differences, Operators and Relation between them.
Interpolation: Newton's forward and backward difference interpolation, Newton's divided difference
interpolation and Lagrange interpolation.
Text Books
Reference Books
Course Objective
The objective of the course is to enrich the basic knowledge of students in the field of biology and use
that knowledge to support the engineering and research programs. Besides, the course also helps to
learn methodology to establish models for various biological phenomena and apply the
aforementioned models to predict/analyse the functionality of various systems.
Course Outcomes
CO1 : Learn the typical characteristics that distinguish life forms and analyze life process at
cellular level,
CO2 : Apply concepts on structure and function of simple biomolecules in life processes
CO3 : Understand different process involved in life and analyse their effects,
CO4 : Analyse different biological phenomena and relate them to engineering applications,
CO5 : Comprehend different physiological functions and relate them to computer-based
techniques, and
CO6 : Implement concepts of biology and their relevance to engineering and technology.
Enzymes, Photosynthesis, Metabolism and Bioenergetics
Enzymes: Introduction, structure, properties, Classification, Mechanism of enzyme actions, Factors
affecting enzyme action, Strategies utilized by enzymes to affect catalysis. Photosynthesis:
Introduction, pigments, process of photosynthesis, Mechanism of photosynthesis (light reaction and
dark reaction). Metabolism and Bioenergetics: Anabolism and catabolism.
Text Book
Reference Books
1. P. H. Raven and G.B. Johnson. Biology (Indian Edition), Tata McGraw Hill Education
Publication,13th Edition, 2023.
2. E D. Enger, Feederick C, Ross and David B. Bailey. Concepts of Biology,Tata McGraw-Hill
Publication, 14th Edition, 2011.
3. Neil A. Campbell and Jane B. Recee, Biology, Pearson Education, 8th Edition , December
4. Cecie Starr, Biology Concepts and Application, Thomson Books, 6th Edition, January 2006.
Course Objective
The objective of the course is to develop and improve, in the students, the skills of active listening,
speaking, reading, and writing in English, through lecture classes and practice sessions, and improve
their professional communication abilities. The course will help the students to enhance their critical
thinking and situational communicative skills through the study of contemporary social issues
depicted in literature.
Course Outcomes
Professional Communication
Process of Communication: Definition, Explanation & Diagram, Difference Between General and
Technical Communication; Methods of Communication (Verbal & Non-Verbal); Non-Verbal
Communication (Kinesics, Proxemics, Chronemics, Oculesics, Olfactics, Gustorics, Haptics, and
Iconics); Paralanguage; Flow of Communication (Formal & Informal); Levels of Communication; and
Barriers of Communication (Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, and Organizational).
English Literature
Short Story – O. Henry: ‘Gift of the Magi;’Short Story – Ismat Chughtai: ‘Sacred Duty;’; Poem –
Robert Frost: ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening;’Poem – Tennessee Williams: ‘We Have Not
Long to Love;’ and Drama: William Shakespeare: Merchant of Venice.
Text Book
Reference Books
1. Sidney Greenbaum. The Oxford Grammar (English). Oxford University Press, 1st Edition.
2. S Verma,Technical Communication for Engineers, Vikas Publishing House,2015.
3. R Dove,The Penguin Anthology of 20th Century American Poetry,Penguin Books. 2013.
4. The Merchant of Venice (The New Cambridge Shakespeare). Mahood & Lockwood eds.
CUP. 2018.
Course Objective
The subject is designed to familiarize students of all branches to the all-pervasive field of Electronics,
enable them to carry out research in interdisciplinary fields involving semiconductor devices, and
utilize the knowledge in solving practical problems in real life in today’s age of electronics.
Course Outcomes
Text Book
1. J Millman, Christos C. Halkias & C D. Parikh, Integrated Electronics: Analog and digital
circuits and Systems , 9th Edition, 2021.
Reference Books
Subject Code: CH10005
Credit: 2-0-0 2
Prerequisite: Nil
Course Objective
This course is designed to educate, inspire, and motivate young students about nanoscience,
nanotechnology, and their applications. The course provides information on the latest innovations in
this field to get insights into the nanomaterials synthesis/fabrication and applications that can be
achieved at a nanoscale.
Course Outcomes
Concept and Classifications based on dimensions and compositions, Significance of nanosize:
Surface area to volume changes; Properties changing with size (reactivity, melting point, catalytic,
electrical, optical), Nanoscience in nature, and Quantum dots as data storage.
Synthesis of nanomaterials
Top-down synthesis (Mechanical method-ball milling, Photolithography, Laser ablation, sputtering),
Bottom up (pyrolysis, sol-gel, CVD, self-assembly), Green synthesis (metallic nanoparticles, metal
oxides), Biosynthesis.
XRD-X-ray generation, Working principle (Bragg’s law), Peak broadening in nanomaterials (Scherrer
formula), Electron microscopy (SEM, TEM)—high energy electron generation, electron optics,
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)—secondary, back scattered, EDX, Transmission Electron
Microscopy (TEM)—bright field imaging, dark field imaging, and Selected area diffraction pattern.
Cosmetics—ZnO, SiO2, TiO2 Nanoparticles in cosmetics, SiO2 TiO2 in toothpaste, silver, gold, copper
nanoparticles in skin care product; Medical Fields—MRI, CT scan contrast enhancement agent, Drug
and gene delivery system, Magnetic hyperthermia treatment; Agriculture—Nano-pesticides,
herbicides, and fungicides, Food packaging; Aerospace and Aviation Industries—Carbon nanotubes
(CNT)nanocomposites, Metal Nanoparticle-Polymer composites, SiC Nanoparticle reinforced
alumina (high temperature strength, creep resistance); and Nanomaterials for Environmental
Remediation—Degradation/removal of pollutants.
Text Book
1. B S Murty, P Shankar, Baldev Raj, B B Rath and James Murday,Textbook of Nanoscience
and Nanotechnology, 1st Edition, , SBN- : 978-8173717383.
Reference Books
1. Luisa Filipponi and Duncan Sutherland.,Nanotechnologies: Principles, Applications,
Implications and Hands-on Activities, Edited by the European Commission Directorate-
General for Research and Innovation Industrial technologies (NMP) program, 2012, ISBN:
2. Charles P. Poole Jr., Frank J. Owens., Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, An
Indian Adaptation, 3rd Edition, , SBN- : 978-9354240201.
3. P. I. Varghese, T. Pradeep. A Textbook of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Tata McGraw
Hill Education, 2017, ISBN: 9781259007323.
Course Objective
This course is designed with the objective of enabling engineering students to get a flavour of
advances in materials science. The knowledge of smart materials learnt by the students in the course
will let them to realize the usefulness of various new-age materials for technological advances and
allow them to explore further in their higher semesters. This course will help them bridge the gap
between traditional text book science put into physics, chemistry, etc. and the state-of-the-art science
of materials.
Course outcomes
At the end of the course, the students will be able to
CO5 : Apply the acquired knowledge of smart materials in different applications, and
CO6 : Evaluate the importance of smart materials in day-to-day life.
Shape-memory Alloys
Shape memory alloys (SMAs) and properties, Phase change in SMAs, Shape memory effect: One-
way and two-way, binary, and ternary alloy systems, Applications.
Chromic Materials
Photochromic, Thermochromic, Electrochromic, Magneto-chromic and Piezo-chromic Materials.
Multiferroic Materials
Multiferroics definitions, Ferroic phases, Magnetoelectric coupling; Type-I and Type-II multiferroics,
Mechanism: Charge ordering, lone pair, geometric effect, and spin driven mechanism; Multiferroic
materials, Applications.
Text Book
Reference Books
Course Objective
The objective of the course is to understand methods and techniques that are used to study biological
processes in living beings. They include experimental and methodological approaches, protocols and
tools for biological research.
Course Outcomes
CO1 : Learn the basics of Genes, Chromosomes, DNA, RNA and proteins along with their
CO2 : Understand the principles and working mechanisms of various instruments used in the
study of biological processes in living things,
CO3 : Apply the knowledge of different diagnostics methods for quantitative estimation of
xenobiotics (drugs and their metabolites) and biotics (proteins, DNA, metabolites) in
biological systems,
CO4 : Analyze the recent developed techniques which are required for gene editing and their
CO5 : Evaluate the role of various bio-analytical techniques in environmental studies,
biomedical sciences, life sciences, molecular biology, and biotechnological research, and
CO6 : Implement the knowledge of diagnostics in designing point-of-care instruments for
different diseases.
Overview of DNA, RNA, and Proteins, Chromosomal structure & mutations, DNA polymorphisms;
and Gene and Genetic errors.
Point-of-Care Devices
Biosensors and nano-biosensors for disease and metabollites detection.
Text Book
Reference Books
1. N Rifai, Andrea Rita Horvath and Carl T. Wittwer, Principles and Applications of Molecular
Diagnostics,2018, Elsevier Publisher, 1st Edition, 2018.
2. K G Ramawat & Shaily Goyal, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, ISBN9788121935128
Publisher S Chand & Co., 2nd Edition, 2010.
3. H Lodish, Arnold Ber, Molecular Cell Biology, WH Freeman Publisher, 8th Edition, 2016,
ISBN-10 9781464187445.
Course Objective
The objective of this course is to orient the students to core scientific disciplines in public health
Course Outcomes
Health behavior change models for public health interventions, Health Belief Model, Transtheoretical
Model.The theory of planned behavior, Health communication to improve the outcome of public
health interventions
Environment & climate change, Ecosystem, Environmental health policy and legal mechanisms in a
national and international context, Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) guidelines, Lifestyle and
dietary effects on health, food safety and sanitation, Environmental pollution, waste disposal and
Outline of study designs (including cross-sectional study design, case-control study design, cohort
study design and randomized control trials); Introduction to confounding and bias; Screening tests-
validity and reliability methods.
Systems approach (input, process and outcome) in public health. Innovations in human resource
management, procurement of health care goods, Health management information system, Horizontal
and vertical integration of public health interventions, Public-Private mix.
Understanding community, Community health related needs assessment, Community orientation and
Community mobilization, Introduction to digital health.
Text Books
1. R Detal, Oxford Textbook of Global Public Health, Oxford, 7th Edition, 2021.
2. K Parks, Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine, M/S Banarsidas Bhanot Publishers, .
26th Edition, 2021.
Reference Books
1. Robert H. Friis,. Essentials of Environmental Health, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2018
2. Warrier S,. Information and Communication Technologies in Public Health A
Sociological Study,CBS Publishers, 2020.
3. Baker JJ. Baker RW, Dworkin NR, Health Care Finance: Basic Tools for Non-
financial Managers., Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc, 5th edition. 2017.
4. Ross TK, Practical Budgeting For Health Care: A Concise Guide, Jones and
Bartlett Publishers, Inc, 2020.
Course Objective
To familiarise the students with a few rudimentary and popular optimization techniques to enable
them to solve resource-constrained real world problems.
Course outcomes
CO1 :Know the concept of Linear programming problem (LPP) and will able to formulate
linear programming problem,
CO2 :Understand the basic terminology and concepts of solving LPP,
CO3 :Solve LPP by simplex method,
CO4 :Know the concept of duality in Optimization technique,
CO5 :Apply optimization technique to solve transportation problem, and
CO6 :Solve assignment problem.
Linear Programming
Mathematical foundations and basic definitions, Linear optimization: Formulation and graphical
solution of linear programming problems, Simplex method, Duality.
General structure of a transportation problem, Finding initial basic feasible solution by North-West
corner rule, Least-Cost method and Vogel’s Approximation Method, and Testing for optimality.
Assignment Problem
Hungarian assignment method, Unbalanced assignment problems, Restrictions in assignment,
Travelling Salesman model.
Text Book
Reference Books
1. K. Gupta, Kanti Swarup, and Man Mohan .,Operations Research, P., S.Chand &Co, 2004.
2. N. S. Kambo, Mathematical Programming Techniques.,East West Press, 1997.
3. R. Fletcher., Practical Methods of Optimization, 2nd Ed., John Wiley, 1987.
4. Hanif D, Sherali, M. S. Bazarra. & J.J. Jarvis, Linear Programming and Network Flows,
Wiley Publication. 2nd Edition.
Course Objective
The course is designed to provide an overview of different aspects of civil engineering profession ,
namely, surveying, materials, structural, and geotechnical engineering, hydraulics and water
resources, environmental engineering, and transportation engineering and their roles in the societal
Course Outcomes
CO1 : Understand the importance and practical applications of different types of surveying,
CO2 : Learn about the different construction materials and understand the philosophy of structural
analysis and design,
CO3 : Understand engineering behaviour of soil and types of foundations,
CO4 : Understand different hydraulics, hydrological and water resources engineering applications,
CO5 :Learn about the management strategies of wastewater and solid waste, and
CO6 :Understand the basics of different types of highways, railways, ports and harbours.
Role of civil engineers in designing, building, and maintaining infrastructure and improving quality
of life,Specializations in the civil engineering and their specific roles.
Plans, maps, scales, divisions of surveying, classification of surveying, leveling, and advanced
methods of surveying.
Geotechnical Engineering
Overview on origin of soil, engineering properties and their classification; Soil exploration;
Foundations: Their importance and purpose; Factors to consider in foundation design and stability of
slopes; and Improving site soils for foundation use.
Environmental Engineering
Types of waste water, Principles of wastewater management, Types of solid waste, and Principles of
solid waste management.
Transportation Engineering
Classification of highways, Typical construction methods of roads, traffic surveys and their
applications in traffic planning, Railways, Ports and Harbours.
Text Book
1. Er. Shrikrishna A. Dhale and Er. Kiran M. Tajne, Basics of Civil Engineering, S. Chand &
Co., 1st Edition, 2014.
Reference Books
1. S. S. Bhavikati, “Basic Civil Engineering” by New Age nternational Publisher, 1st Edition,
2. M. S. Palanichamy “Basic Civil Engineering”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publication.
Course Objective
The course is designed to give an overview of the fundamental aspects of mechanical engineering so
that a student pursuing any branch of engineering will realize the possibilities that the branch of
mechanical engineering offers.
Course Outcomes
Concepts of Thermodynamics
Systems, properties, state, and cycle, Thermodynamic equilibrium and quasi-static process, First law
of thermodynamics for closed system, First law of thermodynamics for open/flow systems, Second
law of thermodynamics, Kelvin Plank statement, Clausius statement, and Basic concept of entropy
Mechanics of Materials
Stress, Strain, Stress-Strain diagrams for ductile and brittle materials, Elastic constants, Hooks Law,
Factor of Safety, One-dDimensional loading of members of varying vross sections.
Power Transmission
Gear, , Belt, and Chain Drives, Shaft under varying loading conditions, Introduction to robots,
Applications of robotics, Basic robot motions, Sensors and Actuators.
Manufacturing Processes
Introduction to engineering materials, Types and classification of materials, Properties of materials,
Introduction to casting, forming, forging, rolling, extrusion and welding, Introduction to machine
tools, NC, CNC, and 3-D Printing.
Text Book
Reference Books
1. J K Kittur and G D Gokak, Elements of Mechanical Engineering Willey, 1st Edition, 2015.
2. B Agrawal, C M Agrawal ,Basic Mechanical Engineering, Willey, 1st Edition, 2011.
Course Objective
The course is designed to provide to the students a comprehensive overview of the basics of the
electrical engineering discipline. In particular, the course includes fundamental aspects of DC, AC
and magnetic circuit analysis, working principles and applications of machines, and safety measures
used in various electrical apparatus and appliances.
Course Outcomes
D. C. Circuits
Kirchhoff’s law, Source transformation, Star-delta transformation and equivalent resistance of the
circuits, Mesh and Nodal analysis, Superposition theorem.
A.C. Circuits
Peak, average, R.M.S. values of sinusoidal quantities, Peak factor, Form factor, Phase difference,
Phasor representation, AC through R, L, C, AC Series Circuit (RL, RC, RLC), Three-phase AC
circuits: Voltage, current and power in star and delta connections.
Electromagnetic Circuits
Magnetizing Force, Reluctance, Permeance, Magnetic field, Magnetic permeability, Analogy between
Electric Circuits and Magnetic Circuits. Series magnetic circuit, BH curve.
Equipment Safety Measures
Working principles of fuse and miniature circuit breaker (MCB), Residual Current Circuit Breaker
Text Books
Reference Book
1. Sanjeev Sharma, Basics Electrical Engineering I.K.International, New Delhi ,Third Reprint 2010.
Course Objective
Today, we are faced with massive data which get generated through the information and computer
technology in our connected world. Most of these data lie unused and often overwhelm us with their
size and variety. The objective of this course is to introduce the students to the field of learning from
data, discovering data patterns, converting them into knowledge, and applying the knowledge to solve
real-world problems.
Course Outcomes
Importance and Applications of Machine Learning, Supervised, Unsupervised, and Reinforcement
Learning and Evolutionary Learning.
Data Analysis
Measurement Scales and Data Types; Visualization, Pre-processing and Transformation of Data;
Dimensionality Reduction; and Data (Dis)Similarity.
Unsupervised Learning
K-means, Density-based, and Hierarchical Clustering Methods.
Supervised Learning
K-Nearest Neighbour; Naïve Bayes; Decision Tree; Logistic Regression; and Evaluation and
Performance Improvement of Supervised Learning Methods.
1. Gopal, M., Applied Machine Learning, McGraw Hill Education, 2018
2. Pradhan, M. and U. D. Kumar,Machine Learning Using Python,Wiley India Pvt.Ltd, 2019.
Reference Books
1. Alpaydin, E., Introduction to Machine Learning, 3rd Edition, The MIT Press, 2014.
2. Bishop. C M, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 2006.
3. Jain, V. K., Big Data Science Analytics and Machine Learning, Khanna Publishers, 2021
4. Mitchell, T. M.,Machine Learning, McGraw Hill, 1997.
5. Müller, A. C.,Introduction to Machine Learning with Python, O'Reilly Media, Inc, 2016
6. Raschka, S. and V. Mirjalili, Python Machine Learning, 3rd Edition, Packt Publishing, 2019.
7. Shalev-Shwartz, S. and S. Ben-David ,Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to
Algorithms, Cambridge University Press, 2014.
Course Objective
Engineering Mechanics is a specialized need-based extension of Applied Physics and uses the
principles of Statics and Dynamics. The objective of this course is to build the foundational
knowledge of the students which is required for the design of mechanical systems. In particular, the
course will cover aspects of analysis of rigid body, frame and machine under the action of force
system, and analysis of free body diagram of a system whether at rest or in motion
Course outcomes
CO1 : Draw complete and correct free-body diagrams and write the appropriate
equations from the free-body diagram,
CO2 : Use scalar analytical techniques for analyzing forces and moments in mechanical
CO3 : Analyze forces in statically determinate structures such as trusses, frames and
problems related to friction,
CO4 : Determine the centroid and second moment of area,
CO5 : Apply fundamental concepts of kinematics and kinetics of particles to the analysis of
simple and practical problems, and
CO6 : Solve real life problems by using mathematics, physical laws and theorems.
Moment of Inertia
Moment of Inertia of plane figures, Parallel axis theorem, Perpendicular axis theorem, and Moment of
Intertia of composite figures.
Dynamics of Particles
Differential equations of rectilinear motion, Free vibration, D’Alembert’s Principle, Momentum and
Impulse, Work & Energy, Conservation of energy, Impact.
Curvilinear Motion
Normal and tangential acceleration, Motion of a projectile, Work and Energy in curvilinear motion.
Text Book
1.S Timoshenko, D. H Young & J.V. Rao, Engineering Mechanics, Tata McGraw-Hill Publication
5th Edition, 2017.
Reference Books
1. IH Shames .,Engineering Mechanics (Statics and Dynamics) , Prentice Hall, 4th Edition, 2005.
2.. S.S. Bhavikatti, Engineering Mechanics –New Age International,8th Edition, 2021.
3. S. Rajasekaran and G. Sankarasubramanian Engineering Mechanics (Statics and
Dynamics),Vikas publishing House, 3rd Edition, 2017.
Course Objective
Course Outcomes
CO1 : Apply knowledge of basic engineering and biology to solve the problems,
CO2 : Knowledge of human body about cell, potential and organs of body,
CO3 : Develop a thorough understanding on principles of bio-instrumentation,
CO4 : Explain the role of bio-potential electrodes, and design of sensors,
CO5 : Differentiate and analyse the biomedical signal sources, and
CO6 : Knowledge about imaging techniques used in hospital.
Instruments in medical practice, Man-instrumentation system, Basic components, Linear network
analysis, Bioelectric amplifier (OpAmp, isolation amplifier, instrumentation amplifier), Bio-
instrumentation design, and Intelligent medical instrumentation.
Text Book
Reference Books
Course Objective
The course is designed to impart, to the students, the principles of analog and digital measuring
instruments which include the working mechanisms of sensors and transducers and their applications
in industrial and biomedical systems.
Course Outcome
Text Book
1. R. K. Rajput ,Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instruments,S Chand Publication, 4th
Edition, 2015,William David Cooper,Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques,
by PHI, 2010.
Reference Books
1. Er. R.K. Jain, Mechanical and Industrial Measurements (Process Instrumentation and Control),
Khanna Publishers, 1995.
2. A.K Sawhney, A course in Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation
Dhanpat Rai Publication, 10th Edition, 2012.
3. D Patranabis, Sensors And Tranducers, PHI Publication, 2ndEedition, 2017.
Course Objective
There is a circular relationship between society, science, and technology. Society creates a need and
an ambience to develop science and technology, and science and technology create means to meet
societal needs and new opportunities to make human life better. Studying this relationship is the
objective of this subject. The subject will expose, before the students, the past developments of
science and technology and the social forces that played a dominant role in making these
developments possible and the way these were used in the society. The subject will also present the
ethical principles that underlie the development and use of science and technology in the society.
Course Outcomes
CO1 : Understand the forces that shape the development of science and technology,
CO2 : Understand the major milestones of scientific discoveries have impacted human
thought processes,
CO3 : Understand the effect of technological developments in societal transformation,
CO4 : Analyse the contribution of Science and Technology in solving societal and
Environmental problems,
CO5 : Evaluate the ethical issues related to abuse of science and technology, and
CO6 : Apply the skills learned to suggest solutions to global problems linked to science and
Human Curiosity to Know the Truth of Nature, Need to Improve Quality of Life, Emergence of
Science and Technology, Characteristics of Society, Science, and Technology, and Impact of Science
and Technology on the Society.
Scientific Discoveries
Milestone Scientific Discoveries of the Past and the Ways They Impacted Human Thought Process
and Culture; Scientific Method, Developing a Theory, and Making of a Discovery; Discoveries in the
Physical, Biological, and Mathematical Sciences; Normal Science, Paradigms, Anomalies, Crisis and
Emergence of Scientific Theories, and Scientific Revolutions.
Technological Developments
Milestone Developments of Technologies and the Ways They Transformed the Society. Stories of
Technological Developments such as Steam Engines, Electricity, Semiconductors, and IoT.
Text Book
Reference Books
1. Collins, H. and T. Pinch, The Golem: What You Should Know about Science, 2nd Edition,
New York: Cambridge University Press,1998.
2. Collins, H. and T. Pinch,The Golem: What You Should Know about Technology, 2 nd
Edition. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
3. Kuhn, T. S.,The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 4th Edition, Chicago University Press,
4. Hatton, J. and P. B. Plouffe, Eds., Science and Its Ways of Knowing, New Jersey: Prentice
5. Moskovites, M., Ed., Science and Society, Ontario: House of Anansi Press Limited,1997
6. Sismondo, S. An Introduction to Science and Technology Studies, 2nd Edition. Maldon, MA:
Blackwell Publishing, 2009.
7. Sarukkai, S. What Is Science?, New Delhi: National Book Trust, India, 2012.
8. USSR Academy of Sciences Science and Society, Moscow: Nauka Publishers, 1989.
Course Objective
The objective of this paper include providing basic knowledge on socio-political environment of
India and to equip the students with an understanding of their roles, duties and responsibilities in a
democratic set up.
Course Outcomes
CO2 : Understand the roles and functions of the three political institutions in our democratic
CO3 : Familiarize the students with the Rights and Duties enlisted in the Indian Constitution,
CO4 : Grasp the interrelationships among political, social and economic issue,
CO5 :Visualize contemporary changes in Political Institutions, and
CO 6 : Realize the importance of equity, equality, and dignity in a democratic system.
Social Stratification
Equity and Equality, Caste, Religion, Class, Gender Discrimination, UrbanSlums.
Political Institutions
Meaning and Basic Concepts of PoliticalInstitutions: Legislative, Executive and Judiciary
Systems of the Indian Constitution.
Text Books
Reference Books
Course Objective
Cognition plays a significant role in accumulation and processing of information. This subject
provides an in-depth understanding of some of the cognitive processes in terms of current theories,
models and applications. It helps learners to understand the importance of these cognitive processes
and the rationale behind cognition, problem solving, critical thinking, and scientific thinking. It
facilitates students to identify and analyze the key conceptual and theoretical frameworks
underpinning cognitive process.
Course Outcomes
CO1 : Understand the definition and scope of cognition, problem solving, and creativity,
CO2 :Understand the theories related to cognition, decision making, and critical thinking,
CO3 :Understand the classic and current experimental research in cognitive processes,
CO4 :Develop skills essential in designing and conducting experiments in cognition,
reasoning, and problem solving,
CO5 :Understand various aspects of critical thinking, scientific thinking, and design thinking
process, and
CO6 :Apply the knowledge of cognitive processes to one’s own personal life and to real life
Basics of Cognition
A Brief History, Emergence of Modern Cognitive Approach, Thinking, Basic Elements of Thought:
Forming Concepts, Propositions, Images.
Reasoning, some Basics sources of error, Information-processing approach, connectionist approach,
evolutionary approach, ecological approach.
Flexibility, and Originality, Barriers to Creativity, Enhancing Individual and Organizational
Designing Thinking as a Process of Problem Solving: Defining Problems, Challenging Assumptions,
Developing Concepts, identifying Alternative Strategies and Solutions, Prototyping, and
Experimenting Problem Solving through Innovative Solutions, Stages of Design Thinking—
Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test.
Text Books
Reference Books
Baddley, A.,Human memory: Theory and practice. New York Psychology Press,1997.
Treror, A.,The psychology of language: From data to theory. Taylor Francis,2002
Smith, E.E. &Kosslyn, Cognitive psychology: Mind and brain. Prentice Hall,2007.
Tripathi, A.N. &Babu, Nandita (2008). Cognitive processes. In Misra, G. Psychology
in India: Advances in Research, Vol. 1,Pearson Education.
Vaid, J., & Gupta, Ashum,Exploring word recognition in a semi-alphabetic script: the
case of Devanagari. Brain and Language, 81, 679-690.
Course Objective
The course is designed for students who want to enhance their creative and innovative skills and apply
them to prepare business plans to form entrepreneurial enterprises. More specifically, the course is
designed to help students to stimulate creativity in themselves and learn the impact of innovation on
growth creation and design thinking in real-world business situations. In this course, the concepts of
entrepreneurship and the environment in which the entrepreneurs act will be developed along with
business plans and business models for start-ups.
Course Outcomes
Converting Ideas into Products/Services with Differentiating Features, Niche Market, Design of the
Products/Services, Bootstrap Marketing, Formulation of Business Plan, Business Model, Financial
Planning, and Sources of Finance.
Practical classes will be devoted to organizing practicing sessions on creativity, case study discussion
sessions and market analysis sessions on generating novel ideas, and developing and presenting
business plans. Students, in groups, will design a new product/service, do a bootstrap market study,
develop a business plan, and make an elevator pitch.
Text Books
1. Khanka, S. S. Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship, S.Chand .
2. Praveen Gupta, Business Innovation, S. Chand , 2007
Reference Books
Course Objective
This course is offered to give the students an opportunity to connect with the community and the
environment, learn and prioritize their problems, and define the problems in ways that make them
amenable to scientific analysis and pragmatic solution. Appreciating the community problems,
visualizing and experiencing them in person, self-learning, applying to realities, searching for and
finding implementable solutions are the primary benefits of this project-based subject.
Course Outcomes
The projects will be applied to problems uppermost in the minds of the community regarding the
problems that they confront regularly. The problems may range from social inequality and social
justice to lack of common services such as health, education, water, power, banking, and from lack of
access to government subsidies and policies to deforestation and environmental problems.