1 Interview

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tell me about yourself

I have a strong work ethic i am fast learner, enthusiastic and very passionate about teaching I have a
steady source of motivation that drives me to do my best i am ambitious and driven i thrive on challenges
and constantly set goals for myself so I have something to strive toward I Believe that my motivation and
commitment will ensure that i quickly become productive and valued member of this institution the depEd.

2.what is your strength

I have good listening skills and I believe to easily understand the Emotions and problems children face
nowadays benefiting from this ability I can connect with children on a very personal level which helps me
to gain their trust

3. what is your weakness

I have a tendency to be over friendly to my students I am aware of this and I remind to myself that I
should keep some distance

4. why did you choose teaching as your profession

I choose teaching is my profession because learning makes me passionate about teaching and I’m
eagerly want to make an impact on our educational system teaching is one of the most direct ways to
make an impact so being a teacher is an invaluable contribution I recognize the need to improve the
quality of education in this country I know that there is a lot of work to be done but it is the collective effort
of thousands of dedicated teachers that will make the most difference and also becoming a teacher lets
me take part in shaping the next generation in a meaningful way

5. what is your philosophy as a teacher

I believe the classroom is a living community and that everyone from the principal to the students to the
parents must contribute in order to maintain a positive atmosphere everyone in the classroom contributes
as a student teacher and thinker I learn from my students as much as they learn from me one way I
emphasize this philosophy in my class is to incorporate regular feedback from students I believe all
students are individually intelligent and everyone learns in their own unique way I use multiple methods of
teaching to reach students so that no one is left behind

6.what would you rather become an efficient teacher or an effective teacher and why

I will choose to become an effective teacher simply because I want to give my best in Teaching and being
an effective teacher I am able to make my students learn or master the skills they needed and

turned them in a meaningful relevant and applicable in real life situations I want to reaches out to my
pupils and make a difference in their lives in a better way

7.What is the most indispensable part of a lesson plan

I think the most indispensable part of the lesson plan is the learning objectives because learning
objectives are the bedrock of designing a lesson it guides every other decision in the development of the
instruction it help us identify what type of learning outcomes we expect from our teaching and what we
want students to know and be able to do by the end of a lesson it also help us to develop a good
evaluation procedure thus having a concrete learning objectives can play a pivotal role in the teaching
learning process

8. what is the first thing to be considered in the delivery of instruction and why

I think the first thing to be considered in the delivery of instruction is knowing your learning objectives
because it is the most critical component of instruction it can provide guidance on selecting suitable
instructional materials teaching methods including learning activities and use of technology and
assessment methods it can also help students to focus on what they are expected to learn and
understand and how they will be assessed after the instruction

9. will you accept to be assigned in the remote or slum areas

Yes, even though I know it will become difficult for me I will still accept it simply because this is my dream
and I know that as long as I love what I'm doing I will overcome all the hindrances that comes in my way
teaching those students is an opportunity for me to impart meaningful knowledge and make an impact
that will help them to uplift their status in life

10. at is the biggest challenge you encounter during your teaching experience
the biggest challenge for me is when working too many roles at the same time because being a teacher
doesn't stop in teaching while teaching itself is so multifaceted with the several roles of organizer
manager material developer learning facilitator mentor and role model are all rolled into on the truth is
teachers are a lot more than what we are acknowledged to be sometimes we are taking up the role of a
social worker security counselor psycho-educator or more at times and expected to shoulder different
roles throughout the day I am compelled to adopt these roles though I am not trained for these but I am
willingly take up these role simply because I care for my students more than myself

11. how can you handle misbehaving students

yes handling students can be crucial because not all students in a class may be well-mannered or
respectful there can be some cases of serious disrespect towards teachers there are also reluctant
student who is not motivated
and can also be passive or aggressive creating more problems for classmates through non-cooperation
the rules safeguarding students can be a headache because there's a limitations on how can we teacher
discipline the student that is why i always have to look into the laws and double check it first before I
respond as things can turn against me in unexpected ways but the key to handle this students is to
motivate them to show them how education in general and a specific lesson in particular is related in their

12. how do you differentiate fast learner to slow learner

In the context of classrooms it is very important to identify fast learners from slow learners during my
teaching experienced having an assessment helps me easily differentiate fast learners to slow learners I
dealt them differently as each individual is different than the other but not in a point to discriminate
children in any scale fast learners excel in everything while slow learners initially wants to learn but has a
problem with the process I build up confidence among these learners and make them believe that they
are no less than others encouraging words and phrases bring about a positive impact on the slow
learners and boost them to perform better handling these two groups is very crucial but I always make the
pace of the lesson to be moderately and making the lesson more interesting

13. how do you ensure that your classroom environment is conducive to learning

to create a classroom environment conducive to learning I must first focus on the physical space I will
use every possible area of the room to create an atmosphere that encourages participation and learning
then at the beginning of the class I will establish rules and routines to instill a sense of community among
my students as a teacher i need to lead my students by example displaying a caring attitude an open
relationship toward each student will encourage them to treat each other with the same attitude this
promotes a positive learning environment and can improve collaboration among my students and can
greatly contribute to an atmosphere conducive to learning

14. how do you ensure a wider participation of learners in the class activity

I will assess first my students prior knowledge and tailor my lessons to build on what they already know
with this my students will feel successful and be more engaged when new content is linked to what they
already know and also I will give my students a choice in how they learn students tune out when they feel
like their ideas do not matter allowing my students to make choices about how they learn and the type of
work they do will make them feel invested in my lesson activity

15. what are the attributes of being a good teacher

as we know teaching is such an important and noble profession however there are some fairly consistent
qualities among great teachers like being adaptable strong communicator shows empathy patience value
real world learning and a lifelong learner but i do believe being a good teacher is someone that is good in
teaching rather than instructing a good teacher should be focused on making sure their students truly
understand and appreciate the lesson rather than just lecturing and hoping it will compute the teachers
that are concerned with the retention of their students making sure they really know and can do the work
not just checking off the boxes for the lesson plan because i believe great learning comes from teachers
who are focused on the learning outcomes of the students

16. what is the role of the teachers in this time of pandemic

because of the covid 19 pandemic the online teaching system emerged as the most important substitute I
teachers had gone through a lot of process of transformation of their teaching styles through adopting the
online mode of teaching with putting extra efforts and hard work I think teachers play an important role in
boosting learners engagement in education especially those affected by the cove19. I believe the
teacher's main role amidst pandemic remains as a facilitator because i believe students need to be
supported and guided in order to learn the necessary skills to achieve the desired outcomes with this
support and direction is very essential to succeed the associated learning

17. what are the challenges facing by our teachers today

think the biggest challenges that our teachers experiencing today are the changing of educational trend
who had to adapt to the new method of teaching and learning in the conditions imposed by the covid 19
pandemic because i believe this is one of the worst classroom challenges faced by our teachers as they
never experienced it before today teachers will be eager to adapt new technologies and tools to update
new trends however i think most teachers don't have a proper training on how to use these new tools so
the teachers will have to figure out how effectively they can utilize the new tools i believe this can result in
inconsistency in their teaching styles and more often leading to frustration and low job satisfaction

18. what are the challenges facing by the students during distance learning

I believe every student will have different challenges based on their own living and home situations and
environments but I think the most main impact is in the social emotional because the students will have
been directly and abruptly impacted by the changes that they experienced during this time which led them
to involuntarily practice and experiment with skills by themselves and also the inequity in access to
technology are going to be hit hardest by distance learning because distance learning relies not only upon
the possession of a modules in the first place but also the advanced use of technology

19. how will you handle the students regarding modular setup with this modular distance learning

I will make sure that my students will understand the lesson by giving them readable materials and other
educational media references that they can visit or rely on for a wider explanation and i will also help my
students to develop new routines and strategies to help them focus in learning like making schedule on
answering times and break times setting a realistic goals and creating checklist also i will always maintain
a positive relationships with my students and to their parents to better understand my students social
emotional well-being

20. as a teacher what is your biggest lesson in this pandemic

this time of pandemic has taught me that health and wellness is very substantial in our life because of the
extraordinary change happened in our life i have learned to move forward and be more adaptable to the
new changes making me more creative and flexible in the face of new situations as the new normal in
teaching take place I learned that the teaching should be more flexible and adaptable to what my student
needs students are physically and emotionally affected by the pandemic giving them a sense of caring
support and setting flexible teaching schedules are the most practical approach another lesson that
quarantine has taught me is the importance of focusing on mental health because the world is going
through a turbulent and traumatic time collectively how each student copes with the situation is differently
as a teacher i should incorporate the mental health and develop strategies that will benefit their
psychological well-being this pandemic also demonstrate that we are all connected and that collective
actions are vital and have a significant influence on the health and well-being of the entire community the
education of the future must take from this and focus on fostering responsibility in each students so that
they will become members committed to their community who know how to work collectively

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