Law+1 Criminal+Law+Book+1 4+Hours+Lec+
Law+1 Criminal+Law+Book+1 4+Hours+Lec+
Law+1 Criminal+Law+Book+1 4+Hours+Lec+
Q. What is the law that creates our Penal Code? And when does
the law took effect?
A. Act 3815 or Revised Penal Code which took effect on January
1, 1932.
Q. Criminal law (Define)
A. Criminal Law is that branch of Municipal law which defines
crimes, treats of their nature and provides for their
Q. What is a crime?
A. Crimes is the commission or omission by a person having
capacity, of any act which is either prohibited or compelled by
law and the commission or omission is punishable by the
proceedings brought in the name of the government whose
laws has been violated.
Q. What do you call If the crime is punished by
the Revised Penal Code?
A. It is called a FELONY.
Q. What do you the crime is punished by a
special law?
A. It is called an OFFENSE.
Q. What do you call if a crime is punished by an
A. It is called an INFRACTION.
Q. What do you call If the crime is punished by
the Revised Penal Code?
A. It is called a FELONY.
Q. What do you the crime is punished by a
special law?
A. It is called an OFFENSE.
Q. What do you call if a crime is punished by an
A. It is called an INFRACTION
Q. What are the different Theories justifying the
imposition of punishment, viz: prevention, public
self-defense, deterrence, exemplarity, reformation
and retribution.
1. The basis of penalty is human free will and the purpose
of the penalty is retribution.
2. That man is essentially a moral creature with the
absolute free will to choose between good and evil,
thereby placing more stress upon the effect or result
of the felonious act than upon the man, the criminal
3. It has endeavoured to establish a mechanical and
proportion between crime and penalty.
4. There is a scant regard to the human element.
B. Positivist theory
1) That man is subdued occasionally by a strange
and morbid phenomenon which constrains him
to do wrong, in spite of contrary volition.
2) That crime is essentially a social and natural
phenomenon and such, it cannot be treated and
checked by the application of abstract principle
of law and jurisprudence nor by the imposition
of a punishment, fixed and determined a priori;
but rather through the enforcement of
individual measures in each particular case after
a thorough, personal and individual
investigation conducted by a competent body of
psychiatrist and social scientist.
a) It cannot enact an ex post facto law nor a bill
of attainder.
Q. What is a bill of attainder?
Bill of attainder a legislative act that inflicts
punishment without trial, its essence being
the substitution of legislative fiat for a judicial
determination of guilt
A. Ex post facto law is one which:
1. Makes criminal an act done BEFORE the passage of the law
and which was innocent when done, and punishes such an
2. Aggravates a crime, or makes it greater than it was, when
3. Changes the punishment and inflicts a greater punishment
than the law annexed to the crime when committed;
4. Alters the legal rules of evidence, and authorizes conviction
upon less or different testimony than the law required at the
time of the commission of the offense;
5. Assumes to regulate civil rights and
remedies only, in effect imposes penalty
or deprivation of a right for something
which when done was lawful; and
6. Deprives a person accused of a crime
some lawful protection to which he has
become entitled, such as the protection
of a former conviction or acquittal, or a
proclamation of amnesty.
B) A penal law must be of general
Equal protection
• Article III, Section 1, 1987 Constitution:
“No person shall deprive life, liberty or
property without due process of law nor
shall any person be denied equal
protection of the law”.
C) It cannot provide for a cruel, degrading or inhuman
punishment nor can it impose excessive fines.
• Act Prohibiting the Imposition of Death Penalty in
the Philippines (R.A.9346)
• Repealed the law imposing lethal injection
(R.A.8177) and the law imposing the death penalty
(R.A.7659) (Sec. 1).This Act also imposes the
punishment of reclusion perpetua for offenses under
any act using the nomenclature of the RPC
(Sec. 2 (a)) and the punishment of life imprisonment
for offenses under any act which does not use the
nomenclature of the RPC (Sec. 2(b))
Q. What is Doctrine of Pro Reo?
A. Whenever a penal law is to be construed or applied and the law
admits of two interpretations – one lenient to the offender and
one strict to the offender – that interpretation which is lenient or
favorable to the offender will be adopted.
Q. What is the Utilitarian Theory or Protective Theory in
Criminal law?
A. The primary purpose of the punishment under criminal law is
the protection of society from actual and potential
wrongdoers. The courts, therefore, in exacting retribution for
the wronged society, should direct the punishment to
potential or actual wrongdoers, since criminal law is directed
against acts and omissions which the society does not
approve. Consistent with this theory, the mala prohibita
principle which punishes an offense regardless of malice or
criminal intent, should not be utilized to apply the full
harshness of the special law
1. GENERALITY-that the law is binding upon all persons who
reside or sojourn in the Philippines, irrespective of age,
sex, color, creed, or personal circumstances.
Reclusion temporal From 12 years and From 12 years and From 14 years, 8 From 17 years, 4
1 day to 20 years. 1 day to 14 years months and 1 day months and 1 day
and 8 months. to 17 years and 4 to 20 years.
Prision mayor, From 6 years and 1 From 6 years and 1 From 8 years and 1 From 10 years and
absolute day to 12 years. day to 8 years. day to 10 years. 1 day to 12 years.
disqualification and
special temporary
Prision From 6 months and From 6 months and From 2 years, 4 From 4 years, 2
correccional,suspen 1 day to 6 years. 1 day to 2 years months and 1 day months and 1 day
sion anddestierro and 4 months. to 4 years and 2 to 6 years.
Arresto mayor From 1 month and From 1 to 2 From 2 months and From 4 months and
1 day to months. months. 1 day to 4 months. 1 day to 6 months.
Arresto menor From 1 to 30 days. From 1 to 10 days. From 11 to 20 days. From 21 to 30 days.
What are Extinction Of Criminal
Criminal Liability is Totally extinguished:
1. death of the convict, as to personal penalties; and as to
pecuniary penalties, when the death occurs before
final judgement;
2. service of sentence;
3. amnesty
4.absolute pardon
5. prescription of the crime
6. prescription of the penalty; or
7. marriage of the offended
• Criminal liability not extinguish by death of victim
• Amnesty completely extinguish penalty and all its
effects; except for civil liability, which persists.
Prescription of the Crime
1. Death, reclusion perpetua or reclusion
temporal-20 years
2. Other afflictive penalties-15 years
3. Correctional penalty-10 years except arresto
mayor-5 years
4. Libel or other similar offenses-1 year
5. Oral defamation and slander by deed-6 months
6. Light offenses-2 months