A Comparative Study Between Samsung and

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS) [Vol-2, Issue-10, Oct- 2016]

Infogain Publication (Infogainpublication.com) ISSN : 2454-1311

A Comparative Study between Samsung and

Apple Smart Phones-Saudi Arabian Women
Student’s Preference
Dr. G.S.Vijaya, V. Vidyashree
College of Business Administration, Al Yamamah University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
College of Computer Information Systems, Al Yamamah University, Riyadh

Abstract— Today smart phones are in increasing demand questions pertaining to the subject apple vs. Samsung.
in the student community. In order to understand about The comparison was carried out by assembling the data
the brand preference between Samsung and Apple, a in the form of a table and graphically representing them
group of 200 female students from various Universities in through pie charts and bar graphs. But no statistical
Riyadh were selected in the age group of 18-25 years. tests were performed on the data. The collection of data
The research instruments used in Questionnaire were took a month’s time. The limitations of the study were
closed ended questions. The basis of analysis was on the involvement of only a certain section of people
brand loyalty, usage time, preferred features and brand belonging to a particular place. Not all ages and classes
preference. Based on the responses, it was understood of people were involved. There was no interference
that the brand preference between Apple and Samsung is from the males as well as people from places other than
equal. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The secondary data were
Keywords— Apple, Brand, Smartphones, Samsung, gathered through journals, articles, internet and other
University. published materials.


Smartphones can be termed as the basic pre-requisite of On one hand technology innovation is an opportunity, on
every young adult as it describes the kind of personality the other hand it is a danger as well to apple with
the person carries and is one’s standard of sophistication. increasing innovative competitors for instance Samsung.
Smartphones have replaced people to an extent. This (Simonsen, 2012). The growing technology gives
research is intended to analyze student’s preference innumerable opportunities to join the high-tech market
between Apple and Samsung brands of Smartphone. The thus curtailing the life of a product. Consumers use smart
principal objective of this research is to compare phones for everything from browsing the internet to doing
between the preference of Apple and Samsung business. Phones now come with utilities like flashlights,
Smartphone on the basis of their brand preference, usage tip calculators and a digital level. Smart phones are also
time, preferred features and brand loyalty through widely used for gaming. Graphics on these devices have
qualitative method. A good knowledge of students improved immensely in the last decade and are expected
brand preference in Smartphone would help in to get even better (Alexa LoMonaco, 2014).
understanding how brand shapes students buying Smartphones are becoming hand held computers and are
decision and preferences. The conclusions will apportion being for shopping, browsing sharing information and
with student preference between Apple and Samsung paying for products. According to Knap man (2012) a
Smartphone. user of Smartphone is strongly influenced by brand
during purchase. Aaker (1991, p. 270) proposed that
II. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY brand equity views comprising of brand awareness, brand
The type of research undertaken in this paper is loyalty, perceived quality, brand associations and brand
quantitative as questionnaires had been given to collect assets is reinforced by brand association, delivering good
the data. The questionnaires was handed out to 200 quality product, attracting loyal customer , creation of
female participants between the age group of 18 to 25. high brand awareness and celebrity endorsement.
All the respondents were undergraduate students from Perceived quality is just the complete assessment of a
various Universities in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The tool customer for a standard process of receiving customer
used in this study was questionnaire containing various services (Hellier, et al, 2003). In recent studies the deep

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS) [Vol-2, Issue-10, Oct- 2016]
Infogain Publication (Infogainpublication.com) ISSN : 2454-1311
correlation between perceived quality and customer advances have made a significant effect on smart phones.
satisfaction has been proved (Parasuraman, et al, 1994). Cell phones were used to take pictures make only phone
As per Keller (1998, p.54) brand loyalty is frequently calls, play and send messages. As per the online
attributed to a behavioral intellect through which a education portal, students of college who are in the age
number of repeated buying takes place and it compels the group of 18-29 year old use their phones for real-time
customer to keep buying with the same brand and cast data greater than other age group. Three-fourth of
off the advances of contenders. students use their phones during free time, 74% when
In accordance with Cush (2010) Samsung had numerous commuting and 52% even use it before they get out of
content customers in the United States and Samsung bed in the morning.
concluded 2009 as the top market share holder for
handsets, in addition no. 1 phone marketer in 2010 IV. FINDINGS
according to Strategic Analytics. Aaker (1991, p.48) 4.1 28% of the respondents feel that Games is the most
reports that a portion of brand loyalty is mirrored in the important feature of their smart phone.
willingness of the consumer to pay additional price to get 4.2 20% of the respondents feel that email is very
their chosen brand of smartphone. As presented by Aaker important feature for them.
(1991, p. 85),The comprehended value apportions with 4.3 20% of the respondents are attracted towards the
the consumer’s point of view of the overall quality and reading feature in their smart phone.
dominance of a service or product with respect to its 4.4 2.5% of the respondents feel the need to use
anticipated purpose relative to the alternative. The cause smartphone for research purpose.
for very great perceived quality of Apple in comparison 4.5 50% of the respondents feel Apple as the best brand
to Samsung could be accredited to Apple’s diversity of while the other 50% prefer Samsung.
products. Apple is well known for its ground breaking 4.6 50% own an Apple smartphone while the other 50%
designs, providing the customers with a justification to own Samsung.
buy their products. 4.7 95% of the interviewed respondents feel that their
User friendliness can be defined as the extent to which an smartphone is easy to operate without prior instructions.
individual that trusts using a product or service would be 4.8 Maximum number of interviewed respondents use
uninhibited of effort. .Ease of use is a classical concept in their smartphone for 4 to 6 hours every day whereas only
information system. (Davis 1989; Sanders and Manrodt, 15% of the respondents use their smartphones for less
2003; Venkatesh, 2000). A vital form of empirical study than 2 hours.
in information systems has gathered proof for the 4.9 Camera quality, operating system, battery backup and
presence of an influence of user friendliness on memory are the most sought out features in a smart
preliminary user reception and continued usage of them. phone.
(Venkatesh, 2000). 4.10 70% of the respondents strongly agree that “Apple is
Brand is a structure and it deals with the physical a strong brand”.
viewpoint. It is an amalgamation of the most important 4.11 40% of the respondents strongly agree that
aims and features which come to mind when brands are “Samsung is a strong brand”.
mentioned. It symbolizes the strength and its evident 4.12 55% of the respondents strongly agreed that they
added value. The physical viewpoint of a brand is the would choose their current smart phone brand even if the
most important thing that defines a brand and also other brands had the same functionality.
consists of brand´s model. Kapferer (2004, p.108) Brand 4.13 60% of the respondents strongly agreed that the
is a tradition and in a way it has its own different culture quality of their smart phone was good and another 35% of
which one can derive from the products. A product them agreed that the quality of their smart phone was
symbolizes not only the tradition but also the way of good.
interaction. Brand puts across the culture and is driven by 4.14 65% of the respondents strongly agreed and 25% of
the sense that they express the culture of the place they the respondents agreed that their smart phone brand was
start from. One important role that culture plays is that it more than just a product for them.
links brand to the organization and plays vital role in
distinguishing brand. Kapferer (2004, p.108).The smart V. DISCUSSION
phone company has transfigured into the topmost industry 5.1 Brand preference: The total number of respondents
and has become one of the most competitive market. The were 200. As shown in chart No. 5.1 and Table No.5.1,
clash within the smartphone industry is growing with 50% of the respondents are having Apple smartphone and
fresh handsets being presented and the extent of remaining 50% are having Samsung smartphone. Their
pioneering technology dissolving hurdles. Technical brand preference is 50% each as the popularity of the

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering,
Engineeri Management and Science (IJAEMS) [Vol-2, Issue-10, Oct- 2016]
Infogain Publication (Infogainpublication.com
cation.com) ISSN : 2454-1311
Samsung is slowly increasing and match atching up to the the familiarity of the stu student with the smartphone
standards of Apple. The reason mightt bbe that for one demonstrating the user friendly nature of their
model of apple smartphone there are var arious models of smartphones in turn increaseasing the ease of use. Here
Samsung smart phones launched which ich vary in cost, convenient sampling is usedsed with much care to ensure
feature and size. On one hand Samsungg is i cheaper than that the sample represents the entire area of study.
apple while on the other hand apple provides
pro the best
quality. Owing to its quality the pr prices of apple
smartphones are quite high. Thus the relat
lative standing of
both the brands is very strong in the marke
rket. These results
have deviation from the hypothesis me mentioned in the
study which stated that Apple will be thee preferred brand
by the majority of respondents. This res result empirically
shows the increase in brand value ue of Samsung
smartphones. According to this age group gr it can be
understood that they care more for brandnd rather than the
cost as the response was clearly rangingng between apple
and Samsung. But some deviations also suggest
su the onset
Chart No.5.2
.2 Usage time
of price awareness which has potentiallyally increased the
ratings of Samsung. Table.5.2:
2: Usage time
Usage time
less than 2 hours 15%

2 to 4 hours 20%

4 to 6 hours 40%

more than 6 hours 25%

Chart No.5.1 Total 100%

Table .5.1: Brand Preferen

5.3 Preferred Feature
Apple Samsung As shown in Chart No.5.3 an and Table No.5.3, the preferred
features of the respondents nts differ according to their
50% 50% requirement and interest.18.3
8.33% of the respondents give
5.2 Usage time and Preferred features maximum importance to th the battery backup and the
As shown in Chart No.5.2 and tabulatedd in i Table No5.2, quality of battery. 18.33% of the respondents consider
Usage time varies from person to personn ddepending upon camera quality should be go good. 15% of the youngsters
their requirements. Maximum number er of interviewed will feel that apps are very im
important in a mobile. 13.33%
respondents use their smartphone for 4 to 6 hours. As all of the respondents are of the
he opinion that memory is very
the respondents are between the age grouup of 18-25 and important and that decidess aabout their satisfaction level.
belong to the student community, the usa sage time is seen 11.67% of the respondent ents will examine about the
to be quite long. In this duration, they useu it for varied operating system. Resolution
tion, satellite navigation are not
purposes. Some respondents use it for more
mo than 6 hours given much prominence, wh whereas video is preferred by
also. This shows the intensity of addictioction towards the 6.67% and music is preferredred by 3.33% of the respondent
phone which has become a basic nec ecessity of their group.
everyday life and encompasses all their req
requirements. The
data tabulated in table no 5.3 showss that the most
preferred feature is battery backup. This his point in turn
supports their extended usage. Interac ractive apps and
memory space is the next most preferr erred feature the
respondents look for while buying a sm smartphone. This
result demonstrates the brand awarenes ness and feature
specification of this particular age group.. This
T also shows

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS) [Vol-2, Issue-10, Oct- 2016]
Infogain Publication (Infogainpublication.com) ISSN : 2454-1311
Chart No.5.3: Preferred Feature
Table.5.3: Preferred Feature Table.5.4: Switch to another brand
Features % Switch to another
apps 15.00% brand
camera 18.33% 30
Strongly disagree
video 6.67% 50
music player 3.33% Disagree
touch screen 10.00% Neutral
satellite navigation 1.67% 20
intelligent maps 0.00%
memory 13.33% Strongly agree
battery 18.33%
resolution 1.67% VI. CONCLUSION
Today mobile phone constitute a major proportion of the
operating system 11.67%
share market in the globe. As we all know Apple and
others 0.00%
Samsung are the leading players in the market. In this
100% study it has been found out that the factors influencing in
deciding brand more is the battery backup and the camera
5.4 Brand loyalty among females in the age of 18 to 25 years. There are so
With 140 out of 200 respondents, calling Apple as a many mobile brands available in the market. Among the
strong brand and 80 out of 200 calling Samsung as a available brands, a study has been done in order to
strong brand, respondents would not like to switch to understand the brand preference between Apple and
other brands while buying a new smart phones which is Samsung. The basic reason for selecting this topic is
evident from chart No.5.4 and Table No.5.4. Majority of because youngsters give more prominence to technology.
respondents strongly disagreed, disagreed and were It can be concluded that the brand, usage time, features
neutral that they would switch to another brand of and brand loyalty plays a vital role in influencing
smartphone when they would be buying a new one. This student’s preference between Apple and Samsung smart
statement shows the brand loyalty as the respondents phone. The main purpose of this research is to compare
would prefer their current smartphone brand even with women student’s preference between Apple and
the other brand having the same feature and functionality. Samsung. Female Students selected brand preference
Brand loyalty is a term often used to describe the repeated between Apple and Samsung phone according to their
buying behavior of a person towards certain brand. This requirement and satisfaction. The respondents are
kind of brand loyalty shows the effect of a certain brand having equal brand loyalty towards both Samsung and
on the mind of youngsters. Another important factor to Apple.
the escalation of commitment to the brand may be the Communication industry has grown worldwide today as
satisfaction level since the two brands in discussion do the entire world has become a global village. It was
not leave any stone unturned to ensure the customer understood that the respondent community is satisfied
contentment in addition to a longtime relationship. Due to with both the brand preferences. The research results
this the student feels that the smartphone one uses is a indicate that the respondent group prefers both Apple and
reflection of one’s personality. Samsung.

Authors acknowledge all the authors whose articles are
cited in this paper. Authors also acknowledge the
university to which they belong and are grateful to their
family members.

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Infogain Publication (Infogainpublication.com) ISSN : 2454-1311
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