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Mobile Application Development

6th Semester Software Engineering

Module 1:

1. Explain Android Studio application folder structure.

2. An android device will consists of many inbuilt system applications, if the requirement is to
open the telephone number clicked, in a system default dialler pad. Which object to be
configured? Explain in detail.
3. Explain android Activity Lifecycle.
4. Design a Login activity using Linear Layout

5. Bring out the differences between Relative and Constraint Layout.

6. Write a short note on:
a. R.java file
b. Android.manifest

Module 2:

1. Design and Implement a simple Activity with two EditText for reading two numbers and
Button to perform addition and display the result in a TextView.
2. Write the XML code snippet with important attributes for:
a. Image Button
b. Floating Action Button
c. Checkbox
3. Design and implement a simple Autocomplete TextView for the following string suggestion.
String[] city={“Bengal”, “Bangalore”, “Bangladesh”,”Bellary”}.

4. Design a simple toggle button and explain the use of textOff and textOn attributes on toggle
[Ref Link: https://abhiandroid.com/ui/togglebutton]
5. Design and implement a simple text spinner to load values like:

[Ref Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=on_OrrX7Nw4]

Module 3: Data Persistency and Storage

1. Design and implement simple application to show the use of shared

2. Implement a simple android application to perform file operations on file
stored in external storage.
3. Considering SQLite database for android application, explain the methods
and object used for creating database, creating table, writing data into
database and read contents from database. Demonstrate the same with
simple example.
4. Compare the different ways of storing data in android through
appropriate examples
5. What are content providers? With an example explain how to consume
contacts content provider.
6. Design and implement simple application to show how to perform play,
pause and stop operations on an audio file using Media API.

Module 4: Components of Android App

1. What are services in Android Environment? Explain a simple

application to show broadcast receiver.
2. Explain how to use notifications in android Environment.
3. What are alarm Service? Explain with simple example.
Module 5: Kotlin, Testing and Publishing App

1. What are the different data types available in Kotlin? Explain with
2. Explain simple control statement in kotlin.
3. With simple examples, explain the following in kotlin.
a. Classes and Objects
b. Interfaces
c. Generics
d. Enums

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