Ulangan Bahasa Inggris Semester Ganjil 2017
Ulangan Bahasa Inggris Semester Ganjil 2017
Ulangan Bahasa Inggris Semester Ganjil 2017
Kelas 4
Choose the right answer by crossing a, b, or c !
1. A : ................
B : My name is Shinta
a. Who is she ?
b. Who is your name ?
c. What is your name ?
2. Anton : ............... is mr. Smith ?
Bardi : He is a policeman
a. Where b. Who c. What
3. A : ...............
B : I am in the mall
a. What are you ?
b. What are you doing ?
c. Where are you ?
4. It is 15.00. We meet our english teacher we say ..............
a. Good afternoon b. Good evening c. Good night
5. We want to go to bed. It is 10 pm. We say ....... to mother.
a. Good night b. Good bye c. Good eveninng
6. Putra : ........... books do you have ?
Putri : I have twenty books.
a. How many b. How much c. What
7. A : ..............
B : It is 08546757890
a. What is number your phone ?
b. What is your phone number ?
c. Is it your phone number ?
8. Andi : .............
Kiki : Rp. 5.500 per kilo
a. How many is it ? b. How much does it cost ? c. How is it ?
9. Tina : How do you spell your name ?
Aldo : ..............
a. Aldo b. ei – el – di – ou c. ai – el – di – ou
10. My name is ar – ei – en – wai
a. Ainy b. Rany c. Rina
11. Rara : Where can you find giraffe ?
Sasa : I can find it at the ..............
a. Zoo b. Farm c. Forest
12. A : Do you have a cat ?
B : .........
a. Yes, I have b. yes, I am c. yes, I has
13. What is “berdampingan” in english !
a. Side by side b. Biside c. Between
14. What is “mencari” in english !
a. Looking for b. Look c. Find
15. What is “diri sendiri” in english !
a. My b. My self c. I am
16. What is “repairing” in Indonesia ?
a. Absent b. Repairing c. Present
17. What is “friendly” in Indonesia ?
a. Teman b. Ramah c. Sahabat
18. What is “comparison” in Indonesia ?
a. Sifat b. Perbandingan c. Pandai
19. What is “hewan menyusui” in english ?
a. Reptile b. Lungs c. Mammal
20. What is “bernapas” in english ?
a. Lungs b. Pick up c. Breathe
Ulangan Umum Bahasa Inggris Semester Ganjil 2017
Kelas 5
Choose the correct answer a, b, or c !
1. Laras has ......... before going to school.
a. Lunch b. Breakfast c. Dinner
2. Ferdi ......... the flour every morning
a. Washes b. Sweeps c. Mops
3. My mother ....... fried noodle in the kitchen
a. Washes b. Sweeps c. Mops
4. After getting up, she ......... the bed
a. Sweep b. Makes c. Cleans
5. I sweep the yard using a .............
a. Broom b. Duster c. Map
6. Mrs. Wulan buys fruits in the
a. Fruit stail b. Shop c. Field
7. The students wear .........
a. Uniform b. Gown c. Wearpack
8. It’s raining ! don’t forget to bring a ............ !
a. Rain coat b. Kebaya c. swimsuit
9. She wears a ............ in flag ceremony
a. Bag b. Glasses c. Cap
10. Tono ............ twice a day
a. Has breakfast b. Take a nap c. Takes a bath
11. I weak ............ before going to bed
a. T- shirt b. Short c. Pyjamas
12. What is “kaca mata” in english ?
a. Glasses b. Glove c. Cap
13. What is “celana panjang” in english?
a. Trousers b. Shorts c. Blouse
14. What is “lompat tali” in english ?
a. Rope Skipping b. Walking on stilts c. Hide and seek
15. What is “kelereng” in english ?
a. Marbles b. Yoyo c. Top
16. What is “meat” in Indonesia ?
a. Ayam b. Daging c. Telur
17. What is “wake up” in Indonesia ?
a. Mandi b. Bangun tidur c. Berolahraga
18. What is “philately” in Indonesia ?
a. Mendaki b. Mengoleksi perangko c. Menjelajahi
19. What is “Berkebun” in english ?
a. Fishing b. Gardening c. Writing
20. What is “menyiram tanaman” in english ?
a. Plants b. Waters c. Washes