Final Blessing Ab 1 2
Final Blessing Ab 1 2
Final Blessing Ab 1 2
having to do with dead canvas or dead marble, compared with having to do with
the living body, the temple of God’s spirit? It is one of the fine Arts: I had almost
practice, advocacy and policy that affect people's quality of life. The researches
According to WHO (2018) Nurses have various roles within their work
description. The roles of a nurse include to manage and to treat the patients, to
work with families and communities involving health and health promotion.
workforce. On a daily basis, many nurses work on the front lines providing care
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3642 (Local: [email protected]
Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation – GRADUATE SCHOOL
Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation 2
“The Home of God-Loving and Globally Competent Individuals”
Martin P. Posadas Avenue, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, 2420, Philippines
practicing healthy behaviors are exacerbated by the fact that nurses have many
competing demands for their time, energy, and attention. Nurses must focus on
the health of their patients, the needs of patients’ family members, the demands
of physicians and supervisors, their own needs, and the concerns of their own
family members. The increasing demands faced by nurses impact all areas of
nurses’ personal and professional lives and increase their risks of chronic stress
and the very nature of nurses’ work can also induce stress. Nurses often
experience low levels of autonomy and low control over their job, are moved
members of the health care team, and often deal with demanding and/or
nurses’ feelings and perceptions of being overworked and stressed (The Impact
stress as harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when job
resources of the individual are not sufficient to cope with the demands and
emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor in
When the threat is perceived, the human body releases hormones that activate
“a condition or feeling that a person experiences when s/he perceive that the
demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual is able to
nurses’ experiences of work related stress through self-reporting and hair cortisol
responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the
capabilities, resources, or needs of the worker which can lead to poor health and
from the interactions between the nurse and her/his work environment where the
demand of the job exceed capabilities and resources. Work stress is recognized
time, pressures, excessive noise, sudden swings from intense to mundane tasks,
no second chance, unpleasant sights and sounds and long standing hours .
Nurses are trained to deal with these factors but stress takes a toll when there
nurses and this leads to negative feelings toward those in their care
G,2014 ).
The World Health Organization estimates the cost of stress and stress
United States alone, the cost of stress had increased to US$350 billion (about
£220 billion) per year. Data from the European Union show that the cost of stress
calculated at 20 billion euro (about £16.5 billion) each year. It is estimated that
work-related stress costs UK industry around £6.7 billion each year in lost
income, and caused workers to lose 10.8 million working days .Stress related
(about £9.56 billion) a year, and directly costing employers AU$10.11 (about
£6.98 billion) billion a year with total of 3.2 days per worker lost per year. No
statistics are available about the monetary cost of occupational stress in Nigeria
Work-related stress is one of the most important workplace health risks for
decreased productivity, physical illness, poor quality of health care services, and
increase risk of medical errors and Globally, the costs of work-related stress are
estimated to be $5.4 billion each year, which is one of the most frequently
the main challenge for the nursing profession throughout the world and has
evidence demonstrated that nurses suffer from high levels of work-related stress
are threatening their health, patients’ lives, compromise the quality of nursing
care, and increasing the cost of health care. Excessive occupational stress has
viewed from an occupational health and safety perspective. Stress and burnout
were recognized internationally as work hazards for nurses before the pandemic.
Although research suggests that both occupational and personality factors play a
that the individual is not able to manage. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic
has increased work stress among an already strained nursing corps, putting their
countless deaths, and long work shifts with the most diverse unknowns and
demands. During the global response to the epidemic, HCWs are undoubtedly
needed, but they represent one of the most vulnerable individuals in terms of
acquiring the highly contagious disease. Lots of HCWs serving on the front lines
of the COVID-19 pandemic have become infected and more have been in
Aside from that, HCWs are very often susceptible to job burnout, with the
highest levels of job burnout reported among HCWs working in the emergency
job-related stress. Known factors contributing to the high risk of job burnout
include intensive patient care, high mortality rate, and inappropriate job
address the patient’s needs. Accordingly, the relevant HCWs experience stress
levels beyond their capacities, which may lead to job burnout. Job burnout has
by a high rate of absence and turnover among the HCWs, all of which is known
and emergency conditions, such nurses are provided with limited time for
factors have been associated with high level of occupational stress among
nurses. Halpin, Terry, and Curzio (2017) found out excessive workload was the
transition period. This was as result of the nursing shortage with fewer nurses to
care for numerous patients. Furthermore, work load, shift work, overtime, and
covering for absent colleagues were the most common identified stressors by
the Philippines the nurse to patient ratio ranges 1:50 to 1:80 thus, there is
2019) In the Philippines, work-related stress has received very minimal attention.
There are only a few studies related to stress being done. It is important to look
at specific areas and to investigate those issues affecting the staff and our
updating paperwork and much more. Healthcare is incredibly important but there
are currently many problems that cause issues for nurses. These are the six
Health (
(colleagues, patients, families etc.) can also become catalysts of stress for many
nurses. Difficult or tragic situations, such as caring for and communicating with a
person who is dying, also present emotional challenges for nurses. While societal
changes, such as the increased risk of violent or aggressive patients, has also
created greater stress. The Physical Demands of Nursing Cause Stress as day
to day nursing is full of potential physical stressors, including frequent lifting and
bending, changeable shifts or rosters, noisy work environments, and long hours.
Nurses working night-shift may also suffer from disruption to their natural
circadian rhythms, which in turn, can predispose them to illness. As well, many
nurses face exposure to infection and toxic substances on a regular basis. The
can also play on a nurse’s mind. Finally, with the current median age of a nurse
being 45, many are simply not as physically resilient as they were in their
the Philippines).
Patients. This study may serve as an indicator that they also have to
understand and acknowledge the situation of the nature of work of the nurses
of the work of nurses and recognize their participation and due compensation for
authorities to enhance their policies and give full support to the nurses since they
nurses also need motivation to boost their strength and increase their morale in
organization to address the needs of the nurses as well as the stress that they
may encounter so that it will enhance their policies that focus also on the job
Family Members of Nurses. This will help the family members to focus
on what to do so that they can also assist the informants and give motivational
improve and enhance their capacity to appreciate that their importance in serving
the humanity
Future Researchers. The finding from this research can also be used as
a reference material for other research who will likely carry out a study on a
related topic.
Researcher’s Background
government area, Imo state, Nigeria. I am from majority tribes ‘‘Igbo’’ of Nigeria,
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3642 (Local: [email protected]
Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation – GRADUATE SCHOOL
Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation 12
“The Home of God-Loving and Globally Competent Individuals”
Martin P. Posadas Avenue, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, 2420, Philippines
which is one of the biggest and most inflectional ethnic group in Nigeria. Igbos is
well- known for their entrepreneurial endeavours both within Nigeria and around
the world. I am blessed with wonderful parents and siblings who will not let me to
under the inspiration and patronage of our lady of the miraculous medal, affirms
also observed the task design and work conditions of nurses working in different
areas of hospitals including their duty working hours, caring one patient to
another while doing their charting and evaluation, I have also observed how they
eat beyond scheduled time and pressured when there are emergency cases. I
cannot even talk to them because of their busy schedule going around the
patients checking and monitoring patients’ vital signs, Intravenous and the
medication administration regularly. I have also observed that there are some
promote and restore life through research, especially when it comes to stress –
free to promote a quality care. I believe that stressful nature of nursing can
ultimately lead to burnout. there is no doubt that a nursing career can prove to be
one of the most challenging career paths that you can embark on- full of daily
developed to address the issue. Through this research, I am hopeful that stress
among nurses and its impact on the productivity of nurses are well investigated
because nurses who are stressed tend to be aggressive on patients and this
1. How will you describe your experience as a nurse on job related stress?
2. What are the coping mechanisms have you used in times of work stress?
These include research design, sources of data, research setting and sampling
Research Design
The study based upon a qualitative process of inquiry has the goal of
the subject matter at hand. Additionally, they also explain that qualitative
inductive in nature.
meaning, the main data source is in depth conversations with the researcher and
participants as full co-participants. This helped the informants describe their lived
conversation, the researcher strived to gain entrance into the informants’ world,
to have full access to their experiences as lived (Polit and Beck, 2010).
Sources of Data
Research Setting
This study was conducted in two selected hospital in San Carlos city,
hospital. The two hospitals were considered to be the biggest hospitals in San
Carlos City Pangasinan, one being the private hospital while the other one is a
1945 and a public institution located in Bolingit, San Carlos City, Pangasinan
which is one of the biggest hospitals in the province. It has more than 30 existing
buildings from just 7 buildings in 2006. It is a 400 bed capacity hospital under the
Major services being offered include Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and
Specialty Areas like ICU, Neonatal ICU and Dialysis Unit. PPH is committed to
March 2020 with 8 isolation rooms and 7 rooms for COVID confirm cases. It has
1 chief nurse, 3 supervisors, 4 acting supervisors and 5 head nurses and 455
located at Ilang, San Carlos City, Pangasinan. It has 75 bed capacity and it is
September 30, 2020 the hospital is classified as level II general hospital. Its
Mission is to provide optimal healthcare for the people of Pangasinan through: -
environment that ensures patient safety. -wide array of diagnostic services and
equipped with TB-DOTS, which helps people with tuberculosis be treated without
a cost. The Laboratory also extends within the line of technology for accuracy. It
has an Emergency Room designed for the immediate, urgent and non-urgent
These terms were used for an approach which involves asking people who have
already been interviewed to identify other people they know who fit the selection
and where the key selection criteria are characteristics which might not be widely
identify people who meet the criteria but who are dissimilar to them in particular
would be to treat those identified by existing sample members as link people, not
interviewing them but asking them to identify another person who meets the
data to answer the research questions. Specifically, criterion sampling was used
The guiding principle in the selection of the sample for phenomenological study
as this is that all participants must have experienced the phenomenon under
study and must be able to articulate what it is like to have lived that experience
name based on Countries to hide their identity. There were no preset number of
participants; instead, data was exhausted until saturation point was reached.
This is a point in data gathering where no new data was obtained. Bowen (2008)
explains that selecting and arriving at the needed number of participants relies on
the nature of the research and how many are needed to answer the research
questions. Data gathering was done in the months of January to March 2021.
Research Instrument
Data on the inquiry of understanding and finding meaning from the job-
interviews thru video call are the primary data source for this study. Interviews
are a key method of eliciting narratives, so that I can attempt to understand the
world from my participants’ point of view (Kvale & Brinkman, 2009, p. 1).
Interviews are particularly well suited for studying people’s understanding of the
understanding, and clarifying and elaborating their own perspectives (Horrack &
Thus, researcher utilized interviews that are semi structured and which
pandemic I utilized individual face to face interview through online via video call
the panel committee and follow the four ethical principles of this paper and upon
the recommendation of the Dean of Graduate School, the study proceeded on its
the nurses inviting them to tell their stories by asking open ended questions. The
informants. Reflective notes were made particularly at the end of the interviews.
This helped me to identify their strength and weaknesses and also give me some
prompts which helped in the transcribing (Whiting, 2010). Each interview lasted
about 45 minutes.
the data as the language of the informants was use to reflect as accurately as
informed consent that contained full disclosure of the intent of the study and its
methods for voluntary participation in the study. The informed consent was
discussed, the purpose and significance of the study, methods and process to be
employ, the risks and discomforts that may cause to the informants, the right to
withdraw from participation at any given time, their benefits and their right to full
availability and most convenient time. In this study all informants were
Data gathering was continued until no new findings were discovered and
instead of using their real names. When the interview and observation process
study; I informed them of the results of the study. A token was given to each of
the informants and they were also be benefited more from this study. The audio
choices that researchers must make during their research and to set the
reasoning by which they conduct data collection and data analysis (Creswell,
and readers that their research findings are worthy of attention (Lincoln and
Guba, 2015).
larger aims, and to offer alternative terms to positivist concepts and qualitative
are believable. This is a classic example of ‘quality not quantity’. It depends more
on the richness of the information gathered, rather than the amount of data
gathered. In reality the informants/readers are the only ones who can reasonably
to openly express their views and perspective without any restrictions. The
interview will be recorded with the approval of the informants to ensure that all
information specified in the study can be interpreted for data analysis and can be
methods used is recording via mobile phone and note taking to supplement the
interviews of the nurses. The circular and interpretative analysis of data are done
through listening and re-listening to the audio recorded, and by writing and re-
to share the final results with the informants of the study for validation.
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3642 (Local: [email protected]
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Martin P. Posadas Avenue, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, 2420, Philippines
of the research. The reader notes the specific details of the research situation
and methods, and compares them to a similar situation that they are more
familiar with. If the specifics are comparable, the original research would be
the applicability of findings to other situations and other people (Freeman,
2007). They will have an opportunity to validate interpretations of the data and
exemplars, share comments and new insights, and clarify discrepancies and
ambiguities in interpretation.
ensures that the research findings are consistent and could be repeated. This is
external researcher to repeat the inquiry and achieve similar results. This also
the research findings are supported by the data collected. This is a process to
establish whether the researcher has been biased during the study; this is due to
the assumption that qualitative research allows the research to bring a unique
perspective to the study. An external researcher can judge whether this is the
case by studying the data collected during the original inquiry. To enhance the
Figure 2 shows the audit trail of the study. It can be gleaned from the audit
trail that the study was initiated through determination of research objectives in
conduct the study in order to build the gap. Based on the background of the
guide by the researcher during interview process will be generated, this guided
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Martin P. Posadas Avenue, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, 2420, Philippines
questionnaire was subject for validation and evaluation by the research adviser.
With the approval of the Graduate School Dean, the adviser and the panel
utilizing the appropriate procedures, data analysis and interpretation with related
studies and literature for substantiation of the results. Furthermore, based on the
Data Collection
Establishment of Saturation
Ethical Considerations
which must be identified and addressed prior to carrying out any research study
in order to protect all informants from potential harm (Academia, 2016). This
research commenced once ethical approval has been achieved from the
research ethics committee. The following four ethical principles was tracked to
informants and society. According to Burns and Grove (2016), risks that may be
financial ones The researcher aims to contribute to the study of the nurses
interviews are transcribed verbatim, thus no names are recorded during the
protected folders with restricted access and stored on an external hard drive
which only the researcher will have access to (Academia, 2016). The Data
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“The Home of God-Loving and Globally Competent Individuals”
Martin P. Posadas Avenue, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, 2420, Philippines
Protection Act 2012 requires that data held on a computer must be accurate and
up-to-date; it also allows the informants to view the information regarding them
and to correct any errors if they wish to. It is very difficult to maintain anonymity
when an organization grant permission for such a study to be carried out, thus all
interviews are coded and no names used so as informants’ responses are not
I will respect the human right of free choice and will ensure informed
consent was completed before carrying out any of the interviews to observe the
data privacy act 2012. Procedure of consent was carried out, which enables the
researcher to renegotiate features of the consent form derived from the changing
description of the inquiry (Munhall, 2001). All informants are reassured that the
option to withdraw from the research at any time without penalty or repercussions
is upheld. Kelly and Simpson (2001) recommend that researchers maintain close
there are some who may feel impervious to change. The potential benefits and
risk was provided by explaining the benefits and risk of the study.
All findings and results presented was that of actual facts stated in the
Ethical issues may arise at any point during any study regardless of the
identified, prevented, and reviewed as best as possible prior to, during and after
the study (Academia, 2016). Ethical principles pave the way for possible issues
not answers.
and then the recorded data was transcribed verbatim. The process of
towards job related stress. It also facilitates and access to implicit and explicit
steps data analysis was followed in this phenomenological approach, namely: All
identification of the fundamental structure and participants was asked about the
The audio recorded data gathered from the informants was transcribed
with the help of a Filipino, compared from each informant responses and was
compared among all informants to distinguish similarities and differences and the
and alterations. The aim of this constant comparative method of this study was to
generate theory from the saturation of their responses which would describe the
whole transcript. Similar themes emerged as going through the transcript and the
patterns but also acknowledge new issues emerging as I worked through the
recognized ways which accounts from participants were similar but also different.
The objective of this comparison was to generate theory from the saturation of
notes during the interview was incorporated in the analysis of (voice) recorded
Presented in this chapter are the findings and results of the study using
a. Increased Workload
b. Psychosomatic Experiences
b. Spiritual Engagement
c. Motivational influence
a. Inner resilience
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“The Home of God-Loving and Globally Competent Individuals”
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b. Self determination
c. Positive mindsets
all their might and cause to fall apart, but they are necessary elements of nurse’s
growth and reveal their true potential. As saying says that storms hit the
weakness, but unlock the true strength. The tests nurses face in life's journey are
not to reveal their weaknesses but to help discover the inner strengths.
A. Increased Workload
The informant’s phrased that they had a lot of patients in combination with
few nurses, this was uttered to affect not only stress in the nurses but affect the
quality of care that they would give to the patients. Below are their shared
Burnout and its symptoms were recognized and reported by most as a problem
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“The Home of God-Loving and Globally Competent Individuals”
Martin P. Posadas Avenue, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, 2420, Philippines
“chronic”, were used to refer to those who had served for many years and who
B. Psychosomatic Experience
Psychosomatic refers to real physical symptoms that arise from or are influenced
by the mind and emotions rather than a specific organic cause in the body (such
by emotional stress and manifests in the body as physical pain and other
manifestation felt as they provide quality care for their patients. The informants
Finland: “Sumasakit ulo ko kasi hindi lang naman actions lang, you also
have to do paperworks para yung susunod sa yon a nurse, maayos at
tama din yong susundan nya na interventions.”
(Feeling of headache because it is not just actions, you also have to do
paper works so that the next duty nurses will have an appropriate
interventions to follow).
Qatar:”At the end of the duty hour’s parang pagod na pagod ako, maybe
because of the many patients that is assigned to me and all i want to do is
to relax and sleep.”
(At the end of the duty hours, as if I am so tired, maybe because of many
patients that is assigned to me and all I want to do is to relax and sleep)
Japan: “Hayy most of the time I suffered neck and back pain at minsan
inaantok din.”
(Hayy… Most of the time I suffered neck and back pain and sometimes
Spain: “masakit sa ulo yung wala kang tigil na nag checheck ng pasyente,
ng paperworks” (Continue checking of patients and paper works make me
fell headache).
Job Stress and Related Health Problems Among Hospital Nurses in India , and
extent of work stress in nurses in a hospital setting, to identify the major sources
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“The Home of God-Loving and Globally Competent Individuals”
Martin P. Posadas Avenue, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, 2420, Philippines
related stress and ill-health symptoms among the study sample which revealed
Nurses have various roles within their work description. The roles of a
nurse include to manage and to treat the patients, to work with families and
workplace as well as the conflict among coworkers and demanding relatives can
stress my informants and affect their health when there is nothing more they can
do for the patient. The nurses are being affected both physical and emotional to
Nurses’ stress out that role recognition by the higher authorities was not
given attention, demanding relatives and the conflict among other coworkers.
This subtheme provides as an insight on how the role of nurses affects them
Germany. “No matter how I try to exert effort with my work, I still felt that it
was not really recognize. Ahmm. This is my personal perception, maybe
because I know for myself that I am doing my best in providing quality
care as well as doing my job as a nurse.”
to explore perceptions of the most salient sources of stress in the early stages of
the coronavirus pandemic in a sample of U.S. nurses. One of the results showed
the type of patient that they have, most of them had a greater chance of being
infected especially during this pandemic that they don’t know whom are having
the illness, though there are also other infectious that might as well affect them.
nurses handling COVID 19 positive patients wherein the nurses are exposed
to different challenges and findings shows that one of the subthemes under
the theme battle battle within COVID 19 ward is the fear of contagion which
indicates that most of the nurses claimed the possibility of being infected due
to the reason that they are the one handling the COVID 19 patients.
Table depicts the 1st theme “The Fight Amidst Challenges and
of being infected.
Theme Subthemes
It also requires the nurses to be aware of what the stressor is, and then
implement a problem solve approach to reduce the perceived stress. Below are
France: “If I have time, sumasama ako lumalabas sa mga barkada, kaht
papano, navovoice out ko yung nararamdaman ko, and they are very
supportive and motivated me to keep going lalo na daw ngayon, in need
talaga ng nurses.”
( If I have time, I go out with my friends, I can even voice out my feelings
and they are very supportive and motivated me to keep going especially
now that nurses are in need).
b. Spiritual Engagement
Constant connection with God will always be the nurses’ armor in fighting
the battle against stress especially during this pandemic. Their faith and prayers
keeps them going and continue to work in spite of different stressor that they
have experience;
Philipppines: “Lagi akong nag ppray lalo pag feeling ko may kulang na
sa ginagawa ko, parang tinatamad ako. I always ask God’s guidance kasi
alam ko at sa lahat ng ginagawa ko anjan sha.”
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Finland: “Prayers. Submit all your worries to God, I am sure, I can work
and face all the challenges and adversities in my work as a nurse.”
(First, you have strong faith and continuous prayer because that is where I
get my strength)
France: “For as long as you have the strong faith to God and always pray,
I know I can surpass all the stress that I am int”.
C. Motivational Influence
These are the driving force of the nurses to fuel them to continue working
despite of the challenges that they may experience. It is the desire to act in
service of a goal;
France: “Merun akong pamilya na malawak yung pang unawa, sila yung
motivation ko at pati na rin yung mga pasyente ko, kung nadidischarge
ang pasyente na ok, pakirandan ko I have done something worthwhile”
(I have my family who has a profound understanding, they are my
motivation and also my patients, if they were discharge, I felt that I have
done something worthwhile).
Japan: “Anjan ang family ko para suportahan ako, sila yung dahilan bakit
motivated akong magtrabaho and also with Gods guidance.”
(My family is there to support me, they are the reason why I am motivated
to work and also with Go’s guidance).
Table presents the 2nd theme categorized as Strive and Thrive Beyond
Challenges and Adversities with three subthemes such as Active problem focus
Theme Subthemes
Motivational influence
The role of a nurse is to advocate and care for individuals and support
them through health and illness, however, there are various other responsibilities
of a nurse. With all of the role and responsibilities, there are also challenges and
adversities the nurses may encounter which is inevitable, In order to surpass all
the challenges, they also have their way to break a ground to face the reality of
A. Inner Resilience
judgement and behavior Nurses need the ability to maintain their individual
important aspect of inner resilience is to deal with disruptions in our own life
creatively and to overcome setbacks, turning the lessons of failure into the
Philippines: “Lesson from myself with this situation, kailangan mong mag
reflect at pag sisipan maigi yung possivity ng gingagwa mo.”
(Lesson from myself with this situation, you need to reflect and think the
passivity of what you are doing).
Finland: “Being a nurse, you need to rethink and reflect so that you can
easily discern all the stressor and learn what to do with it.”
B. Self Determination
choices, and to think on their own. Given how self-determination can help with
achieving independence, this concept plays an essential role not only in the
overall well-being of the individual, but also their overall health. Because self-
determination puts the individual in the driving seat, it makes the person both
(With this kind of profession, there are lots of stressor, you need to be
determined to fight these and a need to be brave and strong otherwise
your health will be compromise).
C. Positive Mindset
positive outlook. It does not necessarily mean avoiding or ignoring the bad
things; instead, it involves making the most of the potentially bad situations,
trying to see the best in other people and in work environment, and viewing
Finland: “I know that being a nurse is not easy, you have to establish
confidence for yourself in order to carry out your role effectively, there
may be some challenges that may encounter but you have to look it into a
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Martin P. Posadas Avenue, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, 2420, Philippines
Theme Subthemes
Self determination
Positive mindsets
explore the lived experiences of nurses on job related stress. Due to safety
measures and the researcher cannot meet them personally, an in dept interviews
considerable depth, the collection and especially the analysis of the data attained
from them can be time consuming. I have managed to maximize my time and
securing their permission, their convenient time were discussed where I can
interview them through video call and also ask if I could possibly bring a Filipino
friend with me during the interview so that I can easily express my queries with
them There were problems encountered during my interview. Some of them were
limitation of qualitative research and this can mean that it is likely to be taken
9 participants whom I have gathered data from them; it may incriminate frailer
deeper into their responses and formed stable results by analyzing them until
the three themes namely challenges and adversities, strive and thrive beyond
challenges and adversities and breaking a new ground with their respective
s and
Relationship Positive
Fear of being
Figure 3
Concept Map of Nurses Experience on Job Related Stress
This chapter discusses the related literature and studies both foreign and
local and how they are synthesized with the current study.
Related Literature
Job-related stress is the response people may have when presented with
work demands and pressures that are not matched to their knowledge and
abilities and which challenge their ability to cope. Stress occurs in a wide range
of work circumstances but is often made worse when employees feel they have
little support from supervisors and colleagues, as well as little control over work
and sometimes this is used to excuse bad management practice. Pressure at the
workers alert, motivated, able to work and learn, depending on the available
design jobs and work systems, and the way we manage them), by poor work
design (for example, lack of control over work processes), poor management,
supervisors. Research findings show that the most stressful type of work is that
which values excessive demands and pressures that are not matched to workers’
knowledge and abilities, where there is little opportunity to exercise any choice or
control, and where there is little support from others. Employees are less likely to
matched to their knowledge and abilities, control can be exercised over their
work and the way they do it, support is received from supervisors and
(WHO 2020).
Stress related hazards at work can be divided into work content and
work context.
meaningless of tasks, lack of variety, etc); work load and work pace (too much or
too little to do, work under time pressure, etc.); working hours (strict or inflexible,
long and unsocial, unpredictable, badly designed shift systems); and participation
evaluation systems, being over- or under-skilled for a job); the worker’s role in
and work-life balance (conflicting demands of work and home, lack of support for
domestic problems at work, lack of support for work problems at home, lack of
Task Design
ability to make your own decisions about our own job or about specific tasks),
shiftwork / hours of work, skills / abilities do not match job demands and lack of
This include role conflict (conflicting job demands, too many roles, multiple
Relationships at Work
Stress can have an impact on the overall health. Our bodies are designed,
stress. The problem is that our bodies deal with all types of stress in the same
way. Common effects of stress on the body include: headache, muscle tension
or pain, chest pains, increased heart rate and blood pressure, weakened immune
system, fatigue / insomnia, stomach and digestive issues and high blood sugar.
Stress can also affect your mood or thinking by increasing forgetfulness, anxiety,
teach workers about the nature and sources of stress, the effects of stress on
EAP programs. This approach is the most direct way to reduce stress at work. It
identified stressors. The advantage of this approach is that it deals directly with
Healthcare System and Appropriating Funds. The policy of the state to uphold
the dignity of the nurses and assume responsibility for the protection, respect and
relevant nursing practice for health and safety of the public just and humane
Related Studies
Tel Nos. (075) 632-4094, 955-5222, 532-
3642 (Local: [email protected]
Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation – GRADUATE SCHOOL
Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation 60
“The Home of God-Loving and Globally Competent Individuals”
Martin P. Posadas Avenue, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, 2420, Philippines
and Coping Adequacy on the Health of Nurses: A Pilot Investigation,” This study
examined the relationship between stress, coping, and the combined influences
of perceived stress and coping abilities on health and work performance. A valid
in the USA. In general, the nurses were not healthy: 92% had moderate-to-very
high stress levels; 78% slept less than 8 hours of sleep per night; 69% did not
exercise regularly; 63% consumed less than 5 servings of fruits and vegetables
When confronted with workplace stress, 70% of nurses reported that they
consumed more junk food and 63% reported that they consumed more food than
usual as a way of coping. Nurses in the “high stress/poor coping” group had the
poorest health outcomes and highest health risk behaviors compared to those in
other groups. The combined variables of perceived stress and perceived coping
695 U.S. nurses in May 2020. Content analysis was conducted on nurses’
and their treatment. More than half of all comments concerned stress related to
provide opportunities for nurses to discuss the stress they are experiencing,
support one another, and make suggestions for workplace adaptations during
this pandemic.
Sectional Study,” which aims to measure perceived stress levels among nurses
study was conducted. A total of 157 nurses and nursing assistants took part. A
Nursing Stress Scale (ENSS) for stress assessment was used. Analysis was
performed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 20.0.
Total stress mean (SD) score ranged in medium levels [136.27 (47.80)].
The most stressful situations were dealing with death and dying [18.29 (5.59)];
patients' and their families' demands [20.90 (7.12)], and uncertainty concerning
treatment [22.19 (9.07)]. Discrimination [4.40 (4.25)] and conflicts with peers
relationship between age and total stress (F = 4.23, p < 0.001) and all distinct
stressors. Nurses between 30 and 34 years expressed higher stress in all cases
except patients' and their families' demands stressor. Those nurses who were
divorced expressed higher stress in death and dying subscale (F = 2.93, p =
−2.40, p = 0.017), conflicts with physicians (t = −2.19, p = 0.033), and problems
with peers (t = −2.63, p = 0.009) were concerned, compared to nurses. The
findings of the study are in line with other researchers' findings concerning
descriptive-correlation and cross sectional design was used. The study was
occurs in the work setting was workload while discrimination stressors never
civil status (χ2 = 17.48) number of patients (χ2 = 16.11) and length of service (χ2 =
revisit the staffing and scheduling plan and provide enough staff to cover the unit
collected data were tracked and analyze employing colaiizzi method for analysis
and come up with three themes, The battle within COVID 19 ward, Rising Up to
the Challenges and the COVID `19 warriors intangible gains which suggest that
the healthcare organizations and the concerned authorities must shift their
Health and Safety Issues among Nurses in the Philippines,” which aim to
determine the occupational health and safety among nurses in the Philippines .
illness in the past year, and 80% had experienced back pain. Most who had an
injury did not report it. The top ranking concerns were stress and overwork.
Filipino nurses encounter considerable health and safety concerns that are
examine the work organization factors that contribute to these concerns and
The relevance of the cited literature and studies have reinforced the
researcher to look into the findings that are deemed pertinent to the present
perceived stress and coping abilities on health and work performance. When
confronted with workplace stress, 70% of nurses reported that they consumed
more junk food and 63% reported that they consumed more food than usual as a
way of coping however, the recent study focus on the experiences on job related
sources of stress in the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic using cross
sectional design, while the recent study I a qualitative type of research using
levels among nurses in a Greek public general hospital. The recent study utilized
which A descriptive-correlation and cross sectional design was used. The study
occasionally occurs in the work setting was workload while the recent study
which also showed that one of the subtheme that respondents experience in their
phenomenological study design using semi -structured interview guide while the
recent study addresses the experiences of nurses on job related stress utilizing
Health and Safety Issues among Nurses in the Philippines,” which address the
occupational health and safety of nurses in the Philippines using cross sectional
design and result that the top ranking concerns are stress and overwork while the
recent study address the experiences of nurses on job related stress using
to the later study, the result also encompasses increase workload that may lead
Tel Nos. (075) 632-4094, 955-5222, 532-
3642 (Local: [email protected]
Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation – GRADUATE SCHOOL
Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation 68
“The Home of God-Loving and Globally Competent Individuals”
Martin P. Posadas Avenue, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, 2420, Philippines
nurses on job related stress by answering the following questions: 1. How will
you describe your experience as a nurse on job related stress? 2. What are the
coping mechanisms have you used in times of work stress and 3. What lesson
necessary data from the informants and snowball sampling was used in the
selection of samples from the population. A semi structured interview guide, face
to face, individual interviews via video call were utilized to capture and
stress shaped the findings of the study which were formulated into themes and
subthemes. The themes are the fight amidst challenges and adversities, strive
and thrive beyond challenges and adversities and breaking a new ground. The
and interpersonal relationship and Fear of being infected (2) Active problem
The first theme, the fight amidst challenges and adversities, informants
pointed out their experienced on what are those stressful situations during duty
hours however in spite of the experiences the informant’s managed to surpass all
The second theme, strive and thrive beyond challenges and adversities, the
participants claimed that as they have the strategy and with their motivational
support from family friends as well as their engagement to God, nothing will be
The third theme, breaking a new ground, the informants claimed that their
inner resilience, self-determination and their positive viewpoint will help them and
with an inference that nurses encountered difficulties and challenges in their work
nurses affect them because of their task design that increase workload, their role
well as their fear of being infected which may lead to different psychosomatic
by friend family and their spiritual connection as well as their active focus
Facing the reality of their nature of job, their inner reliance wherein their
capacity to rethink and reflect and their self-determination and positive mindset,
they were able to surpass all those challenges and become a better one.
recommendations as follows
A. Books
Albrecht, T.L., and Halsey, J. (2014). Supporting the staff nurse under stress.
Nursing management
Kvale, S., & Brinkmann, S. (2009). Inter Views: Learning the craft of qualitative
research interviewing (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA, US: Sage
Publications, Inc
B. Published Studies
Aguir, V.E., Pons, Echegaray, M.C, Romas, D.B., and Sanchez, R.G. (2014).
Stressors laborals y bienestar psicologico: Impacto en la Enfermeria
hospitalaria. (The impact of psychological welfare of nurses in hospitals
caused by work stress). Revista de Emfermeraia
Ahmed & Ramzan (2014) Effects of Job Stress on Employees Job Performance:
A Study on Banking Sector of Pakistan, IOSR
Akhtar, S & Lee, J.S (2017). Confirmatory factor analysis and job burnout
correlates of the Health professions Stress Inventory,
DOI: 10.2466/pr0.2002.90.1.243
Bishwadeep P. 2018 on Study on job stress and related health problems among
hospital nurses in india , and extent of work stress in nurses in a hospital
Cassam, N. H., and Hackett, T. P. (2014). Sources of tension for the CCU nurse.
American Journal of Nursing, 72, 1426-1430
Celowitz, S.B. (2019). Burnout and coping strategies among hospital staff
nurses. Journal of advanced Nursing. 14,553-557.
C. Unpublished Studies
Bernal AJ, 2020 on Facing the Unseen: Lived Experiences of Nurses Handling
Corona Virus Disease-19 Positive
Beehr, T.A. & Newman, J. (2017) Job stress, employee health and organizational
effectiveness: A facet analysis, model, and literature
D. Others
Dear Sir:
Respectfully yours,
Noted By:
Tel Nos. (075) 632-4094, 955-5222, 532-
3642 (Local: [email protected]
Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation – GRADUATE SCHOOL
Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation 75
“The Home of God-Loving and Globally Competent Individuals”
Martin P. Posadas Avenue, San Carlos City, Pangasinan, 2420, Philippines
Dear Informant,
Rest assured that the information you will provide will be treated with
utmost confidentiality. It will be a great honor to have you as part of the fulfillment
of the study. Thank you, May the Lord bless you and your family.
Respectfully yours,
Noted By:
This informed consent form is for the Nurses working in Hospitals in San
Carlos City Pangasinan where I will be conducting my research study entitled,
“Finding Calm in the realm of Upheaval: Nurses Experiences on Job Related
Respondent Selection
You are being invited to take part in this research because I feel that your
experience as a nurse can contribute much to our understanding and knowledge
about our research study.
Voluntary Participation
Your participation in this research study is entirely voluntary. You have the
right to withdraw anytime if you are not comfortable with.
The research takes place over will be depending on the availability of your
time. Upon approval, one on one interview or online face to face interview will be
conducted for 20 minutes during a video call (mobile phone).
You will be beneficial in the sense that, you can help your fellow nurses to
be aware, but your participation is most likely a great help to us in the completion
of our study.
You will not be provided any incentive to take part in the research.
However, we will be thankful for your given time and if by chance, there will be
disturbance in your finances on using the mobile phone by paying the load duting
interview , I am willing to pay or reimburse you have spent.
Nothing that you tell us today will be shared with anybody outside the
research team, and nothing will be attributed to you by name. The knowledge
that we get from this research will be shared with you only
You do not have to take part in this research if you do not wish to do so,
and choosing to participate will not affect your job or job-related evaluations in
any way. You may stop participating in the interview at any time that you wish
without your job being affected. We will give you an opportunity at the end of
answering the questionnaire to review your remarks, and you do not agree with
my notes or if I did not understand correctly.
I have read the foregoing information, or it has been read to me. I have
had the opportunity to ask questions about it and any questions I have been
asked have been answered to my satisfaction. I consent voluntarily to be a
respondent in this study
Date _________________________
1. How will you describe your experienced as a nurse on job related stress?
Dear Sir/Ma'am:
This is to certify that the semi-structured interview guide integrated into the
E-MAIL: [email protected]
Year: 2020
Year: 2019