TFN Notes
TFN Notes
TFN Notes
Nursing practices based on principles and traditions passed on through apprenticeship and common sense
1960’S: Debates and discussions regarding the proper direction and appropriate disciple for nursing for
nursing knowledge development.
Theory Era: Outgrowth of the research era; Research without theory produced isolated information.
Research and theory era produced nursing science.
Research Era: Path to new knowledge; Curriculum for developing graduate programs.
Nursing theoretical works represents the most comprehensive ideas and systematic knowledge about
1. University baccalaureate programs proliferated, masters programs in nursing were developed. The
curricula began to standardize through the accreditation process.
2. Attention to the importance of nursing conceptualization of the research process and the role of
conceptual frameworks.
3. Works begin to recognize the theoretical nature, such as Henderson, Nightingale and etc.
Nursing Theory:
Describes > Nursing Care
A. Utilizes in its practice a well-defined and well-organized body of specialized knowledge that is an
intellectual level of higher learning.
B. Constantly enlarges the body of knowledge it uses to improve it techniques of education and service by
the use of the scientific method.
C. Entrusts the education practitioners to the institution of higher education.
D. Applies its body of knowledge in practical services that are vital to human and social welfare.
E. Functions autonomously in the formulation of professional policy and in the control of professional
activity thereby.
F. Attracts individuals of intellectual and personal qualities who exalt service above personal gain and who
recognize their chosen occupation as a life work.
G. Strives to compensate its practitioners by providing freedom of action, opportunity for continuous
professional growth and economic security.
PARADIGM: Patterns or models used to show a clear relationship among the existing theoretical works in
METAPHARADIGM: General statement of the discipline and functions of a framework which has more
restricted structures of conceptual models.
Nursing: Nursing actions (actions, characteristics and attributes of an individual providing nursing care)
Environment: Internal and external factors and influence affecting a person
Person: Recipients of care (physical, mental and social)
Health : Defined by a person
Philosophy: An attitude toward a life in reality that evolves from each nurse’s belief.