Weathering Erosion Deposition - Worksheet
Weathering Erosion Deposition - Worksheet
Weathering Erosion Deposition - Worksheet
What are some of the things that affect the way water flows in a stream?
how the sand moved in the steeper stream versus the lesser slope?
Tell how the sand moved with the smaller bottle of water versus the larger bottle of water.
Tell how the sand moved with a fast pulse versus a regular pour of water.
Ice wedging Wind blowing sand from place to Layers of sediment forming at the
place bottom of the ocean
Glaciers scraping rock amongst the Rain washing away sand from a sand Sand dunes forming at the desert
Earth’s surface dune
Wind blatsting sand at rocks and carving Gravity causing a landslide to take Deltas developing at the mouth of a
out arches everything in its path river
Weathering, Erosion,
and Deposition
Directions: Cut each square below and sort them as
Weathering, Erosion, or Deposition. Now, paste each of
the squares according to where they belong.