Lecture 1. Introduction and Random Variables: Kwong-Yu Wong

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Lecture 1.

Introduction and random variables

Kwong-Yu Wong

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Course Summary

▶ Instructor: Dr. WONG Kwong-Yu

▶ Lecture: Monday 4 - 6pm on Zoom.
▶ Link is available on Canvas under "Zoom" -> tab "Upcoming
Meetings", with a passcode: metrics
▶ Lectures are recorded and you’d find it as long as you change to
"Zoom" -> tab "Cloud Recordings".
▶ Each lecture is around 80-90 mins. Some are longer, some are
▶ Tutorial Sessions: The module has tutorial sessions by TAs
in-person. You are expected to attend the tutorial sessions.

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What do we learn in EC2303?

▶ We learn Foundations for Econometrics.

▶ Econometrics is the application of mathematics, statistical
methods, and computer science, to economic data and is
described as the branch of economics that aims to give empirical
content to economic relations.
▶ In the econometrics courses, you will learn how to describe,
summarize, and make a statistical inference about economic data.

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What do we learn in EC2303?

To understand data, it is very important to understand the basic

concepts in probability theory and statistics.
▶ Before we talk about the real data, we will learn probability
theory. This is to help understanding how the data are created in
the fundamental level.
▶ After that, we will learn the statistical methods for inference and
▶ In more advanced econometrics courses, you will have more
chances to see real data.

[Warning!!] This module is about mathematics and statistics! You will

see a lot of numbers, figures and formulas in this course. :)

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▶ What do you need for lectures? Slides and notes.

▶ Slides: slides (download from Canvas) provide the big picture and
outline of lectures.
▶ Notes: for the details, you need to write down on your own notes.
▶ You need to study both slides and notes.
▶ No textbook is required. If you wish, you may refer to
▶ Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists
By Walpole, Myers, Myers and Ye.
▶ Introduction to Econometrics
by Stock and Watson.
▶ Please do NOT post or spread out class materials (slides, problem
sets etc). All rights reserved.

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▶ Problem Sets 48%

▶ 10 weekly problem sets starting from Week 3. Each accounting for
▶ Problem set 0 due on Week 3, accounting for 3%.
▶ Participation: 12%
▶ Final exam 40%
▶ Examination: 21 Nov 2022, Monday, 5pm (in-person)
▶ Venue: MPSH-DA (tentative)

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Problem set and Tutorial session

▶ Starting on week 3, problem set is due every Monday 9am.

▶ Each problem set accounts for 4.5%. To reward the effort in
wrestling with the problem set, if most of your answers are empty
but you submitted your answers, you get 2%. Late submission1
gets 2% and 0% if you do not submit anything.
▶ During the tutorial sessions, the TAs discuss the problem set just
submitted. Partial answers will be posted in the following week.

No answer sheet will be accepted 2 days after the deadlines
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Problem set and Tutorial session

▶ Participation
▶ Each tutorial sessions accounts for 1%. Half from showing up to
participate and half from proactive participation (e.g.
answering/asking questions)
▶ For excused absence, please provide a medical certificate or a
statement of reasons to your TA to avoid deduction.
▶ In addition to the 11% from 11 tutorial sessions, the final 1% is
rewarded to those who never miss any tutorial session, excluding
excused absence.

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▶ Have questions on the lectures and problem sets?

▶ We will be available for questions after each class or tutorial
session and we’ll schedule office hours later (TBA).
▶ You may post questions about class materials on Canvas
▶ Answering your classmates correctly can be considered for
proactive participation for that week. Please bring it up to your TA.
▶ Please do not send questions via email. Use emails for
administrative issues ONLY.

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▶ Announcement is made on Canvas. Hence, it’s important to check

Canvas frequently.
▶ Have any other administrative/technical issues?
▶ Please contact your TA for any issue regarding tutorial sessions (to
submit statement of reasons, etc).
▶ For other admin issues, please contact me
([email protected]) or our admin staff.
▶ Always use email title starting with "[EC2303 TWXX Student]"2
and cc your TA.

TWXX is your tutorial session number.
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Shall we start?

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Economic data
▶ Example: unemployment rates, interest rates, exchange rates,
consumption and income levels for households, Gross Domestic
Incomes etc.
▶ Daily stock prices (S&P500)

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Probability Theory

▶ Probability theory provides an analytic tool to understand the

underlying structure of data.
▶ Let’s start from a simple example: you toss a coin once, and
assign 1 when head side comes up, −1 when tail side comes up.

(1) How would you describe the experiment?

▶ After rolling a 6, what is the outcome of rolling a dice?
(a) 6, or
(b) random
▶ What about the outcome of this dice after rolling?
(2) How would you summarize the experiment?

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How to describe? Example 1

▶ We distinguish by notation
▶ Random variable: Upper case (e.g. X)
▶ Potential outcome: Lower case (e.g. x)
▶ Let usdefine X (the random variable) as
−1 if tail shows up
1 if head shows up

▶ In words, there is a half chance of obtaining 1 and another half

chance of obtaining −1.

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How to describe? : Example 1
▶ In picture,

▶ The function described in the picture is called Probability Mass

Function (PMF).
▶ In mathematical
 expression,
0.5 at x = −1 (tail event)

fX (x) = 0.5 at x = 1 (head event)

0 otherwise

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How to describe? Example 1

Probability Mass Function (PMF) is defined as
fX (x) = P(X = x)a .
Note the use of x for the potential outcome as opposed to the random
variable X.

▶ In our Example 1, P(X = −1) = 0.5 = fX (−1) and

P(X = 1) = 0.5 = fX (1).
▶ Observe that
▶ 0 ≤ fX (x) ≤ 1

x P(X = x) = x fX (x) = 1

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How to describe? Example 2

▶ Suppose you roll a normal six-sided die once and define X to be

the number comes up.
▶ We have an equal chance of obtaining {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}.
▶ Therefore, the probability of X = 1 is 1/6. The probability of
X = 2 is also 1/6. The probability of X = 3 is also 1/6... The
same for X = 4, X = 5, and X = 6.

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How to describe? Example 2

▶ The Probability Mass Function (PMF) is,

 1/6 at x = 1
1/6 at x = 2

 1/6 at x = 3

▶ fX (x) = P(X = x) = 1/6 at x = 4
1/6 at x = 5

1/6 at x = 6

0 otherwise

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How to describe? Example 2
▶ The PMF is given as,

▶ What is P(X = 1)?

Answer: 1/6
▶ What is P(X = 2)?
Answer: 1/6
▶ What is P(X = 10)?
Answer: 0
▶ What is P(1 ≤ X ≤ 3)?
Answer: P(X = 1) + P(X = 2) + P(X = 3) = 1/2
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How to describe? Example 3

▶ The PMF is given as,

▶ fX (x)? 

 1/4 at x = 0
1/2 at x = 1

Answer: fX (x) = P(X = x) =

 1/4 at x = 2
0 otherwise

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How to describe? Example 3
▶ The PMF is given as,

▶ What is P(X ≤ 0)?

Answer: 1/4
▶ What is P(X ≤ 1)?
Answer: P(X = 0) + P(X = 1) = 1/4 + 1/2 = 3/4
▶ What is P(X ≤ 2)?
P(X = 0) + P(X = 1) + P(X = 2) = 1/4 + 1/2 + 1/4 = 1
▶ The function P(X ≤ x) can also provide a good description of a
random variable as well as P(X = x).
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Another way of describing random variables

Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) is defined as
FX (x) = P(X ≤ x).

▶ In our previous Example

 3,

 0 when x < 0
1/4 when 0 ≤ x < 1

FX (x) = P(X ≤ x) =
 3/4 when 1 ≤ x < 2

1 when 2 ≤ x

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Hence, given a discrete random variable X,

Definition 1
Probability Mass Function (PMF) is defined as
fX (x) = P(X = x).

Definition 2
Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) is defined as
FX (x) = P(X ≤ x).

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Recall the three examples we’ve seen so far.

1 Coin toss example with one coin

2 The example of rolling a die
3 Coin toss example with two coins

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Example 1
Coin toss example: we assign 1 when head side comes up, −1 when
tail side comes up.

−1 with the probability 1/2
1 with the probability 1/2
Question 1 : Find the PMF of X.

 0.5 at x = −1
Answer: fX (x) = 0.5 at x = 1
0 otherwise

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Example 1

Question 2: Find the CDF of X.

▶ The CDF FX (x) is defined as P(X ≤ x).

▶ Given a PMF, how can we find P(X ≤ x) for each x?

FX (x) = y≤x P(X = y) = y≤x fX (y).
▶ As we move the point small x, we do the summation of the length
of the red sticks on the left hand side of x.

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Example 1

▶ For a fixed x,

▶ P(X ≤ x) is,

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Example 1

▶ For another fixed x,

▶ P(X ≤ x) is,

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Example 3
Two coins toss example: we toss two coins and let X be the number of
heads. Recall that the sample space is,
Ω = {(T, T), (T, H), (H, T), (H, H)}.

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Example 3

Two coins toss example: we toss two coins and let X be the number of

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Example 3
Two coins toss example: we toss two coins and let X be the number of
Question 1 : Find the PMF of X.


 0.25 at x = 0
0.5 at x = 1

fX (x) =

 0.25 at x = 2
0 otherwise

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Example 3
Two coins toss example: we toss two coins and let X be the number of
Question 2 : Find the CDF of X.

Answer: 

 0 when x < 0
0.25 when 0≤x < 1

FX (x) =

 0.75 when 1≤x < 2
1 when 2≤x

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A function of a random variable

▶ A function of a random variable can be thought as another new

random variable.
▶ Consider X as the number of heads in the two coins toss example.

 0 with the probability 0.25
X= 1 with the probability 0.5
2 with the probability 0.25

▶ What if, for instance, we are interested in the square of the

number of heads?

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A function of a random variable

We define a new random variable, say Y, as the square of the number

of heads in our two coins toss experiment. (i.e. Y = X 2 ).
What is the PMF of Y?
▶ X only takes the value 0, 1, 2 with positive probabilities.
▶ Y is a random variable which takes 0, 1, 4 with positive

 0.25 at y = 0
0.5 at y = 1

fY (y) = P(Y = y) =

 0.25 at y = 4
0 otherwise

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A function of a random variable

▶ Once you find the PMF, it is easy to find the CDF, FY (y).

 0 when y < 0
0.25 when 0 ≤ y < 1

FY (y) =

 0.75 when 1 ≤ y < 4
1 when 4 ≤ y

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A function of a random variable

Let’s go back to our one coin toss example where we defined X to be,

−1 with the probability 0.5
1 with the probability 0.5

Define Y = 2X + 1 and Z = X 2 .
What are the PMF and CDF of Y and Z respectively?

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Discrete and continuous random variables

So far, we have only considered the cases where the sample space
consists of discrete numbers.(e.g. coin toss, die rolling)

There is another type of random variable which can take any value in
an interval.
▶ For example, the response time to some stimulus, the sample
space is Ω = (0, ∞), and the possible values of the response time
are measured on a continuum.

We call the latter a CONTINUOUS random variable, while the former

is called a DISCRETE random variable.

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Discrete and continuous random variables

Continuous or discrete?



1. Discrete
2. Discrete

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Discrete and continuous random variables

Continuous or discrete?
▶ Time between failures of an electrical component
▶ Average temperature in Singapore tomorrow
▶ Weight of packages filled by a mechanical filling process
▶ The favorite integer of a student in EC2303 between 1 and 3
▶ The favorite real number of a student in EC2303 between 1 and 3
▶ The exam score of a student in EC2303

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Continuous random variables
How do you describe continuous random variables?
▶ For a discrete random variable with a PMF

▶ P(X ≤ x) can be found as,

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Continuous random variables
Similarly, we can think of functions fX (x) and FX (x) such that
▶ the shaded area (red) represents P(X ≤ x).

▶ The function fX (x): Probability Density Function (PDF)

▶ The function FX (x): Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)
▶ fX (x) is displayed by the solid line in the graph, and FX (x) is a
function that represents the red area as we move around a point x.
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If X is discrete, Probability Mass Function (PMF) fX (x) is

fX (x) = P(X = x)

If X is continuous, Probability Density Function (PDF) fX (x) is

Z b
P(a < X < b) = fX (x)dx

▶ Since the probability of a random variable lying in any interval (a, b)

must be nonnegative, every pdf must be nonnegative: fX (x) ≥ 0 for all x.
▶ Also, the probability of a random variable
R ∞ lying anywhere on the real
line is equal to one, so we must have −∞ fX (x)dx = 1.

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When X is a continuous random variable,

Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) is defined as
FX (x) = P(X ≤ x).

FX (x) is a non decreasing and right continuous function.

▶ When X is a discrete random variable, FX (x) = x fX (x) is a step
function with a certain number of jumps.
▶ When X is a continuous random variable, FX (x) = −∞ fX (y)dy is
a continuous function.

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