Introducción A Las Aplicaciones Web

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Introducción a las
Aplicaciones Web
Implantación de Aplicaciones Web - 1º ASIR
Un minuto en

What Happens in an
Internet Minute in 2022
Client - Server Architecture
Client - Server Architecture

Today's organizations need a system that makes it easy to collect, process, and
act on corporate data.

The client-server network model brings a higher level of processing that

increases the effectiveness of workstation power, workgroup empowerment,
remote network management, market-driven business, and the preservation of
existing investments.
Client - Server Architecture

Client-server architecture, alternatively called a client-server model, is a network

application that breaks down tasks and workloads between clients and servers
that reside on the same system or are linked by a computer network.

A client is a device that actually uses the service or accepts the information.

Client devices include laptops, workstations, IoT devices, and similar

network-friendly devices.

A Server is a remote computer that provides access to data and services.

Servers are usually physical devices such as rack servers, though the rise of
cloud computing has brought virtual servers into the equation.

The server handles processes like e-mail, application hosting, Internet

connections, printing, and more.
Client - Server Network

To sum it up briefly:

● First, the client sends their request via a network-enabled device

● Then, the network server accepts and processes the user request
● Finally, the server delivers the reply to the client
Characteristics of Client-Server Architecture

Client-server architecture typically features the following characteristics:

● Client and server machines typically require different hardware and

software resources and come from other vendors.
● The network has horizontal scalability, which increases the number of
client machines and vertical scalability, and then moves the entire process
to more powerful servers or a multi-server configuration.
● One computer server can provide multiple services simultaneously,
although each service requires a separate server program.
Characteristics of Client-Server Architecture

Client-server architecture typically features the following characteristics:

● Both client and server applications interact directly with a transport layer
protocol. This process establishes communication and enables the entities
to send and receive information.
● Both the client and server computers need a complete stack of protocols.
The transport protocol employs lower-layer protocols to send and receive
individual messages.
Client - Server Architecture
Some Examples of Client-Server Architecture

● Email servers
● File servers
● Web servers
○ The client/user uses their web browser to enter the URL they want
○ The browser asks the Domain Name System (DNS) for an IP address
○ The DNS server finds the desired server’s IP address and sends it to the web browser
○ The browser creates either an HTTPS or HTTP request
○ The server/producer sends the user the correct files
○ The client/user receives the files sent by the server, and the process is repeated as needed
Advantages of Client-Server Architecture

● It’s a centralized system that keeps all the data and its controls in one place
● It brings a high level of scalability, organization, and efficiency
● It allows the IT staff to change the Client and Server capacities separately
● It’s cost-efficient, especially in terms of maintenance
● It allows data recovery
● It allows load-balancing, which optimizes performance
● It allows different platforms to share resources
● Users don’t need to log into a terminal to access corporate information or
desktop tools utilities
Disadvantages of Client-Server Architecture

● If the server has a worm, virus, or Trojan, the users will likely catch it since
the network consists of linked clients and servers
● The server is vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS) attacks
● Data packets can be spoofed or modified during transmission
● It’s expensive to start up and initially implement
● If a critical server goes down, the clients are dead in the water
● The setup is prone to phishing and Man in the Middle (MITM) attacks
1-Tier Architecture

It is the simplest one as it is

equivalent to running the
application on the personal

All of the required

components for an
application to run are on a
single application or server.

Presentation layer,
Business logic layer, and
data layer are all located on
a single machine.
2-Tier Architecture

Communication takes
place between client and

In this type of software

architecture, the
presentation layer or user
interface layer runs on the
client side while business
logic and dataset layer gets
executed and stored on
server side.
3-Tier Architecture

Communication takes place

between client and server and
between server and DBMS.
In this type of software
architecture, the presentation
layer or user interface layer
runs on the client side.
The business layer runs on
the server and acts as an
interface between Client layer
and Data Access Layer
Dataset layer gets executed
and stored on server side.
Web Applications

An app is a type of software that allows you to perform specific tasks.

Applications for desktop or laptop computers are sometimes called desktop
applications, while those for mobile devices are called mobile apps.

Desktop applications: Mobile Apps:

● Word processors: Microsoft Word, ● Email readers: Gmail, Mail.

LibreOffice. ● Social Network: Instagram, Facebook,
● Web browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Google Twitter.
Chrome, Safari. ● Personal Training
● Media players:Windows Media Player, ● Games
iTunes. ● Bank managing
● Games: Solitaire, Halo. ● etc.
● etc.
Web Applications

A Web application (Web app) is an application program that is stored on a

remote server and delivered over the Internet through a browser interface.

Commonly used Web applications can include webmail, online calculators, or

e-commerce shops.

Some Web apps can be only accessed by a specific browser; however, most are
available no matter the browser.
Web Applications

Web applications do not need to be downloaded since they are accessed

through a network.

For a web app to operate, it needs a Web server, application server, and a

Web servers manage the requests that come from a client, while the
application server completes the requested task.
Web Applications
Advantages of Web Apps

● Cost-effective.
● Always up-to-date.
● Multiple users access.
● Don’t need to be installed.
● Can be accessed through various platforms such as a desktop, laptop, or
● Can be accessed through multiple browsers.
Disadvantages of Web Apps

● Internet dependent.
● Website dependent.
● Reduced Speed.
● Less Secure.
● As web applications are not native, they cannot sometimes effectively
collaborate with all the hardware and operating systems of the specific
devices you use.

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