Qvrservice Config

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# Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.

# All Rights Reserved
# Confidential and Proprietary - Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.

# Configuration parameters for qvr service

# Calibration data path

# If device-specific calibration data is present in an alternate location
# (typically one that wouldn't get wiped during a build update), specify
# that path here and the VR service will attempt to load calibration data
# from that path first before loading it from its default location.
#calibration_path =

# 6Dof configuration file

6dof_conf_file = qvrservice_6dof_config.xml
# Stereo 6dof config file; will be loaded if _stereo
# is part of tracking_camera_sensor name
6dof_conf_file_stereo = qvrservice_6dof_config_stereo.xml

# External Sensor related configurations

#external_sensor_lib =

# External Camera related configurations

#external_camera_lib =

#Sensor orientation: default is: 1 2 3 (Android Potrait)

#1 represents x, 2 represents y and 3 represents z
#for Android landscape sensor orientation, use the following
#sensor_orientation = 2 -1 3

#sensor frequency configuration in Hz

#sensor_frequency_hz = 800

# tracking camera properties

tracking_camera_id = -1
tracking_camera_sensor = ov7251
tracking_camera_res = 640 480
tracking_camera_frame_rdi_mode = false
tracking_camera_frame_rdi_bit_depth = 10
tracking_camera_auto_exposure = false
tracking_camera_hvx_mode = false
tracking_camera_hvx_dsp_so = libqvr_adsp_hvx_skel.so
tracking_camera_hvx_stream = 1
tracking_camera_auto_exposure = true
tracking_camera_control_protected = true
tracking_camera_privileged_client = 0
# camera logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)
tracking_camera_frame_logging_mode = disabled

# 6dof pose logging (disabled, continuous, oneshot)

tracking_6dof_pose_logging_mode = disabled

# the service will expose display interrupts to its clients from

# /dev/graphics/fb[display_id] (default is fb0)
#display_id = 0
#force to mag sensor based drift free 3dof
#force_drift_free_3dof = true

# kgsl workqueue configuration

kgsl_ev_cpumask = f
kgsl_ev_nice = -20
kgsl_wq_cpumask = f
kgsl_wq_nice = -20

# kgsl power scale control

kgsl_pwrscale = 1

# performance: thread_attributes
# format -> [thread type]:[cpu performance level]>[sched_policy],[priority],
[cpu_affinity];[cpu performance level]>[sched_policy],[priority],[cpu_affinity];
# cpu_affinity is given as bit mask
performance_thread_attributes =
performance_thread_attributes =
performance_thread_attributes =
performance_thread_attributes =

# performance: hints for gpu and cpu levels

# format -> [cpu_level gpu_level]:[hint id in powerhint.xml] [cpu_level gpu_level]:
[hint id in powerhint.xml]
# format -> [cpu_level gpu_level] - lower byte for gpu level and next higher byte
for cpu_level. Max level 255
performance_perf_hints = 0x0101:0x0000130A 0x0102:0x0000130B 0x0103:0x0000130C
performance_perf_hints = 0x0201:0x0000130D 0x0202:0x0000130E 0x0203:0x0000130F
performance_perf_hints = 0x0301:0x00001310 0x0302:0x00001311 0x0303:0x00001312

# performance thermal rules to be enabled

# format -> [thermal rule name]:[algo type]>[hardware type]
performance_thermal_rules = QVR_Rule_G:monitor>gpu QVR_Rule_C:monitor>cpu

# performance: temperature to temperature level mapping

# format -> [hardware type]:[temperature]>[temperature level];
[temperature]>[temperature level]
performance_temp_levels = gpu:30000>1;32000>2;34000>3;36000>4

# performance: thermal rule threshold index to mitigation actions mapping

# format -> [thermal rule name]:[threshold index]>[mit_action1,mit_action2];
[threshold index]>[mit_action1,mit_action2]
# mit_actions: fpsup & fpsdown -> increase & decrease fps , resup & reddown ->
increase & decrease eye buffer resolution
performance_mitigation_actions =
own,resdown;6>fpsdown,resup;7>fpsup,resup QVR_Rule_C:1>fpsdown,resup;2>fpsup,resup

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