PBC Bulletin - July 17th

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Our Life Together: 17th24th July 2011

Sunday 17th
10:00am Worship Service Speaker Michael 11:30am Morning Tea 2:00pm Glenelg Aged Care Service

Wednesday 20th
7:30pm Mibus Home Group at Kaths 8:00pm Young Adults Home Group at Church House

Enjoying God, Blessing Others

Thursday 21st
7:30pm Music Practice

Sunday 17th July 2011

Welcome to our service. We are so glad you are with us. We are a company of ordinary people who love Jesus and want to share his love and care with everybody. It is our prayer that God will speak with you today.

Monday 18th

9:30am Ladies Walking Group Sunday 24th 7:30pm Deacons Meeting at Drennans 10:00am Worship Service Speaker Michael 11:30am Morning Tea followed closely Tuesday 19th by shared lunch before the meeting 10:30am Church House Prayer Meeting 12:30pm Special Church Meeting

Thought for the Week I am often, I believe, praying for others when I should be doing things for them. Its so much easier to pray for a bore than to go and see him ...
C. S. Lewis in Letters to Malcolm

Our Upcoming Highlights

Glenelg Aged Care Service: This Afternoon - 2:00pm Deacons Meeting at Drennans: Tomorrow - 7:30pm Special Called Meeting: Next Sunday 24th July - 12:30pm Silver Threads Craft Group: Tuesday week, 26th - 12:00pm Lighthouse - Depression Support Meeting: Tuesday 26th - 7:30pm Mission Team - NT Work Party: 12th - 22nd August


notices in the bulletin, please contact Wilma Crouch on 5523 3595 or email [email protected] by 10am Thursdays. Thank you.

Roster: 24th July 2011

Door Greeting: Door & Offering: Downstairs D&O: Childrens Talk: Media Desk: Mandy Malseed Glenn Sobey Paul Westlake Michelle Harris Ian, Camden, David M Morning Tea: K Lewis & J Morrison Offering Counting: R Dalliston & D Hobbs Lawns & Garden: Smith Ch. House Clean: R Dalliston Church Cleaning: Adams Hall/Kitchen Clean: Atwell

Thank you to everyone for your

faithful support. Items most needed include: canned vegetables; pasta; shampoo; conditioner; jam; tissues; soup; tea; coffee; sugar; toiletries; biscuits. Place donations in the foyer trolley or in the marked box on the piano downstairs .

Loaves & Fishes

Rev Michael Drennan 11 Webb Court Portland Ph: 5523 4893 M: 0408 568 887 [email protected]

Jim Blake 39 Patrick Street Portland Ph: 5523 2347 M: 0425 714 633 [email protected]

Our website: www.portlandbaptist.org.au

Thank You . . .
I love that our church has a very bighearted spirit. We participate in an assortment of projects (both locally and beyond) and support people and ministries in a variety of ways. One ministry that we support with our Good Friday offering is Crossover Australia. This year we collected $761.65 in our offering. Earlier this week our church received a thank you note. I thought I would share it with you. Dear Portland Baptist Church, THANK YOU! On behalf of the Crossover team, thank you for the generous support of our 2011 Good Friday Offering. We were greatly encouraged to receive your gift, and value your partnership with us as we seek to inspire and equip Baptist churches and leaders in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. We are committed to doing all we can to see our movement marked by a passionate commitment to evangelism. Your generous support will help us pursue our vision in new and exciting ways in the year ahead. So, thanks again for your valued support. Please convey my grateful thanks to your church people for their faithful and sacrificial giving. Sincerely in Christ, Rev Stan Fetting Interim Director Crossover Australia As I was reading this note, reminding us of our gift that is being used to help others, I was prompted of another note of thanks that should be sent to our church this time it is from me. I want to say thank you to our fellowship for allowing me to serve as Chaplain at Bayview over these three and one-half years. By giving me the time to serve on this mission field, I feel that we have all contributed in sharing the Good News. In my tenure as Chaplain, God has provided opportunities to serve him through leading chapel services, teaching Faith and Values, and ministering during times of joy and sorrow. Being able to serve in this capacity comes very rarely, and I want to thank you for allowing me the honour to serve God in this way. For it was your gift of time that opened these doors. Blessings,

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Col. 4:2

Total June Offering: Monthly Budget: Weekly Target: Weekly Average Week Week Week Week 5th June 12th June 19th June 26th June $15,305 $16,250 $ 3,750 $ 3,826 $4,535 $2,329 $4,837 $3,604

Those with various health needs -

Margaret Wiltshire, Thelma Brown, Sheila Atwell, Matt Harris, Terese and Stuart Oakley, Gillian Karlberg, Jo Moyle, Joy Simpson and others. Many with chest/cold/flu infections currently. Handley Family - moving this week to Melbourne. Concluding Holidays - pray for students and staff as they start Term 3 Pastoral Search Committee - meeting this week Diaconate - meeting this week St. John's and Bayview - official opening of their buildings this week. Pastor Shane and Glenda - at SouthWest Community Church Those suffering from Drought in the Horn of Africa - an extreme situation

(avg. from 1st January 2011)

Direct Debit Payments for offerings and donations can be made electronically. Details are as follows: Acc Name: Portland Baptist Church Direct Offering BSB 704 922 Account No. 100 006 869

Building Fund
June Donations: $2,675 B/F available balance: $87,529

Michael & Christy

Monday Kelly A. - Kazakhstan Tuesday Aaron Mibus - Texas Wednesday Our friends at Croydon Hills Baptist Thursday Pastor Alexei & the Bethany Fellowship at Obninsk, Russia Friday Rod & Cindy McGarvie & family Wycliffe Bible Translators Saturday Norm & Karen Roberts - Global Interaction, Northern Territory Sunday Paul & Heather Rayside - Vietnam

Total Building Fund raised to end of June: $520,515

All gifts to the building fund are fully tax deductible. Please take the information sheets (blue & yellow) and envelopes are available in the porch. You can deposit straight into the building fund via internet banking using the following information: Acc Name: Portland Baptist Church Direct Building Fund BSB 704 922 Account No 100 007 044

Lets press on in faith!

An Invitation ...
All Saints Seminar at Bayview
Father John McKinnon and Sister Veronica Quinn will be in Portland for the weekend of 30th and 31st July for a 2 day seminar open to everyone. Topics to be covered include the setting up of the early Church as related in the Acts of the Apostles and the letters of St. Paul and how this relates to our mission today. It will seek to help us to be alert to and to reflect on our responses and opportunities. The process will involve presentations, group discussion, and personal reflection. This weekend will end with the celebration of the Eucharist together. Please reply to Diane Kierce by 20 July on 0427946053 for catering purposes. Cost: Free but a donation would be much appreciated. Time: 10 am - 4 pm , 30 July and 31 July. Place: Bayview College

Special Called Meeting Next Sunday - 12:30pm

There will be a special called meeting next Sunday 24th July at 12:30 to discuss the opportunities and challenges facing our congregation during our transition period. Please bring a finger food lunch to share before the meeting. Thank you to the members of the M i s s i o n Support Group for providing a wonderful evening of Tea and Trivia last night! We appreciate your efforts to help our team get to the Northern Territory.

Phone Number Changes

John and Judith's new phone number is 5529 2238. The Portland Baptist number is now connected to a message bank which will be checked frequently. Call Michael directly for any pastoral issues (5523 4893).

Today - Glenelg Aged Care Centre Service: 2:00pm Deacons Meeting: Tomorrow at Drennans Home - 7:30pm Special Called Meeting plus shared Lunch: Next Sunday 24th July - 12:30pm Silver Threads Craft Group: Tuesday 26th - 12:00pm Lighthouse - Depression Support Group Meeting: at Portland Arts Centre on Tuesday 26th - 7:30pm Mission Team - Work Party to the Northern Territory: August 12th - 22nd

Abundant Life Books

Target Centre

Glenelg Aged Care Centre

Monthly Service Today
This afternoon our Glenelg Aged Care Service starts at 2:00pm and everyone is welcome to join our dedicated friends who present the service and share great fellowship with the residents.

FUEL Youth
Plans for Term 3 are now under construction. Will be completed soon!

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10% discount on anything in store!

Outreach to the Outback!

Thank you to everyone who has donated goods for Norm and Karens Mission Op Shops! Deadline for donations will be next Sunday July 24th. Please see Wilma for queries pho ne 5523 3595 or email [email protected] Thanks!

Our weekly Prayer Group meets every Tuesday at the Church House from 10.30-11.30am. Everyone is encouraged to join in this vital ministry - you will find a very warm welcome there!

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