Jecst 2021 00136
Jecst 2021 00136
Jecst 2021 00136
Metal halide perovskites are promising photovoltaic materials, but they still have some issues that need to be solved. Hys-
teresis is a phenomenon that strongly is correlated with ion migration; thus, a fast, easy, and low-temperature method for
measuring ion migration is required. Through selective blocking, ion migration can be measured separately, apart from elec-
tron migration. In this study, ion migration in metal halide perovskites was measured using a vertical device. At different
temperatures, ionic activation energies were obtained for a range of perovskite compositions such as MAPbI , FAPbI , CsP- 3 3
bI , and MAPbBr . By comparing the measured ionic activation energies with the theoretical values, we conclude that
3 3
- -
among other possibilities, I is the migrating ion in MAPbI , FAPbI , CsPbI and Br is the migrating in MAPbBr .
3 3 3, 3
− 71 −
72 Anafi Nur'aini et al. / J. Electrochem. Sci. Technol., 2022, 13(1), 71-77
Fig. 1. (a) Schematic diagram of selective blocking measurement, (b) Structure of vertical device used in this study.
method. Ionic activation energy is influenced by cess was performed in ambient air. On the top of
crystal structure, radius of ion, and charge of ion [4]. PEDOT: PSS layer, perovskite solution (MAPbI 3,
For MAPbI3, the migrating ions might be I -, Pb2+, MAPbBr3, FAPbI3, or CsPbI3) was spin-coated at
MA+, or H+ [4,18]. If cation MA+ is substituted into 1000 rpm for 40 s, ramp 5.0, and 5000 rpm for 20 s.
FA+ and Cs+, these ions may also migrate in the per- During spin-coating of MAPbI3, FAPbI3, CsPbI3, at
ovskite film. The ion migration in FAPbI3 can be sup- t = 64 s, 800 μL of toluene was dropped on the top of
pressed by FA+ , which has a larger diameter than perovskite film. For MAPbBr 3, the toluene was
MA+ [15]. Substitution of MA+ with monovalent cat- dropped at t = 57 s. Toluene acted as an antisolvent for
ion Cs+ can eliminate the effects of ion migration precursor; therefore, toluene drip facilitated fast crys-
enhancement due to light intensity in MAPbI3 [17]. tallization of perovskite film. The perovskite film was
Anion substitution of I- into Br- may provide another dried on the hot plate for 10 min at 100oC for MAPbI3,
insight because Br- is also predicted to play a role in 170oC for FAPbI3, 350oC for CsPbI3, and 75oC for
ion migration. Understanding ion migration makes it MAPbBr 3. The deposition process was conducted
possible to design a new strategy to improve the sta- under N2 gas inside a glove box. Finally, an 80 nm Au
bility of perovskites film. layer was deposited on the top of the perovskite layer
using a thermal evaporator at a rate of 1 Å/s.
2. Experimental
2.2 Sample characterization
2.1 Fabrication of vertical devices X-ray diffraction measurements (XRD) were car-
The structure of a vertical device is illustrated in ried out using Rigaku X-MAX from 10o-40o to exam-
Fig. 1b. This sandwich-like structure consisted of ine the structure of each perovskite material. The
indium tin oxide (ITO), poly-(3,4-ethylene dioxyth- vertical structure of each sample was confirmed by
iophene): poly(styrene sulfonic acid) (PEDOT: PSS), cross-section observation using Field Emission Scan-
a perovskite film, and gold. ITO glass was cut into ning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM) MAIA III TES-
1×1 inch. A distance of 7 mm from one of the edges CAN and JEOL JSM-6701F.
was etched using Zn powder and HCl solution to
remove the ITO layer. ITO glass was cleaned by son- 2.3 Selective blocking measurement
ication in acetone, isopropyl alcohol, and deionized Selective blocking measurements were performed
water for 10 min each. The cleaning process was con- by a four-point probe system with a Faraday cage and
tinued by oxygen plasma for 20 min to improve the a black shield. The black shield provided a dark con-
adhesion between the substrate and thin film. dition for the measurement because, in this condition,
PEDOT: PSS was filtered using 0.45 μm syringe ions migrate faster than electrons. The four-point
filter then spin-coated onto clean ITO at 4000 rpm for probes were connected to the AutoLab controller
15 s and ramp 5.0. PEDOT: PSS layer was dried on with the PGSTAT302N module. NOVA Metrohm
the hot plate for 15 min at 125oC. The deposition pro- Autolab B.V version was used as software.
Anafi Nur'aini et al. / J. Electrochem. Sci. Technol., 2022, 13(1), 71-77 73
During measurement, two probes were connected to peak (110) indicates strain in the crystal structure
the cell. Hot chuck MH4R and controller MST [23,24]. In Fig. 2d, peaks of (100) and (200) corre-
1000 H were used to control the temperature of the spond to MAPbBr3 with cubic formation [25].
sample. Chronopotentiometry (Δt >1 ms) was used to FE-SEM confirmed the vertical structure of the
characterize the sample in a 100 nA current flow for device. The devices were constructed like a sandwich
20 s. The voltage-time (V-t) curve from that measure- (ITO/PEDOT: PSS/perovskite/Au) with perovskite
ment was then used to calculate total resistance and as an active layer. FE-SEM images are presented in
electronic resistance. Finally, the resistivity and con- Fig. 3a-d.
ductivity of both electrons and ions can be obtained. Cross-section images show that all layers are pre-
sented and vertically stacked. The perovskite thick-
3. Results and Discussions ness was approximately 200 nm. Using the Scherrer
equation, average grain size can be calculated from
3.1 Characterization of materials and devices XRD peaks. The average grain size for MAPbI 3 is
X-ray diffraction measurements were conducted to 43 ± 3 nm. CsPbI 3 has a larger grain size of 51 ±
examine the perovskite structure. Each perovskite 4 nm. MAPbBr 3 has the largest average grain size
solution was deposited onto ITO or FTO glass with- (55 ± 4 nm), whereas FAPbI3 has the smallest aver-
out Au and PEDOT: PSS layer. The structure of each age grain size (29 ± 7 nm). These average grain sizes
perovskite is presented in Fig. 2a-d. Fig. 2a shows are much lower than other groups whose minimum
(110), (220), and (310) peaks corresponding to the grain sizes are approximately 300 nm [26,27].
formation of orthorhombic MAPbI3 [19,20]. Fig. 2b However, grain size is correlated to the grain
confirms the formation of FAPbI3, showing (101), boundaries. Small grain sizes lead to extensive grain
(202), and (211) peaks, which are assigned to trigonal boundaries vice versa. Because grain boundaries
α- FAPbI3 or black phase FAPbI3 [21,22]. Fig. 2c facilitate the ion migration pathway [4], ion migra-
shows maximum intensity for (100) and (200), indi- tion is easier in the film with small grain sizes [6].
cating the cubic black phase of CsPbI3, and the lower
Fig. 2. XRD patterns of (a) MAPbI3, (b) FAPbI3, (c) CsPbI3, and (d) MAPbBr3.
74 Anafi Nur'aini et al. / J. Electrochem. Sci. Technol., 2022, 13(1), 71-77
Fig. 3. FE-SEM cross sections of (a) MAPbI3, (b) FAPbI3, (c) CsPbI3, and (d) MAPbBr3.
3.2 Selective blocking mixed conduction of electrons and ions. At the cur-
Selective blocking measurements were performed rent onset, perovskite film exhibits a lower resistance
in the dark, and ionic conductivities were measured. because both ionic and electronic conduction occurs.
When a constant current was applied to the vertical However, as the ionic conduction is blocked at the
device, the potential difference between two termi- interface between the perovskite and metal electrode,
nals was measured as a function of time. The poten- the resistance is gradually increased and reaches a
tial difference was affected by electronic resistance steady-state level, where ionic conduction is com-
(Re) and ionic resistance (Rion), which can be written pletely blocked, and only electrons can flow. On the
as Eqn. (1) [13]: other hand, when the temperature is increased, the
resistance of the perovskite is decreased because
R e R ion
V = i ---------------------
- (1) charge carriers (electrons and ions) are thermally acti-
R e + R ion
vated. Using the Arrhenius relation between the con-
As ions keep migrating in one direction, the ions ductivity and temperature, the activation energy (Ea)
were depleted at one end and accumulated at another for conduction can be obtained as shown in Fig. 5a-d.
end. In this stage, only electrons migrated, which cor-
respond to i = ie and iion = 0 [13]. Thus, the voltage 3.3 Ionic activation energy
can be written as Eqn. (2) : Activation energy (Ea) is the minimum energy that
must be overcome by an ion to jump from its initial
V = iR e (2) position to nearby vacancy sites [26]. After calculat-
ing ionic conductivities at each temperature, these
By measuring the initial and final voltages, and values can be further processed to extract the E a
combining Eqn. (1) and (2), Re and Rion can be deter- value for each perovskite materials. Following
mined. Furthermore, the ionic (σion) and electronic Arrhenius dependence, ionic activation energy can be
conductivities (σe) can be calculated from Rion and Re. calculated using Eqn. (3) [17]:
In this study, each sample was measured at room Ea
temperature (20-40oC), which perovskite devices σ i T = σ 0 exp -------- (3)
kb T
operate typically.
Fig. 4a-d show the voltage-time (V-t) graphs from where σi is conductivity, σ0 is the pre-exponential
selective blocking measurements for various per- factor, Ea is the activation energy, kb is Boltzmann
ovskite materials, which show typical behavior of constant, and T is temperature. That equation can be
Anafi Nur'aini et al. / J. Electrochem. Sci. Technol., 2022, 13(1), 71-77 75
Fig. 4. V-t graphs from selective blocking measurements for (a) MAPbI3, (b) FAPbI3, (c) CsPbI3, and (d) MAPbBr3.
Fig. 5. Arrhenius plots of ionic conductivities for (a) MAPbI3, (b) FAPbI3, (c) CsPbI3, and (d) MAPbBr3.
76 Anafi Nur'aini et al. / J. Electrochem. Sci. Technol., 2022, 13(1), 71-77
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