Crop Life

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2019 1학기 작물생명공학 기말고사 하선화 교수님

1. Which of fatty acids is not omega-3 fatty acid?




2. GM soybean product들에 대한 설명으로 틀린 것은?

A. Genotypes with elevated oleic acid content and reduced linoleic and linolenic acid levels
are therefore desirable to improve the functionality of soybean oil by increasing oil utility
at higher temperature, and by extending shelf life.

B. Monsanto developed the VISTIVE™ soybean, which contains less than 3% linolenic
acid, compared to 8% for traditional soybeans.

C. 기억안남

D. 기억안남

E. Plenish soybean의 high oleic acid는 cardiovascular disease 예방

3. miRNA process 순서 맞추기

A. The antisense strands are incorporated to the RISC and are used as guide to target
messenger RNAs (mRNA).

B. Dicer cleaves the dsRNA into short, 20-25 base pair-long fragments, called small
interfering RNA (siRNA).

C. The entry of any long double stranded RNA triggers the RNAi pathway of cells. This
results in the recruitment of the enzyme Dicer

D. An RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) then separates the siRNA strands into two:
sense or antisense strand. The sense strands, or those with exactly the same sequence
as the target gene, are degraded.

E. mRNA, which codes for amino acids, are cleaved by RISC. The activated RISC can
repeatedly participate in mRNA degradation, inhibiting protein synthesis.
2019 1학기 작물생명공학 기말고사 하선화 교수님

4. Plenish soybean과 Vistive Gold의 suppression target은?

A. Δ5 desaturase D. Δ12 desaturase

B. Δ6 desaturase E. Δ15 desaturase

C. Δ9 desaturase

5. 노벨상 받은 순서 맞추기

A. Discovery of the molecular structure of nucleic acids by the award of the Noble Prize to
Francis Crick, James Wastson and Maurice Wilkins.

B. Discovery of Lac operon by the award of the Noble Prize to Francois Jacob, Jacques
Monod and Andre Lwoff.

C. Discovery of RNAi involving gene silencing by dsRNA by the award of the Noble Prize to
Andrew Fire and Craig C. Mello.

D. Discovery of the transfer of viral genes to the cell is mediated by and enzyme called
reverse transcriptase by the award of the Noble Prize to David Baltimore, Renato
Dulbecco and Howard Temin.

E. Discovery of the alternative splicing of genes by the award of the Noble Prize to Richard
Roberts and Philip Sharp.

6. Which is not the example of novel plant traits engineered through RNAi?

A. Tomato DET1 D. Aalfalfa CCOMT

B. Soybean FAD2 E. Drought resistant CspB

C. Tomato Lyc

7. High lysine maize를 만드는데 가장 best한 방법은?

A. Zein protein을 suppression

B. CordapA를 이용한 feedback insensitive한 cDHDPS를 넣기

C. Simultaneous control of lysine biosynthetic pathway and degradation pathway.

D. 기억안남

E. 기억안남
2019 1학기 작물생명공학 기말고사 하선화 교수님

8. LY038의 toxicity and allergenicity에 대한 설명으로 틀린 것은?

A. The donor organism, Corynebacyerium glutamicum, is a common soil bacterium widely

distributed in the environment and is not an animal or human pathogen.

B. A history of safe use of the cDHDPS protein has been demonstrated, based on the
similarity of the cDHDPS protein in LY038 to DHDPS protein naturally present in feed
and food.

C. The cDHDPS protein purified form E. coli was found to be physicochemically and
functionally inequivalent to the cDHDPS protein produced in LY038.

D. The cDHDPS protein is rapidly degraded in simulated gastric fluid.

E. The results of a mouse acute oral toxicity study demonstrate that the cDHDPS protein is
not toxic at the highest dose.

9. Innate potato가 소비자에게 가장 좋은점은?

A. Fewer black spots from bruising

B. Less acrylamide when cooked at high temperatures.

C. Less potato waste

D. 기억안남

E. 기억안남

10. Amflora Potato의 target metabolism은?

A. Carbohydrate metabolism D. 기억안남

B. Amino acid metabolism E. 기억안남

C. Lignin metabolism

11. Innate potato에 쓰이지 않는 gene은?

A. Asn D. R1


2019 1학기 작물생명공학 기말고사 하선화 교수님

12. HarvXtra Alfalfa에 대한 설명으로 틀린 것은?

A. HarvXtra alfalfa provides growers a wider cutting window to maximize yield potential.

B. HarvXtra alfalfa increases forage quality compared to conventional forage.

C. HarvXtra alfalfa maximizes forage yield by advancing harvest for several days.

D. 기억안남

E. HarvXtra alfalfa gives farmers more flexibility in forage harvest timing.

13. 일본에서 개발한 GM이 아닌 것은?

A. Blue rose D. Allergen Relief rice

B. GABA tomato E. Ring-spot virus resistant papaya

C. Interberry alpha

14. Interberry alpha에 대한 설명으로 틀린 것은?

A. Genetically modified strawberry producing a canine interferon-α.

B. Protective and therapeutic effects against a canine periodontal disease and gingivitis.

C. Strawberry don’t need to be heated before consumption.

D. Production of pharmaceutical materials should be grown under strictly clean room


E. Strawberry provide a greater yield than potato.

2019 1학기 작물생명공학 기말고사 하선화 교수님

15. 다음 벡터에 대한 설명으로 옳지 않은 것은?

A. Two cassette in one vector

B. Two T-DNA, T-DNA I and T-DNA II

C. Two tuber-specific promote

D. Two silencing gene in each cassette

E. 기억안남

16. Molecular Farming, a term coined to describe the application of molecular-biological

techniques to the synthesis of commercial products in plants. And it has a wide range of
target products. Which of choice is different among others?

A. Antibodies D. Industrial enzymes

B. Bioplastics E. Interferon

C. Vaccines

17. Global warming에 가장 효과적인 작물은?

A. DroughtGard Maize D. HarvXtra Alfalfa

B. Innate potato E. 기억안남

C. 기억안남

18. Genome editing에 대한 설명 중 틀린 것은?

A. RNA-based CRISPR/Cas9 is most addressable.

B. Protein-based two hybrid meganuclease is most expensive.

C. Zinc finger nuclease’s three amino acids on the α-helix typically contact three base pair
in the major groove of DNA

D. 기억안남

E. CRISPR/Cas9 is a component of eukaryotic immune system

2019 1학기 작물생명공학 기말고사 하선화 교수님

19. SDN과 해당되는 기작을 짝지어라

A. SDN-1, Base editing D. SDN-3, base editing

B. SDN-2, gene off E. SDN-3, gene adding

C. SDN-2, gene adding

20. 해당하는 효소의 이름은?

A. : B. :

21. Innate potato에서 RNAi 작용을 하는 Asn1, Ppo5, PhL, R1중에서 least하게 suppression하는
것은 어떤 것인가?

22. 감자, 버섯 등에서 non-bruising하게 만들기 위해 RNAi로 억제하는 효소이름은?

23. To enhance drought tolerance through plant breeding techniques, Monsanto made the
drought-tolerant maize by expressing bacterial cold shock protein B (CspB) in maize. CspB
belongs to the family of cold shock proteins, and also as known as RNA-( ).

24. Which aims to determine a sample’s metabolome, the complete set of low molecular weight
compounds which are the substrates and by-products of enzymatic reactions and directly
affects the phenotype of the cell, at a specified time under specific environmental conditions.
2019 1학기 작물생명공학 기말고사 하선화 교수님

25. NPBT 규제정책 사례 중 이 절차를 통해, 규제 대상 여부 질의에 답변가능.

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