Calculation of SCOP For Heat Pumps According To EN 14825
Calculation of SCOP For Heat Pumps According To EN 14825
Calculation of SCOP For Heat Pumps According To EN 14825
Calculation of SCOP for heat pumps according to EN 14825
The following document gives a general introduction to measurement points and the calculation method
for SCOP according to European Standard EN 14825. SCOP is the parameter forming the basis for European
minimum requirements and energy labelling for heat pumps.
This document was prepared in parallel with the document entitled, "Energy labelling and minimum
requirements for heat pumps in relation to the Ecodesign Directive”, which describes requirements and
energy labelling in adopted and expected regulations pursuant to the Ecodesign Directive.
Basically, the SCOP calculation method consists in dividing the heating season into a number of hours with
different temperatures (called bins), which together are to reflect the variations in temperature over a
heating season. Furthermore, a heating demand curve is determined for the temperatures, providing the
heating demand that the heat pump is to meet for each set of temperatures. A COP value for each of the
bins is found, and together these form the basis for calculating the average COP, i.e. the SCOP.
Figure1: Example of temperature distribution and heating demand pertaining to a heating season
The EN 14825 standard defines a reference SCOP to be used in energy labelling and legislation, in which the
number of hours is determined and in which the heating demand curve is given on the basis of a single
input parameter. Figure 1 shows an example of the distribution of hours for the climate zone, 'average'. The
figure also shows how the heating demand falls with increasing temperature. The figure tells us, for
example, that the heat pump must supply 6.2kW at 0 ˚C in 240 of the heating season's hours.
In European energy labelling, SCOP for the Average climate profile is mandatory, whereas the other two
profiles are voluntary. The minimum requirement is also based on SCOP for the Average profile.
The number of hours in each bin for each of the climate zones is shown in the figure below:
Figure 2: Distribution of temperature for the three climate zones Average, Warmer and Colder
The total number of hours in the heating season varies for each of the three climate zones, with A
having 4910 hours, Warmer 3590 and Colder 6 446.
The climate zone best representing Danish conditions is Average, corresponding to Strasbourg. The
following figure shows a comparison of Danish temperatures with temperatures in Strasbourg.
Figure 3: Standardised temperature variations for Strasbourg and Denmark
The climate zone Average has been designed on the basis of the temperature distribution for Strasbourg.
Since temperature distribution in Denmark is very similar to that for Strasbourg, the Average temperature
profile will therefore be representative of Danish conditions.
Test temperatures
For the calculation of SCOP according to EN 14825, the heat pump must be tested at a series of
temperatures, corresponding to the temperatures in EN 14511. As an example, the test temperatures on
the cold side of the heat pump for air-to-air heat pumps and air-to-water heat pumps for the different
climate zones are given in the table below.
* The test point for -15 ˚C only has to be performed, if SCOP is calculated for climate zone Colder.
** Tbivalent is described in more detail in the next section. The manufacturer has to provide this value.
*** Temperature Operating Limit describes the lowest temperatures at which the heat pump can function.
Also to be provided by the manufacturer.
At each of these points, the heat pump can be tested for a more clearly defined part load, as described in
the following.
Annex 1 shows a comprehensive overview of test temperatures for air-to-air, air-to-water and
brine-to-water heat pumps, as they are to be used in relation to ecodesign regulation and European energy
Heating demand in the heating season for use in calculating SCOP
The heating demand curve, which determines the heating demand at a given temperature, and which the
heat pump must meet in the SCOP calculation, is defined by the heating demand (Pdesignh) at the design
temperature (Tdesignh), which in turn depends on the chosen climate zone. The design temperatures for
the chosen climate zones are given in the table below.
The heating demand at the design temperature can be set at will, and affects the calculated value of SCOP
because the demand curve is moved up at a higher Pdesignh and down at a lower Pdesignh. The demand
curve is a straight line which runs through the determined heating demand Pdesignh at the design
temperature and a heating demand of 0kW at 16˚C.
The applied heating demand Pdesignh will be shown on the future European energy labels along with the
SCOP value, and could therefore become a guide for consumers with regard to choosing the right size heat
pump. The manufacturer must therefore relate to the fact that Pdesignh is used to describe the size of the
heat pump, and it affects the value of SCOP. This is described in more detail in the document, " Energy
labelling and minimum requirements for heat pumps in relation to the Ecodesign Direcitive".
The desired capacity at the different test temperatures is determined by the demand curve and can be
calculated using the equation
T est temperature−16
P designh % = T designh −16
Therefore, with the Average climate zone (Tdesignh equal -10˚C) and test point A (test temperature equal
-7˚C) the part load will be equal to 88.4% of the determined heating demand at the design temperature.
These values are called part load.
It is important to stress that these percentages (part loads) do not describe the part load percentage of the
heat pump's full load capacity. They instead describe a load percentage relative to Pdesignh, independent of
the heat pump's capacity.
The figure below shows a demand curve with the load percentages at the different test points.
The heat pump will have a capacity curve independent of this demand curve. The point where the heat
pump's capacity corresponds exactly to the heating demand is known as the bivalent point. At
temperatures below the bivalent point, the heat pump's capacity has to be supplemented by backup
heating. In the SCOP calculation this is included as pure electric heating with a COP value of 1, regardless of
whether or not the heat pump has an electric heating element. For higher temperatures the heat pump will
run in part load, which SCOP also takes into account. These conditions are illustrated in the figure below.
If, for example, Pdesignh is set at 10kW, the demand at 7 ˚C (point C) will be 3.5kW. If, for example, the
capacity of the heat pump is 11kW at this temperature, the heat pump would have to supply 32% of its full
load at this test point. This percentage is called capacity ratio (CR).
Since Pdesignh can be set at will, this value will also have significance for the electric backup heating
percentage and for the part load percentages. This is illustrated in the following figure, in which the heating
demand at the design temperature is increased compared to the previous figure, which results in a demand
curve situated higher in the graph.
If Pdesignh is set at 12kW, in this example the resulting heating demand in point C will be 4.2kW, and the
heat pump will have to supply 38% of its full load capacity.
For fixed-speed compressors, COP and capacity are given at full load operation. Part load is then adjusted
using a degradation factor. This factor describes the reduction in energy efficiency at on/off operation. The
factor can either be measured in a test or by using default values defined in EN 14825.
Where COPDC corresponds to COP at full load (declared capacity); Cd is the degradation factor; and CR is the
capacity ratio, i.e. the heating demand in relation to the heat pump's capacity at this temperature. For
example, if a part load of 50% is applied, and the degradation factor is the default 0.25, then part load COP
will be 12.5% less, corresponding to if full load COP is 4, then part load COP will be 3.5.
Part load COP for fixed capacity air-to-water and brine-to-water heat pumps at the test points is found as
COP part load = COP DC · C c ·CR+(1−C c)
Where COPDC corresponds to COP at full load (declared capacity); Cd is the degradation factor; and CR is the
capacity ratio, i.e. the heating demand in relation to the heat pump's capacity at this temperature. For
example, if a part load of 50% is assumed, and the degradation factor is the default 0.9, then part load COP
will be 9.1% less, corresponding to if full load COP is 4, then part load COP will be 3.6.
Calculating SCOP
The calculated or measured part load efficiency values are used when calculating the SCOP value.
The calculation method includes finding a COP value for each temperature bin within the temperature
interval of the climate zone. This COP gives the electricity consumption needed to meet the heating
demand at each temperature.
Interpolated values are used for temperatures between the determined test points. For temperatures
outside the test points, extrapolation is performed using the two nearest test points.
Electricity consumption is accumulated for all bins including any necessary electric backup heating. Add to
this, electricity consumption for standby and similar modes, in which the heat pump consumes a limited
amount of electricity but supplies no heating. These types of consumption are determined on the basis of a
specific number of hours in each mode. This is described in more detail in the next section.
First SCOPon is calculated, which is the average seasonal efficiency of the heat pump in active mode. See
example in the table below. The table shows the calculation of electricity consumption and heating demand
for each temperature bin in an Average heating season. The yellow lines mark that COP has been based on
measurements, while the white lines are interpolated/extrapolated values.
Num Total
Electric electricity Total
Temperatur ber Heating Heat pump electricity
backup consumpt heating
e of demand capacity COP consumpt
heating ion per demand
[˚C] hour [kW] [kW] ion
[kW] hour [kWh]
s [kWh]
TOL -10 1 11.46 7.80 3.66 2.60 6.66 11 7
-9 25 11.02 8.28 2.75 2.82 5.69 276 142
-8 23 10.58 8.75 1.83 3.04 4.71 243 108
A -7 24 10.14 9.55 0.59 3.26 3.52 243 84
Tbiv -6 27 9.70 9.70 0 3.30 2.94 262 79
-5 68 9.26 9.26 0 3.35 2.76 630 188
-4 91 8.82 8.82 0 3.39 2.60 802 237
-3 89 8.38 8.38 0 3.44 2.44 746 217
-2 165 7.94 7.94 0 3.49 2.28 1310 376
-1 173 7.49 7.49 0 3.53 2.12 1297 367
0 240 7.05 7.05 0 3.58 1.97 1693 473
1 280 6.61 6.61 0 3.62 1.83 1852 512
B 2 320 6.17 6.17 0 3.67 1.68 1975 538
Etc. … … … … … … … …
15 74 0.44 0.44 0 2.72 0.16 33 12
23,679 6,611
Table 4: Example of table with COP values, electricity consumption and heating demand for calculating SCOPon. The values are
taken from an example in EN 14825
By accumulating heating demand and electricity consumption for each temperature, SCOPon can be
calculated as the accumulated electricity consumption divided by the accumulated heating demand. In this
instance, SCOPon is 3.58.
Where H signifies the number of hours in a year the heat pump is in the stated operating mode, and P is the
energy consumption of the heat pump in this mode, which is an input parameter in the calculation. The
number of hours in each operating mode is determined on the basis of whether or not the heat pump can
be used for heating alone or for both heating and cooling.
The SCOP value forms the basis for labelling and minimum requirements in regulations under the Ecodesign
Directive, see the document entitled "Energy labelling and minimum requirements for heat pumps in
relation to the Ecodesign Directive".
Annex 1 - Test points for European energy labelling and minimum requirements
For all the heat pumps, SCOP for the Average climate profile is mandatory, whereas it is voluntary for
Warmer and Colder. The percentage of the design capacity Pdesignh is shown in brackets. Red fields
describe test points about which there is uncertainty with regard to EN 14825. This is being investigated in
more detail.
Table 6: Test temperatures for air-to-water heat pumps. To the left: radiator heating; and to the right: underfloor heating
Table 7: Test temperatures for brine-to-water heat pumps. To the left: radiator heating; and to the right: underfloor heating