Influence Before and After Early Mobilization of Changes in Pain Levels in Post Orthopedic Surgery Patients at Royal Prima Medan Hospital in 2021

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Britain International of Exact Sciences (BIoEx) Journal

ISSN: 2686-1208 (Online), 2686-1216 (Print)

Vol. 2, No. 3, September 2020, Page: 609-614

Influence before and after Early Mobilization of Changes in

Pain Levels in Post Orthopedic Surgery Patients at Royal
Prima Medan Hospital in 2021
Zhan Chengwu1, Florenly2, Johannes Bastira Ginting3, Fioni4
of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Prima Indonesia
Email: [email protected]

Orthopedic surgery is a surgical action associated with the correction of musculoskeletal system
deformities and orthopedic problems that aim to improve function by restoring movement and
stability and reducing pain and disabilities. Early mobilization is a prominent factor in
speeding up postoperative recovery and may prevent postoperative complications. This study
aims to find out the influence before and after early mobilization of changes in pain levels in
orthopedic postoperative clients at RSU Royal Prima. This type of research uses a correlational
descriptive research design, using the One Group Pretest-Postest approach. The location of this
study was conducted at RSU Royal Prima Medan in March 2021. The population of all
patients’ post-surgery orthopedic hospitalization amounted to 176 patients. The size of the
sample uses the formula Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), then the number of samples is
determined to be 100 people. Univariate analysis, bivariate with t-dependent test (paired t-test)
with a meaningful limit of 0.05. The results of the study that there was a change in the level of
pain Wilcoxon test results at the time of the pre-test the result of the mean value of 3.82, at the
time of the post-test test the mean value was 2.34. So the result of Z = -5,358 then p-value as
much as 0.004 < 0.05 so that Ho is rejected and Ha accepts. The conclusion of the level of pain
before early mobilization in the client post orthopedic surgery the majority feels even more pain
and the minority experience severe pain. The level of pain after early mobilization in the
majority of orthopedic postoperative clients was slightly more painful and the minority felt even
more pain. There is an early mobilization effect on pain changes in orthopedic postoperative
clients in patients in the hospital room of RSU Royal Prima in 2021.
orthopaedics; pain; early mobilization

I. Introduction

Orthopedic surgery is a surgical action related to the correction of musculoskeletal

system deformities and orthopedic problems that aim to improve function by restoring
movement and stability and reducing pain and disabilities (Iswari and Florencia 2016);
(Guerra, Singh, and Taylor 2015); (Lisi et al. 2017). Orthopedic surgery due to fractures is also
the highest cause of death in the United States in the age range of 1 to 37 years and the fourth
cause of death for all ages (Pradana et al. 2021).

Problems that are often found in post-operative are circulation problems, urinary
problems, wound problems, gastrointestinal problems, and comfort security problems
(Kozier, B. 2011). Surgery can cause postoperative pain in the client, this pain is usually felt
12 to 36 hours after surgery (Hamdan Hariawan, Martini Tidore 2020); (Potter & Perry 2010).
Pain is subjective, no two individuals experience the same pain and no two events of the same
pain produce identical responses or feelings in an individual (Pinandita 2012).

DOI: -24-
Britain International of Exact Sciences (BIoEx) Journal
ISSN: 2686-1208 (Online), 2686-1216 (Print)
Vol. 4, No. 1, January 2022, Page: 24-30
Email: [email protected]

Management of pain management in postoperative patients there are two, namely

pharmacology or with drugs and non-pharmacology or without drugs, one of which is by early
mobilization intervention. Early mobilization is a prominent factor in speeding up
postoperative recovery and may prevent post-surgical complications. Research results (Caecilia
and Pristahayuningtyas, Murtaqib 2016); (Fatkan, Yusuf, and Herisanti 2018) Indicate that
there is an early mobilization effect on changes in the client's pain level post-appendectomy
surgery. This study aims to determine the influence before and after early mobilization of
changes in pain levels in orthopedic postoperative clients.

II. Review of Literature

Pain is one of the most important adaptive and protective mechanisms of the body
and is a complex phenomenon that cannot simply be described as a response to injury.
Postoperative pain is pain that is felt as a result of surgery (Rohmayani and Suwito 2017);
(Suseno 2017); (Nurdin, Kiling, and Rottie 2013). Surgical pain occurs due to two things,
namely due to surgical trauma that causes nociceptive stimulation and after the surgical
process there is an inflammatory response in the area around the operation (Bahrudin 2018).

III. Research Methods

This type of research uses a correlational descriptive research design, using the One
Group Pretest-Postest approach. The location of this study was conducted at RSU Royal
Prima Medan in March 2021. The population of all patients’ post-surgery orthopedic
hospitalization amounted to 176 patients. Large sample using the formula Structural Equation
Modelling (SEM), then the number of samples determined 100 people (Hair et al. 2010).
The selection of samples with non-probability sampling is consecutive sampling. Sample
inclusion criteria, namely:
a) Orthopedic post-surgery patients treated at RSU Royal Prima
b) Patients who were in place when the researcher conducted the study.
c) Vital signs (blood pressure, pulse, temperature and breathing) of stable patients.
d) Patients who are willing to be responders.
Sample exclusion criteria, namely:
a) Vital signs are unstable
b) The patient has decreased consciousness.
c) Not willing to be a respondent.

Data Analysis
Univariate analysis, bivariate with t-dependent test (paired t-test) with an meaningful
limit of 0.05.

IV. Discussion

4.1 Results
a. Characteristics Respondents at Royal Prima Medan Hospital in 2021
The characteristics of respondents are a picture of the diversity of respondents based
on gender, age, education and occupation. Based on this characteristic is expected to provide a
better and clearer description of the condition of the 100 respondents and their relationship to
the problem and the purpose of the study. -25-
Table 1. Overview of Research Respondents, by Age, Gender, Education and Employment
Characteristic Category Sum Percentage
<30 Years 10 10%
30 s/d 40 Years 18 18%
41 s/d 50 Years 18 18%
>50 Years 54 54%
Man 65 65%
Woman 35 35%
SMP (Junior high school) 18 18%
Education SMA (High school) 23 23%
Higher Education (D3, S1, S2, S3) 59 59%
PNS (state officials) 25 25%
Private 29 29%
Entrepreneurial 46 46%
Source: Primary data, processed 2021

Age reflects the physical condition of a person. In relation to the field of health, age
can reflect the specific health care needs in a person. Based on Table 1. It is known that the
largest number of respondents in the age of > 50 years is as many as 54 patients. Gender can
indicate the physical condition of a person. In relation to the field of health, gender often
gives meaning to a person's physical strength. The largest number of respondents in the sex
was 65 patients. The level of education reflects the level of intellect of a person. The largest
number of respondents at the Higher Education Level was 59 patients. Employment status
reflects a person's income level. This condition often also reflects the selection of locations for
health checks. The largest number of respondents on employment status was 46 patients.

b. Client Pain Level Post Orthopedic Surgery before Early Mobilization at Royal
Prima Medan Hospital in 2021
Postoperative pain is a side effect that must be suffered by those who have undergone
surgery, including orthopedic surgery. The pain can be caused by attachments between tissues
due to surgery. The pain is almost impossible to eliminate 100% and each person will
experience different levels of pain. The level of pain can be seen on a different level of the
face where 0 = No pain, 1 = Slight pain, 2 = Slighter pain, 3= More pain, 4 = Pain once and 5
= Severe pain.

Table 2. Distribution of Frequency and Percentage of Pain Rate of Clients Post Orthopedic
Surgery before Early Mobilization at Royal Prima Medan Hospital in 2021
No Pain Level Sum (n) Percentage
1 Severe Pain 23 23

2 Pain Once 34 34
3 More pain 43 43
TOTAL 100 100

Based on table 2. It is known that before early mobilization the majority of

respondents felt even more pain while a minority of respondents experienced severe pain.

c. Early Mobilization Carried Out by Post Orthopedic Surgery Clients at Royal Prima
Medan Hospital in 2021
Immediate mobilization step by step is very useful to help the course of healing of
postoperative patients.

Table 3. Distribution of Frequency and Percentage of Early Mobilization of Orthopedic

Surgery Clients at Royal Prima Medan Hospital in 2021
No Early Mobilization Sum (n) Percentage
1 Can Do Well 57 57
2 Can't Do Well 43 43
TOTAL 100 100

Based on table 3. It is known that the majority of respondents who can mobilize early
well while the minority cannot do well.

d. Client Pain Level Post Orthopedic Surgery after Early Mobilization at Royal Prima
Medan Hospital in 2021

Table 4. Distribution of Frequency and Percentage of Pain Levels of Post Orthopedic

Surgery after Early Mobilization at Royal Prima Medan Hospital in 2021
No Pain Level Sum (n) Percentage
1 More pain 34 34
2 A Little More Pain 66 66
TOTAL 100 100

Based on table 4. It is known that after early mobilization, the majority of respondents
felt a little more pain and a minority of respondents felt even more pain.

e. Pain Level Before and After Early Mobilization of Orthopedic Post Surgery Clients
at Royal Prima Medan Hospital in 2021

Table 5. Pain Levels Before and After Early Mobilization in Post Orthopedic Surgery Clients
at Royal Prima Hospital
No Pain Level Sum (n) Mean SD Min Max
1 Early Pre-Mobilization 100 3.82 0.801 3-5
2 Early Post-Mobilization 100 2.34 0.481 2-3

Based on table 5. The average level of pain before early mobilization was 3.82 and
after early mobilization, there was an average of 2.34. The minimum value of pain level in early
pre mobilization is 3 and the maximum value is 5 while in early post mobilization the
minimum pain level is 2 and the maximum value is 3.

f. Bivariate Analysis
Based on the results of research on the effects after and before early mobilization of
pain changes in orthopedic postoperative clients at RSU Royal Prima Medan in 2021.

Table 6. Results of Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test Description of Changes in Pain Levels
before and after Early Mobilization in Post Orthopedic Surgery Clients at Royal Prima Medan
Hospital in 2021
No Pain Level Sum (n) Mean Z p-value
1 Early Pre-Mobilization 100 3.82 -5.368 0,004
2 Early Post-Mobilization 100 2.34
Based on table 6. It is known that the change in pain level of wilcoxon test results at the
time of the pre-test test the mean value is 3.82, at the time of the post-test test the mean value
is 2.34. So the result of the value Z = -5,358 then p value as much as 0.004 < 0.05 so that it is
concluded ho rejected and Ha received, which means there is an influence of early mobilization
of pain changes in orthopedic post surgery clients in the room of RSU Royal Prima in 2021.

4.2 Discussion
a. Pain Level before Early Mobilization to Clients Post Orthopedic Surgery at Royal
Prima Medan Hospital in 2021
Research results (Huang et al. 2001) 25-50% of orthopedic patients report pain on a
severe scale after undergoing surgery. Research in Turkey, Aslan (2006) It also explains that
acute pain occurs in 39-97% of post orthopedic surgery patients (Büyükyilmaz, Şendir, and
Acaroǧlu 2011); (Iswari and Florencia 2016). Pain is a highly individualized and subjective
experience that can affect everyone at any age. Pain can occur in children and adults. Causes
of pain are the process of disease, injury, procedures, and surgical interventions (S Kyle, T &
Carman 2015); (Wahezi et al. 2020). Based on the results of a study of 100 respondents on
the effect of early mobilization of pain changes in orthopedic postoperative clients in the
hospital room of RSU Royal Prima in 2021 it is known that before early mobilization the
majority of respondents felt even more pain while a minority of respondents experienced
severe pain. The theory states that orthopedic postoperative pain has been reported as acute
pain at severe levels. This is due to the degree of damage that hurts ranging from superficial,
soft tissue, boned exposed, blood vessels and nerves (Iswari and Florencia 2016).

b. Pain Level after Early Mobilization in Post Orthopedic Surgery Clients at Royal
Prima Medan Hospital in 2021
Pain can be defined as something elusive and a complex phenomenon although
universal, but it is still a mystery that pain is one of the defense mechanisms of the human
body that shows the experience of problems and pain is the belief of the individual and how
the individual responds to pain experienced(Lynn, Lynn, and Csfn. 2011). Pain is a highly
individualized and subjective experience that can affect everyone at any age. Pain can occur
in children and adults. Causes of pain are the process of disease, injury, procedures, and
surgical interventions (S. Kyle, T & Carman 2015).

Pain in patients after orthopedic surgery is acute pain, caused by tissue damage that
occurs not only due to surgical incisions but also previous trauma that is indicative of
orthopedic fracture surgery. Nurses have a role to overcome pain, pain response and side
effects of the administration of relieved pain therapy. Pain management is the collaboration
of all provider services for the benefit of patients (Sasongko 2019). Based on the results of a

study of 100 respondents on the effect of early mobilization of pain changes in orthopedic
postoperative clients in the hospital room of RSU Royal Prima in 2021 it is known that after
being given early mobilization the majority of respondents felt slightly more pain and a
minority of respondents felt even more pain.

c. Influence of Early Mobilization of Pain Levels in Orthopedic Post Surgery Clients

at Royal Prima Medan Hospital in 2021
The results of the study from the Wilxocon Rank Test showed ρ-value= 0.004< α=
0.05, this means H0 was rejected and Ha received an early mobilization effect on pain
changes in orthopedic post-surgery clients in patients in the Hospital room of RSU Royal
Prima in 2021. The results of this study are by the opinion Pristahayuningtyas, (2016)
which shows that there is an early mobilization effect on changes in the client's pain level
post orthopedic surgery. This research is also by Fatkan, (2018), which shows that early
mobilization can reduce the pain level of the client post appendectomy surgery (Fatkan et al.

IV. Conclusion

This study concludes that the level of pain before early mobilization in orthopedic
postoperative clients the majority feels even more pain and the minority experience severe
pain. The level of pain after early mobilization in the majority of orthopedic postoperative
clients was slightly more painful and the minority felt even more pain. There is an early
mobilization effect on pain changes in orthopedic postoperative clients in patients in the RSU
Royal Prima hospital room in 2021.


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