Concept Map TB

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RISK FACTORS  Etiological Agent: Mycobacterium
Non-Modifiable tuberculosis
Factors  Bacteria go to alveoli, deposit and
 Age (Older Adults) multiply SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS
However, all age  Stimulate body’s immune response  Lack of Appetite
groups are at risk.
 Macrophages destroy many  Unexplained Weight
Modifiable Factors Loss
bacteria and normal tissue
 Close contact with
Infected Person  Necrotic degeneration occurs
 Weakened Immune (Production of cavity filled with
System cheese like mass of tubercle bacilli,
dead WBC’s and dead tissue)


Short term:  Imbalanced Nutrition:
LABORATORY AND After a week or two of nursing Less Than Body
DIAGNOSTIC interventions, the patient will Requirements possibly
 Chest X-ray demonstrate progressive weight gain related to
 CBC Test Long term: Tuberculosis as
 Creatinine Test After 6-9 months of nursing manifested by lack of
 Xpert MTB RIF Assay interventions, the patient will regain appetite and
Test appropriate weight with unexplained weight
normalization of laboratory values. loss

 Levofloxacin Treatment of MDR-TB for this pt lasts for a
long duration of approximately 1 1/2 year
 Bedaquiline
MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS and consists of a combination of multiple
 Clofazimine
second-line drugs, which are more
 Pyridoxine
Multi-drug resistant TB expensive, less effective, and more toxic
 Pyrazinamide than the first-line drugs. Therefore,
 Ethambutol treatment outcome is poor, with a success
 Isoniazid rate of approximately 54%. However, the pt
 Cycloserine completed the additional 9 months of
treatment and showed 100% clearance in
the labs and diagnostics results.

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