CST Reviewer
CST Reviewer
CST Reviewer
WORSHIP (Encyclicals written by the popes where grounded
Is an integral part of human life or based from these principles)
Through worship we render god the honor
Human dignity is the foundation of the
GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MATTHEW social teaching of the Church
“Not everyone who says to me, “Lord! Lord!” Based on the Christian anthropology
will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the that every human being is created in the
one who does the will of my heavenly image and likeness of God (Gen 1: 26-27)
Father.” (Mt. 7:21) For this reason, Human life is
sacred that must be respected,
CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING (CST) promoted, developed, and
Is an officially proclaimed teaching of the defended from the moment of
Catholic Church on social, cultural, conception until its natural death.
political, and economic issues. Social Issues under this principle:
Based on the Church’s analyses of the Death Penalty
specific socio-historical context(see) Abortion
It provides principles for reflection and
criteria for judgement based on: VATICAN II
▬ The Gospels Affirms that every person is the only
John, Matthew, Mark creature on earth that God has willed for
▬ The whole Christian Tradition his own sake (GS 24)
(jusdge/discern). Everyone must consider every neighbour
Eucharistic Mass without exception as another self.
Novena The Challenge of Peace: God’s Promise
Rosary and Our Response
Devotions Made a profound reflection on the dignity of
Charity works every human person being the clearest
Comes in the forms of social encyclicals reflection of God’s presence in the world
which were developed in the late 19th All of the Church’s work in pursuit of both
century justice and peace is design to protect and
Is an evolving body of prophetic thinking promote the dignity of every person
that continues to apply truthful Christian
practice in ever-changing contexts. 2. THE PRINCIPLE OF HUMAN SOLIDARITY
Solidarity is a moral and social virtue
ENCYCLICAL It includes a love of preference for the poor,
Comes from the Greek enkyklios (circular or hence, solidarity with the poor.
general) It is a commitment to achieve social justice,
Shares “etymological origins with development, & peace
“encyclopedia” which means general by peaceful means and by
knowledge. respecting fundamental human
A circular or letter of the Pope to a group rights
of bishops or to all the bishops of the Extends to the level of relations between
world on matters of FAITH and MORALS nations
Social Issues under this principle:
RERUM NOVARUM Refugees in Ukraine’s War being
First modern social encyclical taken care of its neighboring
Issued by Pope Leo XIII in 1891 countries
Marks the Beginning of a new path Leads us to another level of commitment
It signals new beginning and a singular that human dignity should be protected and
development of the Church’s teaching in promoted because man by nature is a social
the area of social matters. being.
Is seen therefore under the two
MAGISTERIUM complementary aspects
Compendium or compilation of the That of a social principle
social doctrine of the Church That of a moral virtue
(Doctrinal corpus or body of “Human beings are the foundation, the
teachings) cause and the end of every social
Written by the Bishops institution” – Saint John XXIII’s Mater et
Bishops are the teaching authority of Magistra
the church “Structures of Sin” that dominate
relationships between individuals and
peoples must overcome
The common good is “The sum total of 5. THE PRINCIPLE OF ASSOCIATION AND
social conditions which allow people, PARTICIPATION
either as groups or as individuals, to The characteristic implication of
reach their fulfilment more fully and subsidiarity is participation
easily” Which is expressed essentially in a
Social Issues under this principle: series of activities by means of
Gender Equality which the citizen either as an
It consist three essential elements individual or an association with
a) It presupposes respect for the others either:
fundamental rights of the human ▬ directly
person and the natural freedom ▬ through representation
necessary for the development of that contributes to the cultural,
the human vocation economic, political, and social life of
b) It requires the social well-being and the civil community which he
the development of the group itself belongs.
▬ EX: whatever is needed to lead a
truly human life such as food, PARTICIPATION
clothing, health, work, education, Is a duty to be fulfilled consciously by
and culture should be accessible all, with responsibility and with a view of
to each one common good
c) It requires peace This cannot be confined or restricted to only
▬ EX: the stability and security of a a certain area of human growth, like in the
just order area of the world of work and economic
The mentioned social justice are obtained activity, information and culture, and in the
through social justice field of political and social life, but even in
the area of building an international
is sometimes called the justice for the
common good Social Issues under this principle:
it demands proportionate share in the Labor Union
fruits of economic cooperation and ▬ An organization or association
equitable distribution of the wealth of a consist of laborers and workers
nation among different social classes. intended for them to raise their
It also imposes obligations of mutual concerns to the government.
relation on different social groups
EX: better to assist the poor so that 6. THE PRINCIPLE OF PREFERENTIAL
that can live in a manner worthy of OPTION FOR THE POOR
human beings The principle of the universal destination
Condemns such situations as “excessive of good requires that
economic and social disparity between ▬ the poor
individuals and peoples” ▬ the marginalized
▬ those whose living conditions
4. THE PRINCIPLE OF HUMAN LIFE interfere with their proper growth
"Human life sacred because from its should be the focus of particular
beginning it involves the creative action of concern.
God and it remains forever in a special The preferential Option for the poor should
relationship with the Creator, who is its sole be reaffirmed in all its forces.
end. God alone is the Lord of life from its
beginning until its end: no one can, under PREFERENTIAL OPTION FOR THE POOR
any circumstances claim for himself the Is an option, or a special form of the
right directly to destroy an innocent human primacy in the exercise of Christian
being." charity
Since human life must be respected from to which the whole tradition of the
the moment of conception until its Church bears witness, it affects the life
natural death, of each Christian in as much as he or
"the Church not only feels the she seeks to imitate the life Of Christ,
urgency to assert the right to a but it applies equally to our social
natural death, without aggressive responsibilities and hence to our
treatment and euthanasia, but manner of living and to the logical
likewise firmly rejects the death decisions to be made concerning the
penalty” ownership and use of good.
Social Issues under this principle: This love of preference for the poor aims
Death Penalty to help
Euthanasia the hungry
Extra Judicial Killings the needy
Abortion the homeless
those without health care
those without a better future
Social Issues/actions under this principle:
Charity works Pope Leo XIII
Reach out programs
Vincenzo Gioacchino Pecci
Born, March 2,1810 at Carpineto Romano,
Papal States
Died July 20,1903 at Rome
Head of the Roman Catholic Church (1878-
Brought a new spirit to the papacy,
manifested in more conciliatory positions
toward civil governments, by care taken that
the church not be opposed to scientific
progress and by an awareness of the
pastoral and social needs of times.
Called as the first modern pope by many
STEWARDSHIP : Care for God’s Creation historians
Social Issues/actions under this principle: Because he was the first Roman
Children’s rights Pontiff who dared tackle the real
Care for the environment problems that afflicted the world
▬ Attending clean-up drives of his times.
▬ Attending tree-planting activities These problems were mainly social
in nature.
8. THE PRINCIPLE OF SUBSIADIRITY These problems were seen by the
Protects people from abuses by higher- church as new to her or as New
level social authority Phenomena (res novae).
Calls on these same authorities to FIRST POPE TO OPEN THE CHURCH
help individuals and intermediate TO SOCIAL ISSUES
groups to fulfil their duties
This principle is imperative because
every person, family and intermediate
group has something original to offer to
Industrial Revolution
the community
Circa 19th century, demanded
In order for this principle to be put into
urbanization and an expanded work
practice there is a corresponding need for
Respect and effective promotion of
Cities grew around industrial sites.
the human person and the family
Myriads of workers flocked to these
Ever appreciation of associations
industrial centers, hoping to find
and intermediate organizations in
work and better income.
their fundamental choices
This situation brought about
problems in living and working
Social Issues/actions under this principle: conditions:
Position of the Catholic Church that ▬ Inadequate housing
Parent should have the primary ▬ unwholesome lifestyle
access in disciplining their child or in ▬ unfair labor practices.
taking care of their child The pope saw the issue as mainly a
labor question and its cause as
9. THE PRINCIPLE OF HUMAN EQULITY basically structural injustice.
Man and woman have the same dignity
because they are created in the image of ENCYCLICAL LETTER
God and is that “we in the human couple is Rerum Novarum (On New Things)
an image of God. ▬ Condition Of the Working Classes
The dignity of man before God is the basis ▬ Issued May 15,1891
of equality and brother hood among all ▬ Central theme
people regardless of their RACES NATION the just ordering of society
SEX ORIGIN CULTURE CLASS starting with an examination of the
All human being created in the image of conflict between capital and labor.
God are all equal despite differences ▬ The pay that workers were receiving failed
to give them a decent standard of living.
Social Issues/actions under this principle: ▬ This called for a restructuring of human
Racism society. The essential question was how
Gender Equality wages should be determined.
▬ Labor is more important than capital.
Capital is material possession that 4. The principle of subsidiarity should always
enhances human nature. be respected
In conclusion, for Pope Leo XII, the In conclusion, for Pope Pius XI, the
needed social structuring, in response to the prevalent socialist and capitalist systems do
demands of justice, can be done by providing not conform to the demands of social justice.
laborers with a proper wage -one that should In order to address the overwhelming
enable a thrifty and upright worker to-provide a problems of widespread poverty and
decent standard of living for his family, unemployment due to the concentration of
including the possession of some private wealth and power in the hands of a few, the
property. professional guilds of all, that organized people
according to their work skills and occupations,
must be revived. Hopefully this revival, based
POPE PIUS XI on the principle of subsidiarity, will bring about
BIOGRAPHY greater employment and spreading of wealth to
Amhrogio Damiae Achille Ratti as many as possible.
Born May 31, 1857 at Bsife, Lemberdy,
Austrian Empire (now, Italy) ST. JOHN XXIII
Died February 10,1939, Rome, Italy) BIOGRAPHY
Italian pope from 1922 to 1939 Angelo giuseppe roncalli
One of the most important modern pontiffs Born november 25, 1881 at Sotto Il Monte,
His Papal motto Italy
"Fax Christi in regno Christi" Died june 3, 1963 at Rome
(“The peace of Christ in the One of the most popular popes of all time
Kingdom of Christ”), illustrated his (reigned 1958-63)
work to construct a new Inaugurated a new era in the history of
Christendom based on world peace. the roman catholic church
by his openness to change
ENCYCLICAL LETTER (aggiomamento), shown especially
QUADRAGESIMO ANNO in his convoking of the Second
▬ THE FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF Vatican Council by his openness to
RERUM NOVARUM change (aggiomamento), shown
▬ Issued in May 15 1931 especially in his convoking of the
▬ Addresses the issues on poor workers Second Vatican Council.
Capitalism and Socialism Issued in May 15, 1961
Mother & Teacher
Businesses are own by private and rich Issued in April 11, 1963
business man only Peace On Earth
Denis the natural right to private property MATER ET MAGISTRA
(KEYWRORDS) community and
Pope Pius XII criticized both Socialism and socialization
capitalism as not respectful of inherent human The Church is called in truth,
rights justice, and love to cooperate in
Wealth had come to be concentrated in the building with all men and women
hands of small number of people an authentic communion.
Led to the concentration economic & Aims at updating the already known
political power documents and at taking a further step
Increase in the number of very poor forward in the process of involving the
industrial workers in other parts of the world whole Christian community.
Widespread unemployment
The Holy Father has proposed a system that It is the Encyclical of peace and human
would promote social justice and enhancement dignity.
of the common good. The characteristics of this Brings to the forefront the problem if peace
system are: in an era marked by nuclear proliferation
1. There should be reestablishment of Contains one of the first in-depth reflections
vocational groups on rights on the part of the Church
2. Profesiional corporations or labor unions It emphasizes the importance of the
may take a variety of forms cooperation of all men and women
3. Wages should sustain the daily needs of the This document, commends Christians who
workers dedicated their lives in the establishment of
peace, he also exhorts other Christians to (2) development in solidarity among
join in this mission. peoples.
St. John XXII stresses the necessary the transition from less humane
relationship between order and peace. It deals with conditions to those which are more
four levels in human relationships: humane.
1. The order between human beings The solution of the social problem of the time
2. The relations between individual and public that is offered by the Pope is to extend to individual
authorities authentic development.
3. relationship between States The characteristics of authentic development
4. The relationship between human beings are the following
and the political communities with the world ▬ Economic and technological progress
communities ▬ Personal acquisition of culture
▬ Increased respect for the dignity of others
According to the Pope that if we want peace, ▬ Recognition of God as the highest good
then, we must pursue a certain order, that s a and the source of all blessings
moral order.
In conclusion, St. John XXIII saw the signs Pope Blessed Paul VI updates the social
of the times within the social arena in universal teachings of Leo XIII "The Pope reflects
cooperation so as to solve the problems posed on post-industrial society with all of it
by agriculture, development, and population complex problems, noting the inadequacy
growth. of ideology on responding to these
Only such socialization can bring about challenges:
communion in the community of nations. ▬ Urbanization
“One important element on St. John XXIII’s ▬ the condition of young people
conception of the world is his insistence that ▬ the condition of wome
people have to work together for the common unemployment
good and that this collaboration is to be ▬ discrimination
facilitated by the civil authorities” ▬ emigration
▬ population growth
▬ the influence of the means of social
Pope Blessed Paul VI communications
▬ the ecological problem
BIOGRAPHY Two aspirations persistently mad
Giovanni Battista Montini themselves felt in these new contexts
Born September 26, 1897 at Brecia, Italy ▬ the aspiration to equality
Died August 6, 1978 at Caste Gandolfo ▬ the aspiration to participation
Italian Pope (reigned 1963 -78)
ENCYCLICAL LETTER The issue of liberation and the role of the
Church in promoting it
Populorum Progression
On the Development of Peoples offers a new definition of peace –
Issued in 26 March 1967 development.
Octogesima Adveniens An Apostolic Exhortation issued by Pope
Eightieth Anniversary Blessed Paul Vi as follow-up to the Synod of
Issued at 80th anniversary of Rerum Bishops in 1974
Novarum ▬ The Synod of Bishops is a periodic
Issued in 14 May 1971 meeting of representative bishops in
order to advice the Pope on certain
Evangeli Nuntandi
urgent Church concerns
Evangelization in the Modern World
Issued in 8 December 1975 explores in depth several vital theological
and pastoral issues that had arisen since
the time of the Vatican II
POPULORUM PROGRESSIO Genuine liberation is centered on the
Discussion on development as the Kingdom of God and entails a concept of
new name for peace the human person rooted in the Gospel.
This is because excessive economic,
social and cultural inequalities among To achieve authentic and holistic
people arouse tensions and conflicts, liberation, the Pope saw the importance
and are a danger to peace of Gospel communicated through
“there cannot be true peace without Evangelization
proper development” When one life is rooted in the Gospel,
he will experience conversion that
development entails two elements
will lead to a genuine liberation.
(1) integral human development
Work and Man
BIOGRAPHY Labor over Capital
Karol Józef Wojtyla Rights of Workers
Born on May 18, 1920, Spirituality of Work
in Wadowice, Poland
Died on April 2, 2005 in his private
The Social Concern of the Church”
apartment at the Vatican
Pope John Paul II’s seventh encyclical and
Known for “traveling pope”
was issued on December 30, 1987
ENCYCLICAL LETTER Written to commemorate the 20th
anniversary of Pope Paul VI’s social
Redemptor Hominis
encyclical, Populorum Progressio
Issued in March 4, 1979
The Redeemer of Man Pointed out that estern liberal Capitalism
and Eastern Marcism are inclined towards
Laborem Exercens
imperialism which is tended to exercise
Issued in Sept. 14, 1981
dominion and control over peoples and
On Human Labour
Sollicitudo Rei Socialis
The encyclical’s main ideas:
Issued in Dec. 30, 1987
▬ Emphasis on the Principle of
The Social Concern of the Church
Solidarity and points the widening
Centesimus Annus
gap between the world’s rich and
Issued in May 1, 1991
100th Year
▬ Identifies sin and structures of sin as
Issued On the 100th anniversary of Pope
barriers to development.
Leo XIII’s Rerum Novarum – On Capitol
and Labor; On Catholic social teaching
“On the 100th anniversary of Pope Leo XIII’s
Rerum Novarum – On Capitol and Labor;
The Redeemer of Man
On Catholic social teaching”
First encyclical of Pope John Paul II, issued
Issued in 1991, a century after Pope Leo
on March 4, 1979
XIII’s 1891 Social Encyclical, Rerum
States that the human person is the main Novarum
reason why the Redeemer, Jesus Christ,
offered His life. THEME
The encyclical’s agenda involved: REVIEW on SOCIALISM and CAPITALISM
▬ Continuity of the teachings of the
Second Vatican Council ▬ Socialism is an ideology that treat the human
▬ Highlighting the centrality of Christ person as a mere pawn for grand social
▬ Church’s Mission agenda. Thus, denies basic human freedom.
The encyclical was deeply influenced by the ▬ Capitalism challenges:
imposition of Marxist atheism on Poland. The dignity of workers remain a concern
Inequality of power, income and wealth
4 THEMES (SECTION) distribution has not fully disappeared
I. INHERITANCE ▬ Economism (prioritizing income and things over
II. THE MYSTERY OF THE REDEMPTION persons) remains a valid concern
Private Property
”On Human Labour”
Issued on May 15, 1981, at the mark of the
In conclusion, for Pope Saint John Paul II,
90th anniversary of Rerum Novarum.
the human person is the key to the proper
It is an encyclical that guides in and state understanding of every economic, social, and
that wishes to improve the workplace to political enterprise.
achieve maximum productivity and general Thus work, which bears the imprint of the
economic output. human person, is prior to the capital Care must
be taken that the worker receives just
SOCIAL CONCERNS compensation, guarding against the influences
Unemployment even of the indirect employer.
The impact of technology on work as well In order to address the problems posed by
affirming a right to work the demands of the common good, the solution
To a just wage is solidarity.
To form unions
For this, neither Marxism nor capitalism can What are the key points in Pope Blessed Paul
present a proper way. Thus, the search for the VI’s Evangelli Nuntiandi (1975)?
ideal economic system is the contemporary Pope Blessed Paul VI’s Evangeli Nuntiandi
challenge. (1975) focuses on the issue of liberation and the
role of the Church in promoting it. This liberation
THINGS TO REMEMBER contemplates the whole man in anchoring himself
to Gospel to secure for himself conversion and
What are the key points in Pope Leo XIII Rerum consequently, membership to the Kingdom of God.
Novarum ? What faculties must be developed to produce an
Pope Leo XIII Rerum Novarum stresses the integral person? To produce a well-rounded
need for the restructuring human society in person, we need to develop his mind for a sharp
response to the demands of justice which may be deliberation, heart for expression of compassion,
done by providing laborers with the wage that is and for translating compassion into a concrete
enough for them and their family to live a decent action. In other words, we have to develop his
standard of living and the capacity to possess some HEAD to think good, HEART to feel good, and
private property. HAND to do good.
What social teachings are discussed in Pope What are the key points in Saint John Paul II's
Pius XI’s Quadragesimo Anno? Redempter Hominis (4 March 1979)?
Pope Pius XI’s Quadragesimo Anno In Redemptor Hominis, Pope Saint John
attributes unjust poverty and unemployment to the Paul II stressed that the human person is the main
concentration of wealth and power in the hand of a reason why the Redeemer offered His life, that
few, a condition caused by the socialist and Jesus did redeem humanity out of His love. For that
capitalist systems. The Pope suggested the revival sense, the encyclical elaborates that love gives
of the professional guilds based on the principle of meaning and direction to human person's life. Also,
subsidiarity and hoped that this initiative will bring the encyclical affirms that the Church finds her
about greater employment and the spreading of sense of mission in a human person that the
wealth to as many as possible. Church is there to assist the human person to
obtain salvation.
What social teachings are discussed in St. John
XXIII’s Mater et Magistra ? What are the key points in Saint John Paul II's
St. John XXIII’s Mater et Magistra Laborem Exercens (14 September 1981)?
challenges the entire Church to embrace truth, In Laborem Exercens, Saint John Paul II
justice, and love to cooperate in building with all offers a painstaking and profound reflection on the
men and women an authentic communion which nature of human work and organization of
safeguards not only responding to everyone’s economic life. He insisted on the principle of the
needs but also respecting everyone’s dignity. priority of labor over capital, for labor is the basis
for determining the value of human work. He
What social teachings are discussed in St. John furthered that the indirect employer - the whole
XXIII’s Pacem in Terris ? network of influence- is responsible for much of the
St. John XXII’s Pacem in terris emphasizes situation of social injustice in the contemporary
the importance of the cooperation of all men and world.
women; thus, This is addressed to all men of good
will, who are called to a great task to establish with What are the key points in Saint John Paul II's
truth, justice, love, and freedom new methods of Sollicitudo Rei Socialis (30 December 1987)?
relationships human society. This insistence for In Sollisitudo Rei Socialis, Saint John Paul
people to work together for the common good is to II's reflection pointed out that Western liberal
be facilitated by the civil authorities. Capitalism and Eastern Marxism are inclined
towards imperialism which is tended to exercise
What are the key points in Pope Blessed Paul dominion and control over peoples and individuals.
VII's Populorum Progressio (1967)? However, the main contribution of the document is
Pope Blessed Paul VII's Populorum its emphasis on the principle of solidarity which
Progressio (1967) equated peace to development. aids us to see the "other" (whether a person,
It emphasized that trus development will likely to people, or nation) and is threatened by social sinful
take place when all aspects of life-personal, structures fueled by the desire for profit and the
economic, technological, social and religious - thirst for power. These structures may be halted by
become more humane. This development is taking a firm and persevering determination to commit
place alongside the development of everyone oneself to the common good.
What are the key points in Pope VI’s What are the key points in Saint John Paul II's
Octagesima Adveniens (1971)? Cantesimus Annus (1 May 1991)?
Pope Blessed VI’s Octagesima Anno (1971) In Centesimus Annus, Saint John Paul II,
develops further Leo XIII’s social teachings on the using his own struggle and that of his people,
mand problematic effects of an industrialized affirmed the role of a man in the collapse of
society, using these contexts to work for our communism in Eastern Europe. Also in the
aspiration for equality and participation among all document, he connected his idea of solidarity to
people. Leo XIII's friendship, to Pius XI's social charity, and
to Pope Blessed Paul VI's civilization of love.
Lastly, the Pope saw capitalism and Marxism as
insufficient in instilling a moral order in an economic
How can we create a culture of sharing amidst
the materialistic and profit-oriented way of
modern living?
We can create a culture of sharing by
undergoing personal attitudinal transformation. We
can strengthen our resolve to become “cheerful
givers” and not “craving getters” to our neighbors;
let us attitudinally transform ourselves from being
Avaricious to Austere, from being Big-mouthed to
being Big-hearted, form being Covetous to being
Contented, and from Divisive to being Different.