AMOS-18 Programming Reference
AMOS-18 Programming Reference
AMOS-18 Programming Reference
New in Amos 18 1
Improvements in the drawing of path diagrams....................................................................................... 1 Improvements to the Program Editor ...................................................................................................... 1 Changes in the drawing of path diagrams................................................................................................ 2 Changes to the object model (for programmers)...................................................................................... 2
New in Amos 17
Copy and paste path diagrams ................................................................................................................ 1 Convert a path diagram to a Visual Basic program.................................................................................. 1 Enhanced growth curve plugin ............................................................................................................... 2 Specify a default value for the 'All groups' check box ............................................................................. 2 New PathDiagrammer method, EditPaste ............................................................................................... 3 New PathDiagrammer method, ToolsWriteAProgram............................................................................. 3 Changes to the Program ......................................................................................................................... 3
New in Amos 16
Mixture Modeling.................................................................................................................................. 5 Mixture Modeling, Clustering, and Discriminant Analysis ...................................................................... 5 Changes to the Program ......................................................................................................................... 6
Getting Started....................................................................................................................................... 2 Programming Tools ............................................................................................................................... 2 Writing a Main Program that Uses Amos................................................................................................ 3 Writing a Main Program with Amos's Built-in Editor................................................................... 3 Writing a Main Program with Visual Studio 2003........................................................................ 4 Writing Classes that are Used by Amos .................................................................................................11 Writing a Plugin for Amos Graphics...........................................................................................11 Calculating Custom Estimands ...................................................................................................30 Class Reference ....................................................................................................................................30 Amos Graphics Class Reference .................................................................................................31 AmosEngine Class Reference...................................................................................................279 AmosMatrix Class Reference ...................................................................................................650 AmosDebug Class Reference ...................................................................................................666 AmosRanGen Class Reference .................................................................................................687 CAmosSeedManager Class Reference ......................................................................................731 Additional Programming Examples.....................................................................................................737 Examples using the Amos Graphics classes ..............................................................................737
New in Amos 18
In This Chapter
Improvements in the drawing of path diagrams................ 1 Improvements to the Program Editor ............................... 1 Changes in the drawing of path diagrams ........................ 2 Changes to the object model (for programmers) .............. 2
New in Amos 17
Copy and paste path diagrams
You can copy and paste a path diagram, or part of a path diagram, from one Amos Graphics window to another. To copy a path diagram to the clipboard, click EditCopy (to clipboard). To paste a path diagram from the clipboard to the Amos Graphics window, click EditPaste.
You can modify the parameter constraints after Amos draws the path diagram for the growth curve model. For example, you will want to change the regression weights for the "slope" latent variable if your time points are not equally spaced. If you want to remove the equality constraints on the error variances you can do so by deleting the parameter name, Var, which is automatically assigned to all of the error variances. To use the growth curve plugin, click PluginsGrowth Curve Model.
6 7
New in Amos 17
New in Amos 16
Mixture Modeling
Amos performs mixture modeling. Mixture modeling is appropriate when you have a model that is incorrect for an entire population, but where the population can be divided into subgroups in such a way that the model is correct in each subgroup. Mixture modeling is discussed in the context of structural equation modeling by Arminger, Stein & Wittenberg (1999), Hoshino (2001), Lee (2007, Chapter 11), Loken (2004), Vermunt & Magidson (2005), and Zhu & Lee (2001), among others. Any model can be used in mixture modeling. Example 34 and Example 35 use a saturated model. These examples also demonstrate the fitting of latent structure analysis models, which require the observed variables to be independent (uncorrelated for multivariate normal variables). Example 36 employs a regression model. Factor analysis models have also been used in mixture modeling (Lubke & Muthn, 2005). Mixture modeling is often known as latent class analysis. In the terminology of Lazarsfeld (Lazarsfeld & Henry, 1968), the term latent class analysis is reserved for the variant of latent structure analysis in which all variables are categorical. Amos does not perform that type of latent class analysis.
Getting Started
Before you start writing programs that use Amos (or are used by Amos), it is a good idea to get some experience doing structural equation modeling with Amos. One way to do this is by working through the tutorial and some of the examples in the User's Guide. The User's Guide contains many examples of programs that use Amos. The present document contains many more. Although almost all of the examples in the Amos documentation use Visual Basic, C# is just as easy to use for Amos programming. The Amos programming examples in this Programming Reference Guide and in the online help are installed with Amos. By default they are installed in the folder C:\Program Files\SPSSInc\Amos18\Programming Most of the examples in the Amos documentation are small, intended to demonstrate the use of one or two methods or properties at a time. Some larger examples, such as the following, perform nontrivial tasks. Use the Amos Graphics classes to change the appearance of latent variables (on page 739) Use the Amos Graphics classes to resize all rectangles (see "Use the Amos Graphics classes to resize all rectangles in Amos Graphics" on page 748) Use the Amos Graphics classes to draw a path diagram (on page 742) Use the Amos Graphics classes to calculate a new fit measure (on page 737) Use the Amos Graphics classes to draw double-headed arrows (on page 745) Use the Amos Graphics classes to name unobserved variables (on page 746)
For even larger examples of Amos programming, see the folder C:\Program Files\SPSSInc\Amos18\Programming\Plugins which contains the source code for the plugins on the Plugins menu of Amos Graphics.
Programming Tools
Amos comes with a built-in program editor that can be used for writing and executing Amos programs. To write a main program, start the built-in program editor from the Windows Start menu by clicking Start All Programs SPSS IncAmos 18 Program Editor. To write a plugin, start the built-in program editor from the Amos Graphics menu by clicking Plugins Plugins.
To write a class to compute custom estimands, start the built-in program editor from the Bayesian SEM menu by clicking View Custom estimands.
For main programs and plugins (but not for custom estimands) you can use the development tool of your choice. For demonstrations using Visual Studio 2003, see Writing a Main Program with Visual Studio 2003 (on page 4) Writing a Plugin with Visual Studio 2003 (on page 21)
In the New Project dialog, select Visual Basic Projects and Windows Application. Enter a name for your Visual Studio project, say Example1. For Location, enter the folder where you want to save the project. Then click OK.
In the Add New Item dialog, select Local Project Items and Module. Click Open. 3 Visual Studio displays a source code window with an empty module called Module1.
On the .NET tab of the Add Reference dialog, double-click System.Windows.Forms.dll. Then click OK.
When the Select Component dialog opens, select AmosEngineLib.dll in the Amos program directory and click Open.
8 9
In the Add Reference dialog, click OK. Click Project -> Example1 Properties.
The User's Guide gives a line-by-line explanation of Sub Main in the Modeling in VB.NET section of Example 1. 12 To run the program, click Debug -> Start on the menu or press the F5 key. After the program runs, the Amos Output window will open to display the program output.
Source code for the plugins on the Amos Graphics Plugins menu is in the Programming\Plugins subdirectory of the Amos program directory. By default, this directory is C:\Program Files\SPSSInc\Amos18\Programming\Plugins The following two sections each give a step-by-step demonstration of writing a plugin. The plugin that is created during the demonstration does not do any useful work. Its purpose is to show how to write a simple plugin that can respond to events that occur while Amos Graphics is running. Once you have gone through the steps of the demonstration, the plugin will appear as an item on the Amos Graphics Plugins menu with the name A simple plugin. When you click A simple plugin, a messagebox will display "Installing a simple plugin". After that, clicking any point on the path diagram will display another messagebox with the text "You released a mouse button.". A mouse click is only one of many events (on page 187) that your plugins can respond to.
In the Plugins dialog, click Create. The Amos program editor opens.
Add code for the Name, Description and Mainsub methods as shown in the following figure.
Amos calls the Name function to obtain the name of the plugin. Amos puts this name on the Amos Graphics Plugins menu. In the present example A simple plugin will be placed on the Plugins menu. The Name function can return an empty string (""). In that case, the name of the file that contains the plugin, Simple Plugin.dll, will be placed on the Plugins menu. Amos calls the Description function to obtain a description of the plugin. A plugin's description is typically longer than its name. A plugin's description is displayed when the plugin is selected from the list in the Plugins dialog. The Description function can return an empty string (""). Amos calls the Mainsub function when you select A simple plugin from the Plugins menu. In this case, clicking A simple plugin on the Plugins menu will display the message "A simple example of a plugin".
Scroll down through the source code until you locate the MouseUp method.
The MouseUp method now displays a message, "You released a mouse button." However, as the plugin has been defined up to this point, the MouseUp method will never be called. Only the Name, Description and Mainsub functions are guaranteed to be called by Amos. For this reason, they must always be present. To cause Amos to call the MouseUp method when the mouse button is released, use the AddHandler keyword as shown in the following figure.
The plugin as specified up to this point displays a message every time you release the mouse button. You can stop this behavior only by closing Amos Graphics and re-opening it. However, you can cause the plugin to stop responding to mouse clicks by using the RemoveHandler keyword. Just as the AddHandler keyword is used to cause Amos to call the pd_MouseUp method for every mouse click, the RemoveHandler keyword can be used to cause Amos to stop calling the pd_Mouseup method. In the following figure, RemoveHandler is executed immediately after the first "mouse up" message appears. As a result Amos calls the pd_MouseUp method for a single mouse click only.
You may if you wish delete any method other than Name, Description, Mainsub and MouseUp. Amos always calls Name, Description and Mainsub. In the present example, it is possible that MouseUp will be called because of the AddHandler line in Mainsub. The other methods will never be called and can be deleted, making the code for the plugin look like this:
Click Compile to check for syntax errors. Error messages, if any, will displayed in the Compile Errors area. No message is displayed if the plugin compiles without errors.
If the plugin compiles without error, click Close. You are asked if you want to save the plugin.
Click Yes. 10 The Save As dialog opens, with the Amos Plugins directory as the default directory. Plugins must be saved in the Plugins directory.
Enter a file name for the plugin and click Save. 11 Close the Plugins dialog. 12 Click A simple plugin on the Plugins menu to test the new plugin.
In the New Project dialog, select Visual Basic Projects and Class Library. Enter a name for your plugin, say Simple Plugin. For Location, enter the folder where you want to save the source code for your plugin. Then click OK.
On the .NET tab of the Add Reference dialog, double-click System.Windows.Forms.dll. Then click OK.
When the Select Component dialog opens, select AmosGraphics.dll in the Amos program directory and click Open.
In the Add Reference dialog, click OK. 6 Insert the line Imports System.Windows.Forms at the top of the source code window.
Insert the line Implements AmosGraphics.IPlugin as shown in the following figure. Be sure to press the Enter key after you type the line. Visual Studio automatically adds code for three functions, Description, MainSub and Name.
Insert the line Dim WithEvents pd as AmosGraphics.PathDiagrammer as shown in the following figure.
Add code to the functions Description, MainSub and Name as shown in the following figure.
Amos calls the Name function to obtain the name of the plugin. Amos puts this name on the Amos Graphics Plugins menu. In the present example A simple plugin will be placed on the Plugins menu. The Name function can return an empty string (""). In that case, the name of the file that contains the plugin, Simple Plugin.dll, will be placed on the Plugins menu. Amos calls the Description function to obtain a description of the plugin. A plugin's description is typically longer than its name. A plugin's description is displayed when the plugin is selected from the list in the Plugins dialog. The Description function can return an empty string (""). Amos calls the MainSub function when you select A simple plugin from the Plugins menu. In this case, clicking A simple plugin on the Plugins menu will display the message "A simple example of a plugin".
10 In the Class Name dropdown list, select pd. Then in the Method Name dropdown list, select MouseUp. Visual Studio automatically inserts a function called pd_Mouseup.
The AddHandler line causes Amos to call the pd_MouseUp method every time a mouse button is released. Without the AddHandler line, pd_MouseUp would never be called.
12 The plugin as specified up to this point displays a message every time you release the mouse button. You can stop this behavior only by closing Amos Graphics and re-opening it. However, you can cause the plugin to stop responding to mouse clicks by using the RemoveHandler keyword. Just as the AddHandler keyword is used to cause Amos to call the pd_MouseUp subroutine for every mouse click, the RemoveHandler keyword can be used to cause Amos to stop calling the pd_Mouseup subroutine. In the following figure, RemoveHandler is executed immediately after the first "mouse up" message. As a result Amos calls the pd_MouseUp subroutine for a single mouse click only. That is, the plugin responds to a mouse click one time only.
13 Build the plugin by clicking Build -> Rebuild Solution. 14 Copy the Simple Plugin.dll from c:\work\Simple Plugin\bin to the Amos plugins directory, which is by default C:\Program Files\SPSSInc\Amos18\Plugins 15 A simple plugin will appear on the Plugins menu the next time you start Amos Graphics. If Amos Graphics is already running, opening the Plugins dialog (click Plugins ->Plugins) will place the new plugin on the Plugins menu.
Class Reference
If you are not using Amos's built-in program editor, you need to provide a reference to AmosGraphics.dll in order to use the Amos Graphics classes. In Visual Studio 2003: Click Project -> Add Reference. In the Add Reference dialog, click Browse. When the Select Component dialog opens, select AmosGraphics.dll from the Amos program directory and click Open. In the Add Reference dialog, click OK.
AmosDir Property
The Amos program directory.
result = PathDiagrammer.AmosDir The AmosDir property syntax has the following parts:
The Amos program directory. result is a character string ending with a backslash character, for example, c:\program files\amos 6\.
NGroups Property
Gets the number of groups.
result = PathDiagrammer.NGroups The NGroups property syntax has the following parts:
The number of groups.
NotReady Property
The NotReady property always returns False. It is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Amos.
result = PathDiagrammer.NotReady The NotReady method syntax has the following parts:
PageHeight Property
Gets the page height in inches.
result = PathDiagrammer.PageHeight The PageHeight method syntax has the following parts:
The height of the path diagram. If the path diagrams height is obtained from the Windows printer driver, value may be smaller than the height of a sheet of paper because the printer may be incapable of printing to the edges of the paper.
PageWidth Property
Gets the page width in inches.
result = PathDiagrammer.PageWidth The PageWidth method syntax has the following parts:
The width of the path diagram. If the path diagrams width is obtained from the Windows printer driver, value may be smaller than the width of a sheet of paper because the printer may be incapable of printing to the edges of the paper.
PDElements Property
Gets the collection of all rectangles, ellipses, arrows and figure captions in the path diagram for the current group.
result = PathDiagrammer.PDElements The PDElements method syntax has the following parts:
The collection of all rectangles, ellipses, arrows and figure captions in the path diagram for the current group. The collection is 1-based. That is, the items in the collection are indexed starting with 1.
See IsCovariance Property Example (see "IsCovariance Method Example" on page 258)
ProjectName Property
Gets the name of the file that contains the current path diagram, but without the .amw extension.
result = PathDiagrammer.ProjectName The ProjectName method syntax has the following parts:
The file name, without the ".amw" extension.
AmwFileName Method
Gets the name of the AMW file associated with the model.
AnalyzeBayesianEstimation Method
Equivalent to the Amos Graphics menu item Analyze Bayesian Estimation.
PathDiagrammer.AnalyzeBayesianEstimation ()
AnalyzeCalculateEstimates Method
Fits the specified models. This method is equivalent to the menu selection Analyze Calculate Estimates.
PathDiagrammer.AnalyzeCalculateEstimates ()
Equivalent to the Amos Graphics menu item Analyze Data Imputation.
PathDiagrammer.AnalyzeDataImputation ()
AnalyzeDegreesOfFreedom Method
Displays degrees of freedom. This method is equivalent to the menu selection Analyze Degrees Of Freedom.
PathDiagrammer.AnalyzeDegreesOfFreedom ()
AnalyzeManageGroups Method
Opens a dialog for adding, deleting and renaming groups. This method is equivalent to the menu selection Analyze Manage Groups.
PathDiagrammer.AnalyzeManageGroups ()
AnalyzeManageGroupsAdd Method
Adds a new group.
PathDiagrammer.AnalyzeManageGroupsAdd ()
AnalyzeManageGroupsDelete Method
Deletes the currently selected group. This method is equivalent to pressing the Delete button in the Manage Groups dialog.
PathDiagrammer.AnalyzeManageGroupsDelete () See GroupSelect Method Example (on page 138)
AnalyzeManageGroupsRename Method
Renames the currently selected group.
PathDiagrammer.AnalyzeManageGroupsRename (newGroupName) The AnalyzeManageGroupsRename method syntax has the following parts:
New name for the currently selected group.
AnalyzeManageModels Method
Opens a dialog for creating, modifying and deleting models. This method is equivalent to the menu selection Analyze Manage Models.
PathDiagrammer.AnalyzeManageModels ()
AnalyzeModelingLab Method
Runs the Modeling Lab. This method is equivalent to the menu selection Analyze Modeling Lab.
PathDiagrammer.AnalyzeModelingLab ()
AnalyzeMultipleGroupAnalysis Method
Equivalent to the Amos Graphics menu item Analyze Multiple-Group Analysis.
PathDiagrammer.AnalyzeMultipleGroupAnalysis ()
AnalyzeSpecificationSearch Method
Equivalent to the Amos Graphics menu item Analyze Specification Search.
PathDiagrammer.AnalyzeSpecificationSearch ()
AnalyzeToggleObservedUnobserved Method
Changes rectangles to ellipses, and ellipses to rectangles.
PathDiagrammer.AnalyzeToggleObservedUnobserved () PathDiagrammer.AnalyzeToggleObservedUnobserved (theElement) PathDiagrammer.AnalyzeToggleObservedUnobserved (variableName) PathDiagrammer.AnalyzeToggleObservedUnobserved (elementNumber) The AnalyzeToggleObservedUnobserved method syntax has the following parts:
theElement variableName
A rectangle or ellipse (of type PDElement). (String) The name of a variable.
elementNumber An integer that specifies a rectangle or ellipse in the path diagram. The objects in a path diagram are numbered starting with 1.
Calling AnalyzeToggleObservedUnobserved with no arguments is equivalent to the menu selection Analyze Toggle Observed/Unobserved.
BuildNumber Method
Gets the build number that is displayed in the About box.
result = PathDiagrammer.BuildNumber () The BuildNumber method syntax has the following parts:
(Integer) The build number.
CanRespond Method
If Amos Graphics has an open modal dialog that may prevent it from responding correctly to calls to its methods and properties, the CanRespond method returns an explanatory string. Otherwise, it returns an empty string.
result=PathDiagrammer.CanRespond (callerDisplaysErrorMessage) The CanRespond method syntax has the following parts:
(String) The empty string ("") if Amos Graphics can respond. Otherwise, a description of the condition that prevents Amos Graphics from responding. (boolean) False if you want Amos Graphics to display a message box with a description of any condition that prevents it from responding. True if you want the calling program to assume responsibility for displaying such messages.
ClickMouse Method
Clicks the mouse on a rectangle, ellipse, arrow or figure caption.
PathDiagrammer.ClickMouse (theElement) PathDiagrammer.ClickMouse (variableName) PathDiagrammer.ClickMouse (elementNumber) The ClickMouse method syntax has the following parts:
Part Description
A path diagram object (of type PDElement). (String) The name of a variable. An integer that specifies an object in the path diagram. Objects are numbered starting with 1.
CopyAnalysisPropertiesTo Method
Copies the properties in the Analysis Properties window to an AmosEngine instance.
result = PathDiagrammer.CopyAnalysisPropertiesTo (sem) The CopyAnalysisPropertiesTo method syntax has the following parts:
result sem
(Integer) 0 = no error. An object of type AmosEngine.
DiagramDrawCovariance Method
Draws a double-headed arrow.
covariance = PathDiagrammer.DiagramDrawCovariance() covariance = PathDiagrammer.DiagramDrawCovariance(theElement1, theElement2) covariance = PathDiagrammer.DiagramDrawCovariance(variableName1, variableName2) covariance = PathDiagrammer.DiagramDrawCovariance(elementNumber1, elementNumber2) covariance = PathDiagrammer.DiagramDrawCovariance(x1, y1, x2, y2) The DiagramDrawCovariance method syntax has the following parts:
covariance theElement1, theElement2 variableName1, variableName2 elementNumber1, elementNumber2
The newly drawn covariance. (An object of type PDElement.)
(String) The names of the two variables to be connected by a double-headed arrow. (Integer) Numbers that identify the two variables to be connected by a double-headed arrow. Objects in a path diagram are arbitrarily numbered beginning with 1. (Single) Coordinates of one of the variables to be connected by a double-headed arrow. x1 is its distance in inches from the left edge of the path diagram. y1 is its distance in inches from the top edge. (Single) Coordinates of one of the variables to be connected by a double-headed arrow. x2 is its distance in inches from the left edge of the path diagram. y2 is its distance in inches from the top edge.
x1, y1
x2, y2
Calling DiagramDrawCovariance with no arguments is equivalent to the menu selection Diagram Draw Covariance. See Use the Amos Graphics classes to draw a path diagram (on page 742)
DiagramDrawIndicatorVariable Method
Draws an indicator variable and an associated residual variable for an existing unobserved variable.
PathDiagrammer.DiagramDrawIndicatorVariable () PathDiagrammer.DiagramDrawIndicatorVariable (theElement) PathDiagrammer.DiagramDrawIndicatorVariable (variableName) PathDiagrammer.DiagramDrawIndicatorVariable (elementNumber) The DiagramDrawIndicatorVariable method syntax has the following parts:
theElement variableName elementNumber
(Of type PDElement) An unobserved variable (ellipse). (String) The name of an unobserved variable (ellipse). (Integer) A number that identifies an unobserved variable (ellipse). Objects in a path diagram are arbitrarily numbered beginning with 1.
Calling DiagramDrawIndicatorVariable with no arguments is equivalent to the menu selection Diagram Draw Indicator Variable. See example (see "DiagramDrawIndicatorVariable Method Example" on page 64).
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Imports AmosGraphics Public Class CustomCode Implements IPlugin Public Function Mainsub() As Integer Implements IPlugin.Mainsub Dim E As PDElement PathDiagrammer.FileNew(PathDiagrammer.PDSaveChangesEnum.pdPromptToSaveChanges) E = PathDiagrammer.DiagramDrawUnobserved(3, 3, 2, 1) PathDiagrammer.DiagramDrawIndicatorVariable(E) PathDiagrammer.DiagramDrawIndicatorVariable(E) PathDiagrammer.DiagramDrawIndicatorVariable(E) PathDiagrammer.Refresh() PathDiagrammer.EditFitToPage() End Function Public Function Name() As String Implements IPlugin.Name End Function Public Function Description() As String Implements IPlugin.Description End Function End Class
DiagramDrawObserved Method
Draws observed variables (rectangles).
variable = PathDiagrammer.DiagramDrawObserved () variable = PathDiagrammer.DiagramDrawObserved (x, y, width, height) The DiagramDrawObserved method syntax has the following parts:
variable x y
The newly drawn observed variable. (An object of type PDElement.) Horizontal coordinate of the center of the rectangle, expressed in inches from the left margin.
Vertical coordinate of the center of the rectangle, expressed in inches from the top margin.
Width of the rectangle, in inches. Height of the rectangle, in inches
width height
Calling DiagramDrawObserved with no arguments is equivalent to the menu selection Diagram Draw Observed. See Use the Amos Graphics classes to draw a path diagram (on page 742)
DiagramDrawPath Method
Draws regression weights (single-headed arrows).
weight = PathDiagrammer.DiagramDrawPath() weight = PathDiagrammer.DiagramDrawPath(theElement1, theElement2) weight = PathDiagrammer.DiagramDrawPath(variableName1, variableName2) weight = PathDiagrammer.DiagramDrawPath(elementNumber1, elementNumber2) weight = PathDiagrammer.DiagramDrawPath(x1, y1, x2, y2) The DiagramDrawPath method syntax has the following parts:
weight theElement1, theElement2 variableName1, variableName2 elementNumber1, elementNumber2
The newly drawn arrow (regression weight). (An object of type PDElement.)
(Of type PDElement) The new arrow points from theElement1 to theElement2.
(String) The names of two variables. The new arrow points from variableName1 to variableName2. (Integer) Numbers that identify two variables. Objects in a path diagram are arbitrarily numbered beginning with 1. The new arrow points from the first variable to the second. (Single) Coordinates of the variable that the new arrow points from. x1 is its distance in inches from the left edge of the path diagram. y1 is its distance in inches from the top edge. (Single) Coordinates of the variable that the new arrow points to. x2 is its distance in inches from the left edge of the path diagram. y2 is its distance in inches from the top edge.
x1, y1
x2, y2
Calling DiagramDrawPath with no arguments is equivalent to the menu selection Diagram Draw Path. See Use the Amos Graphics classes to draw a path diagram (on page 742)
DiagramDrawUniqueVariable Method
Draws a unique (residual) variable for an existing variable.
PathDiagrammer.DiagramDrawUniqueVariable () PathDiagrammer.DiagramDrawUniqueVariable (theElement) PathDiagrammer.DiagramDrawUniqueVariable (variableName) PathDiagrammer.DiagramDrawUniqueVariable (elementNumber) The DiagramDrawIndicatorVariable method syntax has the following parts:
theElement variableName elementNumber
(Of type PDElement) A variable (ellipse or rectangle). (String) The name of a variable. (Integer) A number that identifies a variable (ellipse or rectangle). Objects in a path diagram are arbitrarily numbered beginning with 1.
Calling DiagramDrawUniqueVariable with no arguments is equivalent to the menu selection Diagram Draw Unique Variable. See example (see "DiagramDrawUniqueVariable Method Example" on page 68).
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Imports AmosGraphics Public Class CustomCode Implements IPlugin Public Function Mainsub() As Integer Implements IPlugin.Mainsub Dim E As PDElement PathDiagrammer.FileNew(PathDiagrammer.PDSaveChangesEnum.pdPromptToSaveChanges) E = PathDiagrammer.DiagramDrawObserved(3, 3, 2, 1) PathDiagrammer.DiagramDrawUniqueVariable(E) PathDiagrammer.Refresh() PathDiagrammer.EditFitToPage() End Function Public Function Name() As String Implements IPlugin.Name End Function Public Function Description() As String Implements IPlugin.Description End Function End Class
DiagramDrawUnobserved Method
Draws unobserved variables (ellipses).
variable = PathDiagrammer.DiagramDrawUnobserved (x, y, width, height) The DiagramDrawUnobserved method syntax has the following parts:
variable x y
The newly drawn unobserved variable (ellipse). (An object of type PDElement.) Horizontal coordinate of the center of the ellipse, expressed in inches from the left margin.
Vertical coordinate of the center of the ellipse, expressed in inches from the top margin.
Width of the ellipse, in inches. Height of the ellipse, in inches
width height
Calling DiagramDrawUnobserved with no arguments is equivalent to the menu selection Diagram Draw Unobserved. See Use the Amos Graphics classes to draw a path diagram (on page 742)
DiagramFigureCaption Method
Draws new figure captions, and edits existing figure captions.
PathDiagrammer.DiagramFigureCaption () PathDiagrammer.DiagramFigureCaption (theElement) PathDiagrammer.DiagramFigureCaption (elementNumber) The DiagramFigureCaption method syntax has the following parts:
theElement elementNumber
(Of type PDElement) An existing figure caption. (Integer) A number that identifies a figure caption. Objects in a path diagram are arbitrarily numbered beginning with 1.
Calling DiagramFigureCaption with no arguments is equivalent to the menu selection Diagram Figure Caption.
DiagramLoupe Method
Magnifies the region under the mouse pointer. This method is equivalent to the menu selection Diagram Loupe.
DiagramRedrawDiagram Method
Redraws the path diagram. This method is equivalent to the menu selection Diagram Redraw Diagram.
PathDiagrammer.DiagramRedrawDiagram() See IsObservedVariable Property Example (see "IsObservedVariable Method Example" on page 265)
DiagramScroll Method
Scrolls the path diagram.
PathDiagrammer.DiagramScroll () PathDiagrammer.DiagramScroll (x, y) The DiagramScroll method syntax has the following parts:
x y
The path diagram is scrolled x inches to the right. The path diagram is scrolled y inches down.
Calling DiagramScroll with no arguments is equivalent to the menu selection Diagram Scroll. See example (see "DiagramScroll Method Example" on page 74).
DiagramZoom Method
Fills the Amos window with a selected portion of the path diagram.
PathDiagrammer.DiagramZoom () PathDiagrammer.DiagramZoom (x1, y1, x2, y2) The DiagramZoom method syntax has the following parts:
x1, y1, x2, y2
(x1, y1) and (x2, y2) specify two opposite corners of a rectangle. x1 and x2 are expressed in inches from the left margin. y1 and y2 are expressed in inches from the top margin. The DiagramZoom method resizes the path diagram so that the specified rectangle fills the Amos window.
Calling DiagramZoom with no arguments is equivalent to the menu selection Diagram Zoom. See example (see "DiagramZoom Method Example" on page 76).
DiagramZoomIn Method
Magnifies the screen image of the path diagram. This method is equivalent to the menu selection Diagram Zoom In.
PathDiagrammer.DiagramZoomIn () See example (see "DiagramZoomIn Method Example" on page 78).
DiagramZoomOut Method
Reduces the size of the screen image of the path diagram. This method is equivalent to the menu selection Diagram Zoom Out.
PathDiagrammer.DiagramZoomOut () See example (see "DiagramZoomOut Method Example" on page 80).
DiagramZoomPage Method
Resizes the screen image of the path diagram so that one printed page just fits the Amos window. This method is equivalent to the menu selection Diagram Zoom Page.
PathDiagrammer.DiagramZoomPage () See DiagramZoomIn Method Example (on page 78)
DisplayInputPD Method
Displays the input path diagram. This method is equivalent to pressing .
PathDiagrammer.DisplayInputPD () See DisplayOutputPD Method (on page 83)
DisplayOutputPD Method
Displays the input path diagram. This method is equivalent to pressing .
PathDiagrammer.DisplayOutputPD () See DisplayInputPD Method (on page 82)
DoubleClickMouse Method
The DoubleClickMouse method is no longer supported.
DragMouse Method
Drags the mouse from one point to another.
PathDiagrammer.DragMouse (theElement, x2, y2) PathDiagrammer.DragMouse (x1, y1, x2, y2) The DragMouse method syntax has the following parts:
An object of type PDElement. The drag operation begins at the point with coordinates (theElement.originX (see "OriginX Property" on page 234), theElement.originY (see "OriginY Property" on page 235)). Coordinates of the location where the drag operation begins (the left mouse button is pressed). x1 is its distance, in inches, from the left margin. y1 is its distance, in inches, from the top margin. Coordinates of the location where the drag operation ends (the left mouse button is released). x2 is its distance, in inches, from the left margin. y2 is its distance, in inches, from the top margin.
x1, y1
x2, y2
EditCopy Method
Copies the path diagram to the Windows clipboard. This method is equivalent to the menu selection Edit Copy.
PathDiagrammer.EditCopy () See example (see "EditCopy Method Example" on page 87).
EditDeselectAll Method
Deselects all objects. This method is equivalent to the menu selection Edit Deselect All.
PathDiagrammer.EditDeselectAll () See Use the Amos Graphics classes to draw a path diagram (on page 742)
EditDragProperties Method
Copies the properties of one object (the source object) to another object (the target object).
PathDiagrammer.EditDragProperties () PathDiagrammer.EditDragProperties (theElement1, theElement2, height, width, x, y, nameOrCaption, parameterConstraints, parameterPosition, font, parameterFont, penWidth, curvature, colors, visibility) PathDiagrammer.EditDragProperties (elementNumber1, elementNumber2, height, width, x, y, nameOrCaption, parameterConstraints, parameterPosition, font, parameterFont, penWidth, curvature, colors, visibility) PathDiagrammer.EditDragProperties (variableName1, variableName2, height, width, x, y, nameOrCaption, parameterConstraints, parameterPosition, font, parameterFont, penWidth, curvature, colors, visibility) The EditDragProperties method syntax has the following parts:
theElement1 theElement2 elementNumber1 elementNumber2 variableName1 variableName2 height width
(Objects of type PDElement.) Properties are copied from theElement1 to theElement2. (Integers) Properties are copied from object number elementNumber1 to object number elementNumber2. (Objects in the path diagram are numbered starting with 1.) (Strings) Properties are copied from the variable named variableName1 to the variable named variableName1. Optional. True if the source objects height is to be copied. Optional. True if the source objects width is to be copied.
Optional. True if the source objects x (horizontal) coordinate is to be copied. Optional. True if the source object's y (vertical) coordinate is to be copied. Optional. True if the source object's name (in the case of a rectangle or ellipse) or caption (in the case of a figure caption) is to be copied. Optional. True if the source object's parameter constraints are to be copied. Optional. True if the source object's parameter position is to be copied. Optional. True if the source object's name or caption font is to be copied. Optional. True if the source object's parameter font is to be copied. Optional. True if the source object's pen width is to be copied.
y nameOrCaption
curvature colors visibility
Optional. True if the source object's curvature is to be copied. Optional. True if the source object's colors are to be copied. Optional. True if the source object's visibility properties are to be copied.
Calling EditDragProperties with no arguments is equivalent to the menu selection Edit Drag Properties.
EditDuplicate Method
Makes additional copies of rectangles, ellipses and captions.
PathDiagrammer.EditDuplicate () PathDiagrammer.EditDuplicate (theElement, x2, y2) PathDiagrammer.EditDuplicate (variableName, x2, y2) PathDiagrammer.EditDuplicate (elementNumber, x2, y2) The EditDuplicate method syntax has the following parts:
theElement variableName elementNumber x2, y2
A path diagram object (of type PDElement) to be copied. (String) The name of a variable to be copied. An integer that specifies an object to be copied. Objects are numbered starting with 1. (Single) The coordinates of the newly created object. x2 is its distance, in inches, from the left margin. y2 is its distance, in inches, from the top margin.
Calling EditDuplicate with no arguments is equivalent to the menu selection Edit Duplicate.
EditErase Method
Erases objects.
PathDiagrammer.EditErase () PathDiagrammer.EditErase (theElement) PathDiagrammer.EditErase (variableName) PathDiagrammer.EditErase (elementNumber) The EditErase method syntax has the following parts:
theElement variableName elementNumber
A path diagram object (of type PDElement) to be erased. (String) The name of a variable to be erased. An integer that specifies an object to be erased. Objects are numbered starting with 1.
Calling EditErase with no arguments is equivalent to the menu selection Edit Erase.
EditFitToPage Method
Resizes the path diagram (not just its screen image) so that it fits on a page. This method is equivalent to the menu selection Edit Fit to Page.
PathDiagrammer.EditFitToPage () See Use the Amos Graphics classes to draw a path diagram (on page 742)
EditLink Method
Forms a group of objects that will be treated as a unit in future operations. This method is equivalent to the menu selection Edit Link.
PathDiagrammer.EditLink ()
EditMove Method
Moves rectangles, ellipses and captions.
PathDiagrammer.EditMove () PathDiagrammer.EditMove (theElement, x2, y2) PathDiagrammer.EditMove (variableName, x2, y2) PathDiagrammer.EditMove (elementNumber, x2, y2) The EditMove method syntax has the following parts:
theElement variableName elementNumber x2, y2
A path diagram object (of type PDElement) to be moved. (String) The name of a variable to be moved. An integer that specifies an object to be moved. Objects are numbered starting with 1. (Single) The new coordinates of the object. x2 is its distance, in inches, from the left margin. y2 is its distance, in inches, from the top margin.
Calling EditMove with no arguments is equivalent to the menu selection Edit Move.
EditMoveParameter Method
Allows parameter constraints and estimates to be moved. This method is equivalent to the menu selection Edit Move Parameter.
PathDiagrammer.EditMoveParameter ()
EditPaste Method
Pastes a path diagram, or a part of a path diagram, from the Windows clipboard into the Amos Graphics window. This method is equivalent to the menu selection Edit Paste.
PathDiagrammer.EditPaste ()
EditRedo Method
Undoes the effect of the most recent use of the EditUndo (see "EditUndo Method" on page 109) method. This method is equivalent to the menu selection Edit Redo.
EditReflect Method
Reflects the indicators of a latent variable.
PathDiagrammer.EditReflect () PathDiagrammer.EditReflect (theElement) PathDiagrammer.EditReflect (variableName) PathDiagrammer.EditReflect (elementNumber) The EditReflect method syntax has the following parts:
theElement variableName elementNumber
A latent variable (of type PDElement). (String) The name of a latent variable. An integer that specifies an object that is a latent variable. Objects are numbered starting with 1.
Calling EditReflect with no arguments is equivalent to the menu selection Edit Reflect.
EditRotate Method
Rotates the indicators of a latent variable.
PathDiagrammer.EditRotate () PathDiagrammer.EditRotate (theElement) PathDiagrammer.EditRotate (variableName) PathDiagrammer.EditRotate (elementNumber) The EditRotate method syntax has the following parts:
theElement variableName elementNumber
A latent variable (of type PDElement). (String) The name of a latent variable. An integer that specifies an object that is a latent variable. Objects are numbered starting with 1.
Calling EditRotate with no arguments is equivalent to the menu selection Edit Rotate. See example (see "EditRotate Method Example" on page 101).
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Imports AmosGraphics Imports AmosGraphics.PathDiagrammer Public Class CustomCode Implements IPlugin Public Function Mainsub() As Integer Implements IPlugin.Mainsub Dim E As PDElement If FileNew(PDSaveChangesEnum.pdPromptToSaveChanges) Then Return 0 End If E = DiagramDrawUnobserved(3, 3, 2, 2) DiagramDrawIndicatorVariable(E) DiagramDrawIndicatorVariable(E) DiagramDrawIndicatorVariable(E) EditRotate(E) PathDiagrammer.Refresh() EditFitToPage() End Function Public Function Name() As String Implements IPlugin.Name End Function Public Function Description() As String Implements IPlugin.Description End Function End Class
EditSelect Method
Selects one object at a time.
PathDiagrammer.EditSelect () PathDiagrammer.EditSelect (theElement) PathDiagrammer.EditSelect (variableName) PathDiagrammer.EditSelect (elementNumber) The EditSelect method syntax has the following parts:
theElement variableName elementNumber
An object (of type PDElement) to be selected. (String) The name of a variable to be selected. An integer that specifies an object to be selected. Objects are numbered starting with 1.
Calling EditSelect with no arguments is equivalent to the menu selection Edit Select.
EditSelectAll Method
Selects all objects in the path diagram. This method is equivalent to the menu selection Edit Select All.
PathDiagrammer.EditSelectAll () See Use the Amos Graphics classes to draw a path diagram (on page 742)
EditShapeOfObject Method
Allows the user to change the size and shape of variables (rectangles and ellipses). This method is equivalent to the menu selection Edit Shape Of Object.
PathDiagrammer.EditShapeOfObject () See Use the Amos Graphics classes to draw double-headed arrows (on page 745)
EditSpaceHorizontally Method
Arranges selected objects so that they are equally spaced horizontally. This method is equivalent to the menu selection Edit Space Horizontally.
PathDiagrammer.EditSpaceHorizontally ()
EditSpaceVertically Method
Arranges selected objects so that they are equally spaced vertically. This method is equivalent to the menu selection Edit Space Vertically.
PathDiagrammer.EditSpaceVertically ()
EditTouchUp Method
Rearranges the arrows in a path diagram in a way intended to be aesthetically pleasing.
PathDiagrammer.EditTouchUp () PathDiagrammer.EditTouchUp (theElement) PathDiagrammer.EditTouchUp (variableName) PathDiagrammer.EditTouchUp (elementNumber) The EditTouchUp method syntax has the following parts:
theElement variableName elementNumber
A rectangle or ellipse (of type PDElement). Arrows that touch the rectangle or ellipse will be repositioned. (String) The name of a variable. Arrows that touch the variable's rectangle or ellipse will be repositioned. An integer that specifies a rectangle or ellipse. Objects in a path diagram are numbered starting with 1. Arrows that touch the rectangle or ellipse will be repositioned.
Calling EditTouchUp with no arguments is equivalent to the menu selection Edit Touch Up. See Use the Amos Graphics classes to draw a path diagram (on page 742)
EditUndo Method
Undoes the most recent change to the path diagram. This method is equivalent to the menu selection Edit Undo.
PathDiagrammer.EditUndo ()
EnableUserInteraction Method
Enable or disable toolbox buttons and menus.
PathDiagrammer.EnableUserInteraction (tf) The EnableUserInteraction method syntax has the following parts:
False to disable toolbox buttons and menus. True to enable them.
EnableUserInteraction2 Method
EnableUserInteraction2 is identical to EnableUserInteraction, except that EnableUserInteraction2 leaves the following toolbar buttons and menu items enabled. Print a path diagram Duplicate objects Save a path diagram Save a path diagram with a new name
PathDiagrammer.EnableUserInteraction2 (tf) The EnableUserInteraction2 method syntax has the following parts:
False to disable toolbox buttons and menus. True to enable them.
FileDataFiles Method
Opens a dialog to allow the user to specify the database file (or files) to be analyzed. This method is equivalent to the menu selection File Data Files.
PathDiagrammer.FileDataFiles ()
FileExit Method
Closes the Amos Graphics window. This method is equivalent to the menu selection File Exit.
PathDiagrammer.FileExit () See MouseDown and MouseUp Events Example (see "MouseUp Event Example" on page 202).
FileNew Method
Starts a new path diagram.
result = PathDiagrammer.FileNew () result = PathDiagrammer.FileNew (saveOptions) The FileNew method syntax has the following parts:
Part Description
True if an error occurs. Optional. A constant, as specified in Settings, that tells Amos what to do if there is currently an unsaved path diagram in the Amos window.
If saveOptions is omitted, the FileNew method is equivalent to the menu selection File New.
The settings for saveOptions are:
pdPromptToSaveChanges (default)
Value Description
0 1 2 Prompt the user to save or discard the current path diagram Discard the current path diagram. Save the current path diagram.
pdDoNotSaveChanges pdSaveChanges
See Use the Amos Graphics classes to draw a path diagram (on page 742)
FileNewWithTemplate Method
Starts a new path diagram using a template.
result = PathDiagrammer.FileNewWithTemplate () result = PathDiagrammer.FileNewWithTemplate (templateFileName) result = PathDiagrammer.FileNewWithTemplate (templateFileName,saveOptions) The FileNewWithTemplate method syntax has the following parts:
Part Description
True if an error occurs or if the user cancels the operation. The name of a template file. Optional. A constant, as specified in Settings, that tells Amos what to do if there is currently an unsaved path diagram in the Amos window.
templateFileName saveOptions
Calling FileNewWithTemplate with no arguments is equivalent to the menu selection File New With Template.
The settings for saveOptions are:
pdPromptToSaveChanges (default)
Value Description
0 1 2 Prompt the user to save or discard the current path diagram Discard the current path diagram. Save the current path diagram.
pdDoNotSaveChanges pdSaveChanges
FileOpen Method
Retrieves a path diagram that was saved previously.
result = PathDiagrammer.FileOpen () result = PathDiagrammer.FileOpen (fileName) result = PathDiagrammer.FileOpen (fileName, saveOptions) The FileOpen method syntax has the following parts:
result fileName saveOptions
True if an error occurs or if the user cancels the operation. The name of a path diagram file (a *.amw file). Optional. A constant, as specified in Settings, that tells Amos what to do if there is currently an unsaved path diagram in the Amos window.
Calling FileOpen with no arguments is equivalent to the menu selection File Open.
The settings for saveOptions are:
PdPromptToSaveChanges (default)
Value Description
0 1 2 Prompt the user to save or discard the current path diagram Discard the current path diagram. Save the current path diagram.
PdDoNotSaveChanges PdSaveChanges
FilePrint Method
Opens a dialog box for printing path diagrams. This method is equivalent to the menu selection File Print.
PathDiagrammer.FilePrint ()
FileRetrieveBackup Method
This method is equivalent to the menu selection File Retrieve Backup.
PathDiagrammer.FileRetrieveBackup ()
FileSave Method
Saves the path diagram as a disk file. This method is equivalent to the menu selection File Save.
result = PathDiagrammer.FileSave () The FileSave method syntax has the following parts:
True if an error occurs or if the user cancels the operation.
FileSaveAs Method
Saves a path diagram with a new name.
result = PathDiagrammer.FileSaveAs () result = PathDiagrammer.FileSaveAs (fileName) The FileSaveAs method syntax has the following parts:
result fileName
True if an error occurs or if the user cancels the operation. Optional new file name. If a file with this name already exists, it is overwritten.
Calling FileSaveAs with no arguments is equivalent to the menu selection File Save As. See GroupSelect Method Example (on page 138)
FileSaveAsTemplate Method
Saves your path diagram as a template.
result = PathDiagrammer.FileSaveAsTemplate () result = PathDiagrammer.FileSaveAsTemplate (templateFileName) The FileSaveAsTemplate method syntax has the following parts:
result templateFileName
True if an error occurs or if the user cancels the operation. Optional. Name for the template file.
Calling FileSaveAsTemplate with no arguments is equivalent to the menu selection File Save As Template.
GetButton Method
Gets a Button control in an Amos Graphics window.
result = PathDiagrammer.GetButton (formName, controlName) The GetButton method syntax has the following parts:
result formName
An object of type System.Windows.Forms.Button. (String) The name of an Amos Graphics form. To learn the name of an Amos Graphics form, press F1 while holding the mouse pointer over the form's title bar. A Help window will open. The forms name is displayed in square brackets at the bottom of the help window. (String) The name of a control on an Amos Graphics form. To learn a controls name, hold the mouse pointer over the control and press SHIFT-F1. A help window will open. The controls name will be displayed in square brackets at the bottom of the help window.
GetCheckBox Method
Gets a CheckBox control in an Amos Graphics window.
result = PathDiagrammer.GetCheckBox (formName, controlName) The GetCheckBox method syntax has the following parts:
result formName
An object of type System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox. (String) The name of an Amos Graphics form. To learn the name of an Amos Graphics form, press F1 while holding the mouse pointer over the form's title bar. A Help window will open. The forms name is displayed in square brackets at the bottom of the help window. (String) The name of a control on an Amos Graphics form. To learn a controls name, hold the mouse pointer over the control and press SHIFT-F1. A help window will open. The controls name will be displayed in square brackets at the bottom of the help window.
GetCheckBox Example 1
The following plugin displays a messagebox that tells whether there is a check mark next to Estimate means and intercepts in the Analysis Properties window.
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Imports AmosGraphics Imports AmosGraphics.PathDiagrammer Public Class CustomCode Implements IPlugin Public Function Mainsub() As Integer Implements IPlugin.Mainsub If PathDiagrammer.GetCheckBox("AnalysisPropertiesForm", "MeansInterceptsCheck").Checked Then MsgBox("The checkbox is checked.") Else MsgBox("The checkbox is not checked.") End If End Function Public Function Name() As String Implements IPlugin.Name End Function Public Function Description() As String Implements IPlugin.Description End Function End Class
GetCheckBox Example 2
The following plugin puts a check mark next to Estimate means and intercepts in the Analysis Properties window.
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Imports AmosGraphics Public Class CustomCode Implements IPlugin Public Function Mainsub() As Integer Implements IPlugin.Mainsub PathDiagrammer.GetCheckBox("AnalysisPropertiesForm", "MeansInterceptsCheck").Checked = True End Function Public Function Name() As String Implements IPlugin.Name End Function Public Function Description() As String Implements IPlugin.Description End Function End Class
GetControl Method
The GetControl method is no longer supported. Use one of the following methods instead. GetButton Method (on page 123) GetCheckBox Method (on page 124) GetRadioButton Method (on page 133) GetTextBox Method (on page 134)
Public Function Mainsub() As Integer Implements IPlugin.Mainsub Dim dbformat As PXMLPersist.CDataTable.cDatabaseFormat Dim FileName As String Dim TableName As String Dim GroupingVariable As String Dim GroupingValue As Object Dim igroup As Integer Dim message As String For igroup = 1 To PathDiagrammer.ngroups PathDiagrammer.GetDataFile(igroup, dbformat, FileName, TableName, GroupingVariable, GroupingValue) message &= vbcrlf & "The data file for group " & igroup & " is " & FileName message &= vbcrlf & "The table name Is " & TableName & "" Next MsgBox(message,, "GetDataFile Example") End Function Public Function Name() As String Implements IPlugin.Name End Function Public Function Description() As String Implements IPlugin.Description End Function End Class
GetModels Method
Gets information about the models specified in Amos Graphics.
PathDiagrammer.GetModels (sNames, sConstraints) The GetModels method syntax has the following parts:
sNames sConstraints
A string array that contains the model names. A string array. Each element of the array contains the constraints of a single model.
GetNGroups Method
Gets the number of groups.
result = PathDiagrammer.GetNGroups () The GetNGroups method syntax has the following parts:
The number of groups.
GetRadioButton Method
Gets a RadioButton control in an Amos Graphics window.
result = PathDiagrammer.GetRadioButton (formName, controlName) The GetRadioButton method syntax has the following parts:
result formName
An object of type System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton. (String) The name of an Amos Graphics form. To learn the name of an Amos Graphics form, press F1 while holding the mouse pointer over the form's title bar. A Help window will open. The forms name is displayed in square brackets at the bottom of the help window. (String) The name of a control on an Amos Graphics form. To learn a controls name, hold the mouse pointer over the control and press SHIFT-F1. A help window will open. The controls name will be displayed in square brackets at the bottom of the help window.
GetTextBox Method
Gets a TextBox control in an Amos Graphics window.
result = PathDiagrammer.GetTextBox (formName, controlName) The GetTextBox method syntax has the following parts:
result formName
An object of type System.Windows.Forms.TextBox. (String) The name of an Amos Graphics form. To learn the name of an Amos Graphics form, press F1 while holding the mouse pointer over the form's title bar. A Help window will open. The forms name is displayed in square brackets at the bottom of the help window. (String) The name of a control on an Amos Graphics form. To learn a controls name, hold the mouse pointer over the control and press SHIFT-F1. A help window will open. The controls name will be displayed in square brackets at the bottom of the help window.
GlobalShowMenu Method
This method is no longer supported. Use the ToolsCustomize (on page 166) method instead.
GlobalShowTools Method
This method is no longer supported. Use the ToolsCustomize (on page 166) method instead.
GroupSelect Method
Selects a group. This method is equivalent to selecting a group in the group list of the Amos Graphics window.
PathDiagrammer.GroupSelect (groupNameOrNumber) The GroupSelect method syntax has the following parts:
A group name, or a group number (where group number 1 is the first group).
HelpAmosOnTheWeb Method
Uses your web browser to visit the Amos website. This method is equivalent to the menu selection Help Amos on the Web.
PathDiagrammer.HelpAmosOnTheWeb ()
HelpContents Method
Opens a help window and displays the table of contents for Amoss online help system. This method is equivalent to the menu selection Help Contents.
PathDiagrammer.HelpContents ()
HighlightArrows Method
Makes the arrows in the path diagram change color when the mouse pointer approaches. (Other path diagram objects do not change color.) Use this method to let the user click an arrow.
PathDiagrammer.HighlightArrows ()
HighlightNothing Method
Prevents the objects in the path diagram from changing color when the mouse pointer approaches.
PathDiagrammer.HighlightNothing ()
InterfacePropertiesApplyClick Method
Clicks the Apply button in the Interface Properties window.
result = PathDiagrammer.InterfacePropertiesApplyClick The InterfacePropertiesApplyClick method syntax has the following parts:
(Integer) 0 if no error.
InvalidateOutput Method
Disables the toolbox buttons and menu items that are used for displaying results. If an output path diagram is visible, it is replaced by the input path diagram. Use this method after your program has made a change that makes previously generated output invalid.
PathDiagrammer.InvalidateOutput ()
IsDirtyAmp Method
Gets a value that tells how much the model has changed since the last time it was fitted.
result = PathDiagrammer.IsDirtyAmp () The IsDirtyAmp method syntax has the following parts:
0 = No change. 1 = There have been cosmetic changes (e.g., an object has been moved). 2 = Parameter constraints have changed. 3 = The model has change structurally (e.g., an object has been added)
IsDirtyAmw Method
Gets a value that tells how much the model has changed since the last time it was saved as an AMW file.
result = PathDiagrammer.IsDirtyAmw () The IsDirtyAmw method syntax has the following parts:
0 = No change. 1 = There have been cosmetic changes (e.g., an object has been moved). 2 = Parameter constraints have changed. 3 = The model has change structurally (e.g., an object has been added)
ModelAdd Method
Adds a new model.
PathDiagrammer.ModelAdd (modelName, modelConstraints) The ModelAdd method syntax has the following parts:
modelName modelConstraints
A name for the new model. Equality constraints on parameters, separated by semicolons. For example, a=b=c or a=1;b=0;c=d=f.
ModelDelete Method
Deletes the model that is currently selected in the Amos Graphics window. This method is equivalent to pressing the Delete button in the Manage Models dialog.
PathDiagrammer.ModelDelete () See ModelSelect Method Example (on page 151)
ModelRedefine Method
Changes the name and the definition of an existing model.
PathDiagrammer.ModelRedefine (modelNumber, modelName, modelConstraints) The ModelRedefine method syntax has the following parts:
modelNumber modelName modelConstraints
A model number. Model number 1 is the first model. A new name for the model specified by modelNumber. New parameter constraints for the model specified by modelNumber. For example, a=b=c or a=1;b=0;c=d=f.
ModelSelect Method
Selects a model in the panel at the left side of the Amos Graphics window.
PathDiagrammer.ModelSelect (modelNumber) PathDiagrammer.ModelSelect (modelName) The ModelSelect method syntax has the following parts:
modelNumber modelName
A model number. Model number 1 is the first model. A model name.
PDE Method
Gets an element of a path diagram a rectangle, ellipse, arrow or figure caption.
result = PathDiagrammer.PDE (theElement) result = PathDiagrammer.PDE (elementNumber) result = PathDiagrammer.PDE (variableName)
Syntax 2
result = PathDiagrammer.PDE (theElement1, theElement2) result = PathDiagrammer.PDE (elementNumber1, elementNumber2) result = PathDiagrammer.PDE (variableName1, variableName2) The PDE method syntax 1 has the following parts:
result theElement elementNumber variableName
An object of type PDElement. An object of type PDElement. (Integer) An object number. Objects in a path diagram are numbered starting with 1. (String) A variable name.
A single-headed or double-headed arrow (an object of type PDElement.) If the two variables (rectangles or ellipses) specified as function arguments are connected by a double-headed arrow, result is set equal to that double-headed arrow. If there is a single-headed arrow that points from the first variable to the second variable, result is set equal to that single-headed arrow. Otherwise, result is set equal to nothing (null). Objects of type PDElement that are both variables (rectangles or ellipses). Two integers that specify variables (rectangles or ellipses). Objects in a path diagram are numbered starting with 1. The names of two variables.
PluginsPlugins Method
Opens the Plugins dialog for creating, running, editing and deleting plugins. This method is equivalent to the menu selection Plugins Plugins.
PathDiagrammer.PluginsPlugins ()
PopAllButtons Method
Pops all the buttons in the Amos Graphics toolbox.
PathDiagrammer.PopAllButtons ()
PropertyGet Method
Retrieves the value of a property that was previously saved using the PropertySave (see "PropertySave Method" on page 158) method.
result = PathDiagrammer.PropertyGet (propertyName, defaultValue) The PropertyGet method syntax has the following parts:
result propertyName defaultValue
(String) The value of the property called propertyName. (String) The name of a property. A string that is returned as the value of PropertyGet when no property with the name propertyName exists.
PropertyRemove Method
Removes a property associated with a path diagram or with an element of a path diagram.
PathDiagrammer.PropertyRemove (propertyName) The PropertyRemove method syntax has the following parts:
A string containing the name of a property.
PropertySave Method
Saves a string that can later be retrieved by name using the PropertyGet (see "PropertyGet Method" on page 156) method.
PathDiagrammer.PropertySave (propertyName, value) The PropertySave method syntax has the following parts:
propertyName value
A string. A string. A subsequent use of the PropertyGet (see "PropertyGet Method" on page 156) method that specifies a property name of propertyName will return value.
Refresh Method
Refreshes the Amos Graphics window. This method can be used after other methods that change the path diagram in order to make sure that the changes are made visible immediately.
PathDiagrammer.PluginsPlugins () For an example, see DiagramDrawIndicatorVariable Method Example (on page 64).
SetControl Method
The GetControl method is no longer supported. Use one of the following methods instead. GetButton Method (on page 123) GetCheckBox Method (on page 124) GetRadioButton Method (on page 133) GetTextBox Method (on page 134)
SetDataFile Method
Specifies the data file for a single group.
result = PathDiagrammer.SetDataFile (groupNumber, dbFormat, fileName, tableName, groupingVariable, groupingValue) The SetDataFile method syntax has the following parts:
result groupNumber dbFormat fileName tableName groupingVariable
0 if successful. Group number of the group for which the data file information is specified. The first group is group number 1. (Integer) A database format specifier, as described in Settings. (String) The name of the data file. (String) The name of the data table within the data file (for data files that contain multiple data tables). (String) The name of the grouping variable. The empty string if there is no grouping variable. At present, only the empty string is allowed. (Grouping variables are not implemented for the SetDataFile method.) (Object) The value of the grouping variable for this group. At present, groupingValue is ignored.
The settings for dbFormat are:
Value Description
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 18 Dbase III Dbase IV Dbase V Excel 3 Excel 4 Excel 5, Excel 7 Excel 97, Excel 8 Foxpro 2.0 Foxpro 2.5 Foxpro 2.6 Lotus *.wk1 Lotus *.wk3 Lotus *.wk4 Microsoft Access PASW Statistics
Value Description
19 Text
SpecifyModel Method
Obtain a model specification and data file name(s) from Amos Graphics.
PathDiagrammer.SpecifyModel (sem) The SpecifyModel property syntax has the following parts:
An object of type AmosEngine.
Use this method if you want to use Amos Graphics for model specification, but want to perform a nonstandard analysis that cannot be performed in Amos Graphics. See example (see "SpecifyModel Method Example" on page 165).
'The Amos engine now has the model specification, 'but the model has not yet been fitted. 'Fit it now using the Amos Engine (not Amos Graphics) 'and display the discrepancy function. Sem.FitModel() MsgBox(Sem.Cmin) Sem.Dispose() End Function Public Function Name() As String Implements IPlugin.Name End Function Public Function Description() As String Implements IPlugin.Description End Function End Class
Opens a dialog for reorganizing the toolbox and menus. This method is equivalent to the menu selection Tools Customize.
PathDiagrammer.ToolsCustomize ()
ToolsGolden Method
Turns on or off the drawing of subsequently drawn rectangles as golden sections. This method is equivalent to the menu selection Tools Golden.
PathDiagrammer.ToolsGolden ()
ToolsListFont Method
This method is equivalent to the menu selection Tools List Font.
PathDiagrammer.ToolsListFont ()
ToolsOutline Method
Turns on or off the display of variable names, parameter constraints and arrow heads. This method is equivalent to the menu selection Tools Outline.
PathDiagrammer.ToolsOutline ()
ToolsSeedManager Method
Opens the Seed Manager window. This method is equivalent to the menu selection Tools Seed Manager.
PathDiagrammer.ToolsSeedManager ()
ToolsSmart Method
Turns on or off the preservation of symmetries when objects are moved and resized. This method is equivalent to the menu selection Tools Smart.
PathDiagrammer.ToolsSmart ()
ToolsSquare Method
Turns on or off the drawing of rectangles as square. This method is equivalent to the menu selection Tools Square.
ToolsSquare ()
ToolsWriteAProgram Method
Converts the path diagram in the Amos Graphics window into an equivalent Visual Basic program. This method is equivalent to the menu selection Tools Write a Program.
PathDiagrammer.ToolsWriteAProgram ()
UndoResume Method
Enables undo-ing of modifications to the path diagram. Typically, a program that modifies a path diagram begins with UndoToHere (see "UndoToHere Method" on page 175) and ends with UndoResume. Then all modifications made by the program can be undone with one press of the Undo button .
PathDiagrammer.UndoResume () See Use the Amos Graphics classes to change the appearance of latent variables (on page 739)
UndoToHere Method
Saves the state of the path diagram. A subsequent Undo restores this state. After UndoToHere, modifications to a path diagram that are normally undo-able, such as drawing or erasing an object, cannot be undone. To restore the ability to undo such modifications use the UndoResume (see "UndoResume Method" on page 174) method. Typically, a program that modifies a path diagram begins with UndoToHere and ends with UndoResume (see "UndoResume Method" on page 174). Then all modifications made by the program can be undone with one click of the Undo button .
PathDiagrammer.UndoToHere () See Use the Amos Graphics classes to change the appearance of latent variables (on page 739)
ViewAnalysisProperties Method
Opens the Analysis Properties dialog. This method is equivalent to the menu selection View AnalysisProperties.
PathDiagrammer.ViewAnalysisProperties ()
ViewFullScreen Method
Displays the Amos Graphics window maximized without a title bar, or displays it normally.
PathDiagrammer.ViewFullScreen (tf) The ViewFullScreen method syntax has the following parts:
If tf is True, display the Amos Graphics window maximized without a title bar. Otherwise, display it normally.
ViewInterfaceProperties Method
Opens the Interface Properties dialog.
PathDiagrammer.ViewInterfaceProperties ()
ViewMatrixRepresentation Method
Opens the Matrix Representation dialog.
PathDiagrammer.ViewMatrixRepresentation ()
ViewObjectProperties Method
Opens the Object Properties dialog.
PathDiagrammer.ViewObjectProperties () PathDiagrammer.ViewObjectProperties (theElement) PathDiagrammer.ViewObjectProperties (elementNumber) PathDiagrammer.ViewObjectProperties (variableName) The ViewObjectProperties method syntax has the following parts:
theElement elementNumber
When the Object Properties dialog opens it displays the properties of theElement. When the Object Properties dialog opens it displays the properties of object number elementNumber. (Objects in a path diagram are numbered starting with 1.) When the Object Properties dialog opens it displays the properties of the ellipse or rectangle that represents the variable called variableName.
ViewParameters Method
Displays a list of model parameters.
PathDiagrammer.ViewParameters ()
ViewTextOutput Method
Displays the text output from an analysis. This method is equivalent to the menu selection View Text Output.
PathDiagrammer.ViewTextOutput ()
ViewVariablesInDataset Method
Displays a list of the variables in the data file.
PathDiagrammer.ViewVariablesInDataset ()
ViewVariablesInModel Method
Displays a list of all variables in the model.
PathDiagrammer.ViewVariablesInModel ()
Window Method
Gets the Amos Graphics window.
result = PathDiagrammer.Window () The Window method syntax has the following parts:
The Amos Graphics window, of type System.Windows.Window.
XYObject Method
Gets the object with coordinates (x, y).
result = PathDiagrammer.XYObject (x, y) The XYObject method syntax has the following parts:
result x, y
The object (of type PDElement) with coordinates (x, y). If there is no object at (x, y), result = nothing. The coordinates of a point. x is expressed in inches from the left margin. y is expressed in inches from the top margin.
See MouseDown and MouseUp Events Example (see "MouseUp Event Example" on page 202)
AboutToShowMsgBox Event
Event that occurs just before Amos Graphics displays certain message boxes.
PathDiagrammer.AboutToShowMsgBox (messageID, prompt, theMessageBoxResult) The AboutToShowMsgBox method syntax has the following parts:
messageID prompt
(Integer) A number that identifies the message that is about to be displayed. At present, messageID=1 is the only value that occurs. The text that is about to be displayed in a message box.
theMessageBo (Of type Windows.MessageBoxResult) If you set xResult theMessageBoxResult=None, Amos Graphics will display the message box. If you set theMessageBoxResult to a value other than None, Amos Graphics will not display the message box. Instead, Amos Graphics will execute the code that would have been executed if the message box had been displayed and the user had clicked the response button corresponding to theMessageBoxResult.
The settings for messageID are:
Value Description
1 Do you want to save your work?...
AmwFileRead Event
Event that occurs after Amos Graphics has finished reading a path diagram (*.amw) file.
PathDiagrammer.AmwFileRead (fileName) The AmwFileRead method syntax has the following parts:
(String) Name of the file that was read.
AmwFileWritten Event
Event that occurs after Amos Graphics has finished writing a path diagram (*.amw) file.
PathDiagrammer.AmwFileWritten (fileName, isTemplate) The AmwFileWritten method syntax has the following parts:
fileName isTemplate
ButtonPressed Event
Event that occurs when a toolbox button, or the equivalent menu item, is clicked.
PathDiagrammer.ButtonPressed (buttonNumber, handled) The ButtonPressed event syntax has the following parts:
buttonNumber handled
An integer that identifies the button that caused the event. Set handled=1 to cause Amos Graphics to perform normal processing of the button click after the return from the ButtonPressed event. Set handled=0 to suppress normal processing of the button click. In other words, set handled=1 if you want to substitute your handling of a button click in place of Amos Graphicss normal handling. Set handled=0 to perform your handling of a button click before Amos Graphicss normal handling.
The settings for buttonNumber are:
38 95 39 70 40 41 96 43 44 104 46
Menu item
File->New File->New with Template... File->Open... File->Retrieve Backup... File->Save File->Save As... File->Save As Template... File->Data Files... File->Print... File->Manager... Exit
51 52 53 14 67 68 80
Menu item
Edit->Undo Edit->Redo Edit->Copy (to clipboard) Edit->Select Edit->Select All Edit->Deselect All Edit->Link
9 10 5 23 76 75 24 20 21 86 37 66
Menu item
Edit->Move Edit->Duplicate Edit->Erase Edit->Move Parameter Edit->Reflect Edit->Rotate Edit->Shape of Object Edit->Space Horizontally Edit->Space Vertically Edit->Drag Properties... Edit->Fit to Page Edit->Touch Up
87 88 85 89 90 91 92 42 60
Menu item
View->Interface Properties... View->Analysis Properties... View->Object Properties... View->Variables in Model... View->Variables in Dataset... View->Parameters... View->Matrix Representation... View->Text Output View->Full Screen
1 2 3 4 6 77 78 8 31 32 33 30
Menu item
Diagram->Draw Observed Diagram->Draw Unobserved Diagram->Draw Path Diagram->Draw Covariance Diagram->Figure Caption Diagram->Draw Indicator Variable Diagram->Draw Unique Variable Diagram->Zoom Diagram->Zoom In Diagram->Zoom Out Diagram->Zoom Page Diagram->Scroll
25 83
Menu item
Diagram->Loupe Diagram->Redraw diagram
7 98 94 93 71 22 79 107 108 110 111
Menu item
Analyze->Calculate Estimates Analyze->Stop Calculating Estimates Analyze->Manage Groups... Analyze->Manage Models... Analyze->Modeling Lab... Analyze->Toggle Observed/Unobserved Analyze->Degrees of freedom... Analyze->Specification Search... Analyze->Multiple-Group Analysis... Analyze->Bayesian Estimation... Analyze->Data Imputation...
102 74 72 54 55 109 56
Menu item
Tools->List Font... Tools->Smart Tools->Outline Tools->Square Tools->Golden Tools->Seed Manager... Tools->Customize
Menu item
57 103 58
Menu item
Help->Contents Help->Amos on the Web Help->About Amos
Idle Event
The Idle event occurs periodically when Amos Graphics is not busy. You can use this event for any processing that you want to take place in the background.
PathDiagrammer.Idle ()
MouseDown Event
Event that occurs when a mouse button is pressed.
PathDiagrammer.MouseDown (button, shift, x, y) The MouseDown event syntax has the following parts:
button shift
An enum of type System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons that identifies the button that was pressed to cause the event. Returns an integer that corresponds to the state of the SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT keys when the button specified in the button argument is pressed. A bit is set if the key is down. The shift argument is a bit field with the least-significant bits corresponding to the SHIFT key (bit 0), the CTRL key (bit 1), and the ALT key (bit 2 ). These bits correspond to the values 1, 2, and 4, respectively. The shift argument indicates the state of these keys. Some, all, or none of the bits can be set, indicating that some, all, or none of the keys are pressed. For example, if both CTRL and ALT were pressed, the value of shift would be 6. (Single) The coordinates of the mouse pointer. x is expressed in inches from the left margin. y is expressed in inches from the top margin.
x, y
See MouseDown and MouseUp Events Example (see "MouseUp Event Example" on page 202)
MouseUp Event
Event that occurs when a mouse button is released.
PathDiagrammer.MouseUp (button, shift, x, y) The MouseUp event syntax has the following parts:
button shift
An enum of type System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons that identifies the button that was pressed to cause the event. Returns an integer that corresponds to the state of the SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT keys when the button specified in the button argument is released. A bit is set if the key is down. The shift argument is a bit field with the least-significant bits corresponding to the SHIFT key (bit 0), the CTRL key (bit 1), and the ALT key (bit 2 ). These bits correspond to the values 1, 2, and 4, respectively. The shift argument indicates the state of these keys. Some, all, or none of the bits can be set, indicating that some, all, or none of the keys are pressed. For example, if both CTRL and ALT were pressed, the value of shift would be 6. (Single) The coordinates of the mouse pointer. x is expressed in inches from the left margin. y is expressed in inches from the top margin.
x, y
NewObjectCreated Event
Event that occurs after a new object is added to the path diagram.
PathDiagrammer.NewObjectCreated (nObjects) The NewObjectCreated event syntax has the following parts:
The number of objects in the path diagram, including the one that was just added.
ObjectEntered Event
Event that occurs when the mouse pointer comes close to an object and the object changes color.
PathDiagrammer.ObjectEntered (button, shift, objectNumber) The ObjectEntered event syntax has the following parts:
button shift
An enum of type System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons that gives the state of the mouse buttons when the event occurred. An integer that corresponds to the state of the SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT keys. A bit is set if the key is down. The shift argument is a bit field with the least-significant bits corresponding to the SHIFT key (bit 0), the CTRL key (bit 1), and the ALT key (bit 2 ). These bits correspond to the values 1, 2, and 4, respectively. The shift argument indicates the state of these keys. Some, all, or none of the bits can be set, indicating that some, all, or none of the keys are pressed. For example, if both CTRL and ALT were pressed, the value of shift would be 6. A number identifying the object that changed color when the mouse pointer came near.
OpenWindowsUpdated Event
Event that occurs when a change in the model or the data requires an update of the following windows. Matrix Representation Variables in Model Variables in Dataset Parameters Object Properties
These windows are updated automatically. The event is raised so that you can update your own windows at the same time if necessary.
PathDiagrammer.OpenWindowsUpdated ()
OutputIsInvalid Event
Event that occurs when Amos Graphics disables the toolbox buttons and the menu items that are used for displaying results.
PathDiagrammer.OutputIsInvalid ()
PDChanged Event
Event that occurs when Amos Graphics starts a new path diagram or opens an existing path diagram.
PathDiagrammer.PDChanged ()
PostFitResults Event
Event that occurs after model fitting is complete.
PathDiagrammer.PostFitResults (sem, modelName, status) The PostFitResults event syntax has the following parts:
An object of type AmosEngine. sem is the AmosEngine instance used by Amos Graphics. The Group 3 methods of the sem object can be used in the PostFitResults event to obtain the results of the analysis (see Timing is Everything (on page 279) and Group 3: Methods for retrieving results (on page 285)). A string containing the name of the model that has just been fitted. Zero if the model was successfully fitted. Nonzero otherwise.
modelName status
See Use the Amos Graphics classes to calculate a new fit measure (on page 737)
PreFitOptions Event
Event that occurs before model fitting.
PathDiagrammer.PreFitOptions (sem) The PreFitOptions event syntax has the following parts:
An object of type AmosEngine. sem is the AmosEngine instance used by Amos Graphics. The Group 1 methods of the sem object can be used in the PreFitOptions event to specify options that affect model fitting (see Timing is Everything (on page 279) and Group 1: Declarative methods (on page 280)).
See Use the Amos Graphics classes to calculate a new fit measure (on page 737)
PathDiagrammer.QueryUnload (cancel) The QueryUnload event syntax has the following parts:
(Boolean) Set cancel to True in order to prevent the Amos Graphics window from closing. Otherwise, the window will close.
Quitting Event
Event that occurs when the Amos Graphics window is closed.
PathDiagrammer.Quitting () See MouseDown and MouseUp Events Example (see "MouseUp Event Example" on page 202)
BorderColor Property
Gets or sets the color of lines used to draw arrows and to draw the outlines of rectangles and ellipses.
object.borderColor [= color] The borderColor property syntax has the following parts:
object color
An object of type PDElement a rectangle, ellipse or arrow. A 32-bit ARGB value corresponding to a System.Drawing.Color structure.
See Use the Amos Graphics classes to change the appearance of latent variables (on page 739)
Estimate1 Property
Gets a parameter estimate either a regression weight, a covariance or a variance.
result = object.estimate1 The estimate1 property syntax has the following parts:
Part Description
When parameter estimates are displayed on the path diagram in the Amos window, result is a parameter estimate associated with object. result is a regression weight if object is a single-headed arrow. result is a covariance if object is a double-headed arrow. result is a variance if object is an exogenous variable. A rectangle, ellipse or arrow (an object of type PDElement.)
Estimate2 Property
Gets a parameter estimate either a mean or an intercept.
result = object.estimate2 The estimate2 property syntax has the following parts:
Part Description
When parameter estimates are displayed on the path diagram in the Amos window, and when means and intercepts are explicit model parameters (see To estimate means and intercepts), result is a parameter estimate associated with object. result is an intercept if object is an endogenous variable. result is a mean if object is an exogenous variable. A rectangle or ellipse (an object of type PDElement.)
FillColor Property
Gets or sets the color of the interior of rectangles and ellipses. The FillColor property is ignored if FillStyle (see "FillStyle Property" on page 217)=0.
object.FillColor [= color] The FillColor property syntax has the following parts:
object color
An object of type PDElement. A 32-bit ARGB value corresponding to a System.Drawing.Color structure.
See Use the Amos Graphics classes to change the appearance of latent variables (on page 739)
FillStyle Property
The FillStyle property is ignored. It is retained for syntactic compatibility with previous versions of Amos.
object.fillStyle [= value] The fillStyle property syntax has the following parts:
object value
A rectangle or ellipse (an object of type PDElement.)
0 if object is to be filled with the solid color specified by the fillColor (see "FillColor Property" on page 216) property. 1 if object is to be transparent.
Height Property
Gets or sets the height of a rectangle or ellipse.
object.Height [= value] The Height property syntax has the following parts:
object value
An object of type PDElement. The height of object, in inches
See Use the Amos Graphics classes to resize all rectangles (see "Use the Amos Graphics classes to resize all rectangles in Amos Graphics" on page 748)
InvisibleName Property
Gets or sets a value that is True for a variable whose name is invisible. The value of this property has no effect on the display of parameters, rectangles, ellipses or arrows. Setting an objects InvisibleName property to True has the effect of unchecking Show name on the Visibility tab of the Object Properties dialog. The InvisibleName property is ignored if Use visibility settings is unchecked on the Visibility tab of the Object Properties dialog.
object.InvisibleName [= value] The InvisibleName property syntax has the following parts:
object value
A rectangle or ellipse (an object of type PDElement.) True if objects name is invisible.
InvisibleParameters Property
Gets or sets a value that is True for a rectangle, ellipse or arrow whose parameters are invisible. The value of this property has no effect on the display of rectangles, ellipses, arrows or variable names. Setting an objects InvisibleParameters property to True has the effect of unchecking Show parameters on the Visibility tab of the Object Properties dialog. The InvisibleParameters property is ignored if Use visibility settings is unchecked on the Visibility tab of the Object Properties dialog.
object.InvisibleParameters [= value] The InvisibleParameters property syntax has the following parts:
object value
An object of type PDElement. True if objects parameters are invisible.
InvisiblePicture Property
Gets or sets a value that is True for a rectangle, ellipse or arrow that is invisible. The value of this property has no effect on the display of parameters or variable names. Setting an objects InvisiblePicture property to True has the effect of unchecking Show picture on the Visibility tab of the Object Properties dialog. The InvisiblePicture property is ignored if Use visibility settings is unchecked on the Visibility tab of the Object Properties dialog.
object.InvisiblePicture [= value] The InvisiblePicture property syntax has the following parts:
object value
An object of type PDElement. True if objects rectangle, ellipse or arrow is invisible.
IsHighlighted Property
Gets or sets a value that is True for the object that is highlighted and False for other objects. (By default, the highlighted object is colored red.)
object.IsHighlighted [= value] The IsHighlighted property syntax has the following parts:
object value
An object of type PDElement. True if object is highlighted.
IsSelected Property
Gets or sets a value that determines whether a path diagram element has been selected. Typically, path diagram elements are selected by using the EditSelect (see "EditSelect Method" on page 103) method or the EditSelectAll (see "EditSelectAll Method" on page 104) method.
object.IsSelected [= value] The IsSelected property syntax has the following parts:
object value
An object of type PDElement. True if object is a selected path diagram object.
See Use the Amos Graphics classes to draw double-headed arrows (on page 745)
LongLabel Property
Gets or sets a character string used (instead of a variables name) to label a rectangle or ellipse.
object.LongLabel [= value] The LongLabel property syntax has the following parts:
object value
A rectangle or ellipse (an object of type PDElement.) A character string used as a label for object.
NameColor Property
Gets or sets the color of variable names and figure captions.
object.NameColor [= Color] The NameColor property syntax has the following parts:
object color
An object of type PDElement. A 32-bit ARGB value corresponding to a System.Drawing.Color structure.
See Use the Amos Graphics classes to change the appearance of latent variables (on page 739)
NameFontBold Property
Gets or sets a value that determines whether a variable name or figure caption is displayed in a bold font.
object.NameFontBold [= value] The NameFontBold property syntax has the following parts:
object value
A rectangle, ellipse or figure caption (an object of type PDElement.) (Integer) -1 if objects name is displayed in a bold font. 0 otherwise.
NameFontItalic Property
Gets or sets a value that determines whether a variable name or figure caption is displayed in an italic font.
object.NameFontItalic [= value] The NameFontItalic property syntax has the following parts:
object value
A rectangle, ellipse or figure caption (an object of type PDElement.) (Integer) -1 if objects name is displayed in an italic font. 0 otherwise.
NameFontSize Property
Gets or sets the font size used to display a variable name or figure caption.
object.NameFontSize [= value] The NameFontSize property syntax has the following parts:
object value
A rectangle, ellipse or figure caption (an object of type PDElement.) (Single) The font size used to display objects name.
See Use the Amos Graphics classes to draw a path diagram (on page 742)
NameHeight Property
Gets the height of a variable name or figure caption.
result = object.NameHeight The NameHeight property syntax has the following parts:
result object
The height, in inches, of objects variable name or figure caption A rectangle, ellipse or figure caption (an object of type PDElement.)
See Use the Amos Graphics classes to resize all rectangles (see "Use the Amos Graphics classes to resize all rectangles in Amos Graphics" on page 748)
NameOrCaption Property
Gets or sets a figure caption or a variable name.
object.NameOrCaption [= value] The NameOrCaption property syntax has the following parts:
object value
A rectangle, ellipse or figure caption (an object of type PDElement.) A figure caption or variable name.
See Use the Amos Graphics classes to draw a path diagram (on page 742)
NameWidth Property
Gets the width of a variable name or figure caption.
result = object.NameWidth The NameWidth property syntax has the following parts:
result object
The width, in inches, of objects variable name or figure caption A rectangle, ellipse or figure caption (an object of type PDElement.)
See Use the Amos Graphics classes to resize all rectangles (see "Use the Amos Graphics classes to resize all rectangles in Amos Graphics" on page 748)
OriginX Property
Gets or sets the X coordinate of the center of a rectangle or ellipse.
object.OriginX [= value] The OriginX property syntax has the following parts:
object value
A rectangle or ellipse (an object of type PDElement.) (Single) The distance, in inches, of objects center from the left margin.
OriginY Property
Gets or sets the Y coordinate of the center of a rectangle or ellipse.
object.OriginY [= value] The OriginY property syntax has the following parts:
object value
A rectangle or ellipse (an object of type PDElement.) (Single) The distance, in inches, of objects center from the top margin.
ParameterColor Property
Gets or sets the color of parameter constraints and parameter estimates.
object.ParameterColor [= color] The ParameterColor property syntax has the following parts:
object color
An object of type PDElement. A 32-bit ARGB value corresponding to a System.Drawing.Color structure.
See Use the Amos Graphics classes to change the appearance of latent variables (on page 739)
ParameterFontBold Property
Gets or sets a value that determines whether a variables parameter constraints and parameter estimates are displayed in a bold font.
object.ParameterFontBold [= value] The ParameterFontBold property syntax has the following parts:
object value
A rectangle, ellipse or arrow (an object of type PDElement.) (Integer) -1 if parameter constraints and parameter estimates associated with object are displayed in a bold font. 0 otherwise.
ParameterFontItalic Property
Gets or sets a value that determines whether a variables parameter constraints and parameter estimates are displayed in an italic font.
object.ParameterFontItalic [= value] The ParameterFontItalic property syntax has the following parts:
object value
A rectangle, ellipse or arrow (an object of type PDElement.) (Integer) -1 if parameter constraints and parameter estimates associated with object are displayed in an italic font. 0 otherwise.
ParameterFontSize Property
Gets or sets the font size used to display a variables parameter constraints and parameter estimates.
object.ParameterFontSize [= value] The ParameterFontSize property syntax has the following parts:
object value
A rectangle, ellipse or arrow (an object of type PDElement.) (Single) The font size used to display parameter constraints and parameter estimates associated with object.
See Use the Amos Graphics classes to draw a path diagram (on page 742)
ParameterFormat Property
Gets or sets the parameter formats for this object. These formats override those specified with in the View Interface Properties dialog. The ParameterFormat property can be modified interactively using the Format tab of the Object Properties dialog.
object.ParameterFormat (formatName, formatType)[= value] The ParameterFormat property syntax has the following parts:
object formatName
A rectangle, ellipse or arrow (an object of type PDElement.). A string containing the name of a parameter format either Unstandardized estimates, Standardized estimates or the name of a user-defined format as defined on the Amos Graphics View Interface Properties Formats tab. See To create a new format. A constant, as described in Settings, specifying a parameter type. A parameter format containing the format descriptors x.xx, y.yy and z.zz, in addition to any labels. Use x.xx for unstandardized regression weights, variances and covariances, y.yy for mean and intercept parameters, and z.zz for standardized regression weights, correlations and squared multiple correlations. To increase the number of decimal digits on the display, use format descriptors with additional trailing characters, e.g., for 3-digit precision. A detailed description of parameter formats can be found in the Amos Graphics online help, under To create a new format.
formatType value
The settings for formatType are:
Value Description
0 When means are not estimated, value is the format for the variance of an exogenous variable. When means are estimated, value is the format for the mean and variance of an exogenous variable. When means are not estimated, value is the format for an endogenous variable. (An endogenous variable has no parameters associated with it when means are not estimated. However, value is displayed on the path diagram as a constant string.) When means and intercepts are estimated, value is the format for the intercept associated with an endogenous variable. value is the format for a regression weight. value is the format for a covariance.
pdPaths pdCovariances
4 5
ParameterOrientation Property
Gets or sets a value that determines the orientation of parameter constraints and estimates.
object.ParameterOrientation [= value] The ParameterOrientation property syntax has the following parts:
object value
A rectangle, ellipse or arrow (an object of type PDElement.) 0=Horizontal; 1=Oblique; 2=Oblique, Inverted.
Penwidth Property
Gets or sets the width of lines used to draw rectangles, ellipses and arrows.
object.Penwidth [= value] The Penwidth property syntax has the following parts:
object value
A rectangle, ellipse or arrow (an object of type PDElement.) Of type integer, the width (in units of 1/96 inch) of lines used to draw rectangles, ellipses and arrows.
See Use the Amos Graphics classes to change the appearance of latent variables (on page 739)
TermX Property
For rectangles, gets or sets the X coordinate of the lower right corner. For ellipses, gets or sets the X coordinate of the lower right corner of the bounding rectangle.
object.TermX [= value] The TermX property syntax has the following parts:
object value
A rectangle or ellipse (an object of type PDElement.) If object is a rectangle, value is the X coordinate of its lower right corner. If object is an ellipse, value is the X coordinate of the lower right corner of its bounding rectangle.
TermY Property
For rectangles, gets or sets the Y coordinate of the lower right corner. For ellipses, gets or sets the Y coordinate of the lower right corner of the bounding rectangle.
object.TermY [= value] The TermY property syntax has the following parts:
object value
A rectangle or ellipse (an object of type PDElement.) If object is a rectangle, value is the Y coordinate of its lower right corner. If object is an ellipse, value is the Y coordinate of the lower right corner of its bounding rectangle.
Value1 Property
Gets or sets a parameter name or fixed parameter value for a regression weight, covariance or variance.
object.Value1 [= value] The Value1 property syntax has the following parts:
object value
A rectangle, ellipse or arrow (an object of type PDElement.) (String) A parameter name or a string representation of a numeric constant.
See Use the Amos Graphics classes to draw a path diagram (on page 742)
Value2 Property
Gets or sets a parameter name or fixed parameter value for a mean or intercept.
object.Value2 [= value] The Value2 property syntax has the following parts:
object value
A rectangle or ellipse (an object of type PDElement.) (String) A parameter name or a string representation of a numeric constant.
Variable1 Property
Gets a rectangle or an ellipse (an object of type PDElement.) For a single-headed arrow, Variable1 is the object that the arrow points away from. For a double-headed arrow, Variable1 is one of the objects that the arrow points to.
result = object.Variable1 The Variable1 property syntax has the following parts:
A rectangle or an ellipse (an object of type PDElement.) If object is a single-headed arrow, result is the variable that it points away from. If object is a double-headed arrow, result is one of the variables that it points to. A single-headed arrow or a double-headed arrow (an object of type PDElement.)
Variable2 Property
Gets a rectangle or an ellipse (an object of type PDElement.) For a single-headed arrow, Variable2 is the object that the arrow points to. For a double-headed arrow, Variable2 is one of the objects that the arrow points to.
result = object.Variable2 The Variable2 property syntax has the following parts:
A rectangle or an ellipse (an object of type PDElement.) If object is a single-headed arrow, result is the variable that it points to. If object is a double-headed arrow, result is one of the variables that it points to. A single-headed arrow or a double-headed arrow (an object of type PDElement.)
Width Property
Gets or sets the width of rectangles and ellipses.
object.Width [= value] The Width property syntax has the following parts:
object value
A rectangle or ellipse (an object of type PDElement.) The width, in inches, of object.
See Use the Amos Graphics classes to resize all rectangles (see "Use the Amos Graphics classes to resize all rectangles in Amos Graphics" on page 748)
Draw Method
Draws an object.
object.Draw () The Draw method syntax has the following parts:
An object of type PDElement.
See Use the Amos Graphics classes to change the appearance of latent variables (on page 739)
IsCaption Method
Returns True for figure captions.
result = object.IsCaption () The IsCaption method syntax has the following parts:
result object
True if object is a figure caption. An object of type PDElement.
See MouseDown and MouseUp Events Example (see "MouseUp Event Example" on page 202)
IsCovariance Method
Returns True for double-headed arrows (covariances).
result = object.IsCovariance () The IsCovariance method syntax has the following parts:
result object
True if object is a double-headed arrow. An object of type PDElement.
IsEndogenousVariable Method
Returns True for endogenous variables.
result = object.IsEndogenousVariable () The IsEndogenousVariable method syntax has the following parts:
result object
True if object is an endogenous variable. An object of type PDElement.
IsExogenousVariable Method
Returns True for exogenous variables.
result = object.IsExogenousVariable () The IsExogenousVariable method syntax has the following parts:
result object
True if object is an exogenous variable. An object of type PDElement.
Imports AmosGraphics Imports AmosGraphics.PathDiagrammer Public Class CustomCode Implements IPlugin Public Function Mainsub() As Integer Implements IPlugin.Mainsub Dim E As PDElement UndoToHere() For Each E In PDElements If E.IsExogenousVariable Then E.Penwidth = 3 Else E.Penwidth = 1 End If Next DiagramRedrawDiagram() UndoResume() End Function Public Function Name() As String Implements IPlugin.Name End Function Public Function Description() As String Implements IPlugin.Description End Function End Class
IsLatentVariable Method
Returns True for latent variables.
result = object.IsLatentVariable () The IsLatentVariable method syntax has the following parts:
result object
True if object is a latent variable. An object of type PDElement.
See Use the Amos Graphics classes to change the appearance of latent variables (on page 739)
IsObservedVariable Method
Returns True for observed variables.
result = object.IsObservedVariable () The IsObservedVariable method syntax has the following parts:
result object
True if object is an observed variable. An object of type PDElement.
Imports AmosGraphics Imports AmosGraphics.PathDiagrammer Public Class CustomCode Implements IPlugin Public Function Mainsub() As Integer Implements IPlugin.Mainsub Dim E As PDElement UndoToHere() For Each E In PDElements If E.IsObservedVariable Then E.Penwidth = 3 Else E.Penwidth = 1 End If Next DiagramRedrawDiagram() UndoResume() End Function Public Function Name() As String Implements IPlugin.Name End Function Public Function Description() As String Implements IPlugin.Description End Function End Class
IsPath Method
Returns True for single-headed arrows (regression weights).
result = object.IsPath () The IsPath method syntax has the following parts:
result object
True if object is a single-headed arrow. An object of type PDElement.
Imports AmosGraphics Imports AmosGraphics.PathDiagrammer Public Class CustomCode Implements IPlugin Public Function Mainsub() As Integer Implements IPlugin.Mainsub Dim E As PDElement UndoToHere() For Each E In PDElements If E.IsPath Then E.Penwidth = 3 Else E.Penwidth = 1 End If Next DiagramRedrawDiagram() UndoResume() End Function Public Function Name() As String Implements IPlugin.Name End Function Public Function Description() As String Implements IPlugin.Description End Function End Class
IsUniqueVariable Method
Returns True for unique variables i.e., for variables that are unobserved and exogenous, and that affect only one other variable.
result = object.IsUniqueVariable () The IsUniqueVariable method syntax has the following parts:
result object
True if object is a unique variable. An object of type PDElement.
Imports AmosGraphics Imports AmosGraphics.PathDiagrammer Public Class CustomCode Implements IPlugin Public Function Mainsub() As Integer Implements IPlugin.Mainsub Dim E As PDElement UndoToHere() For Each E In PDElements If E.IsUniqueVariable Then E.Penwidth = 3 Else E.Penwidth = 1 End If Next DiagramRedrawDiagram() UndoResume() End Function Public Function Name() As String Implements IPlugin.Name End Function Public Function Description() As String Implements IPlugin.Description End Function End Class
IsUnobservedVariable Method
Returns True for ellipses (unobserved variables).
result = object.IsUnobservedVariable () The IsUnobservedVariable method syntax has the following parts:
result object
True if object is an unobserved variable. An object of type PDElement.
Imports AmosGraphics Imports AmosGraphics.PathDiagrammer Public Class CustomCode Implements IPlugin Public Function Mainsub() As Integer Implements IPlugin.Mainsub Dim E As PDElement UndoToHere() For Each E In PDElements If E.IsUnobservedVariable Then E.Penwidth = 3 Else E.Penwidth = 1 End If Next DiagramRedrawDiagram() UndoResume() End Function Public Function Name() As String Implements IPlugin.Name End Function Public Function Description() As String Implements IPlugin.Description End Function End Class
IsVariable Method
Returns True for rectangles and ellipses (i.e., for variables).
result = object.IsVariable () The IsVariable method syntax has the following parts:
result object
True if object is a rectangle or ellipse. An object of type PDElement.
Imports AmosGraphics Imports AmosGraphics.PathDiagrammer Public Class CustomCode Implements IPlugin Public Function Mainsub() As Integer Implements IPlugin.Mainsub Dim E As PDElement UndoToHere() For Each E In PDElements If E.IsVariable Then E.Penwidth = 3 Else E.Penwidth = 1 End If Next DiagramRedrawDiagram() UndoResume() End Function Public Function Name() As String Implements IPlugin.Name End Function Public Function Description() As String Implements IPlugin.Description End Function End Class
PropertyGet Method
Retrieves the value of a property that was previously saved using the PropertySave (see "PropertySave Method" on page 277) method.
result = object.PropertyGet (propertyName, defaultValue) The PropertyGet method syntax has the following parts:
result object propertyName defaultValue
(String) The value of the property called propertyName. An object of type PDElement. (String) The name of a property. A string that is returned as the value of PropertyGet when no property with the name propertyName exists.
See Use the Amos Graphics classes to create user-defined properties (on page 740)
PropertyRemove Method
Removes a property associated with a path diagram or with an element of a path diagram.
object.PropertyRemove (propertyName) The PropertyRemove method syntax has the following parts:
object propertyName
An object of type PDElement. A string containing the name of a property.
PropertySave Method
Saves a string that can later be retrieved by name using the PropertyGet (see "PropertyGet Method" on page 274) method.
object.PropertySave (propertyName, value) The PropertySave method syntax has the following parts:
object propertyName value
An object of type PDElement. A string. A string. A subsequent use of the PropertyGet (see "PropertyGet Method" on page 156) method that specifies a property name of propertyName will return value.
See Use the Amos Graphics classes to create user-defined properties (on page 740)
Undraw Method
Temporarily erases an object.
object.Undraw () The Undraw method syntax has the following parts:
An object of type PDElement.
See Use the Amos Graphics classes to change the appearance of latent variables (on page 739)
Timing is Everything
When writing an Amos program, you have to pay attention to the order in which the Amos engines methods are called. Amos methods are divided into three general groups. Group 1 Declarative Methods These are computational and output options that apply to the entire analysis. These methods tell the Amos Engine which statistics to compute and how to compute them. Group 2 Data and Model Specification Methods This group consists of data description and model specification commands for a sample of data with multigroup or multisample analyses. These commands may vary among samples. Group 3 Methods for Retrieving Results These are commands towell, retrieve results. The rule is that groups must appear in order: Group 1, then Group 2, and finally Group 3. There is also a special group that consists only of the Initialize method (see "Initialize Method (AmosEngine)" on page 463). If the optional Initialize method (see "Initialize Method (AmosEngine)" on page 463) is used, it must come even before the Group 1 methods. Some methods can be placed in more than one group.
FactorScoreWeights Method (on page 399) Fisher Method (on page 401) FitMLMoments Method (on page 405) FitUnbiasedMoments Method (on page 409) GenerateDefaultCovariances Method (on page 411) Gls Method (on page 457) ImpliedMoments Method (on page 461) InputMLMoments Method (on page 465) InputUnbiasedMoments Method (on page 467) Iterations Method (on page 482) LineLength Method (on page 484) MaxDecimalPlaces Method (on page 485) MinDecimalPlaces Method (on page 489) Ml Method (on page 490) ModelMeansAndIntercepts Method (on page 498) Mods Method (on page 500) MonteCarlo Method (on page 503) NeedBCLowerBounds, NeedBCUpperBounds Methods (on page 513) NeedBootSampleEstimates Method (on page 517) NeedEstimates Method (on page 521) NeedPCLowerBounds, NeedPCUpperBounds Methods (on page 525) NeedStandardErrors Method (on page 529) NonPositive Method (on page 533) NormalityCheck Method (on page 535) ObservedInfo Method (on page 511) PackSymmetricEstimates Method (on page 558)
PageLength Method (on page 559) Paginate Method (on page 560) Permute Method (on page 579) PermuteDetail Method (on page 584) ResidualMoments Method (on page 592) SampleMoments Method (on page 608) Seed Method (on page 610) SignificantFigures Method (on page 613) Sls Method (on page 614) Smc Method (on page 616) Specran Method (on page 618) Standardized Method (on page 622) TableOutput Method (on page 624) Technical Method (on page 625) TextOutput Method (on page 627) TextOutputFileName Method (on page 629) Time Method (on page 631) Title Method (on page 633) TotalEffects Method (on page 635) Uls Method (on page 637)
GetStandardErrorsEx Method (on page 454) Interrupt Method (on page 480) IsModelingMeansAndIntercepts Method (on page 481) Ncp, NcpLo, NcpHi Methods (on page 508) Npar Method (on page 540) NumberOfGroups Method (on page 545) NumberOfParameters Method (on page 547) NumberOfVariables Method (on page 551) P Method (on page 555) ParameterCovariance Method (on page 561) ParameterInfo Method (on page 564) ParameterName Method (on page 567) ParameterNumber Method (on page 569) ParameterValue Method (on page 571) ParameterVector Method (on page 573) Pclose Method (on page 576) PutParameterValue Method (on page 586) PutParameterVector Method (on page 587) PutSampleCovariances Method (on page 588) PutSampleCovariancesPacked Method (on page 589) PutSampleMoments Method (on page 590) PutSampleMomentsPacked Method (on page 591) ReviseModel Method (on page 594) Rmsea, RmseaLo, RmseaHi Methods (on page 597) RowNames Method (on page 600) RowNumbers Method (on page 604)
Shutdown Method (on page 612) Stable Method (on page 620) TextOutput Method (on page 627) VariableName Method (on page 645) VariableNumber Method (on page 647) WasInverted Method (on page 649)
Special Case
If the following optional method is used, it must be used before any other method. Initialize Method (AmosEngine) (on page 463)
AmosDir Property
The Amos program directory.
result = AmosEngine.AmosDir The AmosDir property syntax has the following parts:
The Amos program directory. result is a character string ending with a backslash character, for example, c:\program files\amos 7\.
Adf Method
Specifies estimation by Browne's (1982) asymptotically distribution-free criterion, minimizing (D1) together with (D4) in Appendix B.
object.Adf () The Adf method syntax has the following parts:
An object of type AmosEngine.
Placement: [1].
When you do not specify an estimation criterion, the maximum likelihood criterion (see Ml Method (on page 490)) is used.
See Also
BootAdf Method (on page 313) Gls Method (on page 457) Ml Method (on page 490) Sls Method (on page 614) Uls Method (on page 637)
Admissible Method
Returns True if parameter estimates are admissible in all groups.
object.Admissible () The Admissible method syntax has the following parts:
An object of type AmosEngine.
Placement: [3].
See Also
Stable Method (on page 620)
AllImpliedMoments Method
Controls whether the implied covariance matrix for all variables is reported. When means and intercepts are explicitly modeled, AllImpliedMoments also controls the reporting of implied means.
object.AllImpliedMoments () object.AllImpliedMoments (tf) The AllImpliedMoments method syntax has the following parts:
object tf
An object of type AmosEngine.
Optional. A boolean value that controls the reporting of implied moments. True (default) requests the output. False suppresses it.
Placement: [1].
The implied moments for all variables are not reported.
The implied variances, covariances and means are estimates of the corresponding population values under the assumption that the specified model is correct. If you use both the Standardized (see "Standardized Method" on page 622) and the AllImpliedMoments methods, the implied correlation matrix will be reported, in addition to the implied covariance matrix. AllImpliedMoments is identical to ImpliedMoments, except that AllImpliedMoments displays implied variances, covariances and means for all variables in the model, not just for the observed variables.
See Also
ImpliedMoments Method (on page 461) ResidualMoments Method (on page 592) SampleMoments Method (on page 608) TextOutput Method (on page 627)
AllowUnidentified Method
Controls whether Amos tries to fit a model that appears to be unidentified.
object.AllowUnidentified () object.AllowUnidentified (tf) The AllowUnidentified method syntax has the following parts:
object tf
An object of type AmosEngine. (Boolean) Optional. If tf is True (the default), Amos tries to fit a model even if it appears to be unidentified.
Placement: [1].
When a model appears to be unidentified, Amos displays an error message, and quits.
Attempting to fit an unidentified model is generally a bad idea for the following reasons: It uses more memory, and usually takes more time. It prevents Amos from using one of its most important tests for a correct solution, namely, that the matrix of second derivatives be positive definite. For hypothesis testing purposes, it requires Amos to make a correction to degrees of freedom based on the number of additional parameter constraints needed to achieve identifiability. The difficulty of numerically recognizing and diagnosing nonidentifiability is discussed in Appendix D.
See Also
NonPositive Method (on page 533)
AnyMissingValues Method
Returns True if any group has data with missing values.
object.AnyMissingValues The AnyMissingValues method syntax has the following parts:
An object of type AmosEngine.
Placement: [3].
The AnyMissingValues method should be used after one of the following methods: FitModel (see "FitModel Method" on page 407), FitAllModels (see "FitAllModels Method" on page 403). See Also InputVariableHasMissingValues Method (on page 469)
AStructure Method
The AStructure method is used to specify a model. It can be used to: Name the variables and parameters in the model. Specify linear dependencies among the variables. Place equality constraints on parameters. Specify start values for parameters.
object.AStructure (s) The AStructure method syntax has the following parts:
object s
An object of type AmosEngine. A string that refers to one of the following: a regression weight a regression equation the covariance between two exogenous variables the variance of a single exogenous variable s is discussed more fully under Extended explanation of the AStructure method (on page 304).
Placement: [2].
Use the MStructure (see "MStructure Method" on page 505) method to constrain the means of exogenous variables. The AStructure and MStructure (see "MStructure Method" on page 505) methods are provided for compatibility with the obsolete $structure and $mstructure commands. Consider using the newer Path (see "Path Method" on page 574), Cov (see "Cov Method" on page 370), Var (see "Var Method" on page 641), Mean (see "Mean Method" on page 486) and Intercept (see "Intercept Method" on page 477) methods for model specification.
See Also
MStructure Method (on page 505)
That is, in the path diagram there is an arrow pointing from variable2 to variable1. Amos estimates the corresponding regression weight. The AStructure method ignores dashes, so that the following four lines are equivalent.
Sem.AStructure("variable1<variable2") Sem.AStructure("variable1 <--- variable2") Sem.AStructure("variable1 <---------- variable2") Sem.AStructure("variable2 ----------> variable1")
By default, Amos assumes that the regression weights are unconstrained. However, you can set the value of any regression weight to a constant, and you can require any number of regression weights to be equal to each other. The following example shows how to impose such constraints:
Dim Sem as New AmosEngine . . . Sem.AStructure("variable1 <--Sem.AStructure("variable1 <--Sem.AStructure("variable1 <--Sem.AStructure("variable1 <--Sem.AStructure("variable1 <--Sem.AStructure("variable1 <--Sem.AStructure("variable1 <--. . .
variable2 (red)") variable3 (red)") variable4 (1)") variable5") variable6 (blue)") variable7 (blue)") variable8 (blue)")
In this example, the first two regression weights are required to be equal because they are both labeled red. Similarly, the last three regression weights are required to be equal because they are both labeled blue. The regression weight for the regression of variable1 on variable4 is fixed at 1. (Amos will not attempt to estimate this regression weight.) The regression weight for predicting variable1 from variable5 is not constrained.
Regression equations
A linear relationship can also be described by an equation, as in the following lines.
Dim Sem as New AmosEngine . . . Sem.AStructure("variable1 = () variable2 + () variable3 + () variable4")
Here, variable1 is specified to be a linear function of variable2, variable3 and variable4. The empty parentheses represent unknown regression weights that Amos will estimate. Actually, the empty parentheses can be left out, as in the following lines, which are equivalent to the ones just previous.
Dim Sem as New AmosEngine . . . Sem.AStructure("variable1 = variable2 + variable3 + variable4")
Amos takes it for granted that it is supposed to estimate a regression weight for each variable on the right hand side of this equation. The parentheses sometimes contribute to readability, and, as will be shown below, provide the means for placing constraints on regression weights. In using this method for specifying linear relationships, it is possible to specify one or more intercepts in a regression equation. For example:
Dim Sem as New AmosEngine . . . Sem.AStructure("var1 = () var2 + ()") Sem.AStructure("var3 = () var4 + () + ()") . . .
Here, var1 is specified to be a multiple of var2, except for an intercept term. var3 is specified to be a multiple of var4, except for two intercept terms. The five sets of empty parentheses represent five parameters that Amos is supposed to estimate - two regression weights and three intercepts. Again, the empty parentheses can be left out if desired. Constraints can be placed on regression weights and intercepts as in the following example:
Dim Sem as New AmosEngine . . . Sem.AStructure("var1 = (alpha) var2 + (charlie)") Sem.AStructure("var3 = (alpha) var4 + (charlie) + (50)") . . .
Here, Amos is required to estimate two parameters. The two regression weights labeled alpha are required to be equal. Their common value constitutes one parameter. The two intercepts labeled charlie are required to be equal. Their common value constitutes the second parameter. The remaining intercept is fixed at 50, so it doesnt have to be estimated.
With one exception, Amos assumes that the exogenous variables in a model are correlated, and it estimates the covariance between every pair of exogenous variables. The exception to this default assumption concerns unique variables exogenous variables that are unobserved and have a direct effect on only one variable. Amos assumes that unique variables are uncorrelated with each other, and with every other exogenous variable in the model. You may explicitly permit two variables to be correlated by using the string, <>, as illustrated in the following example:
Dim Sem as New AmosEngine . . . Sem.AStructure("variable2 <> variable3")
where Amos is told that variable2 and variable3 may be correlated, and is asked to estimate their covariance. Since the AStructure method ignores dashes, the following three lines are equivalent:
Sem.AStructure("variable2<>variable3") Sem.AStructure("variable2 <---> variable3") Sem.AStructure("variable2 <----------> variable3")
You can place constraints on the covariances of exogenous variables, as in the following example:
Dim Sem as New AmosEngine . . . Sem.AStructure("variable1 <---> Sem.AStructure("variable2 <---> Sem.AStructure("variable3 <---> Sem.AStructure("variable1 <---> Sem.AStructure("variable2 <---> Sem.AStructure("variable1 <---> . . .
In this example, the first three covariances listed are required to be equal because they are all labeled alpha. Similarly, the two covariances labeled beta are required to be equal to each other. variable1 and variable2 are declared to be uncorrelated, so that Amos will not attempt to estimate their covariance. (It is also possible to fix a covariance to a nonzero value, although reasons for doing so are rare.)
By default, Amos assumes that there are no constraints on the variances of the exogenous variables in the model. However, you can constrain the variances, as in the following example:
Dim Sem as New AmosEngine . . . Sem.AStructure("variable1 (gamma)") Sem.AStructure("variable2 (gamma)") Sem.AStructure("variable3 (gamma)") Sem.AStructure("variable4 (1)") Sem.AStructure("variable5 (2)") Sem.AStructure("variable6 (delta)") Sem.AStructure("variable7 (delta)") . . .
In this example, the variance of variable4 is fixed at 1, and the variance of variable5 is fixed at 2. Amos does not attempt to estimate these fixed parameters. variable1, variable2 and variable3 are required to have the same variance because they are all labeled gamma. Similarly, variable6 and variable7 are required to have the same variance because they are both labeled delta.
To give a parameter a non-numeric label as well as an initial value, type the non-numeric label, followed by a colon, followed by the initial value. In the following example the variances of variable1, variable2 and variable3 are constrained to be equal and given an initial value of 8, while the variances of variable6 and variable7 are constrained to be equal and given an initial value of 9:
Dim Sem as New AmosEngine . . . Sem.AStructure("variable1 (gamma Sem.AStructure("variable2 (gamma Sem.AStructure("variable3 (gamma Sem.AStructure("variable4 (1)") Sem.AStructure("variable5 (2)") Sem.AStructure("variable6 (delta Sem.AStructure("variable7 (delta . . .
: 9)") : 9)")
BeginGroup Method
Specifies the data file, and begins the model specification for a single group. BeginGroup is a simplified form of the BeginGroupEx (see "BeginGroupEx Method" on page 310) method. The database format is inferred from the data file name.
object.BeginGroup (fileName) object.BeginGroup (fileName, tableName) object.BeginGroup (fileName, groupingVariable, groupingValue) object.BeginGroup (fileName, tableName, groupingVariable, groupingValue) The BeginGroup method syntax has the following parts:
object fileName tableName
An object of type AmosEngine. Name of a data file.
Name of a data table within the data file. Required for database formats, such as Excel 5, Excel 97 and Access, contain multiple data tables. Must be omitted for database formats, such as Excel 4, dbase and PASW Statistics, contain only a single data table.
groupingVariable groupingValue
groupingVariable and groupingValue are optional. Together they select a subset of cases from the data file for a includes those cases for which the variable named groupingVariable takes on the value groupingValue. See GroupingVariable above.
Placement: [2].
See Also
GroupName Method (on page 459)
BeginGroupEx Method
Specifies the data file, and begins the model specification for a single group.
object.BeginGroupEx (dbFormat, fileName, tableName) object.BeginGroupEx (dbFormat, fileName, tableName, groupingVariable, groupingValue) The BeginGroupEx method syntax has the following parts:
object dbFormat fileName tableName
An object of type AmosEngine. A database format specifier. Name of a data file. Name of a data table within the data file. Required for database formats, such as Excel 5, Excel 97 and Access, in which a file can contain multiple data tables. Must be the empty string ("") for database formats, such as Excel 4, dbase and PASW Statistics, for which a file can contain only a single data table. GroupingVariable and GroupingValue are optional. Together they select a subset of cases from the data file for analysis. The analysis includes those cases for which the variable named VariableName takes on the value GroupingValue. See GroupingVariable above.
Placement: [2].
The settings for DbFormat are:
Value Description
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 Dbase III Dbase IV Dbase V Excel 3 Excel 4 Excel 5, Excel 7 Excel 97, Excel 8 Foxpro 2.0 Foxpro 2.5 Foxpro 2.6 Lotus *.wk1 Lotus *.wk3 Lotus *.wk4
mmAccess mmSPSS mmText
Value Description
14 18 19 Microsoft Access PASW Statistics Text
See Also
BeginGroup Method (on page 308) GroupName Method (on page 459)
BootAdf Method
Controls display of the histogram of discrepancies,
C ADF ( 1 ,a ),C ADF ( 2 ,a ), K , C ADF ( B ,a )
In the above formula, a is the vector of sample moments, B is the number of bootstrap samples and b is the vector of implied moments obtained by fitting the model to the b-th bootstrap sample. The mean and standard deviation of the distribution are also reported.
object.BootAdf () object.BootAdf (tf) The BootAdf method syntax has the following parts:
object tf
An object of type AmosEngine. Optional. If tf is True (the default), the histogram is displayed. Otherwise, not
Placement: [1].
The distribution of
C ADF ( 1 ,a ),C ADF ( 2 ,a ), K , C ADF ( B ,a )
When a bootstrap is not performed, BootAdf is ignored. See Example 21 in the Users Guide for a demonstration of the BootAdf method.
See Also
Adf Method (on page 292) BootGls Method (on page 323) BootMl Method (on page 326) BootSls Method (on page 329) Bootstrap Method (on page 332) BootUls Method (on page 339) BootVerify Method (on page 342) Seed Method (on page 610)
BootBS Method
Carries out the bootstrap procedure of Bollen and Stine (1992) for testing the hypothesis that the specified model is correct.
object.BootBS () object.BootBS (tf) The BootBS method syntax has the following parts:
object tf
An object of type AmosEngine. Optional. True (default) specifies that a Bollen-Stine test is to be carried out.
Placement: [1].
The Bollen-Stine test is not carried out.
If you use BootBS, you must also use Bootstrap (see "Bootstrap Method" on page 332) to specify the number of bootstrap samples. However, when BootBS is used, bootstrapped standard errors are not reported. To obtain bootstrapped standard errors, run the problem without the BootBS Method. The BootBS Method is only for testing model fit under non-normality.
See Also
Bootstrap Method (on page 332) BootVerify Method (on page 342) Seed Method (on page 610)
Thus, the departure of the data from the model is significant at the .462 level. In other words, the data do not depart significantly from the model at any conventional significance level. The distribution of 2000 likelihood ratio chi-square statistics obtained from the 2000 bootstrap samples is as follows.
This distribution resembles the chi-square distribution with eight degrees of freedom insofar as it is positively skewed and has a mean of about eight (actually 8.327). Unfortunately, Amos does not provide the information needed to do a more detailed comparison with the chi-square distribution.
BootFactor Method
Speeds up the bootstrap (see "Bootstrap Method" on page 332) algorithm and makes it more reliable under the assumption that standard errors are inversely proportional to the square root of sample size.
object.BootFactor (M) The BootFactor method syntax has the following parts:
object M
An object of type AmosEngine.
A positive integer. In the BootFactor example (see "BootFactor Method Example" on page 322), M=5. Suppose that your data consist of G independent samples (groups) with sample sizes
Placement: [1].
M = 1.
Using a value for M other than 1 requires the assumption that the standard error of each estimate is inversely proportional to the square root of sample size. The use of M > 1 can substantially reduce computation time, and reduces the probability of encountering a bootstrap sample for which parameter estimation is impossible. The larger M is, the larger the bootstrap samples will be, the more closely their sample moments will resemble the moments of the original sample, and the more closely the parameter estimates for the bootstrap samples will resemble the parameter estimates from the original sample. Since the parameter estimates from the original sample are used as initial values in the analysis of each bootstrap sample, a large value for M reduces the amount of computation required to estimate parameters for a bootstrap sample. Of course, if M is set to a very large value, generating the bootstrap samples will become the dominant cost factor. A very large M may also create numerical problems. The use of M > 1 solves a problem described in a special case by Dolker, Halperin and Divgi (1982). With small samples and M=1, the sample covariance matrix in a bootstrap sample may be singular even though the covariance matrix in the original sample is nonsingular. The occurrence of a singular covariance matrix in a bootstrap sample prohibits estimation by the Gls (see "Gls Method" on page 457) or Adf (see "Adf Method" on page 292) methods. The larger M is, the smaller are the chances of finding a singular sample covariance matrix in a bootstrap sample. It is not possible to perform a Bollen-Stine bootstrap test of fit or to obtain bootstrap confidence intervals (ConfidenceBC (see "ConfidenceBC Method" on page 360) or ConfidencePC (see "ConfidencePC Method" on page 364)) if M >1.
See Also
Bootstrap Method (on page 332) BootVerify Method (on page 342) Seed Method (on page 610)
BootGls Method
Controls display of the histogram of discrepancies,
object.BootGls () object.BootGls (tf) The BootGls method syntax has the following parts:
object tf
An object of type AmosEngine. Optional. If tf is True (the default), the histogram is displayed. Otherwise, not.
Placement: [1].
The distribution of
CGLS ( 1 ,a ), CGLS ( 2 , a),K, CGLS ( B , a) is reported only when a bootstrap is performed using the Gls
When a bootstrap is not performed, BootGls is ignored. For a demonstration of the BootGls method, see the files Ex21-adf.vb, Ex21-gls.vb, Ex21-ml.vb and Ex21- uls.vb in the Examples subdirectory.
See Also
BootAdf Method (on page 313) BootMl Method (on page 326) Bootstrap Method (on page 332) BootSls Method (on page 329) BootUls Method (on page 339) BootVerify Method (on page 342) Gls Method (on page 457) Seed Method (on page 610)
BootMl Method
Controls display of the histogram of discrepancies,
C KL ( b , a b ) C KL (a, a) , b = 1,K, B .
In the above formula, a is the vector of sample moments, B is the number of bootstrap samples and b is the vector of implied moments obtained by fitting the model to the b-th bootstrap sample. The mean and standard deviation of the distribution are also reported.
object.BootMl () object.BootMl (tf) The BootMl method syntax has the following parts:
object tf
An object of type AmosEngine. Optional. If tf is True (the default), the histogram is displayed. Otherwise, not.
Placement: [1].
The distribution of
When no bootstrap is performed, BootMl is ignored. For a demonstration of the BootMl method, see the files Ex21-adf.vb, Ex21-gls.vb, Ex21-ml.vb and Ex21- uls.vb in the Examples subdirectory.
See Also
BootAdf Method (on page 313) BootGls Method (on page 323) BootSls Method (on page 329) Bootstrap Method (on page 332) BootUls Method (on page 339) BootVerify Method (on page 342) Ml Method (on page 490) Seed Method (on page 610)
BootSls Method
Controls display of the histogram of discrepancies,
object.BootSls () object.BootSls (tf) The BootSls method syntax has the following parts:
object tf
An object of type AmosEngine. Optional. If tf is True (the default), the histogram is displayed. Otherwise, not.
Placement: [1].
The distribution of
C SLS ( 1 , a) , C SLS ( 2 , a ) ,K, C SLS ( B , a) is reported only when a bootstrap is performed using the Sls
(see "Sls Method" on page 614) method.
When a bootstrap is not performed, BootSls is ignored. For a demonstration of the BootSls method, see the files Ex21-adf.vb, Ex21-gls.vb, Ex21-ml.vb and Ex21- uls.vb in the Examples subdirectory.
See Also
BootAdf Method (on page 313) BootGls Method (on page 323) BootMl Method (on page 326) Bootstrap Method (on page 332) BootUls Method (on page 339) BootVerify Method (on page 342) Seed Method (on page 610) BootFactor Method Example (on page 322)
Bootstrap Method
Requests bootstrap standard errors for parameter estimates using the bootstrap algorithm of Efron (1982) and specifies the number of bootstrap samples.
object.Bootstrap (nSamples) The Bootstrap method syntax has the following parts:
object nSamples
An object of type AmosEngine. The number of bootstrap samples. If the value of nSamples is zero, no bootstrap is performed.
Placement: [1].
No bootstrap is performed.
Amos displays bootstrap standard errors for the estimates displayed by the methods: Standardized (see "Standardized Method" on page 622), Smc (see "Smc Method" on page 616), FactorScoreWeights (see "FactorScoreWeights Method" on page 399), TotalEffects (see "TotalEffects Method" on page 635), SampleMoments (see "SampleMoments Method" on page 608), ImpliedMoments (see "ImpliedMoments Method" on page 461) and AllImpliedMoments (see "AllImpliedMoments Method" on page 296). Bootstrap standard errors are reported only for those quantities that are estimated. For example, to obtain bootstrapped standard errors for squared multiple correlations, you need to use the Smc (see "Smc Method" on page 616) method. Similarly, to obtain bootstrapped standard errors for sample correlations, you must use both SampleMoments (see "SampleMoments Method" on page 608) and Standardized (see "Standardized Method" on page 622). Note that standard errors for estimated indirect effects are provided along with the bootstrapped standard errors of the TotalEffects (see "TotalEffects Method" on page 635) method. Bootstrap requires raw data unless you use MonteCarlo (see "MonteCarlo Method" on page 503).
See Also
BootAdf Method (on page 313) BootBS Method (on page 316) BootFactor Method (on page 320) BootGls Method (on page 323) BootMl Method (on page 326) BootUls Method (on page 339) BootVerify Method (on page 342) ConfidenceBC Method (on page 360) ConfidencePC Method (on page 364) GetBCLowerBounds, GetBCUpperBounds Methods (on page 414) GetBootSampleEstimates Method (on page 423) GetPCLowerBounds, GetPCUpperBounds Methods (on page 441) GetStandardErrors Method (on page 450)
MonteCarlo Method (on page 503) Seed Method (on page 610)
BootUls Method
Controls the display of the histogram of discrepancies,
object.BootUls () object.BootUls (tf) The BootUls method syntax has the following parts:
object tf
An object of type AmosEngine. Optional. If tf is True (the default), the histogram is displayed. Otherwise, not.
Placement: [1].
The distribution of
CULS ( 1 , a) , CULS ( 2 , a) ,K, CULS ( B , a) is reported only when a bootstrap is performed using the Uls
(see "Uls Method" on page 637) method.
When a bootstrap is not performed, BootUls is ignored. For a demonstration of the BootUls method, see the files Ex21-adf.vb, Ex21-gls.vb, Ex21-ml.vb and Ex21-uls.vb in the Examples subdirectory.
See Also
BootAdf Method (on page 313) BootGls Method (on page 323) BootMl Method (on page 326) BootSls Method (on page 329) Bootstrap Method (on page 332) BootVerify Method (on page 342) Uls Method (on page 637) Seed Method (on page 610)
BootVerify Method
Controls the reporting of detailed information about individual bootstrap samples.
object.BootVerify () object.BootVerify (tf) The BootVerify method syntax has the following parts:
object tf
An object of type AmosEngine. Optional. True (default) requests the reporting of detailed information. False suppresses it.
Placement: [1].
Detailed information is not reported.
Detailed information consists of the frequency with which each observation from the original sample appears in each bootstrap sample.
See Also
Bootstrap Method (on page 332) GetBootSampleEstimates Method (on page 423) NeedBootSampleEstimates Method (on page 517) Seed Method (on page 610)
ChiCorrect Method
Specifies the value of the constant, r, in Appendix A of the Users Guide.
object.ChiCorrect (r) The ChiCorrect method syntax has the following parts:
object r
An object of type AmosEngine. The constant r in Appendix A of the Users Guide.
Placement: [1].
r is the number of groups.
When the EmuLisrel6 (see "Emulisrel6 Method" on page 389) method is used, the default value for r cannot be changed. The choice of r affects only the discrepancy function and standard errors. It does not affect parameter estimates. There are few guidelines for departing from Amoss default value for r. Browne (1982, p. 98), mentions favorably a formula due to Swain (1975):
p 2 p 2 + 3 p 1 y 2 y 2 + 3y 1 12d
) (
y = 1 [(1 + 8q )1 / 2 1] , 2
using the notation in Appendix A of the Users Guide. The Swain formula is intended for the case of a single group with unconstrained means and intercepts, where the model is invariant under a constant scaling factor. A one-group model in which means and intercepts are unconstrained was called invariant under a constant scaling factor by Browne (1982, p. 77) if, given any parameter vector, , and a positive number, c, there exists * such that
(1) ( *) = d ( 1) ( ) .
When means and intercepts are highly constrained, some consideration should be given to using the ChiCorrect method to specify r = 0.
See Also
Cmin Method (on page 349)
ChiSquareProbability Method
Gets the p value for a chi square statistic.
result = object.ChiSquareProbability (chiSquare, df) The ChiSquareProbability method syntax has the following parts:
result object chiSquare df
The probability that a chi square statistic with df degrees of freedom will exceed chiSquare. An object of type AmosEngine. a chi square value degrees of freedom
See Also
P Method (on page 555)
Cmin Method
Gets the minimized value of the discrepancy function.
result = object.Cmin () The Cmin method syntax has the following parts:
result object
The minimized value of the discrepancy function. An object of type AmosEngine.
Placement: [3].
If you have used the Model (see "Model Method" on page 492) method to define more than one model, the Cmin method gets the minimized discrepancy function for the most recently fitted model. The second example shows how to obtain the minimized discrepancy for multiple models.
Debug.WriteLine("Degrees of Freedom = " & Sem.df) Debug.WriteLine("p = " & Sem.p) Debug.WriteLine("Number of parameters = " & Sem.npar) Debug.WriteLine("Noncentrality parameter = " & Sem.Ncp & " (" & Sem.NcpLo & _ ", " & Sem.NcpHi & ")") Debug.WriteLine("Rmsea = " & Sem.Rmsea & " (" & Sem.RmseaLo & ", " & Sem.RmseaHi & ")") Debug.WriteLine("Test of close fit, p = " & Sem.Pclose) Sem.Dispose() End Sub End Module
ColumnNames Method
Obtains the variable names associated with the columns of a matrix of estimates.
object.ColumnNames (matrixID, theColumnNames) object.ColumnNames (matrixID, theColumnNames, groupNumber) The ColumnNames method syntax has the following parts:
object matrixID theColumnNames
An object of type AmosEngine. An integer that specifies a matrix of estimates, as described in Settings. A string array declared as Dim theColumnNames() as String in the calling program. The Amos Engine will redimension the array so that theColumnNames(1) is the first column name in the array.
Optional. A group number. The first group is group number 1. If groupNumber is omitted, the first group is used.
Placement: [3].
The settings for MatrixID are:
SampleCovariances SampleCorrelations SampleMeans ImpliedCovariances ImpliedCorrelations ImpliedMeans AllImpliedCovariances
Value Description
13 14 15 10 11 12 7 Sample covariances. Sample correlations. Sample means. The implied covariances among the observed variables in the model. The implied correlations among the observed variables in the model. The implied means of the observed variables in the model. The implied covariances among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied correlations among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied means of all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables.
DirectEffects IndirectEffects TotalEffects StandardizedDirectEffects StandardizedIndirectEffects StandardizedTotalEffects FactorScoreWeights
Value Description
19 20 5 22 23 21 6 Direct effects. Indirect effects. Total effects. Standardized direct effects. Standardized indirect effects. Standardized total effects. Factor score weights.
The NeedEstimates (see "NeedEstimates Method" on page 521) method must be used to warn that a particular matrix of estimates will be needed before the ColumnNames method can be used to obtain the column names for that matrix. For example, you have to use object.NeedEstimates (ImpliedMeans) before using object.ColumnNames (ImpliedMeans, )
See Also
ColumnNumbers Method (on page 356) RowNames Method (on page 600) RowNumbers Method (on page 604)
Programming with Amos Dim NRows1 As Integer, NColumns1 As Integer Dim i As Integer, j As Integer NRows1 = UBound(RNames) NColumns1 = UBound(CNames) Debug.Write(" ") For j = 0 To NColumns1 Debug.Write(CNames(j).PadLeft(10)) Next Debug.WriteLine("") For i = 0 To NRows1 Debug.Write(RNames(i).PadRight(8)) For j = 0 To NColumns1 Debug.Write(TheMatrix(i, j).ToString(".00000").PadLeft(10)) Next Debug.WriteLine("") Next End Sub End Module
ColumnNumbers Method
Obtains the variable numbers associated with the columns of a matrix.
object.ColumnNumbers (matrixID, theVariableNumbers) object.ColumnNumbers (matrixID, theVariableNumbers, groupNumber) The ColumnNumbers method syntax has the following parts:
object matrixID theVariableNumbers
An object of type AmosEngine. An integer that specifies a matrix of estimates, as described in Settings An integer array declared in the calling program as Dim theVariableNumbers() as Integer The Amos Engine redimensions the array.
Optional. A group number. The first group is group number 1. If groupNumber is omitted, the first group is used.
Placement: [3].
The settings for matrixID are:
SampleCovariances SampleCorrelations SampleMeans ImpliedCovariances ImpliedCorrelations ImpliedMeans AllImpliedCovariances
Value Description
13 14 15 10 11 12 7 Sample covariances. Sample correlations. Sample means. The implied covariances among the observed variables in the model. The implied correlations among the observed variables in the model. The implied means of the observed variables in the model. The implied covariances among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied correlations among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied means of all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. Direct effects. Indirect effects.
DirectEffects IndirectEffects
19 20
TotalEffects StandardizedDirectEffects StandardizedIndirectEffects StandardizedTotalEffects FactorScoreWeights
Value Description
5 22 23 21 6 Total effects. Standardized direct effects. Standardized indirect effects. Standardized total effects. Factor score weights.
The NeedEstimates (see "NeedEstimates Method" on page 521) method must be used to warn that a particular matrix of estimates will be needed before the ColumnNumbers method can be used to obtain the column numbers for that matrix. For example, you have to use object.NeedEstimates (ImpliedMeans) before using object.ColumnNumbers (ImpliedMeans, )
See Also
ColumnNames Method (on page 352) RowNames Method (on page 600) RowNumbers Method (on page 604)
Sub PrintMatrix1(ByVal TheMatrix(,) As Double, ByVal CNumbers() As Integer, ByVal RNumbers() As Integer) Dim NRows1 As Integer, NColumns1 As Integer Dim i As Integer, j As Integer NRows1 = UBound(RNumbers) NColumns1 = UBound(CNumbers) Debug.Write(" ") For j = 0 To NColumns1 Debug.Write(CNumbers(j).ToString.PadLeft(10)) Next Debug.WriteLine("") For i = 0 To NRows1 Debug.Write(RNumbers(i).ToString.PadLeft(8)) For j = 0 To NColumns1 Debug.Write(TheMatrix(i, j).ToString("#.00000").PadLeft(10)) Next Debug.WriteLine("") Next End Sub End Module
ConfidenceBC Method
Controls whether bias-corrected bootstrap confidence intervals are reported.
object.ConfidenceBC (confidenceLevel) The ConfidenceBC method syntax has the following parts:
object confidenceLevel
An object of type AmosEngine. Desired confidence level. If the value of confidenceLevel is zero, bias-corrected confidence intervals are not reported.
Placement: [1].
Bias-corrected confidence intervals are not reported.
Amos can produce bootstrapped confidence intervals for all parameter estimates, as well as for estimates displayed by the methods: Standardized (see "Standardized Method" on page 622), Smc (see "Smc Method" on page 616), FactorScoreWeights (see "FactorScoreWeights Method" on page 399), TotalEffects (see "TotalEffects Method" on page 635), SampleMoments (see "SampleMoments Method" on page 608), ImpliedMoments (see "ImpliedMoments Method" on page 461) and AllImpliedMoments (see "AllImpliedMoments Method" on page 296). Bootstrap confidence intervals are reported only for those quantities that are estimated. For example, to obtain bootstrapped standard errors for squared multiple correlations, you need to use the Smc method. Similarly, to obtain bootstrapped standard errors for sample correlations, you must use both SampleMoments (see "SampleMoments Method" on page 608) and Standardized (see "Standardized Method" on page 622) methods. When you use ConfidenceBC, you must also use Bootstrap (see "Bootstrap Method" on page 332) to specify the number of bootstrap samples. Note that bias-corrected confidence intervals for estimated indirect effects are provided along with the bias-corrected confidence intervals of the TotalEffects (see "TotalEffects Method" on page 635) method. ConfidenceBC requires raw data unless you use MonteCarlo (see "MonteCarlo Method" on page 503).
See Also
Bootstrap Method (on page 332) ConfidencePC Method (on page 364) GetBCLowerBounds, GetBCUpperBounds Methods (on page 414) MonteCarlo Method (on page 503) NeedBCLowerBounds, NeedBCUpperBounds Methods (on page 513)
Sem.Standardized() Sem.TextOutput() Sem.BeginGroup(Sem.AmosDir & "Examples\UserGuide.xls", "Grnt_fem") Sem.AStructure("visperc = (1) spatial + (1) err_v") Sem.AStructure("cubes = spatial + (1) err_c") Sem.AStructure("lozenges = spatial + (1) err_l") Sem.AStructure("paragraph = (1) verbal + (1) err_p") Sem.AStructure("sentence = verbal + (1) err_s") Sem.AStructure("wordmean = verbal + (1) err_w") Sem.Dispose() End Sub End Module
The confidence interval for the correlation between spatial and verbal, for example, is [.250, .681]. Since the confidence interval does not include zero, you would reject the hypothesis that the correlation is zero in the population, using a two-sided test with a significance level of .10. To carry out a similar two-sided test with a significance level of .05, you would need to request a 95% confidence interval (ConfidenceBC 95). You can also refer to the value in the p column. Each p value reveals indirectly how small the confidence level would have to be to yield a confidence interval that includes the value zero. A value of p in the p column indicates that a 100(1-p)% confidence interval would have one of its end points at zero. In this sense, a p value can be used to test the hypothesis that an estimate has a population value of zero. For example, the correlation between spatial and verbal has a p value of .003, which means that a 99.7% confidence interval would have its lower boundary at zero. In other words, a confidence interval at any conventional confidence level, such as .95 or .99, would not include zero, and you would reject at any conventional significance level the hypothesis that the correlation is zero in the population.
ConfidencePC Method
Controls whether bootstrap confidence intervals obtained by using the percentile method (Efron, 1987) are reported. Syntax object.ConfidencePC (confidenceLevel) The ConfidencePC method syntax has the following parts:
object confidenceLevel
An object of type AmosEngine. Desired confidence level. If the value of confidenceLevel is zero, percentile confidence intervals are not reported.
Placement: [1].
Percentile confidence intervals are not reported.
Amos can produce bootstrapped confidence intervals for all parameter estimates, as well as for estimates displayed by the methods: Standardized (see "Standardized Method" on page 622), Smc (see "Smc Method" on page 616), FactorScoreWeights (see "FactorScoreWeights Method" on page 399), TotalEffects (see "TotalEffects Method" on page 635), SampleMoments (see "SampleMoments Method" on page 608), ImpliedMoments (see "ImpliedMoments Method" on page 461) and AllImpliedMoments (see "AllImpliedMoments Method" on page 296). Bootstrap confidence intervals are reported only for those quantities that are estimated. For example, to obtain bootstrapped standard errors for squared multiple correlations, you need to use the Smc (see "Smc Method" on page 616) method. Similarly, to obtain bootstrapped standard errors for sample correlations, you must use both SampleMoments (see "SampleMoments Method" on page 608) and Standardized (see "Standardized Method" on page 622). When you use ConfidencePC, you must also use Bootstrap (see "Bootstrap Method" on page 332) to specify the number of bootstrap samples. Note that percentile confidence intervals for estimated indirect effects are provided along with the percentile confidence intervals of the TotalEffects (see "TotalEffects Method" on page 635) method. ConfidencePC requires raw data unless you use MonteCarlo (see "MonteCarlo Method" on page 503). See Also
Sem.Standardized() Sem.TextOutput() Sem.BeginGroup(Sem.AmosDir & "Examples\UserGuide.xls", "Grnt_fem") Sem.AStructure("visperc = (1) spatial + (1) err_v") Sem.AStructure("cubes = spatial + (1) err_c") Sem.AStructure("lozenges = spatial + (1) err_l") Sem.AStructure("paragraph = (1) verbal + (1) err_p") Sem.AStructure("sentence = verbal + (1) err_s") Sem.AStructure("wordmean = verbal + (1) err_w") Sem.Dispose() End Sub End Module
The confidence interval for the correlation between spatial and verbal, for example, is [.277, .705]. Since the confidence interval does not include zero, you would reject the hypothesis that the correlation is zero in the population, using a two-sided test with a significance level of .10. To carry out a similar two-sided test with a significance level of .05, you would need to request a 95% confidence interval (Confidencebc 95). You can also refer to the value in the p column. Each p value reveals indirectly how small the confidence level would have to be to yield a confidence interval that includes the value zero. A value of p in the p column indicates that a 100(1-p)% confidence interval would have one of its end points at zero. In this sense, a p value can be used to test the hypothesis that an estimate has a population value of zero. For example, the correlation between spatial and verbal has a p value of .002, which implies that a 99.8% confidence interval would have its lower boundary at zero. In other words, a confidence interval at any conventional confidence level, such as .95 or .99, would not include zero, and you would reject at any conventional significance level the hypothesis that the correlation is zero in the population.
Corest Method
Controls whether an estimate of the correlation matrix of the parameter estimates is reported.
object.Corest () object.Corest (tf) The Corest method syntax has the following parts:
object tf
An object of type AmosEngine. Optional. If tf is True (default), an estimate of the correlation matrix of the parameter estimates is calculated. Otherwise, not.
Placement: [1].
The correlation matrix of parameter estimates is not estimated.
An estimate of the correlation matrix of the parameter estimates is available only for the case of maximum likelihood (Ml (see "Ml Method" on page 490)), generalized least squares (Gls (see "Gls Method" on page 457)), and asymptotically distribution-free (Adf (see "Adf Method" on page 292)) estimation. When other estimation criteria are used, the Corest method is ignored.
See Also
Covest Method (on page 373) Crdiff Method (on page 375)
Cov Method
Specifies a covariance as a model parameter.
object.Cov (leftVariableName, rightVariableName) object.Cov (leftVariableName, rightVariableName, parameterValue) object.Cov (leftVariableName, rightVariableName, parameterName) The Cov method syntax has the following parts:
object leftVariableName rightVariableName parameterValue
An object of type AmosEngine. The character strings, leftVariableName and rightVariableName, are the names of two exogenous variables. The Cov method makes their covariance a model parameter. (Optional) Parameter value. If parameterValue = 3, say, then the covariance is fixed at 3.
(Optional) Parameter name. If parameterName = abc, say, then the covariance is named abc. It is constrained to be equal to any other parameters named abc. If parameterName = 3?, say then the covariance is given an initial value of 3, and is unconstrained. If parameterName = abc:3, say, then the covariance is named abc and is given an initial value of 3. It is constrained to be equal to any other parameters named abc. If parameterName is an empty string (""), the covariance is an unconstrained parameter.
Placement: [2].
With one exception, Amos assumes that the exogenous variables in a model are correlated, and it estimates the covariance between every pair of exogenous variables. The exception to this default assumption concerns unique variables - exogenous variables that are unobserved and have a direct effect on only one variable. Amos assumes that unique variables are uncorrelated with each other, and with every other exogenous variable in the model. You can modify these defaults with the GenerateDefaultCovariances (see "GenerateDefaultCovariances Method" on page 411) method.
If parameterValue and parameterName are omitted, the covariance is an unconstrained parameter.
See Also
AStructure Method (on page 302) Intercept Method (on page 477) Mean Method (on page 486) MStructure Method (on page 505) Path Method (on page 574) Var Method (on page 641)
Covest Method
Controls whether an estimate of the covariance matrix of the parameter estimates is reported.
object.Covest () object.Covest (tf) The Covest method syntax has the following parts:
object tf
An object of type AmosEngine. Optional. If tf is True (default), an estimate of the covariance matrix of the parameter estimates is calculated. Otherwise, not.
Placement: [1].
The covariance matrix of parameter estimates is not estimated.
An estimate of the covariance matrix of the parameter estimates is available only for the case of maximum likelihood (Ml (see "Ml Method" on page 490)), generalized least squares (Gls (see "Gls Method" on page 457)), and asymptotically distribution-free (Adf (see "Adf Method" on page 292)) estimation. When other estimation criteria are used, the Covest method is ignored.
See Also
Corest Method (on page 368) Crdiff Method (on page 375)
Crdiff Method
Controls whether Amos calculates a critical ratio for each pair of parameter estimates. The critical ratio for a pair of parameter estimates provides a test of the hypothesis that the two parameters are equal.
object.Crdiff () object.Crdiff (tf) The Crdiff method syntax has the following parts:
object tf
An object of type AmosEngine. Optional. If tf is True (default), Amos calculates critical ratios for differences between parameters. Otherwise, not.
Placement: [1].
Critical ratios for differences between parameters are not calculated.
Critical ratios for differences between parameters are available only for the case of maximum likelihood (Ml (see "Ml Method" on page 490)), generalized least squares (Gls (see "Gls Method" on page 457)), and asymptotically distribution-free (Adf (see "Adf Method" on page 292)) estimation. When other estimation criteria are used, the Crdiff method is ignored.
See Also
Corest Method (on page 368) Covest Method (on page 373)
Crit1 Method
Affects one of the convergence criteria used in deciding whether a local minimum has been reached. Amos requires the absolute value of each first order derivative to be less than the value specified by Crit1 at the end of the final iteration.
object.Crit1 (threshold) The Crit1 method syntax has the following parts:
object threshold
An object of type AmosEngine. Threshold for the absolute value of each first order derivative.
Placement: [1].
The absolute value of each first order derivative is required to be less than .00001 at the end of the final iteration.
See Also
Crit2 Method (on page 379) Fisher Method (on page 401) Iterations Method (on page 482) Technical Method (on page 625) Time Method (on page 631)
Crit2 Method
Affects one of the convergence criteria used in deciding whether a local minimum has been reached. Amos requires that, on the final iteration, the distance traveled in the parameter space (the square root of the sum of squared changes in the parameter values) be less than the threshold specified by Crit2.
object.Crit2 (threshold) The Crit2 method syntax has the following parts:
object threshold
An object of type AmosEngine. Threshold for the distance traveled in the parameter space on the final iteration.
Placement: [1].
The distance traveled in the parameter space is required to be less than .001 on the final iteration.
See Also
Crit1 Method (on page 377) Fisher Method (on page 401) Iterations Method (on page 482) Technical Method (on page 625) Time Method (on page 631)
DataFileNCases Method
Gets the number of cases in a dataset.
object.DataFileNCases () object.DataFileNCases (groupNumber) The DataFileNCases method syntax has the following parts:
object groupNumber
An object of type AmosEngine. Optional number. If groupNumber is present, it is a group number, where the first group is group number 1. If groupNumber is omitted, the method returns the number of cases in the group referred to by the most recent use of the BeginGroupEx (see "BeginGroupEx Method" on page 310) method.
Placement: [2].
See Also
DataFileNVariables Method (on page 383)
DataFileNVariables Method
Gets the number of variables in a dataset.
object.DataFileNVariables () object.DataFileNVariables (groupNumber) The DataFileNVariables method syntax has the following parts:
object groupNumber
An object of type AmosEngine. Optional number. If groupNumber is present, it is a group number, where the first group is group number 1. If groupNumber is omitted, the method returns the number of variables in the dataset referred to by the most recent use of the BeginGroupEx (see "BeginGroupEx Method" on page 310) method.
Placement: [2].
See Also
DataFileNCases Method (on page 381)
Df Method
Gets the degrees of freedom.
result = object.Df () The Df method syntax has the following parts:
result object
The degrees of freedom. An object of type AmosEngine.
Placement: [3].
If you have used the Model (see "Model Method" on page 492) method to define more than one model, the Df method returns the degrees of freedom for the most recently fitted model. The second example shows how to obtain the degrees of freedom for multiple models.
See Also
Npar Method (on page 540)
Df Method Example 1
The following program shows how to obtain various fit measures when only one model is defined (i.e., when the Model (see "Model Method" on page 492) method has been used only once or not at all).
Imports System.Diagnostics Module MainModule ' Df Method Example 1 Sub Main() Dim Sem As New AmosEngineLib.AmosEngine Sem.BeginGroup(Sem.AmosDir & "Examples\UserGuide.xls", "Grnt_fem") Sem.AStructure("visperc = (1) spatial + (1) err_v") Sem.AStructure("cubes = spatial + (1) err_c") Sem.AStructure("lozenges = spatial + (1) err_l") Sem.AStructure("paragraph = (1) verbal + (1) err_p") Sem.AStructure("sentence = verbal + (1) err_s") Sem.AStructure("wordmean = verbal + (1) err_w") Debug.WriteLine("Chi Square = " & Sem.Cmin) Debug.WriteLine("Degrees of Freedom = " & Sem.df) Debug.WriteLine("p = " & Sem.p) Debug.WriteLine("Number of parameters = " & Sem.npar) Debug.WriteLine("Noncentrality parameter = " & Sem.Ncp & " (" & _ Sem.NcpLo & ", " & Sem.NcpHi & ")") Debug.WriteLine("Rmsea = " & Sem.Rmsea & " (" & Sem.RmseaLo & ", " & Sem.RmseaHi & ")") Debug.WriteLine("Test of close fit, p = " & Sem.Pclose) Sem.Dispose() End Sub End Module
Df Method Example 2
The following program shows how to obtain various fit measures for multiple models (i.e., when the Model (see "Model Method" on page 492) method has been used more than once).
Imports System.Diagnostics Module MainModule ' Df Method Example 2 Sub Main() Dim Sem As New AmosEngineLib.AmosEngine Dim i As Integer Sem.BeginGroup(Sem.AmosDir & "Examples\UserGuide.xls", "Grnt_fem") Sem.AStructure("visperc = (a) spatial + (1) err_v") Sem.AStructure("cubes = (b) spatial + (1) err_c") Sem.AStructure("lozenges = (c) spatial + (1) err_l") Sem.AStructure("paragraph = (d) verbal + (1) err_p") Sem.AStructure("sentence = (e) verbal + (1) err_s") Sem.AStructure("wordmean = (f) verbal + (1) err_w") Sem.Var("spatial", 1) Sem.Var("verbal", 1) Sem.Model("Congeneric") Sem.Model("tau-equivalent", "a = b = c", "d = e = f") For i = 1 To 2 Debug.WriteLine("") Debug.WriteLine("Model number " & i) Sem.FitModel(i) Debug.WriteLine("Chi Square = " & Sem.Cmin) Debug.WriteLine("Degrees of Freedom = " & Sem.df) Debug.WriteLine("p = " & Sem.p) Debug.WriteLine("Number of parameters = " & Sem.npar) Debug.WriteLine("Noncentrality parameter = " & Sem.Ncp & " (" & _ Sem.NcpLo & ", " & Sem.NcpHi & ")") Debug.WriteLine("Rmsea = " & Sem.Rmsea & " (" & Sem.RmseaLo & ", " & Sem.RmseaHi & ")") Debug.WriteLine("Test of close fit, p = " & Sem.Pclose) Next Sem.Dispose() End Sub End Module
Dispose Method
Releases resources used by an AmosEngine object. Only one instance of the AmosEngine class can exist at a time, so it is essential that the resources used by one instance be released before another instance is created.
object.Dispose () The Dispose method syntax has the following parts:
An object of type AmosEngine.
Placement: [3].
Emulisrel6 Method
Substitutes (D1a) for (D1) in Appendix B.
object.Emulisrel6 () object.Emulisrel6 (tf) The Emulisrel6 method syntax has the following parts:
object tf
An object of type AmosEngine. If tf is True (default) then (D1a) is minimized. Otherwise, (D1) is minimized.
Placement: [1].
(D1) is minimized.
The effect of using Emulisrel6 is usually too small to matter. It has no effect at all in single group analyses. (D1a) appears to be the function minimized by the Lisrel program (Jreskog & Srbom, 1989).
See Also
ChiCorrect Method (on page 344)
EnableDisplay Method
Controls whether the Amos Engine displays a progress window.
object.EnableDisplay (tf) The EnableDisplay method syntax has the following parts:
object tf
An object of type AmosEngine. If tf is True (default), the progress window is displayed. Otherwise, not.
Placement: [1].
The progress window is displayed.
object.Evaluate0 (ind, f) object.EvaluateEx0 (ind, f) The Evaluate0 and EvaluateEx0 method syntaxes have the following parts:
object ind f
An object of type AmosEngine. A variable of type Integer. On return, ind=0 if the discrepancy function is defined at the current parameter values. ind<>0 if the discrepancy function is undefined. A variable of type Double. On return, if ind=0, f is the value of the discrepancy function evaluated at the current parameter values.
Placement: [3].
Evaluate0 and EvaluateEx0 evaluate the discrepancy function at the current parameter values, which can be retrieved using ParameterValue (see "ParameterValue Method" on page 571) or ParameterVector (see "ParameterVector Method" on page 573), and which can be set using PutParameterValue (see "PutParameterValue Method" on page 586) or PutParameterVector (see "PutParameterVector Method" on page 587).
See Use the AmosEngine class to evaluate derivatives numerically and display the results with the Amos Debug class (on page 750)
object.Evaluate1 (ind, f, g) object.EvaluateEx1 (ind, f, g) The Evaluate1 and EvaluateEx1 method syntaxes have the following parts:
object ind f g
An object of type AmosEngine. A variable of type Integer. On return, ind=0 if the discrepancy function is defined at the current parameter values. ind<>0 if the discrepancy function is undefined. A variable of type Double. On return, if ind=0, f is the value of the discrepancy function evaluated at the current parameter values. An array of type double. On return, if ind=0, g is a one-dimensional array containing the first derivatives of the discrepancy function evaluated at the current parameter values.
Placement: [3].
Evaluate1 and EvaluateEx1 evaluate the discrepancy function and derivatives at the current parameter values, which can be retrieved using ParameterValue (see "ParameterValue Method" on page 571) or ParameterVector (see "ParameterVector Method" on page 573), and which can be set using PutParameterValue (see "PutParameterValue Method" on page 586) or PutParameterVector (see "PutParameterVector Method" on page 587). See Use the AmosEngine class to evaluate derivatives numerically and display the results with the Amos Debug class (on page 750)
object.Evaluate2a ind, f, g, h object.EvaluateEx2a ind, f, g, v The Evaluate2a and EvaluateEx2a method syntaxes have the following parts:
object ind f g
An object of type AmosEngine. A variable of type Integer. On return, ind=0 if the discrepancy function is defined at the current parameter values. ind<>0 if the discrepancy function is undefined. A variable of type Double. On return, if ind=0, f is the value of the discrepancy function evaluated at the current parameter values. An array of type double. On return, if ind=0, g is a one-dimensional array containing the first derivatives of the discrepancy function evaluated at the current parameter values. An array of type double. On return, if ind=0, h is a one-dimensional array containing approximate second derivatives of the discrepancy function evaluated at the current parameter values. An array of type double. On return, if ind=0, v is a one-dimensional array containing twice the inverse of the approximate second derivatives, provided that the inverse was successfully calculated. Use WasInverted after EvaluateEx2a to learn whether the inverse was successfully calculated.
Placement: [3].
Evaluate2a and EvaluateEx2a evaluate the discrepancy function and derivatives at the current parameter values, which can be retrieved using ParameterValue (see "ParameterValue Method" on page 571) or ParameterVector (see "ParameterVector Method" on page 573), and which can be set using PutParameterValue (see "PutParameterValue Method" on page 586) or PutParameterVector (see "PutParameterVector Method" on page 587).
object.Evaluate2e (ind, f, g, h) object.EvaluateEx2e (ind, f, g, v) The Evaluate2e and EvaluateEx2e method syntaxes have the following parts:
object ind f g
An object of type AmosEngine. A variable of type Integer. On return, ind=0 if the discrepancy function is defined at the current parameter values. ind<>0 if the discrepancy function is undefined. A variable of type Double. On return, if ind=0, f is the value of the discrepancy function evaluated at the current parameter values. An array of type double. On return, if ind=0, g is a one-dimensional array containing the first derivatives of the discrepancy function evaluated at the current parameter values. An array of type double. On return, if ind=0, h is a one-dimensional array containing second derivatives of the discrepancy function evaluated at the current parameter values. An array of type double. On return, if ind=0, v is a one-dimensional array containing twice the inverse of the second derivatives, provided that the inverse was successfully calculated. Use WasInverted (see "WasInverted Method" on page 649) after EvaluateEx2e to learn whether the inverse was successfully calculated.
Placement: [3].
Evaluate2e and EvaluateEx2e evaluate the discrepancy function and derivatives at the current parameter values, which can be retrieved using ParameterValue (see "ParameterValue Method" on page 571) or ParameterVector (see "ParameterVector Method" on page 573), and which can be set using PutParameterValue (see "PutParameterValue Method" on page 586) or PutParameterVector (see "PutParameterVector Method" on page 587). See Use the AmosEngine class to evaluate derivatives numerically and display the results with the Amos Debug class (on page 750)
FactorScoreWeights Method
Controls whether regression weights for predicting the unobserved variables from the observed variables are displayed. The regression weights are computed by the formula W = BS W is the matrix of regression weights S is the matrix of covariances among the observed variables B is the matrix of covariances between the unobserved and observed variables.
object.FactorScoreWeights () object.FactorScoreWeights (tf) The FactorScoreWeights method syntax has the following parts:
object tf
An object of type AmosEngine. Optional. If tf is True (the default), regression weights are reported. Otherwise, not.
Placement: [1].
Factor score weights are not reported.
This method is called FactorScoreWeights in conformance with usage in common factor analysis, where scores on the unobserved variables are called factor scores. The use of FactorScoreWeights is not limited to common factor analysis models, however.
See Also
GetEstimates Method (on page 432) NeedEstimates Method (on page 521)
Fisher Method
Employs Fishers scoring method in the case of maximum likelihood estimation (Ml (see "Ml Method" on page 490)), or the Gauss-Newton method in the case of least squares estimation (Uls (see "Uls Method" on page 637), Sls (see "Sls Method" on page 614), Gls (see "Gls Method" on page 457) or Adf (see "Adf Method" on page 292)).
object.Fisher (nIterations) The Fisher method syntax has the following parts:
object nIterations
An object of type AmosEngine. Upper limit on the number of iterations that will be performed by Fishers scoring method or the Gauss-Newton method. If Amos has not obtained a solution by the time this limit is reached, the program will revert to the standard Amos algorithm.
Placement: [1].
Only exact derivatives are used.
For some combinations of a model with an estimation method, the Fisher method is highly effective, and may even converge in a single iteration (Kendall & Stuart, 1973, Section 18.21). However, Fisher usually makes Amos slower and less reliable.
See Also
Crit1 Method (on page 377) Crit2 Method (on page 379) Iterations Method (on page 482) Technical Method (on page 625) Time Method (on page 631)
FitAllModels Method
Fits all models.
status = object.FitAllModels () The FitAllModels method syntax has the following parts:
Part Description
Zero if the most recently analyzed model was successfully fitted. Nonzero otherwise.
An object of type AmosEngine.
Placement: [3].
The FitAllModels method causes all models to be fitted. If you have used the Model (see "Model Method" on page 492) method to specify multiple models, and want to have access to the results from models other than the last model fitted, use the FitModel (see "FitModel Method" on page 407) method once for each model.
See Also
FitModel Method (on page 407)
FitMLMoments Method
Fits the model to the sample covariance matrix that is the maximum likelihood estimate (rather than the unbiased estimate). In other words, the sample covariance matrix is composed of sums of squares and cross products divided by N (rather than by N 1).
object.FitMLMoments () The FitMLMoments method syntax has the following parts:
An object of type AmosEngine.
Placement: [1].
Amos fits the model to the biased sample covariance matrix, which is the maximum likelihood estimate, unless you use the FitUnbiasedMoments (see "FitUnbiasedMoments Method" on page 409) method.
FitMLMoments and InputMLMoments (see "InputMLMoments Method" on page 465) have different effects. InputMLMoments (see "InputMLMoments Method" on page 465) specifies that any sample covariance matrix that is read from a data file is a maximum likelihood estimate. FitMLMoments, on the (g ) in Appendices A and B) that other hand, tells Amos to fit the model to the sample covariance matrix ( S is the maximum likelihood estimate.
See Also
FitUnbiasedMoments Method (on page 409) InputMLMoments Method (on page 465) InputUnbiasedMoments Method (on page 467)
FitModel Method
Fits a single model.
status = object.FitModel () status = object.FitModel (modelName) status = object.FitModel (modelNumber) The FitModel method syntax has the following parts:
status object modelName modelNumber
Zero if the model was successfully fitted. Nonzero otherwise. An object of type AmosEngine. The name of a model. (Integer) A model number. The first model is model number 1.
Placement: [3].
If neither modelName nor modelNumber is specified, model number 1 is fitted. All other methods that can be used to obtain the results of an analysis (such as Rmsea (see "Rmsea, RmseaLo, RmseaHi Methods" on page 597), Cmin (see "Cmin Method" on page 349), GetEstimates (see "GetEstimates Method" on page 432), and so forth) will provide results only for the most recently fitted model. Say that you want to print the RMSEA for each of several models. This can be done as follows.
Dim Sem As AmosEngine . . . Sem.FitModel 1 Debug.Print Sem.Rmsea Sem.FitModel 2 Debug.Print Sem.Rmsea Sem.FitModel 3 Debug.Print Sem.Rmsea . . .
See Also
FitAllModels Method (on page 403)
FitUnbiasedMoments Method
Fits the model to the unbiased sample covariance matrix (rather than the maximum likelihood estimate). In other words, the sample covariance matrix is composed of sums of squares and cross products divided by N - 1 (rather than by N).
object.FitUnbiasedMoments () The FitUnbiasedMoments method syntax has the following parts:
An object of type AmosEngine.
Placement: [1].
Amos fits the model to the biased sample covariance matrix, which is the maximum likelihood estimate, unless you use the FitUnbiasedMoments method.
FitUnbiasedMoments and InputUnbiasedMoments (see "InputUnbiasedMoments Method" on page 467) have different effects. InputUnbiasedMoments (see "InputUnbiasedMoments Method" on page 467) specifies that any sample covariance matrix that is read from a data file is an unbiased estimate. (g ) FitUnbiasedMoments, on the other hand, tells Amos to fit the model to the sample covariance matrix ( S in the Users Guide, Appendices A and B) that is an unbiased estimate.
See Also
FitMLMoments Method (on page 405) InputMLMoments Method (on page 465) InputUnbiasedMoments Method (on page 467)
GenerateDefaultCovariances Method
Controls whether exogenous variables (except for unique variables) are allowed to covary by default.
object.GenerateDefaultCovariances () object.GenerateDefaultCovariances (tf) The GenerateDefaultCovariances method syntax has the following parts:
object tf
An object of type AmosEngine. Optional. If tf is True (the default), exogenous variables (with the exception of residual variables) are allowed to covary by default. If tf is False, all exogenous variables are assumed to be uncorrelated.
Placement: [1].
Residual variables are assumed to be uncorrelated among themselves and with every other exogenous variable. Exogenous variables that are not residual variables are assumed to be correlated.
object.GetBCLowerBounds (matrixID, theMatrixBase0) object.GetBCLowerBounds (matrixID, theMatrixBase0, groupNumber) object.GetBCUpperBounds (matrixID, theMatrixBase0) object.GetBCUpperBounds (matrixID, theMatrixBase0, groupNumber) The GetBCLowerBounds and GetBCLowerBounds method syntaxes have the following parts:
object matrixID theMatrixBase0
An object of type AmosEngine. An integer that specifies a matrix of estimates, as described in Settings. A double precision array, dimensioned in the calling routine as Dim theMatrixBase0() As Double or as Dim theMatrixBase0(,) As Double On return from GetBCLowerBounds each element of theMatrixBase0 contains the lower bound on the bias-corrected confidence interval for the corresponding element of the matrix of estimates specified by matrixID. On return from GetBCUpperbounds, theMatrixBase0 contains upper bounds.
Optional. A group number. The first group is group number 1. If groupNumber is omitted, the first group is used.
Placement: [3].
The settings for matrixID are:
SampleCovariances SampleCorrelations SampleMeans ImpliedCovariances ImpliedCorrelations ImpliedMeans
Value Description
13 14 15 10 11 12 Sample covariances. Sample correlations. Sample means. The implied covariances among the observed variables in the model. The implied correlations among the observed variables in the model. The implied means of the observed variables in the model.
Value Description
7 The implied covariances among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied correlations among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied means of all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. Direct effects. Indirect effects. Total effects. Standardized direct effects. Standardized indirect effects. Standardized total effects. Factor score weights.
19 20 5 22 23 21 6
In order to use GetBCLowerBounds (matrixID), you must first use NeedBCLowerBounds (see "NeedBCLowerBounds, NeedBCUpperBounds Methods" on page 513) (matrixID). For example, you have to use
object.NeedBCLowerBounds (see "NeedBCLowerBounds, NeedBCUpperBounds Methods" on page 513) (FactorScoreWeights)
before using
object.GetBCLowerBounds (FactorScoreWeights, )
Similarly, in order to use GetBCUpperBounds (matrixID), you must first use NeedBCUpperBounds (see "NeedBCLowerBounds, NeedBCUpperBounds Methods" on page 513) (matrixID). For example, you have to use
object.NeedBCUpperBounds (see "NeedBCLowerBounds, NeedBCUpperBounds Methods" on page 513) (FactorScoreWeights)
before using
object.GetBCUpperBounds (FactorScoreWeights, )
Bootstrap (see "Bootstrap Method" on page 332) can be used to specify the number of bootstrap samples. By default, 1000 bootstrap samples will be generated. ConfidenceBC (see "ConfidenceBC Method" on page 360) can be used to specify the confidence level. By default, 90% confidence intervals will be estimated.
See Also
Bootstrap Method (on page 332) ConfidenceBC Method (on page 360) GetBootSampleEstimates Method (on page 423) GetEstimates Method (on page 432) GetPCLowerBounds, GetPCUpperBounds Methods (on page 441) GetStandardErrors Method (on page 450) NeedBCLowerBounds, NeedBCUpperBounds Methods (on page 513)
Debug.Write(" ") For j = 0 To NColumns1 Debug.Write(CNames(j).PadLeft(10)) Next Debug.WriteLine("") For i = 0 To NRows1 Debug.Write(RNames(i).PadRight(8)) For j = 0 To NColumns1 Debug.Write(TheMatrix(i, j).ToString(".00000").PadLeft(10)) Next Debug.WriteLine("") Next End Sub End Module
object.GetBCLowerBoundsEx (matrixID, am) object.GetBCUpperBoundsEx (matrixID, am, groupNumber) The GetBCLowerBoundsEx and GetBCLowerBoundsEx method syntaxes have the following parts:
object matrixID am
An object of type AmosEngine. An integer that specifies a matrix of estimates, as described in Settings. An object of type AmosMatrix. On return from GetBCLowerBoundsEx am contains lower bounds on confidence intervals for the estimates specified by matrixID. On return from GetBCUpperBoundsEx, am contains upper bounds.
Optional. A group number. The first group is group number 1. If groupNumber is omitted, the first group is used.
Placement: [3].
The settings for matrixID are:
SampleCovariances SampleCorrelations SampleMeans ImpliedCovariances ImpliedCorrelations ImpliedMeans AllImpliedCovariances
Value Description
13 14 15 10 11 12 7 Sample covariances. Sample correlations. Sample means. The implied covariances among the observed variables in the model. The implied correlations among the observed variables in the model. The implied means of the observed variables in the model. The implied covariances among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied correlations among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied means of all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. Direct effects.
IndirectEffects TotalEffects StandardizedDirectEffects StandardizedIndirectEffects StandardizedTotalEffects FactorScoreWeights
Value Description
20 5 22 23 21 6 Indirect effects. Total effects. Standardized direct effects. Standardized indirect effects. Standardized total effects. Factor score weights.
In order to use GetBCLowerBoundsEx (matrixID), you must first use NeedBCLowerBounds (see "NeedBCLowerBounds, NeedBCUpperBounds Methods" on page 513) (matrixID). For example, you have to use
object.NeedBCLowerBounds (see "NeedBCLowerBounds, NeedBCUpperBounds Methods" on page 513) (FactorScoreWeights)
before using
object.GetBCLowerBoundsEx (maFactorScoreWeights, )
Similarly, in order to use GetBCUpperBoundsEx (matrixID), you must first use NeedBCUpperBounds (see "NeedBCLowerBounds, NeedBCUpperBounds Methods" on page 513) (matrixID). For example, you have to use
object.NeedBCUpperBounds (see "NeedBCLowerBounds, NeedBCUpperBounds Methods" on page 513) (FactorScoreWeights)
before using
object.GetBCUpperBoundsEx (FactorScoreWeights, )
Bootstrap (see "Bootstrap Method" on page 332) can be used to specify the number of bootstrap samples. By default, 1000 bootstrap samples are generated. ConfidenceBC (see "ConfidenceBC Method" on page 360) can be used to specify the confidence level. By default, 90% confidence intervals are estimated. GetBCLowerBoundsEx and GetBCUpperBoundsEx differ from GetBCLowerBounds (see "GetBCLowerBounds, GetBCUpperBounds Methods" on page 414) and GetBCUpperBounds (see "GetBCLowerBounds, GetBCUpperBounds Methods" on page 414) in the following way. GetBCLowerBoundsEx and GetBCUpperBoundsEx assign values to the members of an AmosMatrix object, which contains the matrix of lower bounds (or upper bounds) as well as the variable names and variable numbers associated with the matrixs rows and columns. GetBCLowerBounds (see "GetBCLowerBounds, GetBCUpperBounds Methods" on page 414) and GetBCUpperBounds (see "GetBCLowerBounds, GetBCUpperBounds Methods" on page 414), by contrast, merely set a double array equal to the matrix of lower bounds (or upper bounds). Additional calls to RowNames (see "RowNames Method" on page 600), RowNumbers (see "RowNumbers Method" on page 604), ColumnNames (see "ColumnNames Method" on page 352) and ColumnNumbers (see "ColumnNumbers Method" on page 356) are necessary if there is a need for the variable names and variable numbers associated with the matrixs rows and columns. GetBCLowerBoundsEx and GetBCUpperBoundsEx are often more convenient, but GetBCLowerBounds (see "GetBCLowerBounds, GetBCUpperBounds Methods" on page 414) and GetBCUpperBounds (see "GetBCLowerBounds, GetBCUpperBounds Methods" on page 414) are faster.
GetBootSampleEstimates Method
Gets a matrix of estimates from an individual bootstrap sample.
object.GetBootSampleEstimates (matrixID, theMatrix, sampleNumber) object.GetBootSampleEstimates (matrixID, theMatrix, sampleNumber, groupNumber) The GetBootSampleEstimates method syntax has the following parts:
object matrixID theMatrix
An object of type AmosEngine. An integer that specifies a matrix of estimates, as described in Settings. A double precision array, dimensioned in the calling routine as Dim theMatrix(,) As Double. On return from GetBootSampleEstimates theMatrix contains the estimate from bootstrap sample number sampleNumber, of the matrix specified by matrixID.
sampleNumber groupNumber
An integer specifying an individual bootstrap sample. The first bootstrap sample is sample number 1. Optional integer specifying a group number. The first group is group number 1. If groupNumber is omitted, the first group is used.
Placement: [3].
The settings for matrixID are:
SampleCovariances SampleCorrelations SampleMeans ImpliedCovariances ImpliedCorrelations ImpliedMeans AllImpliedCovariances
Value Description
13 14 15 10 11 12 7 Sample covariances. Sample correlations. Sample means. The implied covariances among the observed variables in the model. The implied correlations among the observed variables in the model. The implied means of the observed variables in the model. The implied covariances among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied correlations among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables.
Value Description
9 The implied means of all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. Direct effects. Indirect effects. Total effects. Standardized direct effects. Standardized indirect effects. Standardized total effects. Factor score weights.
19 20 5 22 23 21 6
You have to use NeedBootSampleEstimates (see "NeedBootSampleEstimates Method" on page 517) to declare that estimates of a matrix will be needed before you can use GetBootSampleEstimates to obtain the estimates from a bootstrap sample. For example, you have to use
object.NeedBootSampleEstimates (see "NeedBootSampleEstimates Method" on page 517) (StandardizedTotalEffects)
before using
object.GetBootSampleEstimates (StandardizedTotalEffects, )
See Also
Bootstrap Method (on page 332) GetBCLowerBounds, GetBCUpperBounds Methods (on page 414) GetEstimates Method (on page 432) GetPCLowerBounds, GetPCUpperBounds Methods (on page 441) GetStandardErrors Method (on page 450) NeedBootSampleEstimates Method (on page 517)
Debug.WriteLine("") For i = 0 To NRows1 Debug.Write(RNames(i).PadRight(8)) For j = 0 To NColumns1 Debug.Write(TheMatrix(i, j).ToString(".00000").PadLeft(10)) Next Debug.WriteLine("") Next End Sub End Module
GetDataFile Method
Gets information about the data file for a single group.
object.GetDataFile (groupNumber, dbFormat, fileName, tableName, groupingVariable, groupingValue) The GetDataFile method syntax has the following parts:
object groupNumber dbFormat fileName tableName groupingVariable groupingValue
An object of type AmosEngine or PathDiagrammer. Number of the group for which data file information is wanted. The first group is group number 1. (Integer) A database format specifier, as described in Settings. (String) The name of the data file. (String) The name of the data table within the data file (for data files that contain multiple data tables). (String) The name of the grouping variable. The empty string if there is no grouping variable. (Object) The value of the grouping variable for this group.
Placement: [2].
The settings for dbFormat are:
Value Description
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 18 19 Dbase III Dbase IV Dbase V Excel 3 Excel 4 Excel 5, Excel 7 Excel 97, Excel 8 Foxpro 2.0 Foxpro 2.5 Foxpro 2.6 Lotus *.wk1 Lotus *.wk3 Lotus *.wk4 Microsoft Access PASW Statistics Text
GetEstimate Method
Gets one element of a matrix of estimates.
result = object.GetEstimate (matrixID, rowVariableName, columnVariableName) result = object.GetEstimate (matrixID, rowVariableName, columnVariableName, groupNumber) result = object.GetEstimate (matrixID, row, column) result = object.GetEstimate (matrixID, row, column, groupNumber) The GetEstimates method syntax has the following parts:
result object matrixID rowVariableName columnVariableName row column groupNumber
(Double) The scalar value in the specified row and column of the matrix. An object of type AmosEngine. An integer that specifies a matrix of estimates, as described in Settings. The name of a variable that labels a row of the matrix. The name of a variable that labels a row of the matrix. (Integer) A row number. The rows are numbered starting with 0. (Integer) A column number. The columns are numbered starting with 0. Optional integer specifying a group number. The first group is group number 1. If groupNumber is omitted, the first group is used.
Placement: [3].
The settings for matrixID are:
SampleCovariances SampleCorrelations SampleMeans ImpliedCovariances ImpliedCorrelations ImpliedMeans AllImpliedCovariances
Value Description
13 14 15 10 11 12 7 Sample covariances. Sample correlations. Sample means. The implied covariances among the observed variables in the model. The implied correlations among the observed variables in the model. The implied means of the observed variables in the model. The implied covariances among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables.
Value Description
8 The implied correlations among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied means of all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. Direct effects. Indirect effects. Total effects. Standardized direct effects. Standardized indirect effects. Standardized total effects. Factor score weights.
19 20 5 22 23 21 6
You have to use NeedEstimates (see "NeedEstimates Method" on page 521) to declare that estimates of a matrix will be needed before you can use GetEstimate to obtain the estimates. For example, you have to use
object.NeedEstimates (see "NeedEstimates Method" on page 521) (StandardizedTotalEffects)
before using
object.GetEstimate (StandardizedTotalEffects, )
See Also
GetEstimates Method (on page 432) GetEstimatesEx Method (on page 436) GetStandardErrors Method (on page 450) NeedEstimates Method (on page 521)
GetEstimates Method
Gets a matrix of estimates.
object.GetEstimates (matrixID, theMatrixBase0) object.GetEstimates (matrixID, theMatrixBase0, groupNumber) The GetEstimates method syntax has the following parts:
object matrixID theMatrixBase0
An object of type AmosEngine. An integer that specifies a matrix of estimates, as described in Settings. A double precision array, dimensioned in the calling routine as Dim theMatrixBase0() As Double or as Dim theMatrixBase0(,) As Double On return from GetEstimates theMatrixBase0 contains the estimate of the matrix specified by matrixID.
Optional integer specifying a group number. The first group is group number 1. If groupNumber is omitted, the first group is used.
Placement: [3].
The settings for matrixID are:
SampleCovariances SampleCorrelations SampleMeans ImpliedCovariances ImpliedCorrelations ImpliedMeans AllImpliedCovariances
Value Description
13 14 15 10 11 12 7 Sample covariances. Sample correlations. Sample means. The implied covariances among the observed variables in the model. The implied correlations among the observed variables in the model. The implied means of the observed variables in the model. The implied covariances among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied correlations among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied means of all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables.
DirectEffects IndirectEffects TotalEffects StandardizedDirectEffects StandardizedIndirectEffects StandardizedTotalEffects FactorScoreWeights
Value Description
19 20 5 22 23 21 6 Direct effects. Indirect effects. Total effects. Standardized direct effects. Standardized indirect effects. Standardized total effects. Factor score weights.
You have to use NeedEstimates (see "NeedEstimates Method" on page 521) to declare that estimates of a matrix will be needed before you can use GetEstimates to obtain the estimates. For example, you have to use
object.NeedEstimates (see "NeedEstimates Method" on page 521) (StandardizedTotalEffects)
before using
object.GetEstimates (StandardizedTotalEffects, )
See Also
GetEstimate Method (on page 430) GetEstimatesEx Method (on page 436) GetStandardErrors Method (on page 450) NeedEstimates Method (on page 521)
Programming with Amos Dim NRows1 As Integer, NColumns1 As Integer Dim i As Integer, j As Integer NRows1 = UBound(RNames) NColumns1 = UBound(CNames) Debug.Write(" ") For j = 0 To NColumns1 Debug.Write(CNames(j).PadLeft(10)) Next Debug.WriteLine("") For i = 0 To NRows1 Debug.Write(RNames(i).PadRight(8)) For j = 0 To NColumns1 Debug.Write(TheMatrix(i, j).ToString(".00000").PadLeft(10)) Next Debug.WriteLine("") Next End Sub End Module
GetEstimatesEx Method
Gets a matrix of estimates.
object.GetEstimatesEx (matrixID, theMatrix) object.GetEstimatesEx (matrixID, theMatrix, groupNumber) The GetEstimatesEx method syntax has the following parts:
object matrixID theMatrix
An object of type AmosEngine. An integer that specifies a matrix of estimates, as described in Settings. An object of type AmosMatrix. On return from GetEstimatesEx theMatrix contains the estimate of the matrix specified by matrixID.
Optional integer specifying a group number. The first group is group number 1. If groupNumber is omitted, the first group is used.
Placement: [3].
The settings for matrixID are:
SampleCovariances SampleCorrelations SampleMeans ImpliedCovariances ImpliedCorrelations ImpliedMeans AllImpliedCovariances
Value Description
13 14 15 10 11 12 7 Sample covariances. Sample correlations. Sample means. The implied covariances among the observed variables in the model. The implied correlations among the observed variables in the model. The implied means of the observed variables in the model. The implied covariances among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied correlations among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied means of all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. Direct effects. Indirect effects. Total effects.
19 20 5
StandardizedDirectEffects StandardizedIndirectEffects StandardizedTotalEffects FactorScoreWeights
Value Description
22 23 21 6 Standardized direct effects. Standardized indirect effects. Standardized total effects. Factor score weights.
You have to use NeedEstimates (see "NeedEstimates Method" on page 521) to declare that estimates of a matrix will be needed before you can use GetEstimatesEx to obtain the estimates. For example, you have to use
object.NeedEstimates (see "NeedEstimates Method" on page 521) (StandardizedTotalEffects)
before using
object.GetEstimatesEx (StandardizedTotalEffects, )
GetEstimatesEx differs from GetEstimates (see "GetEstimates Method" on page 432) in the following way. GetEstimatesEx assigns values to the members of an AmosMatrix object, which contains the matrix of estimates as well as the variable names and variable numbers associated with the matrixs rows and columns. GetEstimates (see "GetEstimates Method" on page 432), by contrast, merely sets a double array equal to the matrix of estimates. Additional calls to RowNames (see "RowNames Method" on page 600), RowNumbers (see "RowNumbers Method" on page 604), ColumnNames (see "ColumnNames Method" on page 352) and ColumnNumbers (see "ColumnNumbers Method" on page 356) are necessary if there is a need for the variable names and variable numbers associated with the matrixs rows and columns. GetEstimatesEx is often more convenient, but GetEstimates (see "GetEstimates Method" on page 432) is faster.
See Also
GetEstimates Method (on page 432) GetStandardErrors Method (on page 450) NeedEstimates Method (on page 521)
GetGroupName Method
Gets the name of a group.
object.GetGroupName () object.GetGroupName (groupNumber) The GetGroupName method syntax has the following parts:
object groupNumber
An object of type AmosEngine. Optional group number. The first group is group number 1. If groupNumber is omitted, the first group is used.
object.GetPCLowerBounds (matrixID, theMatrixBase0) object.GetPCLowerBounds (matrixID, theMatrixBase0, groupNumber) object.GetPCUpperBounds (matrixID, theMatrixBase0) object.GetPCUpperBounds (matrixID, theMatrixBase0, groupNumber) The GetPCLowerBounds and GetPCLowerBounds method syntaxes have the following parts:
object matrixID theMatrixBase0
An object of type AmosEngine. An integer that specifies a matrix of estimates, as described in Settings. A double precision array, dimensioned in the calling routine as Dim theMatrixBase0() As Double or as Dim theMatrixBase0(,) As Double On return from GetPCLowerBounds each element of theMatrixBase0 contains the lower bound on the confidence interval for the corresponding element of the matrix of estimates specified by matrixID. On return from GetPCUpperbounds, theMatrixBase0 contains upper bounds.
Optional. A group number. The first group is group number 1. If groupNumber is omitted, the first group is used.
Placement: [3].
The settings for matrixID are:
SampleCovariances SampleCorrelations SampleMeans ImpliedCovariances ImpliedCorrelations ImpliedMeans
Value Description
13 14 15 10 11 12 Sample covariances. Sample correlations. Sample means. The implied covariances among the observed variables in the model. The implied correlations among the observed variables in the model. The implied means of the observed variables in the model.
Value Description
7 The implied covariances among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied correlations among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied means of all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. Direct effects. Indirect effects. Total effects. Standardized direct effects. Standardized indirect effects. Standardized total effects. Factor score weights.
19 20 5 22 23 21 6
In order to use GetPCLowerBounds (matrixID), you must first use NeedPCLowerBounds (see "NeedPCLowerBounds, NeedPCUpperBounds Methods" on page 525) (matrixID). For example, you have to use
object.NeedPCLowerBounds (see "NeedPCLowerBounds, NeedPCUpperBounds Methods" on page 525) (FactorScoreWeights)
before using
object.GetPCLowerBounds (FactorScoreWeights, )
Similarly, in order to use GetPCUpperBounds (matrixID), you must first use NeedPCUpperBounds (see "NeedPCLowerBounds, NeedPCUpperBounds Methods" on page 525) (matrixID). For example, you have to use
object.NeedPCUpperBounds (see "NeedPCLowerBounds, NeedPCUpperBounds Methods" on page 525) (FactorScoreWeights)
before using
object.GetPCUpperBounds (FactorScoreWeights, )
Bootstrap (see "Bootstrap Method" on page 332) can be used to specify the number of bootstrap samples. By default, 1000 bootstrap samples will be generated. ConfidencePC (see "ConfidencePC Method" on page 364) can be used to specify the confidence level. By default, 90% confidence intervals will be estimated.
Programming with Amos NRows1 = UBound(RNames) NColumns1 = UBound(CNames) Debug.Write(" ") For j = 0 To NColumns1 Debug.Write(CNames(j).PadLeft(10)) Next Debug.WriteLine("") For i = 0 To NRows1 Debug.Write(RNames(i).PadRight(8)) For j = 0 To NColumns1 Debug.Write(TheMatrix(i, j).ToString(".00000").PadLeft(10)) Next Debug.WriteLine("") Next End Sub End Module
object.GetPCLowerBoundsEx (matrixID, am) object.GetPCLowerBoundsEx (matrixID, am, groupNumber) object.GetPCUpperBoundsEx (matrixID, am) object.GetPCUpperBoundsEx (matrixID, am, groupNumber) The GetPCLowerBoundsEx and GetPCLowerBoundsEx method syntaxes have the following parts:
object matrixID am
An object of type AmosEngine. An integer that specifies a matrix of estimates, as described in Settings. An object of type AmosMatrix. On return from GetPCLowerBoundsEx am contains lower bounds on confidence intervals for the estimates specified by matrixID. On return from GetPCUpperBoundsEx, am contains upper bounds.
Optional. A group number. The first group is group number 1. If groupNumber is omitted, the first group is used.
Placement: [3].
The settings for matrixID are:
SampleCovariances SampleCorrelations SampleMeans ImpliedCovariances ImpliedCorrelations ImpliedMeans AllImpliedCovariances
Value Description
13 14 15 10 11 12 7 Sample covariances. Sample correlations. Sample means. The implied covariances among the observed variables in the model. The implied correlations among the observed variables in the model. The implied means of the observed variables in the model. The implied covariances among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied correlations among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables.
Value Description
9 The implied means of all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. Direct effects. Indirect effects. Total effects. Standardized direct effects. Standardized indirect effects. Standardized total effects. Factor score weights.
19 20 5 22 23 21 6
In order to use GetPCLowerBoundsEx (matrixID), you must first use NeedPCLowerBounds (see "NeedPCLowerBounds, NeedPCUpperBounds Methods" on page 525) (matrixID). For example, you have to use
object.NeedPCLowerBounds (see "NeedPCLowerBounds, NeedPCUpperBounds Methods" on page 525) (FactorScoreWeights)
before using
object.GetPCLowerBoundsEx (FactorScoreWeights, )
Similarly, in order to use GetPCUpperBoundsEx (matrixID), you must first use NeedPCUpperBounds (see "NeedPCLowerBounds, NeedPCUpperBounds Methods" on page 525) (matrixID). For example, you have to use
object.NeedPCUpperBounds (see "NeedPCLowerBounds, NeedPCUpperBounds Methods" on page 525) (FactorScoreWeights)
before using
object.GetPCUpperBoundsEx (FactorScoreWeights, )
Bootstrap (see "Bootstrap Method" on page 332) can be used to specify the number of bootstrap samples. By default, 1000 bootstrap samples are generated. ConfidencePC (see "ConfidencePC Method" on page 364) can be used to specify the confidence level. By default, 90% confidence intervals are estimated. GetPCLowerBoundsEx and GetPCUpperBoundsEx differ from GetPCLowerBounds (see "GetPCLowerBounds, GetPCUpperBounds Methods" on page 441) and GetPCUpperBounds (see "GetPCLowerBounds, GetPCUpperBounds Methods" on page 441) in the following way. GetPCLowerBoundsEx and GetPCUpperBoundsEx assign values to the members of an AmosMatrix object, which contains the matrix of lower bounds (or upper bounds) as well as the variable names and variable numbers associated with the matrixs rows and columns. GetPCLowerBounds (see "GetPCLowerBounds, GetPCUpperBounds Methods" on page 441) and GetPCUpperBounds (see "GetPCLowerBounds, GetPCUpperBounds Methods" on page 441) , by contrast, merely set a double array equal to the matrix of lower bounds (or upper bounds). Additional calls to RowNames (see "RowNames Method" on page 600), RowNumbers (see "RowNumbers Method" on page 604), ColumnNames (see "ColumnNames Method" on page 352) and ColumnNumbers (see "ColumnNumbers Method" on page 356) are necessary if there is a need for the variable names and variable numbers associated with the matrixs rows and columns. GetPCLowerBoundsEx and GetPCUpperBoundsEx are often more convenient, but GetPCLowerBounds (see "GetPCLowerBounds, GetPCUpperBounds Methods" on page 441) and GetPCUpperBounds (see "GetPCLowerBounds, GetPCUpperBounds Methods" on page 441) are faster.
GetStandardErrors Method
Gets bootstrap standard errors for the elements of a matrix of estimates.
object.GetStandardErrors (matrixID, theMatrixBase0) object.GetStandardErrors (matrixID, theMatrixBase0, groupNumber) The GetStandardErrors method syntax has the following parts:
object matrixID theMatrixBase0
An object of type AmosEngine. An integer that specifies a matrix of estimates, as described in Settings. A double precision array, dimensioned in the calling routine as Dim theMatrixBase0() As Double or as Dim theMatrixBase0(,) As Double On return from GetStandardErrors theMatrixBase0 contains bootstrap standard errors for the elements of the matrix of estimates specified by matrixID.
Optional. A group number. The first group is group number 1. If groupNumber is omitted, the first group is used.
Placement: [3].
The settings for matrixID are:
SampleCovariances SampleCorrelations SampleMeans ImpliedCovariances ImpliedCorrelations ImpliedMeans AllImpliedCovariances
Value Description
13 14 15 10 11 12 7 Sample covariances. Sample correlations. Sample means. The implied covariances among the observed variables in the model. The implied correlations among the observed variables in the model. The implied means of the observed variables in the model. The implied covariances among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied correlations among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables.
Value Description
9 The implied means of all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. Direct effects. Indirect effects. Total effects. Standardized direct effects. Standardized indirect effects. Standardized total effects. Factor score weights.
19 20 5 22 23 21 6
You have to use NeedStandardErrors (see "NeedStandardErrors Method" on page 529) to declare that standard errors for a matrix will be needed before you can use GetStandardErrors to obtain the standard errors. For example, you have to use
object.NeedStandardErrors (see "NeedStandardErrors Method" on page 529) (StandardizedTotalEffects)
before using
object.GetStandardErrors (StandardizedTotalEffects)
See Also
Bootstrap Method (on page 332) GetEstimates Method (on page 432) GetStandardErrorsEx Method (on page 454) NeedStandardErrors Method (on page 529)
Programming with Amos Debug.Write(TheMatrix(i, j).ToString(".00000").PadLeft(10)) Next Debug.WriteLine("") Next End Sub End Module
GetStandardErrorsEx Method
Gets bootstrap standard errors for the elements of a matrix of estimates.
object.GetStandardErrorsEx (matrixID, am, groupNumber) The GetStandardErrorsEx method syntax has the following parts:
object matrixID am
An object of type AmosEngine. An integer that specifies a matrix of estimates, as described in Settings. An object of type AmosMatrix. On return from GetStandardErrorsEx, am contains bootstrap standard errors for the elements of the matrix of estimates specified by matrixID.
Optional. A group number. The first group is group number 1. If groupNumber is omitted, the first group is used.
Placement: [3].
The settings for matrixID are:
SampleCovariances SampleCorrelations SampleMeans ImpliedCovariances ImpliedCorrelations ImpliedMeans AllImpliedCovariances
Value Description
13 14 15 10 11 12 7 Sample covariances. Sample correlations. Sample means. The implied covariances among the observed variables in the model. The implied correlations among the observed variables in the model. The implied means of the observed variables in the model. The implied covariances among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied correlations among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied means of all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. Direct effects. Indirect effects. Total effects. Standardized direct effects.
19 20 5 22
StandardizedIndirectEffects StandardizedTotalEffects FactorScoreWeights
Value Description
23 21 6 Standardized indirect effects. Standardized total effects. Factor score weights.
You have to use NeedStandardErrors (see "NeedStandardErrors Method" on page 529) to declare that standard errors for a matrix will be needed before you can use GetStandardErrorsEx to obtain the standard errors. For example, you have to use
object.NeedStandardErrors (see "NeedStandardErrors Method" on page 529) (StandardizedTotalEffects)
before using
object.GetStandardErrorsEx (StandardizedTotalEffects, )
GetStandardErrorsEx differs from GetStandardErrors (see "GetStandardErrors Method" on page 450) in the following way. GetStandardErrorsEx assigns values to the members of an AmosMatrix object, which contains the matrix of standard errors as well as the variable names and variable numbers associated with the matrixs rows and columns. GetStandardErrors (see "GetStandardErrors Method" on page 450) , by contrast, merely sets a double array equal to the matrix of standard errors. Additional calls to RowNames (see "RowNames Method" on page 600), RowNumbers (see "RowNumbers Method" on page 604), ColumnNames (see "ColumnNames Method" on page 352) and ColumnNumbers (see "ColumnNumbers Method" on page 356) are necessary if there is a need for the variable names and variable numbers associated with the matrixs rows and columns. GetStandardErrorsEx is often more convenient, but GetStandardErrors (see "GetStandardErrors Method" on page 450) is faster.
See Also
Bootstrap Method (on page 332) GetEstimates Method (on page 432) GetStandardErrors Method (on page 450) NeedStandardErrors Method (on page 529)
Gls Method
Requests a generalized least squares solution, obtained by minimizing (D1) together with (D3) in Appendix B.
object.Gls () The Gls method syntax has the following parts:
An object of type AmosEngine.
Placement: [1].
When you do not specify an estimation criterion, the maximum likelihood criterion (Ml (see "Ml Method" on page 490) method) is used.
See Also
Adf Method (on page 292) BootGls Method (on page 323) Ml Method (on page 490) Sls Method (on page 614) Uls Method (on page 637)
GroupName Method
Assigns a name to a group.
object.GroupName (theGroupName) The GroupName method syntax has the following parts:
object theGroupName
An object of type AmosEngine. A name for the group whose data is specified by the most recent BeginGroup (see "BeginGroup Method" on page 308) or BeginGroupEx (see "BeginGroupEx Method" on page 310) method.
Placement: [2].
The groups are called Group number 1, Group number 2, and so on.
See Also
BeginGroup Method (on page 308) BeginGroupEx Method (on page 310)
ImpliedMoments Method
Controls reporting of the implied covariance matrix for the observed variables. When means and intercepts are explicitly modeled, ImpliedMoments also controls the reporting of implied means.
object.ImpliedMoments () object.ImpliedMoments (tf) The ImpliedMoments method syntax has the following parts:
object tf
An object of type AmosEngine.
Optional. A boolean value that controls the reporting of implied moments. True (default) requests the output. False suppresses it.
Placement: [1].
Implied moments are not reported.
The implied variances, covariances and means are estimates of the corresponding population values under the assumption that the specified model is correct. If you use both the Standardized (see "Standardized Method" on page 622) and the ImpliedMoments methods, the implied correlation matrix will be reported, in addition to the implied covariance matrix. ImpliedMoments is identical to AllImpliedMoments (see "AllImpliedMoments Method" on page 296), except that AllImpliedMoments (see "AllImpliedMoments Method" on page 296) displays implied variances, covariances and means for all variables in the model, not just for the observed variables.
See Also
Admissible Method (on page 294) AllImpliedMoments Method (on page 296) ResidualMoments Method (on page 592) SampleMoments Method (on page 608)
object.Initialize (projectName) The Initialize method syntax has the following parts:
object projectName
An object of type AmosEngine. A fully qualified path without any file extension. The output generated by the TextOutput (see "TextOutput Method" on page 627) method is written to the file projectName.AmosOutput. The output file used for displaying results on the path diagram in Amos Graphics is called projectName.amp.
The use of Initialize is optional. By default, the output generated by TextOutput (see "TextOutput Method" on page 627) is written to the file temppath\AmosScratch.AmosOutput, where temppath is the Windows system temporary directory. Results to be displayed on the path diagram in Amos Graphics are written to the file temppath\AmosScratch.amp.
The TextOutputFileName (see "TextOutputFileName Method" on page 629) method returns the name of the file that contains the output from TextOutput (see "TextOutput Method" on page 627).
See Also
Shutdown Method (on page 612)
InputMLMoments Method
Specifies that any sample covariances that are read from a data file are (biased) maximum likelihood estimates of the corresponding population covariances. In other words, the input covariance matrix is assumed to be made up of sums of squares and cross products, divided by N (rather than by N - 1).
object.InputMLMoments () The InputMLMoments method syntax has the following parts:
An object of type AmosEngine.
Placement: [1].
Sample covariances that are read from a data file are assumed to be (biased) maximum likelihood estimates.
FitMLMoments (see "FitMLMoments Method" on page 405) and InputMLMoments have different effects. InputMLMoments specifies that any sample covariance matrix that is read from a data file is a maximum likelihood estimate. FitMLMoments (see "FitMLMoments Method" on page 405), on the other hand, tells (g ) Amos to fit the model to the sample covariance matrix ( S in Appendices A and B) that is the maximum likelihood estimate.
See Also
FitMLMoments Method (on page 405) FitUnbiasedMoments Method (on page 409) InputUnbiasedMoments Method (on page 467)
InputUnbiasedMoments Method
Specifies that any sample covariances that are read from a data file are unbiased estimates of the corresponding population covariances. In other words, the input covariance matrix is assumed to be made up of sums of squares and cross products, divided by N - 1 (rather than by N).
object.InputUnbiasedMoments () The InputUnbiasedMoments method syntax has the following parts:
An object of type AmosEngine.
Placement: [1].
Sample covariances read from a data file are assumed to be (biased) maximum likelihood estimates.
FitUnbiasedMoments (see "FitUnbiasedMoments Method" on page 409) and InputUnbiasedMoments have different effects. InputUnbiasedMoments specifies that any sample covariance matrix that is read from a data file is an unbiased estimate. FitUnbiasedMoments (see "FitUnbiasedMoments Method" on page 409), (g ) on the other hand, tells Amos to fit the model to the sample covariance matrix ( S in Appendices A and B) that is an unbiased estimate.
See Also
FitMLMoments Method (on page 405) FitUnbiasedMoments Method (on page 409) InputMLMoments Method (on page 465)
InputVariableHasMissingValues Method
Gets a boolean value that indicates whether an observed variable has missing observations.
object.InputVariableHasMissingValues (variableNumber) object.InputVariableHasMissingValues (variableNumber, groupNumber) The InputVariableHasMissingValues method syntax has the following parts:
object variableNumber
An object of type AmosEngine. An integer specifying a variable in the data set for group number groupNumber. variableNumber is 1 for the first variable in the data set. Optional. An integer specifying a group. groupNumber is 1 for the first group. If groupNumber is omitted, the first group is used.
Placement: [2].
See Also
AnyMissingValues Method (on page 300)
InputVariableIsNumeric Method
Gets a boolean value that indicates whether an observed variable is numeric.
object.InputVariableIsNumeric(variableNumber) object.InputVariableIsNumeric(variableNumber, groupNumber) The InputVariableIsNumeric method syntax has the following parts:
object variableNumber
An object of type AmosEngine. An integer specifying a variable in the data set for group number groupNumber. variableNumber is 1 for the first variable in the data set. Optional. An integer specifying a group. groupNumber is 1 for the first group. If groupNumber is omitted, the first group is used.
Placement: [2].
InputVariableLabel Method
Gets the label (not the name) of an observed variable.
result = object.InputVariableLabel(variableNumber) result = object.InputVariableLabel(variableNumber, groupNumber) The InputVariableLabel method syntax has the following parts:
result object variableNumber
A variable label. An object of type AmosEngine. An integer specifying a variable in the data set for group number groupNumber. variableNumber is 1 for the first variable in the data set. Optional. An integer specifying a group. groupNumber is 1 for the first group. If groupNumber is omitted, the first group is used.
Placement: [2].
Variable labels are only available for PASW Statistics data files. For other data formats, InputVariableLabel returns an empty string.
See Also
InputVariableName Method (on page 475)
InputVariableName Method
Gets the name of an observed variable.
result = object.InputVariableName(variableNumber) result = object.InputVariableName(variableNumber, groupNumber) The InputVariableName method syntax has the following parts:
result object variableNumber
A variable name. An object of type AmosEngine. An integer specifying a variable in the data set for group number groupNumber. variableNumber is 1 for the first variable in the data set. Optional. An integer specifying a group. groupNumber is 1 for the first group. If groupNumber is omitted, the first group is used.
Placement: [2].
See Also
InputVariableLabel Method (on page 473)
Intercept Method
Specifies an intercept as a model parameter.
object.Intercept (variableName) object.Intercept (variableName, parameterValue) object.Intercept (variableName, parameterName) The Intercept method syntax has the following parts:
object variableName
An object of type AmosEngine. The character string, variableName, is the name of an endogenous variable. The intercept in the regression equation for predicting variableName is a model parameter. (Optional) Parameter value. If parameterValue = 3, say, then the intercept is fixed at 3. (Optional) Parameter name. If parameterName = abc, say, then the intercept is named abc. It is constrained to be equal to any other parameters named abc. If parameterName = 3?, say then the intercept is given an initial value of 3, and is unconstrained. If parameterName = abc:3, say, then the intercept is named abc and is given an initial value of 3. It is constrained to be equal to any other parameters named abc. If parameterName is an empty string (""), the intercept is an unconstrained parameter.
parameterValue parameterName
Placement: [2].
When the ModelMeansAndIntercepts (see "ModelMeansAndIntercepts Method" on page 498) method is not used, then all intercepts are unconstrained. However, they are not estimated. When the ModelMeansAndIntercepts (see "ModelMeansAndIntercepts Method" on page 498) method is used, the following default assumptions are made about intercepts that are not constrained or fixed at constant values by use of the AStructure (see "AStructure Method" on page 302) or Intercept (see "Intercept Method" on page 477) methods. Intercepts for the prediction of observed, endogenous variables are free parameters. Intercepts for the prediction of unobserved, endogenous variables are fixed at zero.
If neither parameterValue nor parameterName is present, the intercept is an unconstrained parameter.
See Also
Mean Method (on page 486) ModelMeansAndIntercepts Method (on page 498)
Interrupt Method
Stops any ongoing calculations. Interrupt is equivalent to selecting Analyze Stop Calculating Estimates from the Amos Graphics menu.
object.Interrupt () The Interrupt method syntax has the following parts:
An object of type AmosEngine.
Placement: [3].
IsModelingMeansAndIntercepts Method
True if means and intercepts are explicit model parameters.
result = object.IsModelingMeansAndIntercepts () The IsModelingMeansAndIntercepts method syntax has the following parts:
result object
True if means and intercepts are explicit model parameters. An object of type AmosEngine.
Placement: [3].
See Also
Use the AmosEngine class to test for scale- and location-invariance (on page 753)
Iterations Method
Places a limit on the number of iterations Amos will perform. If this limit is reached, Amos will stop after reporting its current parameter estimates, even if the convergence criteria (see the Crit1 (see "Crit1 Method" on page 377) and Crit2 (see "Crit2 Method" on page 379) methods) have not been met.
object.Iterations (nIterations) The Iterations method syntax has the following parts:
object nIterations
An object of type AmosEngine. Upper bound on the number of iterations.
Placement: [1].
There is no limit on the number of iterations.
See Also
Crit1 Method (on page 377) Crit2 Method (on page 379) Fisher Method (on page 401) Technical Method (on page 625) Time Method (on page 631)
LineLength Method
The LineLength method has no effect. It is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Amos.
object.LineLength (nCharacters) The LineLength method syntax has the following parts:
object nCharacters
An object of type AmosEngine. Number of characters per line.
Placement: [1].
MaxDecimalPlaces Method
The MaxDecimalPlaces method has no effect. It is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Amos.
object.MaxDecimalPlaces (nDigits) The MaxDecimalPlaces method syntax has the following parts:
object nDigits
An object of type AmosEngine. Maximum number of decimal places.
Placement: [1].
Mean Method
Specifies a mean as a model parameter.
object.Mean (variableName) object.Mean (variableName, parameterValue) object.Mean (variableName, parameterName) The Mean method syntax has the following parts:
object variableName
An object of type AmosEngine. The character string, variableName, is the name of an exogenous variable. The Mean method makes that variables mean a model parameter. (Optional) Parameter value. If parameterValue = 3, say, then the mean is fixed at 3. (Optional) Parameter name. If parameterName = abc, say, then the mean is named abc. It is constrained to be equal to any other parameters named abc. If parameterName = 3?, say then the mean is given an initial value of 3, and is unconstrained. If parameterName = abc:3, say, then the mean is named abc and is given an initial value of 3. It is constrained to be equal to any other parameters named abc. If parameterName is an empty string (""), the mean is an unconstrained parameter.
parameterValue parameterName
Placement: [2].
When the ModelMeansAndIntercepts (see "ModelMeansAndIntercepts Method" on page 498) method is not used, then the means of all exogenous variables are unconstrained. However, the means are not estimated. When the ModelMeansAndIntercepts (see "ModelMeansAndIntercepts Method" on page 498) method is used, the following default assumptions are made about means that are not constrained or fixed at constant values by use of the MStructure (see "MStructure Method" on page 505) or Mean methods. The means of observed, exogenous variables are free parameters. The means of unobserved, exogenous variables are fixed at zero.
If parameterValue and parameterName are omitted, the mean is an unconstrained parameter.
See Also
Intercept Method (on page 477) ModelMeansAndIntercepts Method (on page 498)
MinDecimalPlaces Method
The MinDecimalPlaces method has no effect. It is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Amos.
object.MinDecimalPlaces (nDigits) The MinDecimalPlaces method syntax has the following parts:
object nDigits
An object of type AmosEngine. Minimum number of decimal places.
Placement: [1].
Ml Method
Requests estimation by the method of maximum likelihood, minimizing (D1) together with (D2) in Appendix B.
object.Ml () The Ml method syntax has the following parts:
An object of type AmosEngine.
Placement: [1].
When you do not specify an estimation criterion, the maximum likelihood criterion (Ml (see "Ml Method" on page 490) method) is used.
See Also
Adf Method (on page 292) BootMl Method (on page 326) Gls Method (on page 457) Sls Method (on page 614) Uls Method (on page 637)
Ml Method Example
Module MainModule ' Ml Method Example Sub Main() Dim Sem As New AmosEngineLib.AmosEngine Sem.Ml() Sem.TextOutput() Sem.BeginGroup(Sem.AmosDir & "Examples\UserGuide.xls", "Grnt_fem") Sem.AStructure("visperc = (1) spatial + (1) err_v") Sem.AStructure("cubes = spatial + (1) err_c") Sem.AStructure("lozenges = spatial + (1) err_l") Sem.AStructure("paragraph = (1) verbal + (1) err_p") Sem.AStructure("sentence = verbal + (1) err_s") Sem.AStructure("wordmean = verbal + (1) err_w") Sem.Dispose() End Sub End Module
Model Method
Places equality constraints on model parameters.
object.Model (modelName, constraint1) object.Model (modelName, constraint1, constraint2) object.Model (modelName, constraint1, constraint2, constraint3) ... The Model method syntax has the following parts:
object modelName constraint1
An object of type AmosEngine. A name for the complete set of constraints consisting of constraint1, constraint2, constraint3, etc. Either:
A string of the form p1=p2=p3=..., where each pi is either a parameter name or a number. At most one of the pi can be a number.
Or: The name of a model defined by another use of the Model method. constraint2 constraint3 ... Same as constraint1 Same as constraint1 ...
Placement: [2].
No additional parameter constraints are imposed beyond those specified by the assignment of names and values to parameters by use of the Path (see "Path Method" on page 574), Cov (see "Cov Method" on page 370), Var (see "Var Method" on page 641), Mean (see "Mean Method" on page 486), Intercept (see "Intercept Method" on page 477), AStructure (see "AStructure Method" on page 302) and MStructure (see "MStructure Method" on page 505) methods.
In order to use the Model method, you need to be able to refer to parameters by name. Parameters can be named by the Path (see "Path Method" on page 574), Cov (see "Cov Method" on page 370), Var (see "Var Method" on page 641), Mean (see "Mean Method" on page 486), Intercept (see "Intercept Method" on page 477), AStructure (see "AStructure Method" on page 302) and MStructure (see "MStructure Method" on page 505) methods. You can use the Model method as many times as you want.
Six parameters are named - cov1, cov2, var1, var2, var3, var4. However, since no two parameters share the same name, the presence of the names does not place any constraints on the parameters. The purpose of the names is to allow the Model method to place constraints on the named parameters.
Jreskog and Srbom proposed other models besides Model D. All but one of them can be obtained by constraining Model D. For instance, their Model C is just like Model D, but with the parameter named cov2 (the covariance between eps2 and eps4) fixed at zero. Their Model B goes even further. It assumes that two parameters (cov1 and cov2) are zero. Amos analyzes Models B and C along with Model D if you add the following lines to the program.
Sem.Model("B", "cov1 = cov2 = 0") Sem.Model("C", "cov2 = 0") Sem.Model("D")
The first two lines are self-explanatory - they name and describe Models B and C. You may be surprised that the third line is necessary. It declares that there is a model called Model D that employs no additional constraints beyond those specified by the Path (see "Path Method" on page 574), Var (see "Var Method" on page 641) and Cov (see "Cov Method" on page 370) methods. This line is necessary if you want to analyze Model D. The rule is that, if you use the Model method at all, Amos will only analyze models explicitly defined through use of the Model method. This convention allows you to specify an unidentified model, and then to supply enough constraints with each use of the Model method to identify the model. If you dont use the Model method at all, however, Amos will perform a single analysis of the model as specified by the Path (see "Path Method" on page 574), Cov (see "Cov Method" on page 370), Var (see "Var Method" on page 641), Mean (see "Mean Method" on page 486), Intercept (see "Intercept Method" on page 477), AStructure (see "AStructure Method" on page 302) and MStructure (see "MStructure Method" on page 505) methods. It may be possible to specify the same set of constraints in several equivalent ways. Model B, for instance, could have been specified in the following way.
Sem.Model("B", "cov1 = 0", "cov2 = 0")
There is a shorthand for indicating that one model incorporates all of the constraints of another model. In the present example, Model B includes all of the constraints of Model C, as well as one additional constraint, so Model B could be specified this way:
Sem.Model("B", "C", "cov1 = 0")
The example specified three more models for the Wheaton data. Notice that var1 and var3 are unique variances associated with anomia measurements made in 1967 and 1971. It is a plausible hypothesis that the unique variance of anomia was the same in both years. This hypothesis was incorporated into a new model by adding this line to the program.
Sem.Model("E", "var1 = var3")
Similarly, since var2 and var4 are unique variances associated with powerlessness measurements made in 1967 and 1971, it is plausible to set up a model in which those two variances are required to be equal:
Sem.Model("F", "var2 = var4")
Finally, both of the models just described could be right. In other words, all of the 1971 parameter values could be the same as the corresponding 1967 values. The following model specification imposes both sets of constraints.
Sem.Model("G", "E", "F")
ModelMeansAndIntercepts Method
Specifies that means (of exogenous variables) and intercepts (in the equations for predicting endogenous variables) are explicit model parameters. The ModelMeansAndIntercepts method must be used in order to allow the use of the Intercept (see "Intercept Method" on page 477), Mean (see "Mean Method" on page 486) or MStructure (see "MStructure Method" on page 505) methods or the specification of an intercept through use of the AStructure (see "AStructure Method" on page 302) method.
object.ModelMeansAndIntercepts () The ModelMeansAndIntercepts method syntax has the following parts:
An object of type AmosEngine.
Placement: [1].
When the ModelMeansAndIntercepts method is not used, means and intercepts are not constrained and not estimated.
When the ModelMeansAndIntercepts method is used, means and intercepts are fixed at zero by default. Constraints on means can be changed with the Mean (see "Mean Method" on page 486) and MStructure (see "MStructure Method" on page 505) methods. Constraints on intercepts can be changed with the Intercept (see "Intercept Method" on page 477) and AStructure (see "AStructure Method" on page 302) methods.
See Also
Intercept Method (on page 477) Mean Method (on page 486) MStructure Method (on page 505)
Mods Method
Displays the modification indices described by Jreskog and Srbom (1984).
object.Mods (threshold) The Mods method syntax has the following parts:
object threshold
An object of type AmosEngine. Optional. Only modification indices that exceed threshold are displayed. The default value for threshold is 4.
Placement: [1].
Modification indices are not reported.
Amos computes a modification index for each parameter that is fixed at a constant value and for each parameter that is required to equal some other parameter. The modification index for a parameter is an estimate of the amount by which the discrepancy function would decrease if the analysis were repeated with the constraints on that parameter removed. The actual decrease that would occur may be much greater. Amos computes modification indices not only for parameters that are explicitly constrained, but also for parameters that are implicitly assumed to be zero. For example, a modification index is computed for every covariance that is fixed at zero by default. Amos also computes modification indices for paths that do not appear in a model, giving the approximate amount by which the discrepancy function would decrease if such a path were introduced. There are, however, two types of nonexistent paths for which Amos does not compute a modification index. First, Amos does not compute a modification index for a nonexistent path which, if introduced, would convert an exogenous variable into an endogenous variable. Second, Amos does not compute a modification index for a nonexistent path that, if introduced, would create an indirect path from a variable to itself where none already exists. In particular, Amos does not compute a modification index for a nonexistent path that, if introduced, would convert a recursive model to a nonrecursive one. Each time Amos displays a modification index for a parameter, it also displays an estimate of the amount by which the parameter would change from its current, constrained value if the constraints on it were removed. Specifying a small value for threshold can result in the output of a large number of modification indices.
Discussion of Example
The example (which is the same as Model A in Example 6 of the Users Guide) yields the following modification indices. Covariances: (Group number 1 - Default model)
eps2 eps2 eps2 eps1 eps1 eps1 <--> <--> <--> <--> <--> <--> delta1 eps4 eps3 delta1 eps4 eps3 M.I. 5.905 26.545 32.071 4.609 35.367 40.911 Par Change -.424 .825 -.988 .421 -1.069 1.253
The largest modification index is 40.911, indicating that the chi-square statistic will drop by at least 40.911 if the covariance between eps1 and eps3 is allowed to depart from zero (the value at which it is fixed in Model A). The number 1.254 in the Par Change column indicates that the covariance will increase by about 1.254 if it is free to take on any value. Of course if the covariance (now zero) increases by 1.254 it will then be equal to 1.254. Actually, in Model B of Example 6, where the covariance between eps1 and eps3 is unconstrained, its estimate is 1.888. Kaplan (1989) and Saris, Satorra and Srbom (1987) discuss the use of estimated parameter changes in exploratory analyses.
MonteCarlo Method
Controls whether a parametric bootstrap or a nonparametric bootstrap (Efron & Tibshirani, 1993) is performed. When the MonteCarlo method is used, bootstrap samples are drawn from a multivariate normal population whose means, variances and covariances are the same as the sample means, variances and covariances.
object.MonteCarlo () object.MonteCarlo (tf) The MonteCarlo method syntax has the following parts:
object tf
An object of type AmosEngine. True (default) specifies a parametric bootstrap. False specifies a nonparametric bootstrap.
Placement: [1].
A nonparametric bootstrap is performed. (Bootstrap samples are drawn with replacement from the original sample. Raw data input is required.)
MonteCarlo allows bootstrapping to be carried out (with the assumption of normality) when raw data are not available. If you do not use the Bootstrap (see "Bootstrap Method" on page 332) method, the MonteCarlo method has no effect.
See Also
Bootstrap Method (on page 332) Seed Method (on page 610)
MStructure Method
Frees or constrains the mean of an exogenous variable. The Mean method accomplishes the same thing, and is recommended for new Amos programs. The syntax of the MStructure (see "MStructure Method" on page 505) method resembles the syntax of the $MStructure command in previous versions of Amos, and is provided to assist in the translation of old Amos input files.
object.MStructure (s) The MStructure method syntax has the following parts:
object s
An object of type AmosEngine. A character string in one of the following forms
1. variablename 2. variablename (number) 3. variablename (parametername) 4. variablename (number ?) 5. variablename (parametername : number)
In the first form, the mean of the variable named variablename is a free parameter. In the second form, the mean of the variable named variablename is fixed at number. In the third form, the mean of the variable named variablename is given the name parametername. In the fourth form, the mean of the variable named variablename is a free parameter, and is given an initial value of number. In the fifth form, the mean of the variable named variablename is given the name parametername and an initial value of number.
Placement: [2].
When the ModelMeansAndIntercepts (see "ModelMeansAndIntercepts Method" on page 498) method is not used, then all means and intercepts are unconstrained. However, no means or intercepts are estimated. When the ModelMeansAndIntercepts (see "ModelMeansAndIntercepts Method" on page 498) method is used, the following default assumptions are made about exogenous variables that are not constrained or fixed at constant values by use of the MStructure or Mean (see "Mean Method" on page 486) methods. The means of observed, exogenous variables are free parameters. The means of unobserved, exogenous variables are fixed at zero.
The ModelMeansAndIntercepts (see "ModelMeansAndIntercepts Method" on page 498) method must be used before using the MStructure method. It is possible to name an endogenous variable as an argument to the MStructure method. Doing so has the effect of freeing or constraining the intercept in the regression equation for predicting that variable. However, the following methods for specifying constraints on intercepts are recommended. Include the intercept in a linear equation through use of the AStructure (see "AStructure Method" on page 302) method. Use the Intercept (see "Intercept Method" on page 477) method.
See Also
Intercept Method (on page 477) Mean Method (on page 486) ModelMeansAndIntercepts Method (on page 498) AStructure Method (on page 302)
object.Ncp () object.NcpLo () object.NcpHi () The Ncp, NcpLo and NcpHi method syntaxes have the following parts:
An object of type AmosEngine.
Placement: [3].
If you have used the Model (see "Model Method" on page 492) method to define more than one model, the Ncp, NcpLo and NcpHi methods return estimates for the most recently fitted model. The second example shows how to obtain estimates for multiple models.
ObservedInfo Method
Controls whether the covariance matrix of estimates is estimated by inverting the expected second derivatives or the exact second derivatives.
object.ObservedInfo () object.ObservedInfo (tf) The ObservedInfo method syntax has the following parts:
object tf
An object of type AmosEngine. Optional. If tf is True (the default), the covariance matrix of estimates is estimated by inverting the matrix of exact second derivatives. If tf is False, the matrix of expected second derivatives is used.
Placement: [1].
The matrix of expected second derivatives is used.
See Efron and Hinkley (1978) for a discussion of exact versus expected second derivatives in the estimation of the covariance matrix of estimates.
object.NeedBCLowerBounds (matrixID) object.NeedBCUpperBounds (matrixID) The NeedBCLowerBounds and NeedBCLowerBounds method syntaxes have the following parts:
object matrixID
An object of type AmosEngine. An integer that specifies a matrix of estimates, as described in Settings.
Placement: [1].
The settings for matrixID are:
SampleCovariances SampleCorrelations SampleMeans ImpliedCovariances ImpliedCorrelations ImpliedMeans AllImpliedCovariances
Value Description
13 14 15 10 11 12 7 Sample covariances. Sample correlations. Sample means. The implied covariances among the observed variables in the model. The implied correlations among the observed variables in the model. The implied means of the observed variables in the model. The implied covariances among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied correlations among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied means of all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. Direct effects. Indirect effects. Total effects. Standardized direct effects. Standardized indirect effects.
19 20 5 22 23
StandardizedTotalEffects FactorScoreWeights
Value Description
21 6 Standardized total effects. Factor score weights.
In order to use GetBCLowerBounds (see "GetBCLowerBounds, GetBCUpperBounds Methods" on page 414) (matrixID), you must first use NeedBCLowerBounds (matrixID). For example, you have to use
object.NeedBCLowerBounds (FactorScoreWeights)
before using
object.GetBCLowerBounds (see "GetBCLowerBounds, GetBCUpperBounds Methods" on page 414) (FactorScoreWeights, )
Similarly, in order to use GetBCUpperBounds (see "GetBCLowerBounds, GetBCUpperBounds Methods" on page 414) (matrixID), you must first use NeedBCUpperBounds (matrixID). For example, you have to use
object.NeedBCUpperBounds (FactorScoreWeights)
before using
object.GetBCUpperBounds (see "GetBCLowerBounds, GetBCUpperBounds Methods" on page 414) (FactorScoreWeights, )
Sem.NeedBCLowerBounds(FactorScoreWeights) Sem.NeedBCUpperBounds(FactorScoreWeights) Sem.Standardized() Sem.BeginGroup(Sem.AmosDir & "Examples\UserGuide.xls", "Grnt_fem") Sem.AStructure("visperc = (1) spatial + (1) err_v") Sem.AStructure("cubes = spatial + (1) err_c") Sem.AStructure("lozenges = spatial + (1) err_l") Sem.AStructure("paragraph = (1) verbal + (1) err_p") Sem.AStructure("sentence = verbal + (1) err_s") Sem.AStructure("wordmean = verbal + (1) err_w") Dim X(,) As Double Dim RNames() As String Dim CNames() As String 'Get the row and column variable names Sem.RowNames(FactorScoreWeights, RNames) Sem.ColumnNames(FactorScoreWeights, CNames) 'Print the lower bounds Sem.GetBCLowerBounds(FactorScoreWeights, X) Debug.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Confidence intervals on factor score weights -- lower bound") PrintMatrix(X, CNames, RNames) 'Print the upper bounds Sem.GetBCUpperBounds(FactorScoreWeights, X) Debug.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Confidence intervals on factor score weights -- upper bound") PrintMatrix(X, CNames, RNames) Sem.Dispose() End Sub 'Print a matrix in the debug window Sub PrintMatrix(ByVal TheMatrix(,) As Double, ByVal CNames$(), ByVal RNames$()) Dim NRows1 As Integer, NColumns1 As Integer Dim i As Integer, j As Integer NRows1 = UBound(RNames) NColumns1 = UBound(CNames)
Debug.Write(" ") For j = 0 To NColumns1 Debug.Write(CNames(j).PadLeft(10)) Next Debug.WriteLine("") For i = 0 To NRows1 Debug.Write(RNames(i).PadRight(8)) For j = 0 To NColumns1 Debug.Write(TheMatrix(i, j).ToString(".00000").PadLeft(10)) Next Debug.WriteLine("") Next End Sub End Module
NeedBootSampleEstimates Method
Declares that GetBootSampleEstimates (see "GetBootSampleEstimates Method" on page 423) will be used to get a matrix of estimates from an individual bootstrap sample.
object.NeedBootSampleEstimates (matrixID) The NeedBootSampleEstimates method syntax has the following parts:
object matrixID
An object of type AmosEngine. An integer that specifies a matrix of estimates, as described in Settings.
Placement: [1].
The settings for matrixID are:
SampleCovariances SampleCorrelations SampleMeans ImpliedCovariances ImpliedCorrelations ImpliedMeans AllImpliedCovariances
Value Description
13 14 15 10 11 12 7 Sample covariances. Sample correlations. Sample means. The implied covariances among the observed variables in the model. The implied correlations among the observed variables in the model. The implied means of the observed variables in the model. The implied covariances among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied correlations among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied means of all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. Direct effects. Indirect effects. Total effects. Standardized direct effects. Standardized indirect effects. Standardized total effects. Factor score weights.
19 20 5 22 23 21 6
You have to use NeedBootSampleEstimates to declare that estimates of a matrix will be needed before you can use GetBootSampleEstimates (see "GetBootSampleEstimates Method" on page 423) to obtain the estimates from a bootstrap sample. For example, you have to use
object.NeedBootSampleEstimates (StandardizedTotalEffects)
before using
object.GetBootSampleEstimates (see "GetBootSampleEstimates Method" on page 423) (StandardizedTotalEffects, )
Debug.WriteLine("") For i = 0 To NRows1 Debug.Write(RNames(i).PadRight(8)) For j = 0 To NColumns1 Debug.Write(TheMatrix(i, j).ToString(".00000").PadLeft(10)) Next Debug.WriteLine("") Next End Sub End Module
NeedEstimates Method
Declares that GetEstimates (see "GetEstimates Method" on page 432) will be used to get a matrix of estimates.
object.NeedEstimates (matrixID) The NeedEstimates method syntax has the following parts:
object matrixID
An object of type AmosEngine. An integer that specifies a matrix of estimates, as described in Settings.
Placement: [1].
The settings for matrixID are:
SampleCovariances SampleCorrelations SampleMeans ImpliedCovariances ImpliedCorrelations ImpliedMeans AllImpliedCovariances
Value Description
13 14 15 10 11 12 7 Sample covariances. Sample correlations. Sample means. The implied covariances among the observed variables in the model. The implied correlations among the observed variables in the model. The implied means of the observed variables in the model. The implied covariances among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied correlations among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied means of all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. Direct effects. Indirect effects. Total effects. Standardized direct effects. Standardized indirect effects. Standardized total effects. Factor score weights.
19 20 5 22 23 21 6
You have to use NeedEstimates to declare that estimates of a matrix will be needed before you can use GetEstimates (see "GetEstimates Method" on page 432) to obtain the estimates. For example, you have to use
object.NeedEstimates (StandardizedTotalEffects)
before using
object.GetEstimates (see "GetEstimates Method" on page 432) (StandardizedTotalEffects, )
Debug.Write(" ") For j = 0 To NColumns1 Debug.Write(CNames(j).PadLeft(10)) Next Debug.WriteLine("") For i = 0 To NRows1 Debug.Write(RNames(i).PadRight(8)) For j = 0 To NColumns1 Debug.Write(TheMatrix(i, j).ToString(".00000").PadLeft(10)) Next Debug.WriteLine("") Next End Sub End Module
object.NeedPCLowerBounds (matrixID) object.NeedPCUpperBounds (matrixID) The NeedPCLowerBounds and NeedPCLowerBounds method syntaxes have the following parts:
object matrixID
An object of type AmosEngine. An integer that specifies a matrix of estimates, as described in Settings.
Placement: [1].
The settings for matrixID are:
SampleCovariances SampleCorrelations SampleMeans ImpliedCovariances ImpliedCorrelations ImpliedMeans AllImpliedCovariances
Value Description
13 14 15 10 11 12 7 Sample covariances. Sample correlations. Sample means. The implied covariances among the observed variables in the model. The implied correlations among the observed variables in the model. The implied means of the observed variables in the model. The implied covariances among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied correlations among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied means of all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. Direct effects. Indirect effects. Total effects. Standardized direct effects. Standardized indirect effects.
19 20 5 22 23
StandardizedTotalEffects FactorScoreWeights
Value Description
21 6 Standardized total effects. Factor score weights.
In order to use GetPCLowerBounds (see "GetPCLowerBounds, GetPCUpperBounds Methods" on page 441) (matrixID), you must first use NeedPCLowerBounds (matrixID). For example, you have to use
object.NeedPCLowerBounds (FactorScoreWeights)
before using
object.GetPCLowerBounds (see "GetPCLowerBounds, GetPCUpperBounds Methods" on page 441) (FactorScoreWeights, )
Similarly, in order to use GetPCUpperBounds (see "GetPCLowerBounds, GetPCUpperBounds Methods" on page 441) (matrixID), you must first use NeedPCUpperBounds (matrixID). For example, you have to use
object.NeedPCUpperBounds (FactorScoreWeights)
before using
object.GetPCUpperBounds (see "GetPCLowerBounds, GetPCUpperBounds Methods" on page 441) (FactorScoreWeights, )
Sem.NeedPCLowerBounds(FactorScoreWeights) Sem.NeedPCUpperBounds(FactorScoreWeights) Sem.BeginGroup(Sem.AmosDir & "Examples\UserGuide.xls", "Grnt_fem") Sem.AStructure("visperc = (1) spatial + (1) err_v") Sem.AStructure("cubes = spatial + (1) err_c") Sem.AStructure("lozenges = spatial + (1) err_l") Sem.AStructure("paragraph = (1) verbal + (1) err_p") Sem.AStructure("sentence = verbal + (1) err_s") Sem.AStructure("wordmean = verbal + (1) err_w") Dim X(,) As Double Dim RNames() As String Dim CNames() As String 'Get the row and column variable names Sem.RowNames(FactorScoreWeights, RNames) Sem.ColumnNames(FactorScoreWeights, CNames) 'Print the lower bounds Sem.GetPCLowerBounds(FactorScoreWeights, X) Debug.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Confidence intervals on factor score weights -- lower bound") PrintMatrix(X, CNames, RNames) 'Print the upper bounds Sem.GetPCUpperBounds(FactorScoreWeights, X) Debug.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Confidence intervals on factor score weights -- upper bound") PrintMatrix(X, CNames, RNames) Sem.Dispose() End Sub 'Print a matrix in the debug window Sub PrintMatrix(ByVal TheMatrix(,) As Double, ByVal CNames$(), ByVal RNames$()) Dim NRows1 As Integer, NColumns1 As Integer Dim i As Integer, j As Integer NRows1 = UBound(RNames) NColumns1 = UBound(CNames)
Debug.Write(" ") For j = 0 To NColumns1 Debug.Write(CNames(j).PadLeft(10)) Next Debug.WriteLine("") For i = 0 To NRows1 Debug.Write(RNames(i).PadRight(8)) For j = 0 To NColumns1 Debug.Write(TheMatrix(i, j).ToString(".00000").PadLeft(10)) Next Debug.WriteLine("") Next End Sub End Module
NeedStandardErrors Method
Declares that the GetStandardErrors (see "GetStandardErrors Method" on page 450) method will be used to obtain bootstrap standard errors for the elements of a matrix of estimates.
object.NeedStandardErrors (matrixID) The NeedStandardErrors method syntax has the following parts:
object matrixID
An object of type AmosEngine. An integer that specifies a matrix of estimates, as described in Settings.
Placement: [1].
The settings for matrixID are:
SampleCovariances SampleCorrelations SampleMeans ImpliedCovariances ImpliedCorrelations ImpliedMeans AllImpliedCovariances
Value Description
13 14 15 10 11 12 7 Sample covariances. Sample correlations. Sample means. The implied covariances among the observed variables in the model. The implied correlations among the observed variables in the model. The implied means of the observed variables in the model. The implied covariances among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied correlations among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied means of all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. Direct effects. Indirect effects. Total effects. Standardized direct effects. Standardized indirect effects. Standardized total effects. Factor score weights.
19 20 5 22 23 21 6
You have to use NeedStandardErrors to declare that standard errors for a matrix will be needed before you can use GetStandardErrors (see "GetStandardErrors Method" on page 450) to obtain the standard errors. For example, you have to use
object.NeedStandardErrors (StandardizedTotalEffects)
before using
object.GetStandardErrors (see "GetStandardErrors Method" on page 450) (StandardizedTotalEffects, )
NonPositive Method
Controls whether Amos attempts to obtain maximum likelihood estimates when a sample covariance matrix is not positive definite.
object.NonPositive () object.NonPositive (tf) The NonPositive method syntax has the following parts:
object tf
An object of type AmosEngine. Optional. If tf is True (default), Amos attempts to obtain maximum likelihood estimates even when a sample covariance matrix is not positive definite.
Placement: [1].
Amos reports an error if you attempt a maximum likelihood analysis when a sample covariance matrix fails to be positive definite.
When you use the NonPositive method, Amos does not try to test the hypothesis that your model is correct against the usual alternative that the population moments are unconstrained. Wothke (1993) discusses the problem of covariance matrices that are not positive definite.
See Also
AllowUnidentified Method (on page 298)
NormalityCheck Method
Controls the reporting of statistics for assessing multivariate normality of the observed variables.
object.NormalityCheck () object.NormalityCheck (tf) The NormalityCheck method syntax has the following parts:
object tf
An object of type AmosEngine. Optional. If tf is True (the default), statistics for assessing normality are reported.
Placement: [1].
Statistics for assessing normality are not reported.
Discussion of Example
In the example (see "NormalityCheck Method Example" on page 536), NormalityCheck produces the following output. Assessment of normality (Group number 1)
Variable wordmean sentence paragraph lozenges cubes visperc Multivariate min 2.000 4.000 2.000 3.000 9.000 11.000 max 41.000 28.000 19.000 36.000 37.000 45.000 skew .575 -.836 .374 .833 -.131 -.406 c.r. 2.004 -2.915 1.305 2.906 -.457 -1.418 kurtosis -.212 .537 -.239 .127 1.439 -.281 3.102 c.r. -.370 .936 -.416 .221 2.510 -.490 1.353
The first row of the table shows that the lowest wordmean score was 2 and the highest was 41. wordmean had a sample skewness of
i=1 ( xi x )
$ N s3
= .575
has a mean of zero and a standard error of sample skewness divided by its standard error. wordmean has a sample kurtosis of
$ s 2 = ( xi x ) ( N 1) $2 where s is the unbiased variance estimate . Assuming normality, skewness 6 N = .287 . The critical ratio 2.004 in the c.r. column is the
i=1 ( xi x )
$ N s4
3 = .212
Assuming normality, kurtosis has a mean of zero and a standard error of .370, is the sample kurtosis divided by its standard error.
The table has a separate row for each observed variable. A final row, labeled multivariate, contains Mardias (Mardia, 1970; Mardia, 1974) coefficient of multivariate kurtosis
p ( p + 2) ( N 1) 1 N $ = 3102 . ( x i x ) S1 ( x i x) N i =1 N +1 ,
where i is the i-th observation on the p observed variables, x is the vector of their means and S is the unbiased estimate of their population covariance matrix. Assuming normality, this coefficient has a mean of zero and a standard error of . The critical ratio obtained by dividing the sample coefficient by its standard error is 1.353, as shown in the c.r. column. Assuming normality in very large samples, each of the critical values shown in the table above is an observation on a standard normally distributed random variable. Even with a very large sample, however, the table is of limited use. All it does is to quantify the departure from normality in the sample and provide a rough test of whether the departure is statistically significant. Unfortunately, this is not enough. In order to make use of this information you also need to know how robust your chosen estimation method is against the departure from normality that you have discovered. A departure from normality that is big enough to be significant could still be small enough to be harmless. The following table, also produced by NormalityCheck from the Grnt_fem data, provides additional evidence on the question of normality. Observations farthest from the centroid (Mahalanobis distance) (Group number 1)
$ 1
8 p ( p + 2 ) N = 2.294
Only the first five rows of the table are shown here. Specifically, the table focuses on the occurrence of outliers, individual observations that differ markedly from the general run of observations. The table lists the observations that are furthest from the centroid of all observations, using as the distance measure for the i-th observation the squared Mahalanobis distance, multivariate kurtosis can be written
N p ( p + 2 ) ( N 1) ( N + 1)
2 d42
d i2 = (x i x ) S 1 (x i x ) . Mardias coefficient of
. The first row of the table
di2 )
column shows, still assuming normality, that the probability is .268 that the largest i would exceed 18.747. The second row of the table shows that: Observation number 20 is the second furthest observation
2 d20 = 17.201 . The probability of any arbitrary di2 exceeding 17.201 is .009. The d2 probability of the second largest i exceeding 17.201 is .130. Small numbers in the p1 column are to be
expected. Small numbers in the p2 column, on the other hand, indicate observations that are improbably far from the centroid under the hypothesis of normality. For the Grnt_fem data, none of the probabilities in the p2 column is very small, so there is no evidence that any of the five most unusual observations should be treated as outliers under the assumption of normality. See Bollen (1987) for a discussion of the importance of checking for outliers.
Npar Method
Gets the number of model parameters.
object.Npar () The Npar method syntax has the following parts:
An object of type AmosEngine.
Placement: [3].
If you have used the Model (see "Model Method" on page 492) method to define more than one model, the Npar method returns the number of parameters for the most recently fitted model. The second example shows how to obtain the number of parameters for multiple models.
See Also
Df Method (on page 385)
NumberOfColumns Method
Gets the number of columns in a matrix of estimates.
object.NumberOfColumns (matrixID) object.NumberOfColumns (matrixID, groupNumber) The NumberOfColumns method syntax has the following parts:
object matrixID groupNumber
An object of type AmosEngine. An integer that specifies a matrix of estimates, as described in Settings. Optional. A group number. The first group is group number 1. If groupNumber is omitted, the first group is used.
Placement: [3].
The settings for matrixID are:
SampleCovariances SampleCorrelations SampleMeans ImpliedCovariances ImpliedCorrelations ImpliedMeans AllImpliedCovariances
Value Description
13 14 15 10 11 12 7 Sample covariances. Sample correlations. Sample means. The implied covariances among the observed variables in the model. The implied correlations among the observed variables in the model. The implied means of the observed variables in the model. The implied covariances among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied correlations among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied means of all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. Direct effects. Indirect effects. Total effects. Standardized direct effects. Standardized indirect effects.
19 20 5 22 23
StandardizedTotalEffects FactorScoreWeights
Value Description
21 6 Standardized total effects. Factor score weights.
In order to use NumberOfColumns (matrixID), you must first use NeedEstimates (see "NeedEstimates Method" on page 521) (matrixID). For example, you have to use
object.NeedEstimates (see "NeedEstimates Method" on page 521) (FactorScoreWeights)
before using
object.NumberOfColumns (FactorScoreWeights, )
NumberOfGroups Method
Gets the number of groups.
object.NumberOfGroups () The NumberOfGroups method syntax has the following parts:
An object of type AmosEngine.
Placement: [3].
NumberOfParameters Method
Gets the number of model parameters, not taking into account any parameter constraints specified with the Model (see "Model Method" on page 492) method.
object.NumberOfParameters () The NumberOfVariables method syntax has the following parts:
An object of type AmosEngine.
Placement: [3].
NumberOfRows Method
Gets the number of rows in a matrix of estimates.
object.NumberOfRows (matrixID) object.NumberOfRows (matrixID, groupNumber) The NumberOfRows method syntax has the following parts:
object matrixID groupNumber
An object of type AmosEngine. An integer that specifies a matrix of estimates, as described in Settings. Optional. A group number. The first group is group number 1. If groupNumber is omitted, the first group is used.
Placement: [3].
The settings for matrixID are:
SampleCovariances SampleCorrelations SampleMeans ImpliedCovariances ImpliedCorrelations ImpliedMeans AllImpliedCovariances
Value Description
13 14 15 10 11 12 7 Sample covariances. Sample correlations. Sample means. The implied covariances among the observed variables in the model. The implied correlations among the observed variables in the model. The implied means of the observed variables in the model. The implied covariances among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied correlations among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied means of all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. Direct effects. Indirect effects. Total effects. Standardized direct effects. Standardized indirect effects.
19 20 5 22 23
StandardizedTotalEffects FactorScoreWeights
Value Description
21 6 Standardized total effects. Factor score weights.
In order to use NumberOfRows (matrixID), you must first use NeedEstimates (see "NeedEstimates Method" on page 521) (matrixID). For example, you have to use
object.NeedEstimates (see "NeedEstimates Method" on page 521) (FactorScoreWeights)
before using
object.NumberOfRows (FactorScoreWeights, )
NumberOfVariables Method
Gets the number of variables in the model for one group.
object.NumberOfVariables () object.NumberOfVariables (groupNumber) The NumberOfVariables method syntax has the following parts:
object groupNumber
An object of type AmosEngine. Optional group number. The first group is group number 1. If groupNumber is omitted, the first group is used.
Placement: [3].
OVariableCount Method
Specifies the number of observed variables in the model.
object.OVariableCount (nVariables) The OVariableCount method syntax has the following parts:
object nVariables
An object of type AmosEngine. The number of observed variables in the model.
Placement: [2].
When the OVariableCount method is not used, no error checking is done based on the number of observed variables.
Amos checks nVariables for consistency with the model and the data file. If a discrepancy is found, Amos reports the discrepancy and quits. Spelling or typing errors are frequently detected by this check, since two variant spellings of a variable name will be treated as references to two distinct variables. In a multiple-group analysis, the OvariableCount method can be used once per group.
See Also
UVariableCount Method (on page 639) VariableCount Method (on page 643)
P Method
Gets the p value for testing the null hypothesis that the specified model is correct.
object.P () The P method syntax has the following parts:
An object of type AmosEngine.
Placement: [3].
If you have used the Model (see "Model Method" on page 492) method to define more than one model, the P method gets the p value for the most recently fitted model. The second example shows how to obtain the p value for multiple models.
P Method Example 1
The following program shows how to obtain various fit measures when only one model is defined (i.e., when the Model (see "Model Method" on page 492) method has been used only once or not at all).
Imports System.Diagnostics Module MainModule ' P Method Example 1 Sub Main() Dim Sem As New AmosEngineLib.AmosEngine Sem.BeginGroup(Sem.AmosDir & "Examples\UserGuide.xls", "Grnt_fem") Sem.AStructure("visperc = (1) spatial + (1) err_v") Sem.AStructure("cubes = spatial + (1) err_c") Sem.AStructure("lozenges = spatial + (1) err_l") Sem.AStructure("paragraph = (1) verbal + (1) err_p") Sem.AStructure("sentence = verbal + (1) err_s") Sem.AStructure("wordmean = verbal + (1) err_w") Debug.WriteLine("Chi Square = " & Sem.Cmin) Debug.WriteLine("Degrees of Freedom = " & Sem.df) Debug.WriteLine("p = " & Sem.p) Debug.WriteLine("Number of parameters = " & Sem.npar) Debug.WriteLine("Noncentrality parameter = " & Sem.Ncp & " (" & _ Sem.NcpLo & ", " & Sem.NcpHi & ")") Debug.WriteLine("Rmsea = " & Sem.Rmsea & " (" & Sem.RmseaLo & ", " & Sem.RmseaHi & ")") Debug.WriteLine("Test of close fit, p = " & Sem.Pclose) Sem.Dispose() End Sub End Module
P Method Example 2
The following program shows how to obtain various fit measures for multiple models (i.e., when the Model (see "Model Method" on page 492) method has been used more than once).
Imports System.Diagnostics Module MainModule ' P Method Example 2 Sub Main() Dim Sem As New AmosEngineLib.AmosEngine Dim i As Integer Sem.BeginGroup(Sem.AmosDir & "Examples\UserGuide.xls", "Grnt_fem") Sem.AStructure("visperc = (a) spatial + (1) err_v") Sem.AStructure("cubes = (b) spatial + (1) err_c") Sem.AStructure("lozenges = (c) spatial + (1) err_l") Sem.AStructure("paragraph = (d) verbal + (1) err_p") Sem.AStructure("sentence = (e) verbal + (1) err_s") Sem.AStructure("wordmean = (f) verbal + (1) err_w") Sem.Var("spatial", 1) Sem.Var("verbal", 1) Sem.Model("Congeneric") Sem.Model("tau-equivalent", "a = b = c", "d = e = f") For i = 1 To 2 Debug.WriteLine("") Debug.WriteLine("Model number " & i) Sem.FitModel(i) Debug.WriteLine("Chi Square = " & Sem.Cmin) Debug.WriteLine("Degrees of Freedom = " & Sem.df) Debug.WriteLine("p = " & Sem.p) Debug.WriteLine("Number of parameters = " & Sem.npar) Debug.WriteLine("Noncentrality parameter = " & Sem.Ncp & " (" & _ Sem.NcpLo & ", " & Sem.NcpHi & ")") Debug.WriteLine("Rmsea = " & Sem.Rmsea & " (" & Sem.RmseaLo & ", " & Sem.RmseaHi & ")") Debug.WriteLine("Test of close fit, p = " & Sem.Pclose) Next Sem.Dispose() End Sub End Module
PackSymmetricEstimates Method
Controls whether the GetEstimates (see "GetEstimates Method" on page 432) returns symmetric matrices as square two-dimensional arrays or as one-dimensional arrays that contain only the lower triangle.
object.PackSymmetricEstimates (tf) The PackSymmetricEstimates method syntax has the following parts:
object tf
An object of type AmosEngine. If tf is False, symmetric matrices are returned as square two-dimensional arrays. If tf is True, symmetric matrices are returned as one-dimensional arrays, with the elements in the lower triangle stored in the order x(0,0), x(1,0), x(1,1),....
Placement: [1].
If the PackSymmetricEstimates method is not used, symmetric matrices are returned as square two-dimensional arrays.
PackSymmetricEstimates does not affect GetEstimatesEx (see "GetEstimatesEx Method" on page 436).
PageLength Method
The PageLength method has no effect. It is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Amos.
object.PageLength (nLines) The PageLength method syntax has the following parts:
object nLines
An object of type AmosEngine. The number of lines per page.
Placement: [1].
Paginate Method
The Paginate method has no effect. It is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Amos.
object.Paginate (tf) The Paginate method syntax has the following parts:
object tf
An object of type AmosEngine. If tf is True (default), the text output file is paginated. Otherwise, not.
Placement: [1].
ParameterCovariance Method
Gets the covariance between two parameter estimates.
Syntax 1
result = object.ParameterCovariance (parameterIndex) result = object.ParameterCovariance (parameterIndex1, parameterIndex2) result = object.ParameterCovariance (parameterName) result = object.ParameterCovariance (parameterName1, parameterName2) The ParameterCovariance method syntax 1 has the following parts:
result object parameterIndex parameterIndex1 parameterIndex2 parameterName parameterName1 parameterName2
The covariance between two parameters or the variance of a single parameter. An object of type AmosEngine. Parameter indices. Parameters are numbered starting with 1.
Parameter names.
Placement: [3].
See Also
ParameterName Method (on page 567) ParameterNumber Method (on page 569) ParameterValue Method (on page 571)
Debug.WriteLine(Math.Sqrt(Sem.ParameterCovariance("verr_w"))) Debug.WriteLine("") Debug.Write("The correlation between ""verr_v"" and ""verr_c"" is ") Dim Numerator As Double, Denominator As Double Numerator = sem.ParameterCovariance("verr_v", "verr_c") Denominator = Math.Sqrt(Sem.ParameterCovariance("verr_v") * _ Sem.ParameterCovariance("verr_c")) Debug.WriteLine(Numerator / Denominator) Sem.Dispose() End Sub End Module
ParameterInfo Method
Get information about the parameter that is specified by an index number, based on an arbitrary ordering of model parameters. The first parameter is parameter number 1.
object.ParameterInfo (parameterNumber, groupNumber, parameterType, leftVariable, rightVariable) The ParameterInfo method syntax has the following parts:
object parameterNumber groupNumber
An object of type AmosEngine. Input: A whole number between 1 and n, where n is the number of parameters. Output: When the parameter specified by parameterNumber is associated with one group only, then groupNumber is that groups number. The first group is group number 1. Output: An integer that tells what kind of parameter is specified by parameterNumber. The possible values are 1 (regression weight), 2 (mean), 3 (intercept), 4 (covariance) and 5 (variance). Integers that specify two variables. (Use the VariableName (see "VariableName Method" on page 645) method to get their names.) If the parameter specified by parameterNumber is a regression weight, leftVariable refers to the dependent variable, rightVariable to the independent variable. If the parameter specified by parameterNumber is a covariance, it is the covariance between leftVariable and rightVariable. If the parameter specified by parameterNumber is a variance, it is the variance of leftVariable. (rightVariable is the same as leftVariable.) If the parameter specified by parameterNumber is a mean, it is the mean of leftVariable. (The value returned for rightVariable is undefined.)
leftVariable, rightVariable
Placement: [3].
See Also
ParameterName Method (on page 567) ParameterNumber Method (on page 569) ParameterValue Method (on page 571)
ParameterName Method
Gets the name of a parameter, given its parameter number.
object.ParameterName (parameterNumber) The ParameterName method syntax has the following parts:
object parameterNumber
An object of type AmosEngine. A parameter number.
Placement: [3].
See Also
ParameterNumber Method (on page 569)
ParameterNumber Method
Gets a parameter number, given its name. A parameter number is a parameters position on Amoss internal parameter list. The first parameter on the list is parameter number 1. Some methods refer to model parameters by number (i.e., by list position).
object.ParameterNumber (ParameterName) The ParameterNumber method syntax has the following parts:
object ParameterName
An object of type AmosEngine. A parameter name.
Placement: [3].
ParameterValue Method
Gets a parameter value, given either a parameter name or a parameter number.
object.ParameterValue (parameterIndex) object.ParameterValue (parameterName) The ParameterValue method syntax has the following parts:
object parameterIndex parameterName
An object of type AmosEngine. (Integer) A parameter index. Parameters are numbered starting with 1. (String) A parameter name.
Placement: [3].
See Also
ParameterName Method (on page 567) ParameterNumber Method (on page 569)
ParameterVector Method
Gets the values of all free parameters.
object.ParameterVector (x) The ParameterVector method syntax has the following parts:
object x
An object of type AmosEngine. An array of type double dimensioned in the calling program as Dim x() as Double On return from ParameterVector, x is a 1-dimensional array containing the vector of free parameters.
Placement: [3].
See Also
Use the AmosEngine class to evaluate derivatives numerically and display the results with the Amos Debug class (on page 750)
Path Method
Specifies a regression weight as a model parameter.
object.Path (leftVariableName, rightVariableName) object.Path (leftVariableName, rightVariableName, parameterValue) object.Path (leftVariableName, rightVariableName, parameterName) The Path method syntax has the following parts:
object leftVariableName rightVariableName
An object of type AmosEngine. The character strings, leftVariableName and rightVariableName, are the names of two variables. leftVariableName depends linearly on rightVariableName. That is, leftVariableName is on the left-hand side of a regression equation and rightVariableName appears on the right-hand side with a regression weight that is a model parameter. (Optional) Parameter value. If parameterValue = 3, say, then the regression weight is fixed at 3.
(Optional) Parameter name. If parameterName = abc, say, then the regression weight is named abc. It is constrained to be equal to any other parameters named abc. If parameterName = 3?, say then the regression weight is given an initial value of 3, and is unconstrained. If parameterName = abc:3, say, then the regression weight is named abc and is given an initial value of 3. It is constrained to be equal to any other parameters named abc. If parameterName is an empty string (""), the regression weight is an unconstrained parameter.
Placement: [2].
A variable is assumed not to depend directly on another variable unless a linearly dependency is specified by use of the Path or AStructure (see "AStructure Method" on page 302) method.
If parameterValue and parameterName are omitted, the regression weight is an unconstrained parameter.
Pclose Method
Gets the p value for testing the null hypothesis that RMSEA is less than .05 in the population. (Browne & Cudeck, 1993)
object.Pclose () The Pclose method syntax has the following parts:
An object of type AmosEngine.
Placement: [3].
If you have used the Model (see "Model Method" on page 492) method to define more than one model, the Pclose method gets the p value for the most recently fitted model. The second example shows how to obtain the p value for multiple models.
Permute Method
Performs a permutation test (Arbuckle, 1994b) of the specified model.
object.Permute (x) The Permute method syntax has the following parts:
object x
An object of type AmosEngine. An integer. If x = 0, the permutation test is based on all permutations of the observed variables. If x is positive, the permutation test is based on x random permutations. If x is negative, no permutation test is performed.
Placement: [1].
No permutation test is performed.
Bootstrapping cannot be performed at the same time as the permutation test. That is, you cant execute both the Permute and the Bootstrap (see "Bootstrap Method" on page 332) methods in the same program.
See Also
PermuteDetail Method (on page 584)
Sem.PermuteDetail() Sem.BeginGroup(Sem.AmosDir & "Examples\UserGuide.xls", "Wheaton") Sem.Path("anomia67", "67_alienation", 1) Sem.Path("anomia67", "eps1", 1) Sem.Path("powles67", "67_alienation") Sem.Path("powles67", "eps2", 1) Sem.Path("anomia71", "71_alienation", 1) Sem.Path("anomia71", "eps3", 1) Sem.Path("powles71", "71_alienation") Sem.Path("powles71", "eps4", 1) Sem.Path("67_alienation", "ses") Sem.Path("67_alienation", "zeta1", 1) Sem.Path("71_alienation", "67_alienation") Sem.Path("71_alienation", "ses") Sem.Path("71_alienation", "zeta2", 1) Sem.Path("education", "ses", 1) Sem.Path("education", "delta1", 1) Sem.Path("SEI", "ses") Sem.Path("SEI", "delta2", 1) Sem.Var("eps1", "var1") Sem.Var("eps2", "var2") Sem.Var("eps3", "var3") Sem.Var("eps4", "var4") Sem.Cov("eps1", "eps3", "cov1") Sem.Cov("eps2", "eps4", "cov2") Sem.Dispose() End Sub End Module
Discussion of Example
Here is a portion of the output from the example.
Matrix Permutations Test (Model 1) Summary (Model 1) Of 719 permutations: 15 permutations improved the model fit or left it unchanged. 86 permutations resulted in a model that could not be fitted. 618 permutations resulted in a higher discrepancy function. Of the remaining permutations: 0 resulted in inadmissible estimates and unstable systems. 0 resulted in inadmissible estimates. 0 resulted in unstable systems. p = 16 / 720 = .022
With six observed variables, there are 720 possible permutations -- 719, if you dont count the permutation that leaves each observed variable in its original position. Of the 719 non-identity permutations, 15 made the discrepancy function smaller or left it unchanged. 617 of the permutations made the discrepancy function larger. 86 permutations resulted in a model for which Amos could not find a solution. As noted above, failures are to be expected in fitting a series of generally bad models. The question is, how do you classify the models for which no solution was found? Can it be assumed that each one of those models is worse than the original model? In other words, can you assume that, whenever Amos fails, its the models fault rather than Amoss? Experience shows that Amoss failures to find solutions are almost always due to bad models (or samples that are too small). But not always. Therefore, there may be an objection to lumping the 86 permutations that produced an unfittable model together with the 617 permutations that produced a worse fitting model, on the grounds that doing so could result in an overcount of the number of permutations that make the model worse. With these considerations in mind, Amos follows the convention that unfittable models are worse than the model being evaluated. Then out of 720 permutations (including the identity permutation), there are 16 permutations that produce a model that fits as well as or better than the original model. (The original model itself is one of those 16.). In other words, if you picked a model at random out of those generated by permuting the observed variables, there is a probability of 16/720 = .022 of getting a model as good as the one that Jreskog and Srbom proposed. It is possible for an Amos solution to be inadmissible or to consist of an unstable linear system, although neither of these problems arose in the present example. There needs to be a policy on permutations that produce a model with a lower discrepancy function than was obtained for the original model, but for which an inadmissible solution or an unstable system occurs. Amos adheres to the following policy. First of all, if the original model results in an inadmissible solution, Amos disregards the admissibility status of estimates for models that are generated by permutations. Also, if the original model results in an unstable system, Amos ignores any instability that occurs in linear systems that result from permutations. If the original model yields an admissible solution with a stable system of linear equations, Amos reports the number of permutations that lower the discrepancy function while producing an inadmissible solution or an unstable system, and follows the convention that such permutations are harmful (i.e., that they make a model worse). The frequency of inadmissible solutions and unstable systems is summarized as follows for the present example.
Of the remaining permutations: 0 resulted in inadmissible estimates and unstable systems. 0 resulted in inadmissible estimates. 0 resulted in unstable systems.
Of the 15 permutations that resulted in a discrepancy function that was as good as or better than that of the original model, all were in fact exactly as good - none were better. Examination of the output from the PermuteDetail (see "PermuteDetail Method" on page 584) method reveals that these 15 models are equivalent to the original model in the sense of Stelzl (1986), Lee and Hershberger (1990) and MacCallum, et al. (1993). In principal, it would be possible to reduce the computational requirements of the permutation test by fitting one representative model from each set of equivalent models. Amos does not do this, however. More importantly, the fact that the permuted models come in clusters of equivalent models has a bearing on the interpretation of the permutation test. In the current example, for instance, the proportion of permuted models that fit as well as or better than the original model cannot take on just any of the values 1/720, 2/720, 3/720,.... Instead, the proportion is restricted to the values 16/720, 32/720, 48/720,.... The number of possible p values is still 720/16 = 45, and so it remains an interesting question what the value of p is. However, a serious problem arises when the number of permutations that leave the fit of the model invariant is very large, so that the number of distinct discrepancy function values that can occur is very small. To take an extreme case, consider the common factor model with one common factor, and no parameter constraints other than those required to make the model identified. No permutation of the observed variables will affect the fit of the model, and it will not be possible to apply the permutation test in a meaningful way.
PermuteDetail Method
Gives detailed information about the solution obtained for each permutation when the Permute (see "Permute Method" on page 579) method is used. First the permutation itself is reported. (That is, the new location of each observed variable in the model is shown after the permutation is carried out.) Then, if a solution is found, the value of the discrepancy function is reported along with a notation of whether the solution was admissible and whether the resulting linear system was stable.
object.PermuteDetail () object.PermuteDetail (tf) The PermuteDetail method syntax has the following parts:
object tf
An object of type AmosEngine. Optional. A boolean value that controls the reporting of information about each permutation. True (default) requests the output. False suppresses it
Placement: [1].
Detailed information about each permutation is not reported.
PutParameterValue Method
Assigns a value to a parameter.
object.PutParameterValue (parameterIndex, parameterValue) object.PutParameterValue (parameterName, parameterValue) The PutParameterValue method syntax has the following parts:
object parameterIndex parameterName parameterValue
An object of type AmosEngine. (Integer) A parameter index. Parameters are numbered starting with 1. (String) A parameter name. (Double) New parameter value.
Placement: [3].
See Also
Use the AmosEngine class to evaluate derivatives numerically and display the results with the Amos Debug class (on page 750)
PutParameterVector Method
Assigns values to the vector of free parameters.
object.PutParameterVector (x) The PutParameterVector method syntax has the following parts:
object x
An object of type AmosEngine. A 1-dimensional array of type double. x must be dimensioned to have exactly one element for each parameter. The first parameter is in x(0). (The number of parameters can be obtained with the NumberOfParameters (see "NumberOfParameters Method" on page 547) method.)
Placement: [3].
See Also
Use the AmosEngine class to evaluate derivatives numerically and display the results with the Amos Debug class (on page 750)
PutSampleCovariances Method
Assigns values to the matrix of sample covariances. This method should not be used if means/intercepts are explicit model parameters, because it sets the vector of sample means to zero. (Use PutSampleMoments (see "PutSampleMoments Method" on page 590) instead.)
object.PutSampleCovariances (covarianceMatrix) object.PutSampleCovariances (covarianceMatrix, groupNumber) The PutSampleCovariances method syntax has the following parts:
object covarianceMatrix
An object of type AmosEngine. A two-dimensional array of type double. The dimensions of covarianceMatrix must exactly match the dimensions of the sample covariance matrix. Optional. A group number. The first group is group number 1. If groupNumber is omitted, the first group is used.
Placement: [3].
One technique for performing sampling studies consists of the repeated use of PutSampleCovariances and FitModel (see "FitModel Method" on page 407).
See Also
Use the AmosEngine class to test for scale- and location-invariance (on page 753)
PutSampleCovariancesPacked Method
Assigns values to the matrix of sample covariances, where sample covariances are stored as a one-dimensional array. This method should not be used if means/intercepts are explicit model parameters, because it sets the vector of sample means to zero. (Use PutSampleMomentsPacked (see "PutSampleMomentsPacked Method" on page 591) instead.) If your sample covariances are stored in a two-dimensional array, use PutSampleCovariances (see "PutSampleCovariances Method" on page 588).
object.PutSampleCovariancesPacked (covarianceMatrix) object.PutSampleCovariancesPacked (covarianceMatrix, groupNumber) The PutSampleCovariancesPacked method syntax has the following parts:
object covarianceMatrix
An object of type AmosEngine. A one-dimensional array of type double. The lower triangular elements of covarianceMatrix should be stored in the order x(0,0), x(1,0), x(1,1),..... Optional. A group number. The first group is group number 1. If groupNumber is omitted, the first group is used.
Placement: [3].
One efficient technique for performing a sampling study is to loop through the following sequence. 1 2 3 Generate a new sample covariance matrix. Use PutSampleCovariancesPacked. Use FitModel (see "FitModel Method" on page 407).
PutSampleMoments Method
Assigns values to the sample covariances and the sample means.
object.PutSampleMoments (covariancesBase0, meansBase0) object.PutSampleMoments (covariancesBase0, meansBase0, groupNumber) The PutSampleMoments method syntax has the following parts:
object covariancesBase0
An object of type AmosEngine. A two-dimensional array of type double. The dimensions of covariancesBase0 must exactly match the dimensions of the sample covariance matrix. A one-dimensional array of type double. The number of elements in meansBase0 must equal the number of observed variables in the model. Optional. A group number. The first group is group number 1. If groupNumber is omitted, the first group is used.
Placement: [3].
One technique for performing sampling studies consists of the repeated use of PutSampleMoments and FitModel (see "FitModel Method" on page 407).
See Also
Use the AmosEngine class to test for scale- and location-invariance (on page 753)
PutSampleMomentsPacked Method
Assigns values to the sample covariances and the sample means when sample covariances are stored as a one-dimensional array.
object.PutSampleMomentsPacked (covariances, means) object.PutSampleMomentsPacked (covariances, means, groupNumber) The PutSampleMomentsPacked method syntax has the following parts:
object covariances
An object of type AmosEngine. A one-dimensional array of type double. The lower triangular elements of covariances should be stored in the order x(0,0), x(1,0), x(1,1),..... A one-dimensional array of type double. The number of elements in means must equal the number of observed variables in the model. Optional. A group number. The first group is group number 1. If groupNumber is omitted, the first group is used.
Placement: [3].
One efficient technique for performing a sampling study is to loop through the following sequence. 1 2 3 Generate a new sample covariance matrix. Use PutSampleMomentsPacked. Use FitModel (see "FitModel Method" on page 407).
ResidualMoments Method
Controls reporting of the difference between the sample covariance matrix and the implied covariance matrix. If means and intercepts are explicitly modeled, the ResidualMoments method also controls reporting of differences between sample means and implied means.
object.ResidualMoments () object.ResidualMoments (tf) The ResidualMoments method syntax has the following parts:
object tf
An object of type AmosEngine. Optional. A boolean value that controls the reporting of residual moments. True (default) requests the output. False suppresses it.
Placement: [1].
Residual moments are not reported.
See Also
Admissible Method (on page 294) ImpliedMoments Method (on page 461) SampleMoments Method (on page 608)
ReviseModel Method
Changes the constraints on a model that was previously defined by the Model (see "Model Method" on page 492) method. There are some limitations on the extent to which a model can be changed.
object.ReviseModel (modelName, constraint1) object.ReviseModel (modelName, constraint1, constraint2) object.ReviseModel (modelName, constraint1, constraint2, constraint3) ... The ReviseModel method syntax is identical to the Model (see "Model Method" on page 492) method syntax. The ReviseModel method syntax has the following parts:
object modelName constraint1
An object of type AmosEngine. The name of a model previously defined by the Model (see "Model Method" on page 492) method. Either:
A string of the form p1=p2=p3=..., where each pi is either a parameter name or a number. At most one of the pi can be a number.
Or: The name of another model. constraint2 constraint3 ... Same as constraint1 Same as constraint1 ...
Placement: [3].
The constraints expressed by constraint1, constraint2, replace the constraints of the original model. There are the following limitations on the changes model changes that can be made by ReviseModel. The number of equality constraints in the revised model cannot exceed the number of constraints in the original model. For example, the ReviseModel method in following program fragment raises an error because it attempts to create four constraints on a model that originally had only three.
Dim Sem As New AmosEngine Sem.Model "Model 1", "a=0", "b=0", "c=0" Sem.ReviseModel "Model 1", "u=v=w=x=0"
The constraints in the revised model may only employ constants of 0, 1, or constants that have been previously been assigned to parameter values with the Model (see "Model Method" on page 492), AStructure (see "AStructure Method" on page 302), MStructure (see "MStructure Method" on page 505), Path (see "Path Method" on page 574), Cov (see "Cov Method" on page 370), Var (see "Var Method" on page 641), Mean (see "Mean Method" on page 486), or Intercept (see "Intercept Method" on page 477) methods.
object.Rmsea () object.RmseaLo () object.RmseaHi () The Rmsea, RmseaLo and RmseaHi method syntaxes have the following parts:
An object of type AmosEngine.
If you have used the Model (see "Model Method" on page 492) method to define more than one model, the Rmsea, RmseaLo and RmseaHi methods return estimates for the most recently fitted model. The second example shows how to obtain estimates for multiple models.
RowNames Method
Obtains the variable names associated with the rows of a matrix of estimates.
object.RowNames (matrixID, theRowNames) object.RowNames (matrixID, theRowNames, groupNumber) The RowNames method syntax has the following parts:
object matrixID theRowNames
An object of type AmosEngine. An integer that specifies a matrix of estimates, as described in Settings A string array declared in the calling program as Dim theRowNames() as String The Amos Engine will redimension the array.
Optional. A group number. The first group is group number 1. If groupNumber is omitted, the first group is used.
Placement: [3].
The settings for matrixID are:
SampleCovariances SampleCorrelations SampleMeans ImpliedCovariances ImpliedCorrelations ImpliedMeans AllImpliedCovariances
Value Description
13 14 15 10 11 12 7 Sample covariances. Sample correlations. Sample means. The implied covariances among the observed variables in the model. The implied correlations among the observed variables in the model. The implied means of the observed variables in the model. The implied covariances among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied correlations among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied means of all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. Direct effects. Indirect effects.
DirectEffects IndirectEffects
19 20
TotalEffects StandardizedDirectEffects StandardizedIndirectEffects StandardizedTotalEffects FactorScoreWeights
Value Description
5 22 23 21 6 Total effects. Standardized direct effects. Standardized indirect effects. Standardized total effects. Factor score weights.
The NeedEstimates (see "NeedEstimates Method" on page 521) method must be used to give notice that a particular matrix of estimates will be needed before the RowNames method can be used to obtain the row names for that matrix. For example, you have to use
object.NeedEstimates (see "NeedEstimates Method" on page 521) (ImpliedMeans)
before using
object.RowNames (ImpliedMeans, )
Programming with Amos Dim NRows1 As Integer, NColumns1 As Integer Dim i As Integer, j As Integer NRows1 = UBound(RNames) NColumns1 = UBound(CNames) Debug.Write(" ") For j = 0 To NColumns1 Debug.Write(CNames(j).PadLeft(10)) Next Debug.WriteLine("") For i = 0 To NRows1 Debug.Write(RNames(i).PadRight(8)) For j = 0 To NColumns1 Debug.Write(TheMatrix(i, j).ToString(".00000").PadLeft(10)) Next Debug.WriteLine("") Next End Sub End Module
RowNumbers Method
Obtains the variable numbers associated with the rows of a matrix.
object.RowNumbers matrixID, theVariableNumbers, groupNumber The RowNumbers method syntax has the following parts:
object matrixID theVariableNumbers
An object of type AmosEngine. An integer that specifies a matrix of estimates, as described in Settings An integer array declared in the calling program as Dim theVariableNumbers() as Integer The Amos Engine will redimension the array. Optional. A group number. The first group is group number 1. If groupNumber is omitted, the first group is used.
Placement: [3].
The settings for matrixID are:
SampleCovariances SampleCorrelations SampleMeans ImpliedCovariances ImpliedCorrelations ImpliedMeans AllImpliedCovariances
Value Description
13 14 15 10 11 12 7 Sample covariances. Sample correlations. Sample means. The implied covariances among the observed variables in the model. The implied correlations among the observed variables in the model. The implied means of the observed variables in the model. The implied covariances among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied correlations among all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. The implied means of all variables in the model, with the exception of residual variables. Direct effects. Indirect effects. Total effects.
19 20 5
StandardizedDirectEffects StandardizedIndirectEffects StandardizedTotalEffects FactorScoreWeights
Value Description
22 23 21 6 Standardized direct effects. Standardized indirect effects. Standardized total effects. Factor score weights.
The NeedEstimates (see "NeedEstimates Method" on page 521) method must be used to give notice that a particular matrix of estimates will be needed before the RowNumbers method can be used to obtain the row numbers for that matrix. For example, you have to use
object.NeedEstimates (see "NeedEstimates Method" on page 521) (ImpliedMeans)
before using
object.RowNumbers (ImpliedMeans, )
Sub PrintMatrix1(ByVal TheMatrix(,) As Double, ByVal CNumbers() As Integer, ByVal RNumbers() As Integer) Dim NRows1 As Integer, NColumns1 As Integer Dim i As Integer, j As Integer NRows1 = UBound(RNumbers) NColumns1 = UBound(CNumbers) Debug.Write(" ") For j = 0 To NColumns1 Debug.Write(CNumbers(j).ToString.PadLeft(10)) Next Debug.WriteLine("") For i = 0 To NRows1 Debug.Write(RNumbers(i).ToString.PadLeft(8)) For j = 0 To NColumns1 Debug.Write(TheMatrix(i, j).ToString("#.00000").PadLeft(10)) Next Debug.WriteLine("") Next End Sub End Module
SampleMoments Method
Controls the reporting of the sample covariance matrix and (if means and intercepts are explicitly modeled) the sample means.
object.SampleMoments () object.SampleMoments (tf) The SampleMoments method syntax has the following parts:
object tf
An object of type AmosEngine. Optional. A boolean value that controls the reporting of sample moments. True (default) requests the output. False suppresses it.
Placement: [1].
Sample moments are not reported.
See Also
Admissible Method (on page 294) ImpliedMoments Method (on page 461) ResidualMoments Method (on page 592) InputUnbiasedMoments Method (on page 467) FitUnbiasedMoments Method (on page 409)
Seed Method
Specifies a seed for the random number generator used for bootstrapping and for the permutation test. Using Amos twice with the same seed guarantees getting the same sequence of random numbers both times.
object.Seed (theSeed) The Seed method syntax has the following parts:
object theSeed
An object of type AmosEngine. An integer between 1 and 29999
Placement: [1].
A seed of 1 is used.
See Also
BootAdf Method (on page 313) BootBS Method (on page 316) BootGls Method (on page 323) BootMl Method (on page 326) BootSls Method (on page 329) Bootstrap Method (on page 332) BootSls Method (on page 329) BootVerify Method (on page 342) Permute Method (on page 579)
Shutdown Method
The Shutdown method has no effect. It is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Amos.
object.Shutdown The Shutdown method syntax has the following parts:
An object of type AmosEngine.
Placement: [3].
SignificantFigures Method
The SignificantFigures method has no effect. It is provided for compatibility with earlier versions of Amos.
object.SignificantFigures Ndigits The SignificantFigures method syntax has the following parts:
object Ndigits
An object of type AmosEngine. Number of significant figures to be used in displaying matrices, within the bounds specified by MinDecimalPlaces (see "MinDecimalPlaces Method" on page 489) and MaxDecimalPlaces (see "MaxDecimalPlaces Method" on page 485).
Sls Method
Requests the scale free least squares solution obtained by minimizing (D1) together with (D5) in Appendix B.
object.Sls () The Sls method syntax has the following parts:
An object of type AmosEngine.
Placement: [1].
When you do not specify an estimation criterion, the maximum likelihood criterion (Ml (see "Ml Method" on page 490) method) is used.
See Also
Adf Method (on page 292) BootSls Method (on page 329) Gls Method (on page 457) Ml Method (on page 490) Uls Method (on page 637)
Smc Method
Controls reporting of the squared multiple correlation between each endogenous variable and the variables (other than residual variables) that directly affect it.
object.Smc () object.Smc (tf) The Smc method syntax has the following parts:
object tf
An object of type AmosEngine. Optional. If tf is True, squared multiple correlations are reported. Otherwise, not.
Placement: [1].
Squared multiple correlations are not reported.
Specran Method
Controls whether Amos uses a special random number generator that is common to all versions of Amos (since the beginning of time).
object.Specran () object.Specran (tf) The Specran method syntax has the following parts:
object tf
An object of type AmosEngine. Optional. If tf is True (default), the special random number generator is used. If tf is False, the random number generator of Wichman and Hill (1982) is used.
Placement: [1].
The random number generator of Wichman and Hill (1982) is used.
The random number generator that the Specran method invokes is not very good. It should not be used except to replicate an example in which the Specran method (or the $specran command of Amos 3.61 or earlier) was used.
Stable Method
Returns True if the solution is a stable linear system for every group.
object.Stable() The Stable method syntax has the following parts:
An object of type AmosEngine.
Placement: [3].
See Also
Admissible Method (on page 294)
Standardized Method
Controls reporting of standardized parameter estimates (correlations among exogenous variables, and standardized regression weights). When used with the SampleMoments (see "SampleMoments Method" on page 608) method, it controls reporting of sample correlations. When used with the ImpliedMoments (see "ImpliedMoments Method" on page 461) or AllImpliedMoments (see "AllImpliedMoments Method" on page 296) methods, it controls reporting of implied correlations. When used with TotalEffects (see "TotalEffects Method" on page 635), it controls reporting of standardized direct effects, indirect effects and total effects.
object.Standardized () object.Standardized (tf) The Standardized method syntax has the following parts:
object tf
An object of type AmosEngine. Optional. If tf is True (default), standardized estimates are reported. Otherwise, not.
Placement: [1].
Standardized estimates are not reported.
TableOutput Method
The TableOutput method is obsolete. Use the TextOutput (see "TextOutput Method" on page 627) method instead.
Technical Method
Controls the reporting of information about the progress of minimization of the discrepancy function.
object.Technical () object.Technical (tf) The Technical method syntax has the following parts:
object tf
An object of type AmosEngine. Optional. If tf is True, the minimization history is reported. Otherwise, not.
Placement: [1].
The minimization history is reported.
See Also
Crit1 Method (on page 377) Crit2 Method (on page 379) Fisher Method (on page 401) Iterations Method (on page 482) Time Method (on page 631)
TextOutput Method
Controls whether results are displayed at the end of the analysis.
object.TextOutput () object.TextOutput (tf) The TextOutput method syntax has the following parts:
object tf
An object of type AmosEngine. Optional. If tf is True (default), results are written to a html file that is displayed at the conclusion of the analysis. If tf is False, results are written to a html file, but the file is not automatically displayed at the conclusion of the analysis.
Results are written to a html file, but the file is not automatically displayed at the conclusion of the analysis.
By default, the html output file is created in the Windows temporary directory with the name AmosScratch.AmosOutput. Use Initialize (see "Initialize Method (AmosEngine)" on page 463) to change the name and location of the output file.
TextOutputFileName Method
Gets the fully qualified path to the file that contains output displayed by the TextOutput (see "TextOutput Method" on page 627) method.
object.TextOutputFileName () The TextOutputFileName method syntax has the following parts:
An object of type AmosEngine.
Placement: [1].
Time Method
Sets an execution time limit.
object.Time (seconds) The Time method syntax has the following parts:
object seconds
An object of type AmosEngine. Time limit in seconds. If the time limit is reached, Amos displays the most recent estimates of the parameters and quits, even if the convergence criteria (see the Crit1 (see "Crit1 Method" on page 377) and Crit2 (see "Crit2 Method" on page 379) methods) have not been met.
Placement: [1].
There is no time limit.
If the time limit specified by the Time method is reached, it will take additional time to complete the output of results. You should allow for this by specifying a value with the Time method that is smaller than any time limit placed on your analysis by the operating system. Permitted values for the time limit range from one to 2,147,483 seconds.
See Also
Crit1 Method (on page 377) Crit2 Method (on page 379) Fisher Method (on page 401) Iterations Method (on page 482) Technical Method (on page 625)
Title Method
Specifies a title for the analysis.
object.Title (theTitle) The Title method syntax has the following parts:
object theTitle
An object of type AmosEngine. A title. The title is displayed in the output generated by TextOutput (see "TextOutput Method" on page 627).
Placement: [1].
The title is an empty string.
TotalEffects Method
Controls reporting of direct, indirect and total effects (Fox, 1980).
object.TotalEffects () object.TotalEffects (tf) The TotalEffects method syntax has the following parts:
object tf
An object of type AmosEngine. Optional. If tf is True (the default), then direct, indirect and total effects are reported. Otherwise, not.
Placement: [1].
Direct, indirect and total effects are not reported.
When you use the Standardized (see "Standardized Method" on page 622) method, standardized direct, indirect and total effects are reported along with direct, indirect and total effects.
Uls Method
Requests an unweighted least squares solution, obtained by minimizing (D1) together with (D6) in the Users Guide, Appendix B.
object.Uls () The Uls method syntax has the following parts:
An object of type AmosEngine.
Placement: [1].
When you do not specify an estimation criterion, the maximum likelihood criterion (Ml (see "Ml Method" on page 490) method) is used.
See Also
BootUls Method (on page 339) Adf Method (on page 292) Gls Method (on page 457) Ml Method (on page 490) Sls Method (on page 614)
UVariableCount Method
Specifies the number of unobserved variables in the model.
object.UVariableCount (nVariables) The UVariableCount method syntax has the following parts:
object nVariables
An object of type AmosEngine. The number of unobserved variables in the model.
Placement: [2].
When the UVariableCount method is not used, no error checking is done based on the number of unobserved variables.
Amos checks nVariables for consistency with the model and the data file. If a discrepancy is found, Amos reports the discrepancy and quits. Spelling or typing errors are frequently detected by this check, since two variant spellings of a variable name will be treated as references to two distinct variables. In a multiple-group analysis, the UvariableCount method can be used once per group.
See Also
OVariableCount Method (on page 553) VariableCount Method (on page 643)
Var Method
Specifies a variance as a model parameter.
object.Var (variableName) object.Var (variableName, parameterValue) object.Var (variableName, parameterName) The Var method syntax has the following parts:
object variableName parameterValue parameterName
An object of type AmosEngine. The character string, variableName, is the name of an exogenous variable. The Var method makes its variance a model parameter. (Optional) Parameter value. If parameterValue = 3, say, then the variance is fixed at 3. (Optional) Parameter name. If parameterName = abc, say, then the variance is named abc. It is constrained to be equal to any other parameters named abc. If parameterName = 3?, say then the variance is given an initial value of 3, and is unconstrained. If parameterName = abc:3, say, then the variance is named abc and is given an initial value of 3. It is constrained to be equal to any other parameters named abc. If parameterName is an empty string (""), the variance is an unconstrained parameter.
Placement: [2].
The variance of an exogenous variable is an unconstrained parameter unless it has been constrained or fixed at a constant by use of the Var or AStructure (see "AStructure Method" on page 302) method.
If parameterValue and parameterName are omitted, the variance is an unconstrained parameter.
VariableCount Method
Specifies the number of variables in the model.
object.VariableCount (nVariables) The VariableCount method syntax has the following parts:
object nVariables
An object of type AmosEngine. The number of variables in the model.
Placement: [2].
When the VariableCount method is not used, no error checking is done based on the number of variables.
Amos checks nVariables for consistency with the model and the data file. If a discrepancy is found, Amos reports the discrepancy and quits. Spelling or typing errors are frequently detected by this check, since two variant spellings of a variable name will be treated as references to two distinct variables. In a multiple-group analysis, the VariableCount method can be used once per group.
See Also
OVariableCount Method (on page 553) UVariableCount Method (on page 639)
VariableName Method
Gets the name of a variable.
object.VariableName (variableNumber) object.VariableName (variableNumber, groupNumber) The VariableName method syntax has the following parts:
object variableNumber groupNumber
An object of type AmosEngine. A variable number. Variable numbers start at 1 in each group. Optional group number. The first group is group number 1. If groupNumber is omitted, the first group is used.
Placement: [3].
VariableNumber Method
Gets a variable number. A variable number is a variables position on Amoss internal variable list. The first variable on the list is variable number 1. Some methods refer to model variables by number (i.e., by list position).
object.VariableNumber (variableName) object.VariableNumber (variableName, groupNumber) The VariableNumber method syntax has the following parts:
object variableName groupNumber
An object of type AmosEngine. A variable name. Optional group number. The first group is group number 1. If groupNumber is omitted, the first group is used.
Placement: [3].
WasInverted Method
True if the matrix of (approximate or exact) second derivatives was successfully inverted by the most recent use of EvaluateEx2a (see "Evaluate2a and EvaluateEx2a Methods" on page 394) or EvaluateEx2e (see "Evaluate2e and EvaluateEx2e Methods" on page 396).
result = object.WasInverted () The WasInverted method syntax has the following parts:
result object
True if the matrix of (approximate or exact) second derivatives was successfully inverted. False otherwise. An object of type AmosEngine.
Placement: [3].
See Also
Evaluate2a and EvaluateEx2a methods example (on page 395)
This section documents the properties of the AmosMatrix class.
ColumnName Property
Name of the variable associated with a matrix column. Read-only.
result = object.ColumnName(i) The ColumnName property syntax has the following parts:
result object i
The name of the variable associated with column i. An object of type AmosMatrix. An integer specifying a column number. Column 0 is the first column.
Placement: [3].
ColumnNumber Property
Variable number (maintained internally by the Amos engine) of the variable associated with a matrix column. Read-only.
result = object.ColumnNumber(i) The ColumnNumber property syntax has the following parts:
result object i
The Amos engines internal variable number for the variable associated with column i. An object of type AmosMatrix. An integer specifying a column number. Column 0 is the first column.
Placement: [3].
NColumns Property
The number of columns in a matrix. Read-only.
result = object.NColumns The NColumns property syntax has the following parts:
result object
The number of columns in objects matrix. An object of type AmosMatrix.
Placement: [3].
NRows Property
The number of rows in a matrix. Read-only.
result = object.nRows The nRows property syntax has the following parts:
result object
The number of rows in objects matrix. An object of type AmosMatrix.
Placement: [3].
RowName Property
Name of the variable associated with a matrix row. Read-only.
result = object.RowName(i) The RowName property syntax has the following parts:
result object i
The name of the variable associated with row i. An object of type AmosMatrix. An integer specifying a row number. Row 0 is the first row.
Placement: [3].
RowNumber Property
Variable number (maintained internally by the Amos engine) of the variable associated with a matrix row. Read-only.
result = object.RowNumber(i) The RowNumber property syntax has the following parts:
result object i
The Amos engines internal variable number for the variable associated with row i. An object of type AmosMatrix. An integer specifying a row number. Row 0 is the first row.
Placement: [3].
X Property
A matrix element. Read-only.
result = object.X(i, j) The X property syntax has the following parts:
result object i j
The (i, j) element of objects matrix. An object of type AmosMatrix. An integer specifying a row number. Row 0 is the first row. An integer specifying a column number. Column 0 is the first row.
Placement: [3].
X Property Example
The following program fits the model of Example 4 and displays the sample covariance matrix.
Imports System.Diagnostics Imports AmosEngineLib Imports AmosEngineLib.AmosEngine.TMatrixID Module MainModule Sub Main() Dim Sem As New AmosEngine Dim AM As New AmosMatrix Dim i As Integer, j As Integer Sem.NeedEstimates(SampleCovariances) Sem.BeginGroup(Sem.AmosDir & "Examples\UserGuide.xls", "Warren5v") Sem.AStructure("performance = knowledge + value + satisfaction + error (1)") Sem.GetEstimatesEx(SampleCovariances, AM) For i = 0 To AM.NRows - 1 For j = 0 To AM.NColumns - 1 Debug.Write(AM.X(i, j).ToString("#.0000").PadLeft(10)) Next Debug.WriteLine("") Next Sem.Dispose() End Sub End Module
This section documents the properties of the AmosDebug class.
DecimalPlaces Property
Gets or sets the number of decimal places used to display numbers.
object.DecimalPlaces [=value] The DecimalPlaces property syntax has the following parts:
object value
An object of type AmosDebug. The number of decimal places used to display numbers.
FieldWidth Property
Sets or gets the number of characters used to display each matrix element.
object.FieldWidth [=value] The FieldWidth property syntax has the following parts:
object value
An object of type AmosDebug. The number of characters used to display each matrix element.
This section documents the methods of the AmosDebug class.
Clear Method
The Clear method is no longer supported because output from the AmosDebug class is now written to the trace listeners in the Listeners collection, not to a separate AmosDebug window. In earlier versions, the Clear method cleared (erased) the contents of the AmosDebug window.
object.Clear () The Clear method syntax has the following parts:
An object of type AmosDebug.
Fixed Method
Displays elements of numeric matrices in fixed point format.
object.Fixed () The Fixed method syntax has the following parts:
An object of type AmosDebug.
Elements of numeric matrices are displayed in fixed point format with 3 decimal places and a field width of 10.
Hide Method
The Hide method is no longer supported because output from the AmosDebug class is now written to the trace listeners in the Listeners collection, not to a separate AmosDebug window. In earlier versions, the Hide method made the AmosDebug window invisible.
object.Hide () The Hide method syntax has the following parts:
An object of type AmosDebug.
The AmosDebug window is visible.
KeepOnTop Method
The KeepOnTop method is no longer supported because output from the AmosDebug class is now written to the trace listeners in the Listeners collection, not to a separate AmosDebug window. In earlier versions, the KeepOnTop method kept the AmosDebug window on top of other windows (if called with an argument of True) or allowed other windows to be on top (if called with an argument of False).
object.KeepOnTop () The KeepOnTop method syntax has the following parts:
An object of type AmosDebug.
PrintTranspose Method
Displays the transpose of a 1- or 2-dimensional array.
object.PrintTranspose (item) object.PrintTranspose (item, title) The PrintTranspose method syntax has the following parts:
object item title
An object of type AmosDebug. A 1- or 2-dimensional array of Double or String, or an AmosMatrix object. (Optional) A string that describes item.
PrintTranspose transposes 2-dimensional arrays and AmosMatrix objects. PrintTranspose displays a 1-dimensional array as a single row.
See Also
PrintX, PrintTranspose, PrintTriangle Methods Example (on page 681)
PrintTriangle Method
Displays a 1-dimensional array as a lower triangular matrix.
object.PrintTriangle (theMatrix) object.PrintTriangle (theMatrix, title) The PrintTriangle method syntax has the following parts:
object theMatrix title
An object of type AmosDebug. A 1-dimensional array of Double or String. (Optional) A string that describes theMatrix.
PrintTriangle displays a vector x as x(0) x(1) x(2) x(3) x(4) x(5) ... Thus, the PrintTriangle method may be used when the vector contains the lower triangular portion of a symmetric matrix (see Evaluate2a and EvaluateEx2a methods example (on page 395)), and also when the vector contains the lower triangular portion of a lower triangular matrix.
See Also
PrintX, PrintTranspose, PrintTriangle Methods Example (on page 681)
PrintX Method
Displays a number, a string, a 1- or 2-dimensional array of numbers or strings, or AmosMatrix object.
object.PrintX (item) object.PrintX (item, title) The PrintX method syntax has the following parts:
object item title
An object of type AmosDebug. A Double, a String, a 1- or 2-dimensional array of Double or String, or AmosMatrix object. (Optional) A string that describes item.
PrintX displays a 1-dimensional array as a single column.
Scientific Method
Displays elements of numeric matrices in scientific format.
object.Scientific The Scientific method syntax has the following parts:
An object of type AmosDebug.
Elements of numeric matrices are displayed in fixed point format with 3 decimal places and a field width of 10.
Show Method
The Show method is no longer supported because output from the AmosDebug class is now written to the trace listeners in the Listeners collection, not to a separate AmosDebug window. In earlier versions, the Show method made the AmosDebug window visible.
object.Show () The Show method syntax has the following parts:
An object of type AmosDebug.
The AmosDebug window is visible.
Unload Method
The Unload method is no longer supported because output from the AmosDebug class is now written to the trace listeners in the Listeners collection, not to a separate AmosDebug window. In earlier versions, the Unload method closed the AmosDebug window.
object.Unload () The Unload method syntax has the following parts:
An object of type AmosDebug.
CholeskyEpsilon Property
The threshold used in the Cholesky decomposition of the population covariance matrix to decide whether a variable is linearly dependent on previous variables. The k-th variable is judged to be linearly dependent on variables 1 through k-1 if the k-th pivot is less than CholeskyEpsilon. The InstantSqrt (see "InstantSqrt Method" on page 706) and SpecifyPopulation (see "SpecifyPopulation Method" on page 722) methods make use of CholeskyEpsilon.
value= object.CholeskyEpsilon object.CholeskyEpsilon = value The CholeskyEpsilon property syntax has the following parts:
object value
An object of type AmosRanGen. The threshold.
The default threshold is 1.0e-10.
3 1 1 2 as well as the rank of the matrix and the square root of its determinant. matrix
Module MainModule Sub Main() Dim arand As New AMOSRANDOMLib6.AmosRanGen Dim Cov(2) As Double Cov(0) = 3 Cov(1) = 1 Cov(2) = 2 Dim Rank As Integer Dim sqrdet As Double arand.CholeskyEpsilon = 0.0000000001 Call arand.InstantSqrt(2, Cov(0), Rank, sqrdet) Dim ad As New AmosDebug.AmosDebug Call ad.PrintTriangle(Cov, "Square root of matrix") Call ad.PrintX(Rank, "Rank") Call ad.PrintX(sqrdet, "Square root of determinant") End Sub End Module
Rank Property
Gets the rank of the population covariance matrix already specified with SpecifyPopulation (see "SpecifyPopulation Method" on page 722).
result = object.Rank The Rank property syntax has the following parts:
Part Description
result object
The Rank property is read-only.
3 1 = , 1 2
4 = 5 .
SecondMomentsType Property
The type of second order moments returned by RandomMoments (see "RandomMoments Method" on page 714).
value = object.SecondMomentsType object.SecondMomentsType = value The SecondMomentsType property syntax has the following parts:
Part Description
The settings for value are:
Value Description
1 2 3 RandomMoments() returns sums of squares and cross products about the mean. RandomMoments() returns the (biased) maximum likelihood estimate of the population covariances. RandomMoments() returns the unbiased estimate of the population covariances.
3 1 = , 1 2
4 = 5 .
Then it draws a sample of 500 and displays the (biased) maximum likelihood estimate of the covariance matrix and mean vector.
Module MainModule Sub Main() Dim arand As New AMOSRANDOMLib6.AmosRanGen Dim PopCovariances(2) As Double Dim PopMeans(1) As Double PopCovariances(0) = 3 PopCovariances(1) = 1 PopCovariances(2) = 2 PopMeans(0) = 4 PopMeans(1) = 5 Call arand.SpecifyPopulation(PopCovariances, PopMeans) Dim SampleCovariances(2) As Double Dim SampleMeans(1) As Double arand.SecondMomentsType = AMOSRANDOMLib6.SECONDMOMENTS.ML Call arand.RandomMoments(SampleCovariances(0), SampleMeans(0), 2, 500) Dim ad As New AmosDebug.AmosDebug Call ad.PrintTriangle(SampleCovariances, "Sample Covariances") Call ad.PrintX(SampleMeans, "Sample Means") End Sub End Module
ChversInPlace Method
Replaces a positive definite symmetric matrix with its inverse.
object.ChversInPlace (N, SymMatrix, WorkVector, Determinant, Eps, errorflag) The ChversInPlace property syntax has the following parts:
object N SymMatrix
An object of type AmosRanGen. Number of rows in the matrix. An array of length N*(N+1)/2, of type Double. On input, the matrix to be inverted. On output, the inverse. SymMatrix contains the first element of the first row, the first two elements of the second row, and so on. The first element of SymMatrix is passed by reference. An array of length N, of type Double. Used as work space. The first element of WorkVector is passed by reference. Output, of type Double. The determinant.
object.Initialize (Seed) The Initialize method syntax has the following parts:
object Seed
An object of type AmosRanGen. Input, of type Integer. Seed for the random number generator.
InstantRandomVector Method
Gets a random multivariate normal vector where the mean vector and the square root of the covariance matrix are specified.
object.InstantRandomVector (N, X, mean, s_sqrt) The InstantRandomVector property syntax has the following parts:
object N X mean s_sqrt
An object of type AmosRanGen. Input of type Integer. Number of elements in the vector. Output array of length N, of type Double. The random vector. The first element of X is passed by reference. X must be dimensioned by the caller. Input array of length N, of type Double. The population mean. The first element of mean is passed by reference. Input array of length N*(N+1)/2, of type Double. The square root of the population covariance matrix. s_sqrt contains the first element of the first row, the first two elements of the second row, and so on. The first element of s_sqrt is passed by reference.
See Also
InstantRandomVectorEx Method (on page 702) RandomVector Method (on page 716)
3 1 = , 1 2
4 = 5 .
Imports System.Diagnostics Module MainModule Sub Main() Dim arand As New AMOSRANDOMLib6.AmosRanGen Dim Cov(2) As Double Dim Mean(1) As Double Cov(0) = 3 Cov(1) = 1 Cov(2) = 2 Mean(0) = 4 Mean(1) = 5 Dim Rank As Integer Dim sqrdet As Double Call arand.InstantSqrt(2, Cov(0), Rank, sqrdet) Dim rx(1) As Double Dim i As Long For i = 1 To 5 Call arand.InstantRandomVector(2, rx(0), Mean(0), Cov(0)) Debug.WriteLine(rx(0) & rx(1)) Next End Sub End Module
InstantRandomVectorEx Method
Generates a random multinormal vector and calculates its squared Mahalanobis distance from the mean.
object.InstantRandomVectorEx (N, X, mean, s_sqrt, MahalanobisD2) The InstantRandomVectorEx property syntax has the following parts:
object N X
An object of type AmosRanGen. Input of type Integer. Number of elements in the vector. Output array of length N, of type Double. The random vector. The first element of X is passed by reference. X must be dimensioned by the caller. Input array of length N, of type Double. The population mean. The first element of mean is passed by reference. Input array of length N*(N+1)/2, of type Double. The square root of the population covariance matrix. s_sqrt contains the first element of the first row, the first two elements of the second row, and so on. The first element of s_sqrt is passed by reference. Output of type Double. The squared Mahalanobis distance between X and mean.
mean s_sqrt
See Also
InstantRandomVector Method (on page 700) RandomVector Method (on page 716)
3 1 = , 1 2
4 = 5 .
The program also displays the squared Mahalanobis distance of each observation from the mean.
Imports System.Diagnostics Module MainModule Sub Main() Dim arand As New AMOSRANDOMLib6.AmosRanGen Dim Cov(2) As Double Dim Mean(1) As Double Cov(0) = 3 Cov(1) = 1 Cov(2) = 2 Mean(0) = 4 Mean(1) = 5 Dim Rank As Integer Dim sqrdet As Double Call arand.InstantSqrt(2, Cov(0), Rank, sqrdet) Dim D2 As Double Dim rx(1) As Double Dim i As Long For i = 1 To 5 Call arand.InstantRandomVectorEx(2, rx(0), Mean(0), Cov(0), D2) Debug.WriteLine(rx(0) & rx(1) & "D2 = " & D2) Next End Sub End Module
InstantSolve Method
Solves Ax=y for x where A is lower triangular.
object.InstantSolve (N, A, x, errorflag) The InstantSolve property syntax has the following parts:
object N A
An object of type AmosRanGen. Input of type Integer. The number of rows in the matrix a. Input array of length N*(N+1)/2, of type Double. A contains the first element of the first row, the first two elements of the second row, and so on. The first element of A is passed by reference. Input and output array of length N, of type double. The first element of x is passed by reference. Output, of type Integer. If the system of linear equations was successfully solved, errorflag=0. Otherwise, errorflag=1.
x errorflag
InstantSqrt Method
Replaces a nonnegative definite symmetric matrix with its Cholesky square root.
object.InstantSqrt (n, x, rank, sqrdet) The InstantSqrt property syntax has the following parts:
object n x
An object of type AmosRanGen. Input of type Integer. The number of rows in the matrix. Input and output array of length N*(N+1)/2, of type Double. x contains the first element of the first row, the first two elements of the second row, and so on. The first element of x is passed by reference. Output of type Integer. The number of pivot elements greater than CholeskyEpsilon (see "CholeskyEpsilon Property" on page 689). Output of type double. The square root of the determinant.
rank sqrdet
On output, x and sqrdet are meaningful only if rank = n.
See Also
CholeskyEpsilon Property (on page 689)
MahalanobisD2 Method
Gets the squared Mahalanobis distance of an observation from the mean.
object.MahalanobisD2 (N, covsqrt, mean, X, D2, errorflag) The MahalanobisD2 property syntax has the following parts:
object N covsqrt
An object of type AmosRanGen. Input of type Integer. The number of elements in the vector. Input array of length N*(N+1)/2, of type Double. The square root of the covariance matrix. covsqrt contains the first element of the first row, the first two elements of the second row, and so on. The first element of covsqrt is passed by reference. Input array of length N, of type Double. The mean vector. The first element of mean is passed by reference. Input array of length N, of type Double. The observation. The first element of X is passed by reference. Output of type Double. The squared Mahalanobis distance between X and mean. Output of type Integer. errorflag=1 if an error occurred, errorflag=0 otherwise.
mean X D2 errorflag
(x )T 1 (x ) ,
6 x= 7 from the mean of a multivariate normal distribution with covariance matrix and mean of the vector
given by
3 1 = , 1 2
4 = 5 .
Imports System.Diagnostics Module MainModule Sub Main() Dim arand As New AMOSRANDOMLib6.AmosRanGen Dim Cov(2) As Double Dim Mean(1) As Double Cov(0) = 3 Cov(1) = 1 Cov(2) = 2 Mean(0) = 4 Mean(1) = 5 Dim Rank As Integer Dim sqrdet As Double Call arand.InstantSqrt(2, Cov(0), Rank, sqrdet) Dim D2 As Double Dim ef As Integer Dim x(1) As Double x(0) = 6 x(1) = 7 Call arand.MahalanobisD2(2, Cov(0), Mean(0), x(0), D2, ef) If ef = 0 Then Debug.WriteLine("Squared Mahalanobis distance = " & D2) Else Debug.WriteLine("Error") End If End Sub End Module
NextNormal Method
Gets a normally distributed random number that has mean 0 and standard deviation 1.
result = object.NextNormal () The NextNormal method syntax has the following parts:
Part Description
result object
NextNormal uses the NextUniform (see "NextUniform Method" on page 712) method.
NextUniform Method
Gets a random number that is uniformly distributed over the interval from 0 to 1.
result = object.NextUniform () The NextUniform method syntax has the following parts:
Part Description
result object
RandomMoments Method
Gets a sample mean vector and covariance matrix from the population specified by SpecifyPopulation (see "SpecifyPopulation Method" on page 722).
object.RandomMoments (Covariances, Means, NCases) The RandomMoments method syntax has the following parts:
object Covariances
An object of type AmosRanGen. Output array of type Double. Second order moment matrix from a sample of NCases observations. Use SecondMomentsType (see "SecondMomentsType Property" on page 693) to specify whether Covariances contains unbiased estimates of the population covariances, maximum likelihood estimates of the population covariances, or sums of squares and cross products about the sample mean. Covariances contains the first element of the first row, the first two elements of the second row, and so on. The first element of Covariances is passed by reference. Covariances must be dimensioned by the caller.
Output array of type Double. The vector of sample means from a sample of NCases observations. The first element of Means is passed by reference. Means must be dimensioned by the caller. Input of type Integer. The number of observations.
3 1 = , 1 2
4 = 5 .
Then it draws a sample of 500 and displays the sample covariance matrix and mean vector. The unbiased estimate of the covariance matrix is displayed because the default value of SecondMomentsType (see "SecondMomentsType Property" on page 693) is UNBIASED.
Module MainModule Sub Main() Dim arand As New AMOSRANDOMLib6.AmosRanGen Dim PopCovariances(2) As Double Dim PopMeans(1) As Double PopCovariances(0) = 3 PopCovariances(1) = 1 PopCovariances(2) = 2 PopMeans(0) = 4 PopMeans(1) = 5 Call arand.SpecifyPopulation(PopCovariances, PopMeans) Dim SampleCovariances(2) As Double Dim SampleMeans(1) As Double Call arand.RandomMoments(SampleCovariances(0), SampleMeans(0), 2, 500) Dim ad As New AmosDebug.AmosDebug Call ad.PrintTriangle(SampleCovariances, "Sample Covariances") Call ad.PrintX(SampleMeans, "Sample Means") End Sub End Module
RandomVector Method
Gets a random vector from the population specified by SpecifyPopulation (see "SpecifyPopulation Method" on page 722).
object.RandomVector (X) The RandomVector method syntax has the following parts:
object X
An object of type AmosRanGen. Output array of type Double. The random vector. The first element of X is passed by reference. It must be dimensioned by the caller.
3 1 = , 1 2
4 = 5 .
RestoreState Method
The RestoreState method is no longer supported. The random number generator can be placed in a reproducible state by using the NextSeed (see "NextSeed Method" on page 733) method of the CAmosSeedManager class to obtain a seed, and then using the Initialize (see "Initialize Method (AmosRanGen)" on page 698) method of the AmosRanGen class to initialize the random number generator.
RestoreStateFromFile Method
The RestoreStateFromFile method is no longer supported. The random number generator can be placed in a reproducible state by using the NextSeed (see "NextSeed Method" on page 733) method of the CAmosSeedManager class to obtain a seed, and then using the Initialize (see "Initialize Method (AmosRanGen)" on page 698) method of the AmosRanGen class to initialize the random number generator.
SaveState Method
The SaveState method is no longer supported. The random number generator can be placed in a reproducible state by using the NextSeed (see "NextSeed Method" on page 733) method of the CAmosSeedManager class to obtain a seed, and then using the Initialize (see "Initialize Method (AmosRanGen)" on page 698) method of the AmosRanGen class to initialize the random number generator.
SaveStateToFile Method
The SaveStateToFile method is no longer supported. The random number generator can be placed in a reproducible state by using the NextSeed (see "NextSeed Method" on page 733) method of the CAmosSeedManager class to obtain a seed, and then using the Initialize (see "Initialize Method (AmosRanGen)" on page 698) method of the AmosRanGen class to initialize the random number generator.
SpecifyPopulation Method
Specifies the population covariance matrix and mean vector used by RandomMoments (see "RandomMoments Method" on page 714), RandomVector (see "RandomVector Method" on page 716), Rank (see "Rank Property" on page 691), SqrDeterminant (see "SqrDeterminant Method" on page 724). and Sqrt (see "Sqrt Method" on page 726). The specified population covariance matrix must be non-negative definite.
object.SpecifyPopulation (CovarianceMatrix, MeanVector) The SpecifyPopulation method syntax has the following parts:
object CovarianceMatrix
An object of type AmosRanGen. Input. One-dimensional array of type Double. CovarianceMatrix is the population covariance matrix. CovarianceMatrix contains the first element of the first row, the first two elements of the second row, and so on. CovarianceMatrix is passed as a 1-dimensional array of type Double. (Optional) Input. One-dimensional array of type Double. MeanVector is the population mean vector. MeanVector is passed as a 1-dimensional array of type Double. If MeanVector is omitted, the population mean vector is assumed to be zero.
3 1 = , 1 2
4 = 5 .
Then it displays the square root of the determinant of the covariance matrix.
Imports System.Diagnostics Module MainModule Sub Main() Dim arand As New AMOSRANDOMLib6.AmosRanGen Dim Covariances(2) As Double Dim Means(1) As Double Covariances(0) = 3 Covariances(1) = 1 Covariances(2) = 2 Means(0) = 4 Means(1) = 5 Call arand.SpecifyPopulation(Covariances, Means) Debug.WriteLine(arand.SqrDeterminant()) End Sub End Module
SqrDeterminant Method
Gets the square root of the determinant of the covariance matrix previously specified with SpecifyPopulation (see "SpecifyPopulation Method" on page 722).
result = object.SqrDeterminant () The SqrDeterminant property syntax has the following parts:
result object
The square root of the determinant An object of type AmosRanGen.
3 1 = , 1 2
4 = 5 .
Then it displays the square root of the determinant of the covariance matrix.
Imports System.Diagnostics Module MainModule Sub Main() Dim arand As New AMOSRANDOMLib6.AmosRanGen Dim Covariances(2) As Double Dim Means(1) As Double Covariances(0) = 3 Covariances(1) = 1 Covariances(2) = 2 Means(0) = 4 Means(1) = 5 Call arand.SpecifyPopulation(Covariances, Means) Debug.WriteLine(arand.SqrDeterminant()) End Sub End Module
Sqrt Method
Gets the Cholesky square root of the population covariance matrix previously specified with SpecifyPopulation (see "SpecifyPopulation Method" on page 722).
object.Sqrt (X) The Sqrt method syntax has the following parts:
Part Description
Output array of type Double. The Cholesky square root. The first element of X is passed by reference. It must be dimensioned by the caller.
3 1 = , 1 2
4 = 5 .
SVMult Method
Multiplies a symmetric matrix times a vector.
object.SVMult(N, matrix, invector, outvector) The SVMult property syntax has the following parts:
object N matrix
An object of type AmosRanGen. Input of type Integer. The number of elements in the vector. Input array of array of length N*(N+1)/2, of type Double. matrix contains the first element of the first row, the first two elements of the second row, and so on. The first element of matrix is passed by reference. Input array of length N, of type Double. The first element of invector is passed by reference. Output array of length N, of type Double. The product of matrix times invector. The first element of outvector is passed by reference. outvector must be dimensioned by the caller.
invector outvector
outvector must be distinct from invector.
TimingTest Method
Generates N uniform random numbers for performance testing.
object.TimingTest(N) The TimingTest property syntax has the following parts:
object N
An object of type AmosRanGen. The number of random numbers to generate.
NextSeed Method
Gets a 32-bit integer value that your program can use as a random number seed. The value returned by NextSeed is determined by a rule that you specify by clicking ToolsSeed Manager on the Amos Graphics menu, or by clicking All ProgramsSPSS IncAmos 18Seed Manager on the Windows Start menu.
object.NextSeed (AppName) The NextSeed property syntax has the following parts:
object AppName
An object of type CAmosSeedManager. A string that identifies your program.
PersistFile Method
Gets the name of the file in which CAmosSeedManager keeps a history of random number seeds returned by NextSeed. The file may be examined in a text editor, although the history of seed values is more easily viewed by clicking ToolsSeed Manager on the Amos Graphics menu, or by clicking All ProgramsSPSS IncAmos 18Seed Manager on the Windows Start menu.
result = object.PersistFile () The PersistFile method syntax has the following parts:
result object
The name of the file that contains the history of random number seeds. An object of type CAmosSeedManager.
'Dtemp is the standardized RMR 'Display it Dim message As String message = "Model: " & ModelName & vbCrLf If status = 0 Then message &= "Standardized RMR = " & DTemp.ToString("#.0000") Else message &= ("The model was not successfully fitted.") End If MsgBox(message,,"Standardized RMR") End Sub Public Function Name() As String Implements IPlugin.Name End Function Public Function Description() As String Implements IPlugin.Description End Function End Class
Use the Amos Graphics classes to change the appearance of latent variables
Running the following Amos Graphics plugin modifies the appearance of latent variables. The Undraw (see "Undraw Method" on page 278) and Draw (see "Draw Method" on page 255) methods make the changes immediately visible. The UndoToHere (see "UndoToHere Method" on page 175) and UndoResume (see "UndoResume Method" on page 174) methods allow you to undo all the changes carried out by the program . The On Error GoTo statement is a safety measure to make sure that undo capability is with one press of restored before the program exits.
Imports AmosGraphics Imports System.drawing Public Class CustomCode Implements IPlugin Public Function Mainsub() As Integer Implements IPlugin.Mainsub Dim x As PDElement PathDiagrammer.UndoToHere() On Error Goto ErrExit For Each x In PathDiagrammer.PDElements If x.IsLatentVariable Then x.Undraw() x.BorderColor = Color.Black.ToArgb x.FillColor = Color.White.ToArgb x.NameColor = Color.Red.ToArgb x.ParameterColor = Color.Green.ToArgb x.Fillstyle = 0 x.Penwidth = 2 x.Draw() End If Next ErrExit: PathDiagrammer.UndoResume() End Function Public Function Name() As String Implements IPlugin.Name End Function Public Function Description() As String Implements IPlugin.Description End Function End Class
The following plugin uses the properties created by the previous plugin to compute an estimate of Performances error variance. If Reliability or Variance is undefined, PropertyGet (see "PropertyGet Method" on page 156) returns the non-numeric string, x. Attempting to perform arithmetic with the non-numeric string generates the error message Could not compute error variance.
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Imports AmosGraphics Public Class CustomCode Implements IPlugin Public Function Mainsub() As Integer Implements IPlugin.Mainsub Dim ErrorVariance As Double Try Dim E As PDElement = PathDiagrammer.PDE("Performance") ErrorVariance = (1 - E.PropertyGet("Reliability", "x")) _ * E.PropertyGet("Variance", "x") MsgBox("Error variance = " & ErrorVariance,, "Error variance") Catch ex As System.Exception MsgBox("Could not compute error variance.",, "Error variance") End Try End Function Public Function Name() As String Implements IPlugin.Name
Programming with Amos End Function Public Function Description() As String Implements IPlugin.Description End Function End Class
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Imports AmosGraphics Imports AmosGraphics.PathDiagrammer Public Class CustomCode Implements IPlugin Public Function Mainsub() As Integer Implements IPlugin.Mainsub If FileNew() Then Return 0 End If Dim E As PDElement 'Coordinates of variables Dim Y1 As Single, Y2 As Single, Y3 As Single, Y4 As Single Dim X1 As Single, X2 As Single, X3 As Single Y1 = 1 Y2 = 2 Y3 = 3 Y4 = 5 X1 = 1 X2 = 3 X3 = 4.5 'Height and width of variables Dim XHeight As Single, XWidth As Single XHeight = 0.5 XWidth = 0.7
'Draw the variables E = DiagramDrawObserved(X1, Y1, XWidth, XHeight) E.NameOrCaption = "Var1" E.NameFontSize = 16 E = DiagramDrawObserved(X1, Y2, XWidth, XHeight) E.NameOrCaption = "Var2" E.NameFontSize = 16 E = DiagramDrawObserved(X1, Y3, XWidth, XHeight) E.NameOrCaption = "Var3" E.NameFontSize = 16 E = DiagramDrawObserved(X2, Y2, XWidth, XHeight) E.NameOrCaption = "Var4" E.NameFontSize = 16 E = DiagramDrawUnobserved(X3, Y2, XWidth, XHeight) E.NameOrCaption = "Other" E.NameFontSize = 12 'Draw the paths DiagramDrawPath("Var1", "Var4") DiagramDrawPath("Var2", "Var4") DiagramDrawPath("Var3", "Var4") E = DiagramDrawPath("Other", "Var4") E.Value1 = 1
Amos 18 Programming Reference Guide E.ParameterFontSize = 14 'Draw the covariances DiagramDrawCovariance("var3", "var2") DiagramDrawCovariance("var2", "var1") DiagramDrawCovariance("var3", "var1")
'Improve the path diagram's appearance EditSelectAll() EditTouchUp("Var1") PathDiagrammer.Refresh() EditTouchUp("Var1") EditDeselectAll() EditFitToPage() End Function Public Function Name() As String Implements IPlugin.Name End Function Public Function Description() As String Implements IPlugin.Description End Function End Class
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Imports AmosGraphics Imports AmosEngineLib.AmosEngine.TMatrixID Public Class CustomCode Implements IPlugin Public Function Mainsub() As Integer Implements IPlugin.Mainsub Dim SelectedEx As New Collection Dim x As PDElement Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer 'Construct the collection of selected, exogenous variables For Each x In PathDiagrammer.PDElements If x.IsSelected And x.IsExogenousVariable Then SelectedEx.Add(x) End If Next 'Draw the double-headed arrows For i = 1 To SelectedEx.Count For j = i + 1 To SelectedEx.Count x = PathDiagrammer.DiagramDrawCovariance(SelectedEx(i), SelectedEx(j)) x.IsSelected = True Next Next 'Try to improve the appearance of the path diagram If SelectedEx.Count > 0 Then PathDiagrammer.EditTouchUp(SelectedEx(1)) PathDiagrammer.EditTouchUp(SelectedEx(1)) End If 'The user will probably want to modify the curvature of the new 'double-headed arrows. PathDiagrammer.EditShapeOfObject() End Function Public Function Name() As String Implements IPlugin.Name End Function Public Function Description() As String Implements IPlugin.Description End Function End Class
Programming with Amos End If Next End Function Public Function Name() As String Implements IPlugin.Name End Function Public Function Description() As String Implements IPlugin.Description End Function End Class
Use the Amos Graphics classes to resize all rectangles in Amos Graphics
The following Amos Graphics plugin resizes each rectangle in the path diagram so that it is 1.4 times larger than the largest observed variable name. The Undraw (see "Undraw Method" on page 278) method hides each rectangle before the size changes, and the Draw (see "Draw Method" on page 255) method draws it after the change. The UndoToHere (see "UndoToHere Method" on page 175) / UndoResume (see "UndoResume Method" on page 174) method pair allows you to undo the changes by pressing
Imports AmosGraphics Imports AmosGraphics.PathDiagrammer Public Class CustomCode Implements IPlugin Public Function Mainsub() As Integer Implements IPlugin.Mainsub Dim x As PDElement Dim LargestWidth As Single, LargestHeight As Single LargestWidth = 0 LargestHeight = 0 For Each x In PDElements If x.IsObservedVariable Then If x.NameWidth > LargestWidth Then LargestWidth = x.NameWidth If x.NameHeight > LargestHeight Then LargestHeight = x.NameHeight End If Next LargestWidth = LargestWidth * 1.4 LargestHeight = LargestHeight * 1.4 UndoToHere() If LargestWidth > 0.2 And LargestHeight > 0.1 Then For Each x In PDElements If x.IsObservedVariable Then x.Width = LargestWidth x.Height = LargestHeight End If Next PathDiagrammer.Refresh() End If DiagramRedrawDiagram() UndoResume() End Function Public Function Name() As String Implements IPlugin.Name End Function Public Function Description() As String Implements IPlugin.Description End Function End Class
Examples using the AmosEngine class Use the AmosEngine class to evaluate derivatives numerically and display the results with the Amos Debug class
The following program fits the model of Example 8 and displays derivatives evaluated at the discrepancy function minimum. For purposes of comparison, approximate derivatives based on finite differences are also displayed.
Imports AmosEngineLib Module MainModule Dim Sem As New AmosEngine Dim ad As New AmosDebug.AmosDebug Sub Main() Dim Originalparameters() As Double Sem.BeginGroup(Sem.AmosDir & "Examples\UserGuide.xls", "Grnt_fem") Sem.AStructure("visperc = (1) spatial + (1) err_v") Sem.AStructure("cubes = (a) spatial + (1) err_c") Sem.AStructure("lozenges = (b) spatial + (1) err_l") Sem.AStructure("paragraph = (1) verbal + (1) err_p") Sem.AStructure("sentence = (c) verbal + (1) err_s") Sem.AStructure("wordmean = (d) verbal + (1) err_w") If (Sem.FitModel() = 0) Then 'Save parameter values so they can be restored Sem.ParameterVector(Originalparameters) TestDerivatives() 'Restore the parameter values and display them Sem.PutParameterVector(Originalparameters) ad.PrintX(Originalparameters, "Parameter values") End If Sem.Dispose() End Sub Sub TestDerivatives() Dim Ind As Integer, F As Double Dim G() As Double, GNumeric() As Double Dim H() As Double, HNumeric() As Double Sem.Evaluate2e(Ind, F, G, H) If Ind <> 0 Then Throw(New System.exception("Could not evaluate function and derivatives.")) End If NumericDerivatives(Sem, GNumeric, HNumeric) ad.DecimalPlaces = 8 ad.PrintX(G, "1st Derivatives") ad.PrintX(GNumeric, "Numerical 1st Derivatives") ad.PrintTriangle(H, "2nd Derivatives") ad.PrintTriangle(HNumeric, "Numerical 2nd Derivatives") End Sub
Sub NumericDerivatives(ByVal Sem As AmosEngine, ByRef GNumeric() As Double, ByRef HNumeric() As Double) Const Delta As Double = 0.0001 Dim NParams As Integer Dim FPlus As Double, FMinus As Double Dim FPP As Double, FMM As Double Dim FPM As Double, FMP As Double Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer Dim DTempi As Double, DTempj As Double NParams = Sem.NumberOfParameters ReDim GNumeric(NParams - 1) ReDim HNumeric(NParams * (NParams + 1) \ 2 - 1) '1st Derivatives For i = 1 To NParams DTempi = Sem.ParameterValue(i) Sem.PutParameterValue(i, DTempi + Delta) FPlus = Evaluate() Sem.PutParameterValue(i, DTempi - Delta) FMinus = Evaluate() Sem.PutParameterValue(i, DTempi) GNumeric(i - 1) = (FPlus - FMinus) / (2 * Delta) Next '2nd Derivatives k=0 For i = 1 To NParams For j = 1 To i DTempi = Sem.ParameterValue(i) DTempj = Sem.ParameterValue(j) If i = j Then FPM = Evaluate() FMP = FPM Sem.PutParameterValue(i, DTempi + 2 * Delta) FPP = Evaluate() Sem.PutParameterValue(i, DTempi - 2 * Delta) FMM = Evaluate() Else Sem.PutParameterValue(i, DTempi + Delta) Sem.PutParameterValue(j, DTempj + Delta) FPP = Evaluate() Sem.PutParameterValue(j, DTempj - Delta) FPM = Evaluate() Sem.PutParameterValue(i, DTempi - Delta) FMM = Evaluate() Sem.PutParameterValue(j, DTempj + Delta) FMP = Evaluate() End If Sem.PutParameterValue(i, DTempi) Sem.PutParameterValue(j, DTempj) HNumeric(k) = (FPP + FMM - FPM - FMP) / (4 * Delta ^ 2) k=k+1 Next
Next End Sub Function Evaluate() As Double Dim Ind As Integer Dim F As Double Sem.Evaluate0(Ind, F) If Ind <> 0 Then Throw(New System.Exception("Could not evaluate function.")) End If Evaluate = F End Function End Module
Amos 18 Programming Reference Guide Sem.GetEstimates(SampleMeans, Means) 'Means() is now a 2-dimensional array with 1 row, 'but a 1-dimensional array of means is required. ReDim VectorMeans(NVariables - 1) For i = 0 To NVariables - 1 VectorMeans(i) = Means(0, i) Next End If 'Test for scale-invariance For i = 0 To NVariables - 1 ScaleOneVariable(Covariances, i, ScaleFactor) If Sem.IsModelingMeansAndIntercepts() Then Sem.PutSampleMoments(Covariances, VectorMeans) Else Sem.PutSampleCovariances(Covariances) End If If Math.Abs(MinimumDiscrepancy(Sem) - BaselineF) > Eps Then IsScaleSensitive = True Debug.WriteLine( _ "The model is probably sensitive to the scale of " & VariableNames(i)) End If ScaleOneVariable(Covariances, i, 1 / ScaleFactor) Next If Not IsScaleSensitive Then Debug.WriteLine("The model is probably scale-invariant.") End If
'Test for location-invariance If Sem.IsModelingMeansAndIntercepts() Then Dim DTemp As Double For i = 0 To NVariables - 1 DTemp = VectorMeans(i) VectorMeans(i) = VectorMeans(i) + LocationShift Sem.PutSampleMoments(Covariances, VectorMeans) If Math.Abs(MinimumDiscrepancy(Sem) - BaselineF) > Eps Then IsLocationSensitive = True Debug.WriteLine( _ "Model is probably sensitive to the location of " & VariableNames(i)) End If VectorMeans(i) = DTemp Next If Not IsLocationSensitive Then Debug.WriteLine("Model is probably location-invariant.") End If End If End Sub Sub ScaleOneVariable(ByVal ScaledCovariances(,) As Double, ByVal k As Integer, ByVal ScaleFactor As Double) Dim i As Integer Dim NVariables As Integer NVariables = UBound(ScaledCovariances, 1) + 1 For i = 0 To NVariables - 1 ScaledCovariances(i, k) = ScaledCovariances(i, k) * ScaleFactor
Programming with Amos ScaledCovariances(k, i) = ScaledCovariances(k, i) * ScaleFactor Next End Sub Function MinimumDiscrepancy(ByVal Sem As AmosEngine) As Double If Sem.FitModel() <> 0 Then Throw(New exception("Could not fit model.")) End If MinimumDiscrepancy = Sem.Cmin() End Function Sub SpecifyModel(ByVal Sem As AmosEngine) 'Example 8 Sem.BeginGroup(Sem.AmosDir & "Examples\UserGuide.xls", "Grnt_fem") Sem.AStructure("visperc = (1) spatial + (1) err_v") Sem.AStructure("cubes = (a) spatial + (1) err_c") Sem.AStructure("lozenges = (b) spatial + (1) err_l") Sem.AStructure("paragraph = (1) verbal + (1) err_p") Sem.AStructure("sentence = (c) verbal + (1) err_s") Sem.AStructure("wordmean = (d) verbal + (1) err_w") End Sub End Module
AboutToShowMsgBox Event 2, 189 AboutToShowMsgBox Event Example 189, 190 Accuracy of the bootstrap 337 Additional Programming Examples 738 Adf Method 281, 293, 315, 322, 369, 374, 376, 402, 458, 491, 615, 638 Adf Method Example 294 Admissible Method 286, 295, 462, 593, 609, 621 Admissible Method Example 296 Advantages of the bootstrap 337 AllImpliedMoments Method 281, 297, 334, 362, 366, 462, 623 AllImpliedMoments Method Example 298 AllowUnidentified Method 281, 299, 534 AllowUnidentified Method Example 300 Amos Graphics Class Reference 32 AmosDebug Class Reference 667 AmosDir Property 34, 281, 284, 286, 290 AmosDir Property Example 291 AmosEngine Class Members 288 AmosEngine Class Reference 280 AmosMatrix Class Members 652 AmosMatrix Class Reference 420, 422, 437, 438, 447, 449, 455, 456, 651, 679, 681 AmosRanGen Class Members 688 AmosRanGen Class Reference 688 AmwFileName Method 44 AmwFileRead Event 191 AmwFileRead Event Example 191, 192 AmwFileWritten Event 193 AmwFileWritten Event Example 193, 194 AnalyzeBayesianEstimation Method 45 AnalyzeCalculateEstimates Method 46 AnalyzeDataImputation 47 AnalyzeDegreesOfFreedom Method 48 AnalyzeManageGroups Method 49 AnalyzeManageGroupsAdd Method 50 AnalyzeManageGroupsDelete Method 51 AnalyzeManageGroupsRename Method 52 AnalyzeManageModels Method 53 AnalyzeModelingLab Method 54 AnalyzeMultipleGroupAnalysis Method 55 AnalyzeSpecificationSearch Method 56 AnalyzeToggleObservedUnobserved Method 57 AnyMissingValues Method 286, 301, 470 AnyMissingValues Method Example 302 Arbuckle, J.L. 580 AStructure Method 284, 303, 372, 479, 494, 497, 499, 507, 575, 596, 642 AStructure Method Example 304
BeginGroup Method 284, 309, 312, 460 BeginGroup Method Example 310 BeginGroupEx Method 284, 309, 311, 382, 384, 460 BeginGroupEx Method Example 313 Bollen, K. A. 538 Bollen, K.A. 317, 319 BootAdf Method 281, 293, 314, 325, 328, 331, 334, 341, 611 BootAdf Method Example 316 BootBS Method 281, 317, 334, 611 BootBS Method Example 318 BootFactor Method 281, 321, 334 BootFactor Method Example 321, 323, 331 BootGls Method 281, 315, 324, 328, 331, 334, 341, 458, 611 BootGls Method Example 326 BootMl Method 281, 315, 325, 327, 331, 334, 341, 491, 611 BootMl Method Example 329 BootSls Method 281, 315, 325, 328, 330, 341, 611, 615 BootSls Method Example 332 Bootstrap 314, 321, 324, 327, 330, 340 sample 314, 321, 324, 327, 330, 340 Bootstrap error messages 339 Bootstrap Method 281, 315, 317, 321, 322, 325, 328, 331, 333, 339, 341, 343, 362, 366, 417, 422, 425, 444, 449, 452, 456, 504, 580, 611
Bootstrap Method Example 336 Bootstrap Method Specifics 337 BootUls Method 281, 315, 325, 328, 331, 334, 340, 638 BootUls Method Example 342 BootVerify Method 281, 315, 317, 322, 325, 328, 331, 334, 341, 343, 611 BootVerify Method Example 344 BorderColor Property 214 Browne, M. W. 345 Browne, M.W. 293, 577, 754 BuildNumber Method 58 ButtonPressed Event 195 ButtonPressed Event Example 197, 198
Calculating Custom Estimands 12, 31 CAmosSeedManager Class Members 732 CAmosSeedManager Class Reference 732 CanRespond Method 59 CanRespond Method Example 59, 60 Changes in the drawing of path diagrams 2 Changes to the object model (for programmers) 2 Changes to the Program 3, 6 ChiCorrect Method 281, 345, 390 ChiCorrect Method Example 347 ChiSquareProbability Method 281, 284, 286, 348 ChiSquareProbability Method Example 349 CholeskyEpsilon Property 690, 707 CholeskyEpsilon Property Example 691 ChversInPlace Method 697 ChversInPlace Method Example 698 Class Reference 31 Clear Method 674 ClickMouse Method 61 Cmin Method 286, 346, 350, 408 Cmin Method Example 1 351 Cmin Method Example 2 352 ColumnName Property 653 ColumnName Property Example 654 ColumnNames Method 286, 353, 358, 422, 438, 449, 456 ColumnNames Method Example 355 ColumnNumber Property 655 ColumnNumber Property Example 656 ColumnNumbers Method 286, 354, 357, 422, 438, 449, 456 ColumnNumbers Method Example 359
Computational cost of the bootstrap 339 ConfidenceBC Method 281, 322, 334, 361, 366, 417, 422 ConfidenceBC Method Example 363 ConfidencePC Method 281, 322, 334, 362, 365, 444, 449 ConfidencePC Method Example 366, 367 Convert a path diagram to a Visual Basic program 1 Copy and paste path diagrams 1 CopyAnalysisPropertiesTo Method 62 Corest Method 281, 369, 374, 376 Corest Method Example 370 Cov Method 284, 303, 371, 373, 494, 496, 497, 576, 596, 643 Cov Method Example 373 Covariance 321, 466, 468 sample 321, 466, 468 Covariances 306 Covest Method 281, 369, 374, 376 Covest Method Example 375 Crdiff Method 281, 369, 374, 376 Crdiff Method Example 377 Crit1 Method 281, 338, 378, 380, 402, 483, 626, 632 Crit1 Method Example 379 Crit2 Method 281, 338, 378, 380, 402, 483, 626, 632 Crit2 Method Example 381 Cudeck, R. 577
Data sets 538 grnt_fem.amd 538 DataFileNCases Method 284, 382, 384 DataFileNCases Method Example 383 DataFileNVariables Method 284, 382, 384 DataFileNVariables Method Example 385 DecimalPlaces Property 669 DecimalPlaces Property Example 670 Df Method 286, 386, 541 Df Method Example 1 387 Df Method Example 2 388 DiagramDrawCovariance Method 63 DiagramDrawIndicatorVariable Method 64 DiagramDrawIndicatorVariable Method Example 37, 64, 65, 160 DiagramDrawObserved Method 66 DiagramDrawPath Method 67 DiagramDrawUniqueVariable Method 68
DiagramDrawUniqueVariable Method Example 68, 69 DiagramDrawUnobserved Method 70 DiagramFigureCaption Method 71 DiagramLoupe Method 72 DiagramRedrawDiagram Method 73 DiagramScroll Method 74 DiagramScroll Method Example 74, 75, 118 DiagramZoom Method 76 DiagramZoom Method Example 76, 77, 235, 236 DiagramZoomIn Method 78 DiagramZoomIn Method Example 78, 79, 82 DiagramZoomOut Method 80 DiagramZoomOut Method Example 80, 81 DiagramZoomPage Method 82 Dir Property 290 Dir Property Example 291 Discussion of Example 503, 538, 582 Discussion of the example 319, 364, 366, 368, 496 DisplayInputPD Method 83, 84 DisplayOutputPD Method 83, 84 Dispose Method 286, 389 Divgi, D.R. 321 Dolker, M. 321 DoubleClickMouse Method 85 DragMouse Method 86 Draw Method 229, 239, 256, 740, 749
EditCopy Method 87 EditCopy Method Example 87, 88 EditDeselectAll Method 89 EditDragProperties Method 90 EditDuplicate Method 92 EditErase Method 93 EditFitToPage Method 94 EditLink Method 95 EditMove Method 96 EditMoveParameter Method 97 EditPaste Method 98 EditRedo Method 99 EditReflect Method 100 EditRotate Method 101 EditRotate Method Example 101, 102 EditSelect Method 104, 225 EditSelectAll Method 105, 225 EditShapeOfObject Method 106 EditSpaceHorizontally Method 107
EditSpaceVertically Method 108 EditTouchUp Method 109 EditUndo Method 99, 110 Efron, B. 333, 337, 365, 504, 512 Emulisrel6 Method 281, 345, 390 Emulisrel6 Method Example 391 EnableDisplay Method 281, 392 EnableUserInteraction Method 111 EnableUserInteraction2 Method 112 EnableUserInteraction2 Method Example 112, 113 Enhanced growth curve plugin 2 Estimate1 Property 215 Estimate2 Property 216 Evaluate0 and EvaluateEx0 Methods 286, 393 Evaluate1 and EvaluateEx1 Methods 286, 394 Evaluate2a and EvaluateEx2a Methods 286, 395, 650 Evaluate2a and EvaluateEx2a methods example 396, 650, 680 Evaluate2e and EvaluateEx2e Methods 286, 397, 650 Evaluate2e and EvaluateEx2e methods example 399 Events 12, 188 Examples using the Amos Graphics classes 738 Examples using the AmosEngine class 751 Extended explanation of the AStructure method 303, 305 Extended explanation of the Structure method 305
FactorScoreWeights Method 282, 334, 362, 366, 400 FactorScoreWeights Method Example 401 FieldWidth Property 671 FieldWidth Property Example 672 FileDataFiles Method 114 FileExit Method 115 FileNew Method 116 FileNewWithTemplate Method 117 FileOpen Method 118 FilePrint Method 119 FileRetrieveBackup Method 120 FileSave Method 121 FileSaveAs Method 122 FileSaveAsTemplate Method 123 FillColor Property 217, 218 FillStyle Property 2, 217, 218
Fisher Method 282, 378, 380, 402, 483, 626, 632 Fisher Method Example 403 FitAllModels Method 286, 301, 404, 408 FitAllModels Method Example 405 FitMLMoments Method 282, 406, 410, 466, 468 FitMLMoments Method Example 407 FitModel Method 286, 301, 404, 408, 589, 590, 591, 592 FitModel Method Example 409 FitUnbiasedMoments Method 282, 406, 410, 466, 468, 609 FitUnbiasedMoments Method Example 411 Fixed Method 675 Fixed Method Example 676 Fox, J. 636 Fuller, W.A. 741
GenerateDefaultCovariances Method 282, 372, 412 GenerateDefaultCovariances Method Example 1 413 GenerateDefaultCovariances Method Example 2 414 GetBCLowerBounds, GetBCUpperBounds Methods 286, 334, 362, 366, 415, 422, 425, 514, 515 GetBCLowerBounds, GetBCUpperBounds Methods Example 418 GetBCLowerBoundsEx, GetBCUpperBoundsEx Methods 286, 420 GetBCLowerBoundsEx, GetBCUpperBoundsEx Methods Example 423 GetBootSampleEstimates Method 286, 334, 343, 417, 424, 518, 519 GetBootSampleEstimates Method Example 426 GetButton Method 124, 128, 161 GetCheckBox Example 1 126 GetCheckBox Example 2 127 GetCheckBox Method 125, 128, 161 GetControl Method 128 GetDataFile Method 284, 428 GetDataFile Method Example 430 GetDataFile Method Example (PathDiagrammer class) 129, 130 GetDataFile Method of the PathDiagrammer class 129 GetEstimate Method 431, 434
GetEstimates Method 286, 393, 394, 395, 397, 400, 408, 417, 425, 432, 433, 438, 452, 456, 522, 523, 559 GetEstimates Method Example 435 GetEstimatesEx Method 286, 393, 394, 395, 397, 432, 434, 437, 559 GetEstimatesEx Method Example 439 GetGroupName Method 284, 286, 440 GetGroupName Method Example 441 GetModels Method 131 GetModels Method Example 131, 132 GetNGroups Method 133 GetPCLowerBounds, GetPCUpperBounds Methods 286, 334, 417, 425, 442, 449, 526, 527 GetPCLowerBounds, GetPCUpperBounds Methods Example 445 GetPCLowerBoundsEx, GetPCUpperBoundsEx Methods 286, 447 GetPCLowerBoundsEx, GetPCUpperBoundsEx Methods Example 450 GetRadioButton Method 128, 134, 161 GetStandardErrors Method 286, 334, 417, 425, 432, 434, 438, 451, 456, 530, 531 GetStandardErrors Method Example 453 GetStandardErrorsEx Method 287, 452, 455 GetStandardErrorsEx Method Example 457 GetTextBox Method 128, 135, 161 Getting Started 2 GlobalGolden Method 168 GlobalMoveTools Method 167 GlobalOutline Method 170 GlobalShowMenu Method 136 GlobalShowTools Method 137 GlobalSmart Method 172 GlobalSquare Method 173 Gls Method 282, 293, 322, 325, 369, 374, 376, 402, 458, 491, 615, 638 Gls Method Example 459 grnt_fem.amd (data set) 538 Group 1 Declarative methods 210, 281 Group 2 Data and model specification methods 284 Group 3 Methods for retrieving results 209, 286 GroupName Method 284, 309, 312, 460 GroupName Method Example 461 GroupSelect Method 138
Halperin, S. 321 Height Property 219 HelpAmosOnTheWeb Method 140 HelpContents Method 141 Hershberger, S. 582 Hide Method 677 HighlightArrows Method 142 Highlighted Property 224 HighlightNothing Method 143 Hill, I.D. 619 Hinkley, D.F. 512
Identifiability constraints and the bootstrap 339 Idle Event 199 ImpliedMoments Method 282, 297, 334, 362, 366, 462, 593, 609, 623 ImpliedMoments Method Example 463 Improvements in the drawing of path diagrams 1 Improvements to the Program Editor 1 Initial values for the bootstrap 338 Initialize Method (AmosEngine) 280, 288, 464, 628 Initialize Method (AmosRanGen) 699, 719, 720, 721, 722 Initialize Method Example 465, 700 InputMLMoments Method 282, 406, 410, 466, 468 InputMLMoments Method Example 467 InputUnbiasedMoments Method 282, 406, 410, 466, 468, 609 InputUnbiasedMoments Method Example 469 InputVariableHasMissingValues Method 284, 301, 470 InputVariableHasMissingValues Method Example 471 InputVariableIsNumeric Method 284, 472 InputVariableIsNumeric Method Example 473 InputVariableLabel Method 284, 474, 476 InputVariableLabel Method Example 475 InputVariableName Method 284, 474, 476 InputVariableName Method Example 477 InstantRandomVector Method 701, 703 InstantRandomVector Method Example 702 InstantRandomVectorEx Method 701, 703 InstantRandomVectorEx Method Example 704
InstantSolve Method 705 InstantSolve Method Example 706 InstantSqrt Method 690, 707 InstantSqrt Method Example 708 Intercept Method 284, 303, 372, 478, 479, 488, 489, 494, 497, 499, 507, 596 Intercept Method Example 480 InterfacePropertiesApplyClick Method 144 Interrupt Method 287, 481 InvalidateOutput Method 145 InvisibleName Property 220 InvisibleParameters Property 221 InvisiblePicture Property 222 InvisiblePicture Property Example 220, 221, 222, 223 IsCaption Method 257 IsCaption Property 257 IsCovariance Method 258 IsCovariance Method Example 41, 258, 259 IsCovariance Property 258 IsCovariance Property Example 259 IsDirtyAmp Method 146 IsDirtyAmw Method 147 IsEndogenousVariable Method 260 IsEndogenousVariable Method Example 260, 261 IsEndogenousVariable Property 260 IsEndogenousVariable Property Example 261 IsExogenousVariable Method 262 IsExogenousVariable Method Example 262, 263 IsExogenousVariable Property 262 IsExogenousVariable Property Example 263 IsHighlighted Property 2, 224 IsLatentVariable Method 264 IsLatentVariable Property 264 IsModelingMeansAndIntercepts Method 287, 482 IsObservedVariable Method 265 IsObservedVariable Method Example 73, 265, 266 IsObservedVariable Property 265 IsObservedVariable Property Example 266 IsPath Method 267 IsPath Method Example 267, 268 IsPath Property 267 IsPath Property Example 268 IsSelected Property 2, 225 IsUniqueVariable Method 269 IsUniqueVariable Method Example 269, 270
IsUniqueVariable Property 269 IsUniqueVariable Property Example 270 IsUnobservedVariable Method 271 IsUnobservedVariable Method Example 271, 272 IsUnobservedVariable Property 271 IsUnobservedVariable Property Example 272 IsVariable Method 273 IsVariable Method Example 273, 274 IsVariable Property 273 IsVariable Property Example 274 Iterations Method 282, 378, 380, 402, 483, 626, 632 Iterations Method Example 484
Jreskog, K.G. 390, 496, 501, 581, 582, 586
Kaplan, D. 503 KeepOnTop Method 678 Kendall, M.G. 402
Lee, S. 582 LineLength Method 282, 485 LongLabel Property 226
MacCallum, R.C. 582 MahalanobisD2 Method 709 MahalanobisD2 Method Example 710 Mardia, K.V. 538 MaxDecimalPlaces Method 282, 486, 614 Mean level model 345 Mean Method 284, 303, 372, 479, 480, 487, 494, 497, 499, 507, 596 Mean Method Example 489 Means and intercept model 345 Means modeling 345 Methods 43, 255, 292, 673, 696, 733 MinDecimalPlaces Method 282, 490, 614 Mixture Modeling 5 Mixture Modeling, Clustering, and Discriminant Analysis 5 Ml Method 282, 293, 328, 369, 374, 376, 402, 458, 491, 615, 638 Ml Method Example 492 Model 345
mean level 345 Model Method 284, 350, 351, 352, 386, 387, 388, 404, 409, 493, 509, 510, 511, 541, 542, 543, 548, 556, 557, 558, 577, 578, 579, 595, 596, 598, 599, 600 Model Method Example 495 ModelAdd Method 148 ModelDelete Method 149 ModelFitCalculateEstimates Method 46 ModelFitDegreesOfFreedom Method 48 ModelFitManageGroups Method 49 ModelFitManageGroupsAdd Method 50 ModelFitManageGroupsDelete Method 51 ModelFitManageGroupsRename Method 52 ModelFitManageModels Method 53 ModelFitManageModelsDelete Method 149 ModelFitModelingLab Method 54 ModelFitToggleObservedUnobserved Method 57 ModelMeansAndIntercepts Method 282, 479, 488, 499, 507 ModelMeansAndIntercepts Method Example 500 ModelRedefine Method 150 ModelSelect Method 151 ModelSelect Method Example 149, 151, 152 Mods Method 282, 501 Mods Method Example 502 MonteCarlo Method 282, 334, 335, 362, 366, 504 MonteCarlo Method Example 505 MouseDown and MouseUp Events Example 203 MouseDown Event 200 MouseDown Event Example 201 MouseUp Event 202 MouseUp Event Example 115, 187, 200, 202, 203, 212, 257 Mstructure Method 506 MStructure Method 284, 303, 372, 488, 494, 497, 499, 506, 596 Mstructure Method Example 508 MStructure Method Example 508
NameColor Property 227 NameFontBold Property 228 NameFontBold Property Example 228, 229, 230 NameFontItalic Property 230 NameFontSize Property 231
NameHeight Property 232 NameOrCaption Property 233 NameWidth Property 234 NColumns Property 657 NColumns Property Example 658 Ncp, NcpLo and NcpHi Methods Example 1 510 Ncp, NcpLo and NcpHi Methods Example 2 511 Ncp, NcpLo, NcpHi Methods 287, 509 NeedBCLowerBounds, NeedBCUpperBounds Methods 282, 362, 366, 416, 417, 421, 514 NeedBCLowerBounds, NeedBCUpperBounds Methods Example 516 NeedBootSampleEstimates Method 282, 343, 425, 518 NeedBootSampleEstimates Method Example 520 NeedEstimates Method 282, 354, 358, 400, 432, 434, 438, 522, 545, 551, 602, 606 NeedEstimates Method Example 524 NeedPCLowerBounds, NeedPCUpperBounds Methods 282, 443, 448, 526 NeedPCLowerBounds, NeedPCUpperBounds Methods Example 528 NeedStandardErrors Method 282, 452, 456, 530 NeedStandardErrors Method Example 532 New in Amos 16 5 New in Amos 17 1 New in Amos 18 1 New PathDiagrammer method, EditPaste 3 New PathDiagrammer method, ToolsWriteAProgram 3 NewObjectCreated Event 204 NextNormal Method 711 NextNormal Method Example 712 NextSeed Method 719, 720, 721, 722, 734 NextSeed Method Example 735 NextUniform Method 711, 713 NextUniform Method Example 714 NGroups Property 35 NGroups Property Example 35, 36 NonPositive Method 282, 299, 534 NonPositive Method Example 535 NormalityCheck Method 282, 536 NormalityCheck Method Example 537, 538 NotReady Property 37 Npar Method 287, 386, 541 Npar Method Example 1 542 Npar Method Example 2 543
NRows Property 659 NRows Property Example 660 NumberOfColumns Method 544 NumberOfGroups Method 287, 546 NumberOfGroups Method Example 547 NumberOfParameters Method 287, 548, 588 NumberOfParameters Method Example 549 NumberOfRows Method 550 NumberOfVariables Method 287, 552 NumberOfVariables Method Example 553
ObjectEntered Event 205 Observed variable 400, 538 ObservedInfo Method 282, 512 ObservedInfo Method Example 513 OpenWindowsUpdated Event 206 OriginX Property 86, 235 OriginY Property 86, 236 OutputIsInvalid Event 207 OVariableCount Method 284, 554, 640, 644 OVariableCount Method Example 555
P Method 287, 348, 556 P Method Example 1 557 P Method Example 2 558 PackSymmetricEstimates Method 282, 559 PageHeight Property 38 PageHeight Property Example 38, 39, 40 PageLength Method 283, 560 PageWidth Property 40 Paginate Method 283, 561 Parameter 321 estimate 321 ParameterColor Property 237 ParameterCovariance Method 287, 562 ParameterCovariance Method Example 563 ParameterFontBold Property 238 ParameterFontBold Property Example 238, 239, 240 ParameterFontItalic Property 240 ParameterFontSize Property 241 ParameterFormat Property 242 ParameterFormat Property Example 243, 244 ParameterInfo Method 287, 565 ParameterInfo Method Example 566 ParameterName Method 287, 562, 565, 568, 572 ParameterName Method Example 569
ParameterNumber Method 287, 562, 565, 568, 570, 572 ParameterNumber Method Example 571 ParameterOrientation Property 245 ParameterOrientation Property Example 245, 246 ParameterValue Method 287, 393, 394, 395, 398, 562, 565, 572 ParameterValue Method Example 573 ParameterVector Method 287, 393, 394, 395, 398, 574 Path Method 284, 303, 372, 373, 480, 489, 494, 496, 497, 575, 596, 643 Path Method Example 576 PathDiagrammer Class Members 32 Pclose Method 287, 577 Pclose Method Example 1 578 Pclose Method Example 2 579 PDChanged Event 208 PDE Method 153 PDE Method Example 153, 154 PDElement Class Members 212 PDElements Property 41 Penwidth Property 247 Permute Method 283, 580, 585, 611 Permute Method Example 581 PermuteDetail Method 283, 580, 584, 585 PermuteDetail Method Example 586 PersistFile Method 736 PersistFile Method Example 737 PluginsPlugins Method 155 PopAllButtons Method 156 Population 466, 468, 538 covariance 466, 468, 538 PostFitResults Event 209 PreFitOptions Event 210 PrintTranspose Method 679 PrintTriangle Method 680 PrintX Method 681 PrintX, PrintTranspose, PrintTriangle Methods Example 679, 680, 682 Programming Tools 2 Programming with Amos 1 ProjectName Property 42 Properties 33, 213, 289, 652, 668, 689 PropertyGet Method 157, 159, 275, 277, 278, 741 PropertyRemove Method 158, 276 PropertyRemove Method Example 276, 277 PropertySave Method 157, 159, 275, 278, 741
Providing initial values 307 PutParameterValue Method 287, 393, 394, 395, 398, 587 PutParameterVector Method 287, 393, 394, 395, 398, 588 PutSampleCovariances Method 287, 589, 590 PutSampleCovariancesPacked Method 287, 590 PutSampleMoments Method 287, 589, 591 PutSampleMomentsPacked Method 287, 590, 592
QueryUnload Event Method 211 Quitting Event 212
RandomMoments Method 694, 715, 723 RandomMoments Method Example 716 RandomVector Method 701, 703, 717, 723 RandomVector Method Example 718 Rank Property 692, 723 Rank Property Example 693 Refresh Method 160 Regression equations 305 Regression weights 305 Regression Weights 305 ResidualMoments Method 283, 297, 462, 593, 609 ResidualMoments Method Example 594 RestoreState Method 719 RestoreStateFromFile Method 720 ReviseModel Method 287, 595 ReviseModel Method Example 597 Rmsea, RmseaLo and RmseaHi Methods Example 1 599 Rmsea, RmseaLo and RmseaHi Methods Example 2 600 Rmsea, RmseaLo, RmseaHi Methods 287, 408, 598 RowName Property 661 RowName Property Example 662 RowNames Method 287, 354, 358, 422, 438, 449, 456, 601 RowNames Method Example 603 RowNumber Property 663 RowNumber Property Example 664 RowNumbers Method 287, 354, 358, 422, 438, 449, 456, 605 RowNumbers Method Example 607
Sample 321, 466, 468 covariance 321, 466, 468 SampleMoments Method 283, 297, 334, 362, 366, 462, 593, 609, 623 SampleMoments Method Example 610 Saris, W.E. 503 Satorra, A. 503 SaveState Method 721 SaveStateToFile Method 722 Scientific Method 684 Scientific Method Example 685 SecondMomentsType Property 694, 715, 716 SecondMomentsType Property Example 695 Seed Method 283, 315, 317, 322, 325, 328, 331, 335, 341, 343, 504, 611 Seed Method Example 612 Selected Property 225 SetControl Method 161 SetDataFile Method 162 SetDataFile Method Example 163, 164 Show Method 686 Shutdown Method 288, 464, 613 SignificantFigures Method 283, 614 Sls Method 283, 293, 331, 337, 402, 458, 491, 615, 638 Sls Method Example 616 Smc Method 283, 334, 362, 366, 617 Smc Method Example 618 Srbom, D. 390, 496, 501, 503, 581, 582, 586 Special Case 288 Specify a default value for the 'All groups' check box 2 SpecifyModel Method 165 SpecifyModel Method Example 165, 166 SpecifyPopulation Method 690, 692, 715, 717, 723, 725, 727 SpecifyPopulation Method Example 724 Specran Method 283, 619 Specran Method Example 620 SqrDeterminant Method 723, 725 SqrDeterminant Method Example 726 Sqrt Method 723, 727 Sqrt Method Example 728 Stable Method 288, 295, 621 Stable Method Example 622 Standardized Method 283, 297, 334, 362, 366, 462, 623, 636 Standardized Method Example 624
Stelzl, I. 582 Stine, R.A. 317, 319 Structure Method 303 Structure Method Example 304 Stuart, A. 402 SVMult Method 729 SVMult Method Example 730 Swain, A. J. 345
TableOutput Method 283, 625 Technical Method 283, 378, 380, 402, 483, 626, 632 Technical Method Example 627 TermX Property 248 TermY Property 249 TextOutput Method 283, 284, 288, 297, 464, 465, 625, 628, 630, 634 TextOutput Method Example 629 TextOutputFileName Method 283, 464, 630 TextOutputFileName Method Example 631 TextOutputFileNameMethod Example 631 Tibshirani, R.J. 504 Time Method 283, 378, 380, 402, 483, 626, 632 Time Method Example 633 Timing is Everything 209, 210, 280 TimingTest Method 731 TimingTest Method Example 731 Title Method 283, 634 Title Method Example 635 ToolsCustomize 136, 137, 167 ToolsGolden Method 168 ToolsListFont Method 169 ToolsOutline Method 170 ToolsSeedManager Method 171 ToolsSmart Method 172 ToolsSquare Method 173 ToolsWriteAProgram Method 174 TotalEffects Method 283, 334, 362, 366, 623, 636 TotalEffects Method Example 637
Uls Method 283, 293, 337, 341, 402, 458, 491, 615, 638 Uls Method Example 639 UndoResume Method 154, 175, 176, 223, 229, 239, 246, 259, 261, 263, 266, 268, 270, 272, 274, 740, 749
UndoToHere Method 154, 175, 176, 223, 229, 239, 246, 259, 261, 263, 266, 268, 270, 272, 274, 740, 749 Undraw Method 229, 239, 279, 740, 749 Unload Method 687 Unobserved variable 400 Use the Amos Graphics classes to calculate a new fit measure 2, 209, 210, 738 Use the Amos Graphics classes to change the appearance of latent variables 2, 175, 176, 214, 217, 227, 237, 247, 256, 264, 279, 740 Use the Amos Graphics classes to create user-defined properties 275, 278, 741 Use the Amos Graphics classes to draw a path diagram 2, 63, 66, 67, 70, 89, 94, 105, 109, 116, 231, 233, 241, 250, 743 Use the Amos Graphics classes to draw double-headed arrows 2, 106, 225, 746 Use the Amos Graphics classes to name unobserved variables 2, 747 Use the Amos Graphics classes to resize all rectangles in Amos Graphics 2, 219, 232, 234, 254, 749 Use the AmosEngine class to evaluate derivatives numerically and display the results with the Amos Debug class 393, 394, 398, 574, 587, 588, 751 Use the AmosEngine class to test for scale- and location-invariance 482, 589, 591, 754 UVariableCount Method 284, 554, 640, 644 UVariableCount Method Example 641
ViewAnalysisProperties Method 177 ViewFullScreen Method 178 ViewInterfaceProperties Method 179 ViewMatrixRepresentation Method 180 ViewObjectProperties Method 181 ViewParameters Method 182 ViewTextOutput Method 183 ViewVariablesInDataset Method 184 ViewVariablesInModel Method 185
Warren, R.D. 741 WasInverted Method 288, 397, 650 Wheaton, B. 496, 581, 586 White, J.K. 741 Wichman, B.A. 619 Width Property 254 Window Method 2, 186 Wothke, W. 534 Writing a Main Program that Uses Amos 1, 3 Writing a Main Program with Amos's Built-in Editor 3 Writing a Main Program with Visual Studio 2003 3, 4 Writing a Plugin for Amos Graphics 12 Writing a Plugin with Amos's Built-in Editor 13 Writing a Plugin with Visual Studio 2003 3, 22 Writing Classes that are Used by Amos 1, 12
X Property 665 X Property Example 666 XYObject Method 187
Value1 Property 250 Value2 Property 251 Var Method 284, 303, 372, 373, 494, 496, 497, 576, 596, 642 Var Method Example 643 Variable 400, 538 observed 400, 538 unobserved 400 Variable1 Property 252 Variable2 Property 253 VariableCount Method 285, 554, 640, 644 VariableCount Method Example 645 VariableName Method 288, 565, 646 VariableName Method Example 647 VariableNumber Method 288, 648 VariableNumber Method Example 649 Variances 307