Unit-4 - KOE062 Embededded System Materials
Unit-4 - KOE062 Embededded System Materials
Unit-4 - KOE062 Embededded System Materials
(2- marks)
1. Define process.
Process is a computational unit that processes on a CPU under the control of a
scheduling kernel of an OS. It has a process structure, called Process control block. A
process defines a sequentially executing program and its state.
2. What are the states of a process?
a. Running b. Ready c. Waiting
3. What is a thread?
Thread is a concept in Java and UNIX and it is a light weight sub process or
process in an application program. It is controlled by the OS kernel. It has a process
structure, called thread stack, at the memory. It has a unique ID .It have states in the
system as follows: stating, running, blocked and finished.
4. Define scheduling.
This is defined as a process of selection which says that a process has the right
to use the processor at given time.
5. What are the types of scheduling?
1. Time division multiple access scheduling. 2. Round robin scheduling.
6. Define round robin scheduling and priority scheduling
Round robin scheduling: This type of scheduling also employs the hyper period as an
interval. The processes are run in the given order.
Priority scheduling: A simple scheduler maintains a priority queue of processes that
are in the run able state.
7. Give the different styles of inter process communication.
1. Shared memory. 2. Message passing.
8. Differentiate pre-emptive and non pre-emptive multitasking.
Preemptive multitasking differs from non-preemptive multitasking in that the operating
system can take control of the processor without the task‘s cooperation
9. What is meant by PCB?
Process Control Block‘ is abbreviated as PCB.PCB is a data structure which
contains all the information and components regarding with the process.
10. Define Semaphore and mutex.
Semaphore provides a mechanism to let a task wait till another finishes. It is a
way of synchronizing concurrent processing operations. When a semaphore is taken by
a task then that task has access to the necessary resources. When given the resources
unlock. Mutex is a semaphore that gives at an instance two tasks mutually exclusive
access to resources.
11. Define priority inversion & priority inheritance.
Priority inversion: A problem in which a low priority task inadvertently does not
release the process for a higher priority task is called as Priority inversion.
Priority Inheritance: Priority inversion problems are eliminated by using a method
called priority inheritance. The process priority will be increased to the maximum priority
of any process which waits for any resource which has a resource lock. This is the
programming methodology of priority inheritance.
12. What is RTOS?
An RTOS is an OS for response time controlled and event controlled processes.
RTOS is an OS for embedded systems, as these have real time programming issues to
13. What are the real time system level functions in UC/OS II? State some.
1. Initiating the OS before starting the use of the RTOS functions.
2. Starting the use of RTOS multi-tasking functions and running the states.
3. Starting the use of RTOS system clock.
14. Name any two mailbox related functions.
b. OS_Event *OSMboxCreate(void *mboxMsg)
c. Void *OSMboxAccept(OS_EVENT *mboxMsg)
15. Name any two queue related functions for the inter task communications.
d. OS_Event OSQCreate(void **QTop,unsigned byte qSize)
b.Unsigned byte OSQPostFront(OS_EVENT *QMsgPointer,void *qmsg).
UNIT – 4
(5 marks)
1. Better for long process
2. Simple method
3. No starvation
1. Convoy effect occurs. Even very small process should wait for its turn to come to
utilize the CPU. Short process behind long process results in lower CPU utilization.
2. Throughput is not emphasized.
2. Shortest Job First Scheduling (SJF):
This algorithm associated with each process the length of the next CPU burst. Shortest
job first scheduling is also called shortest process next (SPN). The process with the
shortest expected processing time is selected for execution among the available
process in the ready queue. Thus, a short process will jump to the head of the queue
over long jobs.
If the next CPU bursts of two processes are the same then FCFS scheduling is cued to
break the tie. SJF scheduling algorithm is probably optimal. It gives the minimum
average time for a given set of processes. It cannot be implemented at the level of short
term CPU scheduling. There is no way of knowing the shortest CPU burst. SJF can be
preemptive or non-preemptive.
A preemptive SJF algorithm will preempt the currently executing process, if the next
CPU burst of newly arrived process may be shorter than what is left to the currently
executing process.
A non-preemptive SJF algorithm will allow the currently running process to finish.
Preemptive SJF scheduling is sometimes called shortest remaining time first algorithm.
1. It gives superior turnaround time performance to shortest process next because
a short job is given immediate preference to a running longer job.
2. Throughput is high.
1. Elapsed time must be recorded, it results an additional overhead on the
2. Starvation may be possible for the longer processes.
In preemptive mode, currently running process may be interrupted and forces the
currently active process to release the CPU on certain events such as a clock interrupt,
some I/O interrupts or a system call and they moved to the ready state by the OS.
When a new process arrives or when a interrupt occurs, preemptive policies may
incur greater overhead than non-preemptive version but preemptive version may
provide better results.
It is desirable to maximize CPU utilization and throughput and to minimize
turnaround time, waiting time and response time.
The various types of pre-emptive scheduling are
1. Priority – Based Scheduling:
Each process is assigned a priority. The ready list contains an entry for each
process ordered by its priority. The process at the beginning of the list (highest priority)
is picked first.
A variation of this scheme allows preemption of the current process when a
higher priority process arrives.
Another variation of the policy adds an aging scheme, whether the priority of a
process increases as it remains in the ready queue. Hence, this will eventually execute
to completion.
If the equal priority process is in running state, after the completion of the present
running process CPU is allocated to this, even though one more equal priority process
is to arrive.
Very good response for the highest priority process over non-pre-emptive version
of it.
Starvation may be possible for the lowest priority processes.
The case involves the two function such as ISR and OS function in two memory
ISR code can send into a mailbox or message queue(3), but the task
waiting for a mailbox or message queue does not start before the return from
the ISR (4).
When ISR finishes, it sends Exit message to OS.
On return from ISR by retrieving saved context, the RTOS later on returns to the
interrupted process or reschedules the process.
RTOS action depends on the event messages, whether the task waiting for the
event messages from the ISR is a task of higher priority than the interrupted task on the
The special ISR semaphore used in this case is OSISRSemPost ( ) which
executes the ISR. OS ensures that OSISRSemPost is returned after any system call
from the ISR.
2. RTOS first interrupting on an interrupt, then RTOS calling the
corresponding ISR:
On interrupt of a task, say, Nth task, the RTOS first gets itself the hardware
source call (1) and initiates the corresponding ISR after saving the present processor
status (2).
Then the ISR (3) during execution then can post one or more outputs (4) for the
events and messages into the mail boxes or queues.
Figure: System 2 (Three memory blocks)
This case involves the one ISR function (ISRk) and two processes (OS and pth task) in
three memory blocks other than the interrupted Nth task.
When the interrupt source k is interrupted (1), OS finishes the critical code till the
pre emption point and calls the ISR routine for interrupt k called as ISR k (3) after saving
the context of a previous task N onto a stack (2)
After executing the ISRk routine, the ISR in step (4) can post the event or
message to the OS for initiating the Nth or Pth task after the return (5) from the ISR and
after retrieving the Nth or Pth task context.
The OS initiates the Nth or Pth task based upon their priorities.
The ISR must be short and it must put post the messages for another task.
3. RTOS First Interrupting on an Interrupt, then RTOS initiating the ISR and
then an ISR:
The two levels of ISR in RTOSes are Fast Level ISR (FLISR) and Slow Level ISR
(SLISR). FLISR is also called as hardware interrupt ISR and SLISR is also called as
software interrupt ISR. FLISR is just the ISR in RTOS and SLISR is called as Interrupt
Service Thread (IST).
FLISR reduces the interrupt latency and jitter for an interrupt service. A kth IST is
a thread to service an kth interrupt source call. An IST function is referred as deferred
procedure call of the ISR.
When an interrupt source k is interrupted (1), OS finishes the critical code till the
pre emption point and calls the ISR routine for interrupt k called as ISR k (3) after saving
the context of a previous task N onto a stack (2)
The ISR during execution can send one or more outputs for the events and
messages into the mailboxes or queues for the ISTs (4). The IST executes the device
and platform independent code.
The ISR just before the end enables further pre-emption from the same or other
hardware sources (5). The ISR can post messages into the FIFO for the ISTs after
recognizing the interrupt source and its priority. The ISTs in the FIFO that have received
the messages from the ISR executes (6) as per their priorities on return (5) from the
The ISR has the highest priority and preempts all pending ISTs and tasks, when
no ISR or IST is pending execution in the FIFO, the interrupted task runs on return (7).
Defn: Process is defined as a computational unit that processes on a CPU and whose
state changes under the control of kernel of an OS. It has a state ,which at an instance
defines by the process status(running, blocked or finished),process structure –its data,
objects and resources and process control block.
A process runs on scheduling by OS (kernel) which gives the control of CPU to
the process. Process runs instructions and the continuous changes of its state take
place as the Program counter changes.
Fig: Processes
Process control block
PCB is a data structure having the information using which the OS controls the process
state. The PCB stores in the protected memory addresses at kernel. The PCB consists
of the following information about the process state.
1. Process ID, process priority, parent process, child process and address to the next
process PCB which will run next.
2. Allocated program memory address blocks in physical memory and in secondary
memory for the process codes.
3. Allocated process-specific data address blocks.
4. Allocated process heap addresses.
5. Allocated process stack addresses for the functions called during running of the
6. Allocated addresses of the CPU register
7. Process-stae sugnal mask.
8. Signals dispatch table
9. OS-allocated resources descriptors
10. Security restrictions and permissions.
Application program can be said to consist of a number of threads or a number of
processes and threads
1. A thread consists of sequentially executable program (codes) under state-control by
an OS.
2. The state of information of a thread is represented by thread- state(started, running,
blocked or finished),thread structure –its data, objects and a subset of the process
resources and thread-stack.
3. A thread is a light weight entity
Defn: A thread is a process or sub process within a process that has its own PC, its
own SP and stack, its own priority and its own variables that load into the processor
registers on context switching and is processed concurrently along with other threads.
Fig : Threads
A multiprocessing OS runs more than one process. When a process consists of
multiple threads, it is called multithreaded process.
A thread can be considered as a daughter process.
A thread defines a minimum unit of a multithreaded process that an OS
schedules onto the CPU and allocates the other system resources.
Different threads of a process may share a common process structure.
Multiple threads can share the data of the process.
Thread is a concept used in Java or Unix.
Thread is a process controlled entity
iii) TASKS
Task is the term used for the process in the RTOSes for the embedded systems. A task
is similar to a process or thread in an OS.
Defn: Task is defined as an embedded program computational unit that runs on a CPU
under the state-control of kernel of an OS. It has a state, which at an instance defines
by status ( running, blocked or finished),structure – its data, objects and resources and
control block.
Fig: Tasks
A task consists of a sequentially executable program under a state-control by an
The state information of a task is represented by the task state (running, blocked
or finished),structure – its data, objects and resources and task control block.
Embedded software for an application may consist of a number of tasks .
Each task is independent in that it takes control of the CPU as scheduled by the
scheduler at the OS.
A task is an independent process
No task can call another task
The task can send signals and messages that can let another task waiting for this
Task states
1. Idle(created)state
2. Ready(active)state
3. Running state
4. Blocked(waiting)state
5. Deleted(finished)state
4) Explain briefly on how embedded processors have improved efficiency with
use of multitasking.
Embedded OSs manages all embedded software using tasks, and can be either
unitasking or multitasking.
In unitasking environments, only one task can exist at any given time.
In multitasking OS, multiple tasks are allowed to exist simultaneously.
In multitasking environment each process remain independent of others and do
not affect other process.
Some multitasking OSs also provides threads as an additional alternative means
for encapsulating an instance of a program.
Threads are created within the context of a task and depending on the OS the
task can own one or more threads
Threads of a task share the same resources like working directories, files, I/O
devices, etc., but have their own PCs, stack and scheduling information.
A task can contain at least one thread executing one program in one address
space or can contain many threads executing different portions of one program in
one address space.
Multitasking OS
Task 1
Task 1 Registers
Program 1 Task 1 Stack
Program 2
Process 2
Tasks and threads Program1
Task 2 Registers
….. Task 2 Stack
Process 3
Program 2
Task 3 Stack
Thread 1
Part of Program1
Task 1
Thread 2
Part of Program1
Program 1 Task 1
Registers Memor
Thread 3 y
Program 2 O Part of Program1
S Process 2
….. Task 2
Process 3
Program 2
Task 3
Interleaving tasks
Process 1 Process 2 Process 3
Process 4 OS process3
Task hierarchy
OS Initial Task
Tasks are structured as a hierarchy of parent and child tasks and when an
embedded kernel starts up only one task exists.
All tasks create their child task through system calls.
The OS gains control and creates the Task Control Block (TCB)
Memory is allocated for the new child task ,its TCB and the code to be executed
by the child task.
After the task is set up to run, the system call returns and the OS releases control
back to the main program.
Types of Multitasking:
Multitasking involves the switching of execution among multiple tasks. It can be
classified into different types.
1. Cooperative multitasking – this is the most primitive form of multitasking in
which a task/process gets a chance to execute only when the currently executing
task/process voluntarily relinquishes the CPU. In this method, any task/process
can hold the CPU as much time as it wants. Since this type of implementation
involves the mercy of the tasks each other for getting the CPU time for execution,
it is known as cooperative multitasking. If the currently executing task is non-
cooperative, the other tasks may have to wait for a long time to get the CPU.
2. Preemptive multitasking: This ensures that every task gets a chance to
execute. When and how much time a process gets is dependent on the
implementation of the preemptive scheduling. In preemptive scheduling, the
currently running task is pre empted to give a chance to other tasks to execute.
The preemption of task may be based on time slots or task/process priority.
3. Non-Preemptive Multitasking: In non- preemptive multitasking, the task which
is currently given the CPU time is allowed to execute until it terminates or enters
the Blocked/wait state waiting for an I/O or system resource. The cooperative
and non-preemptive multitasking differs in their behavior when they are in the
blocked/wait state.
In cooperative multitasking, the currently executing process/task need not relinquish
the CPU when it enters the ‗Blocked/wait‘ state waiting for an I/O or a shared resource
access or an event to occur where as in non-preemptive multitasking the currently
executing task relinquishes the CPU when it waits for an I/O or system resource or an
event to occur.
Binary Semaphore
A semaphore is called binary semaphore when its value is 0, it is assumed that it has
been taken or accepted and when it is 1, it is assumed that it has been released or sent
or posted and no task has taken it yet.
An ISR can release the token, A task can release the token as well accept the
token or wait for taking the token.
Consider an Automatic Chocolate Vending Machine(ACVM).After the task delivers the
chocolate , it has to notify to the display task to run a waiting section of the code to
display , ―Collect the nice chocolate, Thank you, Visit Again‖. The waiting section for the
display of the thank you message takes this notice and then it starts the display of thank
you message.
A message mailbox is for an IPC message that can be used only by a
single destined task.
The mailbox message is a message pointer or can be a message.
The source(mail sender) is the task that sends the message pointer to a
created mailbox .
The destination is the place where the OSMBoxPend function waits for the
mailbox message and reads it when received.
A mobile phone LCD display task
In the mailbox, when the time and data message from a clock-process
arrives , the time is displayed at side corner on top line.
When the message is from another task to display a phone number, it is
displayed at the middle.
When the message is to display the signal strength of the antenna, it is
displayed at the vertical bar on the left.
Mailbox types at the different operating systems (OSes)
1. Multiple Unlimited Messages Queueing up
2. One message per mailbox
3. Multiple messages with a priority parameter for each message
A queue may be assumed a special case of a mailbox with provision for
multiple messages or message pointers.
An OS can provide for queue from which a read can be on a FIFO basis
Or an OS can provide for multiple mailbox messages with each message
having a priority parameter.
Even if the messages are inserted in a different priority, the deletion is as per
the assigned priority parameter.
OS functions for the Mailbox
Write (Post)
Read (Pend)
RTOS functions for the Mailbox
1. OSMBoxCreate : Creates a box and initializes the mailbox contents with a NULL
2. OSMBoxPost: Sends a message to the box
3. OSMBoxAccept: Reads the current message pointer after checking the
presence yes or no.Deletes the mailbox when read.
4. OSMBoxWait:Waits for a mailbox message , which is read when received.
5. OSMBoxQuery: Queries the mailbox when read and not needed later.
A message-pipe is a device for inserting (writing) and deleting(reading) from that
between two given interconnected tasks or two set of tasks. Writing and reading from a
pipe is like using a C command fwrite with a file name to write into a named file, and
fread with a file name to read from the named file. Pipes are also like Java
1. fwrite task can insert(write) to a pipe at the back pointer address,*pBACK
2. fread task can delete (read) from a pipe at the front pointer address,*pFRONT
3. In a pipe there are no fixed number of bytes per message, but there is a end
pointer. Pipe can have a variable number of bytes per message between the
initial and final pointers.
4. Pipe is unidirectional. One thread or task inserts into it and the other one deletes
from it.
Functions at Operating systems
The OS functions for pipe are the following :
1. pipeDevCreate : Create a device which functions as pipe.
2. open( ) :Opening the device to enable its use from beginning of its allocated
3. connect( ) :Connecting a thread or task by inserting bytes to the thread or task
and deleting bytes from the pipe.
4. write ( ) :Inserting from the bottom of the empty memory space in the buffer
allotted to it.
5. read( ) :Deleting from the bottom of the unread memory spaces in the buffer filled
after writing into the pipe.
6. close( ) :Closing the device to enable its use from beginning of its allocated
buffer only after opening it.
Fig: a) Function at operating system and use of write and read function by
task A and task B, b)Pipe messages in a message buffer
6. Write short notes on i) shared memory, ii) message passing, iii) priority
inheritance iv) priority inversion.
Shared Memory:
Shared Memory is an efficient means of passing data between programs. One
program will create a memory portion which other processes can access.
A shared memory is an extra piece of memory that is attached to some address
spaces for their owners to use. As a result, all of these processes share the same
memory segment and have access to it. Consequently, race conditions may occur if
memory accesses are not handled properly. The following figure shows two process
and their address spaces. The rectangle box is a shared memory attached to both
address spaces and both process 1 and process 2 can have access to this shared
memory as if the shared memory is past of its own address space. In some sense, the
original address space is ''extended" by attaching this shared memory.
Shared memory is a feature supported by UNIX system 5, including Linux, Sun
OS and Solaris. One process must explicitly ask for an area, using a key to be shared
by other processes. This process will be called the server. All other processes, the
clients that know the shared area can access it. However, there is no protection to a
shared memory and any process that knows it can access it freely. To protect a shared
memory from being accessed at the same time by several processes, a synchronization
protocol must be setup.
A shared memory segment is identified by a unique integer, the shared memory
ID. The shared memory itself is described by a structure of type shmid-ds in header file
sys / shm.h. To use this file, files sys / types.h and sys / ipc.h must be included.
Therefore, your program should start with the following lines:
# include <sys / types.h>
# include <sys / ipc.h>
# include <sys / shm.h>
A general scheme of using shared memory is the following:
For aserver, it should be started before any client. The server should perform the
following tasks:
1. Ask for a shared memory with a memory key and memorize the returned
shared memory ID. This is performed by system call shmget ().
2. Attach this shared memory to the server's address space with system call
shmat ().
3. Initialize the shared memory, if necessary.
4. Do something and wait for all client's completion.
5. Detach the shared memory with system call shmdt ().
6. Remove the Shared memory with system call shmctl ().
For the client part, the procedure is almost the same:
1. Ask for a shared memory with the same memory key and memorize the
returned shared memory ID.
2. Attach this shared memory to the client's address space.
3. Use the memory.
4. Detach all shared memory segments, if necessary.
5. Exit.
Message Passing:
Most general purpose OS actually copy messages as twice as they transfer there from
task to task via a message queue. In RTOS, the OS copies a pointer to the message,
delivers the pointer to the message - receiver task and then deletes the copy of the
pointer with message sender task.
Priority Inversion
Priority inversion is the byproduct of the combination of blocking based process
synchronization and preemptive priority scheduling. Priority inversion is the condition in
which a high priority task needs to wait for a low priority task to release a resource
which is share between the high priority task and the low priority task and a medium
priority task which doesn‘t require the shared resource continue its execution by pre
emptying the low priority task.
Priority based preemptive scheduling technique ensures that a high priority task
is always executed first, whereas the lock based process synchronization mechanism
ensures that a process will not access a shared resource, which is currently in use by
another process. The synchronization technique is used to avoid conflients in the
concurrent access of the shared resources.
Let process A, process B and process C be three processes with priorities High,
Medium and Low respectively. Process A and Process C share a variable X and
the access to this variable is synchronized through a mutual exclusion
mechanism like Binary semaphore.
Imagine a situation where process C is ready and is picked up for execution by
the schedules and Process C tries to access the shared variable X.
Immediately after process C acquires the semaphore S, Process B enters the
Ready state. Since Process B is of higher priority compared to process C.
Process C is preempted and Process B starts executing.\
Now process A is of higher priority than process B, Process B is preempted and
process A is scheduled for execution. Process A tries to access shared variable
X which is currently accessed by process C. So Process A will not be able to
access if and then it enters into the blocked state.
Now process B gets the CPU and it continued its execution until it relinquishes
the CPU voluntarily or enters a wait state or preempted by another high priority
Process A has to wait till process C gets a chance to execute and release the
semaphore. This produces unwanted delay in the execution of the high priority
task which is supposed to be executed immediately when it was ready.
Priority Inversion may be sporadic in nature but can lead to potential damages as
a result of missing critical dead lines.
Priority Inheritance
A low-priority task that is currently accessing (by holding the lock) a shared
resource requested by high priority task temporarily ‗inherits‘ the priority of that high-
priority task, from the moment the high-priority task raises the request Boosting the
priority of the low priority task to that of the priority of the task which requested the
shared resource holding by the low priority task eliminates the preemption of the low
priority task by other task whose priority are below that of the task requested the shared
resource and thereby reduces the delay in waiting to get the resource requested by the
high priority task. The priority of the low priority task which is temporarily boosted to high
is brought to the original value when it relaeases the shared resource. Implementation
of priority inheritance work around in the priority inversion problem discussed for
process A, Process B and process C example will change the execution sequence as
shown in figure.
Priority inheritance is only a work around and it will not eliminate the delay in
waiting the high priority task to get the resource from the low priority task. The only thing
is that it helps the low priority task to continue its execution and release the shared
resource as soon as possible. The moment, at which the low priority task releases the
shared resource, the high priority task kicks the low priority task out and grabs the CPI –
A true form of selfishness. Priority inheritance handles priority inversion at the cost of
run-time overhead at schedules. It imposes the overhead of checking the priorities of all
tasks which tries to access shared resources and adjust.
7. Write about the features of µC/OS- II , Vx Works and RT Linux .
i) µC/OS – II
µC/OS – II is a highly portable, ROMable, very scalable, preemptive real time,
deterministic, multitasking kernel.
It can manage up to 64 tasks (56 uses task available)
It has connectivity with µc/GUI and µc/ FS (GUI and file systems for µc/OS – II)
It is ported to more than 100 microprocessors and microcontrollers.
It is simple to use and simple to implement but very effective compared to the
price/performance ratio.
It supports all type of processors from 8-bit to 64-bit.
Task Management Services:
Task features
Task creation
Task stack and stack checking
Task deletion
Change a task‘s priority
Suspend and resume a task
Get information about a task
Task feature:
µc/OS- II can manage up to 64 tasks.
The four highest priority tasks and the four lowest priority tasks are reserved for
its own use. This leaves us with 56 application tasks.
The lower the value of the priority, the higher the priority of the task.
The task priority number also serves as the task identifier.
Rate monotonic scheduling:
In rate monotonic scheduling tasks with the highest rate of execution are given
the highest priority.
1. All tasks are periodic
2. Tasks do not synchronize with one another, share resources, etc.
3. Preemptive scheduling is used (always runs the highest priority task that is
Under these assumptions, let n be the number of tasks, Ei be the execution time
of task i, and Ti be the period of task i. Then, all deadlines will be met if the
following inequality is satisfied.
ΣEi/Ti ≤ n(21/n – 1)
Example: suppose we have 3 tasks. Task 1 runs at 100Hz and task 2 ms. Task 2
runs at 50Hz and takes 1ms. Task 3 runs at 66.7 Hz and takes 7 ms. Apply
RMS theory.
(2/10) + (1/20) + (7/15) = 0.707 ≤ 3(21/3 – 1) = 0.780
Thus, all the deadlines will be met.
General solution:
As n goes infinity, the right hand side of the inequality goes to in (2) = 0.6931.
Thus you should design your system to use less than 60 – 70% of the CPU.
Task creation:
Two functions for creating a task are
o OS task create ( )
o OS task create E X t ( )
Task Management:
After the task is created, the task has to get a stack in which it will store its
A stack must consist of contiguous memory locations.
It is necessary to determine how much stack space a task actually uses.
Deleting a task means the task will be returned to its dormant state and does
not mean that the code for the task will be deleted. The calling task can delete itself.
If another task tries to delete the current task, the resources are not freed and
thus are lost. So the task has to delete itself after it uses its resources.
Priority of the calling task or another task can be changed at run time.
A task can suspend itself or another task; a suspended task can resume itself.
A task can obtain information about itself or other tasks. This information can
be used to know what the task is doing at a particular time.
Memory Management:
The memory management includes:
1. Initializing the memory manager
2. Creating a memory partition
3. Obtaining status of a memory partition
4. Obtaining a memory block
5. Returning a memory block
6. Waiting for memory blocks from a memory partition.
Each memory partition consists of several fixed – sized memory blocks.
A task obtains memory blocks from the memory partition.
A task must create a memory partition before it can be used.
Allocation and de-allocation of these fixed – sized memory blocks is done in
constant time and is deterministic.
Multiple memory partitions can exist, so a task can obtain memory blocks of
different sizes.
A specific memory block should be returned to its memory partitions from which it
Time management:
Clock Tick: A clock tick is a periodic time source to keep track of time delays and
time outs.
o Time intervals: 10~100 ms
o The faster the tick rate, the higher the overhead imposed on the system.
Whenever a clock ticks occurs, µC/OS – II increments a 32 – bit counter.
o The counter starts at zero and rolls over to 2 32-1 ticks.
A task can be delayed and a delayed task can be also be resumed.
Five services:
o OSTime_DLY ( )
o OSTime_DLYHMSM ( )
o OSTime_DLYResume ( )
o OSTime_GET ( )
o OSTime_Set ( )
Inter task communication:
Inter task or inter process communication in µC/OS takes place using,
Message mailbox
Message queues
Tasks and interrupt service routines (ISR) can interact with each other through an ECB
(Event Control Block)
Single task waiting:
Tasks can wait and signal along with an optional time out.
Task Management:
The Vx works real-time kernels provides a basic multitasking environment. Vx works
offers both posix and a proprietary scheduling mechanisms. Both preemptive priority
and round robin scheduling mechanism are available. The difference between POSIX
and wind scheduling is that wind scheduling is that wind scheduling mechanism are
The difference between a POSIX and wind scheduling is that wind scheduling applies
the scheduling algorithm on a system wide basis, whereas POSIX scheduling
algorithms are applied on a process by process basis.
In Vx works, the states encountered by the task are of 8 different types.
1. Suspended: Idle state just after creation or stated where execution is inhibited.
2. Ready: Waiting for running and CPU access in case scheduled by the scholar but
not waiting for a message through IPC.
3. Pending: The task is blocked as it waits for a message from the IPC or from a
resource only then will the CPO be able to process further.
4. Delayed: Send to sleep for a certain time interval.
5. Delayed + suspended: Delayed and then suspended if it is not pre-emptied
during the delay period.
6. Pended for an IPC _ suspended: Pended and then suspended if the blocked
state does not change.
7. Pended for an IPC + delayed: Pended and than pre-emptied after the delayed
time interval.
8. Pended for an IPC + suspended: Pended and suspended after delayed time
Kernel library functions are included in the header file 'Vx works.h' and 'kernel Lib.h'.
Task and system library functions are included in 'task Lib.h' and 'sys Lib.h' User task
priorities are between 101 and 255. Lowest priority means task of highest priority
number (255). System tasks have the priorities from 0 to 99. For tasks, the highest
priority is 100 by default..
The functions involved in task management:
1. Task Spawn function: It is used for creating and activating a task. Prototype is
unsigned int task ID = task spawn (name, priority, options, stack size, main, argo, art1,
arg2, ... arg9).
2. Task suspending and Resuming functions: Task suspend (task ID): inhibits the
execution of task indentified by task Id.
Task Resume (task ID): Resumes the execution of the task identified by task ID.
Task Restart (task ID): First terminates a task and then spawn again with its original
assignes arguments.
3. Task deletion and deletion protection function: Task Delete (task Id): this
permanently inhibits the execution f the task identified by task Id and cancels the
allocations of the memory block for the task stack and TCB.
Many time each task should itself execute the codes for the following:
Memory de-allocation.
Ensure that the waiting task gets the desired IPC
Close a file, which was opened there.
Delete child tasks when the parent task executes the exit ( ) function.
4. Delaying a task to let a lower priority task get access:
intSysClkRateGet ( ) returns the frequency of the system ticks. Therefore to delay by
0.25 seconds, the function task Delay (SysclkRateGet ( ) /4) is used.
Memory Management:
In Vx works, all systems and all application tasks share the same address space. This
means that faulty application could accidently access system resources and
compromise the stability of entire system. An optional tool named Vx VMI is available
that can be used to allow each task to have its own address space. Default physical
page size used is 8 KB. Virtual memory support is available with Vx VMI tool. Vx works
does not offer privilege protection. The privilege level is always 0.
To achieve the fastest possible response to external interrupts, Interrupt service routines
in Vx works run in a special context outside of any thread's context, so that there are no
thread context switches involved. The C function that the user attaches to a interrupt
vector is not actual ISR. Interrupts cannot directly vector to C functions.
The ISR's address is stored in the interrupt vector table and is called directly from the
hardware. The ISR performs some initial work and then calls the C function that was
attached by the user. For this reason, we use the term interrupt handler to designate the
user installed C handler function. Vx Works uses an ISR design that is different from a
task design.
The features of the ISR in Vx works are:
1. ISRs have the highest priorities and can pre-empt any running task.
2. An ISR inhibits the execution of tasks till return.
3. An ISR does not execute like a task and does not have regular task context.
4. An ISR should not use mutex semaphore.
5. ISR should just write the required data at the memory or buffer.
6. ISR should not use floating – point functions as these take longer time to
Real time performance: Capable of dealing with the most demanding time
constraints, Vx works is a high-performance RTOS tuned for both determinism and
Reliability: A high – reliability RTOS, Vx works provides certification evidence
required by strict security standard. Even for non-safety – critical systems, Vx works is
counted on to run forever, error free.
Scalability: An indispensable RTOS foundation for very small – scale devices,
large scale networking systems and everything in between, Vx works is the first RTOS
to provide full 64-bit processing to support the over growing data requirements for
embedded real time systems. Vx works is scalable in terms of memory foot print and
functionality so that it can be tuned as per the requirements of the project.
Interrupt latencies: The time elapsed between the execution of the last instruction
of the interrupted thread and the first instruction in the interrupts handler to the next task
scheduled to run is interrupt dispatch latency. Vx works exhibits an Interrupt latency of
1.4 to 2.6 micro seconds and dispatch latency of 1.6 to 2.4 s
Priority inheritance: Vx works has a priority inheritance mechanism that exhibits
an optimal performance, which is essential for an RTOS.
Foot print: Vx works has a completely configurable and tunable small memory
foot print for today's memory – constrained systems. The user can control how much of
the operating system he needs.
Vx Works RTOS is widely used in the market, for a great variety of applications.
Its reliability makes it a popular choice for safety critical applications Vx works has been
success fully used in both military and civilian avionics, including the Apache Attack
Helicopter, Boeing 787, 747-8 and Airbus A 400 M. It is also used in on ground avionic
systems such as in both civilian and military radar stations. Another safety critical
application that entrusts Vx works is BMW's i – Drive system.
However, Vx works is also widely used in non-safety – critical applications where
performance is at premium. The xerox phasor, a post – script printer is controlled by a
Vx works powered platform link sys wireless routers use Vx works for operating
Vx works has been used in several space application's. In space crafts, where design
challenges are greatly increased by the need of extremely low power consumption and
lack of access to regular maintenance, Vx works RTOs can be chosen as the operating
system for on Board Computer (OBC). For example 'clementine' launched in 1994 is
running Vx works 5.1 on a MIPS – based CPU responsible for the star Tracker and
image processing algorithms. The 'spirt' and opportunity mars exploration rovers were
installed with Vx works. Vx works is also used as operating system in several industrial
robots and distributed control systems.
The need to develop for real-time embedded applications is always a challenge,
especially when expensive hardware is at risk. The complex nature of such systems
require many special design considerations an understanding of physical systems, and
efficient Management of limited resources perhaps one of the most difficult choice the
embedded system designers have to make in which operating system they are going ot
use. It is critical to have operating system that will be able to be fail-safe, secure,
scalable, fast and robust in multi task management, while being friendly to the
application developers, Vx works is an RTOs which meets almost all of these
iii) RT Linux
RT linux is a hard real time RTOS microkernel that runs the entire linux operating
system as a fully preemptive process. It was developed by Victor Yodaiken, Michael
Barabanov and others at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology and then
as a commercial product at FSM Labs. FSM Labs has 2 editions of RT Linux.
RT Linux pro and RT Linux free. RT Linux pro is the priced edition and RT Linux
is the open source release. RT Linux support hard real time applications. The Linux
kernel has been modified by adding a layer of software between the hardware and the
Linux kernel. This additional layer is called ‗Virtual Machine‘. A footprint of 4 MB is
required for RT Linux.
The new layer, RT Linux layer has a separate task Scheduler. This task scheduler
assigns lowest priority to the standard to the standard Linux kernel. Any task that has to
met real-time constraints will run under RT Linux. Interrupts from Linux are disabled to
achieve real time performance.
In RT Linux location of the various files are:
RT Linux will be installed in the directory/usr/rtlinux-XXX, where XXX is the
version name.
/usr/rtlinux/include contains all the include files necessary for development
/usr/doc/rtlinux/man contains the manual pages for the RT Linux.
/usr/rtlinux/modules contains the core RT Linux modules
The two important aspects while doing programming in RT linux are:
By default, the RT Linux tasks do not have access to the computer‘s floating
points unit. Hence need to explicitly set the permissions for every RT Linux task.
It cannot pass arguments from the command prompt.
RT Linux Modules:
RT Linux programe are not created as stand-alone units, they are created as
modules. Which are loaded into the linux kernel space. The C source files are complied
into object files using the gcc command with the argument C flag. In the C file the main (
) function gets replced with the following lines.
Int init-module ( ).
Void cleanup_module ( ).
Init-module is called when the module is first loaded into the kernel. This function
returns O if the module is successfully loaded. It returns a negative value in case of
failure. When the module is loaded is to be unloaded, the cleanup_module ( ) is called.
Executing the RT Linux Modules:
In RT Linux, Load and stop user modules are using the RT Linux command.
Using this command, we can obtain status information about RT Linux modules. The
command syntax is:
$ rtlinux start my-program
$ rtlinux stop my-program
$ rtlinux status my-program
Creating RT Linux POSIX Threads
A real time program generally consists of a number of threads. Each thread
share a common address space. Pthread_create () function is used to create a new
real-time thread. The corresponding header file is
# include <pthread.h>
To achieve real time performance, the various POSIX compliant API function
calls are used. There function calls are related to create and cancel semaphores.
To implement mutex, we have to include the header file <rtl-mutex.h) in the C
To cancel a thread, the system call is pthread cancel.
Timer Management
A number of internal clocks are available in RT Linux to manage the timers. The
current clock reading is obtained using command is:
Clock-set time ( ) function
Clock-id gives the identification of the clock to be read.