Specification For Bonding Fresh Concrete To Hardened Concrete With A Multi-Component Epoxy Adhesive
Specification For Bonding Fresh Concrete To Hardened Concrete With A Multi-Component Epoxy Adhesive
Specification For Bonding Fresh Concrete To Hardened Concrete With A Multi-Component Epoxy Adhesive
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The official version of this ACI document uses inch-pound units. PART 2—PRODUCTS, p. 3
A conversion of an ACI document into SI units is for the conve- 2.1—Materials, p. 3
nience of users. Care has been taken to ensure that the conversion
is correct; however, ACI does not guarantee its accuracy. Official PART 3—EXECUTION, p. 3
interpretation of this ACI document shall be based only on the U.S.
3.1—Preparation, p. 3
customary units.
3.2—Inspection, p. 3
This specification describes the work of bonding fresh concrete to 3.3—Adhesive mixtures, p. 3
hardened concrete with a multi-component epoxy adhesive, such 3.4—Adhesive application and concrete placement, p. 3
as defined for this purpose in ASTM C881/C881M. Included are 3.5—Cleanup, p. 3
controls for adhesive labeling, storage, handling, surface evalu- 3.6—Safety, p. 3
ation and preparation, mixing and application, inspection, safety, 3.7—Field quality performance requirements, p. 3
quality control, and testing.
(nonmandatory portion follows)
Keywords: adhesive; bond; construction; epoxy resins; fresh concretes;
quality control; repair; safety; surface.
General notes, p. 4
(mandatory portion follows)
1.1—Scope, p. 2
1.2—Interpretation, p. 2
1.3—Definitions, p. 2 ACI 548.13M-14 became effective September 5, 2014, and was adopted and
1.4—Referenced standards, p. 2 published November 2014.
Copyright © 2014, American Concrete Institute
1.5—Submittals, p. 2 All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by any
1.6—Product delivery, storage, and handling, p. 2 means, including the making of copies by any photo process, or by electronic or
1.7—Project conditions, p. 3 mechanical device, printed, written, or oral, or recording for sound or visual reproduc-
tion or for use in any knowledge or retrieval system or device, unless permission in
writing is obtained from the copyright proprietors.
1.6.2 Labeling—Only use materials that are marked with fied, for ASTM C881/C881M Classes A and B multi-compo-
the following information: nent epoxy adhesive to permit wetting of concrete surface
a) Name of manufacturer by adhesive. Surface temperature shall be at least 16°C
b) Manufacturer’s product identification for ASTM C881/C881M Class C multi-component epoxy
c) Manufacturer’s instructions for mixing adhesives.
d) Warning for handling and toxicity 3.2.5 All concrete surfaces shall not exceed saturated
e) Expiration date and lot number surface-dry conditions at the time of installation, unless
1.6.3 Storage of materials—Store materials at tempera- otherwise specified.
tures between 4 and 38°C, unless otherwise recommended
by manufacturer. 3.3—Adhesive mixtures
1.6.4 Handling of materials—Handle materials to avoid 3.3.1 Mix epoxy components in a clean container.
breaking container seals and in accordance with the MSDS 3.3.2 Condition epoxy compound components to be at a
and manufacturer’s recommendations. temperature between 16 and 38°C, unless otherwise recom-
mended by manufacturer.
1.7—Project conditions 3.3.3 Blend epoxy components with a mechanical mixer
1.7.1 Environmental requirements—Comply with manu- in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
facturer’s recommendations and specified project conditions
regarding environmental conditions under which the adhe- 3.4—Adhesive application and concrete placement
sive shall be applied, unless otherwise specified. 3.4.1 Do not apply adhesive if ambient temperature and
hardened concrete temperature are not within the adhesive
PART 2—PRODUCTS manufacturer’s allowable range. Placement of fresh concrete
shall conform to ambient temperature requirements of the
2.1—Materials Contract Documents.
2.1.1 Multi-component epoxy adhesive—ASTM C881/ 3.4.2 Apply adhesive to concrete surface by brush, roller,
C881M Type II for non-load-bearing or Type V for load- broom, squeegee, or spray equipment. Apply adhesive at a
bearing applications, unless otherwise specified. Curing thickness not less than that recommended by manufacturer.
temperature requirements (class) and viscosity (grade) shall 3.4.3 Place fresh concrete while adhesive is still tacky. If
be determined by supplier and Contractor based on specified the adhesive cures to the extent of losing its tack before fresh
project conditions. concrete is placed, remove or abrade first coat and apply a
2.1.2 Fresh concrete—As required in Contract Documents. second coat.
3.4.4 Consolidate freshly placed fresh concrete in accor-
PART 3—EXECUTION dance with Contract Documents.
3.4.5 Upon completion of finishing operations, cure
3.1—Preparation concrete in accordance with procedures in Contract
3.1.1 Preparation of concrete surfaces Documents. Mechanical abrasion—Concrete surfaces to which
adhesives are to be applied shall be newly prepared concrete 3.5—Cleanup
free of loose and unsound materials. Prepare surfaces 3.5.1 Protect concrete surfaces beyond limits of surface
according to one of the following, unless otherwise speci- receiving adhesive against spillage.
fied: shotblasting, sandblasting, scarifying, or waterblasting. 3.5.2 Remove any adhesive applied or spilled beyond
desired areas. Perform cleanup with material designated by
3.2—Inspection adhesive manufacturer. Avoid contamination of work area.
3.2.1 Inspect concrete surfaces prior to application of 3.5.3 Unused materials shall be disposed in accordance
adhesive. with manufacturer’s recommendations and applicable
3.2.2 Unless otherwise specified, concrete surfaces shall regulations.
have an average pulloff strength of at least 1.7 MPa based on
three tests at each location when tested in accordance with 3.6—Safety
ASTM C1583/C1583M. Unless otherwise specified, test 3.6.1 Advise applicators to avoid contacting adhesive with
locations shall represent no greater than 45 m2 of prepared eyes and skin, inhalation of vapors, and ingestion. Make
surface. protective and safety equipment available on site. Refer to
3.2.3 Surfaces shall be free of deleterious materials, MSDS and heed label warnings by manufacturer.
including laitance, curing compounds, dust, dirt, oil, and
other material that may prevent bonding. Materials resulting 3.7—Field quality performance requirements
from surface preparation shall be removed. Any limitations 3.7.1 Architect/Engineer will evaluate bonding of fresh
on the removal of preparation materials shall be as specified concrete to existing concrete after the fresh concrete has
in Contract Documents. cured for at least 28 days.
3.2.4 At the time of installation, surface temperature of
the concrete shall be at least 4°C, unless otherwise speci-
Performance of epoxy systems may be affected by temperature, humidity, and surface water. Strict adherence to the manufac-
turer’s recommendations should be maintained. Where other unusual conditions are encountered, the material manufacturer
should be consulted before application.
2.1.1 Specify Class and Grade of epoxy. Specify additional performance requirements, acceptable suppliers, or both. Specify which ICRI 310.2 chip face is acceptable. Specify methods for preparing surfaces such as in accordance with ASTM
D4258 and ASTM D4259.
3.2.2 Specify average strength, test locations, and number of tests for evaluating the concrete in accordance with ASTM C1583/
If the test results are not in failure of the concrete but in cohesion of the epoxy resin adhesive, or any failure in adhesion, the
test shall be repeated. Repeated failures in adhesion, or cohesion in the adhesive, indicate improper cleaning of the concrete,
incorrect adhesive, or faulty adhesive application techniques.
3.2.4 Some epoxy adhesives may be capable of wetting the concrete surface at temperatures below 4°C. The specification should
allow such use only if test data are available that conclusively demonstrates adequate bond at the actual concrete temperature
3.2.5 ASTM C881/C881M epoxy resin systems are considered moisture tolerant and will bond to saturated surface-dry concrete. If
the concrete surface exceeds saturated surface-dry conditions, or if the epoxy resin system used does not meet the require-
ments of ASTM C881/C881M, the epoxy resin system manufacturer should be consulted regarding suitability of system and
adequacy of application techniques.
3.7.4 Specify diameter of cores to be obtained, if necessary.
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