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https://doi.org/10.1007/s11046-020-00462-9 (0123456789().,-volV)
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Fungal Co-infections Associated with Global COVID-19

Pandemic: A Clinical and Diagnostic Perspective
from China
Ge Song . Guanzhao Liang . Weida Liu

Received: 23 April 2020 / Accepted: 25 May 2020

Ó Springer Nature B.V. 2020

Abstract Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), assess the risk factors, the types of invasive mycosis,
caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coron- the strengths and limitations of diagnostic methods,
avirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has been sweeping across the clinical settings, and the need for standard or individ-
globe. Based on a retrospective analysis of SARS and ualized treatment in COVID-19 patients. We provide a
influenza data from China and worldwide, we surmise clinical flow diagram to assist the clinicians and
that the fungal co-infections associated with global laboratory experts in the management of aspergillosis,
COVID-19 might be missed or misdiagnosed. candidiasis, mucormycosis, or cryptococcosis as co-
Although there are few publications, COVID-19 morbidities in COVID-19 patients.
patients, especially severely ill or immunocompro-
mised, have a higher probability of suffering from Keywords COVID-19  SARS-CoV-2  Fungal co-
invasive mycoses. Aspergillus and Candida infections infection  Aspergillosis  Candidiasis
in COVID-19 patients will require early detection by a
comprehensive diagnostic intervention (histopathol-
ogy, direct microscopic examination, culture, (1,3)-b-
D-glucan, galactomannan, and PCR-based assays) to The Global Popularity of COVID-19
ensure effective treatments. We suggest it is prudent to and the Possibility of Fungal Co-infections

As the human-to-human transmitted disease, coron-

Handling editor: Vishnu Chaturvedi. avirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by severe
acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-
Ge Song and Guanzhao Liang have contributed equally to this
CoV-2), has been an emergency global public health
events [1, 2]. Till May 18th, 2020, the COVID-19 has
G. Song  G. Liang  W. Liu (&) rapidly spread to 212 countries and caused nearly 5
Department of Medical Mycology, Institute of million laboratory-confirmed cases and more than
Dermatology, Chinese Academy of Medical Science and
310,000 deaths globally. Like SARS-CoV and Middle
Peking Union Medical College & Jiangsu Key Laboratory
of Molecular Biology for Skin Diseases and STIs, East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-
Nanjing 210042, China CoV), SARS-CoV-2 is responsible for lower respira-
e-mail: [email protected] tory infection and can cause Acute Respiratory
Distress Syndromes (ARDS) [3]. Besides, the diffuse
W. Liu
Center for Global Health, School of Public Health, alveolar damage with severe inflammatory exudation,
Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 211166, China COVID-19 patients always have immunosuppression


with a decrease in CD4 ? T and CD8 ? T cells [4]. fungal co-infection [11]. Another study mentioned
Critically ill patients, especially the patients who were there was no patient treated with antifungal medicine
admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) and required in 149 cases [4]. A German study found COVID-19
mechanical ventilation, or had a longer duration of associated invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) was
hospital stays, even as long as 50 days, were more found in five (26.3%) of 19 consecutive critically ill
likely to develop fungal co-infections [5]. Hence, it is patients with moderate to severe ARDS [12]. In
important to notice that COVID-19 patients can Netherlands, there were six patients (19.4%) presumed
develop further fungal infections during the middle IPA in 31 ICU patients, of which five were identified
and latter stages of this disease, especially severely ill A. fumigatus [13]. Besides, among the 5 first well-
ones [6]. described French COVID-19 patients, an old severely
ill man was co-infected with A. flavus by tracheal
aspirates culture [14].
Epidemiology of Fungal Co-infections in COVID-
19 Patients
Neglected Fungal Co-infection in COVID-19
To analyze the incidence of fungal co-infections in Patients by Suggestive Ideas from SARS
COVID-19 patients, we searched PubMed, Scopus, and Influenza
Embase, and Web of Science, using the keywords
‘‘fungi’’ OR ‘‘fungus’’ OR ‘‘fungal infection’’ OR Studies have shown that SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-
‘‘invasive fungal diseases’’ OR ‘‘secondary infection’’ 2 belong to the same species and have the similar
AND ‘‘COVID-19’’ OR ‘‘SARS-CoV-2’’ OR ‘‘2019- prevalence, biological and clinical characteristics
nCoV’’ OR ‘‘2019 novel coronavirus’’ without date [15]. Looking back on SARS in 2003, we found the
(up to May 18, 2020) and language restrictions. We incidence of fungal infection in SARS patients was
also searched CNKI and Wanfang Data using the same 14.8–27%, which was even higher in severely ill ones,
terms in Chinese, with no time restrictions. The title, up to 21.9–33% [16, 17], meanwhile, fungal infection
abstract, and full text of related articles determined was the main cause of death for SARS patients,
according to these search criteria were carefully accounting for 25–73.7% in all causes of death [18].
reviewed by the authors. Unfortunately, we have Besides, in the past decade, increasing reports of
found very few articles reporting on fungal co- severe influenza pneumonia resulting in ARDS com-
infections, not only that, some studies have not plicated by fungal infection were published [19]. One
provided the details of the pathogens. Even so, we research found IPA was diagnosed in 83 (19%) of 432
found COVID-19 patients, especially severely ill ones patients admitted with influenza, which was higher in
or accompanied with immunocompromised state, had immunocompromised patients (32%), and in the event
co-infections of fungi [7]. In China, Chen et al. of IPA, the mortality will increase from 28 to 51%
performed fungal culture on all 99 COVID-19 patients [20]. However, as for fungal co-infection in COVID-
at admission and found five (5%, 5/99) cases of fungal 19 patients, only few studies have reported it, which
infection, including one case of Aspergillus flavus, one may have been neglected. Clinically, many COVID-
case of Candida glabrata and three cases of C. 19 patients did not undergo sputum fungal assessment
albicans [8]. Yang et al. found there (3/52, 5.8%) at the beginning, moreover, it is difficult to detect
patients had fungal co-infection in 52 critically ill fungus with a single sputum fungal culture [11]. With
patients, including A. flavus, A. fumigatus and C. the disease aggravating, it is easy to attribute the
albicans [5]. Other China studies have found a higher severe respiratory symptoms to COVID-19, at the
percentage of secondary infections (8–15%) in most considering of the co-infection with bacterium or
COVID-19 patients, but it is not clear whether it is even mycoplasma [21] which usually leads to the in-
bacterial or fungal infection [9, 10]. In addition, one time use of antibiotics, while the diagnosis of fungal
study mentioned that 2.8% (31/1099) patients were infection is always delayed or neglected. Based on the
treated with antifungal medicine, including 1.9% (18/ experience of SARS in 2003 and the cases of invasive
926) non-severe patients and 7.5% (13/173) severe aspergillosis combined with severe influenza, it is
patients, but there was no etiological evidence of


critically important to pay attention to the probability (COPD), allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell trans-
of COVID-19 accompanied by fungal infections. plant (allo-HSCT) [26], solid organ transplant (SOT)
[27], inherited immunodeficiencies, hemopoietic
malignancy (HM), cystic fibrosis (CF) [28], etc. The
Clinical and Diagnostic Perspective of COVID-19 diagnosis of IA requires a microbiologic and/or
Associated with Fungal Co-infections histopathologic evidence, although specimen acquisi-
tion is challenging in many patients because lung
As the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, more and more biopsy might be contraindicated in patients with
experts are aware of fungal co-infections. The French coagulation disorders or severe respiratory failure
High Council for Public Health recommended to [13]. Histopathologic examination mainly rely on
systematically screen for fungal pathogens in COVID- finding special fungal stains on lung fluid or tissue
19 patients [6]. Lanjuan Li academician and her when a fungal infection is suspected and may reveal
colleagues who have accumulated experience with the characteristic acute angle branching septate
severe COVID-19 treatment, reminded clinicians hyphae of Aspergillus spp., and Grocott-Gomori’s
should focus on patients’ fungal infections, especially methenamine-silver stain (GMS) and periodic acid-
severely ill or immunocompromised ones [22]. At the Schiff (PAS) stains of fixed tissue will helpful, while it
early phase of the disease or with extrapulmonary is difficult to distinguish Aspergillus spp. from other
fungal infections, it may present with atypical chest filamentous fungi such as Fusarium spp. and Sce-
imaging. Hence, it is necessary for severely ill patients dosporium spp. [29]. Therefore, it is necessary to have
to receive fungal pathogens surveillance, including a definitive confirmation by culture or nonculture
(i) etiological examination: direct microscopy and technique, including (i) direct microscopic examina-
culture; (ii) histopathology; (iii) serology: antigen and tion with the optical brightener methods, Calcofluor or
antibody, (1,3)-b-D-glucan (BDG) [23] and galac- Blankophor, which may increase the sensitivity and
tomannan (GM) detection by serum are also need to be specificity for detecting Aspergillus-like features; (ii)
tested for suspicious patients, while bronchoalveolar culture on fungal-specific media at 37 °C for
lavage fluid (BALF) and tracheal aspirate (TA) 2–5 days, if positive, morphological features of
sampling for culture and biomarker testing should be Aspergillus can be identified under the microscope
performed under well-protected conditions due to the or the DNA sequencing may be used in reference
risk of aerosol spreading and health care worker laboratories to identify the species accurately, but
infections [24]; (iv) PCR-based methods: Real-time usually culture yield is low and a negative result does
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques and not exclude the diagnosis of IA; (iii) molecular assays
molecular identification can be performed to identify targeting ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences can also
pathogens if necessary [25]. After identifying the be used for detection of Aspergillus in tissues or
pathogen, the antifungal susceptibility testing (AST) BALF, especially PCR-based assays can be used to
can be performed to select sensitive antifungal drugs. detect Aspergillus spp. and CYP51A resistance muta-
If the AST cannot be carried out, it should be treated tions in A. fumigatus, although these methods have not
empirically. The main fungal pathogens for fungal co- been standardized or limited by laboratory conditions
infections in severe COVID-19 patients are Aspergil- or proven commercial reagents in some countries [30];
lus and Candida. Other infrequent opportunistic (iv) serum and BALF GM testing are also recom-
pathogenic fungus caused lung infections also need mended as an early and accurate marker using less
to be considered, such as Mucor and Cryptococcus. invasive techniques for the diagnosis, especially in
neutropenic patients, with advantages of less injury
Invasive Aspergillosis (IA) and time-efficient, though sometimes this test in blood
samples are less sensitive than cultures of respiratory
Aspergillus species could be an important cause of samples [25].
life-threatening infection in COVID-19 patients, espe- The treatment recommendations can be supported
cially in those with high risk factors. The potential risk by the 2016 Update guideline by the Infectious
factors for the patients include GC use, prolonged Diseases Society of America that the prophylaxis,
neutropenia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease therapeutic medication, combined, and alternative


medication of aspergillus infection have been given There are promising PCR tests, including multiplex-
more detailed guidance opinions [30]. Generally, PCR platforms, at the same time, it exists some
drugs recommended for the treatment and prophylaxis limitations for a lack of multicenter validation of assay
of IA include triazoles (itraconazole, voriconazole, performance, so there are no FDA-cleared PCR assays
posaconazole, esaconazole), Amphotericin B and its for Candida, but commercial and in-house tests are
liposomes and echinococcins (micafungin or car- widely available. Further, T2 magnetic resonance is
pofenjing). Most patients can choose triazole drugs also can be used by amplifying and detecting Candida
to treat IA, however, therapeutic drug monitoring DNA, but its feasibility in early diagnosis of can-
(TDM) is recommended and the interaction between didemia remains unclear. MALDI-TOF technology is
azoles and other drugs should be fully considered. available in more hospitals with the biggest advantage
of its promptness taking no more than 5 min to
Invasive Candidiasis (IC) identify a microorganism from isolated colonies, even
researchers have developed protocols to identify
For the severe COVID-19 patients who have more yeasts directly from positive blood culture bottles
opportunities to be treat with broad-spectrum antibac- within half an hour without performing a subculture
terial drugs, parenteral nutrition and invasive exam- [32]. Overall, not only it is necessary to fully realize
inations, or the patients accompanied with prolonged the benefits of combining culture and nonculture
neutropenia and other immune impairment factors, the methods, but also, clinicians must take the types of IC,
risk of infection with Candida species may signifi- the strengths and limitations of each assay and the
cantly increase [31]. Diagnosis of IC depends on context of the clinical setting into account to have a
culture methods including culture of blood or other judicious interpretation. Besides, susceptibility test is
samples collected under sterile conditions which are recommended for all blood-stream and other clinically
usually considered as gold standards for IC, and relevant Candida isolates, especially for C. glabrata
nonculture diagnostic tests including mannan and or C. parapsilosis.
antimannan IgG tests, C. albicans germ tube antibody The treatment recommendations can be supported
(CAGTA), BDG and PCR-based assays, which are by the 2016 Update guideline by the Infectious
now entering clinical practice as adjuncts to cultures Diseases Society of America that the therapeutic and
[32]. There are mainly two disadvantages about blood alternative medication of candidiasis infection have
culture, on the one hand, the blood culture time is long, been given more detailed guidance opinions [34].
because the average positive alarm time is 2–3 days Generally, patients who are suspected or confirmed
(range 1 to C 7 days), plus identification and suscep- with IC should be treated with echinocandin (caspo-
tibility test duration 4 to 6 days, on the other hand, it is fungin, micafungin, and anidulafungin), azoles (flu-
not sensitive than PCR with much lower detection conazole, voriconazole, itraconazole), and
limit when Candida concentration is B 1 CFU/mL Amphotericin B and its liposomes, what’s more,
and easy to have failure to detect in extremely low TDM for azoles should be used to optimize efficacy
concentrations of candidiasis, intermittent candidiasis and limit toxicity.
or deep Candida infection has not entered the blood.
Hence, several nonculture diagnostic tests are recom- Invasive Mucormycosis
mended, but also there is widespread uncertainty about
their utility in clinical practice [31]. BDG is a major COVID-19 patients with trauma, diabetes mellitus,
cell wall constituent of Candida and most pathogenic GC use, HM, prolonged neutropenia, allo-HSCT, SOT
fungi, excluding Cryptococcus species, Blastomyces are more likely to develop mucormycosis [35].
species, and Mucorales, which is widely used in Mucormycosis is usually suspected based on results
clinical and well recommended by detecting serum, of direct microscopy or plus fluorescent brighteners
but cannot distinguish between Candida and other from clinical specimens such as sputum, BALF, and
fungi [25]. Besides, mannan and antimannan IgG tests, skin lesions that Mucorales hyphae are non-septate or
CAGTA are employed at many European centers, and pauci-septatethe with a variable width of 6–16 lm. To
higher sensitivity and specificity by a combination confirm the diagnosis, non-pigmented hyphae show-
with mannan/antimannan assay are observed [33]. ing tissue invasion should be shown in tissue sections


stained with hematoxylin–eosin (HE), PAS, or GMS laboratory confirmation. The methods used to confirm
[36]. Culture of specimens is strongly recommended the infection are culture, direct microscopy,
for identification of genus and species, also AST. histopathology, serology, and molecular detection.
What’s more, it is suggested to be cultured at 30 °C To diagnose cryptococcosis, specimen from cere-
and 37 °C separately that typically cottony white or brospinal fluid (CSF) can be mixed with India ink and
grayish black colony usually will be found, afterward observed under a microscope that the distinctive
morphological identification of fungi or DNA structure for Cryptococcus spp. with narrow budding
sequencing based on bar code genes, such as 18S, encapsulated yeasts usually can be found. Samples for
ITS, 28 s, or rDNA. MALDI-TOF identification is just culture should be placed on Sabouraud dextrose agar
moderately supported because it depends mainly on at 30 °C for 7 days, in aerobic conditions, and
in-house databases, and many laboratories do not have observed daily. Moreover, cultures from patients
this capacity [37]. Further, it is promising to detect receiving systemic antifungal therapy might need
fungi DNA, in serum as well as in other body fluids, longer to grow. Cryptococcus appears as mucoid
even in paraffin-embedded tissue, however, because of creamy colonies. Capsular polysaccharides of Cryp-
lack of standardization supported it is only with tococcus can be detected and quantified from body
moderate strength. fluids such as serum, CSF, BAL, or pathological
The treatment recommendations can be supported tissue. Three formats of cryptococcal antigen (CrAg)
by the global guideline for the diagnosis and manage- detection tests are currently available: the latex
ment of mucormycosis in 2019 by European Confed- agglutination test (LAT), the enzyme-linked
eration of Medical Mycology (ECMM) and Mycoses immunoassay (EIA), and the lateral flow immunoas-
Study Group Education and Research Consortium that say (LFA). These methods are rapid, sensitive, and
the therapeutic and alternative medication of specific, but have not been standardized for respiratory
mucormycosis have been given more detailed guid- specimens such as BAL, pleural fluid, or sputum [32].
ance opinions [35]. Generally, it strongly supports an Molecular detection of Cryptococcus is required in
early complete surgical treatment for mucormycosis specific situations where other diagnostic tools have
whenever possible, in addition to systemic antifungal failed to confirm a diagnosis of cryptococcosis. These
treatment. In neutropenic patients, those with graft- molecular methods include pan-fungal PCR, DNA
versus-host disease or high risk factor, primary sequencing for identification, multiplex PCR, isother-
prophylaxis with posaconazole may be recommended. mal amplification method, and probe-based microar-
Amphotericin B lipid complex, liposomal Ampho- rays. Once a diagnosis cryptococcosis is made, a
tericin B and posaconazole oral suspension are treated lumbar puncture and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) exam-
as the first-line antifungal monotherapy, while isavu- ination (including antigen) are recommended in all
conazole is strongly supported as salvage treatment. patients [39]. Cryptococcus can disseminate into the
There are no convincing data to guide the use of central nervous system causing cryptococcal
antifungal combination therapy of polyenes and azoles meningitis.
or polyenes plus echinocandins. The treatment recommendations can be supported
by guidelines for the diagnosis, prevention, and
Invasive Cryptococcosis management of cryptococcal disease in HIV-infected
adults, adolescents, and children in 2018 by World
COVID-19 patients with human immunodeficiency Health Organization (from: https://www.who.int/hiv/
virus (HIV) infection accompanied by CD4 ? T- pub/guidelines/cryptococcal-disease/en/). Generally,
lymphocyte count \ 200 cells/lL, allo-HSCT, SOT, the following is recommended as the preferred regi-
or other immune impaired are susceptible to crypto- men: (i) Induction phase for amphotericin B deoxy-
coccosis which predominantly present as meningoen- cholate and ? flucytosine, followed by fluconazole;
cephalitis [38]. Given the complexities surrounding alternative options for fluconazole ? flucytosine or
the diagnosis of cryptococcosis and identification of amphotericin B deoxycholate ? fluconazole. (ii)
Cryptococcus species including C. neoformans and C. Consolidation phase for fluconazole. (iii) Maintenance
gattii species, the diagnosis of cryptococcosis is (or secondary prophylaxis) phase for fluconazole.
usually based on a combination of clinical and


Fig. 1 Diagnostic and therapeutic pathway for invasive fungal co-infection

Summary (histopathology, direct microscopic examination, cul-

ture, (1,3)-b-D-glucan, galactomannan, PCR-based
By analyzing retrospective analysis of SARS and assays, MALDI-TOF technology, etc.) and treatment
influenza data from China and worldwide, we surmise recommendations of invasive mycosis. We suggest it
that the fungal co-infections associated with global is prudent to assess the risk factors, the types of
COVID-19 might be missed or misdiagnosed. Further, invasive mycosis, the strengths and limitations of
as a life-threatening infectious disease, COVID-19 diagnostic methods, clinical settings, and the need for
patients showed overexpression of inflammatory standard or individualized treatment in COVID-19
cytokines, and impaired cell-mediated immune patients. Finally, provide a clinical flow diagram
response with decreased CD4 ? T and CD8 ? T cell (Fig. 1) to assist the clinicians and laboratory experts
counts, indicating its susceptibility to fungal co- in the management of aspergillosis, candidiasis,
infection. Moreover, COVID-19 patients accompa- mucormycosis, or cryptococcosis as comorbidities in
nied with immunocompromised state, such as pro- COVID-19 patients.
longed neutropenia, HSCT, GC use, SOT, inherited or
acquired immunodeficiencies, and tumor are more Funding This work was supported by The subitem of the
Important and Special Project of the Science and Technology
likely to develop fungal co-infection. Here, we
Ministry of China (No. 2018ZX10734404) and National
summarized updated diagnostic information Pathogen Resource Center.


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