Sales Pav 09 06 en
Sales Pav 09 06 en
Sales Pav 09 06 en
sALes bulletin
Language Code Product Group No. Version Date Page
Applies to
VB 78/88
The 250 mm extension has its own tamper bearing (shown in blue) but
due to lack of space, a vibrator could not be installed. The screed base
plate and tamper bar are electrically heated (shown in green).
Unfortunately, no gas heated version is available because there is
insufficient space to install the gas burner. Two quick lock cylinders
(shown in red) together with a bolt-on connection are used to mount the
250 mm extension to the screed. The quick lock cylinders are operated in
the same way as the quick lock system on the other screed extensions
and three grease nipples are provided to lubricate the tamper bearing.