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Chapter 4 Transmission of X-rays through shielding materials ‘Twousefill documents that can be used by medical physivists todetermine the shielding and scatter properties of materials are Hospital Physicists Association (HPA) Report 41 (HPA, 1984) and the Radiological Protection Handbook (RSAC, 1971). Although both are now out of print, they contain valuable data if they can be located. However, many of the. transmission data in both sources are based on single-phase measurements. or were derived under narrow beam conditions and must therefore be treated with caution when used in a pragmatic situation. In 1983, Archer ef al developed an empirical model (see Equation 4.1) to describe the broad beam attenuation of X-rays through.a material, provided that the Parameters ap and y could be determined for the particular medium. (4.1) In the above equation, B is the broad beam transmission factor, x is the thickness of material and a, f and y are the fiting parameters. The equation can be inverted to enable the calculation of the amount of material required to provide the desired transmission, thus: 5 +(pJa) = ae TBia) | 42) If the parameters a, f and y are known, it is a trivial matter to incorporate them into a spreadsheet and derive either the transmission provided by a given thickness of a material or, conversely, the thickness of material that provides a given degree of transmission. When using the data, itis important that the physical form of the material is taken into aecount-—see, for example, the notes on brick and conerete ‘at the end of this chapter (see Sections 4.5.2 and 4.5.3). 4.1 Unattenuated primary radiation Work by Archer et al (1994), Rossi et al (1991), Sinpkin (1989) and Christensen and Sayeg (1979), among others, has resulted in a body of data for three-phase/and constant potential transmission through a variety of materials based on both measurement and theoretical modelling. Simpkin (1995) published a compendium of available data and Hsted the parameters a, and 7 for lead, concrete, steel, gypsum, glass and wood at SKV Ractaton Shisking for Disanoste Recokay "raptor Table 4.1 Selected coefficients to generate primary transmission curves (Equations 4.14.3). Curves at ‘mammography energies are for secondary radiation. The limiting HVL is the asymptotic HVL of a heavily, altenuated beam which is equal to In(2)/a Material Tube potential a(mm?) — B(mm") sy Limiting HVE 0) (nm) Lead 30 38.79 180 0.356 0.016 50 8.801 27.28 0.296 0.079 70 5.369 23.49 0.588 013 85 3.504 20.37 0.755 0.20 100 2.500 15.28 0.786 028 125 2219 7.923 0.539 031 ‘Aluminium? 30 0.563 1.459 0.342 = Concrete 30 0.3174 1.725 0371 22 50 0.0903 oar 0.232 77 70 0.0509 0.1696 0.385 14 85 0.0440 0.1348 0.494 6 100 0.0395 0.0844 0518 18 125 0.0350 oor 0.697 20 Steel 30 7.408 425 0.408 0.094 50 1.817 484 0.402 0.38 70 ons 3.80 0.538 10 85 0438 318 0.688 16 100 0.342 242 0.765 20 125 0213 1.68 0.822 33 Gypsum wallboard 30 01198 or13s7 0.373 58 50 0.0388 0.0873 ost 18 70 0.0230 o.o716 0.730 30 85 0.0175 0.0556 0.839 38 400 o.o147 0.0417 0.894 a7 125 0.09 0.0286 0.968 58 Plate glass 30 0.306 162 0.261 23 50 0.0972 0.178 0.491 7A 70 0.0579 0.136 ose7 12 85 0.0472 oma 0779 15 100 0.0428 0.095 0.978 16 125 0.0965 0.083 1.031 19 Brick 50 0.0820 0.181 0.563 18 70 0.0508 0.137 oms 14 90 0.0375 0.082 0.92 18 100 0.088 1.149 20 425 0.0287 0.087 1.346 2a" Wood 25 0.0228 0.0431 0.1937 30 30 / (O16 0.0387 0.285 32 35 / ots 0.043 0.1937 38 70 0.00855 0.000538 1.194 at Barium plaster 50 0.328 0.354 0.081 24 75 0.420 0.479 0.208, 16 100, 0.260 0.358 0.287 27 12 0.160 0513 0.632 43 15 oa72 0.108 0.475 40 “Note that the aluminium - have been derived by the working party and are reliable only up to 8mm. « Bolewe by wo 07 deme ay Mute Sth apt ty Plu Gln wo kd eyerer odd, cluraprlarty, Ve 010352,“Tension oF ays tvough hing maonots intervals. Tsalafoutas etal (1998; 2001) applied this procedure toa selection of additional building materials. Members of the working party did the same for barium*plaster using data supplied by the manufacturer, British Gypsum (Williams and Sutton, 2005). The ‘working party also used Monte Carlo simulations to evaluate the transmission of X-rays through brick under broad beam conditions. (The transmission of broad beam radiation through brick at 50, 70, 100 and 125KV was determined using Monte Carlo simulations. ‘The resulting data were fitted to Equation 4.1 using the Marquad!-Levenbérg non-linear least squares technique.) Table 4.1 gives fitting parameters for a selection of materials at representative constant potential energies. Further data can be accessed fromthe literature ot via http:/ Equation 4.1 has been used to predict transmission values for a selection of commonly used shielding materials at differing tube potentials using the available data. Table 4.2 shows the density assumed ‘for each material. Figures 4.1 and 4.2 show derived ‘transmission curves through lead and conerete, for radiation arising froin.a tungsten target at 50, 70, 100 and 125kV. Figure 4.3 shows transmission curves for barium plaster at 50, 75, 100 and 125K. Figure 4.4 shows transmission through wood, plate glass and gypsum wellboard for 30kV Mo/Mo radiation. Figure 4.5 plots thickness of material against transmission for lead, concrete, barium. plaster; plate glass, stee! and gypsum wallboard at {00KV. Such enrves ate instructive and can be generated at other potentials using the coefficients in Table 4.1. There is a correlation between the transmission provided by different materials at any accelerating potential. Tt is possible to fit polynomial equations to the data and thus relate the different materials required to provide the same.transmission. A typical example is given in Figure 4.6, which shows the equivalence between concrete and lead at 100KV. 4.2 Transmitted primary radiation ‘As outlined in Chapter I of this report, primary radiation is attenuated and hardened significantly following transmission through the patient, the detector and the structure of the detector housing—for example, the bucky assembly. Jt is not unreasonable and is.also conservative to treat this radiation as being of a constant HVL. At large values of x, the second f/a term in Equation 4.1 becomes increasingly insignificant. It is easy to use Equation 4.1 to show that, in this case: InB)=-a (43) Table 4.2 Density of materials, Sources include. ‘Simpkin (1969) and personal communications Materat Densiy ar) ead 71350 Concrete 7260 Stee! 7400 Gypsum wallboard 705 Plate glass 260 Brick 4650 Wood 550 inion Sho for Dienst Railay «1.0E-01: 1.0E-03 1.0E-04! Transmission 1.0E-05 1.0E-02' 1.0E-06:+ oO. 1,06+00 Transmission SER “e100 Kv nov —H70Kv ~* a0 0 1,0 2.0 3.0 40 5.0 Lead (mm) Figure 4.4 Transmission of primary radiation through lead, E25 oe rony —s0Kv seToRY 20K oO 100 200 300 400 Concrete (mm) Figure 4.2 Transmission of primary radiation through concrete Radiation Shiki or Dagrostic RacyTonsmisson of Xa th shining ates 1.0E+00 1.0E-01 5 2 1.0E-02 @ & E 1,0E-03 z 1.0E-04 Sw F “100 4.0E-05 aw 4.0E-06 0 20 40 60 80 Barium plaster (mm) Figure 43 Transmission of primaty radiation through basium plaster, 1.0E+00 1.0E-01 1.0E-02 1.0E-03 1.0E-04 Transmission 41.0E-05 1.0E-06 ; o 100 200 300 400 500 Thickness (mm) Figure 4.4 Transmission of primary radiation through plate glass wood and gypsum. ico} anode). adit Sheng fr Diagrets Recobogy a1.0E+03, 1.0E+02 .0E+01 + 1.0E+00 Thickness (mm) 1.0€-01 1 : Lt | TOEOS 1.0605 106-04 1.0609 106-02 106-01 1.0600 1.0E+01 Transmission Figure 4.5 Transmission of primary radiation at 100KV. 300.0 ‘4 Observed —=Cubie fit 250.0 200.0 Concrete (mm) aa 6 6 a 2 5 2 ° 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 40 5.0 Lead (mm) Figure 4.6 Equivalence between concrete and lead at 100kV. 2 Faction Shieing for Diagrostio RaotoyTanemisson oF xrays ancugh sheng maton Thus, asx increases, the transmission equation tends to a simple exponential with a constant equal to a. Consequently, one can treat the primary, attenuated radiation as having a limiting (or asymptotic) HVL of In(2V/a. The final column of Table 4.1 shows typical high-attenuation HVLs calculated in this manner. The validity of this approach can be seen by inspecting the transmission.curves (see Figures 4.1-4.4). These show that for transmission less than approximately 10° the form of the logarithmic plot is effectively linear. 4.3. Secondary radiation Secondary radiation comprises scatter and leakage, as outlined in Chapter 1. The Jeakage-componentis small, but because it is heavily filtered it is highly penetrating (see Section 2.2). Scatter is produced at a lower energy than primary radiation but, owing to filtration in the patient, itis emitted from the patient with dn effective energy that may be ‘greater or less than primary. The effective energy is'a functioti of angle of scatter, beam. size and position and patient cross-section. 4.3.4. Secondary radiation in radiography i Simpkin and Dixon (1998) have used Equation 4.1 above and applied it to the secondary radiation problem. They made the simplifying assumption that scattered radiation has the same attenuation as the primary beam, Values of a, and y have been derived for secondary radiation transmitted through various media at 90°and for afield size of 1000. cm? at a focus film distance of Im. The leakage technique factors assumed, and then modified to reflect the operating potential being considered, were SmA at SOkV for radiography below SOKV, and 3.3mA at 150KV for radiography above SOKV. The data of Simpkin and Dixon have been used to produce secondary transmission curves, Their data is for secondary radiation transmission at 90°. As has been demonstrated in Section 2.2.2, the combined efféct of the variation of scatter with angle and the inverse square law means the maximum scatter dose occurs at approximately 120°. However, Monte Carlo simulations carried out by the working party have shown that the effect of variation of HVL with angle means that for practical purposes the greatest transmission occurs at 90°. Thus the adoption of the Simpkin and Dixon factors adds an inherent conservatism, given that one is combining the maximum scatter dose with the maximum scatter transmission, even though this will not be the ase in practice, The resultant data show negligible differences in transmission for energies below 100 KV where the contribution from leakage radiation is negligible. The fitting factors at 100, 125 and 150kV for lead and concrete are shown in Table 4.3. The data are trom NCRP Report 147 (NCRP, 2004); only lead and conerete are included in the table because they are the only two materials likely to be used above 100KV. Also shown in the table are the limiting values of HVLs. These are virtually’ identical to the HVLs for the primary radiation because’ in both cases the values cdrrespond to heavily filtered radiation. It is recommended that these data are used fir secondary radiation at 100 KV or above, and that for lower energies the primary radiation data are sufficiently accurate. Raton Shitting for Disaneate Redooay *chaptoed Table 4.3 Selected coefficients to generate secondary transmission curves at 90° (see Equations 4.1 and 4.2), The limiting HVL is the asymptotic HVL for heavily attenuated beams and is equal to In(2)fa. For energies less than 100KY, the data for primary radiation (see 1) can be used rial {Tube potential (kV) @(mar’)B{mer’) y Limiting HVE (rnin) 100 2507 183801228 125 2238 «7890730031 150 1781 «8.480.568 0.39 Concrete’ 100 0.0395 0.084 = os19 18 125 0.0951 0.088 «0783-20 150, 0.0324 0078 456821 43.2. Secondary radiation from CT ‘The spectrum of scattered radiation that is produced as a result of CT scanning may be considerably harder than that observed in general radiography. However, there is very littie data available on the transmission characteristics of such radiation, Simpkin (1990) used Monte Carlo techniques to simulate CT scatter spectra and reported some transmission characteristics. These have been updated for inclusion in NCRP Report 147 (NCRP;2004), and are reproduced in Table 4.4. 4.4 Transmission of 511 keV photons from PET Attenuation ‘properties of the 511keV gamma ray are well documented. Madsen et al (2006) have fitted transmission data for lead, concrete and iron to Equation 4.1. The fitting ‘parameters dnd limiting HVL are shown in Table 4.5. Note that in Table 4,5 dimensions are pet centimetre. Figure 4.7 provides transmission plots of 511.keV photons through lead, concrete and iron, Table 4.4! Selected coeficients for the generation of secondary transmission curves from CT. installations Material | Tube potential (kV) a(n) Bim) y Limiting HVL (rom) Lead 720 2206 «573. osa7 0.81 140 2009-399 0342 0.35 Concrete} 120 oozes = 0rd2 0658181 140 oss ore 0819 at ‘Table 4.6 Fitting coefficients for broad beam transmission at 511 keV. Note that the coefficients are per centimetre in Material a(cm) Bic’) Limiting HVL (em) Lead 1543 04408 2.13605 Concrete. 0.1539 0.1161 2.0752 45 tron os7o4 0.3983 06326 12 a Redan Stes for logroste RacotoayWinaniison of xrays tough aieting aire Transmission Thickness (cm) : Figure 47 Broad beam transmission of §11keV photons through lead, concrete and iron. 4.5 Additional notes : 4.5.1 Effect of increasing workload oni shielding requirements It is often prudent to consider the effect of increasing workload on shielding ‘specification in order to take into account potential changes in practice or-case mix. Because Equation 4.2 limits to a log-linear form, it is a relatively easy task to derive a simple expression that will predict the maximum change in the required barrier thickness for any increment in workload once an initiat specification has been determined. Consider Equation 4.3. As is the desired transmission, it is equal to the dose. constraint (c) divided by the scatter kerma (S). If the limiting Equi arranged, this gives: x=tine)=_ing/e) eee (as}-tnfety= Lins -e » GA) where £ is a constant. Differentiating Equation 4.4 to find the additional shielding material required for an increase in workload gives: 5) For example, Table 4.1 shows that at 100KV the variable « has the value 2.5 mmr for lead, so the additional protection can be written as Ax=0.4xAS/Smm. in’ the limit. From this, it can be seen that a 50% increase in scatter at a barrier will result jn a maximum increase in lead shielding requirement of 0.2mm lead at 100KV. For concrete at the same accelerating potential, a is 0,0393 mmr“, so the limiting case is inion Shoting for Diagnostic Raby 8ohapter ¢ Axe 25.4 xAS/Smam. Thus, a 50% increase in total scatter kerma incident on a barrier ‘will result in an increase in shielding specification of 13mm concrete. Figure 4.8 illustrates the effect of increasing workload on shielding requirements ‘The curves are baséd on a hypothetical example in which a barrier is 1.5m away from a fluoroscopy installation, Occupancy of the adjacent area is 100% and the figure shows how the transmission requirements and associated bartier thickness vary as the annual worktoad is,increased from a trivial level to one greater than might be found in avery ‘busy cardiac catheterisation laboratory. Examples are presented for 85 and 100kV. 4.5.2. Concrete density When considering the equivalent thickness of concrete, it is worth recalling.that HPA Report 41 (HPA, 1984) points out that in the UK, ordinary concrete has a density of 2200 kgm: while in the USA the standard specification has a density of 2350 kgm, ‘The data presented here are based on the US specification, but provided that the znaterial is not loaded with granite or other aggregates the data can just be scaled appropriately, So, for example, if the transmission curves and/or equations presented here are used to derive a desired thickness of concrete and the actual material to be used has a density of 2200 kgm, the answer obtained should be scaled by a factor of 2:35/2.20, 45.3 Brick Itshould be noted that there are many types of brick of differing chemical composition, density and physical properties. All will have different transmission characteristics. Brick fired from Oxford clay or the approximate equivalent is the lowest-density brick with load-bearing properties and is likely to be used in constructior (Hanson Brick Ltd, 1999, personal communication). It was this brick type (density, 1650 ker?) that was modelled in the simulation described in this report. LFbrick is to be used as a shielding material and the data presentéd here are to be used, this type of brick must represent the mininnun specification. ross ‘sta 2208808 2.5805 ‘Annu Werond (Gye?) Figure 4.8 Shielding requirements for atange of workloads. « Fein Stinking for Diagnose RadcogyChapter 5 Practical assessment of shielding 5.1 Introduction When an X-ray facility is complete, itis necessary to assess the integrity of the shielding provided and ensure that it fulfils the design criteria. Wherever practicable, these checks should be carried out through visual inspection during the construction phase, coupled with discussions with the buildes. However, a complete inspection of every part of the facility at the appropriate stage during construction may not be practicable and the integrity of the shielding may be breached ata later stage. Moreover; a visual inspection ‘may not provide confirmation of the shielding capacity of the materials used. Therefore, it is recommended that checks of the shielding capacity are made during the critical examination. There will be joins where two leaded panels meet, and penetrations will often need to be cut in the lead to take electrical sockets and other services,and all these must be backed with lead to maintain the requited level of protection. Discussion with ‘the contractors about any barrier penetrations at an early stage is likely to save time and money. More detail on recommended design features is given in Chapter 3. The use of a radiation source and detector allows both the integrity of all pants of the shielding in a completed installation and the degree of protection to’be checked. Differenttypes of radiation source may be used. Radioactive sources are smiall and light, So they can be moved readily to different positions to assess the level of protection in barriers and to look for gaps in shieldinig integrity. The disadvantage is that the emitted radiation is different from an X-ray spectrum. Alternatively, X-ray units inthe room or mobile X-ray units may be used, but these are léss flexible in available beain directions, and exposures from radiographic units will be. short, requiring the detettor to be in position when the exposure is made. Methods using both techniques ate described. ‘These can also be used for assessing the protection in walls of existing facilities when new equipmient is to be installed, if data on the original specification are sparse. It is important to keep comprehensive records when assessing shielding. These should include records of vistial inspections, photogfaphs, transmission measurements and construction drawings. These become invaluable to the shielding designer at the ‘time of fisture replacement of the equipment, particularly if there is to be a change in use. It is important to bear in mind that these detailed records may not be:required for a period of 10 years, by which time the original shielding designer and/or shielding assessor. may no longer be working for the organisation. 5.2. Visual inspection ‘The shielding designer should, where practicable, visit the site during the construction period in order to carry out a visual inspection and verify that appropriate measures are being adopted. This inspection should inchide as much of the facility; as possible. Tt is easy to assess the thickness of Jead attached to gypsum wallboard or incorporated Reston Stel for Diagnostic Recon EaGrater into lead plywood if this is accessible, and the thickness of lead may be visible at door edges, although these are often covered. Confirmation of thicknesses of lead in doors and partitions before installation can highlight issues at ancarly stage. It is important that shielding is not compromised during the construction process by any penetrations due to conduits, pipes, joints, voids, electrical services, etc. Examples are when lead sheet in the walls does not overlap the lead in the door frames (see Figure 3.7), of when sheets in the walls are riot installed correctly and butted at the edges (see: Section 3.2). All penetrations must be backed by lead (see Section 3.3), otherwise X-ray beams will penetrate through gaps. Examination of any lead work before finishing may show missing overlaps or holes. Barriers such as constructed brick or blockwork walls that are exposed but completed can be assessed visually at any stage, and any gaps or holes readily. identified. A photographic record is a useful addition to any file on a room. 5.3 Assessments using radioactive sources 5.3.4 The principle Radioactive. sources are ideal for checking the integrity of barriers and identifying gaps in shielding because of the flexibility in positioning. However, the emissions from radionuclide gamma ray sources either are essentially mono-energetic or contain gamma raysjonly at specific energies, so the radiation does not simulate the X-ray energy spectra used in diagnostic radiology which have a contiriuum of photon energies from 20keV up to anywhere between 60 and 140keV. Because the attenuation properties of different materials. vary with photon energy, measurements of barrier attenuation ‘made with-a radionuclide source are unlikely to reflect the attenuation for an X-ray beam directly. Nevertheless, comparatively simple corrections can be applied to allow indicative values for barrier thicknesses to be derived, provided that information is available on'the materials used. If the gamma ray emissions from a radionuclide source are mono-ediergetic, the linear attenuation coefficient will not change significantly as the gamma fay beam is transmitted through further layers of shielding material. This property allows a comparative assessment of walls containing brick together with another type of shielding material to be made, witere the materials used are known. ‘The most suitable type of source for checking the shielding for radiology procedures is a sealed source of “Am, because the main gamma ray has an energy of 60keV, which is in the upper part of the photon energy range of atypical diagnostic X-ray beam (Hewitt, 1982). If an “Am source is used, the measurement may be equated directly o the attenyation of an X-ray beam, although use of the graphical data in-this report should provide a more accurate assessment of wall composition if the constituents are kriown, and this is the method recommended. A vial of "Tc, which emits a gammaray with an energy of 141 keV, can provide a reasonable alternative source for determining the thickness of lead shielding from the data in this report, but, as is shown later, is unsuitable for the evaluation of barriers protected with barium plaster. Thus, knowledge of the shielding materials that have been used in a barrier is essential. If lead is always ‘used for X-ray shielding within the area served by the Radiation Protection Service, the use of ®*Te:should not present any major problems. 38 essaion Shotng fer Blogante Racoon)Practise assessor o shiotig ‘The radioactive source method is the only feasible way to check PET scanner shielding. Here, an #*F source can be used to give a direct assessment of the dose levels, but care must be taken in handling such sources because the dose rates are high. It should be noted that for radionuclides emitting positrons the air kerma for a broad beam of 511 keV photons transmitted through thinner layers of shielding, will decline more slowly than the linear attenuation coefficient would suggest, because of the build up of scatter in the surface layers. Therefore, the form of the transmission curve differs from those for X-ray beams or multi-energy gammia ray sources. 5.3.2. Why do measurements on different types of barriers vary? Before describing the. assessment methodology, the reasons behind differences in attenuations of barriers with varying composition are explained, as this can be helpful in the interpretation of results. The predominant attenuation mechanisms for diagnostic X-rays are photoelectric absorption and Compton scattering. The attenuation provided by Compton scattering is linked to the density and thickness of the material and does not vary significantly with X-ray photon energy. Photoelectric absorptiori on the other hhand depends on the atomic numbers of the elements present in the material, and there are substantial increases in the attenuation at certain enefgies, often referred to as absorption edges or “K-edges”.. They occur at photon energies equal t0 the binding energies of K-shell (or L-shell) electrons, because these X-ray photons have sufficient energy to eject electrons from the K-shell of the constituent atoms. Photoelectric absorption is the predominant attenuation mechanism above and close to the binding energy. At these energies, the attenuation coefficient,rises by a factor between four and five, and then gradually declines for photons with higher energies, falling back to the attenuation level scet before the absorption edge by the time the photon energy has doubled. The absorption edges are illustrated in a plot of the products ‘of the linear attenuation coefficients and the thicknesses for some typical shielding and structural barriers in Figure 5.1. Blectron-binding energies depend on atomic number, and many of the elements in brick and concrete have comparatively low atomic numbers, so their ‘K-edge energies are approximately 0.5 keV for oxygen, 1-2keV for silicon, magnesium and aluminium and 4keV for calcium. Iron with an absorption edge at 7keV is found in more specialist mixes designed for radiation shielding in radiotherapy applications. Thus, the X-ray attenuation of brick arid concrete results primarily ftom Compton scattering, and barriers with thicknesses of the order of 100mm or more are required to provide protection for most X-ray facilities Specialist shielding materials contain heavier elements which have inore tightly bound electrons and therefore absorption edges at liighet energies; for lead, the'K-edge is at 8BkeV and the L-edge at 15keV, and for barium the K-edge is at 37keV and the Ledge at 6keV. As a result, the shielding properties of these materials over the diagnostic ‘X-ray energy range are substantially better, but there are discontinuities at energies corresponding to the absorption edges (see Figure 5.1). Therefore, the relative values for attenuation measured with different radiation sources will vary. For instance, 10mm. of barium plastor has a higher attomuation than 1 mm of lead between 37 and 8&keV, ‘ut the lead has much greater attenuation outside this range. These differences mean that direct comparisons between the attenuation of walls with different compositions action Sede forDbgneatic Reclatoay oo‘chaptors * 1000 —Conerete - 100 mm = Brick — 100 mm, Barium plaster ~ 10 mm 100 2m ——Lead — 1 mm 40 Linear attenuation cosflicient x thickness Q 2 980 «75 O15 HBG Photon energy (keV) Figure 5.1. Linear attenuation coefficients for barriers made from different matenals of varying thickness, typical of values that might be used in shielding an X-ray room. for 140keV."*Te or even 6keV Am gamma rays are not going to give attenuation values that ‘an be used directly for an accurate assessment of shielding for X-rays which have’a continuous spectrum of energies up to 60-140keV. Moreover, because the photon energy range over which barium has higher absorption properties is only between 37; and approximately 8OkeV, a Te source will not quantify the X-ray shielding provided by barium plaster. 5.4 Practical methodology using a radioactive source 8.4.1 Practical considerations Before undertaking the radioactive source assessment procedure, a risk assessment should be performed. This should consider the restriction of access for other personnel to areas of higher dose rate, effective supervision of the source for security reasons and the restriction of exposure to staff performing the measurement, including doses to the fingers of the person handling the source, Two people are requited to carry out the tests: ‘one to position and control the source and the other to determine the Jovation of the beam on the far side of the bartier using a suitable detector. Other things being equal, positioning of the source inside the X-ray room will simulate more closely the situation in practice and reduce the need to transport the source around a department, The management of a radioactive source must comply with current regulations concerning the keeping, use and transport of radioactive materials, Specific requirements depend on the type of source used, but those for an "Am source large enough for the measurements will be more restrictive and include the use of a specialist transport container if the source is to be taken off site. 0 ‘aatonShioking for Diagnostic RectoPract! sssestment of clang 5.4.2 The detector ‘The detector used should have rapid response to facilitate location of the radiation beam on the for'side of the barrier from the souree, A scintillation detector such as a Thermo Scientific® Mini 900 Monitor with a ‘Type-44A. probe (Fisher Scientific UK Ltd, Loughborough, UK), which has a 32mm diameter by 2.5mm thick sodium iodide scintillation crystal, is suitable. For situations in which the expected degree of protection is less than 1mm lead equivalent, an end window Geiger tubeican he used. Avrigid measuring bar with 1em graduations attached to the probe housing is useful to enable the probe face to be positioned at a fixed distance between 1 and 1Sem from ‘the wall surface (see Figure 5.2). Generally, a longer distance would be éelected for a physically thin wall or if the wall had a low lead equivalence. Use of the monitorin audible mode will facilitate the location of the source position on the far side of wall, and radio conmunication is helpful for speeding up the location and measurement process. Care sould be taken in the use of radios if electromedical equipment that might be sensitive to interference is operated in the area, but.on most ‘occasions the facility will not have been commissioned and so this shoufld not cause aproblem, 5.4.3 Radioactive sources >1Am emits a gamma ray of 60keV of energy, which is close to the peak of the photon energy spectrum for a diagnostic X-ray unit with a 7% emission at 26keV. However, {in order to obtain a radiation dose rate that is sufficiently high for measurements to be Sciritillation contamination monitor probe Source in ‘shielded container | > Adjustable measuring bar attached to probe to facilitate setting of distance from wall Figure 5.2 Arrangement for assessment of shielding using a radioactive source and scintillation datector. Source-to-monitor distance=A+-B. adits Shing for Dognoth Rettegy atapers made, a source of 15-40 GBq is required, and for this a mobile source registration under the Radioactive Substances Act/Environmental Permitting Regulations will be required, Te emits a gamma ray of 141 keV, which is significantly higher than the photon energies in most diagnostic X-ray beams. As a result, the relative attenuation by different shielding materials such as lead, concrete and X-ray plaster will not vary in the same way for ”*Te as for an X-ray beam, The attenuation of Te gamma rays by lead is not foo dissimilar from that for X-rays, but that for barium-loaded plaster is much lower (see Figure 5.1). Thus, a Te sonrce provides a reliable method for the assessment of lead protection, but will not give useful information for barium plaster applied to a:brick wall (see Section 5.5). "Te is readily available in nuclear medicine departments, so it is inexpensive, and the potential hazard is low because of the short half-life. Activities required are typically 50-100 MBq. If the amount of fiquid is much smaller than the volume of the vial, the position of the activity will depend on the inelination of the vial. It is therefore recommended that a volume of liquid is used which is sufficient to fil the majority of the vial. §.4.4 Source container ‘The source must be housed in a shielded container with a window or cap which can ‘be removed readily, so that the aperture can be placed against the barrier to be tested (Hewitt, 1982). For example, a spring-loaded rotating lead shutter may be held open when the container is positioned against a barrier, and closed automatically when the container isimoved away from the barrier. This both-restricts the-primary beam and minimises the: exposure fo, scattered radiation of the person. handling the source. A ‘tripod and base plate may be useful for holding the source in a fixed position. An option to include an additional 1mm of lead in the beam may be useful for increasing the range of attenuations that can be assessed. 5.4.5 Source-to-detector distance for attenuation measurements Tn order to make a-shielding assessment using the data included in:this chapter, it is necessary to know the thickness of the wall, so that the separation of the source and the detector canbe set. This may be measured directly, but where the wall is some distance from any door to the room, values for the thickness should be obtained from plans of the facility or from measurements made during the construction phase. A separation of the source and detector between 20 and 50cm is recommended. If a shorter distance is employed, error due to inaccuracy in the distance becomes large, while if the distance is too large, count rates may be too low fo obtain an accurate measurement. 5.5 Determination of barrier shielding from radioactive source data Plots of normalised count ratés versus source detector separation for different thicknesses.iof lead, barium-loaded plaster and brick are given in Figures 5.3-5.6. These have béen determined from measurements made with “Am aud Te sources to enable bartier attenuations to be estimated from detector-count rates together with a knowledge of the barrier composition. They can be used to derive attenuation levels for X-rays if the main shielding constituents in a wall are known. The results have been 2 asso Shing or Ddgoost RactoogyPract ses0eamen of song 100 10 0.8 men tad : nen 24 At dmintesd & 04.5 mmioad 2 3 B2c)mmioad 2 oa & a3domiead 0.01 0.001 - 0 9 87 Source detector distance (em) : Figure 5.3 Graphs of normalised count rate from an **am source versus distance between probe and source for cifiarent thicknesses of lead. Data are normalised with respect to the count rate-at a source— probe distance of 30cm, with mm of load between the source and detector. 10 #1 om banjtes m2 cmbantes oa 43 embarytes 5 '©10.em brick 5 2 1120 en) brick oot 0.004 o 1 2% 3 4 50 8 70 Source detector distance (cm) Figure 5.4 Graphs of normalised count rate from an =“"Am source versus distance between probe and ‘source for cifferent thicknesses of brick and barium plaste. Data are normalised with tespectto the count tafe a a source-probe aistance of 30cm, with 4mm of lead belween the saurce and detector. Reditn Shising for Diegoeiti Recoeay weChater 10 10 Normalise count rate os oot o wm” 20 0 40 580 6 7 ‘Source detector distance (cm) Figure 8.5 Graphs of normalised count rate from a Te source versus distance between probe and ‘source for diferent thicknesses of lead. Data are normalised with respect to the count rate at a source— probe distance of 30cm, with 1 mm of lead between the source and detector. 10 “$10 mm bares 1820 mm bares ‘420 mm artes ‘310 embick ‘420 om brick Normalised count rate 0.01 o 0 2 % 4 6 6 70 Source detector distance (em) Figure 5.8 Graphs of normalised count rate from a "Te source versus distance between probe and source for diferent thicknesses of brick and barium plaster. Data are normalised with respect to the count rate at a source-probe distance of 30cm, with 1mm of lead between the source and detector. ‘Allowance may be made for a 10 or 20cm thick brick wall fo which shielding material has been attached by incorporating an additional attenuation factor of 0.08 or 0.008, respectively o Radeon Shleling for Diagnostic RacooayPractise ascessriont of sheng normalised with respect to the count rate obtained, with a source detector separation of 30cm and 1mm of lead in the beam. Because "Am emits a-small percentage of 26keV gamtha radiation, the attenuation of the emitted gamma rays by the first layer of shielding material is greater than for subsequent layers. Figure 5.6 demonstrates that the attenuation of "Te gamma rays by barium plaster is comparatively low, with a 20mm thickness providing similar attenuation only to an ordinary 10cm thick brick walll. Thus, Tc gamma rays camnot be used to assess the protection afforded by barium plaster applied to brick walls, Barium plaster does provide effective protection against 100kV X-rays, as is demonstrated in Figures 4.3 and 4.5, Count rates.are plotted as.a function of the separation between source and detector to allow flexibility in the configuration used. If the. user calibrates his/her system by measuring the count rate obtained at 30cm through 1mm of lead using his/her choice of activity, the relative measurement can be used with the data in the plots of count rate versus distance in Figures 5.3-5.6, which have been normalised with respect to the count rate with this arrangement. It is fecommended that standard activities are used, for which calibration charts are prepared. Coefficients for fits to the experimental data for power curves of the form “relative count rate” =cx"*, where x is the source-detector separation in centimetres, and a and b are constants given in Tables$.1 and 5.2 for 1am and ™*Te, respectively, to facilitate this, Variations in the measurements felating 1o the relative positions of the source, detector and barrier are 15%, Experimental results indicate that the use of a Type-E Geiger as opposed to a Type-44 monitor will not alter the magnitude of this error, except at low coutit rates. ‘The linear attenuation coefficient for a mono-energetic gamma ray beam does not change significantly as the radiation is transmitted through further layers of shielding. Table 8.1 Coefficients for generating curves for assessment of shielding using an®"Am source. The coefficiants give the count rate relative to a measurement ‘with a source-to-detector distance of 30cm attenuated by 41mm of lead from an ‘equation of the form rallo= ax, where x Is the source-to-detector distance in centimetres Barrier composition Thickness (mm) atm’) Lead 0s 149.9 ores | 40 1824 1.485 18 2444 1.540. 20 6.044 1.616 30 1773 1.544 Barium plaster 10 1689 4.387 20 4683, 1.387 30 oto 4.208 Brick (1600 kgin) 100 7957 0.975 200 0.448 1.222 ‘Concrete (200g) 100 3.52 4.0000 | 200 o.t74 4.900 100mm brick+tlead 10 0.253, 443200 | 20 0.154 137 400mm brick+barium plaster 10. 0513 4.198 20 0.248 1516 estaton Shion fer iegnoote Radoeay 8chapters Table 5.2 Coefficients’ for generating curves for assessment of shielding using-a ®Te source. The coefficients give the count rale relative to a measurement with a source-to-detector distance ‘of 30cm attenuated by 1mm of lead from an equation of the form. Thickness (mm) a (ain?) 00 7038 1.308 0s 644.716 10 8282 © 1.973, 15 1541 4.780 20 5839 4.783, 25 1027 4.575 30 4108 1.208 | Brick (1600kgmr3) 100 stat 4,908 : 200 3795 1.852 Concrete (2000 kgm) 100, 306 900 ! 200, 17.2 4,800 material, although there are some differences resulting from scattered radiation. Therefore, if lead or bariuni-loaded plaster is attached to a brick wall, an additional multiplication factor can simply be incorporated to take account of attenuation by the brick and allow the thickness of the other material to be-estimated. A 10cm thick brick jwall will reduce the transmission of Te by a factor of approximately 0.06, and a 20cm thickness of brick will reduce it by 0.006. Similarly, 10 and 20cm thicknesses of brick will reduce the transmission of “Am gamma rays by factors of 0.02 and 0.001, respectively. 5.6 Measurements using X-ray equipment Iris possible to measure transmission through walls using an X-ray set and a dosemeter. The method, can be more time consuming than using a radioactive source; however, it does have particular advantages, as the radiation used is that for which the protection is designed and so it is easier to interpret the measurements if the composition of the wall is not known, The assessment, can be made with a ceiling-mounted X-ray tube in the room, if that is available, but it is generally more convenient to use a mobile radiographic unit. Itisrecommended that these measurements aremadeat 100kV. This gives approxiinately 0.7%, and 0.05% transmission through barriers with 1 and 2mm. lead equivalence, respectively. Other energies could be used to match the examinations to be performed in the room) although at much lower energies the sensitivity of the dosemeter may be restrictive. In general, the dosemeter used should be capable of measuring air kerma down to less than 0.05 Gy, so an 1800 cm? ionisation chamber or equivalent is recommended. Initially, the incident sir kerina should be measured at the selected tube potential and mAS (tube current time product) at a distance of between 100 and 150cm. This, should be measured free-in-air to minimise the effects of scatter and at the maximum. collimator setting. The largest field size is selected for all measurements in order to make the positioning of the detector on the far side of the. wall less critical, oe ‘Racin Shoting for Boghoste ResoeyPracsonlassasanent of sing ‘The beam should then be directed at selected areas of the barrier with a focus-to-bartier distance similar to that used for the incident air kerma measurement, The dosemeter should then be positioned on the far side of the wall and a transmission measurement made. The positioning of the dosemeter may require careful measurement of distances from, for example, the room door to find the corresponding position on the outside of the barrier, ‘The attenuation is determined directly from the ratio of the two measurements, with an inverse square law correction applied to allow forthe thickness of the bartier and the, distance of the dosemeter from the Barrier, ‘The method provides a direct measurement of tiansmission through the barrier rather than a lead equivalence that is provided by the radioactive source methods. There is no requirement for prior knowledge of the composition of the bartier. In principal, transmission ean be measured at several beam potentials, although at lower energies this is limited by the sensitivity of the dosemeter. The protection in CT facility walls can be checked using the CT scannier itself, if it is operational. This method is most useful if an existing scanner is to be replaced and there are inadequate records of the stiielding provided in the room. tis of less relevance for anew facility for which assessment of shielding provision should be made prior to installation in order not to delay what might be a very tight installation schedule. A scattering medium such as.a large cylindrical water or Perspex phantom is required, with maximum exposure factors and beam widths. Some CT scanners can scan the same area with no table movement; alternatively, slow table moyement’can be used with the longest phantom available, Dose can be measured inside the rqom a corresponding position outside the room from which the transmission factor can be. obtained. This can be compared with the specification of the ‘shielding: designer. In making these measurements, the assessor must be aware of the minimum measurable dose and dose rate for the dosemeter used; a zero-dose indication does not necessatily mean zero dose. Dose rates measured in practice by the instrament will;tormally be less than 10 1Gyh', provided that the walls are protected by Code 4 or greater lead. Ifa survey meter rather than an ionisation chamber is used to make the measurements, it should be remembered that the quantity measured will be ambient dose equivalent H*(@ rather than air kerma (see Section 1.2) and the conversion factors in Table 1.1 can be applied. The technique can also be used for measuring gaps in shielding, particularly in areas ‘where the position of'a potential gap can be cleatly identified from outside the room; for example, in the door or window frames. The method is less easy to use for assessment of other potential penetrations through the shielding because of the difficulty in positioning ‘the dosemeter outside the room. The technique may also be useful to check for tertiary scatter, particularly for penetrations through the wall at high levels. 5.7 Barrier penetrations 5.7.1 Checks for the integrity of shielding using a radioactive: source Checks for the integrity of shielding may be made with aradioaotive source and detector, ‘The source should be positioned in contact with the wall and the detector moved back. Radiation Shieting for Dlagreste Rectoogy Cahater 5 and forth over the wall surface to locate the position of maximum response. ‘This will, riormally be the position where source and detector are directly opposite each other on. either side of the wall, but in places where there is a gap in the protection in a cavity wall, this may not necessarily be the case. Places where gaps are more likely to occur are where different forms of shielding meet. These include: walls anid frames of shielded doors or windows; door frames and shielded doors; door locks; window frames and lead glass; Joins between two parts of a shield; where sockets, switches, pipes and other facilities breach tlie integrity of a wall Here the source should be placed adjacent to the site of any potential breach and the detector used to locate any shine-through path. With a penetration such as a socket which has been shielded by a lead shest on the opposing side of the:-cavity wall rather: than a lead box; there will inevitably be shine-through of radiation. Here the assessment will take account of the size of the lead sheet in relation to the angle from which X-rays will be incident on the wall. A judgement from the radiation protection practitioner is required on the implications of the results obtained from the measurements. 5.7.2 Checks for gaps in shielding of CT and fluoroscopy equipment in situ Cheeks for: gaps in protection in CT scanner and fluoroscopy rooms, where no protection from direct beam is required, are often easier to make using the installed Xcray equijjiment. Maximum exposure factors and field sizes should be used with a large water or Perspex phantom or other scattering medium, as for the wall attenuation measurements described in Section 5.6. ‘A contamination monitor should be used to identify any areas of potential weakness and can enable coverage of large areas in a relatively short period of time by scanning along @ wall. Because the distance from the source of scatter is telafively large, these checks can be made at a distance from the wall, which will also help to identify any significant levels of tertiary scatter at the edge of a bartier. This technique may catch small areas missed: by scanning close to the wall or identify whether there is scatter around a barrier. A dose rate meter (for example, an energy-compensated Geiger) can then be used to measure dose rate at the points of concern directly. [fan elevated dose rate is identified, imaging plates can be used to assess the scope and size of any holes. This can easily identify cracks, a lack of backing to sockets, the removal of lead for penetrations without sufficient replacement shielding, insufficient overlap at junctions or missing sections of shielding. eeeeee 5.8 Environmental monitoring with personal dosemeters Passive personnel dosemeters can be used to confirm that the dose levels in areas surrounding an X-tay room meet the intended criteria in the early period of operation for any installation. It should be remembered that such environmental monitors provide ‘a measure of the operational quantity personal dose equivalent Hp(10). This does not equal air kerma, and both quantities overestimate effective ‘dose, as-discussed in Section 1.2: Therefore, corrections based on the data in Table 1.1 should be applied when making comparisons. 8 ‘Rai Shitang for Diagnose RacooayChapter 6 Radiographic room 6.1 Introduction : A general room used for “plain film” radiography usually has two imaging locations: a rise and fall table with a floating top incorporating a bucky system for.radiography with a grid; and a chest stand that for modern installations invaiiably has a bucky system with a variable height with overall. vertical travel of approximately 1500mm, The X-ray tube is most commonly ceiling mounted on a three-dimensional gantry system providing movement over a large area of the room to facilitate the'examination of patients on trolleys and hospital beds. An altemative design, generally'used only in outpatient facilities, is to have the tube mounted on a floor of table-mounted stand, with movements limited to examinations on the table and with the chest stand. The other main variant in radiographic rooms concems the imaging médality itself. ‘tis unlikely that the designer will be concerned with analogue radiography using film- sereen (FS) systems, but the design of X-ray equipment to be used with CR systems is essentially identical to that using FS. There are therefore no practical differences with regard to shielding design. The X-ray room configuration for the earlier generation of DR systems follows that of FS and CR, but newer DR systems may depart from the basic design described above. Examples include the use of a tilting bucky for the wall stand with a removable grid allowing extremity radiography at that location; the use of battery-powered detectors with wireless technology allowing the DR detector to be used in a similar manner to the CR plate, but without the requirement fori transfer to a separate reader; and the use of a ceiling-mounted detector within a bucky system that can be used for both lateral imaging and imaging on acantilevered conch. Bach of these systems may require a difference in the detailed approach to the shielding’ design. ‘The area for the equipment control is often a floor-standing screen stabilised by ties to the walls. The screen incorporates lead glass windows to give a clear view of both table and chest stand. It is common practice for the screen to be positioned in front of an open doorway leading to a shared radiographer working area in which there may be, for example, CR readers, viewing monitors and workstations. The séreen should be positioned so as to provide shielding to the doorway so that a shielded door is not required, Unlike otfier imaging modalities discussed in this report, three components of radiation dose-need to be considered: scattered radiation, unattenuated primary beam and trarismitted primary beam. The amount of scatter radiation can simply be calculated from KAP workload and KAP-averaged tube potential using Equation 2.3. It is the primary beam component that leads to further complexity.’ The scatter component of dose to the wall of an X-ray room from any individual, exposure is likely to be no greater than a few micrograys from any single examination. However, Fadiation Sticking for Diagnostic Ratiogy «chapters unattemuated primary irradiation could potentially lead to doses of I mGy or greater to the barrier from a single exposure, leading to a significantly greater shielding problem. ‘The method for dealing with primary radiation is described in Section 2.1. The primary component is considered in greater detail below. 6.2 Workload ‘To uriderstand the range of radiographic examinations that may be carried out, a usefull publication is the report by Hart et al (2010) on the frequency and collective dose from ‘X-ray examinations in the UK (HPA-CRCE-012). That report provides a compilation of the frequency: of radiographic examinations in the UK. The frequency data in the report are summarised in. Table 6.1. Examination frequency was taken directly from the report. KAP values for individual examinations were taken as the mean values provided in‘Hart et al (2007) and from Table 10 in Hart et al (2010), in which KAP could be detived from the value of effective dose (E); E/KAP ratios were given in that table. All other values were estimated by the working party. It should be noted that the contribution of the KAPs estimated by the working party to the total was 5%. KAP-averaged tube potential (kV, ..4,) is shown in the fourth column of Table 6.1. Itis the avetage tube potential for the examinations weighted by the KAP contribution at that tube!potential. KV... 18 calculated as shown in Equation 6.1, in which the subscript “i? represents each examination contributing to the total workload, KV, is the average tube potential for that examination, and KAP, is the summed workload for examination, i, (kV, x KAP, Weanan RAH 6D (KAR) To calculate KV... the mean tube potential values presented by Hart et al (2007) were used together with values provided by the working party based on local information! Although individual rooms have widely differing distributions of workload from those preserited here (owing to different clinical circumstances), Table 6.1 is a helpful ‘Table 6.1 Examination frequencies and conttbution to total KAP for radiographic examinations in different regions of the body, Data represent average practice in the UK rom Hart et al (2010), KVegeua 8 calculated using Equation 6.1 Region Refative frequency (%6) Contibution to total kV KAP (%) Head and néek 13 418 6 Chest | 354 a0 88 Abdomen and pelvis Gncluding — 13.8. 520 2 hips) Spine (thoracic and lumbar) 10.2 30.1 a Upper tim 19.0 a7 65 Lower limb 205 45 80 Allexaminations 75 n vation Shinang tr lagrost RacotogyRiga rin summary. In particular, it demonstrates that the major contributing examinations to the KAP workload are X-rays of the abdomen and pelvis (including hips) and of the thoracic and lumbar spine. ‘Typically, these examinations contribute approximately 80% of the total KAP and therefore of the-total scatter, Table 6.1 suggests that the KAP-averaged tube potential is likely to bein the region of 75KV. Although that value may be’ appropriate for the calculation of total scatter using Equation 2.4, it is recommended that it be increased by 10KV to'85KV in the calculation of beam transmission. This will take into account the greater penetration of the scatter resulting from the higher tube potential examinations. 6.2.1 KAP workload ‘The working party has surveyed data from several radiographic rooms and has concluded that the total KAP is generally in the range of 4000-20000 Gy em? per year. A typical dose for examinations of the spine, abdomen or pelvis is 2Gy cm? (Hart et al, 2007) ‘At the top end of the total dose range and allowing for these examinations contributing 80% to the total, the total KAP is equivalent to 8000 high-dose exantinations annually, or 160 per week. Using the weekly workload for those examinations that contribute ‘most to the total KAP and ignoring all other workload is a useful, way to validate the assumptions made regarding KAP workload. 6.2.2 ESD workload “Fable 6.1 shows that, on average, 35% of all X-ray examinations are of the chest, It also shows that the average tnbe potential for chest radiography is 86KV. However, ‘hese figure ide significant varatons in terms ofboth total chest workload and tube ‘potential, as described below: (1) Workload‘is critically dependent on clinical context; for example, rooms serving orthopaedic clinics generally have very: low numbers of chest examinations, whereas rooms associated with outpatient chest clinics are likely to have very high usage. Fot postero-anterior (PA) chest radiography, the workload should be based ‘on anticipated patient numbers. Annual patient numbets are unlikely to be more than 10000 (200 per week) and are generally much less, It is recommended that the dose per examination is based on the UK national reference doses (NRDs) provided by Hart etal (2007). For PA chest radiographs, the NRD is 0.15mGy. (2) Tube potential is a critical factor in shielding design. This is illustrated in Figure 6.1, which shows the maximum annual workload expressed as air kerma incident on a barrier that would be adequately shielded by cither 1mm of fead or 100mm of concrete as a function of tube potential, Adequate shielding is defined here as sufficient to reduce the annual transmitted air kerma to 0.3 mGy with no account of occupaney. It can be seen that for tube potentials of 70KV or less.(as are-used for radiography of the head-and neck region and for upper and lower limbs), the incident air kerma on the required lead thickness barrier can be 10 times greater than would be the case at 85kV of Higher. The shielding designer stiould be aware that the use of a high-tube-potential technique (up to 125 kV) for chest radiography is quite common and itis recommended that the barrier be designed for a high-tube- potential technique. Reaton Stioiing for agnosis Racology noo00d 9-4 mmlead = 100mm concrete +0000 Figure 6.1 Maximum annual workload expressed asthe vunattenuated air kerma that ‘would be attenuated fo the air kerma constraint (200 uGy) with either mm lead er (00min conerete in the barter. Maximum annual workloa 55 65 75 85 85 105 115 125 WV Table 6.2 High-dose examinations on the table showing ESD-to-KAP ratio (data from Hart at al, 2007) and the reaive frequenoy ofthese examinations as a proporion of the otal radlographic workload In the UK (Hart et al;2010) Radiographic projection ESD (mGy) KAP (Gye) ESDIKAP Frequency (%) imGy(Gyen'y1 ‘Abdomen AP * 354 2.46 16 48 Lumbar spine AP 415 1.33 a4 30 Lumbar spine LAT aga 214 42 30 Lumbar-sacral joint 202 1.94 104 02 PelisAP 3.08 19 16 55 Thoracic spine AP att 075 an as ‘Thoracic spine LAT an 1.27 45 os ‘Weighted average ESD:KAP ratio 28. ‘AP, antero-posterior; LAT, lateral For table radiography, the examinations of concern are views of the abdomen, pelvis, hips and spine (thoracic and lumbar), which together contribute over 80% of the total KAP. The ESD workload can be derived from KAP workload using data in Hart et al (2007). Table 6.2 shows average KAP and ESD values for these examinations and the ESD-to-KAP ratio. The value of the ESD-to-KAP ratio for these examinations weighted for examination frequency is 2.6mGy (Gyem?)". This ratio can be‘applied to the total KAP workload (in gray centimetres squared) to give an approximate ESD workload. n osSalionShoking or Dagooet ReconRoig 210 6.3 Worked example ‘The room in the Figure 6.2 is a conventional radiographic set-up for equipment to be used with CR. There ig an occupied atea below the X-ray room. The,room dimensions and workload are summarised in Table 6.3. The chest KAP workload is based on KAP ‘per examination, equal fo the recommended NRD (0.11 Gy cm*) (Hart et al, 2007). The calculation is detailed in Sections 6.3.1-6.3.3 and is summarised in Table-6.4 6.3.1 Scatter air kerma ‘The detailed scatter calculations for Positions A,B, C and D are shown in Box 6.1 and summarised in Table 6.4. Note that for the sake of clarity the contribution of the scatter from the wall bucky to Positions A and B has not been included, The required lead thicknesses at A and Care based on the annual dose constraint of 300 uGy. The daily dose constraint behind the screen where a CR plate may be stored is.0.1 Gy toa CR plate (see Section 1.3). This is multiplied by 250, assuming a 5-day working week. The maximum shielding required for the walls is shown to be 0.68mm lead, but the design fecommendation would be Code 3 lead (1.32mm) in order to tound up to the next common standard thickness. The same thickness (Code 3 lead) would be sufficient for the protective screen, although standard manufacturing standards may lead to a greater thickness being used. ‘The protection tequired in the door is minimal (0.03 mth lead). However, because of ianuficturing difficulties, it is difficult to obtain door sets with Tess than Code 3 lead, and other materials are generally impracticable. ‘The pragmatic solution is to accept a Code 3 lead specification, However, the shielding designer ‘should try to ensure that heavier doors, which are commonly supplied asa default, dre not used: ‘because the increased weight makes them more difficult for the user. Radiology offices Receptionist Comidor Viewing area Figure 6.2 Layout of radiographic room. ‘Radian Shitting fo Dbgrast Racotoay ”‘Table 6.3 Dimensions and workload for the’ radiographle rosm in Figure 6.2. NRDs for chest radiography are from Hert et al (2007) Parameter Value Dimensions Floor area some 1 Centre of table to nearest wall (A) 15m Centre oftable to protective screen (B) 2m Gentre of table to door (6) 4m Centre of table towall (D) 34m _ Wall bucky | Imaging plate-to-wall(D) distance 80cm Thickness of Wall D 20em {Room below Floosto-oor height azm Height of seated person atiove floor below 1.2m |, Height of tube focus above floor 19m ‘Workioad ‘Annual KAP workload 180006ycmn# Annual number of chest X-rays +5090 * Annual chest KAP workload s50Gyon? | NRD PA chest (ESD) o.15mey INRD PA chest (KAP) o.tGyemt ‘Calculation 1: Scatter design “Table radiography KV Chest cackography=125KV 100% behind wal (A) Scatter air Kerma at 4m (K,,) 10% behing doar (C) (0.081 x85#2.5)x15000=77000y6y Scatter air Korma at barrier {K,,,) aay ‘Seroon (6) | Door (6) Frorm table From walt bucky Tota} wal) Maximum allowed transmission (8) Willa) | Screen (©) | Door) | Required lead thickness Walla) Sorgen (@) Door (6) ‘Noe al calculgions are rounded toa precision nat less than 2% Ke 2540016 y 0084000: B, 068mm 4.49mm 0.03 3500 Cy 27rota st=sc000 96) Ki, =7700072.6=19500 yy ‘yg 7700014 0'4800N6y Kj, = 860024 =810:Gy K=Tro00:# 6700, 0088 4 x260it9300=0.0019 = 90015400 *0.1}=0.58 ” Redan Sveitng tor BiognosticRedotogyRadiographic roam 6.3.2 Primary (wall bucky) ‘The primary beam calculation shown in Box 6.2 is based on the chest X-ray ESD workload corrected for BSF and inverse square law using the distances given in ‘Table 6.3. It assumes that the occupancy in the reception area behind the wall is 100%. ‘Phe wall (as specified in the scatter design) has Code 3 (1.32mm) lead shielding. For completeness, the transmitted scatter from table radiography to Wall D has been considered in the calculation. The transmitted air kerma from this component (K,,,.) i8 6uGy, which is very much less than that from the primary beam and can therefore effectively be ignored. ‘Two caloulations have been made for the primary beam at tube potentials of 90 and 125KV. The-outcome of the cafculation indicates that the transmitted air kerma at the two potentials (K,.,, and K,.,,,) are 230 and 710Gy, respectively. Piimary beam (wall bucky) ESD foi chest radogcaphy =0.16mGy BSF=14 (see Section 2:11) Focus-image distance 180m Distance rom enrance skin to mage pata=200r9 Distance af imaging plats fa wall=BDem i ‘Wallthickness#20em “Occupancy s.400% behine Wall D Ineidrt sater at Wal D from table 6700 yay (se0 Box8.1) Primary air Position D (Kj.) L os: f e298 6000 e164 miGy 4, (180-90) (1808020) ‘Transmission (B) through Code & lead (1.3mm), ‘The seater (85H): Be8.6x 104 Priary (90K) 24.8% 10 Primary (1251): Byg=4.8% 10 ‘Transmitted air kerma through Wall Duy Kepsg6700%8.6x104=6:0y | KpemiSbtnt.set05=200,6y | Kenia 1548 104.6% 10%" 720 Gy" | It should be noted that the ESD method is a worst-case scenario in which the beam. is assimed to overlap the patient, detector and bucky assembly for all exposures. If the shielding designer can be assured that tube potentials in excess of 90KV will not be used forchest radiography, and that the workload will not exceed that which is assumed in the calculation, then the Code 3 specification will be sufficient for this wall. However, using a high tube potential technique for chest radiography i a relatively common practice and for this reason the working party recommends that this possibility is always considered, In this example, additional protection would be required behind ‘the wall bucky; this would normally be an additional sheet of Code3 lead on plasterboard ‘Retain Shaking for Diagnose Raotony wschapter's or lead plywood attached to the wall behind the bucky. This would not need to extend ‘by more than approximately 50cm either side of the centre of the bucky and would not need to be any greater than 2m in height. 6.3.3. Primary beam (table bucky) The calculation is showa in Box 6.3. The total ESD is calculated by multiplying the ‘total KAP workload for high-dose examinations (assumed to be 80% of the total) by a factor equal to 2.6, as proposed in Section 6.2.2. It is assumed that persons present in the room below will be either seated or in a bed. For this reason, the height of the individual above floor level in the room below has been assumed to be 120em. The requited floor thickness is 116mm of concrete with a density of 2350kgmr; however, account should be taken of the attenuation in the table bucky. Thisis equivalent to approximately 55mm of concrete (see Section 2.1.3). This calculation is based on a situation in which the beam overlaps both patient and image detector but is entirely intercepted by the bucky system. For most high-dose examinations, the beam is fully intercepted by the patients, That attenuation isnotincluded in these calculations, nor is the attenuation in the imaging device itself. In addition, there riay be further structural protection in the table below the bucky system, although this cannot be assumed for all equipment models. For these reasons, the example calculation provided in Box 6.3 overestimates the required shielding for most situations. Boxe. { Primary beam (table bucky) ESD workioad=2,6KAP workiost=39000mGy. Backscatter factor=1.4 i Focus-image distance= 006m j Distance from entrance. skin to image alate=80em : ‘ceupancy is 100% in ares below i Height of focus above fcor= 180m: | Height of person above floor (room below) = 1200m Primary air korma (K,) in iower room without shielding © K=28 35000 60.8x {10°39 pane } ta ‘@ro+t00—1aay 7" Maximum permitted Beosrde4.ixto transmission (3) Required concrete tgrt36im (density, 2260Kam*) thickness at 85KV.(4,) 6.4 Other factors to be taken into consideration 64:1. Mobile radiography It is common practice to establish a controlled area for mobile radiography based on distance from the X-ray tube and primary beam. That distance is commonly 2m for the examination of adult patients. At that distance [and assuming radiography at 90kV for which the seatter factor S=5.3 pGy (Gy cm?)"], the maximum annual KAP would have % ‘Redaion Sioking for Dieanastic RodctoayRadogaphioroon ‘Table-6.4. Annual incident air kerma and shiekting requirements for the four points identified in the radiographic room in Figure 6.2 and also forthe floor of the room Design parameter ‘Alclosest—B (cubicle G(Goor) 0 (rear ofwall Floor (room wall to-table) screen) bucky) below table) Distance from table (m) 18 2 4084 as Annual a kerma for table (mG) 34 183437. 740 Distance from wall Bucky (m) | —* > 2408 NA Annual air kerma from bueky (mGy) —* = 06 154 (primary): N/A Annual incident airkerma (mGy) 34 83 BA 184 740 Occupancy 100% —CRplate 10% == 100% 100% “ransshission 0.088 = 0.001058 O.00ta 0.00081 “Thickness of load (mm) 068 119 003s 8 ~ “Thickness of concrete (mim) (dansity—* ee 116 2350kgm") N/A, riot applicable 2Distance from tube focus to person in room below table *Not assessed inthe exemple calculation, ‘Constraint of 25,.Gy used to avoid exposure of GR plate. DBR, *Aditionaliayer of Code’ lead is required to tear of vertical bucky. to be approximately 220 Gy cm? for the annual dose canstraint to be exceeded. Given that most of the ward radiography workload is for chests, this represents an anmial workload of approximately 2000 chest radiographs, which is very much greater than the number that would be expected in normal practice. Higher-dose examinations are rare, For these reasons, shielding against scatter is not a requirement other than for the: ‘yadiographer to use a lead apron on the basis that a 100% occupancy factor would apply to him/her wherees the occupancy factor for other staff and for other patients and their visitors is much lower However, the patient is generally examined in the seated position, and some consideration may be needed to the shielding of adjacent areas. If it is asstimed that the entrance surface dose is 0.15 mGy at 90KV and that unattenuated primary is incident on the dividing wall, an estimate may be made of the dose in the adjacent room. Factors to be considered are inverse square law and wall transmission (B). Foran iniverse square Jaw factor of four and with 40mm of plasterboard (i.e. double layered on each side), B,=0.2. The transmitted dose is therefore approximately7.5 uGy per exposure. Occupancy factors shiould be considered. If the adjacent area is another patieat room, an individual patient is unlikely to be ptesent for more than 10% of the year, and the same occupancy factor might be applied for clinical staff. This is'a worst-case scenario that assumes that there will be unattenuated primary with no account taken of attenvation by the patient. A further mitigating factor is that the patient is generally not fully upright and the beam is angled downwards, i 6.4.2 Lateral beams ‘The situation regarding lateral beams and the wall bucky was considered in Section 6.3, Another situation that may require consideration is Jateral views of the cervical spine. ‘These may be taken for trauma patients with the imaging plate held in place. For these Rsaavon Snoking tr Cxoqnoste Risoay aShaper 6 examinations, the beam invariably misses parts of the patient’s anatomy and although attertuated by the imaging plate there will be a significant dose transmitted through the plate of the order of several tens of micrograys. For these reasons, shielding of adjacent bays in a resuscitation room does need to be considered, possibly with the use of mobile shields as described in Section 3.2.6. w -Raaon Stair tor Cloquet ReakogyChapter 7 Fluoroscopic equipment ' 7.1 Introduction Calculation of structural shielding for fluoroscopy equipment is relatively simple because the only significant source of radiation is scatter from the patient. There should be no possibility of primary exposure because it is a requirement that imder all operating conditions the X-ray beam falls entirely within the area of the image detector face and its surroundings, and that the housing has a lead equivalence of at Jeast-2mm. The bulk of the fluoroscopy units now in use are C-arms, and rooms do not generally incorporate radiographic equipment. However, there are some fluoroscopy rooms used particularly for barium contrast studies where radiography may also be performed. This is considered in Section 73. In Chapter 1, it was shown that the intensity of scatter is directly related to KAP and is a function of scattering angle and tube potential. For the situation in which the X-ray beam is parallel to a wail, Equation 2.3 can be used to calculate the maximum kerma ‘due to scatter at 1m from the beam centre (S,.,). The inversé square law can be applied to calculate maximum scatter kerma at any wall distance (d), The weekly'or annual air ‘kerma incident on the wall (K,,,) is calculated from the workload, ie. weedy or annual KAP, in conjunction with the inverse square law. From Equation 2.3, §,. is equal to between 4.7 and 5.6 Gy (Gy em?" for 70 100KY X-rays. This is the approximate tube potential range used for the more common procedures that make up the majority of workload for such sets. The kerma is greater if the tube is angled so that the X-ray tube is closer to the barrier and the bedm is directed away (a lateral projection), and it may increase to approximately 10 uGy (Gyem’)" (see Figure 2.4), Such an orientation will not commonly be appropriate for the walls in C-arm radiology, but the higher factor should be used for deriving tbe protection for the floor for undercouch operation, The narrow range of values relative to the inherent uncertainties in the calculation of shielding permits the use of a single factor, which, for the examples given here, can conservatively be taken as 5.2,uGy (Gy em*)+ in situations where additional copper filtration is not employed. This corresponds to an accelerating potential of 85KV; a more conservative value of 5.6 1Gy (Gym), which assumes that every examination is performed at L00KV, could be used if desired. The factor needs to be modified if additional filiration is used, as ouitlined in the next section, C-arms are used for a variety of procedures including: angiography, interventional radiology, orthopaedic surgery and endoscopy. In these situations, the procedure is carried out in 4 relatively large toom to allow unimpeded access around the patient. HBN6 (NHS Estates, 2001), while by no means a definitive reference, suggests, for costing purposes, room sizes of 40-50m? for an operating theatre and 38m? for a specialised radiology room. It is unlikely, therefore, that any side of the toom will. be much less than 6m and, given that the bed or patient support is generally positioned Reston Siting for Diogo Rete *haste 7 centrally in the room, the minimum practical distanee between the centre of the beam and any wall is generally 2.5m. ‘The main C-arm example given inthis chapteris fora cardiac eatheterisation laboratory, ‘with two smaller examples covering uses in an orthopaedic theatre and a coronary care unit, However, the genetal principles apply to all C-arm equipment, including those equipped to carry out biplanar and cone beam CT-style examinations. In all cases, ‘there should be no possibility of primary beam exposure, and the KAP recorded by +the equipment can be directly related to patient scatter. The major difference will be in the workload, which can: be hard to quantify, especially in interventional rooms. However, it is unlikely that the workload in an interventional radiology room which will have a znix of peripheral and body angiography will exceed that in a busy cardiac catheterisation laboratory. 7.4.1 Additional filtration ‘Additional copper filtration is often used in interventional X-ray units as a Way of reducing patient entrance skin dose. Owing to tube loading effects, there is a practical Timit to: the! amount of filtration that can be added with contemporary generator technology, and 0.6mm of additional copper is a realistic maximum for investigations of the trunk; for all but very thin and paediatric patients (Lin, 2007). The fluence and spectrum of both primary and scattered radiation resulting from the addition of copper filtration will differ from those observed in the unfiltered case. It has been shown that the scattered spectra from X-rays filtered with copper up to 0.99mm thick are similar in shape to those fom conventional X-ray beams (Sutton et al, 2012a). As in ‘the conventional case, the scatter fluence increases with angle and amount of added filtration. The HVL of the scattered radiation increases with the amount of additional copper filtration but decreases with scattering angle. ‘The degree of additional filtration used depends on the type of equipment and the size of the patient. Jt is extremely unlikely that a shielding designer will be, able to identify dr allow for the different degrees of filtration applied over the range of patients included ina typical workload spectrum. However, it would be conservative to assume that all examinations are performed with 0.6mm of added filtration. To take into account the effect of up to 0.6mm of additional filtration, the scatter kerma derived from Equation 2.3 at 85kV should be multiplied by a factor of 1.6. This results in a scatter factor of 8 wGy (Gy cm?) being used for calculations where additional filtration may be used. At first glance, this may seem overly cautious, given the realities of patient examinations, but analysis reveals that in fact it results in a maximum itcrease in shielding’ specification of oxly 0.17mm of lead at 85KV. In the UK, shielding specification is usually rounded up to Code 3 (132mm), Code 4 (1.8mm) or Code 5 (2.24 mm) lead for the type of installation under consideration. Taking this into account along with the error margins involved in the calculation, it is unlikely that a calculation resulting in an additional 0.17imm of lead would have.a significant impact. Although the scattered radiation from beams incorporating copper filtration is hatder than that observed. in the conventional case, it has been shown that even scattered radiation from a beam filtered with 0.99mm copper has the same transmission characteristics as conventional radiation for barriers thicker than 0.9mm lead, © ‘Rasiton Shiokang for Digs: RayFucroscopic equipment 7.4.2. Contribution from tertiary scatter ‘The shielding of walls to a height of 2m will almost certainly be adequate for the plain film and R&F rooms. This is probably not the case in CT facilities (see Chapter 8) and may be inappropriate in high-workload interventional environments such as cardiac catheterisation laboratories. The amount of radiation scattered downwards from the ceiling slab into the control cubicle or into an adjacent room may contribute enough to the dose to persons in those areas for it to be significant from the shielding perspective. The scatter kerma will depend on the height of the ceiling slab and the protective barrier, as described in Section 2.4, and can be evaluated using the following equation: SH had) KAP HOD $ fE-(nxb)], KAP 7.1) where 6 is the height of the barrier and C,,,, and m,.. are constants dependent on the height of thé ceiling (see Table 2.4) (Martin et al, 2012). The constants in Table 2.4 have been derived using a factor of 4.7 uGy (Gy em?)" for the scatter kerma, based on a mean value for all X-ray tube orientations, as outlined in Section 2.2.2. Equation 7.1 can be rearranged to determine the height of the barrier required to ensure that the total dose to a person on the other side does not exceed the design constraint: = (Cony Spin KAPY Me (72) ‘The control cubicle for a cardiac catheterisation laboratory would normally include a protected door. In some cases, a cubicle without a door might be desired, and in this case tertiary scatter from the adjacent wall into the occupied area must be taken into account. The level of tertiary scatter at the edge of a barrier from the adjacent wall can be calculated using Equation 7.3: Svan = 0-10 (KAP) * €°° (wGy) (7.3) where KAP is the workload in Gy cm? and d is the distance of the isocentre from the wall adjacent to the door. Note that the factors described in Section 2.4 , and used here, have been derived for the situation where the isocentre is 3m from the operator’s console. It is possible to make corrections for other distances. Details can be found in Martin et al (2012). 7.2 Interventional radiology and cardiology The rooms designed for all interventional procedures are similar. Cardiac catheterisation laboratories tend to have higher workloads and will be considered here, but similar considerations apply to interventional radiology suites. Rooms where C-arms are used are likely to be surrounded by working areas such as recovery rooms, nursing stations, etc. and occupancy is unlikely to be less than 50%, 7.2.1 Workload There have been a large number of published surveys of KAP arising from X-ray procedures carried out in cardiac catheterisation laboratories. Some of these are summarised in Table 7.1. It is difficult to use these data to estimate the workload for a planned new room because of the uncertainty in the mix of procedures, local clinical Fadtion Shoting for Diegneste Rslelony a‘Table 7.1. Doses from cardiology procedures in the UK, Europe’and Canada ‘Author Examination Coronary angiograpiny: PTCA Mean 7Sthpercentile Mean 75th percentile i (eGyert) _(eGyen") (Gye) _(eayerr) Hart at al (2007) 25002800 4300 5000 DiHetft etal (2609) 3877 4t74 7es0 8386 Faulkner and Werduch = 3200 — 4000 (2008a,b) Padovani etal (2008) = 4800 = 500 Pantos ef al (2008) 3000 = m0 ‘Samara et al (2012) 8700 10200 s100 12500 ScottMoncrieffet al (2011) 5180 PTCA, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty practice, and uncertainty in the projected case numbers. Although the dose per case is relatively high, the daily patient throughput is likely to be low compared with other rooms because of the extended time needed for each case. For example, a busy cardiac catheterisation: laboratory is unlikely to exceed 10 cases in a standard (8h) working day. Tabié 7.2 summarises audit data collected from 10 cardiac catheterisation facilities across the UK, encompassing mobile, private, district general and teaching hospital environments, The values are normalised to a 10-session week and illustrate the range of workloads that may be anticipated. The maximum weekly KAP for these 10 facilities ‘was approximately 1500 Gy cm’. It is ualikely that workloads in excess of that observed at Centre. 10: will be encountered in a L0-session week. HBNG6 (NHS Estates, 2001) suggests that laboratories should be made large enough to accommodate biplane equipment, even if single-plane units ate to be installed, in order to allow for flexibility in the future, This equates to a minimum laboratory size of 50m?, with dimensions of approximately 7.5 6.75m. Realistically, this is not always achievable. -2_ Annual workload for 10 UK catheterisation laborateries, normalised to a ‘nominal 10 sessions per week Catineterisation ‘Annual KAP (Gyom?) Number of patients KAP per patient laboratory number a (Gyem) 1 9.38410" 387 242 2 1,08* 10 468 234 3 1.09% 10" 4248 256 3 1.1010 594 185 4 1.79210" 780 29 5 212«108 678 313 6 244x108 1272 19.2 7 3.11 x10 1240 254 8 345x10° 1442 239 a 54ex0" 1793 30.4 10 7.87% 10 1924 29.8 a Rosato Shiking for Dignost RectaFhuooscopi egurient Rear corridor 52m ag 36 a3 35 2 Walt/ 3 £ Doo se Cardology offices Prep room Figure 74 Plan of @ vardiae-catheterisation laboratory. 7.2.2. Example calculation: cardiac catheterisation laboratory, Figure 7.1 shows the layout drawing for a prospective single-plane cardiac catheterisation laboratory loosely based on an existing design that is ‘considerably smaller than the HBNG-recommended minimum area (NHS Estates, 2001), The control area is occupied during procedures by physiological measurement technicians, radiographers.and medical staff. It is situated at the foot end of the table, allowing technicians and others to have a clear view of the patient und cardiologist, Verbal communication is carried out via an intercom. External access to the conttol area is not thtough the X-ray room, which is important for both radiation protection purposes and control of infection. It also allows ready access for other staff to observe procedures and communicate with those in the room. Factors to take into consideration The total area of the room is.374m?. It as been determined that the cotridor adjacent to Wall A has an occupaney factor of 20%. The equipment room adjacent to Wall C is unlikely to be occupied during a procedure and can be assigned an occupancy factor of 10%, There are offices adjacent to Wall B, so they must be assigned an ocenpancy factor of 100%. The-control area (Wall D) will be occupied during all procedures and. ‘hot necessarily by radiation workers, 80 it too should be assigned an occupancy factor of 100% and shielding must be designed using a dose constraint appropriate for a member of the public. Occupancy of the preparation room needs some consideration as it may well be occupied by nursing staff for the entire time that the laboratory is in operation. It is unlikely that the same member of staff will be present all the time, but it will be prudent to apply an occupancy factor of 50%. Redon Shining for Cregnecte Racoloy osChapter? The patient is assumed to be Im above the floor, which is itself 4m above the floor below. There is nothing above the laboratory. In this shielding-cafculation, the workload is assumed to be 50% greater than the maximum shiown in Table 7.2, £¢, around 1.15» 108 Gy em? per year or 2.2» 10° Gy cui per week, and the maximum scatter at Im is obtained using an accelerating potential Of 85KV. The interventional unit to be installed uses copper filtration. The scatter factor S,,, for the walls is therefore 8 wGy (Gy em?) (see Section 7.1.1), and for the floor itis taken as 10)1Gy (Gy cm®y", assuming a scatter angle of 180° (see Figure 2.3). K,, a @ distance d from the patient is calculated using S,,., the annual workload (KAP) and the inverse square law: 4) ‘Transmission requirements are calculated from: D 73) Kye? where Tis the occupancy factor, and D, is the dose constraint, which for this example is 0.3 mGy per year for staff and public exposures. Walls, door. sets and lead glass in control area ‘Table 7.3 stows the annual incident air kerma for each of the-five points A-E, as identified in Figure 7.1. ‘The shielding requirements for cach barrier have been calculated, taking into account the occupancy factors outlined above and using Equations 7.5 and 4.2, along with the cocflicients for 85KV from Table 4.1 (@=3.504mmr; 6=20.37mur"; y=0.755), and these are given in Table 7.3. It is not désirable or sensible to specify different amounts of shielding on differing ‘walls in an X-ray room, because this can lead to future difficulties and even problems in ‘the construction phase. Thus, because Wall E, adjacent to the preparation room, requires Table 7.3 _Aniwal incident air kerma and shielding requirements for cardiac catheterisation laboratcres, for each of the five points A-E identifed in Figure 7.1, assuming an accelerating potential of B5KV for 8 unit with added copper fitration (rounded to one decinal pont) Position| Alcortitoy —B (office) (equipment D (contrat —-E (coor) room) screen) Distance for calculation (m) 2.4 38 29 43 28 Annual K,.(mGy) 102 48 nm 32 402 Transmission joxtos 4x10 a7K104 = Bx ax 10 Occupancy (%) 10 100 19 100 50 ‘Thickness of Iéad (mm) Os og oO oO os (B5kV+Cu) “Thickness of concrete 42 eo a - = ‘weighing 2350 kgm (mm) ‘Thickness of ead weighing 0.7 12 os iu 13 100KV (ma) oa Rekation Sening or Dagaoste RadogyERRATA DG Sutton, CP Martin, JR Williams, DI Peet Radiation Shielding for Diagnostic Radiology ISBN-13 978-0-905749-74-7 p. 84, Table7.3, rows 3 and 7 Table 7.3 Annual incident air kerma and shielaing requirements for cardiac cathietetisation laboratories, for each of the tive peints A-€ identified in Figure 7.1, assuming an accelerating potential of 8S KV for a unit ‘with added copper fitration (rounded to ane eectmal point) Position ‘Acarridor) Bi(ofice) CG (equipment D feontral (door) room) sereen) Distance for calculation (m4 35 29 43 24 ‘Annual K,(mGy} 180 % 10 50 160 ‘Tansmiscion 19109 4x10 arto eID * ato ccupancy (56) 10 109 10 100 50 Thicknoss of lead (mm) 0.5 og a4 oe os (@5KV Cu) Thickness of concrete (mm) 42 69 37 — - (2350kgm3} Thickness oflead (mm) 7 12 08 14 13 (a00Kv) p86, Pigure 7.2 ° kee rae ein Wend (ye)Foresopicepment the most shielding, it should in theory form the basis of the shielding specification for all of the walls. However, all barriers require less shielding than can be provided using the minimum-thickness commercially available lead, Code 3 (see Chapter 3), so the barriers should all be specified at Code 3, All door sets should preferably be designed to the same. specification to avoid problems during.the consttuction phase, ‘The lead glass in the contiol room could be specified at either 1.2 or'1.7mm lead equivalent, as shown in Table 3.4. Note that 1.7mm equivalent at 100KV is the same as 1.5mm equivalent at 150kV, Itis interesting to repeat the calculation using the more conservative approach that all examinations are performed at 100 KV, this time without copper filtration, as this would be deselected at higher tube potentials. Results are shown in the last ling of Table 7.3. for comparison, to illustrate the effect this has on the shielding calculations in terms of tead requirements. It can be seen that although the actual barrier thicknesses are greater, the overall requirement—i.e, Code 3—stays the same. Floor ‘The maximum scatter kerma is likely to be less than 10 1Gy (Gy cm?) at a distance of 1m (see Figure 2.4). The midline of the patient is approximately 1m abdve the floor; with a standard floor-to-floor height of 4m, the distance fron the mid-trunk of a person standing in the room below will be approximately 3.5m from the source of scatter. Applying Equation 7.4, it can be shown that the annual scatter air kerma is 94mGy, For 100% occupancy, the transmission specification is less than 3.210% (see Equation 7.5). At 85KV, this specification requires 75 mm concrete (2350kgm*). 7.2.3 Things to think about (1) Effect of workload on shielding requirements. Figure 7.2 shows how the shielding requirements for Wall B vary with annual, KAP. In the figure, the workload is projected to 3.45% 10°Gycm? per year, which is three times the already high workload used in this example and is beyond any likely real-world observation, ‘The net result is to increase the shielding requirement on Wall B to 1.1mm lead, From this type of analysis, and given the size of room likely to be involved, it can be inferred that it is unlikely that the workload of a ‘cardiac catheterisation laboratory would be such that shielding in excess of 1.5 mm lead woutd be required. See also Section 4.4. (2) Filtration. As discussed above, the use of copper filtration can be accounted for by using a scatter fraction of 8 :Gy (Gyem?)". If the unit had no additional filtration, the scatter factor would have been 5,2 uGy (Gyem?)". In the case of Wall B, the scatter kerma incident on the barrier would have been given by: K,.-5.2% 1.1510" (1/3.5) wGy year ™~50m Gy year" (7.8) The required transmission is 0.006, which is provided by 0.8mm. lead, assuming an accelerating potential of 85 KV. Thus, the overal specification of Code 3 ead would have been'the same. For the sake of conservatiom, it is recommended that 0.5mm lead be taken as a minimum requirement for any design where additional copper filtration may be used sisi Sheng for Diagnostic Racolony 85
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
Gilbert King
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (270)
Yes Please
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Yes Please
Amy Poehler
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1949)
The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
Garth Stein
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (4255)
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Betty Smith
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (1934)
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
Doris Kearns Goodwin
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (235)
A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
Dave Eggers
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (232)
Fear: Trump in the White House
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Fear: Trump in the White House
Bob Woodward
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (805)
On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
Naomi Klein
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (75)
Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
Jay Sekulow
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (139)
John Adams
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John Adams
David McCullough
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (2411)
Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
Jennifer Egan
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (883)
The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
John le Carré
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (108)
Primary Mathematics Teaching Theory and Practice
192 pages
Primary Mathematics Teaching Theory and Practice
Georgiana Kokona
88% (8)
The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
George Packer
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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2008 62494-1 Exposure Index
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Germany MR Norbert Bischof: Committee Draft (CD)
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2019-01-25 - ACR Webinar On DBT QC For MPs
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2019-01-25 - ACR Webinar On DBT QC For MPs
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Reg0012 - KVP Accuracy: 1 Personnel Requirements
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Malone - The Blue Book - Shielding Code of Practice in Ireland
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Malone - The Blue Book - Shielding Code of Practice in Ireland
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X-Ray Room Shielding
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X-Ray Room Shielding
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BIR Shielding Chs 1-3
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BIR Shielding Chs 1-3
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REGIUS 110HQ Operation Manual - English - 0404BA01EN04 (26019)
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Pub1557 Web
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Little Women
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Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (105)