World's Largest Marsupial: Name
World's Largest Marsupial: Name
World's Largest Marsupial: Name
While a red kangaroo may be the largest marsupial, the newborn baby is tiny, under an inch
long. After a few months of sleeping, nursing and growing in mom’s stomach pouch the young
kangaroo (joey) begins to come out. But it hurries back to the pouch fast when frightened, hungry or
cold. Eventually, the joey gets so big it hangs out of the pouch. Then, at eight months old, it stays out.
But the joey remains close to mom until ready to live on its own.
Red kangaroos are good swimmers. However, they are best known for their hopping abilities.
Their long, powerful hind legs have big feet. Hopping moves them quickly over their grassy, shrubby
and desert habitats. Meanwhile, a thick tail helps them balance and steer.
What do red kangaroos eat? Grass, leaves and other vegetation. And guess what - they often
regurgitate food and chew their cud just like a cow.
The red kangaroo’s vegetarian diet provides much of its water. It can also go long periods
without drinking. Staying in the shade, panting and limiting most activity to nighttime helps the red
kangaroo conserve water and stay cool.
Red kangaroos travel together in groups called mobs. Mobs include both males and females,
with one male being dominant.
Males show their dominance by “boxing” with other males. They balance on their tails and try
pushing each other off balance with their forearms or by kicking their hind legs. This kicking ability,
along with their sharp claws, can also be used by kangaroos to defend against Australia’s wild dog,
the dingo.
3. When does a baby kangaroo come out of its mother's pouch for the first time?
a. about a month after it is born
b. a few months after it is born
c. about 8 months after it is born
d. when it is a year old
1. ____________________________ nodig
hint: type of wild dog in Australia
2. ____________________________ lpae
hint: long, high jump
3. ____________________________ onativeget
hint: plants
4. ____________________________ igptann
hint: breathing heavily to cool off
5. ____________________________ drtees
hint: place that is dry most of the time
6. ____________________________ andceomin
hint: power over others; controlling
7. ____________________________ pmisualar
hint: type of mammal in which the mother has a pouch
for carrying her young
3. When does a baby kangaroo come out of its mother's pouch for the first time? b
a. about a month after it is born
b. a few months after it is born
c. about 8 months after it is born
d. when it is a year old
1. dingo nodig
hint: type of wild dog in Australia
2. leap lpae
hint: long, high jump
3. vegetation onativeget
hint: plants
4. panting igptann
hint: breathing heavily to cool off
5. desert drtees
hint: place that is dry most of the time
6. dominance andceomin
hint: power over others; controlling
7. marsupial pmisualar
hint: type of mammal in which the mother has a pouch
for carrying her young